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IC-301 : \nalog and Digital Comm unic ati on

Time: 3:00 HI's. ~ tax. Marks : 70

No te: A ilsII'< -r any FIVE Questions.

(a) What are the different forms of Amplitude and Angle Mod ul ations? Highlight
their suitability for dif erent environmental situat ions. [5]
(b) A certain AM transm tter is coup led to an antenna . The inpu power to the
antenna is measured through monitoring the antenna current. With no
modulation, the curter is 10.8 A. With modul ation, the current rises to 12.5 A.
Determine the depth 0 ' modulation. [5]
(c) Determine the p, wcr and the rrn s value for the s ignal:
x (t }= ( 1O + 2 sin 3t }e lslOt [4]

(a) Different ial) between 'robabilitv Density Function and Probability Di stribution
~Ilction . • \ [4]
(b) What happens when ampling rate is lower th an Nyqu .s: rate" Justify your
answer with proper ev Ience. [6]
(c) Differentiate between " AM, PWM, and PPM , [4]

(a) A discrete RV has K e [ually likely possible va lue" 0, a, 2a . ....... , (K- I)a . Find
the mean, second .non.ent, and standard deviation . [7]
(b) The joint PDF o f F:Vs X and Y is given by ! ,, (x, y)o: ke- rx'+n,y'; .
Determ ine ' he constat.t k .f r ( x) .f . (y), and f ,1,( .: / y) . Are X and Y
independenr' [7]

4. Five telemetry signal s, each of bandwidth I Khz are to be transmitted .imultaneously

by binary PCM . The maxi num tolerable error in samp le amplitudes is 0.2% (If the
peak signal amplitude. Th. signal must be sampled at least 20% abo ve the Nyquist
rate. Fram ing and synchro .izing requires an add itional 0.5% extra bits. Determine
the minimum possible data ,ate that must be transm itted. and th e mininum bandwi dth
required to transm it thi s sig·al. [14]

(a) What are th e des irable rop erties of the line code;" Explain their importance.
(b) Consider a random , ata pattern consisting 0 1 binary l's and D's, where the
probabi li ty of obtaiui g eithe r a binary 1 or a biliary 0 is \i, Calculate the PSD
for the Unipolar RZ sgna li ng where the pulse width is T =~ T, What is the

first null bi.ndwidth 0' the signal? [8J

(a) What do you mean b ergodic rando m process? Derive a.t expression for PS D
for a wide-sense static -nary random process, [4+6J
(b) Describe the im ports Ice of Di gitally Modulat ed Band pass Si gnaling System
used in Communicati. n. [4J
(I) Explain the' operation ind uses of Matchcd Filter. [7J
(g) Explain the' operation rf Delta Modulation and Demodulation tec hnique. Where
is it used? [7J
8, Write short note; on any Ti TRE E of the followings, [ 14]
(a) Methods to n inim ize Inter-symbol Interference
(b) Nztural Samp ling
(c) Difference be ween BPSK and QPSK
(d) Eye Diagram
(e) Bandwidth re. juirem ent in Digital Corm runication

- ,,.-- -
1) 2' . '- ).
Total No. of Paqeis]: 2 13 H . Roli No .
IC-302 : Industrial & Analytical Inst.
Time: 3:00 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70
I Note: Attempt any FIVE questions. I
[a] What is Micro-manometer? Explain its working with
diagram. [4]
lb] Discues the theory of high-pressure measurements and
derive the equation of sensitivity in such case. '. [6J
[e] Describe one scheme for static calibration of pressure
measuring devices . [4]
[a] Describe with diagram the working of any type of
domestic water meter. [6]
lb] Discuss the working of Laser Doppler Anemometer with
its advantages over the other types of fluid velocity
measuring instruments. [6]
[e] A Laser Doppler anemometer employs a He-Ne laser
("-=632.8 nm) to measure the velocity of flow at a point
in a dusty gas . A 160 mm focusing lens having 8=12° is
11'3e<:1 to onerate the LDA in the dual beam mode .

