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English For Academic Purpose


RATNA SARI (140203215)


A. Introduction

Did you know that today Banda Aceh is called the City of 1001 Coffee Shop? Either
since when the nickname "The City Of 1001 Coffee Shop" is started, But lately the title is
very attached pinned to the city of Banda Aceh. Could be because the number of Warung
Kopi or coffee shop in this city is quite a lot, supported the habit of most people who like to
drink coffee. So, although there are many coffee shops, none of the coffee shops are
deserted visitors. Besides known as a connoisseur, Aceh is also known as the largest coffee
supplier in Sumatra, even in Indonesia. especially Aceh coffee is in great demand in the
national and international markets. Supported by this, people in Banda Aceh take advantage
of this opportunity by building coffee shops as a very promising livelihood.

For the people of Banda Aceh, the habit of drinking coffee in Coffee shop is already
entrenched. No wonder, especially the morning, afternoon and evening, the average coffee
shop in this city is crowded with visitors. And coffee lovers in Banda Aceh today are not
only parents, but teenagers and children can also enjoy it. Moreover, the price is affordable
for all circles both upper and lower circles.

Coffee shop in Banda Aceh also has two themes, there are traditional nuances and
some are modern nuances. For the elderly, they prefer traditional coffee stalls that are more
comfortable for their age, such as Solong coffee shop, CutNun, and Kupi Berawe (kubra).
But for the teenagers, they more prefer a modern nuanced coffee shop with a variety of
unique and interesting decorations, such as one of the "Long Time" coffee that we have
English For Academic Purpose

B. Discussion

a. Location, Name And Time

A few days ago, we had the opportunity to interview one of the coffee shop owners
in the city of Banda Aceh, to fulfill the task of the English for Academic Purpose report. on
October 15, 2017, exactly on Sunday, We interviewed the owner of Long Time Coffee Shop
located at Lamnyong, Banda Aceh. The owner of the coffee shop is called Muhammad Wali
Alkhalidy or often called "Bang Well". The man who born in 1994 is so young when he
starting this business, although he was only 23 years old, he was able to lead this business
from scratch until now that has several employees who helped him. This coffee shop is open
on 25 October 2016. Although not yet 1 year old. But this coffee shop already has many
loyal customers. This coffee shop is open from 08.00 am until 12.00 pm.

Here are the results of our interview with Long Time Coffee owner:

1. Why did you choose this business?

Because this effort is one of the fastest business to be able to grow because as we
know, in Banda Aceh people love to drink coffee and likes also to gather in the
coffee shop with friends.

2. When did you start this business? whether in starting this business at the instigation
of your family or of your own will?

I started this business in 2016 and by my own will. And its not because of being told
by the family or because of encouragement from other parties.

3. Is there any benefit from customers using old wifi but only ordering iced tea?

It depends on our strategy too, customers who only order cold tea may be because of
the atmosphere that does not support, we can see, the atmosphere here is more to the
cafes, also slightly toward the girls, so the customer will be more feel comfortable to
English For Academic Purpose

hang out or hang out with friends, automatically they will not order cold tea wrote.
the atmosphere here functions as our factor to achieve the target, the more
comfortable the atmosphere we make, the greater our chances to achieve, and that
becomes our strategy.

4. What is your effort to make this coffee shop smooth and can grow rapidly?

My effort is to be more creative again. such as adding a variety of drinks, food,

atmosphere, decoration, it is some core things that need to be upgraded from time to
time so that customers do not get bored and this shop still growing, and more
smoothly going forward. Even I have also opened other branches to customers
familiar with the name of this coffee shop, with the increasingly known in the
community, because in various places there has been the name of this coffee shop, so
the prestige of this coffee shop will be better known and easy to reach of course.

5. Who is involved in managing your business, is there any help from other parties?

For now, I alone manage this coffee shop

6. Where did you get the capital to build this coffee shop?

The capital that I get is from my brother.

7. Then, is the income shared?

No, I only return the proper capital per month, and the rest for coffee shop shop

8. Which coffee do you sell from?

I choose local coffee which is Kopi Ulee Kareng (panamas), because this coffee is a
coffee that the people of Aceh produces itself
English For Academic Purpose

9. What are your messages for those who want to open a business?

Do it! even if you want to do it small, do not be afraid of loss, because, if in trying
we are afraid of loss, that means we have no intention, because in the endeavor there
is no word loss.
Whatever happens is good and bad, and if the result is not good then the result is bad,
not a loss. So from this bad result, we will learn. I also learned from the bad results.

10. What are your Messages for students?

If you want to start any small business, you should start it, if you already have one
idea, wait for the idea to perfect, do not attack just because of small constraints.
Because it will only make things that have been planned before will fail and
eventually do not open a business.

C. Appendix

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