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Philosophy Statement

I believe that every student has their strengths, and if they build upon their individualized
strengths they will have the self-motivation and self-confidence that it takes to be successful.

Leaders H ip

Comm I tment

Acc Ommodating

Passionate- Every teacher must show interest in what he or she is teaching. If teachers do not
show interest and passion, how can we expect students to want to learn?

Leadership- A teacher must have leadership skills in order to properly manage their class. Even
though they are leading, it does not mean they are dictating.

Commitment- Teachers must be committed to every individual student. A teacher must never
give up on the success of any student.

Loving- A teacher must show care for his or her students. By showing care, positive student-
teacher relationships can be formed and the student will want to do well for their teacher.

Accommodating- No student is the same, therefore, it is necessary for teachers to make plans for
differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction is how teachers accommodate fair learning

Structured- Every day of class should be well organized so that students know what to expect
throughout their school day.

Optimistic-A teacher must stay positive and see the best in every student. A teacher has the
ability to set the tone for the entire classroom.

Patient- Although there will be times of frustration, I believe that teachers should remain calm
and never yell at their students. Instead, teachers should learn how to have meaningful
discussions with each student in order to discuss improvement for the future.

Helpful- It is important that the teacher help students with the subjects in which they struggle. If
students continue to struggle in a certain subject without help they will most often develop a
dislike for that subject.

Clarity- A teacher must be clear about what they expect from their students. Students should
establish a clear understanding of the classroom rules upon the first day of school.

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