Estimate the velocity of flow if the average Doppler shift
in frequency was found to be 1.62 MHz. [2]

3. Describe the following:

[a] Capacitive voltage divider method for the measurement
oflevel of high conductivity liquid. [4]
lb] Measurement of level using Gamma Ray. [5]
[e] Falling Sphere Viscometer. [5]

[a] What is High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC)?
Discuss with diagram the working of such instrument.
lb] What is Refractive Index Detector? Explain its working
with diagram. [7]
[a) Name three types of Mass Spectrometers. [3J
[h) Discuss with diagram the working of Sector Magnet
Mass Spectrometer and show mathematically that the
radius of the orbit is a function of the mass/charge
ratio of the particles to be analyzed. [8]
[e) Also name of a few applications of Mass Spectrometers.
[a) What is Flame Photometer? Explain with diagram how
this can be used for analyzing a sample. [8J
[h) What is Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AES)? Explain
its working with advantages and disadvantages. [6J
ra] What do you mean by Wave Length Selectors? Explain
with diagram the working of at least one type of Wave
Length Selectors used in Spectroscopy. 15J
[h) Draw the diagram of Double Beam in time
Spectrometer. [4]
[e) Explain with diagram the working of one type of IR
Spectrometer. [5]

8. Write short notes on any three of the following:

[a) Mode, Median, Arithmetic Mean & Mean deviation with
reference to data analvsis
[h) Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
Ie) Thermocouple Vacuum Gauge
[d) pH meters
[e] Humidity measurement. [14]

-~tal No. of Page ls): 2 , LJ H Roll No .
Time: 3 :00 Hr s . Max. Marks : 70
Note: Answer a ny FNE questions.
Assume suitable mis sina data, if an ::..- ---1
[a ] Represe n t the decimal number 5510 in (i) BCD, (ii) Gray code,
(iii) Excess-3 code and (iv) 2421 code. [4J
lbl Convert the decimal number 673.23 to base-3, binary octal
and hexadecimal number system . '. [4J
leI State Dc Morgan's Theorems and prove the following
expression using it
i) (A + B) ·(C + D)= (A+BHC + D)
- -
iii AB+CD=AB·CD [6]
[a] Con vert t he positive edge t rigge red
i ) T Flip Flop to S-R Flip Flop
iiI SR Flip Flop to J K Flip Flop . [4]
lbl Min imise
F(A, B.C.D) = L m(0. 13, 14, 15)+ L A!. 2, 3, 9,10, II)
using K-map and implement it using only 2-input NAND gate.
[c] S implify t he following expression using Boolean algebra
i) ri~~
ii) (A·B +B·C )·(B·C+C D)· (CD + AD) [4]
[a] Implement the given Boolean function F = A(B + CD) + BC
with multilevel NOR gates. [4 1
[b] Show the circuit of a 5x32 decoder constructed with four 3 x8
decoders and one 2 x4 decoder. [4]
leI Im p lem en t the following fu nction using suitable Multiplexer:
F(A,B,C.D)= L:(O, 2. 3. 6, 7, I I. 13, 14, 15) (6J
lal S h ow the logic dia gram of a 4 -b it UP- DOWN counte r with a n
ena b le input termin a l a n d u p-down control terminals.
Provide carry out puts for both t h e u p and down count. [4J
(h] Explain the operation of DTL ga te with suitable diagram.
[e] Explain with suitable diagram Wired -OR and Wired-AND
logic in digital logic families . [4]
[al Explain th e opera tion of 4-b it bi-direction a l shift register with
pa ra llel load wit h suitable d ia gram and fu n c tion ta ble. [8 ]
(h] Design a synchronous Decade counter u sing JK flip- flop .
[a] Explain the working of 3 -bit parallel compara tor ADC with
suitable d ia gra m . Discuss its relative merits and demerits
also. [6 ]
(h] Compare the relative merits of DTL, TTL, ECL a nd CMOS
logic families with respect t o Fan -o u t propa ga tion delay,
power dissipatio n, and n oise im mun ity. [8]
[a] A 6 -bit Dual s lope ADC was a reference volt age of -6V and
I MHz clock. It u s es a fix ed cou n t of 4 0 (10 1000) . Determine
il the inpu t if the ou t put register shows 100 111 at the end
of convers ion .
ii) maximum conversio n rate
iii) maximum input that can be converted . [6 ]
(h] A sequ ential circuit h as 2 flip flops (A and B) a n d two inputs
(x a nd y) and an output (z). The flip flop input fu n ctions and
the circuit ou tp u t function a r e as follows .
- -
.fA = xB + yB KA = xyB
.fE = xA KB = xy + A
z = xy A + xy B
obtain the logic diagram, state table, state diagram a nd state
equation. [81

