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Unit 1_The Code of Hammurabi

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

It was the first set of laws to be written down and made available to the public.

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Read Up 1_Answer Key

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On Your Own
When I'm at home, I have to be nice to my little sister. I'm not allowed to ignore
her or make fun of her.

Vocabulary Building
1. distribute / 2. influence / 3. conquer / 4. inflict / 5. illegal /
6. d / 7. a / 8. c / 9. a / 10. a / 11. in fact / 12. put on display / 13. such as

Reading Comprehension
1. c / 2. a / 3. a / 4. b / 5. c / 6. d

7. Some laws came from Amorite tradition, others came from earlier empires like
the Akkadians, and still others were brand new.
8. "An eye for an eye" means that if people cause others harm, they will be
punished by having the same type of harm inflicted upon them.
9. They described what was against the law and what punishments would be given
to lawbreakers.

1. Akkadians / orderly / Babylon / Created / issues /
punishments / in public / Kassite / survived / legal systems

2. The Amorites conquered the Akkadians around 2000 B.C. and ruled Babylon in
an orderly fashion. The best-known king of Babylon was King Hammurabi, and he
created a system of laws called the Code of Hammurabi. The laws dealt with a
variety of social issues. They also introduced new punishments based on the idea of
"an eye for an eye." Hammurabi had his code written down and displayed in public
for everyone to see. The Babylonian Empire was eventually conquered by the

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Kassite people. The Code of Hammurabi survived and influenced later legal

Write and Speak

Sample answer
My school has relaxed rules. We do not wear uniforms, and there are only general
rules about classroom behavior. Because of this, many students behave badly. I
would prefer that my school had stricter rules to better control student behavior.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 2_The Three Climate Zones of West and Central Africa

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

The main difference among the three climate zones is the amount of water each
receives through rainfall. The Sahel is the driest, the savanna is moderate, and the
rainforest is quite wet.

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Read Up 1_Answer Key

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On Your Own
The climate where I live has four different seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and
winter. During the summer, there is a period of one month when it rains almost
every day.

Vocabulary Building
1. distances / 2. survive / 3. landscape / 4. flat / 5. ideal /
6. a / 7. a / 8. c / 9. d / 10. b / 11. was crowded with / 12. thought ahead / 13.
had (have) little room for

Reading Comprehension
1. d / 2. c / 3. a / 4. b / 5. b / 6. b

7. It is located between the Sahara Desert and the grasslands and shares
characteristics with both zones.
8. The rainforests landscape is heavily affected by the large amount of rainfall it
9. It is very green and crowded with trees.

1. transitional / savanna / climate / south / Dry / Sahel /
rainforest / trees / vegetation / water / Farmers / crops

Read Up 1_Answer Key

2. The Sahel is a transitional region between the Sahara and the savanna. It is the
driest climate zone in West and Central Africa. South of the Sahel is the savanna,
which is dry for part of the year but can support more vegetation than the Sahel.
The rainforest south of the savanna is covered in forests. It has a lot of vegetation
because it gets plenty of rain. Africas climate zones have a serious effect on the
people who live there, as well. The Sahel becomes drier every year, so water is
hard to find. Farmers in the savanna depend on seasonal rains. There is little space
for crops in the rainforest.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
My country is getting warmer because of climate change. The summers are hotter
and more humid than before, and it also rains a lot. In the winter, it snows less
because the weather has gotten warmer. Ive read that the overuse of air
conditioners and automobiles is negatively affecting the climate. Therefore, we
should use them less frequently.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 3_How Light Works

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Light bounces off objects and allows us to see their shape and color.

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Read Up 1_Answer Key

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On Your Own
I see my bookcase full of books. It is tall, rectangular, and brown. There are books
of many different colors and sizes on its shelves.

Vocabulary Building
1. object / 2. direction / 3. separate / 4. absorb / 5. analyze /
6. b / 7. c / 8. a / 9. a / 10. d / 11. give off / 12. make up / 13. turned on

Reading Comprehension
1. b / 2. a / 3. a / 4. c / 5. d / 6. a

7. When light bounces off an object, not all the light waves are reflected to our
eyes. Some are absorbed and the waves that are reflected determine the color of
the object.
8. The sun, fire, and lamps are examples of light sources.
9. Light waves reflect off objects and our eyes and the brain uses the reflections to
see their shape and color.

