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CXC Mathematics General Proficiency Relations, Functions & Graphs

Topics are Examination Questions examples

1. Types of relations or mappings
A relation is link between two or more sets of
1. The relationship between relations and
functions W = {(1, 120), (2, 100), (3, 150), (4, 130)}
2. Functions notation
3. Domain and range The set of all first elements is called the domain of
the relation.
4. functions operations
The domain of W = {1, 2, 3, 4}
1. Ordered-Pair Numbers
2. Coordinate Geometry and Graphs The set of second elements is called the range of
the relation.
3. The equation of a straight line
4. Slopes (gradients). Finding the The range of W = {120, 100, 150, 130}
gradient of a line
5. Positive and Negative Slopes Another term for relation is mapping.
6. Slopes of parallel lines
7. Slopes of perpendicular lines Mapping the table above, the relation becomes:

8. Finding the y – intercept

9. Midpoint Formula
10. Length of a line (Distance Formula)
1. Linear equation and quadratic equation
2. Graph of linear equation
3. Graph of quadratic equation
VARIATIONS Types of relations or mappings
1. Direct variation
One – one mapping
2. Inverse variation
One element from the first set maps onto only one
element in the second set.


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Many – one mapping FUNCTIONS

one, two or many element(s) from the first set A function is a relation in which each element in
map(s) onto only one element in the second set. the domain is mapped onto one and only one
element in the range.

The domain of a function is the set of all the

allowable values that can be used as the input to
the function.
One – many mapping
The range of a function is the set of values that can
be obtained as the output of the function.
One element from the first set maps onto two or
more elements in the second set.
The relationship between a relation
and a function

Relation Function
One - one
Many - one
One - many
Many - many

Many – many mapping Function notation

Two or more elements from the first set map(s) The mathematical expression for a function can be
onto Two or more elements in the second set. written in various ways:

Example: I. f ( x)  2 x  3  function ‘f of x’.

II. y  2x  3  equation of graph.

III. x  2x  3  relation or mapping.

IV. {(1, 120), (2, 100), (3, 150), (4, 130)}

 set of ordered pairs.

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Functions operations (c) f ( 5)  ( 5) 2  3 ( 5)  1

= 25  15  1
I. Substitution  f (3)
= 9 Ans.
II. Inverse  f ( x)
The inverse of a function
III. Composite  fg(x) = f [g(x)]
The inverse of a function is found by interchanging
Substituting numbers in a function its range and domain. The domain of F becomes the
range of the inverse and the range of F becomes the
Examples: Substitutions domain of the inverse of F.

1. Given f ( x)  x 2  2 x, find the value of The inverse of a function f (x) is denoted as

f (3)
f ( x)
The inverse of a function is not always a function and
f ( x)  x  2 x
should be checked by the definition.

f (3) = (3) 2  2 (3)  3 for x E.g.

= 9+6
I. If f ( x )  x  3 
= 15 Ans. f 1
( x)  x  3

2. The function f is defined as:

II. If g ( x)  4 x 
f ( x )  x 2  3 x  1. x
g ( x) 
III. If f ( x)  2 x  7 
(a) f ( 2) x 7
f ( x) 
(b) f (1)
Step by step solution to find the inverse:
(c) f (5)
Replace y with f (x ) .
Interchange x and y.
(a) f ( 2)  2 2  3 ( 2)  1 = 4  6  1
Make y the subject of the equation.
= 9 Ans.
Replace f ( x ) with y.
(b) f ( 1)  ( 1)  3 ( 1)  1 =

1  3  1

=  3 Ans.

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Examples: The inverse of a function. 3x  1

3. Given that h : x  x  5
, for x ≠ -5,
1. If g ( x )  5 x  3, then find g 1 ( x ) then find:

Solution: (a) h 1 ( x )

Replacing y with g(x): g ( x)  5 x  3 (b) h 1 ( 4) .

interchange x and y: y  5x  3
x  5y  3
x  3  5y 3x  1 3x  1
(a) h( x )  ; y 
x  5 x  5
x 3 3y  1
y  x 
5 y  5
1 x 3 xy  5 x  3 y  1
Replacing g 1 ( x) with y: g ( x )  Ans.
5 x  1  3 y  xy

2. 5 x  1  y  3  x
5x  1
h 1 ( x )  y  ans.
(a) Determine the inverse of t ( x )  6  5 x .  3  x

(b) Hence, calculate the value of t 1 ( 2) . 5 ( 4)  1 20  1

(b) h 1 ( 4) = =
3 4 1
Solution: = − 21 ans.