8. Wr ite short note on any three of the following:

[a] Sch mitt trigger
(h] Monostable m ult ivibrator
[e] Bina ry ladder n etwork DAC
[d] EPRO M. [141

Vth Sem. BE (ECE/COE/ICE) J-L'fik, c: -cl ., 'w
ECE/COE/ICE-304: Linear Integrated Circuits - I - .) .
Time: 3Hrs l-JJ:I Max . Marks:70
Note: Attempt any ter q uestions. AI! questions carry eq ual mark s. Mi ssing data. i f any. may be suitably
assumed and should be me nt ioned in the a nswe r. Assume idea l op-amps. unlesv speci fied
otherw ise. Be conc ise and usc space judiciou sly. w astage of papt:r and usc of supple-me ntal')
answer books is strongly discou raged.

I. Us ing the exponentia l relation between Vh..: and Ie- de rive an expre ssion for the cu rre nt leI.
assumin g matched tra ns istor... with neg ligible base c urre nts . (F ig. I )
Show that the circuit of Fig.:! ca n function a s an inductor. Find the value of the equivale nt
indu cta nce and draw its equivalent c irc uit.
J. Determine the type o f filter the c irc uit of Fig.:; real ises. Assu me A t .:..-·(T) , I''s and A. :=:C'h:/s
4. Analyze the c irc uit of FigA and he nce prove or d ispro ve that b~ proper selection of V,n r_
V m! and V lIl ~ one ca n rea lize any of the five standard filte r fun ctions from th is c irc uit.
5, Write down the transfer func tio ns o f second order low-pass. band pass. hig h pass. band
stop and all pass filters. Analyze the c ircu it o f F ig.5 and determ ine wh ich o f the th e
standard fl hc r- quoted abo ve arc rea lizable by this ci rcui t. Determ ine the expre ssions for
gai n. bandwidth. Q and angular frequency (r)o for the fi lte rs reali ze d b: thi s c irc uit.
6 \\-.'l1y do we no t use differcntiatcrs to make ti llers? Find the expre ssi on for the frequency
response of the differcn tiator sho wn in Fig .6 If A\:::(!).!s. find up to w hat freq uency ra nge
thi s ci rc uit act s as differentiator.
7. As suming. idea l op-arn ps, determine the condition unde r wh ich the cir c uit of Fig .7 can
gen erate sinusoidal osc illatio ns . Dete rm ine the expression for the osc illat ion freq uency.
8. Determine whether or not the OTA c ircuit of Fig.8 is a sinuso idal o...c illator? lfn ot how
you ca n rnodi fy this circuit 1{) reali se an OT A·C osci lla to r? Find out the cond it ion of
o scillat ion and freq uency or osc illatio n.
Q Show that wit h ideal op-arn ps the circuit o f Fig.9 reali se s a unit y gai n . . . ol tage 1"01l0\\c r.
With A I =A ~=(J)/ s determin e the phase e rror of the circui t.
10 . By ap propriate a nalysis. determine the fun ct ion pe rformed b: the ci rcuit show n in Fig. IO
I I. Cons ider the astable rnultivibraror o f Fig. I I Wh ere the resistor R, deno tes the losses of
the capacitor C . By ana lysi s de term ine in what \\BY the tim e period o fth e squa re wave
gene rated by thi , c irc uit is a ffe cte d by the res istor R r .
One method fo r ach ieving equal high and 10\\ intervals fer the le S55 rime r in a stab le
. -
mu ltivibrat or mod e is shown in Fil!.12. ShO\\ that for svmm . etrica l co nd itio ns ( i.e. two
inte rva ls being equal ). the lime period T is g iven by T= 1. 39 RHC.
I3 What is th e d ifference between 2-quadrant and -l-q uadrant mu ltiplier: Anal yze the ci rc uit
of Fig . 13 a nd det ermine the cond it ion under which the input res istance RIl' is inversely
proportio na l to con tro l voltage Ve-
14 . Write short not es on an: 1\\'0 of th e fol low ing
a. Appl ic.nions of PI. I.
b. Gilbert mu ltiplier
c. Voltag z-comro lled o sc illato rs
d. Cu rrer.t -mi rror as act ive-load
- --- -

