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The environment and pollution.

The environment is everything that surrounds us, plants, animals, etc., except elements such as
oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen. Environmental problems have always existed, However, at present
we do not have many determining factors, which harm the entire planet; one of the most
important in pollution that is when the physical and chemical state of nature is
altered[ CITATION Sab09 \l 9226 ].

The types of pollution used by our environment are: water pollution by using detergents
and industrial waste, air pollution by means of gas emissions, and soil contamination by using
fertilizers that are not suitable for some lands. The only damages caused by viruses are
irreversible, but still there are certain products that seem harmless but at the end of a process have
a serious impact on the quality of our planet; Some of the havoc that later become a future of
contamination are also mentioned, since they can be affected by climate changes, the factors that
affect them, some diseases that have been generated. as measures to conserve the environment
and avoid deteriorating it more since it is still taking time to take the necessary measures, so as
not to continue polluting, since this problem can be ignored soon, we will be doing away with
everything that surrounds us, and everything that we make that the humanity has been creating
the sea of the extinction of all alive being on the earth, between them is the own human being;
since the government in the world has been able to take drastic measures that are truly applied to
the care of the environment, taking into account first its economy and its political interests.

The environment can be done hundreds of years, and basically you can say that it is
everything that surrounds us, such as plants, animals, trees, air, clouds, soil, etc., however
throughout history, humanity has been in charge of having the power to change the state of the
environment by means of alterations that increasingly impact on the mayor scale not only the
development of human beings, but all existing living beings on the planet.

Leidy Deyanira Gutierrez Garcia.

Sabalain, C. (2009). Introduccin de Conceptos Bsicos El Medio Ambiente y la Estadstica. Obtenido de

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