You are on page 1of 280

qlqlQrnqs aarqo


Qota er6r

"6''6'' eatqG" GgG'1q'c" o66otQo" ae8toegl I

qq6rfl6rn" Olfiq'rGG" ey6 qer6 ea o16ol G'G'ts l"

- fllfl Gl6lQG, 6q1016110l

otflqe fio
qrfll alQqalc'c
ad8, Qlflqq flo
Qeeetec ot6i
6JaG6,Q0-93q oo9
60lq - (o99U) 9N{l 9o9l-, gxcn oo8c
Email :

qdeq q'a6o

qafl : QCI-6Il
eqei geefgd : Qe.ol-.eoQY
qlqq c8len1
Q ooo

€[6],{ - 6.. Co.oo

Qqorc OGa. so.6'106' qlqq
{/NT, 016flq0 Qlg6ll
6Je6CqA-98Q oo9


: Published by Ramakrishna Math, Vivekananda
M*g, Bhubaniswar - 2; L" Edition, 4e Reprint on
17h-August2OL4; Price : (. Ninety only'
91019il'GO At6rldtc'
6os'qonrq6eln, eeQ oardqoq t{el6o gsto
6Qldq CIo ctQ I 6at6G6A6$ 6q q,g9l 6Q66O { arflg oat
oqe{6n; {6a q6gt6'e aqqtco 6q qatd ooraa6 I { Etflg
aar G'qB 6,a6R 6ntec'o edeeq eee ctd, e'r6e r qa 6eeeo
ore'o eooiqq aat a6, Grer qfls qoq r rj 6ee qn qdq qO
6flre 6arLl 6qfir 60, eq d'sqag oar cqaG r

9Q AtStQ, Qr[loU
fl1, orqeao e'e-fl6atq6'aoAo r sQ arocer Geeo
arflercc'e sQ e6eooq qad eoq r q1q1otflqq aatqc atflo
xQ qoc e6eeoq r

e 0lnq0 eflor arotdrorerqor

acoe qlqpq t
aro6r6"Q q6c aqfi qStG'6161

Thanks ! 100000 Master ! You have hit Ramakristo in

the right point. Few alas, few understand him !!
Antpore,r 26 March 1889.
My heart leaps in joy-and it is a wonder that I do
not go mad when I find any body thoroughly launched into
the midst of the doctrine which is to shower peace on Earth
October 1897, clo Lals Hansaraj, Rawlpindi
Dear M., Cest bon mon ami-Now you are doing just
the thing. Come out man. No sleeping all life, Time is flying
Bravo, that is the way.
Many many thanks for your publication. Only I am
afraid it will not pay its way in a pamphlet form...Never
mind-pay or no pay. Let it see the blaze of day-light. You
will have many blessings on you and many more curses-
l. Antpore is a village in the Hughly district, the birthplace of
Premananda. The Swamiji and many of his fellow disciples were at this
time staying as guests at the house of Swami Premananda (Baburam).
'r4qtQ qal alq c'qol ql6a6' 1' (Thatis alwaysthe way
of the world, sir.) This is the time
Dehara Dun, 24th NoV' 1897
"My dear M., many thanks for your second leaflet'
It is indeld wonderful. The move is quite original and
,"r., was the life of a great teacher brought before the
public untarnished by the writer's mind as you are doing'
larrgrrage also is beyond all praise-so fresh, so pointed
and witial so plain and easy. I cannot express in adequate
terms how I hive enjoyed them. I am really in a transport
*tr"n I read them. Stt*g., isdt ? Our Teacher and Lord
*u, ,o original and each one of us will have to be original
or nothingll now understand why none of us attempted his
life before. It has been reserved for you-this great work.
He is with you evidently. With love and namaskar, yours in
the Lord'
"P. S.-Socratic Dialogues are Plato all over' You
are entirely hidden. Moreover, the dramatic part is infinitely
beautifi.rl. Everybody likes it, here or in the West'"
Srijut Girish Chandra Ghosh in a letter dated2}rd
If my humble opinion goes for anything
March 1 909 says -''
I not only fuliy endorse the opinion of the great Swamy
(vivekananda), uot uaa in a loud voice that Kathamrita has
b""r rny ,.ry during my protracted illness for the
last three years. ...You deserve the gratitude of the whole
human race to the end of daYs."
Swami Ramakrishnananda (Sasi Maharaj), Belur
Math, then at the Madras Math, in a letter dated 27th
October 1904 says-"You have left whole humanity in
J"Ut UV publishing these invaluable pages fraught with the
best wisdom of the greatest Avatar of God'"
' <gt8x*r8n')
6r6AtC qlQt0qq60oc'qotq qs6sqG 6)t61aG1
eror 'qrqtertaqq oarqo' qsao Qota etroer gafl q"qQ66)
e,qei qoejger gar6o 6e6u I qrfll eeltca <Q qaaGq. qn
eernrqo6at G)tEt66t aAato aO oQcrretorq"a oarej RRqt6or6tl
ea'ta6'6 t

q1q1orflqq eatqo eeirrrn qetc'lo gra qfls gurc,

0ro166l aq6o 6ete a6'ta eoQa qa6l6o o66o r gQerra
G6'qra,lt6r6l 0 CIoglg,G Oa6,e6r sQ elet6 Qeog alo6 6ao
eerfr aro6r qo 6qro r

<Q o6sr160 q.q6r6t6l gar6a6a eoaiorec ee6ot6t

o6a6, cqfltoGa aacotao alurQa aa6 ord'q1o6atac"
6aee6t alea areda grdcl oqq I

qflgG6t 6,6'lrit6t 6ee-{q,t dereteroc 6o6,ee ata6a

qrdor r

Q9 Aqq 9oQU get6le
o66ea Gss qql
gaet e6egqa flOoeq oqslcs qff6a Q

Qom ofreoqo fiOaea ags qff6a Qo

qgs c6eaqa s6aeo aec qg6 CIoc qtr6a

grarn@qa {e 6et ts {Q Qal, eqa-
'er etgQt etqQt' e9
eAei aree6 6qra-aqal etG g
oqamt{iq -qll1a qas eY

e,aa ofieoqaea qmn@

olsln qq6 oec qs6e ql8
Eq auaf;'oea gdrqat fi6qlt!€64 glalflqs xsl
qgfl ofiesqasa aqrqdar (qfrra q6ol) 8o

aqfl QqGa toB gtgqfi la6a q1arfl qg

6eaqg colqtnl gq6s qQ s6aloeae' ae
oafi 6edas oe atgcCI-'oflqO oG'oalefl.' 98
Qdfl orqa qmnqg ofrsoqe etetfiAaea
ooarcs egea-o66glg,
afiluoQ g fi?lqqc'aG'el To

o8eeqaeo GSfilG's qtr6a

o|qa qlalflqg re
Qt06 o6eaqaso qgqff qmlfl@
aeetrflm'a qff64 ggm e6e-qad g
Qtq'tced qo 6ot c9
q6smfl 6qqs ep6a g sae€164 glolfiqg QQo

eeda o€eeqe a6oeo qAqsl

qlalnqS agfllG'6' qtr6CI Qeo
o66gc' 6sg qEr

oso6r ffq@ otfloqG' eGotea

qlQtflqq oQfltac Qqq)

6srq6 ofreerqaeo ooc qcrco-or6a eto gq6 ex9

qga6 odeerqer gOereo Qtgltn'r, Qtq, fltq6t,
aQat qq6a qcr66r Q9o

aqtocr ofieoqei flOaeQ QIGIG-I, fltq6r,

a6nrn qq6f, q6r60 ?9e
ee6'6r o6eerqer a6etea aeorqtO CIsfltoc" qcr6a ?99
6"6r ofieetqaeo a6atn gq6 orootoa qcr6o eTU
s6,Q"6r orqa qlatflqe o8eetqer sOoea
6)t6ltQ, 6rtfl, 6Gq, Aa]Q, fllqQ,
oQat gq6 ooa' qcrc6l ecql
qr6'cr ofieerqereo gtdqq, nteer gq6
O0fll6'c'q6r66rl 9o9
gear6'cr o6eetqeteei Otatflqq -
onqrddt qcr g Qouqcer otgt e9q)
oq6'o orqo Olotaqe o8eetqo s0asa,
e6qrqa 6ooeer, 6eorr$"1;l
l#;" esrc

0g6"6r qlqa q6oqc" €tolto6a flcQtaa euc

EGQ"6I orqo Ololflqe o6eetqer fl6oe6l
q66]q, Glq'G'la, 6l16l16r, Qlq, qlq6l,
aljo q6lo Gl06'q6r66l 999
q1g16rlflqg 6n-='alqc
qafl oa6go
odeerqa nFaeer oocllc'c qcrset
qaeer t ai6
oteo qlotrlqe odeelqera6ereeraosloc
er6eter qlod qql 96oo, ec aoq errgl qlqla t c'6iala
sorrotnG qflfl661 ql6'la alqqnl I olqo 6Q ac 6a6rl I olqa
qrarflqq fld gqla olaal oeer 6&q Qqra oqaG t 6qta
oeer-edgla fiallq qflo-6q Gl6' fl6Q 6A16' fi6 A066l
eQaG t <Q qaaeo fllqci atQ gota G'66l I 66ost oco GIG'

qQo eeq'te qa6'66r aal 6aalq Rl6nt t

6eateQtolgllc''6o fl o qg Geatoer erat

qlotflqq (oreere 96)
- 6q'6, aqlc'g-o'Qotsel
u'gl*'"e,e.,aia6 r alqslolgll6n aeG '6QltQcl.' aarq'eieoQ
oafltfll t' sQq 6aol8alo1 qeqlqlfllG'G"61 flo, q"qlQ1 0860
{ flG Oq Aed I qq o 86ttota6, aao 'e[ 6QaQ eqQ 6Sa
o6rotqt' -{Ql 6od eq'taol66l ? 6aolSalq'19ll6G' ao6, atclt
6fig I qsig8st, otoqdq {qq al1lo e6}oQ aoalo adoteel
orQL.oeq' ."e,6fltfl cfila$ aq 6oaol6a r qai 6laq
creer e6Q, atot6l6r 66 e,Goreer orQ" r qe6edlo
o6 ogelen, Ei.'61'-aajrq alal6laq I 6oca 6q oQfl Gto,
o'e. old6a eqoa Qat 66llal ot<, 69 qflsc qdeer ged r

olo 0 q6q-fllgl f,'l oal

"6S'ri80'{ a6fltR 6lqaa t 'ei.cJ@'{ Qal aq"aq"
o6s qo 6Qtaot{ t ata 'cf 6'E' { Qat cq. aq. eq eq6 eo
6eraot{ | co 6aaa a6Q, 'ei olol', 'ei otot' sq ont 6qa
orot 6ataol{ I G\61" q,Qerq q{ -'cj oteer ctg eg'a6, egta
q6 oro Qa6, G's'G'G,46' ?"
e 010lflqq ealflo
Olotflqg(fltqa6)-"66'6l, 69lt oc6't CI1611 616llo

eqla6 r qg'* 60 ene16, Glo 6oQ CI181 616110 I { AA6 fllfll

ar Qar ?
qrqo aad od o ot6 qq aQen
e.'Qee Oer I

qlorflqq-fltat atatq e,e6 e'td ? Qlol-911, QIQ-

6ta6l, ql-qq, ooe,l-ol6e't, qqat-Qatett, <Qoq alQ1a6'
qO ooor r ata oat ua-aeeleo 69fl I 69tt6r {616'l e'a6l
6eer, flrar er q'ot ? qg 6S 6flto aq6'adelnt I aqo 6qal
cdetnr-ar6'6o an o6eta aqelfit t ata sqQo6 eoseer ot0
Ral 6oael6r r {60 or0 eoaelnt 60, 6'E aooq ola 661166l
6tq 6oarq oraqfr t 69 eoter agc' Gqat a6alnt-edflto
eq 66 (e'e.r) ota66l 6clt cto6't 0a qaer r 69 eaeY erqg
aQorq fr6 t 6s e'Q qfre ?"
qqs aruroso 6eat eoet-Gqgoeo qqatocic
6a gae'r 6 66ereeen oeato qlqo auoog 6qq s
qlqa aeorfl aq arQ oeqen 0 o6rflQ'q6oe6 o1fre qetto
o6 arqo qa6 a6a I 6qflt6o oot66fi, "atodl 6o0 ao6 t"
otqei eQen, "d 6q'q CIe 46, 6oGG' 6clt gaeo 66<
oq esra6 qg6, otot qa6'64 edletQ Gat fld aqatoa
een crd '" r

a?a6't6r6o afiee'Q"q'erQct eoet-Qqee oat o6nt t

6rerroqe-ej Q'aerQRtg Gaqetq oraelfr I

ororca.reroqro 6'66r crfica o60 6oal6 eoqfr I 6rcrt oCI I

6qflt6G'66e eqra graaG I {ot66l ol6ll61Q, eqoteer 646,

{ot66i qq q6\ eqra erfr sq6 r am ofraa aeet eoo6
eoqG, o60 6q q1 crQ" r (oreag) atgt, <qter aei oaet,
oQn eoq r (nreo qq aQsn) r

"6,'616,16r, orero aeieerorgr 6CI161 46, otet otqe6erq

q{ r q"qr6l, gr6lqal {qq or6org q< t

e. qoa (oro oro'qg') erre glqtoa qtc'otgrodre o6eoqo

armoOoeo gra eor6< ed ooaq'qeoaae 6qot o6qen t qedeo
qQa crca Q6r6'r I
gafl oa6QG" qc a6q errqt
'a16,r e6r oeer eoqfr eo, 6qol60 Fll Q'qerQctG"
Asflon OelreRroe6r aqerrQo r arQoire or6erq q< r

"rj aee 6qqo orae1fr r etarG'61 eeel oOer aq aG r

6qot6e o6ao1G'o qd aG, 6'tn q{fll r flOe qq66a qaq

q6orao r (areera gG) argr, 6ot6iot6a eotffee (Aooer)
6ro', orefr, erQ"6 qe o ? ri o er6 a etfr 6CI, q166'uG,flt6fi'
qqar ocro 6a6e org aoron OaG r are 60t6t6l1 ot6t60 6fito
CIra-qflr{ 6anr, eqoriqe 6qq eoe erd r areeoee eqQ
60r6a1 ors166r qqar oeic 6eRr-aqr odla r"
oaa 9698gr-or6Qo € flErorooo 6\at
6q6o6a6nq ara qq oofltsc arQ qG oraa6 r etqnCI
erre,6qe 0 qs aaraOnr raeereqa6 60, fltqqerlQ"aroego
eq'tae6 r 6q o6tfle"q6q,q,$ q6atalG, aO 6,QeR, "atffit !

arqq erI69 eeer 6,0 Gro r"

qlorflqq-aa6 6'16r, q$-9861 eoEurerero uei r

oQae'e 00160 aG 6CI, erearo 66'q oroetar; or'ar6eo oaer

erC erqelen r 69 arqeter e66,6''rao aaqg | 6eq ale6 a6R
d qergasr eorro aG r

"q1flG ao oe r ara Gt'6r gr' Ee6rqooc,G'l 6a6o CIR

orae{6n t q6 eoQ q1fl6o eaeo Qoo r ar6er ord'aetrerrq
66,4 O|AQ6R I

"6'66r e'rq6ar o6tfr oo, 6r6a6'16'q,6ic otaRt I 6q

6466'CIa or6l6n, 66,'6c qot aen t 69 6l'6r atoQ6't atfl ata
6rfir G'rQ r 6qQ ArO QtB 6taAtq q{ I 6AAA1C'61 6,t6lt6lt6l60
Bqq6, 61 6f oq 6r o o ga.l 01 el6 a ?G'61 od n ean ; 69 e er er oq
r I I r r r r

qO eanr G'rQ r"

-6rfr arer6r6rqaO atd6 ? 6oe G 6CI6o 6'&teo
qa r 6a?sr erfrOc,r a6q gnl r

q10 tflqq 6,'61 G,t6l, gtQqu acier eorrs r e agi' eaeo

0c eoro aG, eoeur6ter a6erq q{ I e.,66 a6t o6nqte oRt I

oro qq orfrerRr; 69 aor atq oR ea,nr erd r (ooaaer erer)

qde'6,o nri qnr, orero 6CIr6r r
x qlQrsqe aarqc
orqe-eoei q'to6 ger 6eel, otq,t eo6a ala ea-loQ
ar0a a ar{ r

qlQlflqq-6040 q69861 OlQl 6Q€r, AO0 8lG' g

er6er.4qeir 6l6e I 6q
"dqril 6o6a6e6n 0orer qed I 6G'Eo,
olqaqtoGct eoeo 6oo t 69 seo Qgq'e6t flat 6qfll6c'a66)
esen e60at Q6ltQ alq,r6 r GqqtaG o6 gr0t. eqolce'o6
oo ara'r6 t
qflrU n6oea-cqrq6e'q 0 s,6oq6'a at6fic
sQ qaaecl o6aq o 6qnra €tctuta alQ ao0o 6q6n I

6qora 600ra 6rrarG6r o6n-erraq66q I o6rfle'q6aG,otg

'arrq66q' eerfr aeG I c,6oqG'o aaq ota6 r 6.<. oqa'6 I

flGee q€66r, 6e6sos er6ero 6e, ocre e.'6orq arq6 r

6qfir6G,gota e6 ao6g 6q,6n I oefle"qcoa 6,6oq6

6116' oraatq aqcatu e'66'r I oaa oCa or{ea orqqar6<
qqenr r c,6oq eaQ orqqor6 ec,a orercr qei er6e,tqRrGeR r

qfl6s sag,Qeer 6roec" argqerderQen-qO 0 canto qo

Q6'r6rQr-64606A6A 61G 6Qa I

qtaroqe(ccoqg)-6061 ata eqo6 erea adl
oerq66'q-qd eqra eQ6, soq6a q{ elQ"r (aaacer
arar) qdqa r

qrerraqo(aqlq66qc' gO) 69 areiorO r

auq66'q-6qflt6o oog866a e.'ar eQelen I

Olorflqq-d o16ro, 6Ja6aa {flr6G' qflrtt 060 (3pra

arQelen-aor eorei oersr Qo ord'eqflleo aar aQqen r

o60q o1o arQe{ 6.'66'l-

"qo,1" 6e, qoer e1o err6 qOa6set r

ar6,c aclo616o aOee qoo atat66l I ..... eolt0"