612- ~
,•... ~ fo
1 6l, + R,
+ \{. N
J-~'" 1'- R.J

hB ' , ;;;r", (I' Fig. 2- •
Vth Sem, BE (ECE/COE/ICE) ) -Df&:; CO "..
ECE/COEIICE-304: Linear Integrated Circuits - 1-0 - .,· 4_ E(
Time: 3Hrs 1-U:l Max . ~1ark s:70
Note: Attempt any ter qu estions , A l~ quest ions call) equal marks . Miss ing data. if any . may be suitably
assumed and sho uld be me nt ioned in the an swer. Assume idea l op-amps. unless speci fi ed
otherwi se. Be conc ise and use space judic iously. Wastage of pa per and usc of supplementary
answer books is strongly disco uraged.

J Us ing the exponential relation between Vt>.; and Ie- deri ve an expression for the current L;
assum ing matched tran sistors with neglig ible base c urre nts . {Fig.l)
Show that the circuit of Fig.:! can function as an inductor. Find th e va lue of the equivalent
inductance and draw its equivalent circuit.
J• . Determine the type of filter the c ircui t of Fi g.,) real ises. Assu me A I ':'~(I) !l ,'S and A:=('h:/s
4. Analyze the c ircuit of Fig.4 and hence prove or disprove that b~ proper selectio n orv"".
V m~ and VWl one can real ize any of the five standard filter functions from th is circui t.
). Write down th, transfer functions of second order low-pass. hand pa ss. high pass. hand
stop and all pass filters. Analyze the circuit ofFig.S and determine wh ich of the five
standard filters quoted above arc realizable by this circuit. Determine the expres.sions for
gain. bandwidth. Q and angular frequency (r)o for the filters realized 0: this c ircuit.
6. \\.'hy do w e not use differentiators to make filters? Find the expressi on for the frequency
response of the differentiator sho wn in Fig.6 J f A\ ::(!)./s. find up 10 what freq uency range
this circuit acts. as differentiator.
7. Assuming ideal op-amps. determine the condition under which the circu it of Fig.7 can
generate sinusoidal oscillat ions. Determine the expression for th e osci llatio n frequenc;.. ,
8. Determine whether or not the OTA c ircuit of Fig.8 is a si nuso idal oscillator? If 11 0t 110\\
you can modi fy th is circu it to realise an OTA ·C oscill ator? Find out the condition of
osc illatio n and freq uency of oscillation.
Show that with ideal op-arnps the circuit of Fig.9 reali ses a unity ga in vo ltage foll ower.
With A l=-A.;=(J)/s determine the phase error of the circuit.
10 . By ap propriate ana lysis. determine the fun ction performed b) the circuit shown in Fig. 10
II. Consider the astable rnultivibrator of Fig.11 Where the resistor R, de notes the losses of
the capacitor C . By analy si s determ ine in what \\3Y the time period oft he squa re wave
generated by thi " circuit is affected hy the resistor Kr.
I~. One method for achieving equal high and 10\\ intervals fo r the le 555 timer in as table
mult ivibrator mode is shown in Fig.I.:! . Show that for sym metrical conditions ( i.e. tw o
intervals being equal ). the time period T is given b) T=I .39R"C.
I3. What is the difference between 2-quadrant and -l-quadrant multiplier': Analyze the circuit
of Fig.1 3 and determine the condition under which the input resi stanc e R", is inverse ly
proportional to control voltage Ve .
14. Write short notes 011 any t\~.. o of the fol lowing
a. Appl ications of PLI.
b. Gilbert multiplier
c. Voltage-controlled osc illators
d. Current-mirro r as active-load

