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Lesson Reflective Summary

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: Tamille Wilson

Instructor: Tamille Wilson
School: _Park Street Elementary Grade: STEM Lab K-5

Lesson Topic: Motion (Kindergarten)

What went well (specific): The book went well in that the students were quite engaged. As I
was reading I Fall Down, I also acted out some of the movements. The students also acted them
out as well which integrates movement. The “dancing popcorn” introduction went well as the
students were excited to reenact the investigation of how gas forms motion moving the
popcorn up with the baking soda and vinegar mix.

Why was it effective (thoughts): The students reenacted the movement of the story and it gave
them the basic concept of motion. This was a great opportunity to introduce vocabulary like
“gravity.” The standard called for knowing the types of motion which we all acted out and the
students remembered quickly at the end of the lesson.

Why it wasn’t effective (thoughts): The students explanations were not documented on what
happened to the popcorn. I wanted the students to describe in words the different types of
motions they noticed during the investigation.

What was challenging (specifically): Setting up the investigation can get a bit challenging when
there is no sink in the room. I had to constantly run to the bathroom to reset for the next class.

Modifications to make it effective (specific): One modification I could use is give students time
to explain what was happening in their paired groups.

Why the modifications will improve learning for all students (thoughts): Students who can
explain their thinking have a better grasp of the lesson.

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