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Australian International Academy, Kellyville


Choose 1 image created by Pawel Kuczynski and complete the following:

o What message is the satirist sending?

o Annotate the satirical images by identifying visual literacy features
o How do these visual literacy features work together to convey meaning

Model example of an annotated satirical image, identifying visual literacy features

Most Salient: Colour, lighting and

size make the F and the outdoors
most salient (stand out the most)

Vectors: The vertical lines created by

the F, the bars and the view outside
work together to draw our attention
to the key features of this image. It is
primarily through these elements that
meaning is conveyed

Gaze: Offer – the viewer contemplates what

the subject of the image is looking at. We
follow the F all the way up to the top and
realize the F is like a periscope on a
submarine. We realise by the bars that the
subject is in prison but we then see the door is
open. This reading path helps the viewer to
understand that the subject is trapped in the
world of social media despite having full
access to the real world and its experiences.

Year 7 ENGLISH 1

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