1. energy / sources / waves / bounces off / shapes / light wave
spectrum / absorb / reflect / directions / enters / objects

2. Light is a kind of energy that is created by different sources and travels in

waves. Some of the light bounces off objects and then enters our eyes. These
reflections show us what kind of shape an object has. White light contains a
spectrum of different waves, and each one has a color. When the waves come in
contact with an object, some of them are absorbed by it. Others are reflected and

Read Up 1_Answer Key

travel to our eyes, and this is the color we see. When we turn on a lamp in a
bedroom, it travels in all directions. The light reflected off objects in a room enters
our eyes and allows us to see the objects.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
If the world did not have any color, our sense of fashion would be different because
color is a big part of how we choose clothes. On the other hand, since writing is
already in black and white, we would still be able to read and write normally.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 4_The Food Chain

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

A food chain describes how energy from the sun moves from producers to different
levels of consumers.

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On Your Own
Today I ate a piece of chicken. Energy from the sun was used to grow grains, and
the chicken ate these grains. Then I ate the chicken.

Vocabulary Building
1. sustain / 2. demonstrate / 3. nutrients / 4. visualize / 5. transfer /
6. a / 7. d / 8. a / 9. c / 10. d / 11. In addition to / 12. depend on / 13. break down

Reading Comprehension
1. a / 2. d / 3. c / 4. b / 5. b / 6. c

7. All the energy comes from sunlight, which is changed into food by producers.
8. An herbivore is a primary consumer that only eats producers, or plants.
9. A food web is a network that connects individual food chains. It shows how
organisms find food and feed others.

1. energy / bottom / photosynthesis / Rely on / herbivores / carnivores
omnivores / Process / soil / pyramid / web / becomes

2. The food chain describes how energy is passed from creature to creature.
Producers are at the bottom and they turn sunlight into sugar. Consumers rely on
other organisms for food. They are differentiated by what they consume.
Herbivores only eat plants, carnivores only eat animals, and omnivores eat both
plants and animals. Decomposers process dead matter and return energy to the
soil. Food chains can be visualized in different ways. A pyramid-shaped model
shows how energy decreases as it moves up the chain. A food web shows all the
ways an animal finds food and becomes food for others.

Write and Speak

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Sample answer
I believe people in my country are omnivorous. First, we eat a variety of meat such
as beef, pork, and chicken. Yet at the same time, we also consume a lot of fruit and
vegetables, especially rice and kimchi, which is made from cabbage. This mixture
of meat and vegetables proves that Koreans are omnivores.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 5_Pancakes of the World

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Their batter can be made with different ingredients, they can be topped or filled
with different food items, and they can be eaten at different times of day.

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On Your Own
I'd like to try the Indian dosa. The batter made from rice and black lentils sounds
very interesting.

Vocabulary Building
1. competition / 2. stir / 3. ingredient / 4. customary / 5. rituals /
6. d / 7. a / 8. a / 9. b / 10. c / 11. calls for / 12. be accompanied by / 13. in terms

Reading Comprehension
1. d / 2. a / 3. c / 4. b / 5. d / 6. d

7. They were more like bread, made from only flour and water.
8. The thick, circular pancakes of North America are best known around the world.
9. Savory crepes are main-course meals made with buckwheat flour and have
fillings like cheese, ham, and vegetables.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

1. earliest / Modern / nutritious / Vary / circular / thin
sweet / Indian / rice / England / annual / pikelets

2. The earliest pancakes were more like bread than pancakes today. Modern
pancakes are more nutritious and vary by location in batter ingredients, toppings
and fillings. The thick, circular North American pancake is world famous and served
with butter or syrup. French crepes are thin and can be either sweet or savory. The
dosa of India is made from rice and lentils and comes with a curry dish. English
pancakes were connected to a religious ritual and are now the focus of an annual
celebration. If you like pancakes, Australian pikelets are simple to make and are
served with sweet toppings.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
My pancake would look like a cat because cats are my favorite animal. I would
make my pancake big but thin, so that it could hold a lot of toppings but still be
easy to cut. As for the toppings, I would start with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and
add different fruits, such as strawberries and blueberries.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 6_The Children of Ancient Rome

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Kids spent their free time playing games or playing with toys and pets. They wore
togas and received a basic education if their families could afford it.