(a) t 1 ( x )

t ( x)  6  5 x Composite functions

Replacing y with t(x): y  6  5x A composite function is a composition of two or

interchange x and y: x  6  5y more functions into a single function.
Making y the subject: 5y  6  x
f (x) g (x )  fg (x ) = f [g(x)].

6  x
y  In the composition f[g(x)], the domain of f is g(x).

1 6 x Step by step solution to find the composite:

Replacing t 1 ( x) with y: t ( x ) 
Ans. Write the second function as an input of the first

6  ( 2) 6  2 Then simplify.

(b) t 1 ( 2) = = =
5 5
5 Examples:

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1. Given f ( x)  3 x  2 and
g ( x)  x  5 , find fg (x ) :
fg (x ) = f  g (x) 
Ordered-Pair Numbers
= f  x  5 g(x) is domain of f(x)

= 3 x  5  2 An ordered-pair number is a pair of numbers that go

= 3 x  15  2 together. The numbers are written within a set of
parentheses and separated by a comma  x, y  .
= 3 x  17 Ans.

The pair (7, 4) is not the same as (4, 7) because of

2. If f ( x)  x 2  6 and g ( x)  2 x  1 , the different ordering. Sets of ordered-pair numbers
can represent relations or functions.

(a) ( g o f )( x ) The equation of a straight line. The

slope (gradient) and the y–intersect
(b) ( g o f )(3)

In coordinate geometry, the equation of a line can

be written in the form:
(a) ( g o f )( x ) = g  f (x)  f(x) is
y = mx + c
domain of g(x)

= 2  x 2  6  1 where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept.

= 2 x 2  12  1 E.g.
1 1
= 2 x 2  11 Ans. y  x 1  m = and c = −
2 2
(a) ( g o f )(3) = g  f (3)  f(x) is
Finding the gradient of a straight line
domain of g(x)

= 2 (3) 2  11
On the coordinate plane, the slant of a line is called
= 29 Ans. the slope or gradient.

vertical rise y 2  y1
Gradient m = horizontal shift =
x 2  x1


2. Given two points, P (0, –1) and Q (4, 1), on

the line, calculate the slope of the line.

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Solution: Slopes of perpendicular lines

y 2  y1 1  ( 1) 2 In the coordinate plane, two lines are

m = = 4  0
x 2  x1 4 perpendicular if the product of their slopes (m) is
equal to –1: m1  m 2   1
= ans.
5. The line y  x  1 is perpendicular to
Positive and Negative Slopes 2
the line y   2 x  1 .
The product of the two slopes is    2 = − 1
3. Calculate the gradient of the line passing 2
through the two points R(–2, 3) and
S(0, –1). Finding the y - intercept
I. The y-intercept is where the line intercepts
1  3 4 (meets) the y-axis.
m = 0  ( 2) =
II. The y-intercept can be calculated using the
= − 2 ans. formula:
The y-intercept of the line is –1. The slope is –2. c  y  mx
The equation of the line is: y = –2x – 1
Midpoint Formula
Slopes of parallel lines
Some coordinate geometry questions may require
In coordinate geometry, two lines are parallel if you to find the midpoint of line segments in the
their gradient (m) are equal: m1  m2 coordinate plane.

To find a point that is halfway between two given

Example: points, get the average of the x-values and the
average of the y-values.
1 The midpoint between the two points:
4. The line y  x  1 is parallel to the
1  x  x 2 y1  y 2 
line y  x  1 . Their slopes are both midpoint =  1 , 
2  2 2 
the same.

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Example: 1  4  3  5 
Midpoint =  ,  =
 2 2 
6. Find the midpoint of the line passing
through points A(1, 4) and B(5, 6) is 5 2
 , 
2 2
=  2.5, 1 ans.
 x  x 2 y1  y 2 
midpoint =  1 , 
 2 2 
1  5 4  6 
=  ,  =
 2 2 

 6 10 
 , 
2 2 
=  3, 5 ans.

Length of a line (Distance Formula)

The distance between the two points is:

Length =  x2  x1  
 y2  y1 


8. Find the distance between A(1, 1) and

B(3, 4)


The length of AB =  x2  x1  
 y2  y1 

=  3  1 2  4  1

= 3.61 units.

