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Word class and word order

1 In the world today

In the world today, people speak around 2,700 different languages.

More than 750 million people use the English language.
But only about 350 million people speak it as a first language.

About 885 million people speak Chinese as their first language.

About 80% of the information on the worlds computers is in English.
There are 26
letters in the English alphabet. The sentence
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog uses all 26 letters.

? KdZ[hb_d[j^[Yehh[Yjefj_ed0 ;d]b_i^_ij^[hijbWd]kW][e\WhekdZ%%c_bb_edf[efb[_dj^[mehbZ$

Word class and word order

 7dekdYWdX[i_d]kbWh[$]$mehbZehfbkhWb[$]$  7l[hXYWdh[\[hjej^[fWij"fh[i[djeh\kjkh[$
Yecfkj[hi"f[efb[$ ;nWcfb[ie\l[hXiWh[0
;nWcfb[ie\dekdiWh[0 if[Wa"`kcfWYj_edi
cWd"]_hbf[efb[ X["b_a["ijWoijWj[i
Yecfkj[h"b[jj[h"bWd]kW][j^_d]i  7dWZl[hXYWdZ[iYh_X[Wl[hX"WdWZ`[Yj_l[ehWm^eb[
mehbZfbWY[i i[dj[dY[$;nWcfb[ie\WZl[hXiWh[0
ikYY[iigkWb_j_[i YWh[\kbbo"ibemboWZl[hXij^WjZ[iYh_X[Wl[hX
 7fhedekdYWdh[fbWY[Wdekd$ ^em[l[h"iec[j_c[i"bkYa_boWZl[hXij^WjZ[iYh_X[
;nWcfb[ie\fhedekdiWh[0 i[dj[dY[i
 7dWZ`[Yj_l[Z[iYh_X[iWdekd$ >[ImedL$
;nWcfb[ie\WZ`[Yj_l[iWh[0 M_bb_WciImWiLj^[m_dd[h$
gk_Ya"Xhemd"hij"Z_[h[dj"]eeZ Ekhj[WcI_ifbWo_d]L_dj^[X_]ijWZ_kc$

 7Z`[Yj_l[ikikWbboYec[X[\eh[j^[dekd$  CWdoi[dj[dY[iYedjW_dWdeX`[YjE$?dj^[i[
WhijbWd]kW][DEJWbWd]kW][hij i[dj[dY[ij^[mehZehZ[h_iILE$
Z_[h[djbWd]kW][iDEJZ_[h[djibWd]kW][i  7Zl[hXim^_Y^Z[iYh_X[Wl[hXkikWbboYec[Wjj^[[dZ

7 <_dZ[nWcfb[ie\dekdi"fhedekdi"l[hXi"WZ`[Yj_l[i : CWa[i[dj[dY[iXofkjj_d]j^[mehZi_dj^[Yehh[YjehZ[h$
WdZWZl[hXi_dj^[\ebbem_d]i[dj[dY[iWdZmh_j[j^[c  mWbai%^[%gk_Yabo (EWALKSQUICKLY
X[bem$  m[%if[Wa%Hkii_Wd
 J^[Wbf^WX[j^Wi(,b[jj[hi$  W%mecWd%ijhWd][%_i%i^[
 -+&"&&&"&&&f[efb[ki[j^[bWd]kW][$  l[hoXWZbo%Zh_l[i%coWkdj
 ?j^Wil[lem[bi0W"["_"eWdZk$  j^[o%b_l[%_dj^_iijh[[j
 J^[gk_YaXhemd\en`kcfiel[hj^[bWpoZe]$  ^[%jmeXhej^[hi%^Wi
 >[ijkZ_[Zj^[d[mmehZil[hoYWh[\kbbo$  j^[Ze]%coiWdZm_Y^%Wj[
L[hXi0 HAS
My turn!
7Zl[hXi0 Ki[j^[mehZi_dj^[XenjeYecfb[j[j^[jWXb[X[bem$

8 M^Wj_ij^[ikX`[Yj_d[WY^e\j^[i[dj[dY[i_d WZ`[Yj_l[i   WZl[hXi   dekdi   fhedekdi   l[hXi

 THEALPHABET   NOUNS X[[  Yekdjho  ]Wc[  ]_hW[
   b[Wl[i  cWd  ceed
 CeheYYe  f_ppW  if_Z[h
ijWj_ed  j[dd_icWjY^  mecWd
9 9ecfb[j[j^[i[dj[dY[im_j^WdWffhefh_Wj[mehZ$
Ki[j^[fWhje\if[[Y^_dXhWYa[ji$ ?  j^[o  m[