'arcc, afJc6l6o' <Q oar ag c aqq olqo Olatoqq
6A10 qqr{6a oflq 6Q66'r I Atq066r Aei eOro eQa6 r

r I
qdrdqer 6ae aeo atooflalc' 61oqt6a6o 6flq
gafl o66gq" Qc a6q errql
caraorao6 I G'rQtislc {atcanca erd t 6tqto eq6 6 nrd r

qcelc,r Geaselot r 6grdo oO eQa'G t eoo6 < eiteq at6

eaei'orq s,lfrotaa6 t

qGoteo fitocl aotg-BlG'l g o@a q6oo
qor.l CIGr 6qn'rt I <er qdq 6'6oq qlolflqqg
6o6t os oqto ad qdOera alaolq otfr otaa6 I 6qol66rl
et6,6r clgtcla aae atqa66l qdata6r fllnl QIGGQ uO eQaG I

Grc q6r6o osoq aatetat aelaG I {661 oel 6oer oereid

6nt16, I qlotflqq qflUoGr oGQ 618?ll6'G' algq gQato e66r I

6aq6n a6CIq atetG I 6laq 6'lqqot oQ erQ6'(G" o18616l qscg

crG' arqq 0qet aee.' tea otQ" srQa6 r

qlatsqq-fia.i erh ota6; <ee oQRl ala oal I

(arrogeq o aG.ltG'tt oroorce' qO) 6ot0c al66llo 6'61,

qflflraGo flal atc'c eq'e t 6otec c aaG-66'aa ala6l6l g
Qeso t Qgatq6 eoeo a6e, fiqQaolco 6q6G fl6 ea'e t

aqlos6q-afraot al?q 6060 atQG,, al610lq eq66

?6oa 0e; ata Gt6l1 atqq eoeo 0q, afraotg eq66 96aa
olatflqq-q1flcl 6066 qq6' Alqq al6aa6n, 6q6G
aua qqf; 6oa6] 60 olaqGn I fiqaG algQ 6060 Al66lQG"
6q66 GtG'otsQ atect6 6Qa I 6'41 6066' oqg 6e,e,q ol<,
qa10-616'1 6q6G6461 6q',6l0l{ I

"st6l 6oeer sat6< Ooq ererr aqal{ t ot'oseo aq

qqaq r eq qdq't q-qqo6o 6l6Q I ero 6oeer eqto eett6s
Oerq qed, qato-o6't q{ I Q6q, 6'16o, G'168, ol{ I 6lQ 6'lG'
qQo 6ntq aderq QR ot{-6a6GGG'6n gdeer, 6a6GGa66)
g60, 66,6o64cf,'' a6o-eoo6 6'e flrlco aoo 'qqqc'lqq
'gq6J stqq q< t (atav)
e 010lflqq aalflo
qGorce g qGotenaal-gq g atovto6 a6oo
"816.r q?S ar6erqered I aoQ CIoatc-seQqdrqd,
q6i66flrc CIoata r 69 eqor gg e et6 a6oo-60 q6otac,
eq Q" q6orac,fla1 t eoo6 fl6er eau6r o a6; fl6Q ee.!t6a
aQen Q oSqgtr<, fl6 oQen eettOsqqtts t a6qa alQen
a6e ealr6ag ort6 q< ord-eelt6g e ott6en a6q orQ q<
G'IQ I '
'' { 6, q6q' tG'o, etGeaoeo ao ta{6CIo 6c'6J 6't at 6}0
- -
'6q o qeo Q" 66r ot6rt r' eosioteer arrir (gQ, 06, qna)
eqQorea er6 r 69 en Oer Aen 6 G''G',-oQGr, gqqq 6a6a
flal Ge r sqQ qGorec d atoqror6-O{ qQ-06-gna
ner6 r eood aqrq66q-6o6o6a6e edlsrQ atrje eQG ctQ",
6q6G6G,6e 0<, ar€r aqto.66q qot eqs'6, 6q6oca6e gu Q<
ata 4.1o,66'q arqqr6q'aG' ol6q otero6, 6q6G6aGQ au eqQ
aq rq66'q- 6aG'$ aotq6s6tfl t "
aqro.66'q-argr d r

qlorflqe ti {A 6,at 6a6ra 6qqq aQetfr

- I

aqrc.68q- 6a6a 6qq qqlela, 6qgl8l6r, 6q c'lg qlrl

Aq6 t

qloruqq (aoa 96)-avtq6sq Gflt6o etcrs aQG

6e6a 6qqa 6qorq CIetq t

aqro.66'q-argr, ato6l 0so, eoelco A atQ aadt

a66 ?

qrerraqe(Qero eara)-G*6fl sat otd' ntqqt6aac'

ot6q oreor6r, ara cj 6a6a eaq 6aeq olei orOQ e'rd r
6q fiqa 6er e'ea t qdcrsr a6o; q6fl oet qe, 'aqer-qtat-
are-aerq'- 60 fiqo, eq d <Qqq 6ra6.6q eqtaa6 t

6'6AqC' et6r6Q
- ArG'Gfl 16r o ei6eOrSrO Afleg
<qr aQ orqo aotq oq aaei-qei etaotq otfrGeR t

aqro.66q 0 aaqraq crofl166' o66r eQ G'tG"6l gouofla

qafl 066g0, Qc aoq eTrsl
golsr 6,q88 qQo {A
cqaG r fltqQ ot6' qQG sQ AIOOIq aao-
arQen I QAO-
ererorg Alq6Q
qd ererorea c6og et6'6rtc qQo eateteir aqqsn I otqo
Olarqqq Gr6rG, a'taet 6tfr ge mtoQot6t o6t6, 6'?6, "G'6lG
qqaq-qer, edeooq {qqqco qn-6aQn q-qegoq6at
oder da6a6q; ata'ei 6qQ' t"
qtoraqe(aetat)-e,ad GQ I qfl6r aad qg aat
eea6 t
eeaq(qetqr)-araer 6aco aa6l aat ea'a6-'Rat'
tear'6,ar r

qlorflqq (oator)-69 qc'sts' ata qato6 qc t

qo,ffira eoei'orq, qo'rei6 au eeQotg 6G'Qot{ I or6oa eeel

qQ6. Oa I

6,6oq-'G,tgl etd ata gt6'' 6g't66r, 6q' fll' 6fl16G' ol6e

o6' r (areoc gO) 6Q'€1S, erfrne'q (Hamilton) sa oGfr-
eRe1a6, "A learned ignorance is the end of Philosophy and
the beginning of religion."
(areoe'gG)-sata fll6c'oad 6a ?
o66rq-o6eorq o8l 66lE 6466'l flASq O6O slqf
cereflr{ r 6q6o6a6e ueio ateia q< t

qlorflqq (ea eA)-auq q I aqtq q t (ooaeo

q6'qt qfltctoeo edq6
66 qna 6atc floq
o6e q6,9t 6aot atoq a{Qt"6t
orfreren r c6oq fiai Qota 6G'6e I een o0 atQRt I q6'ql
6afir r fl06r er6or6ea at6RtQ ac't eqa6 I etnlo6l a
Qqoerer gae'6 qcral o6n6a aeiOaq 6eta G'tQ'1 o aeer q6
egaG; 619 ora atn6 g otqoGo ertQctelc 6oto 6oatq
eee r ofieoqo qtoatal qaaqo-etQl Qto66r eQ, eaQ eq
q6r6e-q6ot q6erq arQa6 I 6qflt6o a6' ao6o Qoeret
nqa6 0 qqfl66,'6,ret 6tin qtn'q qfllcldl GqaG'aO cO Oteo
r o1alflqq aalflc'
flrqa 6069tot aso.a166e.'Fo 66rlgala eoqo'6 I Gqalq9{6
eaQ aeootqo 6erettn, oEG'616tOe'no1freer oaolacl aela6 t

o6rar6' qlalqqq ou oflfl alaqlq eterto6ic e6e tq Rt6eR t

qoqt 6Q6lt I alqa qq cala QatqRt I oQflQ'q6q'6'G

o66r Otql alQ goto ot6 qett 6q'al I {66 qlQ6l
6eG'a utc,6, oq6a Qqoer g atmR6oereel atn6 al6la 6Qal I

oqr, oq gq6 aqo E 6le11o 6oto a6etq nt6en-fltJo
6g16r-alGrdt, 9t66r orqea Q"enancrOc'1 66rl I

qtada qer 96oo r 66< 060 oq aci'en I qqq glcrdl

0 aq,qto-Oo qoord qefl c'q6oeleel qtQo eqRl I {661
ee'qrqtqde6r CIt616ra1 qfrn eoo6 6a6G alcoea qetQo
eqa6 t

qs'qt 066lolqo qlalflqq GGel6'lS cflqlQ o6, qtooth

eoa q6UG QCa I 6'E flalco a6oa 6o6'6oG'1G aQ, ge
gptoca 86, 6rt6't OlflSqG.A 06, fl|',8le1G'6'l 46, eltUtqeG"et
aQ r qflq Goact6 6qfllG'Gcr alfl ae,l6lo aO e.'d 6q 96119l
aga6 t ata agaG, "qg-alfll-CI6alq; ol6aG'-CI8-o6alq;
gg-cr6; er6-q3; 6G'q', qal6l, o8; 611ol, 6loq1 I 61616l1610,
61061616'; G'r{e", Qt{Q'; gq- qg ei oa, q6fl oa1 t aoqtO t

orrr 066r aa eotQ Goelolccl 6at aqa6 t

qa ot6e,o oo q6"1l6l9l66r aoqlc' flal66l 6l6rlqe6o

qeqcfi r 6ris atq''6 qdet 060 6qfll6c'octflQ'q6aa6'fi6o
q6fl q6a arQ oqa6 I o6iflq'qcaG'6lG'6o aoQe I fllqo,
aue, 666ttot aoqt0 o6e qq66a eQaG t

s'6oq6l 6e6o q6l

qtaraqe(ogG" g0) -6'6Qq, OQG'la, 6'tl61lGt, {€ll6G'
qfl6g 6oqQe, aqo6ol61 I {fllcc6l 6et aO ae,6el6'16r I

6q,qc', acoq arer6q 6 6oalo eea ctd t eflt qcrca

aqrq66'qo errQea olaEal-aqlo.66'q Qfi 6'l6ll6Q oQelq
aQnr-sq s'tdnt 6 ald I 69l16r Q aeogt ere6 ntd I ala olQl
Gt66r, oret qal eca otd-aten denrac ol66a aQ qfr6 eo
a6oq <eo 6qto I 9ltCIl69llg crQ"-eoo6 ealoQ e6'R ctd I

qafl c66gq} ec aoq QI-Tfl c

6RGloQt6o, {66 66c'Ao-4Q6, Qetq ade etQ"taeerg ata
CIeq'ta, <Q ga aoe'6oeer olQl 6fle-eood q1-qqs I

a6eg 6ad1 atcq etd t eq aci I 6G'611 atQen ci Qqn q< r

Qora odego
o6eerqa s6aea ogc qtr6a
orqa glorqqq 6at6 6e6eo eQ flot6 6oea ate
cqa6 r orQ qra r6't 6eq' I fllqe g ot6'a G'6d eq a6e'q
oee eQeG r arG eqrflelCI 9o a6q, Qrrfl qtq'd qqt Qetat t
ar6arfr {ot6e etecll e?6, Qtfitft gta ae6-
66'66,6G,66, auo6 060 ote og6 t c6Qg, QQG'la, auQ,
eeerfl, ergr, cre6ar?6', fltqe qq6 qto gO qgta6a
arQararG r

qeCI orqaco a6c'a eaet e6elea r eraiea zqa

catoqaro q8 orqo gq6Go r6o6le66 ooqlqaatfl etstds
qto6o ar6 q,o6 ec't eoaa6-qoac'ot6qoolaalq I 6Q€'l
qflCIco otqo 6qot6o aoOo a AGGr t oro6 egt6{ qt6'GtQ
ar6e6-orqg eQelen, "<orotd'sqtR( qtG' Gtc at66',
CIoflr6e 016 Oeeq' r"
flrqeca eqe6erge"o qto <erto ed eaat sqlQeatcl
eq'ta6 r ara 6ere eG erer6 I GtGe filat, Qtct, QtQ, oa$1
qfl6g aa6 r 6q cqfltc$ 6gq fiflot eoG g Gqfltaq"CI 6qal
ao6 r or6e oaq tr /tc I ogatcc atQ eQnt fltgse otqa
aerr6q erqrden r flrq6r qq6 oaea qfre eeta qdta oGft I
otqo6"o Retr6 aora Oarerar I 6q 6at6'ee6eo eQaG g eat
e.,qa6 r

qtoraqe(areere. qG)-etat6 6oeo attn eqe1fr I

arOfr, 6c€'6' s6r6{ qo aaor egr o ara 66 qed, eoel on
atGat 6,tQ I 6q CIQ oo,aa 6ogtQ Qae, 6e6G'g{ I q6 alea;
6< et Q.rG',6,661, arerGl q'r arG'eGQ t
qrqo-arsr d r aro6r oQaG 6o, 6q dete, Gqq {qq
egraaG 60 arc a6a 6q au sqQ
- r

qlorfiqq-ara 6q 6'aaraea o GG see erdt6q dto

aQta6a 6o6a 6'aflo 6?B r q6fl aad Qg8 ?
Qota o6eaq', 9o a6q, QTTfl ee

FrEo-argr, atoctf, A060'ri'erd, eoqso6 ega6 r

eod'oreo 'rro erd, 6qor6a <Qod g< r

qlatgrqq-69 'ff e,re, 6qG'e' <

6ee, oQer on r

egdoree'qiqgerrir cq6' 6etLJ, 6qor6o'fioro, qeo gq'

{ ere qq oa r qq eotoraG, eoq 6qaq-6qae CItc'co
QQ6tt Q 06'l I

(o6enroeq 6sr-gg ocieo nso-rls' eoro)

fl6eflree oe'qg ea6 otet q6ior 6er eer6 r otqo ctg
nsq eO ego6 r

qlatflqq-qg atat6G'q rqg 6oeo 6nro erd'r eoo6

a6o ee1dQ os erd r 6o6G' o6eo 6q ag esraa6 I qe,
e6,s, ocr8 <Q 66geroOa 6sJo rFaieo oO unr oer oeto6a
ue,r eoelde r oO erfras oera6a erfr soer0e r o0 entos
oeraOa enl eoerCIe I qg-qe, eG,8, oae 66 q6o aolo I

6q 60 e 'd, c1d6e o0 g{ erd r ee q'taqe a6ro r eeG ee6

cG orer qrQ e6e, ara eod'or66r atG'o, orer dqg r

"66rG{ eorre qtat atQ6, 6e66,G,6t qgtaqq Cnrq

qQo erero aeo eQG r <eer <Q oc'qt g oto qfleoqr Qasrec
Gear er66' soqaG 6qrl6o eaq 6gG erd-ccrr6q
oergaG, e{ e'6r 6ote G'e ? 6q6o6c'6n eq 66{ eQeaa
eg6, cr r ara c'dq 6asro oerqaG, e{ e, 'd 6oto 6'e ? 6q
gO eq6, cr rara edq6a6ra oetqa6, e{ e'61 6oto ae ?
eo q6 eg6, er r 66960 or'o qrotq nel eO os,r66n, e<
6ore ae ? 6q6o6a6e eq d cQnr erd, 6 er 6 cQnl etd-
6e€'e 6G< qqQ eG e; oQnr I 6q6o6a6s qcrc,aqtfltce
q8en 60 6q 6 or'o qrfl1 r 6o6o6a6e 0q 0q Egslc',
6q6O6A66,qq r"
qqercr qEro ed'eq
gtoroqe(o6c g0)
-argr,r[ c'rd6 <eo ear eg6 r
fl6-aroo eoo6 eQa6, orGnr 6aeo o0 q6 nul
q6 osg 6o6e ara aso esY eq oq q{ I aoc'a e6oRq eeer
orei'aroo ear egaG r
Ie qlotnqq ealqc
otqQ flrqac qQc Qt6'ot flgtdtflc aat ega6 I

qlotflqq-qq 6nro6l 6oQ gare atd ? ea crerGq

aq 0{ clg-aqoG''{g 466l ata I G'ftG6l66t 0tQ8, atqto {06l
qota-q.(o cee-ej unsrr eQO r 6rqoGor6o 0e,. oO eten
6aor6)66r oroo6g crd-erer6e. qar ae 6s e'td t

"aqq 6nre6r q$ CI6r qed r 6qrnr6,G Oas'q go6a

erQerqq< ! 6oq G'Ere orfre,rqgx r (n6c q6) aao G,ga ?"
a6-atmt, aatq q6r6o fic6'r onq 6Q areq r 6G6a
atoet eQaG, G'16161 aar aa6r r

qlatflqs-6sQ t
n6-cq FaTeer aro 66q eofr 6o6R fr6or< r

6o6o6a66' 6aT ora q,ra 6ere G6n, 6q6e6G,6n aa6'1 6ra8r{

oare 6066l nu GG g< crd'r aoficra eorQ aq 6ereor{ r

otqa fitqaa aq" edergc oar as,rqeG r

flrqe-aroerg eq o6ie oderqarQa6 rorG"e egOc

eenr oq6earer eera6 r

q10rfiqq-q6fl aad sq8 ?

nree-GG eerG ardoQcfi o6a r 6o6a oe6r or6rocl6r1,
6,ror-fr'-{flre6'e Eq 646'r eoG t

qrornqe(aerav)-e''rd6 ee ? q6n 60 'osrqecr

eogger' 6qG'r I q6fl 6,1 q'qtQl ar e6og I oR gsd'r orer
arqr o661 6,6d qqs ar'6,-qr6ar6'S eca 6eor6 arar6,
ara arercr oesr oQ qq. qq. aO gagr e'ro6 6edr 6sre
eQararG r 6066'6e6n6c'6n oo 6eaqora a6rqarB 6aG r

gl6nronr6c e6rq ore6 nrd'; eeq OnrnrcG' qror 6Etflr6s'

oQ oorG, coeqog or6aro r 6q G$tq6l go 6to odeoo
free r 6q 6q6o6oen arQ aerqotq ga $o eQGu6; <6G
flrg qqs6'6r 6,rfi r 6oq era eqra6 '6,srqoer eogqo' r