8. Find the midpoint of the two points A(1, -3)

and B(4, 5).


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9. M(3, 8) is the midpoint of the line AB. A has

the coordinates (-2, 3), Find the coordinates
of B.


Let the coordinates of B be (x, y)

2  x 3  y
Midpoint =  , 
 2 2 

Equating the formula to midpoint given

2  x 3  y
 ,  =  3, 8
 2 2 

2  x
Finding x = 3
2  x = 23
x = 6+2 = 8

3 y
Finding y = 8
3  y = 28
y = 16 − 3 = 13

 The coordinates of B is (8, 13) Ans.

10. Given the points P(4, 3) and Q(6, 9).

(a) Calculate the gradient of the line PQ.

(b) Determine the y-intercept.

(c) Write the equation of the line PQ.

(d) Calculate the midpoint and the length of the

line PQ.

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Solution: Solution:

P(4, 3) and Q(6, 9). 2 y  10 x  7

y 2  y1 9  3 6 10 x  7 7
(a) m = = 6 4 = y = = 5x 
x 2  x1 2 2 2

= 3 Ans.  m = 5 Ans.

(b) y-intercept (b) gradient , y-intercept and equation of the newline

c  y  mx  substitute the values In coordinate geometry, two lines are
parallel if their gradient (m) are equal:
Using the point P for x and y, and gradient m
m1  m2
c = 3  3  4 = 3  12
= −9 Ans. m1  m2 = 5 (gradient)

(c) line equation Using the point (2, 5) for x and y, and gradient m
y  3x  9 Ans. c = y  mx
= 5  5  2 = 5  10
4  6 3  9
(d) Midpoint =  ,  =  5 (y-intercept)
 2 2 

 10 12  Substituting m and c in the formula

=  , 
 2 2  y  3 x  9 (equation of the newline) Ans.

=  5, 6  Ans.

length = 6  4
 9  3

= 22  62 = 40

= 6.32 units Ans.

11. The equation of a straight line is given by:

2 y  10 x  7

(a) Determine the gradient of the line.

(b) State the equation of the line which is

parallel to 2 y  10 x  7 and passing
though the point (2, 5).

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GRAPHS The graph of a quadratic equation

Example: The graph of a quadratic equation

Linear equation and quadratic 1. Draw the graph of y = 2x2 for ≤ x ≤ 3, using
equation a scale of 1 cm to 1 unit on the x-axis and 1
cm to 5 units on the y-axis.
The general form of a linear equation is y = mx + c
The general form of a quadratic equation Working out the coordinates. Constructing the table of values.
is y = ax2 + bx + c
x –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
The graph of a linear equation y 18 8 2 0 2 8 18

Example: The graph of a linear equation Plotting the two points on the Cartesian plane and drawing a
curve passing through the points
1. Draw the line with equation y = 2x – 3 for
the domain 0  x  2 , using a scale of 1
cm to 1 unit on each axis.


Working out the coordinates

x = 0; y = 2(0) – 3 = – 3
x = 1; y = 2(1) – 3 = – 1
x = 2, y = 2(2) – 3 = 1
2. Draw the graph of y = x2 + 2, for – 4 ≤ x ≤ 4.
Plotting the two points From the graph, find: 

(a) the value of y when x = 1.5. 

(b) the values of x when y = 12. 

(c) the smallest value of y and the

corresponding value of x.


Working out the coordinates. Constructing the table of values.

x –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4

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y 18 11 6 3 2 3 6 11 18
Plotting the two points on the Cartesian plane and drawing a
curve passing through the points

Scale:  Direct variation

x-axis: 1 cm to 1 unit 
y-axis: 1 cm to 2 units Example: Direct variation

1. Given that y is directly proportional to the

cube root of x and that y = 18 when x = 2,

(a) Write the equation connecting y and


(b) Calculate the value of y when x =



(a) y  x
y = kx  use y = 18 when x = 2

18 = k (2)
18  2 = k
k = 9
From the graph, 
y = k x,  the equation is y  9 x ans.
(a) when x = 1.5, y is approximately equal to
4.3  (b) y  9x  use x = 125
y  9 (125) = 1125 ans.
(b) when y = 12, x is approximately equal to 3.2
or –3.2 
Inverse variation
(c) the smallest value of y is 2 and the
corresponding value of x is 0 Example: Inverse variation

The curves of the functions you have drawn so far 2. It is given that the force (F units) between
are called parabolas.  two particles is inversely proportional to the
square of the distance (x units) between

(a) Given that F = 4 when x = 3, find the

equation connecting F and x.

