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Task Analysis Assessment Chart

Job title Receptionist

Job holder Liza Ahmad

Task description Knowledge/Skill Required Proficiency reached and training advised

Skill in dealing with callers,

Task 1: Dealing with Carried out eciently. No further training
trades people, job applicants
visitors required at this time.

Skill in handling callers, Job holder not fully conversant with new
knowledge of and skills at switchboard operation training needed.
Task 2: Operating the
operating switchboard, Not familiar with procedures for handling
telephone switchboard
knowledge of organizational dicult callers instruction needed (if
procedures in handling callers. procedures exist).
Task 3: Operating the
computer to access Skills in and knowledge of Does a reasonable job in spite of lack of
status of stock figures computer inputting and training. Background training in system
for organizational sales interpreting display. operation would aid understanding.
Not very good. Job holder is not a trained
typist. External training could be
Task 4: Typing when
Skills in typing. recommended but frequent interruptions
not busy
mean this aspect of the job may have to be
Task Analysis Assessment Chart

Job title

Job holder

Task description Knowledge/Skill Required Proficiency reached and training advised

Task 1:

Task 2:

Task 3:

Task 4:

Task 5:

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