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On Your Own
In my early years of school, I learned subjects such as reading, writing, and math,
just like kids in ancient Rome did. I also studied music and PE.

Vocabulary Building
1. formal / 2. observe / 3. typical / 4. accept / 5. socialize /
6. a / 7. b / 8. b / 9. b / 10. d / 11. is supposed to / 12. according to / 13. ward off

Reading Comprehension
1. c / 2. a / 3. a / 4. b / 5. c / 6. c

7. At first, children were educated by their parents. Eventually, formal schools were
created and some children began to receive free education outside the home.
8. They held a ceremony where the baby was placed before the father, who then
picked it up to symbolically accept it into the family.
9. Men typically worked outside the home while women managed the house.

1. accepted / father / games / pets / toga / bulla
Wealthy / formal / Poor / girls / managed / outside

2. When a baby was born in ancient Rome, it was ceremoniously accepted into the
family by the father. As kids grew up, they spent their time playing games and with
their toys and pets. They wore a toga for clothing in addition to a necklace called a
bulla. Wealthy families were able to pay to send their children to formal schools to
be educated. Poor children and many girls, on the other hand, did not receive an

Read Up 1_Answer Key

education. When they became adults, women managed the house and worked
within the home. Conversely, educated men worked outside the home in specialized

Write and Speak

Sample answer
Id like to study public speaking the most out of all the subjects. I think public
speaking is an important skill today, just as much as it was in Roman times. The
ability to communicate your ideas clearly to the public is necessary in almost any
occupation. In addition, studying public speaking can help build confidence.

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Unit 7_National Flags of the World

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Flags usually convey meaning through symbolic colors and shapes.

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On Your Own
My flag is white with red, blue, and black designs on it. The white represents the
peace and purity of the country's citizens, and the designs show the universe in

Vocabulary Building
1. vary / 2. identical / 3. unity / 4. honor / 5. respectively /
6. b / 7. a / 8. a / 9. d / 10. c / 11. stands for / 12. result from / 13. for instance

Reading Comprehension
1. c / 2. a / 3. b / 4. b / 5. a / 6. d

7. National flags represent things like the land, population, government, and culture
of a country.
8. They have similar colors to express cultural solidarity.
9. On the Chinese and Vietnamese flags, red represents revolution. It stands for
hardiness on the Albanian flag, and blood on the Peruvian flag.

1. identity / beliefs / expressed / Colors / meanings / similarities
Shapes / crescent / global / different / origins / coincidence

2. National flags represent the identity of a nation. Important beliefs held by the
country's citizens are expressed through colors and shapes. Colors may mean the
same thing on different flags, or their meanings may be more specific. Flags with
similar colors may show similarities in culture among countries. Shapes like the
star, crescent and cross have global meanings. Shapes like the sword, on the other
hand, can mean different things on different flags. Flags that look very similar to
each other can be the result of the countries shared origins or it may be a

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Write and Speak

Sample answer
I would make my family flag have a blue background. Blue is my favorite color, and
it is my sister's favorite color, too. Our flag would have five vertical lines arranged
by height. They would represent my father, my mother, my older sister, me, and
my little brother.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 8_Sound and Echolocation

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Echolocators emit sounds that travel through the air until they bounce off nearby
objects and return as echoes. Echolocators gather information about their
environment by listening for changes in the echoes.

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On Your Own
One sound I rely on in my daily life is the sound of my alarm clock. It helps me
wake up in the morning.

Vocabulary Building
1. details / 2. species / 3. invisible / 4. navigate / 5. grab /
6. d / 7. d / 8. d / 9. a / 10. a / 11. has the ability to / 12. make sense of / 13. In
other words

Reading Comprehension
1. d / 2. a / 3. a / 4. c / 5. b / 6. b
7. Sound waves arrive at our ears, and information is passed to the brain, which
determines what made the sound and where it came from.
8. Echolocation tells organisms the type, location, size, and movement of objects
9. Echolocation helps nocturnal animals navigate and hunt in complete darkness.

