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Composition of Functions

Definition: For functions f and g, define f ◦ g, the composition of f and g by,

Math 140 Lecture 6 Write each function below as a composition
(f ◦exercises.
Study Practice Exam 1 and the recommended g)(x) = f (g(x)) f (g(x)) of two simpler functions,
Functions can be added and multiplied just like numbers. an outer function f and an inner function g.
DEFINITION. For functions f, g, define f +g, f - g, f.g, f /g Find the inner function first.
by Dom(f ◦ g) = {x ∈ dom(g)|g(x) ∈ dom(f )}
(f + g)(x) = f (x) +g(x), Note: (f +g)(x) is not (f +g).(x) `Write x 2 2 6 as a composition f g x .
Example: Suppose f (x) = x − 2 and g(x) = x2 .
(f - g)(x) = f (x)- g(x), The first is function application. x2 2 6 inner function g x x 2 2
(fg)(x) = f (x)g(x), „ outer function f x does what remains
(a) Find (f ◦ g) and (g ◦ f ).The second is multiplication.
(f /g)(x) = f (x)/g(x). x6 to be done. t
f x x6.
`If f (x) (f
= x◦-g)(x)
2, g(x)
= f=(g(x))
6, then
= f (x2 ) = x2 − 2 check: f g x f x2 2 x2 2 6.
(f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x) = (x- 2) + (6) = x + 4,
(f-g)(x) ◦ ff (x)
(g = )(x)-=g(x) = (x =
g(f (x)) - 2)
2) ==x(x
-−8,2)2 = x2 − 4x + 4 `Write 4 1x 3 as a composition f g x .
(fg)(x) = f (x)g(x)
***Note: (f ◦ =g)(x-2)(6)
6= (g ◦ f ) = 6x-12, 4 1x 3 inner function g x x
1 1
(f /g)(x) = f (x)/g(x) = (x-2)/6 = 6 x 3 . „ outer function f x does what remains
DEFINITION . For(ffunctions
(b) Find ◦ g)(2) andf and
(g ◦ g, define fog, the
f )(2). 4x 3 to be done. t
composition of f and g, by f x 4x 3.
(f ◦ g)(2) = f (g(2)) = f (22 ) = f (4) = 4 − 2 = 2 1 1
(fog)(x) = f (g(x)) check: f g x f x 4 x 3.
Apply g to (g ◦x.fGet
)(2) g(x).
= g(f Apply f to−g(x).
(2)) = g(2 Get f=(g(x)).
2) = g(0) 02 = 0
`Write x 1 as a composition.
f is the outer function; g is the inner function.
Example: For f (x) = 3x + 4 and g(x) = 5, find (f ◦ g) and (g ◦ f ). x 1
`Suppose f (x) = x-2 and g(x) = x2.
„ gx x 1
(a) Find fog(f ◦and
= f (g(x)) = f (5) = 3(5) + 4 = 19
(fog)(x) = f(g(x)) = f (x2) = x2-2. x f x x
(gof)(x) (g
= g(f(x)) 2 2 check: f g x f x 1 x 1.
◦ f )(x)= =
g(x-2) 4) ==5 x - 4x + 4.
Note that f og = gof. For composition, order matters. `Write x 4 x 2 1 as a composition.
(b) Example:
Find (fog)(2).For f and g below, note that x 4 x 2 1 x 2 2 x 2 1.
f (−3) ==x21,
Since (fog)(x) (−1) = =2,2f2-2
-2,f(fog)(2) (2)= =
(4) = 2, and
g x x2
(b’) Findg(−2)
(fog)(2) andg(−1)
= −1, (gof )(2)
= −2, directly
g(1) = without
−1, g(2) (fog)(x),
= 2.
f x x2 x 1
(fog)(2) = f(g(2)) = f(2 2) = f(4) = 4-2 = 2. check: f g x f x 2 x 4 x 2 1.
= g(f(2))
◦ g)(2)==g(2-2) = g(0)
f (g(2)) 02 =
= f=(2) = 0.
3, `Write x / 1 x as a composition of 2 functions.
`If h(x) = c, then h(8) = c, h(y) = c, h(x -1) = c, h(g(x)) = c. `Write 1/ 1 |x| as a composition of 3 functions.

(g ◦ f )(2) = g(f (2)) = g(3) = undefined, Ans h f g x , g x |x|, f x 1 x, h x 1/x

`For f (x) = 3x+4, g(x) = 5, find fog and gof.
f(g(x)) = f(5) = 3.5+4 = 19.
g(f(x)) =(fg(3x+4) = 5.= f (f (−1)) = f (2) = 3
◦ f )(−1) DEFINITION. id(x) = x is called the identity function.