"q6fl {066 6 CO-6qO66 6 ner r 6'lqQ6'0100960

fla oq q"qtoo otriq ae r are 6o6G6G,66' .(6,t eQq',
6q6O66'6$ OQe OroCrrQ Qt e6Onqe6Otq0-
xeq 066' r"
Qeta o6eeq', 9 6qq66rlo errfl Qq

o16 gta o6tG't 646't eGiate, qe't crmn6ereo eeloetd't

flrqe olfl otetdc'qcrco oal aqaqga6fl 6rttlte'l8a o06r,
066r gil' elfiG n6erqola 96191 6'6R I e'q a06, qladQ qql
Qotar-qtcTdt, nOootd uG qaa eoelt otaG t

otqoc' ooq eo6 atQ stqo 6oqcn olqo 6la6'lq

eqa6 t ofrotqq eera eQen I 6loq fld661 66< qGo olaq
ara 660 go 6to QG I 6Gs 066l gllEcr 0 Glf;cl aq olqas
goro eG 6otg qeo 6'66l I at6 cfreet eo60ee t
qq-deu qeua-qe'{ eal
otqa qlotetqq qdo66o oeereate 6e6e6r
GIG'o eoQ
oQ n6e'oQo 6qoeo aal cqa6 t n6 oen eQaG t at6
qgQrQ, 9 6qq66AQ errfl, olg fllq qq,l sq1 I q8ql qla
qr6Q qlo6l I

Olatnqq-eq6c ofioot stfr tstQea ola ola eoqfi.

aq e6*o oqgQ-qflsa'o ese6el I alclcs eos' old'
e6lqe6 ! qflgc'o fia atfret-alu6'661 I 6G6q' e'cd 946'61
eoqfraeig€-4q06'algqRc uG t

n6-atG'ctfr Soe'6et atgd eQstQG t a'coe'fllag

aqaod e6erg fitQ 66rle6er 6ntq argq arg6 na sta6;
6oq aota eq6 t

qlotnqq-6qfl16'f;o fiqo6 qas6o cto Q'6t ?

fl6 -Gqfllee 00reto6'la1 I

qde,ar-qlorflqqsa ggtsls'aG'gl6a a6oa o6lc' I

(Q"eQe, Gg, aer6,el6 (Depressed Classes), oq, 6.rc',

6et, qg-odqoeo <o e6e'eq c'il)
flolflqq-alflQ {0166l fid 6alQ glG OQ8 I
66 qeta 946'61 qq 6qlo eQaG I olqo sao 6c
qgmroo aeat edRt e,qaG t

qlatnqq-ri6ee eoq6, <e' s6ocq, UGQQ I qa6el

6o6ra6a, aq'6q flAsq, 6raa3 erQa6-6qfllcc' 6oeo
EU qlorerqq earqc
q'tqflr6a 6 as6, e"6e6', AqRfltG', d 6ee, Re'to6at, qgo
qd e'esr orGar Aqnel6'eto6o sett6s orq6 (srraet at6),
6qel6o ouo oQG r eqQ atq6q orto at6 Elelsfi Aeteo 66s
66< eea6nr, ti 6 66s atqto ofr t
"ara 6eR eoertace-6qr, qg g uaaqere, at6 atct
gatQ siloc't 6,G!s qq oa8 r aorq ooq fiG'lQl GtlglQ ola
eerrG< a66sr oQ ag atqto a6u
-eoo6 6qt nt f,ra 6ata
og G6o a66t a6o arqra aRr r Qqr, sJg-qq atqlo ant I
6O6tA66l 60, qq{Q-A6OQ' l"
grdoooco ede-orgo 6,6r aeora
qroraqe(n8q qG)-q6 a6o 6o6ta6n 60, {ot6e
c,qaB aa6-otqiq', 6e' 66lra r 6o6e6a66,arnGo 66r-oqr
erG agelnt, 6Qr6o66,6n eerOo Bro aooq a0 orrqn eaa
6q'ro oG orqe1fr, 'ar66r, q6n qq 6< eod'oreo aB atar I
qnflrcg 6oqar orei'eo ri ae'os eea6 r'
"argr, 6cro {qqoeie 6ggeo qfla G'6r g166,q{ ?"
n6-aroo ora'o 6nrqe sre t-x66 qG6, aroo
fle, 6q oa1 r 6'1aflrc6 eoo6 6q G$6o ooro 6ar6 e6o6,
69 aroo6 eq 6e' srocer erQa6 r

qlatflqq-argr, ere'er osq, odo oeo eeQqrir g< r

fl8 -estisrrec qo'ra6 oreT6, 6ErFu6€, flqoao

coqarq ereTG ard r

florflqq-6G'mg{ ere,or qdaqeo o69 el6lr, 6o6J

seo.4qrir coqarqor6d rsee q6 eraor eQ6, 'qere1 qrg6r
q6r6o Eio'o 6ar e6e l'96 e6e, 'ejsre,rqg eQ gaq<Qog
66s 6aro6 r' (o6co acerau)
(oaor) "6q <QagearGgar{, ara ejgqaQar{ r"
(nqor-aeero ooa qes6o Lno6n g<-{qdr o
flfi-arso eg ao eQaG 60, qeeo {qriq 6oqere
ered.crd r eo 6Jeeo, 6q flqog 66rore 0n60 caqarq
ored r qa6er flqo gere-oao gaG, ala og eq. gae-
Qora o6eeo, 9 6qq66'ae QTrfi eB
66rs6e oo d gae-oao ga6, ara flqo eE ga6-aejrq
ooG'ol6t6e nqo 6atg egrograrG r

qlotflqe-eso6 0q qerirroo 6oso qrir r ee qole

actatqce 6oqq{-atqeRQ ors crd-q.,er" oqo qQ qx I

oo gld'CIoq'tcae c6lfl ot6', 6q'teot{ qeri'q or,6, 6.'a

oo otsq arq6 r
qsd q5 gq 6eto eQaG r

oO-orq6, soq ooic old6 qoq c 6q,e-oO soq

erqoq g{, { e'qte arq6 aaot-ato6t clc g og {a r 6qqg
odc qo' fic6e 6ee6, {e" Ql.qtee eq sQ ae1o, aceo sos,i
ssa6 r

glotnqq-{ae eoq6, qflo qq a6ol eeru eqra6 r

atgt, qte'et 6o0 cQn r

n6-eq eor6v qotoo 66lt6.' ! ( aror)

flotnqq-at6't, 6qt q6t6e ata otete efin a6 t
q6-atsl cr I

flatflqq-e6"loQ eeqs"q6 q6r60 ?

fl6-alsl cl tato6t6.e gncr nrdr
qornqe(oeror)-a6gr oa q6a t
fl6-atgt ct I

qlotflqe-e6lBs gatoo oa a6-otq 6aq ecQ 6Q

oreo crd r

fl6-atst, aloctg GQoro aora erd I atoetg 60

6060 g€e,eo 6q6o aee 6ee I
flA qq eera orga6, olqe 'qeriuoa 6G,6'o qri,ri ara
'a6gr oa' seg aat otet ee6n, {qte ctgl aao aaoto ?
{QtQG,tgtaad G'Q6116,t ? O|QOead aaolQ t eogoteionrcg
6oqq,r ord errqn eero eerOe aro6e Oar eeio erqelen
'ar6e, q6fl qg Qq eeabree aa arq r,
q6'19 o6ceo
ofieoqa n6oeo acc'gq6 ooc qcrco
glorfrqg6'6r {G, 6et tg {G'G'al, flqo-
'el e,tqot elqot'
qlotflqq arm nOoeer eaQ qdo66o oea eats 6eGeo
eQaG r Elgrarq aq,6,r oefltcc" qQe'eat ega6 I GIGQ atQt6t
eera ore6 r qna 66t6t{ gac't Gaa I

arG o6ero, c 6eosc'a6r QTTst, atg Aqt qgfl1 I oo

o8161661 6lr6re, flrqe, oon oQaG I flqo Qtgl6rl6t, qlqo
orfl q,rer6, qlqa ete'crt flGeo nGeo atqaG o ega6 I Qoc
q1q@ ag nfiocsr e6s,to eqtautc oo6 t otqos oO oo6
e nGeo nQeo arQ ode no6 t otqo otG'qQo nal oqa6 r

ere'c oqa6, og nfioc ofroe'r 060 6'1G'aqc'0 olgl 6ea I

ooe-aroog CIerq6ea I carfltec eQ ootaa6, aclo

6a orgr see r

qlorflqq-Glqee,6flte Oeto agt aG tatqt !fl$eq

aO qqorecr Qs6 oto 6,1{ !
e,6$ ae-arsr d t

qlorflqq-ffo 6re 6lcr 6q atqqq6o atQsts t (oee

qO) orq6, ar6eo oQCI6 t

61GC-66'64 O 6Aq Ofi Aal I

orn orer6 gq6 aeae6'ooa ss,t6 aat sotfien t

oo6,-ogarqe. oo-Oeico qnro noa ee,rd egra6 r

eqelord'6661 o11611 gnq6\ oQsra6 r arh onr 6ea r qfl6g

eQ eQeo, eo eca6 oret6 argq arh orfrOe I

-QoQ at6 e,teR t -6ee 6l6cl ?
QG6,-Ot, A6d OqAl{ I

oo-aad 6616r{ edlon a6-eroo orqot aE I

q1orfl qq eaei' orqolca aoaras Rr6r 6'Gr ro r{, GqQ

orqal d e,rqot r 'et erqot olo*el !'
qolg o66Qo, C 6qq66AQ eTTqt e9
or6e. qtuc, (3 q1atflqq6'a qetcot€'
oarortir orfr6 vQ qflgco 66,60 e'd e6lq'1 ogcate oo
6oo9 arQ orqerg q6tfl a6n g atqc qad 066'r I cqfltca.
flatco 6'66 otqoc. qcio66o I {flt6c og qth,l6, ao6-
ouflate qtuo I orqo zerivtal, cqfltc'G.a qflg ore qGe6 r

serflrcc' flaJce eeo uei 6'tfl66r otolo6l6l co6; olar au

q6a6 r eqQ eq6 e'eo G,g6nt6]6"o ota6 Quor qQo ae6u
goa oGaG 0 Llfi croeo orq. qQo ouqate qruc o6rG, sel
nu g6oG r

gtatnqqc.o aletcote I q6c'{o Qtcnlag gr, 6orfr

e,roG-eeaqr ori,{e !-o6teo16.o eol6s eer16< ep ee,lfr
e,ro6 r

qroroqo(oorar)-aoetco ecabreer r crm6q"o

eq6n arQelnr-ala 6'66t 6 Qtr-(nreo qq6c q6)
ao6'roo 0 ot6o 6gqRlee.o CItGt an6l I 6flto qatcote I

at6qa 6,tqflt6e, gq 6qta eQsG, eldeo ea1oQ aar

6'la I

qdaaluefiEoao ol6e' qluet

flotflqq-6910 qetcotc't aontoo {ot66t arQ sGeo
n€eo agEnt I qq at6l6l 0v r eflro q6tcotc,q6 sooea Gq
oO oQerg Rrdnr 'q16nro 6co a1oCIte6e qt.,tc qeo ard6
ar6o crd t 6e6.o oRR RlGe crd't 6e oa enq oroa6,
6qet6o qq otoo qhle a6-elo CIteo qtu6, nrr z16 r,
"rjoQfi-see'r6 alg 6s166'eoaq66 on nreo crd,
6fltQ qBt6'otq,t"
6oro odeq-66 0 ougtq,taa 6ol-6'6to 6'qeet6r
"ae6'tco CnrOfrs,o 6eo Fs etdl egreo o6e, ,ORrg
aqo 6aq6e-{ aq aqac.o egt r' ri q6 qq a6 ogefr r

I cat I Cnrarcg eoe$ 6{ t OnrCfr g q1e oqr6 6,66 6,'Q

e[ olalnqq c'alflG
oar 661t6'6lloo 6fit6{ Caer e,ea I 6Ql6'ort6ee a{ qgoql6l
oGeG 6cq a6oa sGt atQ oQG' t"
"gleefll 6AA, qq 6G'l 6Q6', cl6:'anl Gota 6oQ,
Qsanto aola eo6-<elor6i ql.,lcl z ter ortat etc q6o
G,al !"
"6stc6r 6toal Ooet qs oQet std'eot6s El6l q{,
6oe6'rqo 6atq't q{, qlU ooGo 6q6''l q{, ul6l6o eaQ 6r6e
ooen Gr',Q eroQt6r q{, { qq6Glo qq'aqaala tqqriq eol6l
srd'e6"r qed r Gaaqfi stsi sat qedr cfilefllctl std s6't
qsd r"
" ae616c' onor (QG) o td' osfiotor oGq lu6' oo6; 69
6 ere qG r qe adag oQAGa, 'GtlQ I aeQ6q eotGs QG
oQen qfl6r GGs cr6 eGoreer-69 6cll66' stoe erd t Q6
oQen fltst ot{ otd-nratg q6 aecto t 6 eteq6 ! qdlo
areq66 eot6 aloeter6 0a oad Rla 6qnl ?-6l fiaafll
6G6,t t"
c'tdrqeee't oto*goegt6t 6"6t G'46'lo ?
"6oe, ad, < aq a6ot t qetotci'-qee crdQ ? 6osl
6,r, eo6ot6tlfitc'G"o o6tt ! 6oQ 6o0 ordrq sea {A algq"
6'o6l ! oqoc'qG nol ctd t ee6, edlo-eoect 6oe qol
eqe6 I cn 6oa gu qqd eqa6 t"
"G66t G'641, elatQ orqgGa gnG otaelnl, 6q6GGQGn
or'6r eq-qol{ o6 6alQ6lnl-AlQ gAeQ etd t aeee Qn
sQ oreeo eln'rt, Elflcg atQ qar $qet6a r 66 e'd 060 ot'Q
Ga eor6'.Qut eetaoRt I 6q6o66'6n qd oO e6ocq seRl, 96
e6ar 6',tgt e,6erq nt6nt I (oaaeo QtQt)"
"6e eg Goa6r ctr5u, eoelecl o6el6'6" oQo gto aan
6'at{ 6u6'qrfle ata (ot'qu Q"6l66tlo6'Q q'qaalla qal)-
egr6r1 qolo atqc'et6egRt, ala 6ee 6ol6qflh{qflsco 66'60
aar aqEnlt t 69 6oeo 6oeo otfrm-ctucca Rc I 6c'alq'
flac'occ'o 6GGG Q6'tQ 6'GtQ 6160 ente' oGqnl I 6G166ll6l66l
6q 6'q oO $to oe'ra6-66 sera6-060 edlsQ qal6o
qfifl oQ68o, c 6qq66'40 errql ec

63 66,16 aroro 6e6'lt r 66ts6o 66 eei frate

q,rer6l 6'6G,, t

ri qan g6eo orrge1fr, 66'rL,rq{ 6q auLlcrco 6461 atccte

ornG-erro aG !"
fl6eq glfilfr 6'Gl 6OQIQG'|-6tGlQO1 66'611,
cdrer6'r-g16nr6' 6ca qruea 6al
"{0160 detsr neeg 016l orBB 6'G"r Goe oleelet,
Qrflarn or6r6Q r eq or66fir o6Q 6lr9r6'lt6't 691166' AQnl t

rj os,r6fr, erd6 eoa6 ? erfl6lr6l cQfir, sor grd' eoa6 r

6q6o6a6n fl66'6q,er 60-gua eoerr oQ6, eetQen 66et

qG Gar0e' r 69 or6eo 6dre6, eorq aOs?fr r se,on. ot6
6oeo 6o10 orAQRr oG nr6Rr r 6q6G6466' otetnrclq oto
oe,r6fr, aratq eoa6 ? 6010 qe.le. e'o eeo6 ? 6rtfl6lrr,,r
eQRr-er, arocrf; ord'eoo6 r 6Er6o66,6n oQfr-er, <n6
BGr 6oore 6q'e ar, orer c 6q6a 6flro ar6 eee ardl r

"cuflRrn 6oroqaO ec'r ctrera soo arQnt-66'64

ora 6anr !"
"6q 606166r oG 6on1, odraar o6'Gr tqQ gteRte eoa
qrllcl r e6fl gqs 6'6a6fi $6arae qrua oe.'c eee crd't
saQ qqs6q e6a ar6qq r 66 ao oot66l, qq otaq ? 6q
$enro6 GG ao G,69, ore6 r"
"o16 (oroeol) qg, 6on1 rafl6g ore Br'oroq6 eca
c'flqro aqet66l r 6q6o6e66'afroroa erel er6r 6g6lr r riorq.
eoq6 r afroro s6d gq 66uoq oore 606lr-Br'otR6e oQ
et'e 6o6'6e 6fit 6e6lr t"
"66e 6,66 ag ente atQelnr r 6fir6o oQet, utgt, <Q
Rocnr6eo aro6r 6ar6o Gora 6ag r aro6tc'crn q6 arQG r

cjoQfr, 'erg eo riAed-qao qn eera6-eq aonrcc t"

"orere nqo6'or6o 0q 0q o16 aG 6e 6oe, 661-
{qqqreq oeo crdr 6q or6G',6oaq6 ord',6 enresrcq ord',
6 oGr orci'q6 6''06'0 aad I soq a6et, 6ee ga6a otd' t"
ur6r$o 8rgflr66' {aQ 016910316' a6a g aflqlGt
e6 oQeR, 6e6€' ar6fl arqq I 6qflt66' g,tfroeR I otqo
eo q16lflqq aalflc
qlorflqq asq aQ ntEog age6, "6816t qesr er urio
arercrl r"(aRae6r eto't)
6e. aoeo qola r!6'aqa 6qta
qrornqe(n6c q6, aera'r)-al8l a6og 6aG t
s6 - atst qq ota I

ql6rtnqq-Gcs1, 016l eoo6 6eql eqQs6 qG t qfl

6req'r G'Gleelccr aqtq I <eo GeoQfl, Qete e6e ctd t

fl6-atoet eQe6,6aqeo olol olol eotfr Qteq',6q

orol 6qtool{ -zllcl aOsteo erd l Eiflqoc' aete-< 6qta
oQen flg ffq aaG q< t
qticar-qe6ealo 0 enulola 6e'lqo 6qta
q1olflqq-d, Qqta t

