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Predicting Behavior of Induction Motors During

Electrical Service Faults and Momentary Voltage Interruptions

Subhomoy Chattopadhyay Thomas S. Key

Student Member, IEEE Senior Member, IEEE
University of Tennessee Power Electronics Applications Center
Knoxville, TN 37996 Knoxville, TN 37932

Abstract Electrical service faults and momentary voltage
interruptioas are of growing " e m in process industries where
seconds to minutes of energy storage, the ride-through performance
of the process motors may become a limiting factor. Because most
individual sensitive equipment or controls can disrupt the entire power supply disturbances are of short duration (less than 15 cycles)
plant. This paper uses dynamic simulations to predict the low- and induction machines have a reasonable amount of built-in inertia,
voltage ride-through performance of three common motor and it is logical to look at improving motor ride-through by changing the
power source configurations. The objectives are to identify controls. And, because adjustable-speed drives (ASD's) control the
motor control and protection strategies that increase the motor's ac supply to motors, their potential for adding ride-through time
immunity to expected low-voltage events while pointing out should also be investigated.
specific problems and opportunities. Configurations include
transfer of a group of motors from one power source to another, This paper evaluates three common motorkource configurations to
ride-through of a single motor during low-voltage events, and identify the potential for successful motor ride-through during typical
ride-through of a motor buffered by an adjustable-speed drive. low-voltages (sags or dips):
Low-voltage conditions match those expected to occur due to
faults in the utility power system with transformer connection
considered. 1) TransferBetween Two Indeuendem Power Solrice$- where a
fast transfer. or properly timed transfer, of motor loads from one
I. IhTRODUCTION source to an alternate source allows process continuity regardless of
the severity of the sag or interruption on the primary power source.
Historically electric power engineers have been concerned about
voltage interruptions lasting for minutes or hours. Distribution 2 ) Ride Throuah via Mofor Inerfin on a Sinale Power Soirrce -
enhancements such as dual feeders, double-ended (dual-transformer) where individual motor inertia provides sufficient ride-tlirough to
services, low-voltage spot networks, and standby generators have maintain operation for momentary power disturbances such 3s remote
well maintained a high level of power continuity. However, with the power line faults that are cleared from tbe system within 5 IO 10
advent of more critical and sensitive equipment, such as computers in cycles.
military and commercial sectors, power continuity began to be
measured in cycles and milliseconds instead of minutes and hours. 3) Pide Throueh via Motor Inerrin with an ASD Inrerfnce -
Specialized power conditioning equipment. such as uninterruptible where an individual motor and ASD are set up to survive momentary
power systems or electronic regulators and switches, have come into low voltage conditions.
common use to assure continuous power for critical loads.
For most industrial situations, the size of the load makes a blanket
application of specialized power conditioning impractical. Electrical service faults and voltage interruptions occur occasionally
Nevertheless, factory processes continue to rely on sophisticated in most power systems. The common causes are weather. accidents,
equipment where cycle-to-cycle continuity of power can be critical. tree limbs, public interference, or equipment failure. The most
Process control systems are typically designed to automatically common type is a single line to ground short circuit or fault. In utility
shutdown if any part of the process fads. Studies have shown that distribution systems momentary low-voltages (sags) are known LO
disturbances, usually attributed to system faults and low-voltage occur 2-5 times more often than complete interruptions because of
conditions, are a common cause of plant upsets. The resulting substation configurations with two or more circuit-cleanng devices
damaged equipment, lost time and product may cost thousands of per transformer. Although infrequent, these events are important
dollars. because they typically affect wide areas, reducing the voltage
momentarily below equipment tolerances. Processing equipment and
Although this problem is most often attributed to the sensitivity of controls are common victims.
electronic equipment or programmable process controls, conventional
relays and magnetic motor starters are also vulnerable. Evaluating In these studies power system faults were simulated on the primary
the common magnetic motor starter or contactor, the authors have side of the service transformer, with a delta-star connecuon. For a
found that devices size 0 to 3(1-50 Horsepower), drop out within 1 to low-impedancefault near the power source (representing tr'orst case),
2 cycles at 65 to 75% nominal voltage. Magnetic motor starters are voltage magnitudes and phase changes can be predicted per Smith. et
economical and perform effectively to protect the motor. However, al.. in [l]. Fig. 1 shows the three phase voltages at the motor
their simple design makes it hard to coordinate motor protection with terminals with a single-line-to-ground (L-G) fauit at the power
process continuity. source. The three-phase voltage magnitudes are 0.58 pu. 1.0 pu and
0.58 pu. Thirty-degree phase shifts occurred on two of the phases.
When the main programmable logic controls are backed up with These shifts were found to be critical i n predicrinp motor