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Total No. ofPages 3

Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Mark s : 70
Note: Answer any FIVE questions.
Assume suitable missin data, if an

I[a] Define organization. How is organization chart useful in management?

Discuss different principles of sound organization. 7
[b] Differentiate among the following structures of organization
(i) Line type structure
(ii) Line and staff structure
(iii) Functional structure. 7

2[a] What are the factors considered for plant location? Illustrate with a
case study on steel plant. 7
[b] What are the objectives ofa good plant layout? Explain the advantages
and limitations of product layout and cellular layout. 7

3[a] Discuss assumptions made in breakeven analysis. Define and explain

the following in the context of break even analysis.
(i) Break even point
(ii) Safety margin
(iii) Angle of incidence. 7
[b] A manufacturing firm has three proposals for a product. Either it can
be purchased from an outside vender at RsAOO per unit or it can be
manufactured in plant. There are two alternatives for in plant
manufacturing. Either a fully automatic unit is procured, involving
fixed cost of Rs.30,000 and variable cost of Rs. 2.75 per unit.
Alternatively, a semi automatic unit would cost Rs. 20,000 as fixed
cost and Rs. 3.00 per unit as variable cost Draw a break even chart for
these alternatives. Suggest range of production volume suited for these
alternatives. 7
4[a] What are objectives of production planning and control? Discuss [b] Distinguish between moving average and exponential smoothing
different steps followed in PPC. 7 methods of forecasting. The demand for the disposable plastic tubing
[b] Defi ne different Johnson's Rule for optimal sequence of N jobs on 2 for a general hospital is 300 units and 350 units for September and
machines. Following these rules, schedule five jobs on three machi nes October respectively. Usi ng 200 units as forecast for September,
(Table-I). Also find idle time for all the machines. compute the forecast for the month of November. Assume the value of
Table-] smoothing constant (a) as 0.7. 7
Job Processing Time
MIcA Mlc B M/cC 7[a] Defi ne different steps fo llowed in work study. Explain following types
I 6 2 4 of charts used in work study.
2 9 3 2 (i) Man and machine chart
3 10 5 I (ii) Flow process chart
4 12 6 3 (i ii) Flow diagram and
5 8 2 2 (iv) SIMO chart. 7
7 [b] State principles of motion economy. Give five examples of Therbligs
5[a] Differentiate between CPM and PERT and write the objectives of these and their uses. 7
methods. Defi ne following time estimate in PERT-
(i) Optimistic time
(ii) Pessimistic time 8 Write short notes on any THREE :
(i ii) Most likely time [a] Methods of Job evaluation
(iv) Expected time. 7 [b] Stages of production
[b] The precedence relationship for nine activities is given below. Find [c1 Personnel management

I k Dor diff
critical path an d sac I erent act .. .
rvities. [d] Profit and capital management. 14
Activitv A B C D E F G H ]
Duration 9 9 10 4 7 3 8 7 0
Precedence -- -- -- A B C D,E,F C G, H

6[a] Defi ne performance rating. In a time study for a Job done by a worker
whose rating is 90, the data are as foll ows:
Observed time; 20 minutes.
Personal need allowance ; 40% of Basic time
Fatigue allowance ; 2. 5% of Basic time
Contigency work allowance; 2% of Basic time
Contigency delay allowance; I% of Basic ti me
(i) Basic time (ii) Work content
(iii) Standard time. 7

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