1. vibrations / ripples / brain / information / echoes / objects
location / nocturnal / Ultrasound / navigate / accurate / tiny

2. Sound is a kind of energy that is produced by vibrations and travels through the
air in waves like ripples in water. The brain processes these waves to give us
information about our surroundings. Animals called echolocators make sounds and
listen for their echoes bouncing off objects. These echoes tell them details about

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the objects. This skill is very useful for nocturnal animals like bats. Bats create
ultrasound noises that help them navigate and hunt in the dark. Their echolocation
is very accurate and can detect even tiny objects.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
My favorite sound is the sound of fireworks. They are loud, noisy, and very exciting.
They are usually heard during festivals or big celebrations, with big crowds of
people. So when I hear fireworks, I know something fun and entertaining is going

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 9_The Human Immune System

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

The immune system defends our bodies against harmful germs that could make us

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On Your Own
I think my immune system is working well. I recently cut my finger and it healed

Vocabulary Building
1. invaders / 2. germ / 3. recollection / 4. substance / 5. recognition /
6. b / 7. c / 8. d / 9. a / 10. c / 11. fight off / 12. lock up / 13. carry out

Reading Comprehension
1. b / 2. b / 3. b / 4. a / 5. c / 6. c

7. A castle can protect itself from enemies. Similarly, the body can use its immune
system to protect itself from germs.
8. You know that your immune system is working when you see a cut heal or
experience swelling of the neck when you have a sore throat.
9. The skin forms a physical barrier against intruders, provides the body with
advance warning about invading germs, and makes antibacterial substances that
kill bacteria.

1. germs / skin / warns / kills / Mucus / mouth
identifying / lock / Effects / knowing / heals / recover

2. Our immune system protects our body from infection by germs with external and
internal defenses. The skin is an external defense that keeps out germs, warns the
body of infections, and kills germs. Also, the mucus, saliva, and tears in our nose,
mouth, and eyes block or kill germs. White blood cells are an internal defense that
identifies and digests germs. Their antibodies correspond to specific germs and lock
them up so they cannot harm us. Many of these processes work without us
knowing. However, we can tell the immune system is working when it heals our

Read Up 1_Answer Key

cuts and helps us recover from illnesses.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
I am going to strengthen my immune system by sleeping at least seven hours a
day. I usually go to bed too late, so I will need to go to sleep earlier. Also, I will try
to laugh as much as I can because laughing is good for the health. In order to do
this, I will watch more comedy movies and TV shows.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 10_The Ancient Olympic Games

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

They were a way that all Greeks could come together and honor their gods and
celebrate things like courage and beauty.

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On Your Own
My favorite Olympic event is the high jump. I like how people can jump over such a
high bar.

Vocabulary Building
1. practiced / 2. reminder / 3. allot / 4. significance / 5. accuracy /
6. a / 7. c / 8. d / 9. a / 10. a / 11. be made up of / 12. be preceded by / 13. are
based on

Reading Comprehension
1. b / 2. a / 3. b / 4. b / 5. c / 6. b

7. They were a reminder of a shared culture and their importance was to honor the
Greek gods.
8. The nine events were the foot race, the chariot race, boxing, wrestling,
pankration, javelin, discus, jumping, and the pentathlon.
9. Winners got laurel wreaths and other prizes and they were regarded as heroes.

1. four / Olympia / gods / at war / common / before
participate / Athletes / Nine / courage / form / heroes

2. Held every four years in Olympia, Greece, the main purpose of the Olympics was
to honor the Greek gods. At this time, the hundreds of Greek city-states were often
at war, but they shared a common culture. This is why a "sacred truce" was called
before the Olympics. It allowed people from all the city-states to participate in the
games. The Olympic athletes and most of the spectators were men. Nine events
were held, and these were seen as a celebration of courage and the human form.
Winners received prizes and were treated like heroes by all Greeks.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Write and Speak

Sample answer
I would like to participate in the Olympics as a soccer player. First of all, I am
pretty good at the sport because I have been playing it for many years. In addition,
it would be great to play on the same team as my favorite soccer players like Park

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Unit 11_Medieval Castles

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Early castles were small wooden forts that were very uncomfortable. Later, they
were replaced by big stone buildings with many features, and living conditions

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On Your Own
My house doesn't have walls or towers, because it doesn't need to be protected
from enemies. Also, my house is small but it has many comfortable rooms.