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(b) Calculate the value of F when x = 10 4

= Ans.
( 2) 2  16 4  16
k (b) g (  2)  = =
(a) F  2  use F = 4 when x = 3 2  2 2  2
k k  12
4   4 
32 9 4
k = 9 × 4 = 36 = 3 Ans.

 F  ans.
2. F and g are functions defined as:

f : x  3x 5
(b) F  2  use x = 10 2x 1
x g: x  , for x ≠ 1
1 x
F  = 0.36 ans. (a) Write an expression for gf  x 
10 2

(b) Determine the value of gf   1

Examination Question Examples
Solution :

(a) gf  x  = g  f (x ) 
1. The functions f and g are defined as:
f ( x) 
5x  1 2  3 x  5  1
, for x ≠ ½ = =
2x 1 1   3 x  5
x 2  16
g ( x)  , for x ≠ 2. 6 x  10  1
x  2
1  3x  5

Evaluate: 6 x  11
= 6  3x Ans.
(a) f (1)
6 ( 1)  11  6  11
(b) g (2) (b) gf   1 = =
6  3 ( 1) 6  3

 17
Solution: =
5 (1)  1 5  1
f (1)  =  ans.
(a) = = 9
2 (1)  1 2 1

4 3. Given that f : x  4  3 x and

3 g : x  x 2  1 , determine the value of:

(a) f  2
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(b) gf  2 

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(a) Write an expression for g 1 ( x )
(a) f  2 = 4  3 ( 2) = 4  6
= − 2 Ans. (b) Hence, determine g 1 ( 1) .

3x  2
(b) gf  2  = g   2  = (2)  1 = 4  1
(a) g(x ) 
1 x
= 5 Ans. 3x  2
y 
1 x
4. The equation of a straight line, t, is
5 x  y  14 . 3y  2
x 
1 y

(a) write this equation in the form x  x y  3y  2

y  mx  c .
x  2  3y  x y
(b) State the gradient of this line. x  2  y  3  x

x  2
(c) Another straight line, q, is parallel to l and g 1 ( x)  y  Ans.
 3  x
passes through the point (0, 1). Write down
the equation of this line.
1  2 3 3
(b) g 1 ( 1)  = = 
 3   1 2 2

(a) 5 x  y  14

y  14  5 x
6. The equation of a straight line, l, is
6x  2 y  1  0 .
The equation of the straight line, t, is y  14  5 x
ans. (a) Write this equation in the form
y  mx  c .
(b) y  mx  c  m=5
 The gradient of this line is  5 ans. (b) Another straight line, q, is parallel to l and
passes through the origin. Write down the
(c) In coordinate geometry, two lines are parallel if equation of this line.
their gradient (m) are equal: m1  m2
y  mx  c  substitute m =  5
(a) 6x  2 y  1  0
c = 1 [the point (0, 1)] 6x  1  2 y

 y  1 5 x . The line y  3 x is 6x  1 1
y  = 3x 
parallel to the line y  1 5 x . ans. 2 2
3x  2 The equation of a straight line, l, is y  3 x 
5. Given that g ( x )  1  x , for x ≠ 1. 2

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Solution: x ≈ 1.3 or  x  ≈ –2.3.

(b) In coordinate geometry, two lines are
parallel if their gradient (m) are equal: 8. By plotting the graph, solve the equation
m1  m2  x 2  6 x  9 = 0.

y  mx  c  substitute m = 0 and Solution:

c = 0 (origin)
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
 y  3 x . The line y  3 x is parallel to y –9 –4 –1 0 –1 –4 –9
the line y  3 x  . ans.

7. Solve the equation  x 2  x  3 = 0 by

drawing its graph for – 3 ≤  x  ≤ 2.


Draw the graph for y = x 2  x  3 for – 3 ≤  x  ≤


x –3 –2 –1 0 1 2
Notice that the graph does not cross the x-axis, but
touches the x-axis at  x = 3. This means that the
y 3 –1 –3 –3 –1 3
equation  x 2  6 x  9 = 0 has equal roots
of  x = 3.