0-7803-0937-5/93/$3.00 0 1993 IEEE 78

performance. In the case of a 3-phase bolted-fault simulation. h e modeled. The inverter used pulse width modulation (PWM) to shape
motor is effectively connected to a low impedance short circuit and regulate the voltage to the motor. RegeDerativc-type drives were
Cooversely. simulations of transfer from one source to another oot considered. The 1c interface ofthe ASD was a diode rectifier and
expose the motor buss to a0 open circuitduring the trplsfcrperiod dc link. Tbe linL capacitor was slightly oversized at 3000 UF, the
?henew KUUCX was assumbd to have been in phase with tbcoriginal typical site is 2oOO uF.

Fig. 2. The basic power system and motor load model.


J . Tronsfer Two Indenendmi Power Sources

In this configuration. a group of motorS transfer from a primary to an

al:ernate source based on detection of voltage problems. Initiation of
the " f e r from the problem source is assumed to be instantaneous,
12 13 1.e with motor conditions normal. DuMg the transfer. the circuit is open
TIME (SECOXDS) and the voltage and speed of the motors decay. also called break-
Fig. 1. Low-side voltages with a L G fault near tbe source on the
bigh side of a delta-star connected service hansfoxmcr. Usually thm possible safe transfer zones arc considered: fast (static)
rransfer, in-phase voltage transfer, and residual-voltage " f e r .
Tbese are described by Mulukutla and Gulacbenski in [3]. The
Ill. SIMULATION METHODS simulation dctumincs the conditions for any -fer time. Cases of
equally and unequally loaded motors were simulated.
Simplations were designed to match the practiul motor and power
source configurations described above. Simulation of Noo-linear The objective was to m i n i m i i the speed, torque, and current
Systems (SIMNON) and Electromagnetic Transient Analysis excursions to within the motor rating. For the relative
program (EMTP) were used to carry out simulations. The power voltage and phase differences upon reconnect are critical. Homak
system was modeled as a voltage soulcc with ao equivalent series and Zpse. in 141. describe automatic bus transfer equipment and
r"x. Tbe induction motors were modeled using d q axis thory strategies that monitor t h s e differences and make use of the three
in a synchronously rotating reference kame. Tdomations were available safe transfer zones. These strategies are described below.
%xxnnplisbed by applying the voltage ntio. Duringfault cooditions. and wiU be referred to later in simulation results.
tbc effect ofthe hansforma connections w a e taken into account for
fhults on the primary side. Fig. 2 shows the basic model used in tbe A. Fast Transfer Saatcgy:
simdations. FYI transfer (also called instant, static, or electronic transfer)
involves closing the altanate source breaker as soon as possible to
This modcl was modif&l to accommodate proper simulation of minimize the transfer time between sources. With electronic
power sopply voltage disturbanes. Voltage sags, short circuits. switches. switching can take place in a fraction of a cycle. For
contactor openings and reclosings were modeled as contingenciesin electromechanical systems. several cycles are required. An open
tbe power systcm. with various duration. For &e simulations. circuit was simulated during the transfer time.
a standard Universal Machine model of a cage rotor was used from
[2]. For most of the cases. a fully loaded 5-hp, three-phase. 60-Hz B. Io-Phue Transfer Strategy:
induction motor was simulated. In-phase transfer requires high-speed transfer equipment with
automatic synchronization of voltage between the motor bus and the
incoming power. Transfer initiation is rimed so that the breaker
Motor ratings are 8 amps full load, 42 amps starting. and 1750 RPM. contacts dose when the phase angle between the motor bus voltages
The motor load simulated a fan-type with tbe load torque propnional and the incoming bus is nearly WO or 360 degrees. Equipment of
to the angular frequency squared ( T ~ a d ) For . the case of the this type is described in (41.