Vocabulary Building
1. besides / 2. evolve / 3. Architecture / 4. eventually / 5. construct /
6. b / 7. d / 8. a / 9. a / 10. b / 11. gave rise to / 12. going about / 13. been
replaced by

Reading Comprehension
1. b / 2. c / 3. d / 4. d / 5. a / 6. a

7. All the empires territory was divided up and controlled by individual lords who
were in constant competition with each other.
8. Sleeping chambers, fireplaces and candles made later castles more comfortable.
9. People built chapels, prisons, armories, government offices, and treasure houses
inside them.

1. romantic / cold / uncomfortable / forts / land / commonly
stone / improved / heat / private / cities / events

2. The truth about early castles is that they were not as romantic as they are in
stories. Problems like cold, dampness, smoke and pests made life uncomfortable.
These castles were first built by lords who wanted to protect their land and show off
their wealth. They were made of wood and featured a motte-and-bailey design.
Later, stone was used to build bigger and more beautiful castles. Life became more

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comfortable in later castles with the introduction of heat, light, and private rooms.
Eventually, castles became like small cities with lots of people living in them and
many events being held.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
My castle would have a very tall tower so that I could have a good view of the
kingdom. Also, my castle would be surrounded by a moat, which would help keep
enemies from entering the castle. There would be a garden inside the castle walls
for everyone to enjoy, as well.

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Unit 12_How the Stock Market Works

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

The stock market lets people buy and sell shares of ownership in corporations.

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On Your Own
I would buy stock in Disney because I really like the animated movies they make.

Vocabulary Building
1. overall / 2. perform / 3. investors / 4. available / 5. guarantee /
6. a / 7. c / 8. a / 9. d / 10. b / 11. come out ahead / 12. in theory / 13. be wary of

Reading Comprehension
1. d / 2. a / 3. c / 4. b / 5. d / 6. a

7. Corporations exist separately from the people who run them, and they can sell
8. Bearish investors invest cautiously, or they may choose to sell their stocks to
other investors.
9. Investors can receive dividends from a corporation, or they can sell stock that
has increased in value.

1. companies / sell / stock market / Corporations / dividends / shares
go down / long-term / rise / aggressively / lose / cautiously

2. Stocks are shares of ownership. They are sold by corporations, which have a
special status that allows them to do this. Corporations sell stock in the stock
market in order to get money without going into debt. Investors buy stock to make
money by receiving dividends or selling valuable shares. However, investors must
be careful, because stocks can go down in value. They should be seen as a long-
term investment. If a market is rising in value, it is called a bull market, and bullish
investors act aggressively. Conversely, bear markets lose value, and bearish
investors act cautiously.

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Write and Speak

Sample answer
I would put my money in a savings account. It is a safe option because you will
always get back at least the money you put in. Although you may not make as
much money as you could in stocks or antiques, there is little risk of losing

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Unit 13_Sink or Float

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Buoyancy force pushes up objects that are in water. Sometimes this force is
enough to make an object float, and other times it is not.

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On Your Own
Metal items like spoons, knives, and forks will sink in water. However, if a spoon is
made out of wood, it will probably float.

Vocabulary Building
1. compare / 2. notice / 3. opposite / 4. bottom / 5. determine /
6. c / 7. a / 8. a / 9. d / 10. d / 11. came up with / 12. on the other hand / 13. is
equal to

Reading Comprehension
1. d / 2. c / 3. a / 4. c / 5. b / 6. c

7. Density describes how tightly an object's molecules are grouped together.

8. He realized that he was displacing some of the water in the tub with his body
because the water level in the tub got higher.
9. The wood floats because its density is less than the density of the water.

