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Lesson1 : General introduction

1- What is collocation ‫المتالزمات اللفظية‬

col‧lo‧ca‧tion / ˌkɒləˈkeɪʃ ə n $ ˌkɑː- / noun [ uncountable and countable ]

the way in which some words are often used together, or a particular
combination of words used in this way :
‘Commit a crime’ is a typical collocation in English.
‫المصاحبة االعتيادية لكلمة ما في اللغة بكلمة أخرى‬

A- Translate the following collocations from English into Arabic :

1-"hard labour " ‫اشغال شاقة‬

2- "net weight" ‫الوزن الصافي‬
3- "raging storm" ‫عاصفة هوجاء‬
4- "fast sleep" ‫سبات عميق‬
5- "smashing victory" ‫انتصار ساحق‬
6-attend a lecture" ‫يحضر محاضرة‬
7- "exert an effort" ‫يبدل جهدا‬
8- "pass a law" ‫يسن قانونا‬
9- "run a company" ‫يدير شركة‬
10- "teach a lesson" ‫يلقن درسا‬
11-"pay a visit" ‫يزور‬/‫يقوم بزيارة‬
12- 'recognize a state ‫يعترف بدولة‬
13- "shake hands ‫يصافح‬
14- "brain drain ‫هجرة االدمغة‬
15- "nerve cell" ‫خلية أعصاب‬
16 "gas cylinder "‫أسطوانة غاز‬
17- "status quo" ‫الوضع الراهن‬
18- "death sentence " ‫حكم اإلعدام‬
19-- "loss of memory" ‫فقدان الداكرة‬
20- "the heart of the matter" ‫جوهر األشياء‬

B - Translate these collocations from Arabic into English :

21- "association of ideas" ‫تداعي األفكار‬

22- "the throes of death" ‫سكرات الموت‬
23- "a sigh of relief" ‫تنفس الصعداء‬
24- "means and ends ‫الوسائل والغايات‬
25- "wonderments and bewilderments ‫عجائب وغرائب‬
26- "food and drink "‫الطعام والشراب‬
27- "good and evil" ‫الخير والشر‬
28- "form and content" ‫الشكل والمضمون‬
29-"by accident" ‫بمحض الصدفة‬
30- "under the patronage (of) ‫تحت رعاية‬
31-"a cake of soap" ‫ قطعة صابون‬/‫لوج صابون‬
32-Heavy smoker ‫مدخن شره‬
33-Heavy sleep ‫نوم عميق‬
34-Heavy fog ‫ضباب كثيف‬
35-Heavy rain ‫مطر غزير‬
36- “Warm reception ‫استقبال حار‬
37-“Rancid butter” ‫زبدة زنخة‬
38-“Rotten fruit” ‫فاكهة فاسدة‬
39-“The hour of decision ‫ساعة الحسم‬
40-“Heart and soul” ‫قلبا وقالبا‬
41-“Secretly and publicly“ ‫سرا وعالنية‬
42- „‟forensic medicine ‫الطب الشرعي‬
43- hard currency " ‫عملة صعبة‬
44-black market " ‫سوق سوداء‬

Why we teach collocations :

Collocations play a vital role in the language:

 they are considered to be the mechanism that provides cohesion or textuality
to the text. .
 Collocations help people talk and write about any topic and communicate
 collocations make the text have a more precise meaning.
 give the most natural way of saying something.
 knowing which nouns are used with which verbs, which adjectives are used
with. Which nouns improve one‟s linguistic competence .
 Using collocations accurately is necessary in order to produce language with
native-like accuracy or near-native competency.
 improve your style in writing: instead of saying poverty causes crime, you can
say poverty breeds crime; instead of saying a big meal you can say a
substantial meal

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