"qe6eotoa 6 Qqro I ogel6ll, a6Q 016"0 eto adG,

enro qO oto aad t ri eie 6rin eera6 L QGt.,llQl oQqRt,
'zt6'tfin qO atotaoc ooQqlco flloelnlll, 6'oalql c a6a 6'a6l
orc'o qsl q< t stfi aGQ €'lQlgo oQeoen e'ao egtaCIe t'
<Q oar gO qeGeotao G Qto I <Q e6orq qn eot6etq
arQelRr, qc'Llet argq erdnt G 6'td t"
"q6'alt6rte 6'to otol oo et6n 6l6uleQ! 6a6n
uex or8q ote 6o6o66'6n fl8 ae'locl aqet66l-''d'
oq{i6trt alc' Go6osa6c' aqE6a-6qco6ace oqq
Ggeilg oqelfil I

"66c teqota otoq s66 qlq atQelen I ellcfl qq

eoqerg0ete aat Genrl I QeLltcl'l QQf,tl, 'eaQ ouqoo 6sll6'6lq
caqarq oto aad 6QG' ?' ot'o66t eqQ oat qe6eoto q6
eQ6rt, aa6 ! qtUS odn eQ Qad 6gq'', <Q oat eQnt t-eo
qq arfl a6o at Qtgt G'IFI 866t, elglst 6qa eoe g< I ala 6q
aqGqa eoeg-t6eg 6qtfl', '6eg utcl' I QQAQI, 'aGQ
qq 6'rfi 6at aeo etfl 6'tfl 6'6R dca ao qs'qlo on free' t'
Gr'6r 6o6oeese,eot6x gu o6etnt, gto 0eleq'6n QIgl clfl
qo1fl oa6gq,, e 6qos6flQ eTTfl 9Q

aQetnu Iqq6cdto oGelnt, '6q Qlgtotct 6'66, ot'Q ata 6et

oa6 r' eoee g€eer flGeQ a6a aca alse{fil t qg66ltQ l"
"q6'tc'c66r eatg nt66; enr6q 6'Qnt, q co 6e t

eq 6eera cd o16 ee'6eont t ss6 alolol qtgo eqQ ot6

0anr t66qtol
"6qle etd; aao qG't, 6'0, qnqt6 ori cqa-6qe{6o
QE on q< erd I Qad aqa ?
fl6-atst d t

qrerrnqe(oeto'r)-stcrtoteq 616llloalq qa6,

eoqG r egeo 6uG'tt6r nat t 6uet 04ff 8q6-flt', gdrqe'r
rj c seen g< erd-qtG erQer oriqe ! 660 6otqo eeen
qg 6fir6o a6etq 066' 9tl', 6G6a 6aa ! flUcloqla 6016llo,
6aea e6et sriqe t
n6-utgt, {9ttc66t G'l 6alg aad ! oad 66'a al
erQse !

qotoqe(aelat)-eto ao6o 6zie oo, elolod q6'l

eea6 rqcto G6eeoq, eoc'60lol, qQqqega6 tGg flqoc'o
aar 060 seen et6'I ead ot6elq eee-at6 ee,loeo GG
orofr md-atfr aqa ooololel 6q'q calaqal ! 6EI oal6'
6aro 66aaga olo g{-aa6o,6o16r eq ol6at a6 t-ata
r[ 6sG aG I enlo eG ard t sQaq eat t
"6ost eoq, 6ric CI64 q6'16€'en <Qog oatqtdt !"
flO-ettgt, aUQt'61 d'<QoQ I alodl eoo6 og6,
flqac'otca otglo aAQtGl, olqlo gt{e 0n aad q6'l-alsql
e.,66'rq qs r
6es gls-qgmtc oea 6qlc-aqo 6 e'g
orqo-et6q qQe 6qoea eat oqa6 t

almt, 6q doG ageeto86, <oG etelorre crd6 t

a6 -
qlatnqq-Gqqoeo eo odoloeo ae6 69 a66eoq t

eadoreo Goqto6, ecaioteo a6oqto6 t eealoteo eeot o6,

ee 610lnqe Qalqc
enei'oreo ea. oO I 6q'Eo, 6atG'G' 6oeer oa qateolo aeG,
q6 ora od agGo 6el6' flai aaG t ri oee, oo-ct6lto6t,
6,t0-ot6rtfi6l I

a6(aerov)-alml, Gqfllc6 ?oqoflqla c6etgg< t

arfl-otglrflo 6ceq ota atfrere oen 6ta0e I

qlCItnqq-6ar ata ereo 6t6, qg ala oO G'qet6' ata

6G erd I area atfloqg ga aq cg cQeR, '6Q Qtfl, q69t
Q" 6e, qror ooc'ol; q6fl ggt, qlot qgl6t1; q6fl aq,

aqrff; q6fl orora6r, qlot nry; qqs QtBs otqt 66 aG qq

o*69t, g1-6'toa qq qlGl l'
n6-ara 6qa e1o t
qlorflqq GG{ 6er ego6 I atcs atea aqa6, 6oQ
G,l6t-eao6 cno-{qq qtu6't eGR G'6lot{ I

"q6fl'qo6e'6qla os I qgmlc ca6a ola acaa-

qg, ura oG aeoo r eoo6 aG ata ot'e qtQat oG t aGQ.
CIt06f;'l a 0rQ6,r 610 orc,alq q{, ala alaal 69q CI186n Q
aG eir6q'rqq{ r gqu g gCIgo L,rc,6'q t6''G'g Gt'GtQgtft6 t"
"69 ggmrc o6e fla a6 t ste oea 6mte I oloto qt6'
aG eerfr eotd eeraG, Gtete affit? fld aB t ede 60 qgc'
66il6,66r OIOA 6Q66'l I Aq6 OS'r6etq Qtfl OQen, 'Qta Ht6',
amr6'6r aooe ota; otqto gte aG otqto amtn aG I oto6o
oO o*r q66, ara eor6s cet at6 eoQ eet6q s'tQelq qq t

6'1066r Qota cer6q nu C# 6al0t{ t"

fl6-asr6'CI mrn gaGoto Ofr 6oatqg{ ?
qlorflqq d, eoelord' 6sreo qcfltec'
- I

"66''qG',, oteto ataa-Hr6,aG, otetGr aoter-mte a6;

orete gs-ee'ru a6; orere gest-eetu a6; ot?te qd,{-
eeru a6; orQr6l oro-6oh] a6; oteter aGI-6G'lb,l a6; olelo
ac,-eeru a6; orer6r q6-eetu aG; oteto aq6-eetu a6;
orer6r d-eeru a6; G'rer6r q6fi-6aru fld a6;"
"6BrG,-aeirq o16 Qeeroeloeo at6et r ctoeo 6ai
46, sQ eG'ra,r-xQ 6qroo 6'trl ffitc' t eqQ 6aTea otoot6
qflo o66gq" c 6qosoa0 QTrql
6re6tt, sta qeqe 6qalo 6'1fl 6gle I aqau86-<el
oa olq'6o eetu o6etQ G'lcl glc; 016' qGT6o als'lo, el$
6G'e atoo o6et-etqRl1olQ6o, al6qolQ66l, olqqol6'661'
Ruoor6,6cr-{Qt6t ctR 6gto I eq d 6'1q'-6'6le eetaeG-
<QG ed6'o6eta 6'tgt 6Ht6'1"
{'6st6q flG661 ode q< er6-Gs e.'rerq ode e6Q I
6ee d Ge,q eoes t entot6q 6'lqlG' 6166l 6€r6e etd-an
eo6 seo 6< 6'td t"
n6-alo6l eso6 6'QGn, flAGnq aooq aOen uta
ql6Q6', 6QqlQ'
on 66ger 6q'a QGa ctd'-otQ, 6619l,69lft,
6q,rG,lq', a0q aoqt6 I
Olotnqq-atgt, atGotfr etmq or6re ors erd;
aoetl,l eee 6 ?-c609 egEfil, a{ seq, 6 ctmsOoq
oratG I

n6-alsl, alo6lc'a qal qal a6'gl-aloclfrQ q6

aoQrl,l ead ?

flotnqq-alBl, qg ord'eoqq 6qfi168 eQe5R, 'qg

orel ags, atodl Bls eird goero qot, gaG e,rat atSee';
a,es'n';q' ote" olatg (asgd oolacog t' 6Qq at6elen
9o6 e'ct I { 6'a6l oQn eoq-{6o 6'G'l t 69, <a 6oal !

qe c'l !

n6-atmt, eod'o166'6rqag otdet otd atqo 6qfl166'

<oG cG oto6 erd'-esdfltac'a a6adq mlaalo I

flatflqq-aqa 6 Q$ ala etqaeq I

eqei 0668G,
(qrqo auaG'06'er 6lt6l6l, fl6ls,gq6 ooc qfi6a
qronqe r)
erfiao 6qra-aEdq cr6 tg ocoleldq-
qtuo qos
q1CItflqq cfre,ors auea ooqqotone aQaG I otqo
abrcla e6oa6rareo eQaG r aoog6 I etsln, aue, gllEe,
narq qq6 o eqQ ogr0 a6oa eRm ao6o r

qlqa fl6r6,og a6$totalta$ otqQ Qfi otaelGn I 6q

s.6. a0qeo G,66r qofiee'eoq el6n I aoqe qq6 o6a atc
arrc qq6 6co ogetcn s otqos oGeo nBeo ode cqelen r

cflqarac-ra grq6o elat ot6" aoqOse orqo arQ eeog gq6

6tocrc6 qff66l arsror6 ede{en g qta qfie 6a oQelen r

eqQ'asnes fl6ro eg CIoS 6sao e6e1en r

6,6ogc"o arQorer aat q6lt; 69 ea arQor6 erel6 I

aorn orQolq aeqo 6c6'r o6a otqoc' 6cgq gra ototato

ao6 g otooq'rco 66nfie661 6deeo flQeo flGeo aqer6er
aerG r qfr6 ore'sq'tca 6taq qaqad e6er ogr elnr r

ur6 or6ota, 99 6qq66'a.o errgt, o atQc t

qlornqq (aalec g6)-gna eqQ 6oG qeo; 6nl6v
60 aoroelnr r

aore(oaror)-eerr6< Onr q6nr 60, flqe atflfltag

q€ aQaG I 66'q ea qreJar 6,'6uec,t orei'aqoc oretq er6s
60 enq c't6,atq6o oata coeqftr r Oeerr enqelnr qd r

(aaeco aror)
qterroqe(aerav)-6aqn r<Q ernn oG 6qro, eoee
(aoroe. gG) ala eqQ erioqro 6'at ?

e. The kingdom ofheaven is revealed unto babes but

is hidden from the wise and the prudent-Bible

eqel o6eaq,99 6qo.6caa QTTqI 98

6l6r6'-aoatG'6tlGl egen q6'qt6 ori e'qtg 6qlaol{ I

6ffr-qn6o qflGg amt e,go6, 6''66 QqRldr orqoor6q'lqGq
oQRr, ecrro aeo-lo 6QIQG, qnqt e6et nal qed t
0 e,eredle gaGoro eetoG t aQo'{t-fll'Q qgt eela6,
arqrarfla e,q eeta6 t

glotflqq-ata alamm eeeR atGeoa o6Q ard', eqQ

ear6 t
616lto-atflco gtcTlqlc q,6 oqoletrjq olQloGQ
age6-sGGeeeft qqoolea 6'616'q al66o ec'q cGeR,
'oh , q 6flr6o ad'e. i" e'atn eQnt, 96l, q6fl 691166' qd'crd
G ejoa qflQ.AGietdt qosc'a alal aeriltclt tl6fiq lgal6o
qriqo g66a g 66n6'e6o Eiuco q66a { ga6 6oeo e'et
oreieq aG t
gtornqe(aerau) qnqso aal
-alQ eqQ -qqncca
o16 fren te
aoro(oetov)-46-eac'o {a }llq, 6Qc'G qe'{qa
6eo I es e6, eq d eeaaG eo r 6qto oQen 6sal I
qtarnqe(oerot)-ala eqQ Qal6'l-al4a qos
qgorq ag ? adtq (aerar)-alflscolq q'q qqfi, ol'olq
eg q'6o, ot'otq6'9 utat6l tQg ooele 6Ese ooeo qd,
fldq, srorn, Gqec attato ofielen r eoQ 6qoa qlua qao
flar6Q r 6Oq qluo qag qgolq q'q' I

<Q qflg ear q6 oogll6c'ate6o eeas6 t

amqtodso aotetet6o 6' ggco aolElg'l -
gq e a6 aGQa
6rdtc ol6'ogl6a 61fl91 qo6to6l o6ee l6lflg1 qgflE I

6oaq6 oqd e s6a qgffilc q< crd'r 69 e6eo aeoo qld,

Qsaq6 ots etd t 6Iq, QEl, 6n', qd, 60-FI6' <Qqq 6sg

e. 6a aar flt" g00'{64 e'r"gede a6'1flq3€l t-otet, u/ee

ee qlatfiqq aatqo
66,e qat qdor aQat{ I 6oqflotflqq oe6-o6eo 6G'ano
e,en ard r

6o qg eq d'a6 ra6qer astqct cen Q-qgc"

g{ I 6o6ceoen gQ, 66, gna eer6 eqeoeoen o16 oG "",""i
qq,ror{ r < ga6 anetr sorei qed-<a eg r

6l6tlcfia gg-a6gg6l 6q'ateo 6qr{8.

qterrnqe(aarec gG)-"ord6 q6fl '6c6' '6c6'ed
gqa ? q,g qfls,co 66 oQ q< crd I 6oG'n qerors, 'a6
gilggr.' 66'6,ns ergrS r

at6fl otat 66 eoEg 6er aelg oq soQ aro.tr66G.o

eoQ Oog6eer.4qdr-q€, or6.'c, q.gt6u G1e, G6tG;
q6 arra, uror; or0, 6qn-qqe'ra"o r4qrir r"
"68 qg ara er6 ulcCIo r ncrqeo6 arQer 060 eqfltc
orns oe,aqn'6-aqaG, '6e 6rt€l qea Q"oo"qg {€," qlGl
qner aG r 69 qen gaed a6oo r' eoo6 qto g ot'er 6drq
erG-qrser GGaar or6erq eren d qtoq orr6erq 6qe; {e.
qroq or6e,rq esn d'aroo er6q arQerq o?e r gug orr6en

glr6l a6r Ru orrQe'tq g.(, uc'nq r guod lrnr orQerq oen

d guq. etr6erq q{ I cno Qsro6 err6en d e'nq arQolq qs;
qO enq orr6en d'aaa Qna6q orr6e,rq g{ l"
"{Q ar€,qrad q,l flelgual qgq ano6t aG eiqa6 r

ar€'6r6r 6166l 'otq,r e1fr, otet 6efr'trjdqen,'qea dr1* t"

"6oodqe araed oQ6, eqoriqa eeoleotolfl6,G"6r
6qr{qe[ aejrq 'rj d eqQ oe.qg' saar 0q gx crQ- r ano d
oe6r, o6r6re 6'ala en qed r eoariqe ata6l6t erQG, eqodqe
cr' flt' eel6 ar6er oa I q6fl Flt, fi qfla qet6,; q6fl qq, tI
qflo orq r 6qaq-6qee olq'an rsQ orqq otoqqS oqorre
ar6q-618, q6q gq6 | q6e oO otqq CI6lot{, otet6e6n
o6q-ar,6rlt otgt66r eq; qorer, rf 6 orer r69 ora aO
q6e orCIeo 6e aoq flG' ote eeo, c16e o16o ard r
oqej o669q,99 6qq66Q.O QT[ql 99

ataqld6, uq'G'la-R1nl 0 6l6llg'-6q'a qald o8o qFlefl-.

