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Good afternoon teacher LINA CONSTANZA RAMIREZ.

My activity is about a conversation between the manager and the assistant to

review the day's agenda.

Manager ARQUIMEDES: Good morning Fernando, please continue and sit down
Assistant Fernando: Good morning Doctor Camilo, thank you very much
Manager ARQUIMEDES: we will review the pending calendar
Fernando Assistant: Doctor, today you must sign the employee's checks.
Manager Camilo: Fernando please call Robert before continuing to check the
Robert: Good morning doctor, do I need?
Manager ARQUIMEDES: Good morning Robert, could I process the paychecks to the
staff and leave them on my desk before noon?
Robert: Actually doctor, I brought them here, they're ready for approval.
Manager ARQUIMEDES: perfect Robert, thank you very much. You can leave now
Robert: doctor with pleasure, permission I withdraw
Manager ARQUIMEDES: Well Fernando, ending our meeting I sign them. What else
do we have?
Assistant Fernando: Today he has a meeting at 9 and 30 a.m. with the stationery
Then meeting with the production staff at 2:00 in the afternoon
and finally at 3:30 p.m., the notification of the new administrative coordinator's
Manager ARQUIMEDES: Fernando please can have the meeting with the stationery
provider, I must go out and visit a client.
Assistant Fernando: Doctor Bueno, for when the program
Manager ARQUIMEDES: May they choose the time and day and excuse me.
Assistant Fernando: As you say, with this the agenda of the day ends.
Manager ARQUIMEDES: Perfect, thank you very much, you can retire.
Assistant Fernando: With pleasure doctor. With permission, I withdraw.

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