  >[iW HAPPY Y^_bZ^[iWbmWoiic_b_d]$ X[Wkj_\kb  YhWpo  fkhfb[

WZ`[Yj_l[ icWbb  ijh_fo  jWbb  k]bo
  bel[i^[h$fhedekd medZ[h\kb  oekd]
  I^[ jej^[feeb[l[hoIWjkhZWo$l[hX
  9Wdoekif[Waceh[ 5?YWdjkdZ[hijWdZ X[  ZWdY[  [Wj  ]e  ^Wl[
oek$WZl[hX mWjY^  m_d
  J^[oh[Xej^l[ho WdZj^_d$WZ`[Yj_l[ Wd]h_bo  ^Wff_bo  gk_Yabo
  BkYa_bo"j^[m[Wj^[h_i ]eeZ$?j^WiX[[d
gk_[jbo  iWZbo  ibembo
  ?ijkZoWjiY^eeb$?cW $dekd
  Coj[WY^[h h[Wbbo]eeZijeh_[i$l[hX
  J^[omehaWjj^[ $J^[oh[dkhi[i$dekd
  CoYeki_dib_l[_d8hWp_b$ if[Wa

My test!
 Coi_ij[hWdZ?bel[Yecfkj[h]Wc[i$ Wbbj^[j_c[$   W M[fbWoj^[c   X J^[cfbWom[   Y FbWom[j^[c
 CokdYb[if[Wai\ekh $   W Z_[h[djbWd]kW][i   X bWd]kW][iZ_[h[dji   Y Z_[h[djibWd]kW][i
 Cocej^[h_iIfWd_i^WdZco\Wj^[h_i@WfWd[i["Xkj Xej^if[Wa;d]b_i^m_j^c[$   W m[   X j^[c   Y j^[o
 ?b_a[j^[XeeaWdZco\h_[dZb_a[i jee$   W Xeea   X ^_c   Y _j
 9Wj"hWXX_j"Ze]WdZidWa[Wh[ $   W WZl[hXi   X dekdi   Y fhedekdi

2 Are you my son?

King: I dont unders
[FWkf[h tand! Are you my so
XoCWha Tom: No, Im not a n?
prince, Im poor.
jmeXeoi"JecW King: Are you sure?
dZ;ZmWhZ$ Your clothes are not
WhiebZXkj very old!
Jec_iWfeehX Tom: Theyre not m
eoXkj y clothes. Theyre
;ZmWhZ_iWfh_d Edwards clothes. H
es poor now.
ie;ZmWhZ_iWf King: Oh no! This is
eehXeo terrible! Is it true?
Y[$J^[ebZ Tom: Yes, it is. Im re
You arent my father ly sorry, King Henry.
Zi\Wj^[h , youre my King.

? KdZ[hb_d[j^[Yehh[Yjefj_ed0;ZmWhZ_i>[dhoi\Wj^[h%Xhej^[h%ied$

 Ki[X[je]_l[WdZWia  J^[h[_iW\kbb\ehcWdZW
ijWj[c[dj d[]Wj_l[
\eh_d\ehcWj_ed$ i^ehj\ehc$
?cJec$ ?Wc?c$ ?Wcc ?Wcdejcdej
 ?dYedl[hiWj_ed"j^[ Oek%M[%J^[oWh[h[ Oek%M[%J^[oWh[dej
i^ehj\ehc_iceh[ Wh[dj%h[dej
 Ki[X[m_j^W][i$ >[%I^[%?j_ii >[%I^[%?j_idej_idj%idej
ebZ$  ?dmh_j_d]"j^[i^ehj
\ehc_iki[ZcW_dbom_j^ gk[ij_ed? i^ehjWdim[h
 Ki[X[WdZW%Wdm_j^ fhedekdi"dejdekdi$ 7c?5 O[i"?Wc$
`eXi$ J^[ebZA_d]_idejm[bb"
I^[iWj[WY^[h$ ^[ii_Ya$
7h[oek%m[%j^[o$$$5 O[i"j^[oWh[$
 Ki[X[jeZ[iYh_X[j^[ De"j^[oWh[dej
?jiYebZ$ X I[[Kd_jiWdZ
\ehceh[_d\ehcWj_ed ?i^[%i^[%_j$$$5 O[i"^[_i$
 Ki[X[jejWbaWXekj edX[_dgk[ij_edi$ De"^[_idej_idj%idej$
;ZmWhZ_i_dBedZed$ tip ;d]b_i^i[dj[dY[idehcWbbod[[ZWikX`[Yj$