9. Solve the equation x 2  4 x  8  = 0.


x –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1
y 8 5 4 5 8 13

The solution for the equation  x 2  x  3 can be
obtained by looking at the points where the graph
y =  x 2  x  3 cuts the x-axis (i.e. y = 0). The
graph  y =  x  x  3 , cuts the x-axis

at  x  ≈ 1.3 and  x ≈ – 2.3

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3. A straight line is drawn through the points A

(1, 1) and B (5, -2)

(a) Calculate the gradient of the line AB.

(b) Write your answer in the form: y = mx + c

(c) Write down the gradient of any line that is

perpendicular to AB.

(d) Determine the equation of the line which

passes through D (3, 2) and is perpendicular
to AB.

4. P is the point (2, 4) and Q is the point (6, 0).

Notice that the graph does not cross or touch the x-
axis. This means that the equation  x 2  4 x  8
(a) Calculate:
= 0 does not have any real roots.
(i) the gradient of PQ
Examination Questions (to do)
(ii) the midpoint of PQ
Attempt ALL questions. (iii) the length of the line PQ.
All working must be clearly shown.
(b) Determine the equation of the line PQ.

COORDINATE GEOMETRY (c) Another line, p, is parallel to t and passes

through the point (2, 3). Find the equation of
1. A line, t, passes through the point (0, 5) and the line.
has gradient - 2. Find the equation of the
line. 5. E is the point ( 2, 5) and F is the point
(2,  3). Find, by calculation,
2. A straight line passes the point P(- 3, 5) and
2 (a) the coordinates of G, the midpoint of EF
has the gradient of .
(b) the gradient of the line EF.
(a) Write down the equation of the line in the
form y  mx  c (c) Determine the equation of the line EF.

(b) Show that this line is parallel to the line

2x  3 y  0 .

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6. Given that C is the point (0, 11), D is the 9. In the diagram above, not drawn to scale,
point (8, 5) and O is the origin, AB is the straight line joining A( l, 9) and
B(3, 1).
(a) calculate:

(i) the coordinates of M, the midpoint of


(ii) the gradient of OM,

(iii) the length of the line CD.

(b) Write the equation of the line CD.

7. Given that G is the point (7, 3) and H is the

(a) Calculate the gradient of the line, AB.
point (5, 11).
(b) Determine the equation of the line, AB.
(a) Calculate:
(c) Write the coordinates of G, the point of
(i) the coordinates of the midpoint of intersection of AB and the y-axis.
(d) Write the equation of the line through O, the
(ii) the length of the line GH origin, that is perpendicular to AB.

(iii) the gradient of the line GH (e) Write the equation of the line through O that
is parallel to AB.
(b) State the equation of the line GH.
10. In ∆ JKL, the coordinates of the vertices are
8. Given that E is the point ( 1, 0) and F is J(0, 1), K(5, - 4) and L(7, 2).
the point (2, 6).
(a) Draw ∆ JKL on a sheet of graph paper using
(a) Find: a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on both
(i) the coordinates of the midpoint
(b) Determine the coordinates of M, the
(ii) the gradient. midpoint of KL.

(c) Show, by calculation, that JK = JL.

(b) Find the equation of the line EF.

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11. The equation of the line l is y = 4x + 5

13. The diagram, above, not drawn to scale,
(a) State the gradient of any line that is parallel
shows the line AB passing through the
to l.
points A(2, 1) and B(4,-3).
(b) Determine the equation of the line parallel
to l that passes through the point (2,  6)

(c) State the gradient of any line that is

perpendicular to l.

12. The diagram below shows the graph of a

straight line passing through the points A and B.


(i) Calculate the gradient of line AB,

(ii) Write down the equation of the line


(b) CD is a line parallel to AB and passes

(a) The equation of the line above is y = mx + c. through the origin.

(i) State the value of c. (i) Write down the equation of the line
(ii) Determine the value of m.
(ii) Calculate the gradient of a line
(iii) Determine the coordinates of the perpendicular to CD.
mid-point of the line segment AB.

(b) The point (-2, k ) lies on the line. Determine

the value of k .

(c) Determine the coordinates of the point of

intersection of the line y  x  2 and the
shown above
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14. Plot the point P as shown on the section of a (b) Showing your working clearly, calculate the
sheet of graph paper. length of AB.

(c) Calculate the gradient of AC.

(d) Find the equation of the line AC.

16. The amount a plumber charges for services

depends on the time taken to complete the
repairs plus a fixed charge.

Charges ($)

(a) Write down the coordinates of the point P.