1. displaces / floats / pushes up / gravity / density / bathtub
weight / water / experiment / denser / more / sink

2. An ice cube in water displaces some of the water, and floats because of
buoyancy force. Buoyancy pushes an object up, while gravity pulls it down. The
object's density determines whether it sinks. Archimedes wrote about buoyancy
based on his experience in a bathtub. He said the weight of the water an object
displaces equals the weight of the object. As we can see in an experiment, denser
water has more buoyancy force, so objects are more likely to float in it. On the
other hand, objects that are very dense, like metal, almost always sink.

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Write and Speak

Sample answer
A steel ship is hollow and filled with air, so it makes its total weight less than it
would be if it were solid. Also, the shape of the ship helps it displace a lot of water
quickly. These traits help a heavy steel ship displace enough water to let it float,
according to the theory of buoyancy.

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Unit 14_How Spacesuits Work

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Spacesuits protect astronauts and give them the ability to work in the dangerous
conditions of outer space.

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On Your Own
I do many things every day that astronauts couldn't do without a spacesuit, like
breathing and staying warm. Also, I can talk to my friends without using a radio

Vocabulary Building
1. insulate / 2. exposed / 3. coordinate / 4. vacuum / 5. fluids /
6. d / 7. c / 8. a / 9. a / 10. b / 11. deal with / 12. breathe out / 13. built up

Reading Comprehension
1. a / 2. a / 3. d / 4. b / 5. b / 6. b

7. The radio system allows astronauts to maintain contact with their spacecraft and
ground controllers.
8. Astronauts create carbon dioxide when they breathe out. It's dangerous if there's
a lot of it, so the suit has to get rid of it.
9. Micrometeoroids are small pieces of rock that fly through space at high speeds.
If they hit something, they can damage it badly.

1. astronauts / air pressure / pure oxygen / the bends / removed
sturdy / guard / Temperature / radio system / Designs

2. Spacesuits are designed to protect astronauts outside their spacecraft. One way
suits do this is by providing the correct amount of air pressure. The air in the suit is
made up of pure oxygen to prevent "the bends," while dangerous carbon dioxide is
removed. The suit has a sturdy outer layer to protect against micrometeoroids.
Also, the suit keeps the temperature constant for the astronaut. A radio system

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makes communication possible, as well. Spacesuit designs have changed in the

past and will continue to do so.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
I would choose to visit Jupiter because it is the biggest planet in the solar system.
During the trip, I would try to see the Earth from outer space and find Korea. I
would also take a spacewalk. Floating in outer space would be an amazing

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Unit 15_Inventive Entrepreneurs

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

An invention fills an opportunity niche by meeting a need in a new way.

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On Your Own
Yes, I have an idea for an invention. My idea is clothing that can change color when
you want it to so it can match your mood or your accessories.

Vocabulary Building
1. complicated / 2. strain / 3. combine / 4. ignore / 5. directly /
6. a / 7. d / 8. b / 9. a / 10. d / 11. are tired of 12. pass up / 13. make a decision

Reading Comprehension
1. a / 2. b / 3. c / 4. a / 5. d / 6. d

7. Entrepreneurs can fund their ventures themselves, get bank loans, or find
8. It is a cover for textbooks that protects the book from day-to-day wear.
9. All entrepreneurs must take risks.

1. run / capital / niche / need / textbook / patent
rubber / at work / company / Creativity / risks / benefits

2. Entrepreneurs are people who build and run their own businesses. They require
capital and an opportunity niche to do so. Cody Fox saw a need for a protective
textbook cover. He invented the Book Jax and received a patent for it. Similarly,
Humphrey O'Sullivan invented the rubber-soled shoe by attaching rubber to his
shoes to stand more comfortably at work. He received a patent and started a
company to sell the shoes. Entrepreneurs have some traits in common. For one

Read Up 1_Answer Key

thing, they have the creativity to see and respond to an opportunity niche.
Additionally, entrepreneurs take risks in order to receive potential benefits.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
Among the greatest inventions of the last century, I think the airplane is the most
important. With the airplane, people are able to travel great distances very quickly.
The airplane has also made it easier for companies in different countries to do
business together. Our global economy would not have been possible without the

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Unit 16_The Renaissance

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

The Renaissance changed how people thought about the world. Previously they
focused on religion, but during the Renaissance they started to emphasize the

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On Your Own
If I were living in Europe before the Renaissance, I wouldnt be able to read any
books as they were written in Latin and Greek only.