7 KdZ[hb_d[j^[Yehh[Yjefj_ed$  oekhcej^[h%j^[Gk[[d5
 Jec0 5
 ;ZmWhZ0 $
 Jec0 5
 ;ZmWhZ0 $?Zedj^Wl[W
 Jec0 5
 ;ZmWhZ0 $J^[oh[_d<hWdY[$
 Jec0 5
 ;ZmWhZ0 $
8 9ecfb[j[j^[i[dj[dY[i\hecijeh_[im_j^j^[fh[i[dj
 Jec0 5
 J^[feehXeo^WideYeWj$>[ S YebZ$  ;ZmWhZ0 $?jiWbmWoimWhc$
 M[Wh[j^[j^h[[X[Whi$M[ _dj^[meeZi$  ?%oekh\h_[dZ5
 9_dZ[h[bbW_ihkdd_d]^ec[$?j '(eYbeYa$  Jec0 5
 Jm[[Zb[ZkcWdZJm[[Zb[Z[[^Wl[j^[iWc[fWh[dji$  ;ZmWhZ0 $?b_a[oek$
J^[o Xhej^[hi$

My turn!
 J^[m_Ya[Zgk[[d_iWia_d]^[hc_hheh0 ?
X[Wkj_\kb5 Ki[j^[l[hXX[jecWa[j^[i[i[dj[dY[ijhk[\ehoek$
 7Y^_bb[iWdZ>[Yjeh]^j$J^[o \h_[dZi$   CoceX_b[f^ed[ ISNT d[m$
 HeX_died9hkie[^Wide\h_[dZiedj^[_ibWdZ$   JeZWo CedZWo$
^[kd^Wffo5   9e[[ co\Wlekh_j[Zh_da$
  ? W]eeZYeea$
9 9ecfb[j[j^_iXeeah[l_[me\J^[Fh_dY[WdZj^[FWkf[h   Co[o[i Xbk[$
m_j^j^[fh[i[dji_cfb[e\X[$   ?j mWhcjeZWo$
J^[Fh_dY[WdZj^[FWkf[h' IS Wl[ho]eeZXeea$?   Coi^e[i Yb[Wd$
''o[WhiebZWdZ?)dej l[ho_dj[h[ij[Z   ? Wj^ec[$
_d^_ijehoXkj?h[Wbbob_a[j^_iXeea$CWhaJmW_d*    >_ijehoXeeai _dj[h[ij_d]$
W]h[Wjmh_j[h$?j+dej Wjhk[ijehoXkjj^[
  CoX[Z d[njjej^[Zeeh$
Y^WhWYj[hi, l[hoh[Wb_ij_Y$J^[ijeho-dej 
Z_Ykbj$?j [WiojekdZ[hijWdZWdZ[d`eoj^[
My test!
feehX[YWki[^['( Wfh_dY[$J^[Xeoi 9_hYb[j^[Yehh[Yjefj_ed$
l[hoZ_[h[djXkjWjj^[[dZe\j^[Xeeaj^[o  JecWdZ;ZmWhZ $
\h_[dZi$J^[h[Wh[cWdobcie\j^[Xeeajee  W ^Wl['+o[Whi  X _i'+o[WhiebZ 
Xkjj^[o'+dej l[ho]eeZj^[Xeea_ij^[X[ij Y Wh['+o[WhiebZ
 FWkb ZeYjeh$
: CWa[Jecigk[ij_edi"ki_d]j^[mehZi]_l[dWdZX[$  W _idjW  X Wh[dj  Y _idj
J^[dcWa[;ZmWhZih[fb_[im_j^i^ehjWdim[hiki_d]X[$  70M^Wjij^[j_c[5  80 ''eYbeYa$
 oek%fh_dY[5  W ?i  X ?j  Y ?ji
 Jec0 !REYOUAPRINCE  707h[oekcoied5  80De" $
 ;ZmWhZ0 9ES )AM   W ?cdej  X ?Wcdj  Y ?Wc
 A_d]>[dho%oekh\Wj^[h5  70 jeZWo5  80De"_j_idj$?jimWhc$
 Jec0 5  W ?iYebZ  X ?i_jYebZ  Y ?jYebZ
 ;ZmWhZ0 $ CoJ[ijWdim[hi0'Y(W)Y*W+X

Present simple 1: statements
3 Maybe you know her.

