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Name of Student Teacher: Mahra Bahkeet Mohammed

School: Al Resalah International School of Science

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Mahra Bahkeet Mohammed Alrayhi.

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)
1- I Message strategy.

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
MST is using the I-Message strategy to encourage the students who are misbehaving to well
behave by saying that she likes how the other students are sitting and she would like if this child
sit like them.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
I used the I-Message strategy by singing: I like the way that Mariam is sitting can you sit like
the way she is. It engorged the other students to sit like that girl and they want me to say their
names. This way helped me to involve them with me and to avoid noises.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
By describing what happened and what went well and what need to be developed next time in
the reflection.

Grade Level: KG-2G Subject: English Learning Outcome (ADEC/MOE code and words):
Learning outcomes for letter “Bb”:

 K2. Create an illustration of

something they have learned or
 K2. Write and represent using a
variety of tools.
My learning outcomes:

1- The students will be able to recognize and form

the letter “Bb” independently.

2- Students will be able to name the vocabulary

related to the letter.
3- Students will be able to writ and pronounce the
sound “Bb”.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

1- Letter “B” printed in A4 paper + Plastic - The internet connection for the song.
eyes + Parts of the bear: Hands, Ears, Bear
legs, Nose and mouth.
2- Letter “B” printed in A4 size + Glue + Key vocabulary:
Pictures of things start with letter “B”.
Bat – Bear – Bell – Butterfly – Book- Bird.
3- Parts of letter “B” upper and lowercases
that are numbered from 1-10.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

In the circle time, I will do the morning routine by reading the holy Quran and Alduaa. Then,

change the date and the day and take attendance by choosing a helper hand to do that. After

that, I will remind the students about the classroom rules which are; Lips are zipped, Legs are

crossed, Eras are listening, hands are still, and eyes are watching. After that, I will apply a song

about letter “Bb” to engage the students and ask them to repeat the words that start with letter

“Bb” from the song. Then, I will hang the learning objectives of the lesson on the board and
Time: 10 min

read them with the students. After that, each group will line up and move to their groups (Red,

Green, Yellow), and I will explain for each group the activities before they go to their groups.

Active Engagement (group working with the teacher): The activity in the circle time.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Time: 15 min

Yellow group (English Area): Craft: They will have the picture of letter “B’ in A4 size and
the bears parts such as; (Nose, legs, plastic eyes, hands, and mouth) They will use the glue to

stick all the parts on letter “B” paper to create a bear which is starts with letter “B”.
Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Green group (Science Area): They will have letter “B” in A4 size. Also, they will have
pictures of animals that their names start with letter “B” such as; Bear, butterfly and bat.
They will use the glue to stick the pictures on the letter “B’ sheet.

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

Blue group (Math Area): They will have parts of letter “B” (Uppercase and lowercase), and
they will be numbered from 1-10. They should put the numbers in order from 1 to 10 to get
the right “Bb”.

Note: (Abdulrahman and Khalid are under the low level. I will let them do a specific
activity which is tracing on letter “B” by the marker first then by the cubes to show them
how to write).

Bring the students to the carpet by lining up and make a quick review by asking them to give
me words that start with the letter “B” and write it on the air.
5 min

Note: (The students are mixed in the groups (High, Middle and low levels), that will engage


them to help each other during the activities. The time is not enough to switch over the
groups in one period).

Walk around the students while they are working, check their work by the checklist and ask them to
writ the letter “Bb” on a paper to see if they are able to write or not.
Lesson plan 3 + Reflection: (Letter “Bb”)

What went well:

In the English lesson, they were listening and participating good with me. Most of

the students were able to give me words that start with letter “Bb” such as; Ball, Boy,

Bag which was great that they know how to think to find words. Moreover, in the

learning centers, they liked more the bear craft activity and I help them to put some

parts correctly. For the sorting activity, most of them did it correct even without help.

Khalid and Abdulrahman who are under the low level, they were able to trace on the

letter b and they colored it which is good.

Even better if:

Some of the students were misbehaving so for the next time to avoid misbehaving, I

will use the reinforcement strategy to encourage them to listen and well behave.

Moreover, the ordering activity, it well be better if I asked them to stick them on the

paper which will be easier for them to get the right shape of letter “Bb”.

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