(b) draw a line segment PQ through the point,

P, such that the gradient of PQ is .

15. The diagram, above, not drawn to scale,

shows the points A, B and C. Number (m) of minutes
The graph below shows the charges in
dollars (d) for repairs in terms of the number
of minutes (t) taken to complete the repairs.

(a) What was the charge for a plumbing job

which took 20 minutes?

(b) How many minutes were spent completing

repairs that cost:

(i) $38.00

(ii) $20.00?

(c) What is the amount of the fixed charge?

(a) State the coordinates of the points A, B and
C. (d) Calculate the gradient of the line.

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(d) Write down the equation of the line in terms

of d and t.
(e) Determine the length of time taken to RELATIONS
complete a job for which the charge was
$78.00 1. Complete each of the following relations:

17. The graph shows the relation between the
number (n) of units of electricity used and x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
the total cost (C) of an electricity bill.
3x  2 -2 7 13
Cost ($)

x → 2x 2  3 x  1

0 1

Number (n) of units

(a) Use the graph to find

(i) the cost of the bill if 300 units are x → Sin x

(ii) the number of units used when the
bill is $ 32.50.
(b) Given that the relation is C = pn + q, 45
(i) state the value of q and explain its
(ii) find the value of p and explain its 270
significance, 360 0

(iii) find the total cost of the bill if 1100

units are used.

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3. The arrow diagram below represents the
x → Cos1 x relation f : x  x 2  h , where
x  {natural numbers} and h is a positive
1.000 0 integer.
 0.707
Calculate the value of

(e) (a) h

(b) f (9)
x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
2 3
x -5.3 83.3 (c) of x when f (x) = 99

4. The relation below is represented by

2. The arrow diagram below represents the
g : x  2 x 3  k , where
relation f : x  2 x  c , where
x  {0, 1, 2, ... , 9, 10} x  {0, 1, 2, ... , 5} .

x → 2x 3  k

3 54
4 128
5 250

(a) Determine the value of k.

Calculate the value of (b) Find g (0)

(a) c (c) Calculate the value of x when h(x) = 8.

(b) f (7 )

(c) of x when f (x) = 13

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5. The relation below is represented by (i) f (5)

h : x  ax  b , where
x  {5, ..., 1, 2, ... , 5} (ii) f (1)

x -3 -2 -1 4. Given that f ( x)  9  x and

ax  b -2 1 4 g ( x )  x 2 , calculate

(a) f (3)

(a) Determine the values of a and b.

(b) g (4)

(b) Find h(5)

(c) fg ( 2)

(c) Calculate the value of x when h(x) =  7.

5. Given that, f ( x)  3 x  4 and
g ( x)  4 , calculate:
(a) g (25)
1. If f ( x)  2 x  3 ,
(b) g f (15)
(a) write an expression for f ( x)

(b) find the value of 6. Two functions, h and k, are defined as

h( x)  3 x  1 and k ( x )  x  2
(i) f ( 2)
(a) Derive an expression for
(ii) f ( 0)
(i) h k(x)
2. If g ( x )  5  2 x , (ii) ( hk ) 1 ( x ).
(a) write an expression for g ( x)
7. Given that f ( x)  x 2 and
(b) find the value of g ( x)  5 x  3

(i) g (2) (a) Calculate:

(ii) g 1
( 1) (i) f (2)
(ii) gf (2)

2x  7
3. Given that f : x  , (b) Write an expression for g 1 ( x).

(a) write an expression for f 1

( x) 8. Given that g ( x)  6  x and
h( x )  x 3
(b) find the value of
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f ( x)  x  5 , g ( x)  x 2 .
(a) h (3) 2

(b) h g ( 2) Evaluate

(c) g h ( 2). (a) g (3)  g ( 3)

(b) f -1(6)
9. Given that f : x  17  4 x , find
(c) fg(2)
(a) the value of f (x) .