Theres a new girl at sch

Maybe you know her.
She has beautiful black
hair down to her waist
Her big, brown eyes are
pools of chocolate.

ery day. We
M y si st er an d I see her ev
name is Layla. r
e corner of ou
The new girls s in th e ap artments on th pp y.
. She live . I hope she
is ha
think shes 15 lib ra ry after school
es to th e
street. She go gether. Her m
r. Th ey w al k to school to o n t
ung brothe ypt. I d
Layla has a yo ol . Sh e co mes from Eg
eaner at our
sc ho in Cairo.
works as a cl d sa ys th at it never rains
My da
about Egypt.
? Jhk[eh<Wbi[5 BWobWb_l[i_d;]ofj$
know much

Present simple 1: statements

 Ki[j^[fh[i[dji_cfb[\eh0  If[bb_d]e\j^[dWb#i0
j^_d]ij^WjWh[WbmWoiehkikWbbojhk[ M_j^ceijl[hXi"`kijWZZ#iW\j[hj^[l[hX$
?jd[l[hhW_di_d9W_he$ j^_da^[j^_dai
h[]kbWhehh[f[Wj[Z[l[dji 7\j[hl[hXim^_Y^[dZ#e"#Y^"#i^"#ii"#n"WZZ#[i$
J^[omWbajeiY^eebje][j^[h$ ]ei^[]e[i
 Ki[j^[_dd_j_l[m_j^ekjjem_j^?"oek"m[WdZj^[o$ M^[dj^[l[hX[dZi_dYediedWdj!#o"Zhefj^[#oWdZ
7ZZ#im_j^^["i^[WdZ_j$ WZZ#_[i$
?%Oek%M[%J^[o j^_da fbWo^[fbWoi
>[%I^[%?j j^_dai
tip ?dj^[fh[i[dji_cfb["j^[l[hX
X I[[fW][\ehceh[if[bb_d]hkb[i$

A Change the infinitive without to of these verbs into the C Complete Layla's letter using the correct present
correct present simple form with it. simple forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 play it ptoijS 2 do 3 enjoy
4 fix 5 miss 6 say
Every morning 1 Wiki (make)
7 teach 8 think 9 try breakfast for my brother and me.
10 wash I 2
(walk) to school with my
brother. We (see) the same two
B Complete these facts about Egypt. Use the correct 4
girls. They always (say) 'hello'.
present simple forms of the verbs in the box. 5
1 (feel) lonely sometimes, but I
buy come have have live show study visit really like my new school. The school
(have) a very good library.
1 Egypt fi&5 a population of around 80 million.
2 17 million people in Cairo. My brother ' (go) to primary
3 The name 'Egypt' from the Greek word
school. He always (wear) his
Egyptos. old red coat. My mother 9
(go) to
4 Around 6,000,000 tourists Egypt every year. work early in the morning. She 1 0

5 Every tourist presents from a night market. (work) very hard.

6 Egypt about 100 pyramids. 1 1
Thank you for the card. You
7 Tourist guides people the pyramids of Giza.
(write) very good letters.
8 An egyptologist is a person who Egyptian
history from a long time ago. Write again soon!
Love, Layla

about your school morning.

1 Every morning I (vave breakfast with ituj famitij.
2 I always
3 You never
4 My teacher
5 The school
6 My friends sometimes
7 We

| Circle the correct option.

I 1 to the shops. a They walks b She walk c He walks
2 Layla's mum by bus. a go b gos c goes
3 in Cairo. a It never rains b It never rain c It's never rain
4 big brown eyes. a Layla have b Layla haves c Layla has
5 Her mum English. a study b studys c studies
3C 3fc Bf 37 :T : S J B M S U E iisai Aw

Present simple 1 11
Present simple 2: negatives and questions
4 Do you like zoos?

n o n

Do you (ike zoos?

