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Lesson 5: Solve Word Problems to Tell Elapsed Time to the

Nearest Minute

Resources or Materials Needed Lesson Overview

• Student book
• Teacher resource sheets lesson 5 In this lesson, students will use a number line to
• Document camera solve word problems to the nearest minute.
• Student device

Performance Objective 5:
Given a set of elapsed time word problems, students will use interactive number lines on their device to jump
by 1’s, 5’s 10’s then to the number they need. They will record jumps and answer on in the student book with
80% accuracy.

Time: 60 minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities
Review how to find the start time, change of time, and end time in a word problem. Also review how to solve
word problems to the nearest hour and 5 minutes.

Step 2: Content Presentation
Use the teacher resource sheets in the lesson plan to solve word problems with students to the nearest
minute. Remind students to jump by 5’s and then count single minutes to get the answer. Use the number line
to solve.

Step 3: Learner Participation
Solve a problem together in the student book, Lesson 5. Have students go to Google Classroom to access the
link for Interactive Number Lines. Show students how to use the number line by projecting your screen for
them to view. Do a problem or two with the students and answer any questions they may have. It may be
helpful to have students jump in 1’s to nearest five or ten and then jump to the number they need. Example:
if I was jumping from 18 to 42, first jump to 2 to get to 18 then jump by 10’s to 40 and then again by 1’s to get
to 42 then total the value of the jumps.

Step 4: Assessment
Have students complete Lesson 5 in the student book using the interactive number lines.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities (Optional)
Students login to MobyMax and go to the assignment area to complete the assignment on today’s skill.

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