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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

The graph below shows how prices of “high-tech gadgets” changed over time in Some

Write a report for a university tutor describing the information shown.

Write at least 150 words

The line graph outlines the selling price of two advanced products, namely
navigation systems and smart phones, in Some country between the last six
months of 2004 and the last six months of 2006. It can be clearly seen that
there is a considerable decrease seen in the pricing of navigation systems
compared to mobile phones.

In July-December of 2004, the overall price of navigation device was higher

than smart phones. The former started at nearly $4,000 USD while the
latter was sold at around $3,100 USD. In the next six months, both items were
priced at a lower value slipping to $3,300 and $2,800 USD (navigation systems
and phones respectively). The pricing for navigation systems continued to drop
to $3,100 USD in the following 6 months. Conversely, mobile phone prices went
up marginally by around $100 USD. In the first half of 2006, the pricing trend
changed for both products as navigation devices saw a rise to $3,400 USD while
phones dipped to $2,700 USD. By the end of the year 2006, both items were
sold at exactly the same price of $2,700 USD.

To sum up, it is evident that over the course of 2 years high tech gadgets
declined in price and the more expensive product suffered a more significant
price drop.

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