(b) an expression for f 1

( x) . 14. f and g are functions defined as follows:
f :x  7x  4 and g ( x )  2 x
10. Given that g : x  4 x  3 , evaluate
(a) g ( 2)
(a) g (3)
(b) g (31)
(b) f (-2)
2x  3
11. Given that h( x)  , (c) f -1 (11)

find the value of 1

15. The function f : x  x 1
(i) h (6)
(a) Find the value of f (0)
(ii) h (7 )
(b) Find the value of x for which f (x) =  5
3x  2
12. If f ( x)  ,
x 16. The functions f and g are such that
2x  5
(a) find the value of f (4) f ( x)  and g ( x)  2 x  3
x  4

(b) calculate the value of x when f ( x )  4

Calculate the value of
(a) g (4)
(c) determine the value of f ( 4)
(b) f g (2)
(b) Write an expression for
(c) g -1(7)
(i) h g(x)

(ii) g -1(x). 17. The functions f and g are such that

x  2
f :x  3  x and g ( x )  x  5
13. The functions f and g are defined by
(a) Calculate the value of g (2)

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(a) Calculate the value of g (3)

(b) State the value of x for which g (x ) is
undefined (b) Find, in its simplest form
(c) Derive an expression for f g(x) (i) f ( x)

(d) Calculate the value of f -1(4) (ii) g 1 ( x )

(iii) fg (x )
18. Two functions, g and h, are defined as
2x  3 1
g :x  and h : x  (iv)  fg  1 ( x) .
x  4 x

(a) Calculate (c) Show that  fg  1 ( x) = g 1 f 1

( x) .

(i) the value of g(7)

(ii) the value of x for which g(x) = 6. GRAPHS

1. The graph below represents the function

(b) Derive an expression for
f ( x)  x 2  3 x  3
(i) h g(x)

(ii) g -1 (x)

19. f and g are functions defined as follows:

f : x  3x  5 and g ( x)  x

(a) Calculate the value of f (3)

(b) Write expressions for:

(i) f ( x)
(ii) g ( x)

(c) Hence, or otherwise, write an expression for Use the graph to determine
 gf  1 ( x)
(a) the value of f(x) when x = 2
(b) the value of f(x) when x =  1.5
20. The functions f and g are functions defined
x (c) the values of x for which f(x) = 0
as follows: f ( x)   1 and
g ( x)  2 x  1 (d) the minimum value of f(x)

(e) the value of x at which f(x) is a minimum.

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(f) the solution of x 2  3 x  3 = 5 (b) On the same axes as (a) above, draw the line
y = x for  2  x  5
(g) the interval on the domain for which f (x )
is less than  3. (c) Use your graphs to determine the solution of
the equation x 2  3 x  0
2. The diagram below shows the graph of the
function f ( x)  x 2  2 x  c for a  x  b .
4. Given that f ( x)  2 x 2  2 x  1 ,

(a) copy and complete the table below.

x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
f(x) 3 -1 11 23

(b) Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on

the x-axis and 1 cm to represent 5 units on
the f(x) axis, draw the graph of
f ( x)  2 x 2  2 x  1 for - 3 ≤ x ≤ 3.

Use the graph to determine (c) Use your graph to solve the equation
2 x 2  2x  1  0
(a) the value of c

(b) the values of x for which f(x) = 0 5. Given that y   x 2  3 x  2 , copy and
complete the table below.
(c) the values of x for which f(x) = 6
x 1 0 1 2 3 4
(d) the minimum value of f(x) f(x) 6 0 6
(e) the value of x at which f(x) is a minimum.
(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on
the x-axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on
(f) State the value of a and b.
the y-axis, draw the graph of
y   x 2  3 x  2 for  1  x  4
3. Given that y  x 2  3 x , copy and
complete the table below. (b) Using the graph, determine:

x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 (i) the maximum value of f(x)

y 4 0 -2 0 4 10
(ii) the value of x at which f(x) is a
(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on maximum.
the x-axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on
the y-axis, draw the graph of (c) (i) On the same axes as (a) above, draw
y  x 2  3 x for  2  x  5
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the line g ( x)   3 for

2  x  5 8. Given that y  2 x 2  9 x  4 , copy
and complete the table below.
(ii) use the graphs of f (x ) and g (x )
to find the roots of the equation x -3 -2 -1 0 2 4 6
 x2  3 x  1  0 . y 30 4 0 22

(a) Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on

6. Given that y   x 2  3 x  2 , copy and
the x-axis and 2 cm to represent 5 units on
complete the table below.
the y  axis, draw the graph of
y  2 x 2  9 x  4 for  2 ≤ x ≤ 6.
x 1 0 1 2 3 4
f(x) 6 0 6 (b) Use your graph to solve the equation
2 x 2  9 x  4  15
(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on
the x-axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on
9. Given that y  x 2  4 x , complete the
the y-axis, draw the graph of
table below.
y   x 2  3 x  2 for  1  x  4

(b) Using the graph, determine: x - l 0 1 2 3 4 5

y 5 -3 -4 0
(ii) the maximum value of f(x)
(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on
(ii) the value of x at which f(x) is a both axes, draw the graph of the function
maximum. y  x 2  4 x for  1  x  5 .