..ZlG,,Ote-e1nt-{qg 6O96O I 60 qg, eq 6
'';;P*u_H [; {a }rs 6Ga6' qoqno eoo r (aoaea
etal) e ,Y-^^.^^^
^ sgl
qlotfiqe-d, eotB< -4
9a ctdt eeoeo d'qGoteos
qg, qoro dse ii'q6otcc8 qq8, q6 oe eee d qFoteos
6c'g r

"6qQ 6o510 flQlrllfll 61060 qflg6 aste oO oqa6 t

atare otrlg6tco a6, 6tmg edn cG a6flten qfl6g eqle{

aar dnQe6-GQ 6rtcl !grlo goeeotQct ellolco Aqu Qo
G'IQ I,,
6t6llg'-{ fllal 0ul6l ?
qlolflqq-otet 66 6oq8, qga, 6et eqe, qgfllol I

s6r6q oareo oQerq gea, otfrct-6'l8e d ntata alaod I

"otc 6tQet, glto sllQQI, sfllq 6lQ6'1, 6G6t 6l6lQal

{qqq6o eote etdtG6'46'{qqoql6 Q6fir aadl6Qa ? otfrat-
eruc o.tlct d oae.,ta t eqQ e'qt6 d Gql6 I qg{nl6c al€eo
etBeo 6dcea otQ attl,l6'Q6$'Q6, o16 nta 6,6, aceet oqtg
e6ee I qeqtql G'lgt66l ottlcl, 91fi'6o otto 9o6otc 6'66G'l"
Gc'6t460 (3 o'tt6t-'G'e 6a,lle'
"GG'GIG' 6qqQ. aQe1fr, eodoeo otdntOat atg'togt6
e eogh eqQ oeo Qntoeoter oQen 6oQ an 6qq' ? n8eo
o€eer 6daq 06't G'QQIQ t"
6''66t GIB-Flel6lfl ee 6ute Q'61 ? ego6 e'tfr-eetgQ I

qlatnqq-eaQ ecQ oaG arr16e r ri orree qgslslo

flqcr o'6t ata eotG< 6lqo ? ee6 eq'6ulc', EUI Quttc;
6erfiot6a I eoo6 aa6't o6ic 46, sqede, eqQs6 ata
66rer{ 66 eqe t

"6oce Fotctgretetao 6J6\ aad G'l6l t qq sQ

6o-6qflt6o eQ6, eq 6oleto, ala qq flc q6\ I
9r q1Qtfiqq 6,atqc
q[ areo 6e Qu6,t6t, Ferrnra aaa arq6 66,60 aa6t
serooroG I 6q qqeerooro6 r,
aEdq 6osa aqa
(norce.) "6qQ 6o96, eqe aqrflrar og6.a6 og
eera eQaG r rj urn aeefr; alc oq oq nc s'rfronr oQa
ooq r oQa erQ I flcq oQfr-erQat dc''t, qoO oQar r ar,
6A6t66q,6n, Ot' fl6r6r 6fi'rtGq,t6) oq qqaG, 66tnfltg, 60eo
eqQ vc qngo6cr, <c oqog r"
"6eQ aloqro6 $ ot qqs z { eaeooeer eoqfi, nrer
c't96" o66t otfi qct eeo6 I fi a tG 6'ts'66t oeot I 6''6g ogt6nt,

flrata ots'661oaor ord'6 t qeceir orqcQRr, ,6rre ! qfltultg

0q 0q 6qq, 69 rj areo s'rd, Rr' ggo 6 er r

"{od aG 60, eqQ flerRrar6eg e'rqqc6 66 soen r

flrarc' 6e'ea sqsqo Hro 6ec'tq fltar6.6l aq et6s, erer6

elQ6n, 6qr6o6a6n 6e oeo gQ een r"
"6qQ 6og6co, eqQ flerflratc.a dadtoo 6aatq
q{ t"
6r6il6'-AtOd qot aQs I

ootcq 6sr'go' qqs g6gt6'g 66'e6r ol6e'.1

- -
01otflqq-are6,ota66l qq, 6e flqe, 6e,str 6a ara
o16 er6 qe, 6e nqer, orfielctucq ne etQ Oa I

"ata e6',q qg I ao6a ao6a arQen el offieR o,o

oq fren r qQq're g{ t"
"qqq ot6q qsrc 6c6,te. q{ I 6'661 erofrei 6o
66rqet6ll I 6< ceo nQeo6lr, aFJo 6,ot qnq CIe, 6qot66l
e6r6x 6g 6q,qq, eqQ 6a ot6t66l eCIrG.l qdr ero a6,
eqQoreo qQ eerr6en erofrei 6e orae r eaelorri'qqc 6oeq
qorR el6eaG,rq g< r"
aore-urgr d r

qlotflqq="q6ots'o d' gqqoeo arq6 I nqsy

qA6' ot$q sO ee,'Q qlor 6<, org n6o eerfr orGen 66
t. eteett0 gtq 6q'qtet. Gqotet. ooeo t-6116'1, qo/yo
e,qej odsaa,99 6qq66'ao QI-Tql
eee ntd I GIS qlslG aqgr eetfr ertQerq
q{' 6o6Q G fla6o
Qqro eoe r 6qrq eeen Q"qqcqraqnr I
qg (:Ti'] U:
e eq
6grdq qal aqetal, qlslq egtette'tdt 8la6a eq-tiaea
aqdstea QE 696lt t"
"q6fl ara qt?61 oOoflteq qQ 6G'611 frerrfrd eer ntd t
eqn,oao 6ar gaooql claG'l old'l"
"Ei."qA qrgd qsqCIn a6erg atQ6, 861010 6 ata
gfii66a free t (oaaeo
e,'e, g,o eq6 r eoq6, a6u qql
otoet otd'e6rGs oqqdl ocaq I oaq ataetg
666l G',lfi-G00l6r1-6q16 t"

"G'tG'l crtqer 66 aQ6'l6l erd r oO

6eec c al{' 6aa6'
orOoqeo 6G q< erdroqoda oQen ntr
66 q< ordrGdeeo
a",""a" elO e,r6 GIS 016', eo d'ag Q66q'6G' I"
66ltoG'661 ertre-g6G'la g adlG'
ficllc CIl6oql6o qa6loet e6et otd eteirqneo atq6at
- *- <Q aat orqer qOaG
arqel6n, t

t,","qq-lera eera fldlca q6)-eaee 6Q 6"6t

6060 6'
6ar6 iqraG ? a'o 816, 6qqq Qlrl 6RlaG' alqq'
qQq6l1, 6qfll6c ute eoG aec'
al6q, Gq6o oR t eogifltsa
atta cerG
66,t6o, 466' l 6466'6aGG'fiat6 6oeo

at6'olg aotc RGso flGso ol6'oglq eaa otat6


flQldlA g6era e1nro6 G'qQQlQ CO6 t olqQ flAlnqq

org eoo6 a6erg nct o6elen r

qtornqe(acrrcc gO)-ula 6€'6' 6q''611 al6'lQ 6'0

ad r alo qtuq.olol 66lls 6aaP{6ll I 6gt ot6 6cQ fllaqfil'
otgqorO eoetgordnt t atgaQnr-gero eo aeJol-11c!3
ah) e'o o6eta t 6gt aQRt-RolQl6" 6fllo os
nrq 6S q" qot 6oeo nc'el9 Qgqergl
aq6, eoto el6ll6J o16 0a {q6o 6ols 646' elQ
:1 ' I
qflo Adt aeirq qno 6aQ, qflQ 6s6' I
flo qlQtflqq aatqo
ot6 ctfi66l6qra co ror'6e66'r ara orejroa Rd q6ot6.'6,
eee erd I

qer eQ orqo ole6qn 6qla CItocn-

"ogl 66n qotor6 at61 otq 66,et ota r...,,
616u6', qg qA qq eera G,Q6,6 r

6l6uo$'6gl t q,rne, od 6qlo-6,csf; g6 aleq qtLlG,,

66'6€' q.qlQ6Q AqOfilO
qrornqe(aornc qG)*ate 66 qe6,e aN o oot6l I
616ilC-At$t, Otqt Qge{66't, 6qla

qlotflQq-0qQqra grolQ"olg 6lt6ro6ltot{ tara qq

Gqro cen alg6 erg g{ I 6ta o0 er6 616 6rq, or, 6e6R
gu ao. 6<; qq geloo ot6'og sle6n oqo gu Os r

"ere'q€ q,lcr6o qa 60 aqednt 60 e'6a q6 arec,o

6qnt-6o6t, qQ enel66e 6ota 6qg eoq | 6q Gtet 66qro
onr r aeiolece 6s eq d oeaG r"
"qQ. ooe. cQ eooelefi 6g, ,ora oq oqery 6fiet t,
ooa 6qel6o Qqra I 6o6o6e6o eerrBs qeo q6 eea onra6
6q6o6c'66, oo 6aorg eto66rud oea oea edlg6, ara eg6
'6rrfl' B6{ oe, g6eo fra Ror 6gte6 !,,
"atgt qe6eorao Q eqto ! egat{, ri qe r d oto r
sQ ne a6'te6 oea snr6s EIErlGt o6'fr66' r,,
"qeGedlcr 6flt6e o*o. qq Rgelnt, oatqea crd, eerro
q6,qr-€rs'qr oa Rr66r crd r"
"6gle 6 sgd gv rAr'6osle 6a6 eg ea doqeero
oQaG r edle, qr6 era:on arq alg6, os6'81 arg'q eoqfr
q6r6o e6il6q qqa arg6 I 6q6o6o6c, oE6,Gl gr6eo
Oareefr, or6fr eo, qr' oO {qtq 6oa 66 qer6 r,,
"6oq- q6fi fltat oQR, Oqro60 qq fr66, t,,
aarc-69 at6rt 60 q.qte66l oQq r

qlotnqg-or'6e66l G, oreo qot 6e6R etqae qqG,

g{ r otflqqta otoe{nt, e"et6r 6},ltote 616, r otq a66t
aaa 6o0qar ara e6lt6{ $lo 6,n6e-

oqej 066g0, 9ql 6qos6'aa Qrrfl qf!r,'

'{ q'qto 9lcl8 6elO, eo 6la Oa 6s net qG

Ei. t

c6'6,A16''l glQlGGAl Ot'a otdeo anl 96,

6q 60 {016 6qols 6' qls oq 0eel6'll guetG t'
"69 at66t 6dceo 661106'6o qluc-or6'e eO flqonla
nA q"qt6;Q QQ66r, '6'c6'6t16'l' Galaolo I Gl' c eeen 6oG
"6e'61G'8t6o, 6166161, fiq1, q6qfi qfi6g
oQa6; 6S
6e eaeoee66'alfll{a, 98 eeeoee66' 'Qlfl' 'QtR' eQ ger
6,qa6 r"
ofieaqoea oBfllG'G qcr6o
ffotnq€ ofieoqo n6oeo eQaG I Ql6l6t, fllqo, Qlfl,
ereot gqo oQfll66' agao aaG t Ql6'Ql €'lQl6l
eQaG t at6 oQeter 9fl 6qo56'aa QITfl, olg qql I

Goqedtotn, Gl6tG gq6 oonre6'QlflG'oeo oge6 t ea

cqfltag oq6o oqa6 t

a$rn fl€eo n8eo flqB aL,la 6qqa'eaqola oe6 t

Goqeerrrorn qdor oreeer oeorro | 6'|QG6Q aear aedet; eo
6f,lr6,G qQe at6ctfr eeff oat ce6 etd t

c6oqs nt6 qtotglqqca olc'G'l

otqo {40 460q6'6sa egaG t

qroraqe(aeer ooc gG)-ceog qflq fl{ 'nlaq'

a66l ni'd (il,u"s go) erd, auo 6oq ccag atQnr ard
*^ '
araG ?
"c6eqe {olall6t661 6a6o qd ! 6llQql, 6''6'lQ6'1,
6a6toetco, qqe{66r teq6e aqlq66qa ettQeo {olqolaq6ll;
aqrq66'q eqo cQRl, Gt'stst66t *99,e I c6og 6qo66' olo
eQnr t eqtq66q argq ord'nt 6 ord t
edlat o6o tl qlolfiqs
"G6'G''G' qt6oqso G"6 6Qq' ? QlLl6'-oG'6'

deoero ect'lot o6e ou elfil, qlu6' flal et6ll t o6-otl'to;

fle qlatflqq aatqo
fltatff otQ6Q 6a6$ 6A6n AA0 Gqteotaelnt I fle60 fle60
aqed6lt, 'et66l, 661, 6e Oertna fi6Fuoo-6.'cc1 6," atfr aoocl t,
6ar6o66'6n oOoflree 6ar o6 6ala CItaelcn I ri flal ar6q
eeraoraelfr I 6fit6r 6taG,t 6aq eqetnl, '96fl e6oet eca
qruc o6a ?'
"G'661 adrore,r Ooraroo eqteqt oRr r Gorora aejtq
eloe atete r e6t'lar 6q aat q8 otosr 6u66r6u r"
qa6n ga6fi 66< ueirn'6tB e{nt; qnqtog 9o6 erOeo
6ortp{6u, qra-c elnr (anoeo alor)-6''r'0661 6oq6nt; oq
so6 arQ <oG ara oQ ard r"
"rf eor6s g6,q16o ornrflOo at66o
eor6e1fr; R6onr r

6oao 6etq't en 069 6qot6o qat6o g{ cte r"

"Gdlel 6c'q qg erltstqt aqetnt t 's rT t' G',ttst,jt
aqe{6u-< 6s,{ rrT (<a) 6oto eq rq5 areoo q'6fJo
aqe{Rt, oer aQa I o6fltqd6o qaaci, a6e,t qd6o elc.'6t,
qqqd6o Qorso I eoelorri'6orso otRS Rto G6q6u r,,
elgt, ote6,tl fioqssttom
orqa Raltq 6qat 060 66s Qqra aga6 r cfreorq
6un, Gtee (6erec) qq6 aooo arQ oeqen I otqos g6la
e',6 eeorea oen eQeR I fltEe flat 066r oQa6 r orR ago6,
ar6fl 66te' o6,teot 6qq. r

grornqe(errne" gO)-Goqeerrotn a6'te 6qnr6 r

6llgt-f,,t, aa GQ< eG'tegt6e I

q1Qtflqq-otac) ?
otfi-6q eoor orde r

qlatflqq-or' 6e6R ar6r {60 de onq eor6 oQe

ord r e6rGs at6g' qq fle 6o6R 6rqoc. at6o ate 6q6o e6e
crd r

oro orq6, rj eo 6qG, 6e.'a$ q'eleie old'

-rj r

qrnrnqe(oreoc gO)-"q6fl qat6q 6ro 6qa, ?,,

-armr ct, ri ri' ui oeer r
oqa oo6gQ" 9gt 6qq66'A0 er[fl
flotflqq-qflo G 6atQ6t Aoqtq a6 ? aa 00 6ta€'l
'are elgt crdmra-Qol6e, 6q'flt' ot6t6'' e66r t'
"cq,6 {eG'r solo 6q otq' 1"
erc'oreaoeoa-odoleo 6gst qdl g Gol oqto e.o
st6,ot olet nrer qG qdt qatd ooG r

qroroq'e (olo qq6 e'roq" qG) 6q 6o6t66t 6.'da oaq

qla qg6e6$ ote agefr; 6Etclt6c qflc'gq; 6eot6c eq6c
arQelen; {ot6e go 60 6e qen I 6qtflt6,G.6lor'ooe6 sQo6
qdt aqetat I 66to6o sqQ Rr'sr 66tqo qn 6o6 6rQ6rRl,
ara 66tg o6olq nr6nr I o66t {66' ool 6ls 696lt 60 6flt6a
odorden crd r

"et6,elqeoqsQ oat e6e, atqtqGn,t co 6'tdt,,

qng qts uct 6anr; orqo est gst6,c orei'erei'onq
o6R I otqo6" aoo o6o-qri eroorso qoos oet 6e6u I

6eot66r orqo eroionq eo6arQ oQen I aro qq6 oe6t6t

aofro aa6 r qlqo aua 6qq ge<{e0e I ot6. fi6e et6l6l
-aaqed c6qen eorfr orflerqe'6r eQelen I aue oafloo I
eoQoqcal eea6 r

en'l 6g6u I a6dt6e aem-ofln 6ot6t6o flatflqq

o€rafltc g Elgilug I
6'qqna o6e atet6'6cqflc arQnr totqoso 6 arqdq
aear r ar6crfr gta qntl1g I qtfltc'q aaloctce ateq gt6'
qeq ceroolar6 t ooRrcc 60606€'66'arq6, eqeG'eeen G6s
aars,rdr co6; ces,q qder d aer[sr r qe'r e'or6 ori ara
o6oro6 erd r

q1arfl qgso e'sioqlo uq,gl

qfltU CI6r 0661 Oar eqro 6'6etotG. qeo oar o9o6 r

oqa6, "qf t q6,t 616il, AO 6At; 6OSt gil,, ego6 e'g o6 n

6a t eqe,{-6alq'a ota e6 r gu', 6ooe eat q,Qoteo t eoo6
qna G,tfi 6c'aot6o; qflo ctflqo oteie o6e grr,, 611e' 6rre6
qr' r 6q'q6o G6< en 6a Rl' I eoo6 Oee, 6e< s,rfroreo;
qtx qlalflqq aalqo
6CI6iotca qno aal 6sQ6, 6od'O qno ooqqaeG t eoQ aq
6't6llq 0tQol66t
glotflqq-at6 qG'l6G' otmnOoq olo eoelolc'
qdran eooeG r ea gd 6'6lBIolG qQ aal ogaG t

- qn
b,e"-*g86, "fll', atG qcten qfl oloog6o ga6
eofr; ortGfr ont 6gnll, gO (era'r) q6'l alqqae ota6;
;;';G ci6o xoa een, t 6rrr6e a? oQ q'rd'6 ca 6q'Qa ?"
otg qql qgfl1 I <ori'16 eg ad'ctet6 t aoto ert6 t

orqe, or6rae; eq-O aasl66l 6e, aoa eats'se6eo

q6 egerotf, qa oal cqa6 I

aomq 6sl -e6eo 6q'Qglc' een cr6-

RtqolG'66t QlUe 6'Q
e6intn 6G'l6ll ogflreq 6gaeo nt'q66 ogaG
I 6t6llfi'

Acstotdlac' Qal e,qa6 I 6r6lla aQqegr,

'ri atso-ercQ ola
ffi;i qodlost e66 r qlolnqe erqaQelen eo' efietnea
q6' 6oa
i**"?.an erd I e1q'6t em6o qld, alqQq, 6osglleplaca
gQ o'q<{ ots ctd r eqelord odlaq Garloco
q,L'e o6elen I ala fl,leqeQelen' 0q gg'
eq d flt, sq d arcqta6 t
otqo ortetQE 6ala eqsG, "96 otaqta qa6lad !
eod t .-a{ o'q{ sar eQnt t 6elllq{
' ' * nq6- t ...algl, 66< goeiod e'68 l" 6l Ql6' ?"
lnreiq qc)-"algl,6nlo {qgalacols
fltqa-aQlq 6ela eoela6 60, olqa qlolflqe
qe qQoO oar ega6 I 6q a6'lq 6ala 6o61a8 !
flqo alno aG 6neea, 6'IQI6Q 98 6oeo t aG 6ee.eo e
qQo oat oge6 GoQ !
6a6R flalflqq qq qq clc
oger sdego
ofisoqoco qloretqs at$ln gq6 ooc q6r6a
otqo qlotetqe ofieoqo e,rela6o aq6s fl€o ao6o
eQgG I c'6t6,totg erm q6or flalco ode oga6 I ot666lfltq6r
qq6 aoarec eQaG r otg qqt o6tet1 I arG sg 6qq66ao
QIT$ qlqto q8qt I