C ResidualVoltage Tmnsfa Strategy:
Rcsidaal voltage “ d e r involves delay-hg the connection to the
~~ until tbcmotorvoltage dxups below a preduamined
point Auboogh the simplest of the thrrt. this merhod iDwlver a
loogff paid of discolmu3ion and grraterlosr of speed, which arc
Iikcfyto d w r c l y aff~thcconocdedLoad orproccss coatinuity.

In this configrartioo. tbe individoal motor inertia is used to ride-

(taoclgh momalary power disturbances such is rrmotc p w a h e
fpolts mat pndcvcd h m the system within 5 to 10 cycks. Two
diScra~tcontrol rtntcgies w a e considemi In tbe fmt.tbe motor
contactor o p dauing tbe fanlt, and the motor effectively sees an
open circuit This is tbe same case as of the brcak-beforc-make)
tnnsfer ooafigrp?tion, in 1 above. The second control strategy
m e s &at tbe conlaclor is maintained closed. Thaeforr, during
- m r

-=Y 12 U L4 15

tbe fault the system is modeled as a low impedaace to the motor.

Four cases were rimulatad:>phase b o l a faults. clearing in 5 and 9
cycks.and single line-to-groundfaults, clearing in 5 and 9 cycles.

I # -

An adjustable-speed drive was added to the single motor 12 13 11 TIMEGECONDS)

configuration. The motor and drive contacts w u c assumed to be
closed duriag the faults. For comparison, ASD c a ~ useds Lbe same
four faults as the configuration of a motor witbout an ASD. described
above. Eg. 3. Simulation of motor trip and out-of-phasetransfer to afternate
SOUM in 5 cycles.
L T r a d e r Between Two Indewndefl Power Sources pbase-angle drift between the incoming supply voltage and the motor
back emf as it increases duriog disconnection. When h e M e r to
k &up of MOWKwith Equal Loading the h m i n g voltage bus occurs with the phase angle at nearly lS0
Consider tbe cay of thnc similar motorsoonnectsdto &e supply bus. degrees. a large voltage is applied a c l ~ atk motor. resulting in a
In fact, w b a ~tk loading is equal. these motors are equivalent to a large tramsicnt Qlrrtllt (see Fs.3). This large aaasicnt arrent at tbe
single larger motor connected to tbr supply bus. Load sharing is time ofrrcoaoeaioa lasts for only about half a cycle. S i n e it is less
equal WOEas well as aftsr the transfa. When the disconnect than the blocked rotor, or Mnmal starting current, no problem is
oaxns. the motor inertia feeds power to the load aod speed drops. expected in the traosfa. Fig. 5 is the simulation verification of Fig.
Fig. 3 shows the simulationresults for this case.with a transfer rime 4. showing the phase drift during a disconncu
of 5 cydes. Note the phase ammf motor torque. and motor back
emf,which show avoltage pbse shift at the beginningand ead of the 100
eyeDt ”he phaK sbift at the instant of o p i n g of the contacuns is
dnctothecf€cctofthestatora”tson b a c k d . Tbestatoramtnt
kcomc z ~ causing
b the jump and phase shik At the instant of
rtclonnt the motor back emf is not in phase with incoming bus
voltage awl therefonwe get a large aansient andjump.

In atypical intawnnected system, the larger or mort heavily loaded

”swill ad IS indoction germtorssupplying powa to the lightly
boded motorr daring a disconwd.The open& voltage benrecll
tk motor bas and the incoming voltage (rrprrscated by the voltage
~CIOSS the coatlcts in Fig. 2) can be predicted using tbe law of

vresidualz = & 2 + v ~ 2 - ~ v b c o s A 0 10
Es: ~ y s t c mvoltage TIME (Cycles)
Vb: Machine bus voltage
Fig. 4. Theoretical phase angle variation of single motor coasting a1
A: angle between 5 and Vb. The residual: voltage sbould be full load, sampled at instant of m s f e r .
limikd to 133 pu. per volt for a safe tcansfer 141.
The strrss on tbe motor at uansfer will depend on the residual vologe The phase angle in degrees is calculated as follows:
developed at tbe instant of transfer. Erg. 4 shows the theoretical Phiseangle = t‘36Oo/rp

where: "t" = time between comsponding points of the incoming at 9-10 cycles. "Safe Zones" for these transfer options are marked in
supply voltage and motor back EMF. Tp = time for one cycle Figs. 5&6. However, if we adopt limiting criteria that the reclosing
(16.67111s). torque and c m n t should be no more than the starting torque and
current, then we can see (from Fig. 6) that only fast transfer is
g e n e d y safe.

