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A good teacher does not bid you to enter the house of wisdom, but rather lead you to the

threshold of your own mind Khalil Gibran.

Philosophies of teaching
Learning is a continuous process throughout life, for students and teachers. Without the ability to question, reflect and evaluate ones learning, the process is superfluous, where learning is learnt by rote and therefore does not achieve self- actualisation. To be effective teachers, we must be active learners ourselves and constantly model this for our students. My personal TEACHING philosophies: Establishing a classroom environment centred on education and learning with an atmosphere based on mutual trust and respect. Setting high goals and maintaining high expectations of students and guaranteeing that I equip them to the best of my ability to ensure that they achieve those goals. Guiding and encouraging the students to become independent and self sufficient in order to prepare them for their future years of schooling and their future careers. Catering to each students individual needs to ensure that all are offered the same opportunity to learn and taking all measures to ensure that each child believes in the power of their own potential. Personal LEARNING philosophies: A student must be critically engaged in all classroom activities in order to achieve all outcomes and indicators. For students to grasp concepts in lessons taught they must be able to find the real life value in their work. Students can only perform the best of their ability if they are presented with a supportive learning environment. Students must always be presented with high expectations to succeed.

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