6G qfla qeiq orqo aqq6n, ..flqe6 qaoeer 66

Qqre a6elo eotCI ard I e'rq"o aee ...Tqnir r flSs Adeo
e'o oQe r eerr6s OgQ 66oretq'ot$q oro e6l6{ oral 66
6tQAl r 0r'68o q6srnr; 6q6o6a6$ 6q GU6RI, VaO arQ rj
orat?6'rq oro 6ooq ecefrG r"
"016 o'o q€ror{ ! 6oq eoro GorQqare ole, fl,
esa-O oee, rj 66 e,reo ad r eare Onl err,o .Tqriv eoeo
er6d crd r"
qlotftqe crmoOae fl6o6e q,Q ge oqa6, ,.fit, !flt, !
tioroelOor !ctr' !{at6f,,6e6o 6,,6r qe6, ai-GA q€oreo
crd r 66 erSG Rr' t-6t6l6l6to ! 6le6l6to I ecq,n qG6
eo, 6so6 qfl floo6t6o qot o6 gs srr, ! are eoo6 qao
qeeenrQo fltot66l flqu 6,9{, gl' I 6ro6l6to ! 6to6n6ro !,,
n0onraeeo arnG 6ete6r6l I glotflqg otc" o6e 6atg
66'G aoeo oQaG I fl6ag een eQaG r

fl6ag at66 6a6e 6qqco qtgqelcq adc,r oraelen I

orqos 6aqet oaotq6qotqata ora16 crdr qrornqe odor

GcrAtGtG'qQo aal ge6; orer 6aq6q ac,tqcategreoG, ara
orqo qd.,trf qflgs aar q& g flqac.old'evtqnot 6aq 6q
qq eeraa6 I

fl6qq otqo6" 6oeq qra goed 6g6lt ototsre, eqaG

{e'or6"e ode g qot nto oge6 I otqa 6,tS g aeqt6,y
o@orcg qdor eeG-flqo Ooroto q6 oraro; ogflrea otd'
qo uto6t aoG r ssahrec Folorerelq cqotcg eq oe6-
qle q1Qlflqq aalqo

qflo fltat Gqto otet oqe; 69 {6'al fld et6e es 016 os66l
ig q,e'o, 6oteto; atq6 eeeo 6"6 6q eqtaster6 t

fl olfl qq o fl 6E'q - ceiq'qeetu
(og ooe6r a6oqto q'qlQ ciq't oaot)
qtornqe(acaga gG)-qefl o 66116l{ uda-
Forcto t
fl6ag-atsr d, 6GCe alo6l eog6 oe6, ag aae;
qlG,lQ fld qQ6' I

qlatnqq-6eq; ala ou et6e 60 6q e6oeq qosa

acrroo Qqeo G'ttlg 6ela oQaG I

fleeq-ciol6a 6q 6soc6r Q eeofrot t

qroroqe-"{66' <Q oteeo oQata r e'r6q6 ette.

e"n,o", oocro ctd r qen etaotae eo qQ e6oeq ors'o 6
e6oaq I eq d eGoctqelo t"
"atgl, s6'r .nqdq {qgqO qno aro6 aG ?"
flGqg-G'l, eoee 6Ce eeet std'-6fre eeto ooele's
6er e6et otd't
qlotflqq-ol'o 6qg t

R6ag-6ata ctd t

qro'oqe-d, Oq, 6'al, c 6aca qfl 6nr0frg 6s

6AflA ?
rrgfle oO aeoirql$ g{, ot'6g66l Ontqo G"6 aota
6qq', ?"
flGaq-q46, aeieu eetu elet srjqe mtc q< ntd t

oeieq flrcio t
qtotnqg-{64 qQ oteeo ala; ot'o6o 6o6o6ecn
cdeqsetu at6o ell6o e'tfrOe 6qGGGq'66'an6l oal I

qflGg G'1Qa6o eQe6 t

fl6Ag-816'O6Q q'Ql6t tOtet ego6 q8l6'6Q qqq-

406'166r I

q1Qlflqq-"6tl9l ! 6tl9l !"

osn 06680, 99 64q6efl.0 Ql-Tfl q9

9r6'1t6q,66' StC q6A Eq AE q.(; 6006 QQ6'IGQ

q{-{Q Rar 6otuq{ fl6qq ogaG taQoqlo El'QIl6l al6'16'6'
qnq-6qe{ord'qso otqo'6rtR l' '6rtgt t'oge6 t

aeeg-69 60 6eto 6eto1, 6q amtc 69test{;

qqqoeor eeru oeg s'td't
florflqq-eosletd',6'c1e[GR 6 G"ct Gae ! e'flGcttotc'
6qq, {6G ec'r a6; Qg ges ceo, CRtqtec atc6 atd t
fl6eg-q'qre6a ot6gt Q'd 6oq's gttg g8st ? {661
aa 6q, q6 eerto-Gdta I

flornqq-q6 fltc'q"qfl I ccuc'flc'.t 6aG'tQ ogt I

"argr, egto 6 Grte ?"

neeg-6o arffen o6so atet ess6 gs, eaQod
aqoc'q6r60 qor qdot 6otct I

florflqq-q6fl 6cll6o qq60 606l ?

Reeg-d', a6ce ae r

Olarflqq-"6oQ t 66 aoeod Gq'€,tQ 6q'g ?"

er6aq qq 6ara eQaG t

florflqg-o6 efltee 6gt eoem eo6, eoee etde

eq q6ornc t

fl6qg-qq6e orqr orer 6oqel6nr, 6QI oqedar eGGl I

qlorflqq flc6or6r 640 qq g6en t

qtornqe(n6ag6' q0)-"qq on ! qGfl ata Qe'to

co erd'q6ncr6c 6uq r

o6o tl qtq nar6a g6oa cloqa oG
o8eoqoeo qdo66e' o6e 6Bt6 ss6 aoeo otqo
Olornqq eQsG r qfls asotg 66et; stqa atQ ao6o tqQ
Errrflce orsrnl 0 nrqorqo6 0r$160 qta ogatat6 I ge ffel
qdg6eorat arQa6 I flrEcl arQ o$e Gate gdtn e6n totqo
qdn qq oO ceogc 6saeo oq,l6eR I
qT qlQlnqq aalflc
qiotflqq (ateerc qO)-c'o, 6'6Qq qGrGQ 6osll
cqraelnr t (aera.r) 6'6oq e,Q6, 'eq <ee 6 otmaGoq
alarG; 6o6o6e66' Oq eeloOe, 6Ql6e66'6Q ata Oee etd t'
"{otq 6a6o6a6$ at6q al€l e6a 60 06161 66t16'fl164
eg Go6aer t eqGa {otq 6rQea atQelnt I q6oq otQagt
coaelar r 6oq 6'6ago Caot geog ooq. eogt o6q'tq
0rae1fir r"
otqa G'6ag6 6,al ag aq.6l6glG3jl6' G'66'l {6'" QQ6l
qd ersrorq ora Oat 6e6a I 6Etot6o Qt6'611, 6edto1, Ql616r
ar6 aontee eQelen t

qlarnqq-q6fl 6o0 ar6 otfruQn ? 6"61 Sq qB 6 t

flrq6l-atG qtes'6616t{661 gG eetaelRt t

, glorflqq-{cc otq crd6 t

Rrqo-6oetaltctcl $61 6oq6'lq atQqen t 3nG
6oqrqr66tco 6cq eq atQen Ontq atea'otd'qG 6atot< t

6oqtqt6o g qoq6,al
qlotflqq-"6q'qtqtocr qoqaat cee etdGtda ?"
"eo{6'og,, oo q1 Rtqqflto lr4eq eG al frsn qnot
qq cars, r"-qGl6e aQen ola QQataS nlo 6'Qlol{ I
6oqrqr6o eq6c 6,Q6'rr, {otq arQo; 69 arQnr crd I
"q6G ala EIIUda'so zt6s'e oleic'{ I eo gtfi o6o,
or'gr orfrc1-alu6'6e ae aG I qtqa fle e66'o otoogca I
o6o aee sorBs goto ata e6o acq eett6s galo I qlqa

nar arri 0a r 6oafltc66l Q6totoog6o flc, 6qfllg'6'Q oal

arn qgafi6t I atolcct a6d G'tceoal qea atqeoqelfr t ea
qfl eaao qnr r 61160 aqetnt 'eqRt atg' t 6't6t166l6atfltcc"6r
so aG 6ee esreo eaotq6aeo cG eca66'rt I fleBS eoqfr
eoo6 eerr6s oo6r't r org ootOfr, 'Qota Q'6t ?' 6q cQsR,
'o6qoeo cr6lo1fl o16' t oto oqelsn, oto 66lo6o oQerq
nr6eR-'G'6R 6qa aen 6qe 6qs sdofieee t 46" 6ERo"
a6q r' qG'r 66rs6e aQen-or6s dlGs qot6 t
oEfl 0669q,9e 6qos6aa eTTfl flc
efiqoea 6ao flo een erd-srenrd'
"666' 6110r otoo6n r <fr6 6q, 6sat enro argg ord'
oQ6A CrQ r69il ArgqOrA OQ6n rflAQ Arge{6n; GrC Argq
08 e0 G,q oQQrq Rr6r6R r 6qQ 6'rceoal qrue aqedGn-
eora 'cr6ro1CI CI6' r"
fltq6r-6qQ orgoreG, o',er 6G''q,r8erot qd6 t
Olarflqg-d, eqgr6c' 66'araarot, 69 or6nrgi ou
grc6 r e''6 e.'r6, see,afiqace 6ao oo profi r aeo eQeleR,
6lflg1o qoqod a66 rricAfr-erd6 t o6sn o6ato flo r

oa ero60 c'o qereoer gs nrd t

6GiOe An Oq'G,OG' | 6qel6Q qd Otqq r 6,ar a8 60,
qar6q etoa$ 6't 66,6G {Qo6r q,rqq 6,66'1, otq Q 6QtQot{ I

eoeYflrc6'61 seoOc q,req enr, 6qflt6,G'o qare oO or'o

qora 6aroor{ r 6qflrca6t 6res ofl8 q6, 6'1G'Q'qt, 6nrq
<Qqq arQ ors
-cqflrac'o 6q6,r e6leq I 6ean oroq qed,
q6 eoqaq or{ r"
"6,661 cG,orGeral orq arQelnr r 6fio 6oq crqetar,
eg-odreer Glq arso r ure a6er qfiaca eaQ orerq oen
qq o16 oraEnr r rj 6ee sraelfr; 0erq o16 6oo r qq6G'66)
Qg'ra eqe{nt-'gg eov, e,oq fravr' I glotco c,tctqo
eo6rora6 r... G'r6e flror 6eG,, atq6 eee, ee'q eo1oQ 66o
a6o Bq'r gaao 6aqa erd r erreuronr 6a6n oot aq6 eoq
6oro aqelnr r ga6,6r €r?r oraelq r Aqnflre eorerot g6
ara eo'lo eenr ard r enurel qd errooo oor6nr; q'ero6r6r
6'166r r olaeedo ear 6e6lt r 666c {0160 elnr r 6ee oo
ot6t6J EilG'tQGl ero q6 coRr-orero qqoeio g<, or'Q sQ
ero q5 qflr{ g{ r"
gefle"q ae,ar godc
OlqO 01Ql9lqq qluOle'6' eal Oq. Og O6lflQ"qQ AG'gl
6o6raerqRrGeR r orfre,ne erno od I eq gq q'q,o I aer66l
Xo qtQtflqq 6'AtqC'
q6r ctd; 6oaa; oq6o qd areca oe6r I otqa 6flc'$6460
eQen I qA 6qQ fl66'tA6tgeer1 oat I

OlCItnqe(fl6c. qG)-'6166'1' (ee'lorgor) ot6q

6c,ote qdqfr I qg qoq ceto fraqr I otgeo alQ eceo olg
6a6r{; Btet ala 68 6g6lt, ara Q o6nr r 69 soq er6
* r

Grlc'6,o Q Qlorl I

fl6-e,rc'ae'r eoo6 eorGs oiej 6qr r q6G g€srq6

60, qq 0q eoq crd r es6i'fie6o at6,t6t qGolq crd, eqQ
qe 6q'a o G'oo eoq6; ao{q'6oG 0q 6a6t 6e6' ?
qlotflqq-at6i {$ qatoe a6 raroragaren 0qeoq
nr{ eorugs, 6o00 RrGeer fr6oro6 I eqQg6, n6o Oq
6oqe 6oG t 6oeer 6orer r (orqo fll1o eq6o oraa6)
"{ 6 6aro oq"6 I
qot-o6t6t-6',611 ote6a ugeol t"... eoltG
"6016r qed e,ea6 ? 6o€tct, e.ele1 6a166, aG co6 r

e'6r 6ce q$er oe6, ol'o 0q crd r oGar Gg6 t 6oto aqc
6g€t, 6ote aqo a66 I 6a6o or6eorn, e6eo orfiqRe t"
o8-GeorerrgaQqfr, elg errfr,6oeer GG crd-aao
gasd eore'6 aqaG-6'6t aG serfr r

GAeUtAd €'qtu-El"Qta fl6'to 6eto1

"6oe6t eea6 aqaceia ala6t I <Qaqeoere Hte,1flt6e
er6'G, Gsle8t arQoen 6rsl l"
otqo elnln0oq oraa6 I

qlolflqq-e'rdd z eee oQen el sG c'6t ? 'q"qle o

flG't6r 66,to'l' 6Q|OOt6Q I

s6-GereGe at6'o eoaYO r

qlarflqq-d orsr o qG r

otqo atffstOo aroq atQaG I fltat$ o1fre eera qora

066l rfl6 flel qdtfl a6a I otqo ormR6a qq6g gr€066r flr,
er6'16 algqqd aG eQaG I 6oe6a et6{ arnLJ6 6.16, ot,6r
66 u'o 00eo 0 6'ls6o I o6ll6ad6o ete'o6oo eerr6s gcl I

6ose6r fl6 eQaG r

ougr 006g0, 99 6qq66'qa Qr[fl uQ

R6-otqr oO gs, 6e66' 6oaut6r6t 6"6t oo6,to ?

o eos16,
or'6q'66'r eeeogQs ari eoro o6or ord'eoe r 6
goro cri 6< e'reo t s€eo ar6fl Rqq I

glorflqq-"q6 Qereo sQen Q gsera q{ t"

a6-or'eeeR6 o aqeoc aG t
qGoreec qq.- qqc' qolea qG
qlorflqq-aqaoo qed, aeorcr r 6r'eQ6RQ t orso
qor 6q'66l nqciea aqorcl 6a eernorea r GoG ard, 6000
qero oei6l uoaro oe, arqa eeo arQeR Eda qat6e aoot6t
g6oa or< r 66< 66s a6sr< ardr eon6er6 oo6, 6oqs ?
466,e erQoat oaQ, eerr6{ 0161 e6r6s 6,t6lt66t G.,t6o, ata
eer6s o16 6e.' ero66lueo; ud oaQerqaeo goao enro6s r

enre 6oc'r q66r q66r 6qqq e$tfrot{ r 69 aerenre eqQ

oQqqrooed 6eqr aG aa eorfroreo erdrqge.o qot 6a6n
qq 6q rJq6i6, flar66r eerrfrors r

6aq6a gds,6ico G're6r qtotflqg

"argr, 6o6a 6qq {60 c'o6ont atdQ, qq o ? {otq
6g qq arqqnr | {orqanqro ad 6qnr I 6ea aQfr, qtqotcs
eqQo6 ore6o cflqro e6er e,ar ged r 6ee aorq oQo
efreorq orQeo orae1fr | 6q 6e6G' 6qqo qqoat qdnr I

ao16r 6o6t 6,6e, '{orq qq 6eq otq oata66,atq q{; 6o6e

ota e'{rq'q e6'r fr6e' r" (orqoe.o erav)
nO aerq eera sQ qfls aat qqa6 r q€en q6J6I6o
qOoroo 6oq otq oo6 r

6l6!n.'1erorq e'oro r< nrd
Olarflqq-Qs,ro na nrd r org 6< ar6 o16o ?

66'rorqalc' orq q66-orc'61 eel6< a'666r <Q ggro r

"q,raer6r Goraq6 66'611 I eeat Qqre oeo-<66 a'o

6''6tO 6Q6'lt, {6cr6t er6 AQnr I Ot',Gr QOle q6 enro e1o Gq
Ye qlalflqq aalqo
Gq qq r rj ereo 60 ei 66 e'teo eld r org 6ase6a6f,' oR
or6q, q6 eaeeee6f,, glc Grtcqt I ora.o ei Q'd qBQ ?"
o6-argt d, otg c'o qelot{ ? ot'6t ego6 q6, eaQ
6oa eea fl66'6'6o, Ei qg qQ orGG I atodl ess6 ogG,
eerr6q OAQ 66o otqlq ol6q otaqf,it, ot'a est6< olc'166t
eoe qQernr eerfr fl6ca6o Go-{aQ atQ oteqe'l aqlq
sRo0e r

aqos 6,'et 6'6uot{-aota oootet6

q1CIrflqe-ot6 Q< er6e t ri er6or std ss'ql eeo
cld r ri 6ae6', frr' 6G',tfr or6c, I ftt' otqt o6ee I Gt6o agl
6g6R 66ra6e, egt a 6aca ctd t eetto GorQqaro qola I

6err0qar 6oq,6' 'Rqrd Rqrd" eetet{ I flt' olq eod'O oE-

6a6G6o66'q'r6dtnee, 6a6e6q'6o aq't atq6'o Gaoteo I 6816'
qar ar'q ered r flt'e GG,6e .f,qriu, Gq e'tso etd t atSetq
ored ard flar r 6Er 6't66t, 6ftt6r gtt' 46, eqte QtQG't s'6t ?
eraercrle qa 6 G'r66t, 6flt6r glt' aG teqa qa a6r6o 86q'l
6e6R 6'6g, 'ee, Ei Rt'g e'Qeo6 t eflto qt' aG t' 69tt6t gttt
qorq otqo flotflqe 6eq eoetta 6a at6eo qte 6oQ
n6q oqa6, "arar, {el6a 66 aB geo o'o ego ?"
6q ac,re.6ara otqag eogeG e oqaG 6etu g{-
otqo6'o qaa flilco e'o ersrqAt' aa6 I flt' Q'61 6oa Litoo
oG arQaG ? 6,1G'61 aein otd' t
sq oa68a
aues aea gdlqe'l 9l6E'lgqto $olnqg
ffqo au6r6'660 €'c',911 qer6e 6G'G'1flOO60 flolnqq
aorflelo I qaqlo66t qrqrgslreo arn6 ode eqaG I auo6
oeo geirqel Qqq', 6c6J 6q olqos 6neo oQ at6eG

ar6 querer, Qo u6Ql6'Q qrrq,

gx a6e I qlalnqe
q',fi'QlflG',o 6ot tg
6r89il6',S q6teo arQaG; 6qfl16'G' flal6Q
qlaolalg atQaG
al,l6r6o aq aaqoqlg $61-ocq6oqo

q6eeo tl arqtCIaic$ qcl aoa6s udo 6fleo oGaG t

cqfll6g'flal 466'66' arQeG t

flqoco Oat
Olotflqq qoqtn6 ode eG ote't6q 6qla
ee,aa6 r oier6E 6ala filalg oto qolaaG I

auo qaloo, gB aecc qetoo ao6o, Qe'roeo otOo t

6GeJ 6G'tuq{ qrorclqq

qngf;o etern otd e,$qlolg ge
aqa6 -
Q. {6'lQ qqQ, olQdlQQ 9tl' ot66tt,
Go6'-Ge,o-gtea gtQo oqa9 60 91611 I