Do you think zoos are a good idea?
Welcome t o A n i m a l World Park i n California, USA.
The park i s different from other zoos. We h e l p animals
in danger. When i t i s p o s s i b l e , we r e t u r n young
animals to their homes.

We h a v e m o r e t h a n 30 gorillas
in t h e park. A mother gorilla
doesn't h a v e many b a b i e s . A baby-
gorilla stays with i t s mother for
three years.

atotot money.
You often find colobus monkeys i n
zoos. They a r e i n danger because
they have b e a u t i f u l f u r . Young
c o l o b u s monkeys don't have black
and white fur - their fur i s

Find t h e n a m e s o f t h e a n i m a l s in t h e p h o t o s .
Xa>|uoui snqo]03 e pile B||uo8 E :J9MSUV

Present simple 2: negatives and

1 To m a k e n e g a t i v e f o r m s in t h e p r e s e n t s i m p l e , use don't 2 To m a k e a q u e s t i o n , use do or does in f r o n t o f t h e subject.
a n d doesn't + t h e i n f i n i t i v e f o r m w i t h o u t to o f t h e v e r b . Do you like zoos ?
They don't have black and white fur. Does the park cost a lot of money?
A mother gorilla doesn't have many babies.
3 U s e do or does in t h e a f f i r m a t i v e s h o r t a n s w e r a n d don't
negative X or doesn't in t h e negative short answer.
Yes, I do.
1/ You / W e / T h e y d o n o t ( d o n ' t ) believe
No, he doesn't.
He/She/It d o e s n o t (doesn't) believe
question ? s h o r t answer / X

Do 1 / y o u / w e / t h e y like...? Yes, (1) d o .

T h e r e is no -s o n t h e m a i n v e r b a f t e r does o r doesn't. No, (1) d o n ' t .
She doesn't think... N O T She doesn't thinks...
Does she know? N O T Does she knows ? Does he / she / i t like...? Yes, (he) does.
N o , (he) d o e s n ' t .

A Underline t h e correct o p t i o n . D R e a d p a r t o f an i n t e r v i e w w i t h a g o r i l l a k e e p e r .
C o m p l e t e h e r a n s w e r s , u s i n g t h e v e r b s in t h e b o x .
1 I don't know /doesn't know the answer.
2 M o s t trees don't grow/doesn't grow very quickly.
n o t eat not fight g o t up n o t go h o m e have
3 Do/Does Sara u n d e r s t a n d this?
have not look after love
4 Do/Does y o u w a n t t o t a l k a b o u t it?
5 The price don't include/doesn't include service. 1 Yes, I tyt U.p at 6.30 every m o r n i n g .
6 I don't think/doesn't think he's very nice. 2 Yes, b u t t h e y bananas all t h e t i m e . They
7 We don't see/doesn't see o u r g r a n d p a r e n t s very o f t e n . like a l o t o f o t h e r f r u i t , t o o .
8 They don't live/doesn't live very near. 3 The gorillas in t h e park are all f r i e n d s . They
4 Yes, it does. The park m o r e t h a n 5 0 gorillas.
B Complete t h e t e x t a b o u t black rhinos using t h e correct 5 Yes, t h e y d o . W e a baby g o r i l l a in t h e park
present s i m p l e f o r m s o f t h e v e r b s in b r a c k e t s . at t h e m o m e n t .
We 1
WW (have) a large n u m b e r o f rhinos 6 Yes, b u t s o m e t i m e s a m o t h e r
living here. Black r h i n o s 2
( n o t live) in her baby. T h e n w e help t h e baby.
groups. T h e y 3
(prefer) t o live alone. 7 Yes, I give t h e baby m i l k every f o u r hours, day and
Black rhinos are in danger because o f t h e i r horns. People night. I in t h e evening. I sleep at t h e park.
(use) t h e 8 I m y j o b ! N o day is t h e same!
horns as medicine.
A mother black r h i n o

many babies. A baby

(not have)
J W h a t d i d t h e i n t e r v i e w e r ask? M a k e p r e s e n t s i m p l e
(stay) w i t h
q u e s t i o n s u s i n g t h e w o r d s in b r a c k e t s a n d w r i t e t h e m
its mother f o r t h r e e t o f o u r
in y o u r n o t e b o o k .
years. The m o t h e r r h i n o
1 P o j S M f c t ap earUjf* (early)
(not stay) w i t h t h e father.
Rhinos 8
(not f i g h t ) w i t h o t h e r animals in 2 ? (bananas)

the park. In fact, t h e y are f r i e n d l y animals. 3 ? (fight)

