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Microsoft Office 365 OneNote presentation: Rubric

Powerpoint: 15 Points

Visual Design Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
The student had no evidence of danglers in slideshow. 1
The student had black page boarders on each slide. 1
The student had a page number in the footer on each slide. 1
The words on the slide do not exceed 25 words. 2

Content Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
The student included a slide explaining OneNote. 2
All images are relevant to the corresponding slide. 2
Every step mirrored a direct click. 2
The student thoroughly explained how to create a lesson plan
using Microsoft OneNote.



Gabrielle Lashley, Jordan DeVito, Stephen Bierly, Tyler Dorton-Beck, and John Porro
Microsoft Form: 10 Points

Visual Design Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
No danglers were present in questions. 1
The students didn’t use an obnoxious colored background. 1
The students used an easy to read font. 1
The students changed the background picture to fit the test. 2

Content Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
The students included 10 questions about OneNote. 1
Questions relate to the live demonstration portion. 1
The Images in the form are relevant to the questions. 1
Questions demonstrate Blooms taxonomy. 2



Gabrielle Lashley, Jordan DeVito, Stephen Bierly, Tyler Dorton-Beck, and John Porro
Screen Cast: 15 Points

Technical Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
The screencast flowed nicely without cutting out. 1
The audio was loud and clear for the viewers. 1
The Screen Cast had minimal to no lag. 1
The quality of the Screen Cast was clean and easy to see. 2

Content Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
The Screen Cast demonstrated how to properly login. 2
The Screen Cast showed how to use the drawing features. 2
The Screen Cast showed how to embed images and links. 2
It demonstrated how to use the LEARN method. 4



Gabrielle Lashley, Jordan DeVito, Stephen Bierly, Tyler Dorton-Beck, and John Porro
Handout: 10 Points

Visual Design Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
There were no danglers in the handout. 1
All images used were simple and relevant. 1
The font selection was simple and easy to read.
No text section in the handout exceeded 25 words. 2

Content Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
The handout included how to log in. 1
The handout included how to integrate. 1
The handout included a list of features to use in OneNote. 1
The handout accurately summarized of OneNote. 2



Gabrielle Lashley, Jordan DeVito, Stephen Bierly, Tyler Dorton-Beck, and John Porro
Live Demonstration: 50 Points

Content Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
The group discussed how to login to the program 5
The group talked about how to use features in OneNote. 5
The group discussed how to share notebooks
The group talked about how to integrate OneNote into more
situations than just creating lessons plans.

Group Co-operation Pts. Pts.

Max Earned
All group members were present and ready to present. 5
Group members seemed well prepared and confident. 5
Group transition from topic to topic was seamless. 5
All group members contributed to the project/deliverables. 10

Total: /100


Gabrielle Lashley, Jordan DeVito, Stephen Bierly, Tyler Dorton-Beck, and John Porro

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