Hence id(5) = 5, id(y) = y, id(x2-1) = x2-1, ... .

For f and g above, note that THEOREM. For any function f (x), foid = f and idof = f.
f(-3) = 1, f(-1) = 2, f(2) = 3, f(4) = 2, and PROOF. ( foid)(x) = f (id(x)) = f (x).
g(-2) = -1, g(-1) = -2, g(1) = -1, g(2) = 2. (idof )(x) = id(f (x)) = f (x).
(fog)(2) = f(g(2)) = f(2) = 3.
0 is the identity for addition, since f + 0 = 0 + f = f .
(gof)(2) = g(f(2)) = g(3) = undef. 1 is the identity for muliplication, f .1 = 1. f = f .
(fof)(-1) = f(f(-1)) = f(2) = 3.
id(x) is the identity for composition, since
1 1 1 1 x
`f x x ,ffx x 1/ x x
Example: f (x) = x + x1 . Find (f ◦ f ).

(f ◦ f )(x) = f (f (x)) = (x + x1 ) + ( x+1 1 ) = x + 1

x + x
x2 +1

Next we want to write a function as a composition of 2 simpler functions.

Example: Write (x2 + 2)6 as a composition f (g(x)).

(x2 + 2)6 has an inner function g(x) = x2 + 2.

Then the outer function f (x) does what remains to be done: f (x) = x6 .
Check: f (g(x)) = f (x2 + 2) = (x2 + 2)6 .

Example: Write 4 x1 + 3 as a composition f (g(x)).

4( x1 ) + 3 as inner function g(x) = x1 .

Then the outer function f (x) does what remains to be done: f (x) = 4x + 3.
Check: f (g(x)) = f ( x1 ) = 4( x1 ) + 3.

Example: Write x + 1 as a composition f (g(x)).

x + 1 has inner function g(x) = x + 1

So f (x) = x.

Check: f (g(x)) = f (x + 1) = x + 1.

Example: Write x4 + x2 + 1 as a composition.

x4 + x2 + 1 = (x2 )2 + x2 + 1. ⇒ g(x) = x2 ⇒ f (x) = x2 + x + 1.

Check: f (g(x)) = f (x2 ) = (x2 )2 + x2 + 2 = x4 + x2 + 1.

Example: Write 1+|x| as the composition of 3 functions h(f (g(x))).

1+|x| has inner function g(x) = |x|

(1+x) has inner function f (x) = 1 + x

Thus h(x) = x1 .

Check: h(f (g(x))) = h(f (|x|)) = h(1 + |x|) = 1+|x|

Theorem,y =y = f f (x)
-1 iff f (y) = x. Thus the graph of
(x) iff f (y) = x. Thus the graph of
y y= =
f f (x)
-1 is the graph of f (y) = x which is just the graph
(x) is the graph of f (y) = x which is just the graph
ofoff (x)
f (x) == y ywith
withx xand
andy yinterchanged.
Interchangingx x
st undo
must undo them
theminin and
and y reflects the plane around the majordiagonal
y reflects the plane around the major diagonaly =y =x.x.
1 1
isisf f 1g g 1x x. . Hence
Inverse Functions
THEOREM . The f -1f (x)
THEOREM . Thegraph
graphofofy =y = -1 is the reflection of the
(x) is the reflection of the
graph of −1y = f (x) across the
graph of y = f (x) across the major
Definition: f , the inverse of f , major
is diagonal if yany,
the function, y= =x.such
x. that
(f ◦ f −1 )(x) = x when f −1 (x) is defined and
function, draw
(f −1 ◦ f )(x)
the three graphs y = f (x),
(x),y =yf=
= xthe three graphs y = fwhen
x, is defined
y y= =f -1f (x)
-1 on the same coordinate system.
(x) on the same coordinate system.
Example: =f=
x33 = 2x, g(x) = x2
`f (x)(x)
`f ==-x
f -x 3
(g(x)) = f ( x2 ) = 2( x2 ) = x and g(f (x)) = g(2x) = 2x
2 = x. Thus, g(x) is
an inverse function of f (x). I can write f −1 (x) = g(x) = x2 .
DDEFINITION. f is 1-1 (“one-to-one”) iff
EFINITION. f is 1-1 (“one-to-one”) iff
y yimplies
=x = implies f (x) ==
f (x) f (y).
f (y).
f is 1-1 (”one-to-one”) ⇐⇒ x1 6= x2 implies f (x1 ) 6= f (x2 ).
`f (x) = 3x is
`f (x) =23x is 1-1 1-1 x = y ˆ
x=y ˆ 3x3x
== 3y3y
f (x)
Example: = f=
f (x) x(x)
2 = 3x is 1-1 1but
not =
1 -1-1but
= (-1)
but (-1) 121. 2.
=2 =
g(x) = x is not 1-1 since 1 6= −1 but (−1) = 1 . 2 2