B. Group of Motors with Unequal Loading:

In the case of unequal loading of three motors (30%. 60%. 100% of
rated). the results are more complex because:

1) Motors with higher load inertia tend to act as generators and

supply accelerating power to unloaded machines while disconnected
from the supply.

2) Therefore, the rate of bus voltage decay varies among the

motors, higher loaded motors tend to lose speed more quickly.
creating a worst case reconnect among the three motors.
0 U 5 75 10 155
TIME ( cycles ) Fig. 7 shows the phase current profiles of the three motors connected
Fig.5. Simulated phase angle variation or smgle motor coasting at to the supply bus. The transfer takes place after 5 cycles. The 100%
full load, sampled at instant of transfer. -loaded motor had the higher load inertia (compared to the other
motors), larger surge current and greater drop in speed.

The phase angle varies with time,and after about 9 cycles the motor
back emf is again in phase with the incoming supply voltage. When
the motor back emf is nearly in phase with the incoming supply
voltage, in-phase or syochronized-fer should be initiated.

Fig. 6 shows the variation of the maximum torque as a ratio of the

noxmal starting torque. When the incoming supply voltage is nearly
180 degrees out of phase with the motor back emf,very high torques
results. This can be seen in Fig.*s5 and 6. Because this torque
occurs for only very short interval (less than a cycle), it is likely to be
harmkss to the motor and load. Looking at Fig.'s 5 and 6 together,
we can decide upon the best transfer timing for the configuration.
12 13 1.4 13

12 I> IA 12
Fig. 7. Variation in motor recovery c m n t s resulting from unequal
loading among the three motors.

2 Ride-Throuph via Motor Inert io on a Sinde Power Source

Most motor users have access to only one power source. A magnetic-
0 ;?5 5 75 10 125
type stafter contactor is normally installed between the motor and
source. Based on its own characteristics the contactor may act to
disconnect the motor during a system fault event. For the case of
Fig. 6. Ratio of peak reclosing torque to peak starting torque during motor contacts open during the fault the simulation results shown in
transfer. Fig. 3 are valid.

Fast transfer appears to be the best option, as seen in Figs. 5&6. The The results are quite different for cases where the motor contacts
transfer should be over before the motor back emf gets 90degrees out remain closed during the fault event. Fig. 8 shows the simulation
of phase with the incoming bus voltage. Another possibility is the in- results with the contactor closed on a three-phase short circuit lasting
phase transfer when the phase difference reaches approximately 360"

5 cycles. The current,t o q u e and speed of the motor are shown. The
current and torque are within normal limits, but the speed has
dropped about 170 RF'M from rated and m a y be outside of the
ppass tolerance limik. The speed drop may increase when several
motors are connected at the same time and interact during a fault
Fig. 9 shows the wide variation in speed among three connected
motors.which e coasting together with unequal loading. Note that
one of the motors has lost about 300 RPM during a Scycle, 3-phase
fault. This hterauion phenomena will tend to Create a worst case
condition for the higher loaded motors, making process ride-through
less likely.


12 13 1.4 1.5 1
12 13 1.4 15
Fig. 9. Variation in motor speed decay resulting from unequal
loading among the three motors.
"I IV/ I 1

11 1.3 1.4 15

1A 15

l i I 3 1.4 1 .s 10.
-201 I I 1
12 13 1.A 15
Fig. 8. Simulation of a single motor that remains connected during a
Scycle. 3-phase bolted fault on the primary.

E%.10 shows motor conditions with the contactor closed on a single

LG fault The duration of the fault is 5 cycles and the pbase voltage
magnitudes are the same as shown in Fig. 1. All parameters are -// I
withia normal limits,indicating a smooth ride-through by the motor. 12 1-3 1.4 15
Even so. during fault conditions exteanal protection often acts to trip 7 l M E (SECONDS)
the system, preventing a ride-through attempt More system
engineering and coodmation of protedion must be carried out when Fig. 10 Simulation of a single motor that remains connected during a
this OccUTs. Scycle, lie-to-groundfault on the primary.