4 ?(a l o t o f gorillas)
C Make p r e s e n t s i m p l e q u e s t i o n s f r o m t h e w o r d s , t h e n 5 ?(have babies)

answer t h e q u e s t i o n s in y o u r n o t e b o o k u s i n g s h o r t 6 ? (stay w i t h its m o t h e r ]

7 ? (drink milk)
8 '(like)
1 a mechanic / f i x cars
N o w t h i n k o f a t least t h r e e m o r e p r e s e n t s i m p l e q u e s t i o n s
Dees a mechanic {i cars?
f o r t h e g o r i l l a k e e p e r a n d w r i t e t h e m in y o u r n o t e b o o k .
2 y o u / w o r k at t h e w e e k e n d

Oojoa worfc. attkt, wukudL

3 a vet / l o o k a f t e r animals
4 zoo k e e p e r s / w o r k in shops
Circle t h e correct option.
5 a young colobus m o n k e y / have w h i t e f u r B: No, I d o n ' t ,
1 A: t o go t o t h e zoo?
a You w a n t s b W a n t you c Do you want
6 w e / g o t o school o n Sundays 2 We zoos very o f t e n ,
a aren't v i s i t b don't visit c doesn't visit
7 nurses / w o r k in a h o s p i t a l 3 M y sister zoos.
a doesn't like b doesn't likes c d o n ' t like
8 y o u / d o sport in t h e evening 4 She says t h e animals a v e r y happy life,
a n o t have b doesn't have c d o n ' t have
5 A: D o t h e rhinos f i g h t w i t h o t h e r animals?
a doesn't t h e y b it doesn't c they don't

DCJ Of E (\l 0\ :SJ9AASUE j;S3J_ A"\AJ

Present simple 2 1 3
Mark: Hi, Monica. Are youlookingfor Nicole'
i f Y ,ve'rewairingforherartheparry.

iar k: No, she isn't. She's lying on the

Monica: Are you serious Everyone's arriving now.
Mark: She isn't feeling well.
M o ^ ^ a s ^ e ^ ^ X
plavinghis new gmtar and some peop
'strange g ^ B i a ^ i . ^ ^ ^ ^
yellow dress and a green hat. She s... a y
Mark: Wait a minute... Nicole is coming now .J
O W h o is ill? a Mark b M o n i c a c Nicole See you there, Monica.

Present continuous
1 The present continuous describes statement / negative X
a t e m p o r a r y activity in progress
1 a m ('m) w o r k i n g 1 a m n o t f m not) w o r k i n g
at o r around now.
She is lying on the sofa now. You / W e / They a r e ('re) w o r k i n g You / W e / They a r e n o t (aren't / 're n o t ) w o r k i n g

He / She / It is fs) w o r k i n g He / She / It is n o t (isn't /'s n o t ) w o r k i n g

present future

I'm reading this book at the question ? s h o r t answer / X

A m 1 working? Yes, 1 a m .
Mark is speaking on the phone.
No, 1 a m n o t f m not).
Are you listening?
Are you / we / they working? Yes, (you) a r e .
2 M a k e present continuous
N o , (you) a r e n o t ( a r e n ' t / 're n o t ) .
s t a t e m e n t s w i t h am / is / are +
-ing form o f the verb. Is he / she / i t w o r k i n g ? Yes, (he) is.
/ am watching TV. N o , (he) is n o t (isn't /'s n o t ) .
Monica is washing her hair.
We are drinking coffee. I f a v e r b e n d s i n -e, d r o p t h e -e.
dance -* People are dancing. NOT... danccing
3 M a k e negatives, questions and
short f o r m s like this: I f a verb ends in o n e v o w e l and o n e consonant, d o u b l e t h e consonant.
stop The train is stopping. NOT... stoping
/ am not watching TV.
Is Monica washing her hair? See page 182 f o r more spelling rules.
A: Are they drinking coffee? See Units 6 and 18 f o r more i n f o r m a t i o n on t h e present continuous.
B: Yes, they are.

