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The advantages and disadvantages of being an only child

Presently, a considerable number of couples decide to have only one offspring.

Simultaneously, there are also big families with several children. Is being an only child a
blessing or a curse?
The main advantage of growing up without siblings is the undivided attention received from
the parents. It is generally agreed that families with one child establish stronger relationships.
In addition to this, the financial demands of the child are prone to immediate fullfilment as
the parents have only one focus: their well-being. For instance, an only child is more inclined
to attend college as his parents are able to provide for him.
The major drawback for an only offspring is being overly pampered. Having all his wishes
fullfiled and being accustomed to having all of the attention generate a more narcissistic,
conceited and vain child. Such qualities will not benefit him at any point. What is more, an
only child grows up slightly more alone for the reason that he cannot play or quarrel with his
brothers. In other words, he will not comprehend the relevance of the eternal brotherly love.
In conclusion, being an only child has both advantages and disadvantages. However, it is
unarguable that the main role in this situation is conducted by the parents and their approach
to their offspring’s upbringing.

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