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School Rules/ Tata tertib Kelas

1. Be honest , do not lie

Jujur dan tidak berbohong
2. Speak slowly

Bicara dengan suara perlahan

3. Love and respect each other

Saling menyayangi dan menghormati orang lain

4. Do not run in class

Tidak berlari di dalam kelas

5. Wait your turn

Antri menunggu giliran

6. Do not interrupt a conversation

Tidak memotong pembicaraan

7. Try to complete your assignment

Menyelesaikan tugas hingga tuntas

8. Return things to their places

Mengembalikan barang-barang pada tempatnya

9. Say “ Thank you “ when you ask for Something or are

given help
Mengucapkan terima kasih saat menerima sesuatu
atau mendapat bantuan orang lain
10. Go to the bathroom one at a time

Bergiliran saat pergi ke toilet

11. Raise your hand when you want to speak

Mengancungkan tangan saat mau berbicara

12. Come to school on time, don’t be late.

Datang kesekolah tepat waktu , tidak boleh terlambat

Mengetahui , Batam, 18 Juli 2016

Kepala sekolah SDS MBB Wali Kelas,

Jeugelin. S.Kowaas.S.Th Gonda Adelina.S.Pd

Morning Prayer :

Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to come to school. Thank
you for many blessings you give. Please give us ears to listen to our
teachers and each other.

Help us focus as we start our school day. In the name of Jesus.


Eating Prayer

Heavenly father, thank you for our morning . Please bless our food to our
bodies and bless the hands that made it .

May it nourish us and help us to continue our studies. In the name of Jesus


End of school prayer

Heavenly father, thank you for a wonderful day at school. Bless our
teachers who taught us today. Please keep us safe as we go home, and may
we arrive safely again tomorrow. In the name of Jesus


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