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Lesson Plan in Grade 9

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Analyze sentences to arrive at the uses and structure of active and passive
 Utilize the correct tenses and word orders in changing active voice to passive
voice and vice versa
 Construct sentences in active and passive voice
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Active and Passive Voice
b. References

c. Materials
Powerpoint Presentation
Puzzle pieces

III. Procedure
a. Preliminary activities
The students will clean the room, and then the teacher will check the attendance

b. Motivational activity

Give questions to the students. The students must answer the question by using
the things they have inside their bags. For example the answer to the question is
“Subject”. The students must present seven things from their bag that starts with
the letters S-U-B-J-E-C-T. (Sim-Umbrella-Ballpen-Jug-English notebook- Cap-

1. It is a 7-letter word.It is a person or thing that is being discussed, described,
or dealt with in sentence.
Clue: a sentence is composed of a __________ and a predicate
Answer: Subject
2. It is a 4-letter word. It isa a part of speech. It is a word that expresses an
action or a state of being.
Answer: Verb
3. It is a 6-letter word. It could be a person or thing to which a specified action or
feeling is directed.
Clue: it may come in two forms: direct and indirect.
Answer: Object

This way, the students will recall the three important parts of an active/passive

c. Discussion

The teacher will initiate an interactive discussion with the students. She will
prepare puzzle pieces containing one sentence in active voice and one sentence in
passive voice. The students will match the puzzle pieces until they come up with
the two sentences. The students will analyze the two sentences’ structure they will
determine first the subject, the verb and the object in the sentence, then analyze
their differences.

The discussion will focus first on the active voice. The teacher will give three
more sentences in active voice, and then the student will come up with a
generalization about the structure of the active voice.

After that, the teacher will introduce the Passive Voice. By observing the first two
sentences, the students will try to move the puzzle pieces from the active voice to
the passive voice. the teacher will give three more sentences, now in the passive
voice, the students will move the puzzle pieces from the passive voice to the
active voice.

d. Exercise
The teacher will give 10 sentences on the board. First, the students will determine
if the sentence is in the active voice or passive voice. They will raise the red card
if it is active and blue card if it is passive. After determining whether the sentence
is in active or passive voice, the students will now try to change the sentences
from active to passive and vice versa.

e. Dyad Exercise
The students will be asked to find a partner. They will discuss on how they could
promote justice and equality in our country. They will construct a paragraph
containing three (3) Active voice and three (3) Passive voice.

f. Group activity
The group will need to create an informational campaign on how they could
promote, develop or create awareness on the following:
Group 1: Peace and order
Group 2: Education
Group 3: Culture
Group 4: Information in social media
Group 5: Tourism (its more fun in the Philippines)
Group 6: Patriotism

They could start their presentation by presenting the problems we are facing
regarding the topic, followed by their solution on how they could promote and
develop the topic assigned to them.

The students must submit a written copy of their informational campaign. It

should include at least five (5) Active voice and five (5) passive voice. Their
presentation should be in 3-5 minutes per group.

Note: The teacher will first show a video of an informational campaign as an


g. Evaluation
A 30-item test will be given to evaluate the students’ learning

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