3. Ride-Throuph via Motor inertia with an ASD Interface without problems. However. the benefits of a simple induction
motor's ability to ride-through typical power line faults will not be
The third configuration includcs ao ASD with the motor. Fig. 11 realized until the motor controls are upgraded to allow coordination
shows the ASDlMotor parameters after a 3-phase bolted fault of 5- of protection and continuity.
cycle duration. The simulation shows a significant reduction in
motor stxsses compared to tbe case without an ASD. shown in Fig. Io the future, more work is planned to verify these simulations
8. This happens because of the buffering effect provided by the ASD through laboratory testing. Additional cases including line-to-line
rectifierand the inverter. faults with diffuent transformer configurations and load inatia, and
more detailed motor buss and utility source modeling should also be
Results for the L-G fault case, shown in Fig. 12, indicate the least undertaken.
shess of all cases evaluated. Recovery current was 26% of normal
starting, torque was 35% of normal starting and speed was at 98%.
These simulation results indicate that an ASD interface can
significantly improve motor rick-throughpotential. However. testing
of four 5-hp ASDs by the authors indicated that internal protection
will act to trip the motor preventing a ride-through attempL Tripping
occumd for 2 of the drives at 5 cycles and 70% rated voltage and for
three of the four drives at 10 cycles and 70% voltage. These results
were obtained despite efforts to program the drive microprocessor
for increased ride-through, as indicated in the manufacturers'

U 26 27 23

26 27 28
Fig. 12. Simulation of an adjustable-speed drive and motor during a
Scycle. lie-to-ground fault on the primary.

Table 1. Summary of motor recovery parameters for service faults
and momentary voltage interruptions.

lddo 25 26 27


Fig. 11. Simulation of an adjustable-speed drive and motor during a

S-C~C, 3-pha~ebolted fault 00 the primary..

A summary of motor ride-through pexformance for the three different
configurations.11 cases total,is provided in Table 1. These results
indicate that performance is significantly better when the motors
remain connected to the power system during the service faults.
When voltage is available at 30 to 709i levels during the fault such
as the L G case, there is very little difference in performance between
a 5cycle and a 9cycle event Results show that motors remaining
connected to the power system during L-Gfaults, or motors buffered
by an ASD during a more severe faulf should be expected to recover


1. Transfer Between TWO I d Power Sources - When

available, transferring motors from one independent power source to
another can protect the load for nearly all cases of service faults or
interruptions. However, fast switching. with transfer times of less
than 2 cycles or an elaborate synchronized transfer control scheme
may be Muired for a smooth transition. Hardware to accomplish
this may be expensive.

2. Ride-ThrouPh via Motor Inertia on a Sinale Power Source - In the

more common case of a single power source, individual motors
generally cannot recover from service interruptions that last longer
than 0.5 second (30 cycles). However, during momentary low-
voltages due to faults, typically lasting less than 15 cycles, ride-
through may be possible. Maintaining the connection of the motors
to the power system buss during the fault gives the best performance
and is least likely to disrupt the driven-load.

3. &de-ThrorcPh via Motor inertia willr nn ASD Ittrerfnce - An

adjustable-speed drive can assist individual motor ride-through by
preventing back feed momentum losses. limiting restart overcurrents,
and buffering the effects of voltage phase shii during service faults.
However, the tripping action of internal drive protection circuits often
defeats this benefit.


This work was sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute,

Customer Systems Division, Power Electronics and Controls
Program. Mr. Marek Svnotyj is the Power Quality project manager.


[l] J.C. Smith,et al. "The Impact of Voltage Sags on Industrial Plant
Loads," First International Conference on Power Quality: End-Use
Applications. Paris,France, October 1991.
[2] EMTP Reference Manual, Bonneville Power Administration,
Portland, Oregon, 1988.
131 S. S. Mulukutla & E. M. Gulachenski, "Considerations in
Maintaining Process Continuity During Voltage Dips while
Protecting Motors." IEEE Transactions on Industrv Aoolications,July
[4] Donald L. Homak and D.W. Zipse, "Automated Bus Transfer
Control for Critical Industrial Processes," Transactions on
Industry ADdications, Sept/Oct 1991.


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