(c) On the same axes as (a) above, draw the line (b) (i) On the same axes used in (a)
g ( x )   3 for  2  x  5 above, draw the line y = 2.

(ii) State the x-coordinates of the two

7. Given that y  2 x 2  x  6 , copy and points at which the curve meets the line.
complete the table below.
(iii) Hence, write the equation whose roots
x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 are the x-coordinates stated in (b) (ii)
y -3 -6 -5 9
10. Given that y  2  cos x , copy and
(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on complete the table below.
the x-axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on
the y-axis, draw the graph of x 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180°
y  2 x 2  x  6 for - 2 ≤ x ≤ 3. y 1.1 1.5 2.5 3

(b) Use your graph to solve the equation (a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 30° on
2x 2  x  6  3 the x-axis, and 1 cm to represent 0.2 on the

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y-axis, draw the graph of y  2  cos x 12. The diagram below shows the graph of the
for 0°  x  180°. function f ( x)  x 2  3 x  10 .

(b) Using the graph, or otherwise, determine the

value of x for which 2  cos x  1.8

11. A stone is thrown from the top of a vertical

cliff. Its position during its flight is
represented by the equation
y  56  10 x  x 2 , where y metres is the
height of the stone above the sea and x
metres is its horizontal distance from the

(a) Solve the equation 0  56  10 x  x 2 (a) Determine the value of x for f ( x )  0

Some corresponding values of x and y are (b) What are the coordinates of the points A, B
given in the following table. and C?

x 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 3
y 56 80 72 13. Given that y  x , complete the table
(b) By considering the symmetry of the y values
in the table, state the value of x at which the
x - 2 - l 0 1 2 3
stone reaches its greatest height.
y - 0.5 0 4 13.5
(c) Use this value of x in the given equation to
calculate the greatest height reached. (a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on
x- axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on y-
(d) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 metre on the x- axis, draw the graph of the function
axis and 2 cm to represent 5 metres on the y- 1 3
y  x for  2  x  3 .
axis, draw the graph of 2
y  56  10 x  x 2 for values of x in the
(b) Using the graph
range 0 ≤ x ≤ 10 and values of y in the range
55 ≤ y ≤ 90. 1 3
(i) solve the equation x  4
(e) Use your graph to find how far the stone
(ii) determine the value of x for which
travels horizontally while its height is more
1 3
than 76 metres. x  4.

(c) Using the same axes and scales

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(i) draw the graph of y  2
1. The table below shows the corresponding
(ii) write down the coordinates of for p and r.
1 3
intersection of y  x and
2 p m 4 62.5
y  2.
r 0.2 2 n
14. The distance S, in metres, moved by a
Given that p varies directly as r3, calculate
particle from its starting point, time t the value of m and n.
seconds, is given by S  3t  t 2 .
2. Given that q varies directly as p, use the
(a) Complete the table below for values of p and q from the following table to
S  3t  t 2 . calculate the values of a and b.

t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 p 2 8 a
S 10 18 40 70 q 8 b 1.2

(b) Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on 3. Given that y varies inversely as x, use the
1 second on the time - axis and 1 cm to values of x and y from the following table to
represent 10 metres on distance - axis, draw calculate the value of a.
the graph of the function S  3t  t 2 for
0  x  8. x 2 32
y 8 a
(c) Using the graph estimate the distance
moved by the particle in 4.5 seconds.
4. The table below shows a relation of the
form y  kx 2  c , where k and c are

x 1 3 6
y 3 19 r

Calculate the value of r.

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5. The volume, V, of a gas varies inversely as

the pressure P, when the temperature is held

(a) Write an equation relating V and P.

(b) If V = 12.8 when P = 500, determine the

constant of variation.

(c) Calculate the value of V when P = 480

5. Given that p is proportional to q and that

p = 500 when q = 5,

(a) express p in terms of q.

(b) find the value of p when q = 3


(a) Given relation y  and that y = 5
when x = 6, calculate the value of k.

(b) Using y  and the value of k,

(i) the value of y when x = −2,

(ii) the values of x when y = 20.

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