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I- Objectives

a. Identify the characters in the story.

b. Give the moral lesson in the story
c. Series of events

II-Subject Matter: Reading

Text/Selection: The Lion and the Mouse

Reference: English for you and me page___

Materials: Cartolina, Pictures and Visual Aid

Values focus: Be kind to others


a. Motivation: (Posting of Pictures)

 Where can you find a mouse?

b. Raising motive question

*Possible Question*

c. Unlocking difficulties

d. Reading of comprehension questions

e. Setting of standards for silent reading.

What are the things to remember in reading?

 Read with the eyes only

f. Reading Proper

The Lion and the Mouse

A little mouse running about awakened the lion from its sleep. The lion was about
to eat the mouse when the little mouse cried, “Forgive me this time. Someday I may
able to help you.” The lion laughed at the idea of the mouse helping him. He set the
mouse free.
A week later a group of hunters set a trap in the forest. The lion was caught in the
in the trap. The hunters tied him to a tree and left to look for a cart to carry him. The
little mouse came and graved the rope. The lion was set free.
The mouse said, “Little friends may prove great friends.”

g. Answering motive question.


h. Answering Comprehension question

i. Valuing

j. Activity
Correct events in the story. Arrange the sequence of events in proper order and let
them re-tell the story.

IV- Evaluation

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