6'6lo6t[, e6'-ot66'1, ee-gRtQct 6'6186'c1'

eG ntnteo qalo 6alan 066110l e'ogeefr t t
qotacc' ottlt6eet6m, qc'aflo Qetoet6ot t
oqflfl1 6Qlo Qlq e6en ff6'l qald otqofrct t t
66at egltoe,t eot6a'eolQg't q6a Rt' 616fl 66olfrct t

qtn6en eo'lereool c6lo qflo qd egt6 tt

6ee qntonl qdtot 6r€llc'1 qolc'c'clg1 adqq6er t
qqdr 66ior oor6eQea, qR RQot eo ot6e e't6 tt
qe eal
o10lflqe6 6'6le16'1ff
qlolflqq auo6 9a flanla e6oogltcteQ ola aqoe I

eqQ oeo eq6oGo eq6 eQeG I

af,'Qtrlq Oot tl qloolalqgq6 orereo eQaG t

xx qlQtnqq eatqo
otqQ {6e fld otatQq I 6nGc a90nt6,s q6Fub,l6's6
aq6'6, "6e 6'rqflr6c, rjeto6, {6e q6RRl6c $la t"
alraf,o eFeeoq qe't flr' qq6l ede6, eoq o'o
qlornqg 6,oqrorc'o ar6q'666t eqaG-"ti gueG, {6a
q6fl9r66,qQrO OrA ?"
otqQ 6,6tgtotg orretoe et,la oqa6, "fltat, rjerroG t
cr, q6fl $tee ? flr'ere6trcoq0d1 !"
qlotflqq 6"o c6qr6'rg e Ge'qse eerfr eoga6 t frs
or' eqQ c'er oerRqoeo eRlo6sr ord ueord eeraa6 t
eoelord'e'o orq6r 'ej erra6' eelfr ogeG t
{ae ot6,l6G'6t6o 6oa flelco sqeq, ot'RG6e gtt'g
eoqaG r eoelord'ora6e Qeorro eero 6raaG r

"qQG'q6'ltoa at eo-efltQet I

flftrurco fl6arq6$ e1dt6'toi Geer6ar r r

arb,re 666re'rero, gq. o6f,'gtoro q6 I

o6qesr 60 elfito 6,q68 qgqerGet r r

6qo,Qe6rn qeo, eeire'e atmtqco I

Gtc-elt6,-ag-q6a Gqg-qo eo6nt rr....

orqo q6 araoG-
"Gt16', 6 ouQ oet6t 66lt I
ol'CI ctfl g6e et6', ot'e g6q'fletsln,
ot'6r 61o 6gr enr 6q,nt l
e6'rqo 466,4 a6, Gg s eq'alouil 6,f,'t I
a66e ulCIen 0r'60 Q6oq qor6nt rr
6't69t 6,t01, q6O Qtfi, e6'tq a{e Qnt I
acqqo 6'rt66tct 06l, 60 eoq6, 6q flGRr rr"
"ole 6 6a66'o0t6t 66a I
aoot66l6te6l6to 6a6a qag oa s,rfrors, 6oq6q,tug{
oefitcg aog 60€106 tg 6tro orao6;
"aog 060 qtd qfr6 r..."
qrqo qtaatG'tg qg 6dta6o a6o1o, 6oq Gtc.o 6,q
auo aS otqoc' ol6q eca arQa6 r eq edlorcrc. oo I
sq 06680, Qo A6qlQ6r e[rql x8

ots 6aq flolflqefia 01 6dlQl6r6 AA1gG' 6ala6 I olqo

"6fl16t aei Gnt 66llQl 6anl I

6611611 6Qq'lq see6 66' eoeo a6 et6


6dro Getae,rd qG qloo R16'l

<6 eQRteQ,
entafr 6 eolot 96 oqer 6 eotot t

eo6eq e'ted eq66 6eo eg 6el6tl I

s 6 6QRteQ,
flAotq 6al6Ll atQG ota t

cflt acr 6oq 66101 6oa t

q 6 egRteo
<ao qeo'lolcTc olG'661 at6q egta otaa6 t oqa6'
"er6rotG'tg <Q oto6 qq o16l otat6;"
"6116'6QG'G eo;
(orre64 qtedloleieo)
Gll6G'q'6Q 6'160 6'16B 6ll{ I I

qoqc'l oqet 96, ol6G'qolG'c 6o66 a6c I

6616rl Ql6a Qeoter gs; eQ qO ctgat<;

6010l, 6e oto 666'l;66t t t"
"aoq'lq'G<, qtQ o0or-egl'lo enGm t

ore g6qG'1, clc g6€cl, ntee, o96 qtdQ6'c1 tt"

e$Qtsla Oot e6ee I 6oq 6c'luq'( {ao qlalfiqq
66lo1clc'f;o aqqle 6gno qto ettaa6 '
"6tttftg c ota qQ
oeo 6 qeer o166 aQ
oqtn oO 6aGG'flalo gft
0o6c et66 ee6lt 6oa aan qfi l"
X9 q10tflqq 6,atqo
q6ilrgi qneg-enorgrs 6ote'qe G'at
G,eoraG'Corqo oge gq6 06oro 6',tct atc66r e'frorar
aG g ors"o qorG'6,, q6l'r, CIgG qq6 arneer 6q'G'6qat a6elornr
aB r eq 6dE 6,1ac6a flq6'rac6o 6rqtflqoo-q&6a ot6"o
6qet 6cQ aqe{6n I

enarflG Oot qorec e6ee r 6r@, sde g 6aoteeta1fltc6'

qO eg e6eeq"er oerqelO crd'; eaQ e6,'Q eqRtcg 6ego
e.o6 r qlarflqq 69 so6 q"otd fl6'q on slarG atd r eq
e'e6 60, c'qrq$Gr et6a qg oa qq R6' 6ao flqog ato
e'etoteot66r r eg e6ee orB aa6, eod'fllee atgtce fllnt
eoG, qa oro aoqr6 oo6, Qg o6arc,S oreet olei'etrqnor
nrdr eqetord'ecruqs orqo a6'otoc Corg ao6o6t eoaaG r

qde'ar-otqaso e6gq,-s6alffe 6ee qeet g atflRa

qroroqe(oreocg6)-or6fr, crd6 eerrGq ot6'e
ee6 r cj ou goreceo e6qe-e6ororo soc enoe1fr; 666c
<Q oroeo e1fr r q6 ofieoqaea otetcte scoe1fr; Rar 6n6,,
$nr66l eror r q6 eqeo6c 060 qq arQ eofr r

G,$atrrc'0org 6sl-aqo eqd, 6do, omra, q6

"6'66t 6ntae eerr6< qq ?dal I 6nteflt6c er'oragqor
o66roarq arqG r qo6o e6r 6616,t 6qtaaN; 69 orero eod'
efi q'e6,re, q€6a q6r qotacn eqQ e6r 6eteot{ I 6'66t Gtet
6oq aotq 6gle ecratnrg oQRr, 'qen eod'e6r 6gts,tee,
eoflle eqQ oeiG 6flt6o 0a' t"
orqo e'o cqe6 eo, 6at6e orc orerqarQee
g 66c6,'r Rta o6es' ?
qlolnqq-"661G{ 6s66t eqqorGs e{6lt r eqQ
agqolq 6,661 6nre 6oq66lr oge,', Qora ev6 eoqnt 6'Rl,
qora er6 on6ar; <Qod 66a enro 6e 6e 061 6aq 66R I
ge g6ege, Qo a6ql6'Q QT[ql

6qQ aqqol qtl866l 6alfll60 6fl6G646n al66llool

cqfltcc 6oeo q$ql 6qal-A{ cQnt otgat' 6s aQRt
6< cg6 en6at qccqao anol aal I 618 066'e616{
< oe'oen Oe1!
eQelnt, cl ol6qqfl6g 66n t eq nQfit, 'rf
6'onN I qdl
a,o, gic't661 {Ql eql6{ €'qGIo1 I s66ls66l oGT
eeenieen atedl edloQ erei 6'al{ I"
qlolgtqe o'o eqeG 60 flqo qqd, e'l6'l 610 llo6 t
q6 6do, eot"oa e1o c,d',6'la't flacr?lo1o !u'-'-':^"96o161'
mreeorG qg oa 6oa 6rqo6'o arqot
oq ola 6'618 ?
gro,rhqlenoroer Ae'rq gO)-eG ara og eld;
eoee oO dlq oQ, eos6 qe6ome'6ol9lc

oulqs-nlnlo ad-oq g a6e.

"qtQ6'al 6QRl, el$ ofi olQG'I, orco orq$l
q,6et t 6q Qq, oo-oQe eqQ oq olc'eGQ I 6al
gq' oB
aG r oo ogo glqolo G'66t l"
oB G, eeen aQoro6 cr6 l 6q6G6466, ag
g{ 6lQl, o6q,l€)
euG oQe; oB g{ ga6 aG r eq 6e,o nrurir
""*'" 6oq[alulqentntr
iG,"* oaer ord'94"g,eetoeG;
-" 6c t
oreilG eri, onteo fllnrl, 6oQ alelo eeeo
otd, onteo fllnl, alcllo {ag qa6fl qa6fl e6etg
q{ r aqnla 6qGR, osalag qda oeR, q'leloo algao 969l
6'fi1 {60
"6816'' 6G'lQ oaql {6G qgl{; 69 eotn6
gs crd t eqQ 6sl6'6'61 6'o6'6Q gG eotGq soteo c{e'
oG eotG<
i".".*.* argd oqestofre r q5 eqa6q6'o6'lo l"'
etot o6e ol'6Q6n in'ee atedl eeq olaca G'ld
otetn/ eo
e. agr1o6eae attq....enil"e Qoqee t
oeo q86 Qmtee soe66ae6onq t
olaqcea 8'geate'n" 9169 flRanlqcc ll
v. A merchantman sold all,would up
his businessand
Mathew : 13 I 45 I 46
bought a pearl of great price, - Bible, St'
ur- qlatnqq aatqo
6G,6'60 Aq1 aafl-At0t6l Ato 6, et6n 66qG'9lt6c Act
saG I 6oq otqo e.,'o cga6 60, fiqe oofa oeo 6'0 fltnt,
6oa {qqel66 ara 6q6o are eree ard' ? ognro 6a6R
q'rqre6r q.'ri afror<

qrerraqe(e6,6rtel6. Oore gG)

-adroe'r ogoro eeG,
geeic, gLlG,, Qe, Qoo Qo r qe,eio Gno eee, 6a6,66r fltnt
060, ala atotGll I qta]Q-6qfltc6.0 {66'G'tQtQO A|E.'AQ c
ars, 6ag6 '6,raq' r Qq'-orero Oq Gqro ea aqo aa6 r

QEo Qs,'-eoo6 eGocqeoe I fiqag odc o6aG, ara qdol

oarereir atnto t Qq'o Qe,g eaarec 'qrd" e,eG r ,qrd'oeo
ara crd'r'
ql6'e qtus't, aql,rrTo qfleg 0 qq.q,te oqrst e6q,l
"qtuo G,tct gotoo r qt6'G' etu6,t 66noc,6e; qta,la
qrucoe'6, 6otoc6o a6o; 6oq6n gqo enrc o6 6qlaj q{;
fr6n01 6oeo dtc 6,66r t"
"et6,Qo qt|,lo G,tel6o atqao 6q,fit{, 6t6rt66l 6'oglG,t,
6OC, 66qat, OIOQ, qc,lo otct EG't coo 916.,t I ego6
otaqeerri fird eQ6'r r"
e6ee ogfit6'G6l 6aat6 fle aaat flte fto ao6o 6q6o
qo,r etd I c'eetfls 0org x goro a"etd orre g6oer6 a6el
orei orgo ao6ad eoaaG r

Olotflqq (enorac Ool qqGc qG) -eoti uri, ead'

fl6'6ea ar ord6, qfl6g eqQ ceo fltg flqog e,'rga6; eog
eeil1oQ uEi or noq aq6'l e6s,r a6o qed r 6e,0 olg oQa6
q6orec,a Eg; ataeor6 qoroeo e,r6 d geroraO q6orac,e
qqs; oe o96 aGoreoa 6ea I eqQ {6'q6oleo r

"66qG'flrcqo 6a 6a aro a6 r eooeo clg qg

qalCIt{; oen e6qe o16 ee6 'aeRq 6eere, r aenq aejlq
orqrs flsq oetot{ 6,td, aQagror 6oglot{ crd r eqaren
oe6, etrr ata qg 'a6fi6t'e ga6 orEer r"
6aq'te gtc'6o aq'ota s,t6, eq,oteG'to19l6c aq6 gtet,
qq, {fit6c qGorac-qroero gaG 6ee I
eq odege, Qo a6qlqo et[ql xc

"6GtG{ sgl G ga6 erd; 60 olQl eeq, oG atada

flqo6 Gt66', 016 0166er Gaa oeqe I aqlqeol e16Q 6Q6lt t"
qlolflqq ola6Q Qeorter 6qla ooflloq otei <Qoq 6'at
eqAen r<ael66< gq6a eetcra6 o oqaG, "q6fl a6'6llcl6t
aro ?
af,'olelc dorg dst-ettqn qa '
qfl6s qq 6qla eQsG ac'alflG'e qo Oot Oaaoect
e6crglo gltq''t 6'0 aqaG

qterroqe(areer qq6c qG)-.atel, {9ll6G' {6G 6'0

q.,o6, seo otei e.'6a6, oalC <oQ q,rd6 z eos6 aoo fllq66t
"Q6t16q cQfr, e.,tot Oqt e,'o oQelo oQ ettqnot a
ar{ r q'qlq$ot EGa sGotea d q.tat t
"<io etei, <eo eo cQ6, g< ord 6'rdG aqlqnol
crd t evtqn 6ala ol$ ot6eR 6q 6osll 6aG t"
"otgt al6rcl6o alal qalo 6e$q oer6; eaeoeeen
qlqqg 6a6tol{ Rtd t ot'oea cloa aG eseoeecn aqlqe
in,h !o,"eq arQ G'1611 G'6'lQ eela otcG ata qQ6, 'gtet
se e6t6o flfl c'1G'a !' sq.oeq'en qq ata erQoter6 ord r

qe,atf,'afltsq qQo al6q atq6 tl cq6, uenl Qa ! uaG'1

QQ !,,
qgn oa68o
(6rt6tR, aG'AlflG'O c0t, 6G'et1 Otq, flleQ, 9t6
flfi6',6r6tto, Geatot (qe) gq6c oereo)
o6eoqaea nqtqdor (gnra qS"')
fl6r6.,G't61, Q9 pt6qla61 QTTgt, atQe mo6e I a$QlflG'
Cor tg ucqtct{ oQcllcc uaG t an6rlfl6 Oot ooo 66q6.,,
Qto66l eaCrglo RIq't, qdql 6'o
qoa t

ea6d16' e6qeRIec aoq q'qoloo 6nlafil6'8 6q6c

oqc' ooe G'lQ I anolaq'o Oot qlalflqgg nGeo nGeer
eoqa6; olsQ 6rla 08616116' eQqeateq'o6 ged'r
q1arfl qq €tol6l o116' 6qfi 6G' qq 646'Gl$
- eadn teq'Qooqt6 I

nreG-qe, olc'l,6q, Qtft t

an6ltnc Oot-d, eso6 {a qlff 6e eotgte t

qtolfl qg Gg 6eta6 0o6'16l I 661 lolcl 166' 6oGG66''66'

nAorq otoel66l, 6q6o6466' ooQ-e'ot qqg 6oq eqdl
6a6fi; oQGR, "< q6 6< z atfla cloaalc 6fl146'qq qq
6,la ?"
"eqfltc'Q 6qto6 I qloo q66o qloalq 6oGGCa66'
urQ6n, qe gQotq eQefir, qAflla olnqo a 6aq66l agq
see crd I Goq otslclo uO eQGn l"
q1otfl qeca 496' aegt 6c''tt -R16rl6o 16l
"Qq eleo etet, enlo sQ eqt6s galoo aear r ei
6ean OorgnlntqgRlQ al6q, 96 ntcrgGe'rqol{ l"
"6oq6o oaqato cln qgmlc t aG oOe r 6oa-q6
o'qd e oGGr g{ ctd t Qntngc' 0661 6o6ocq''66' ooaol
6'aqqd aca Gqceeeen Ootg €'lcl 6IoGa ode eeen t

Qorna oQ6R, 'flt', 69ll6t ogt, qgode o66 t' eqeocecn

o6aot GQe6l, OGt, ato6t oG qqmre otdt6, 6ocq'alodlg
qrqqcr a6etq 6Qa I q'qlloq a6lol 6QlQ 6deeo a8eo
nQeo qtqqcr o6erg oQq' t"
qgfl o66gq,, e9 a6qia0 eTrfl
"6qQ {eqa66,o eq,ta6_6ovqdntnr t{o
_ aagt6o
'a6co' 6,tfrot<, q6 ,so, aal otfrotv_ote6l <a etQsn
ga t 6q es aoqroeo_eoot 6oa qcta qs adt
aote CI
arqa aGeo r ar6er eoa"'arqa eoq ea arfla qsd_o
arqa qed r" "g
,,966o6o6c,6n 6q ac,gt aanta Oa6_6o666a6,
fl6,q fitnt goe gp,ta arer6 _ 6q6o66,6fi eoes,aqer_fl
ete-eoq'-6q aq eq,ra eQa6 r

aqo ceir_q6n o qflo

"qO 66,6o6a6n 6q se6r6 eo eq sQ qflg ate_
e,oo qQ o6o6-eoo6 etq ata orq"o e6er r ,rj
aeir,, ,rj
qq', 'fierq,r'-sete etfl astc I ate 6916r {A qq."og,"l
o6ete, alc, 6.6'-{ete etfl agtc t,,
Cor-argr d
aneletc" r

