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Unsung Heroes:

Housekeeping Staff, Nurses, Nurses, Bus Drivers and Conductors

Written by Aditya Joshi
Assigned by Dr Pratibha Malik
When we think about heroes in real life, we often consider them as the soldiers at the border protecting us
from our enemies, the policemen who prevent crimes in the city and freedom fighters who gave us the
country we have today. These are heroes who are celebrated and honoured by people of all walks of life. But,
there are also many more heroes who sadly remain unsung. These unsung heroes are people who enable us to
live a comfortable life every day. They are the support system without which any person no matter how rich
they are cannot live safely. These people are the ones we meet every day and yet do not always recognize the
hard work they put in their work just to make us happy. They are our housekeeping staff, nurses, drivers, bus
conductors, watchmen and many more. They may not be as educated as ourselves but are needed by the
society just like we are. It is unimaginable to lead a life without their help.
Today, almost every member in a family is either a student or a working person who totally depends on the
help of the house keeping staff for activities like laundry, food and cleaning. The maids and butlers in the
house keep the family members satisfied with the chores they do and the drivers help us to reach anywhere in
the city without ever complaining.

Similarly, it would be impossible to think of living without the constant care and support of the nurses in
hospitals and outside it. Travelling in public transport reminds us of the hard jobs of bus drivers and
conductors who work tirelessly even in extreme weather conditions only for our convenience and while we
sleep peacefully in our comfortable beds, the watchmen stay awake all night on the streets to ensure our

Another thing we should remember about these unsung heroes is that unlike us, they do not get holidays on
Sundays and festivals. They work for us uninterrupted throughout the year. Their work is harder and less
rewarding than all the readers of this article. We should all be kind to these unsung heroes and always respect
them like we want to be respected. We should be thankful to have them in our loves and every once in a while
should make them realize how important they are to us and the society.

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