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PVUSD financial

Palo Verde Valley Times anomaly totals

over $1M/A4
Quartzsite Times
Palo Verde
92nd YEAR
16th EDITION Todays high: 94 Details on A3

Valley Times
50 CENTS serving blythe,california Wednesday, March 15, 2017

PVUSD issues statement on

former Ruth Brown principal
Board president goes on the record on Mathews reassignment
By Uriel Avendano
Times Editor

The recent reassign-

ment of Ruth Brown
Elementary Schools
former principal, Laura
Mathews, from her post
has left the community
with questions regard-
ing the decision made by
the Palo Verde Unified
Photo by Cathyleen Rice/Palo Verde Valley Times
School District Board
Marie Smith is the proud daughter of Maria Gonzalez
(PVUSD) members.
and Willie Smith, and now the 2017 reigning Miss Blythe 25 years ago in No-
Outstanding Teen. vember, we lost one of

Q&A with Marie

our teachers. Laura
came and took her place. Photo by Cathyleen Rice/Palo Verde Valley Times
This was in November The Palo Verde Unified School Districts reassignment of former Ruth Brown Elementary
this was teaching School principal Laura Mathews from her post has left parents with more questions than

Smith, Miss Blythe Language Arts; this was

teaching 7th and 8th
grade. (Laura) had never
answers on the specifics behind the boards decision.
what they can be like. According to PVUSD transferred to a teaching

Outstanding Teen
taught the subject on that She did a fine job. She Board President Jamey position, the governing
level (and) had never later on became an aca- Mullion, the reassign- board of the school dis-
taught that age group, demic coach, a teacher ment was made in ac- trict shall give such em-
stated Rosemary Mar- on special assignment. It cordance to California ployee, when requested
By Cathyleen Rice Willie Smith, Criminal lowe, a former teacher was a shock to me, and to Education Code 44591 by him, a written state-
Times Reporter Justice Instructor at at Blythe Middle School many people who know and 44896 the latter of ment of the reasons for
Palo Verde College and and mentor. (Laura) her, to find out that, af- which states: such transfer. If the
Marie Smith. former Imperial County did a fantastic job. She ter being what, a year Whenever a person reasons include incom-
Shes a bubbly 9th Sheriff, Smith is an ec- had no discipline prob- and a half ago? Princi- employed in an admin- petency, an evaluation
grade student who is free centric teen who enjoys lems, and if youve ever pal of the Year, she was istrative or supervisory of the person pursuant
spirited and a bodacious being an older sister to gone into 7th or 8th marched off her campus position requiring certi- to Article 11 (commenc-
communicator, unafraid two brothers and one grade classes, you know a few weeks ago. fication qualifications is See principal/A2
to say whats really on sister.
her mind. Meeting with the

Spelling bee champs

Shes the new Miss Times for a brief inter-
Blythe Outstanding view, Smith talked pag-
Teen, whos pretty ex- eant, talent and what the
cited about the journey future holds for her in
that awaits her in this the coming years.
new chapter of her life. Times: How did you
Inspired by the life get involved with the
of a family friend who Miss Blythe Teen Pag-
battles Lyme Disease, eant?
Smiths platform is cam- Smith: Ive been
paigning the education watching them since I
and research to help was 5 and helping them
those who suffer from since its been in the
having the disease. gymnasium.. Setting up
As the proud daughter reserved seats and so
of Maria Gonzalez and See teen/A2

Plan, progress, review

Palo Verde school district seeks
parent input for planning future
By Cathyleen Rice template for how we put
Times Reporter together the LCAP, we
have an opportunity to
The Palo Verde Uni- rebuild and adjust our
fied School District goals so that they reflect
needs residents help in the needs, wants and de-
providing input on ways sires of our community,
to meet the needs of the PVUSD Superintendent
students. Charles Bush said. It
As the State Board of will also allow us to en-
Education has imple- sure that we as a school
mented a new way pub- district are accountable
lic schools are being for how we spend the
funded, the LCAP (Local public dollars we are
Control Accountability given and that we are
Plan) gives school dis- providing an education-
tricts the opportunity to al system that is aligned
engage with parents and with the expectations of
educators of the com- our community.
munity, to help set goals Therefore, Bush said
and take actions that the district is in need of
will help bring the dis- the community stake-
tricts vision to fruition. holders being present at
The LCAP is a three- the upcoming meetings.
year plan that helps set This is an opportuni-
state and local priorities ty for you to share with Photo by Uriel Avendano/Palo Verde Valley Times
for student achievement. us what you feel is im- In front of attending students, friends and family, the Palo Verde Unified School District recognized the citys 2016-17 Spelling Bee
Because the State has portant in your childs winners at the last regular board meeting, March 7. First place: Rio Albanez (right), second place: Jose Cortazar (not pictured), third
yet again changed the See input/A2 place: Avalyn Bonty (left).

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