Vocabulary Building
1. continents / 2. encourage / 3. realistic / 4. curiosity / 5. emphasize /
6. a / 7. d / 8. d / 9. a / 10. b / 11. went through / 12. due to / 13. as well

Reading Comprehension
1. d / 2. d / 3. a / 4. a / 5. d / 6. b

7. Humanism taught people to focus on the individual and live rich, satisfying lives.
8. Italy experienced a lot of trade during and after the dark ages. Therefore, it had
more money and opportunity to explore art and learning.
9. Books were written in other languages so more people could read them.

1. curiosity / Dark Ages / Italy / rediscovered / individual / religion
literature / Leonardo da Vinci / realistic / Galileo Galilei / north / England

2. Europes Renaissance began around 1400, as people developed a new curiosity

for life after the Dark Ages. It started in Italy, supported by money and contact
from trade. There, humanism developed as a new way of seeing the world.
Influenced by rediscovered ideas from ancient Greece and Rome, it focused on the

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individual rather than religion. The Renaissance had many effects on Italian culture.
Books were written in languages other than Greek and Latin, artists created more
realistic styles, and scientists made discoveries. From Italy, the Renaissance spread
north to other countries. England was the last to experience the Renaissance.

Write and Speak

Sample answer
I think experiencing life to the fullest means visiting different places around the
world. Seeing how people in different cultures live would help me understand the
world better. Also, I would be able to compare my own culture with those of other
countries. That way, I could find ways to improve myself and my culture.

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Unit 17_Time Zones

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Time zones were made so everyone could follow a standard time system that was
also based on their local time.

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On Your Own
When I get up, it is already getting dark on the other side of the world. So children
there must be eating dinner or getting ready for bed.

Vocabulary Building
1. vertical / 2. forward / 3. adoption / 4. confusing / 5. matter /
6. a / 7. a / 8. b / 9. b / 10. c / 11. in relation to / 12. lead to / 13. keep track of

Reading Comprehension
1. b / 2. a / 3. c / 4. d / 5. a / 6. b

7. Half of Earth experiences day while the other half experiences night.
8. Trains made it possible to travel long distances very quickly, so differences in
local solar time made scheduling very confusing and a standard time was needed.
9. The Earth has 360 degrees and there are 24 time zones, so each has 15

1. half / Different / continually / solar time / railroad / standard
Greenwich / leap / zones / degrees / longitude / equals

2. As Earth revolves around the sun, the half exposed to sunlight experiences day,
while the other experiences night. Earth is also rotating, so different parts of Earth
are continually entering sunlight or darkness. Traditionally, people told time using
local solar time. However, the invention of railroad travel created a need for a
standard system. Greenwich, England, was chosen as a reference point and GMT
was created. Later, UTC improved this by adding leap seconds. There are 24 time
zones, based on lines of longitude. One zone change equals one hour change,
described in relation to UTC.
Write and Speak

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Sample answer
Daylight Savings Time can save my country energy. People would consume less
electricity for lights because there would be more daylight in the mornings and
afternoons. That would also mean people could save a lot of money on their
electricity bills.

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Unit 18_The Forces of Flight

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

The four forces of flight are lift, drag, thrust, and gravity.

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On Your Own
I've flown in an airplane a couple times. The force I noticed most was thrust
created by the engines during take off. The engines are very loud while the airplane
speeds up.

Vocabulary Building
1. likewise / 2. exceed / 3. delicate / 4. inspire / 5. overcome /
6. a / 7. c / 8. a / 9. b / 10. d / 11. cut down / 12. pull up / 13. slow down

Reading Comprehension
1. b / 2. d / 3. d / 4. c / 5. a / 6. a

7. An airplane creates lift and thrust and it must overcome gravity and drag.
8. Airplanes need to be slender in shape in order to cut down on drag.
9. They use engines and propellers to generate thrust.

