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The Local Council Executive Board

Boy Scouts of the Philippines General Santos City Council

LGU Compound, GSC


Eagle Scouts Organization of the Philippines
General Santos City Council Chapter
Damasco Compound, Mabuhay Road, GSC

29 June 2018


1. The Local Council Executive Board – BSP-GSCC
2. Mr. Wilfredo J. Grandeza – Council Chairman

Dear Sirs:

I am writing to make a formal complaint against the above-mentioned persons. My complaint is that
they collectively or individually failed to provide the satisfactory service to the people of General Santos
City for a long period.

Please consider the following as the bases of my formal complaint against Mr. Wilfredo J. Grandeza (Mr.
Grandeza for short), to wit;





a. Article 2 Section 3 of the Standard Local Council Constitution and By laws provides:

“i. Section 3. Responsibilities of the Council. This council shall share with the
National Council responsibility for providing adequate leadership, maintaining the
standards of the Scout Movement, protecting its badges and official insignia against
use by those not duly registered as members of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines
and for making the benefits of the Scouting available to all boys and young people
of the territory served by the council. (Underscoring supplied)

Allow me to quote Matthew 7:15-20 New King James Version (NKJV)

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous
wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits.Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from
thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree
cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit
is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

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As clearly as it is stated in Article II Section 3 of the Constitution as stated above, the performance of
the Boy Scouts of the Philippines General Santos City Council is mandated to perform at certain
standards and the fundamental basis of performance evaluation is the so-called MATA which is an
acronym which stands for Membership Advancement Training Award. Simply put, a minimum
standard is set and must be the goal of any governing body of the Local Scout Council.

In terms of Membership, the BSP-GSCC has not reached the 20% versus enrolled students or pupils
of both the public and private schools. The Community Based Scouting Program as of this writing
has only one (1) registered Scouting Unit. A committee is not even known as provided for in Article
VII Section 18 – the Committee of Organization and Extension. Therefore, Scouting is not growing in
General Santos City nor has it reached the basic or least number of target recipients.

In the Advancement area which is a natural result of the different activities that a Scout is being
introduced to, in the five (5) sections of Scouting, there are only about thirty (30) Scouts who hold
the rank of Explorer – which is just at step 2 of the 6 steps ranking towards the Eagle Scout Award.
There is no clear list of Merit Badge Counsellors nor is there any information available as to who is
the Chairman of the Advancement Committee which is one of the important committees imperative
of any council (Article VII Section 18). Therefore, no significant activities are happening leading the
Scouts to where they are supposed to be led and that is Scout craft and Skills Mastery. No activity,
no skills and no qualification for advancement.

As for Training, this is another area that the BSP-GSCC has not performed as expected. Citing the
2016 and 2017 and portion of 2018 reports, the reader will not come across reports on Patrol
Leaders’ Training Course (PLTC), Crew Leaders’ Training Course (CLTC), Circle Leaders’ Training
Course (CLTC) and all the more the reader will not find Senior Patrol Leaders’ Training Courses and
so on which are the very basic requirements of any Troop, Outfit and Circle so that proper discharge
of information, education, activity and others can happen. Immediately upon registration, trainings
should kick in so that Scouts will have the proper organization and setup because it is in these setup
that a Scout learns the rudiments of Leadership and Character Development. Therefore, no
organization, no training results to No Leadership nor Character Development Trainings happening
year in and year out in the BSP-GSCC.

Award is designed for Scouts to recognize the efforts and time Scouts have put into developing skills
in Scoutcraft and mastery in any or all Merit Badges required. Awards especially advancement in
ranks are testaments to a Scouts fulfilment of requirements and the formal recognition of these
achievements which are milestones in any young person’s life worthy of family celebrations and
recognitions. Being bestowed Awards especially these types of Scouting Awards are more than
achievement in itself. The last time that BSP-GSCC produced an Eagle Scout Awardee was in 2001
which is a good seventeen (17) years todate. Mr. Grandeza’s GOLDEN USA Award is one that has
raised eyebrows in the Scouting Circle because clearly, he does not deserve such. An honourable
person and a leader at that should always consider the welfare of his troops first before
aggrandizing himself which he has been doing for many years – the Bronze USA and the Silver USA. I
personally do not know the requirements for receiving such honors but the dire situation of the
Local Council does not reflect the award.

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The City of General Santos is an orchard of plenty which deserves leaders who are competent. The
current crop of leaders are far from the desired ones. Good fruits cannot come out from Bad Trees
just as Good Scouts cannot be produced if the Scouting Trees are not Good enough.


a. Whereas, Article IV Section 5 of the LOCAL COUNCIL BYLAWS states “The Council
Chairman (Mr. Grandeza) shall exercise supervision over the Council and its officers and
see to it that its constitutional duties and obligations, national and local are
i. The MATA Performance of BSP-GSCC has failed and has not shown any
significant improvement from the time the above-cited officer has been the
Council Chairman. He has not seen to it that the duties of the Council has been
discharged as shown in the performance.
a. Whereas, Article IV Section 12 of the LOCAL COUNCIL BYLAWS state… “The Scout
Executive of this Council, under the direction of the Council Executive Board, shall be the
chief operating officer of the Council and as such shall be responsible for the
administration of the Council program and for making it effective within the Council
territory in accordance with the charter and bylaws of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines
xxxx” and further states “xxxx.. He shall be responsible for maintaining standards,
guarding against the issuance of commissions to unqualified men…xxxx” and still
further states “xxx… It is the function of the Scout Executive to secure the desired
results through effective leadership, primarily of volunteer workers, reducing to a
minimum the machinery of organization and keeping the Scouting Program available as
a movement as largely as practicable.”
i. Citing Memo 0001-2018 (copy attached) Mr Grandeza clearly crossed the above
lines of the functions of the Council Scout Executive and is therefore a gross
violation of the provision.
ii. The basic responsibility on the Volunteer Scouters lie upon the Council Scout
Executive and nowhere in the Council Constitution and Bylaws does it state that
the same is the prerogative of the Council Chairman.
iii. The memo is even malicious as to its purpose because the subject is predicated
on a highly positive input from the subject of the memo. Instead of giving
commendation for a job well done, Mr. Grandeza illegally used his position and
influence to write such uncalled for, baseless and illegal communication causing
too much anxiety and discomfort to me.

As the President of the Eagle Scouts Organization of the Philippines General Santos City Council Chapter
and as a serving Lay Leader, Institutional Representative of the Habitat Community Scouting Unit, as a
member of the General Santos City Training Team and as a loyal volunteer of the Scouting Movement I
hereby express my personal expression of distrust to the leadership of the Council especially of the
Council Chairman who in my personal view does not exemplify the basic virtues of a true leader and a
Scout – humility, compassion and service which has caused the deteriorated state of General Santos City

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These inabilities of Mr. Grandeza has caused the failure of the BSP-GSCC to perform its basic duties to
the citizens of the City of General Santos.

In my view, the Local Council Executive Board and most especially Mr. Wilfredo J. Grandeza should
honourably resign immediately and save the BSP-GSCC from further harm.

I understand that you are required to respond formally to my complaint. I shall follow up this letter if I
do not hear back from you by 05 July 2018. In the meantime, if you need any further information from
me, please contact me by writing or phone at details shown below.

I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.

Scoutingly yours,


Eagle Scouts Organization GSCC Chapter

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