A Underline t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n . D C o m p l e t e t h e sentences using t h e present continuous o f

1 She is walking/are walking d o w n t h e s t r e e t . t h e verbs in t h e box. Some are negatives or questions.

2 People is singing/are singing t o o l o u d l y .

carry feel play stay study
3 We isn't waiting/aren't waiting in t h e r i g h t place.
talk try watch wear write
4 I am running/is running because I'm late.
5 Hello? Are I speaking/Am I speaking t o Lucy? 1 flrejjoa watcfvuuj this film?
6 The guests is not enjoying /are not enjoying t h e p a r t y 2 I very w e l l .
much. 3 A: Be q u i e t ! W e t o listen t o t h e radio!
7 A t the m o m e n t I am living/are living w i t h m y f r i e n d . B: Sorry.
8 /s that boy smiling/Are that boy smiling a t me? A: M y t e a m are l o s i n g again!
B: T h e y very w e l l t h i s season.
B Complete t h e s e n t e n c e s u s i n g t h e p r e s e n t c o n t i n u o u s
5 Sarah, m y red dress?
o f t h e verbs i n b r a c k e t s . 6 A: W h e r e ' s R o b e r t ?
1 It's raining. (rain) B: H e a letter.
2 The baby is not crijituj now. ( n o t cry) 7 A: you
3 We o u r holiday, (plan) a n y t h i n g dangerous w i t h y o u , Sir?
4 I t o school, (walk) B: N o , there's n o t h i n g dangerous in m y suitcase.
5 They very fast, ( n o t run) 8 Everyone a b o u t her purple hair.
6 The cat some m i l k , (drink) 9 Alice
7 I a g o o d t i m e , ( n o t have) Economics at university?
8 He a c o m p u t e r upstairs, (carry) 10 A: Can I p h o n e y o u at t h e h o t e l ?
9 She hard today, ( n o t w o r k ) B: N o , I there.

C Complete t h e t e l e p h o n e c o n v e r s a t i o n u s i n g t h e p r e s e n t

continuous o f t h e v e r b s i n b r a c k e t s . S o m e a r e n e g a t i v e s
or questions.
A n s w e r t h e questions in y o u r n o t e book using short
'Hello, Dad. Yes, I'm s t i l l at t h e party. W h a t ' s happening?
Well, everyone 1
i ddhdh^ (dance) b u t I 2

(sit) on the sofa. G e o f f (tell) some f r i e n d s 1 Is i t raining? 2 A r e y o u w a t c h i n g TV?

about his holiday and he 4
(show) t h e m t h e Yes, i t is. Klo, I'm. w t .
pictures. Diego and B i a n c a 5
(look) at t h e 3 A r e y o u w e a r i n g jeans?
pictures because t h e y t h i n k t h e y are b o r i n g . W h a t ? O h , 4 A r e any o f y o u r f r i e n d s s i t t i n g near you?
that's Helen. S h e 6
(shout), she j u s t speaks 5 A r e y o u f e e l i n g hungry?
very loudly. I'm glad she 7
(sing) - she is a 6 Is y o u r m o b i l e p h o n e r i n g i n g ?
terrible singer! W a i t . . . N i c o l e 8
(come) in t h e 7 A r e y o u w r i t i n g t h i s w i t h a black pen?
door. She looks O K now. Everyone 9
(smile). 8 Is y o u r w a t c h / t h e clock s h o w i n g t h e r i g h t t i m e ?
Anyway, w h a t a b o u t y o u , Dad? 1 0
(do) 9 A r e y o u l i s t e n i n g t o any music?
anything interesting? I see. Great, t h e y 1 1

(bring) the f o o d . I'm h u n g r y ! I'll p h o n e later. Bye.'

| Circle t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n .
1 w e l l , so I w a n t t o stay in b e d . a I amn't feeling b I aren't f e e l i n g c I'm n o t f e e l i n g
2 A: t h e guitar? B:Yes, he is. a Is D i e g o p l a y i n g b D i e g o is p l a y i n g c Is p l a y i n g D i e g o
3 Everyone at t h e p a r t y a aredanceing b dancing c is dancing
4 A: Is Bianca w e a r i n g a y e l l o w dress? B:Yes, a she wears b she are c she is
5 Mark t o Monica. a isn't l i s t e n i n g b not listening c d o n ' t listen

eg ~>y ->i E ox : s j 9 M 5 u e \\<&\_ X

Present continuous 1 5

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