1. operate / forces / Lift / wings / resistance / Thrust
propellers / weight / downward / balance / Takeoff / increases

2. To understand how airplanes can fly, it is necessary to explain four scientific

forces. Lift is created by the plane's wings. The shape of the wings pulls upward on
the plane and keeps it in the air. Drag is created by the air resistance the plane
meets as it moves forward, and it slows the plane down. Thrust moves the plane
forward, and it is produced by engines and propellers. Gravity pulls the plane
towards the ground. In stable flight, these forces are kept in balance. But during
takeoff, lift must outweigh gravity, and to increase speed, thrust must outweigh

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Write and Speak

Sample answer

I would choose to go to Cheju Island by helicopter. First of all, traveling to Cheju

Island by helicopter would give me a wonderful view of Korea. Also, a helicopter
can take off and land in many places. So when I get there, I would be able to visit
many places on the island in a short amount of time.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 19_Charles Darwin and Evolution

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

Darwin's primary contribution to science was his theory of evolution by natural

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On Your Own
Yes, when I was younger I used to collect interesting objects I found in nature, like
small rocks and bones or colorful autumn leaves.

Vocabulary Building
1. encountered / 2. expedition / 3. trait / 4. reject / 5. fascination /
6. d / 7. a / 8. c / 9. a / 10. d / 11. Millions of / 12. for further study / 13. Over

Reading Comprehension
1. b / 2. b / 3. a / 4. a / 5. c / 6. d

7. Traits that help individuals survive better are passed from parent to child. Over
time, the traits of the entire species can change until it becomes a new species.
8. Darwin was not interested in studying medicine or becoming a priest.
9. They think it goes against their religious belief that God created the world as it

1. nature / collected / careers / Accompanied / specimens / finches
theory / evolve / Published / Controversial / natural selection / biology

2. Early in life, Darwin showed an interest in nature rather than in the careers his
father directed him towards. Later, he accompanied Robert FitzRoy on a sea voyage

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to South America. Darwin read Principles of Geology and made important

observations about the finches of the Galapagos Islands. Back home, he worked on
a theory to explain his observations. He theorized that a species could evolve over
time and published his ideas in On the Origin of Species. The book was
controversial because of its ideas about God and evolution. Nonetheless, Darwins
theory of evolution by natural selection became one of the central principles of

Write and Speak

Sample answer
The experience that has influenced me the most is the trip I took with my class to
the National Assembly building last year. We watched politicians debate important
issues that greatly affected the nation. It was interesting to see topics I only read
about in newspapers come to life. I decided then that I wanted to become more
involved in local politics, and maybe even run for office when I grow up.

Read Up 1_Answer Key

Unit 20_Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel

Building Background Knowledge

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The Big Question

The paintings are very large and detailed, and they required a great effort to paint.

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On Your Own
I painted a picture in school last week. It was a portrait of my family standing in
front of our house. We were all wearing bright clothing and the sun was shining.

Vocabulary Building
1. access / 2. obstacle / 3. occupy / 4. precise / 5. innovative /
6. b / 7. d / 8. a / 9. c / 10. b / 11. is known for / 12. upside down / 13. Reach out

Reading Comprehension
1. a / 2. c / 3. b / 4. b / 5. a / 6. b

7. He painted people and stories that appear in the Bible.

8. The work made Michelangelo very tired and it hurt his eyes.
9. One scene shows God reaching towards Adam to give him life, and another
shows the story of David and Goliath.

1. ceiling / Pope / frescoes / uncomfortable / create / pay
masterpiece / expansive / asked for / Bible / detail / influenced

2. Michelangelo was asked by the Pope to paint the Sistine Chapel. He reluctantly
accepted, knowing he could not say no to the Pope. Michelangelo started the job,
painting frescoes on the ceiling. He encountered many problems, such as having to
lie in an uncomfortable position to paint. Also, his first plaster recipe failed, so he
had to make a new one. In addition, the Pope did not pay Michelangelo. Despite the
difficulties, he produced a masterpiece more expansive than the Pope's original
idea. It featured many people and scenes from Bible stories. The extraordinary
detail Michelangelo used greatly influenced other painters.

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Write and Speak

Sample answer
Id like to visit the Great Wall in China. It is considered one of the most famous
landmarks in the world and is evidence of the great power of Asian civilization. I
am very interested in Chinese history, and so it would be great to walk on the wall
and imagine the history behind the landmark.


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