. Thefollowing
v f has
v f has
Horizontal an inverse
an inverse
Line Test: If every horizontal line intersects the graph of a function f in at
f fispoint,
v vone
most is1-1
1-1the f is one-to-one.
v vnonohorizontal
`Which ofofthe
Which of following
the the functions
following has
has an inverse?
functions inverse?

T The first graph has an
HEOREM. The domain of f -1
-1 inverse and the second graph doesn’t.
. The domain of f isisthe
therangerangeofoff. f.The
f f -1isisthe
domainofoff .f .
1,1,b b 7,7,c c x.xTheorem:
Proof. The reflection faroundan the
. Proof. The reflection
The function has
around themajor
inverse diagonal
if and
major only if fwhich
is 1-1.
graphofoff ftotothe thegraph
graphofoff f -1alsoalsocarries
domain of f to the range of f and
-1 the range of f to the
domain y =offof
−1f to the range of f
f f-1(x)
.-1. ⇐⇒ f (y) = andx. the range of f to the
7 domain of
ncey y 2 .72 . Stated
Statedinin full,
full,the theinverse
compositionalinverse. inverse.
f −1 (x) forthe inverse
complicated in negation.
For addition, the inverse in negation.
(1)For multiplication,
x and y in ythe = finverse
(x), i.e. is
Switch write x = f (y).
(2) For
for y. After that theyou
can replace yreciprocal.
by f −1 (x).

Example: f (x) = x3 , find f −1 (x).

1 1
f (y) = x ⇐⇒ y 3 = x ⇐⇒ y = x3 ⇐⇒ f −1 (x) = x 3 .

***Note: f −1 (x) 6= (f (x))−1 .

f −1 (x) is the inverse of f (x) and (f (x))−1 = 1

f (x) is the reciprocal of f (x).

Example: f (x) = 2x+1
x−1 , find f −1 (x).

y = 2x+1
x = 2y+1
x(y − 1) = 2y + 1
xy − x = 2y + 1
xy − 2y = x + 1
y(x − 2) = x + 1
y = x−2

Now let’s look at how the graph of f is related to the graph of f −1 .

7 `If f (x) = x+3 then f -1(x) = x-3.
-1 = x. Thus the graph of y = f −1 (x) is the graph of f (y) = x
If g(x)
Since y = =f −1
x/2(x) then
⇐⇒ g f (y)(x) = 2x.
ction, if any,
whichIfis h(x)
just the
= graph h -1=
of f (x)
x then x2 for
(x)y=with x and y interchanged. Interchanging x and y reflects
x > 0.
the plane around the major diagonal y = x.
Note how the graph of f is related to the graph of f -1.
and g-1 h
-1 g
f f -1
u back x.
x & f -1(f (x)) = x

Theorem: The graph yof=yf -1

By the Theorem, f −1
=(x) iff(x)f (y)
is = x. reflection
the Thus the ofgraph of of y = f (x) across the
the graph
major diagonal
-1 y = x.
y = f (x) is the graph of f (y) = x which is just the graph
of f (x) = y with x and y interchanged. Interchanging x
and y The
st undo them inTheorem: reflects the of
domain plane
f −1 around the major
is the range diagonal
of f . The y =f −1
range of x. is the domain of f .
1 1
is f g x . Hence
THEOREM. The graph of y = f -1(x) is the reflection of the
graph of y = f (x) across the major diagonal y = x.

For each function, draw the three graphs y = f (x), y = x,

y = f -1(x) on the same coordinate system.
`f (x) = x3
`f (x) = -x 3

DEFINITION. f is 1-1 (“one-to-one”) iff

x = y implies f (x) = f (y).
`f (x) = 3x is 1-1 x = y ˆ 3x = 3y
f (x) = x 2 is not 1 = -1 but (-1) 2 = 12.
THEOREM. The following are equivalent:
v f has an inverse
v f is 1-1
v no horizontal line intersects its graph more than once.
`Which of the following functions has an inverse?


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