,qeo eeir,
-qlotflqq-eooriqe sQ eeru c arQ6,
eqsriee eo6 ec6 aiQerqeoe-g6 e,g 6aa r .q6fl
sQ seru 6a6n ata qee'g eqe c,dr,
"60 odqe 'qg, qg c o6a ee odqe arQe, crd r

qndg eeo d'eoe-e16 eee crdr ara ,611161 6ot6t,

6 o'6t ga6, I q,tqG.o qfltgt o6e,, ,{eet atflGl G,6ot, alFt
srs, oGrO r' Og erq 6o6o6a6e o0 Oa6, eqeoeeen
alaotocl Qgaer Q ena CIero gslor ? at{ I

ei ara 6flt61-qoqe ataacr o6 erq6_ar6erq 6x

4 I

asQomre g eGooqodc
"a6Qo8rc c 6e6n eBocqoeic q< crd r edocrooia
6Q6n 606A 60lrco I o6l0Q.q aQgt66l <Q
60,itco I

"6eq't8 FtG6e aa6\to atd r eqQ flo6o e6octeoe

aeQoo eor6< qqgo r eFocqoefo 6o6 OarQfr e'r6en
eio6,t6r oeo eao6 eorq arqa r,,
qlatflqq 6alqo
aaola qH 'fl69-eioc'
,,CI6frG66r aaGta t qfrClflQ qteRtoa eatG)
aagt Ga61 aQetRt-'q'lq''l,.6aea aq nla 6QtQ6' {6G

etaoto aei atQ"; aqoqqG''l ao66l 0q6el aqalqg{

I 6alqa
infilQ 6< t aoqto-adaa
oeoitoa 6aGR 6llq q6fl q6fl Glgl
o,*u, geo oeiottn qo <Q a6s 6oeo n6e-acn aG t

"qd etaot6a6a '6q G'6?, 'G'16'1, q6g filQ8' al alalq

-4- ?" gla
".(Q 'tJ* Q" alaa6l a6r aq6 I a6oq aQq6tl'

r[ eoeo Oe, ot6'Q ri eaea atQ6' I' l1olo Q6Q' 'qQ Goea
,"OA otG e1o, eq66 at6 < at6o afifre i"
"qe uqog QQ8166t, 'GttGl t aeQQ6) eett6<6 elen
6clt6o otae ctd r 66< aG ettaatea t
q6at Q6' tar qat'
- -- ;.ai
t4euOat qgslal I 6G6a 66114G6166< aoota q'( I G'l e'6' ?-
ri atale ols166r 66'aR qor ero 6'lQ"afr; erG ord
6'td t" ec'o,f,e.6, Oot, 6edt cl6'1, fllq6l, a6 Rfto geq$
<Q e,at ag-aq.q1olflqq
qfll.dg 6acn I alalslacloq ogloo
oO G'QsG I ^
qRl{CI6r 066] q1Qlflqq 6lA8G
eefr arqr ord'otoq,qQ, eqeo t ot6 ataR att t

{ao q1q@ olflalaq G16' olaalq aqaG t 6q
ga6fl edlettei-qeqlq -
6 eoqfrea, 6G'6Q Gllaol qfi66r'
ao6lo 6G'tt6, qteer-lelter r1er6,
aaq a6a Ggflag 6odll66'l I

9la fl106l qfl 69fl1646fl 6'168 6ll{'

e6ilQ eRIe6' ,Y6i61168 I

atgal{ q6eqlfr, Q'QGreq'qqi Q61q 6[aQ Q6'

orsa qO qet u6, qora6 eqta eqQ
qt6er ql6a ega 6ot 46ei I I .
e6oRqeq'eG'a <Q olca 6g69llqla aagl aQol cca
otQOG'afroea olflG)la 661l01fil8ca a8la 86'O1 6llQ6',G

qqfl ca6Bq', q, a6qla6) eTTGIl Sql

d6l G't a.tQ 6't 6ta8q, 0a 6 B6q C6e I

60 sqQ 8$ q'6 01', B6q G6lG 66n ll

aaal6la aaq a6 fl66'lQ6i 6ltllfialc 610 old'64 I

06fl aal66l gtuQ Q6q, GfllQQ G''"611 66166.l Gl'Q6g I

arar I 6 qoa 610 cl6c'tqo 6Jaa at66lta eGQ tt

q6616 6e6a ata e'i6Qs,ter ereq ord I qlqa a8 oftag
aqa6, "q6fi qeql atqaer eqQ e,at6 qe G t"
a6 rrfta-GroG,, qqt6o at6 ot6ot<-6l6rt, CIAc''t,
qaq0 arq6 eaeo G'q'l, 6ctgl6tt aQ6, 69 eo ee'loQotqotd
Oae crd r 6aafi qrcrasgo qQan oteY aeosl ad erQat< t

qlorflqq-adrq GrG'e otaogser aO dqrei ata qq

fraqt t

aq6rt e'r6 edcla6a qa

flO nfre eer16< q6,qtq'tqca G'al-aqa.llq
oaoa8 qard soen g6't 6qlaot< t eqqo6 aqat6-ocll6t,
eern ooqe qdarfl a6qr qs eqlagtatG I qa61 'Qot qdeta
er6 ar6 Bflr6r r'
qlaroqq-eoa" ooor qaG atQ", eqQ sflgtq aqaQtcrl
ac6o1611 ader oe6) Ozie oerq 6aa g{ I

"6)qe6 arflca a6s o69 q{ I Gcq ctaateie aCIqtq

aderqq{ rriog aftaa ar'qaQe1fr,6o6o6G'GQ qqt atQe,
6q6G6a6G' 6qQ q'qreer 6at Q" arQG' t o6et6t CnrCfrqer
6er-.-aaq adorer eer-<Qqq atQG', CIGtatoc"Q 6et atQe
orQ" r acta-Grfi6l G'rcl-6,0, ntfl-e,iao aCIqrq eder I {Q
aCIqrq oO ar<, qqq 6aeq GtG6l G'tfl 1e'eer arQe, I QerrQ
u6sn ooter alT aqT do Q"ergrde, 6q6G6a6G ate 'atgt 6rla'
'e6G qB' aQq,otQ i"
"qE aoa aei ggo 6aar CIR r 66rE aflqca 6deq
ore 6aae aqet-6ar g 6rGo q,ra ade I etol Gl6alta ot6a.ltQ
oO q'rot6rnrq or{, or'6e66l ara qG atga 6qt610l60 otd t"
au qlQlflqq Qaltlc'
aaotaa Oot, et8 ofro, eeol oln, {fllc'G"61 aoq
eqra6; eoqa'o otqa, 6qflloGo qcrn ot6i, <QoG ao6o6l
eq,aa6 t
Olotoqq qO oroorc6 od e.'at eqaG t

qlolflqq-Fdaeo otaa 6et g clcl adetq e'q6

erQ"6 t q"qtec6t 6c o16 erQen aot6 I eoelctd, qteo 6'fr
orei orra ot16r flal66r edte6 t 66flte6' eq'6, 86, c'q ala
cGl-<Q 6ear6 otd'eoeo 66ltG'91t6' g aotG t

Qlfloq, Q'Ell6l g.€'6q

"q6fl qq q'qlQ6a as' 610 Q'61 ? 61191 6O6O6a6G',
q'qre oq16 odet oat aQ66t, o6oa 66o eqta e6eG'a
d6r6il6l0 6A661 I e6e errO6 aQ6R, '6t1fl, q6fl q"qto atQ"6
oq16 a6o r eat qQo QetQ oa, q'qtQ e'o aqel-eot ? 8'6t
at GuCI 6,66,, e'61 at qad e,6e r ota' 6ot o QG nrd r eq
flqa-qrar-G1q 6'6tG' 6IGo go1aflt6'6QaoG t"
aearcra Oot-err6 aOa t

qlorflqq-qtllotcaen <Q q'qtQ '6a,tt6'l6t etel' q6

ffita fitGl c661, ots odc a6el 066rl { q'qlQ '9lG't6t 6G'tO1' t

aQGr6r q6]SG' flel66r aqOOde AAOIO e6OeqSOe

"66eG,qa66r et6, 'Qqtea frna qe oea eqqo' t

"qe 6 6qro ! qotac6a Rto e't6 qaq ot6
orQ eonr; orqaQnr-q.ea 6e t eq 6eetq 466't oeo qe6T
qe6T o16 Oanr r 6q fiqelnl, 'aqoe ctct o66, q6 oaot
eoa graflo I < 6,'61 !'
orei'qnot 6oaa6, qe6eorer 6c'q aG'tq t"
"orq-odoq Oer eat6e efiala1 oQERt, 'cad ata
caqarq frQ-ouqoo 6$tn l' qe6eoto ert6 ota oQctt,
<od q,ar ee.lto1 e.,QG r 6q ead eteo ctd eo arqer 6ga
6qQ !"
qgfl o66Qq" q9 a6qlaa e[Tq] EE

"G,t6'1o6e ot6'661 arag aQelnt, 'qGflftt6G' qQ -6119l,

orq ag aq eoo6 eqt6t 0c 0t{ t"
"rj qe6eota CIoe Go6o6o66' otaqfr, 6?l160 6aqal
flrq6a ctqSlnt t"
"Grrooq aq6t6 eQ6R, 'ota, 60€l*0 6aqa a6ot et6,
or6e eo rj eootser aG t"
"6CIo0 eOoaqeoe t6qfl6o Qq6, oto6, G'te6, ettatG t

eOooqeoe aG,ot6l-aeotd fiqe r"

q1 o g qq et tacG
- " 6r tG' 6Qq 6ecr, or e6qqt eetl o l6160

CIt6a a6q Gt6c, G'160 6ll{ !"

6,eerflG'Oot, q5 afto, eeett otn gq6 6ola qasl
e,qa6 r qoqr o6e e'qteloqto qdqata CIofltGG' atQeG t

6qflro6" aQo qtataqq fla fltoGT oG qot eqa6 t

qoq o6a orrG'r6q t aqa6, rI ABer 6ea fr6 r

6eerrgtt Glatagtccr oacqat e,6otq otaa6 I qlolflqq

arrr6g ad a6erq eoeR atd t

q6',rr o66t aorc atQoG r qterroqe eQa6-ertetQq t

66ss 060 6r6ltc$ aqa6 I 6t6ll6'661 agt 6tag1a qaqo6l

edee r

qrorflqq- (acrrce. g6) -gfla olQt 9l6otCIo, otqt d

a0 r g1060 ara q'64 ctQ" o r
e.'6eo 6erno oa gsd-atoflo oa
61616'-risa qeler qtaflor od q'oa edqfr t

Olarflqq-{ oa6o (arera oaeer) a'd otQt 6Qq'

orQ" t eo qg 6q dor6, e tm t 'ri Go atel qg ar6 aEi uriluri
qq arQG r'
6t6tQ-861G ga66r a6, qg Q" atq'lr6l6 r gg tl croi
a6aa I

qlorflqq-{ear 6aae c1d'eer aQen q< old, ut6r6lt

606o646CI 6ea 6q6o6esn 0a eqe t
Ee q1Qrflqq aatqo
"qrdcr oeer 6aq6 eeen 0q 6eral 6eG', eq d n6ir,
ea Q"aa-gret-q6-epr I at6o 6eae oeq6lo I "o6G 6',Q
6,4 6,611, Ofi60 Q0tA 66 t"
"6aq6 6e66'r 6ar..t q{ , qoqCIerr6 eEi eq d e.,ar6 r

'orer6.r eei eqQ e66 frr' ar6fi orq eg eerfr r'

"o16 ooiA c6R qq q'64 s,rfrot{ I 6q6o6a6G, aqq6'
oaa a6a r aqq6'oeo eQeR flrQ eoo6 orR ec,6 6oa 6aan
sa u6 eQar{ ara oflrEsls, eqQod ag 6fiG qx r"
6t6lt6' 66)t O60 qlQtglqq fitqoG qQo <eleeQ eat
aqa6 t ootqa6, "06619, er6r6-1, aare, q,t6'6rt {gltfi,S qfla
6o6 Rre6, qee G't crQ" t ara 6flt6o qoer e'o fl6c q.{ t"
areer age6, "aro6r aae'q6 6o1a-aroerg qQor
gsQrtr r"
qrarfiqq eqa6 r

aqfl s66go
Qqdaro6 gteqflt6''6o qlalflqe 6naqe 66lqlfl1
gq6c qg 6'6alo6''aG'
etda fltq, qqt {ata61, 99 G'6ottrQ, errfl qlqlo I

s6nrn nfraq' CI66r Qgdaro6 qlgqfllc6r at6 qtaqda

ald6a6a t aer6 6o.qer 6alq aoca; alcoao ordecl ga
flqnr6l aq o60 qfil6'61 atl6a66' t a6ntR at6 fleqtqe
qOaG t

aotqc't-qa atG atooo6qd, otelea g 6oea ctnt

t6q qsoqe, qq 0 qqfllal6a qeer16o t aa 6oeo ooclcl
arqc,qad e,O gotot q'6 c'QaG I Olalflqq o6lflq'qco6'G6t
ar6 qorreraf;' 6Qa I 6Cq at6 or@qtea olG6l q'dcnrQ ord'
eg g06J atQa6 t

6ecra € qoq G\at-qfltal-flC6rsa qlolflqg

clotqal qigAeaqq 66lqlfl1 gq6 qlg elootca

qlorflqq q?lqq aao6o aar aga6 I qfll6'-qa6a alqa 6'al

6AAr; a8 qsfl o6a a0lqcl alQa 6QA I

qlatqqq aqo6, "algl, 6eata atQe atQ" ?"

6661 gtgae aqa6, "6'1, GlG6l at6 oqo Qtfl 46,
arqorQ6a alQ l'
qlotsqq-6ee,taq 6o-q6a 6fllQ alq'o q<; sood
a6etqe6t qQ aA6 I ala CIlal$ 466'e eRra atg'6, olG'o166)
6qa 66 rrqaca cr6 aG I 6o6a 6eataa sol6{ eG'ts aG -
Ra166l Oq nrQ" I 6ell6G aQEnr 6o, a66r 6qolq (o6eetqa
arntoOaq) 0e'; 69 ota q'tG;6ar edlerQ 6eQ oota ctQ",
6qa6r orn rled-Qor nai aha oaqql I qGqQ oG CIla66t
uh aQen 6r6alc'atCI q'{ I alGq66l g'g c etQen q6fl q6cl
qq ce cetaCIt{ r ri oO 6a6o6Q6Q aQoats 6o, 6otttQtct6
06, o6g qCIaict atQ', oaiC a66l Gla6'l uO ttaionq ot< t

6ra q{-8166' qal6et g'tnfre i

ET qlatoqe aatqG
"6Fu6) sQ aegr 06er eto6e gn ar6 qtals aQqfr,
'flr' I {e 6a qata 9t6,, {e
Oa qaer agte, 6fit6o qor a6
0a or'; <a 6a qoer q6, <a 6a qaer aq6, 6al6o qor et6
6a Ar'; sa 6a qfl6t Gt6t, <a 6a qo6t ?to, 6ot6o qo,r o16
6a or'; r <a 6a qflo q6q, sa 6a qfle olo, 6Fll6G Aal
oO 6a fll' r 6o6o6en xQaq aQe1fr, 6q6o6a6e s aar aQ
orderd60-'flt' t sa 6a qfl6l eol, <a 6a qflo aqoq I

'eq flt'q eq,a ot6fr, 'qo,l' eoa ot6fr otQ" t,,

qtgqflte,o oe6 aqar66t aolqg't atert 6q,61 I 6aa1
ao6a are,rriq r aQcatalo oeo alordq oe.ggc a6a6q6o
66,6oto flatfla aotest a6orq nr6eR I qt? aa6r6r qflqoco
eaQ qerroc ardq a6q.a qrrlsrFago, 6qfltc,6"e eaQ oeg
oqarqrat ae, 16o flg qtaatqRrGeR I oQelqnr66fil
ffircslce' qg, ataoqoflfloq aq6ol6, ora" 6easQoq,
eloRoro6n'fl. l" q6 etoaraGo qaatat66o
q6G,e.q@ sQ
g6q6o 6aalq Rr6Rr I a6c,aG6l aeo6a etq6,l OqirOo
gra 6q,61 r 6et eq o6flrdee Qei o urcqa6 6aotq Rr6Rr r

qflsc'cr sq" qqG--AA qfla ol6Y qfl6s 6G,6ote q6J6 qga

6er a6orq RrOsR r

ocrflQ"q eoo ateea 6oq I q0?1c, QaEQ, aotq

Ogg6ar oO eQaG r atttoot eoa"orsa alcose 6oers aq6 r

ara eoe6 eler aOer erra oQ aQ6 r

qfli{a aeqeQo o6a atq e6rfr olGaroq or{a6 r

6e6t6e, qotg qfl6g Orrrho-ecg I 6q6G6a6n ,qg, qg,, aQ

a0 Oarea,ea I aotqcl 066l qtg CIo6t6t 661tfi a6tote 66,61
q"etde e,qa6 I qlotfiqq 6grltoo6o fia 6?t6r 6qotac.6t
q6r6a 6ot6l 6o6fi, ate qoq c6org nr6eR I qfl6g
ea,ra eqQ qor eoEa,G r Qaa CI agucrl CIofitca o16 eo6
crqa6 I a6oe sQ ago g,6trt 606l e areicrcc qeet6 a6
{ot6an66 q"qte qfreren-E6lc,te ora" e6-aq-a6etr orc
aO Qsqrcq e1fraen lOsaqso erq 6o 6alu 6aatqRr6Rr r
aqfl oa6gq" 99 6'6CI461, errfl EC

a1oal68 qfl6g alqa qa6'l a6n I olq6l Q'61 6'Q6G"

6qaat q6er oleY qq6s o16 eo6 eQsn t

qoa q6 ao6o6l
qflcaG ql86l6l6'qcaluc' a6 eq oge6, "6fi9 eq'ta
q"qlQ e6et ortat aq l 96'10 aQqRt, alSl alfl6]l 6,ca Ql6.,lG"
6fiq sqra q'ql6l adelen, al6fl flal eqQo6 Qdgt"
""; "*ofl6a fl6a otQen o'et eeQ 6'G'G'616'1 6QlQol{ ? aaG)
ni,n, ."." ooqtlt a6 sra nra aQqen r aqioo
0 6q6a eqta
q'ql61q ec6 atQelen t ^
eq ed, 6ot6r ooqqt aO ot'oea
"6o6q' q'ql6l16l a'et aota q'td ? aa6.l aG r 660e
Gdaeer qtdc adelq- q{ I 6oca erdnta
q{, slcalo q{;
GI'o66r CIta q'qlQ G'6t, 6q'l8 6'la I 6CI6o6G'6n adasgr
qtuctaae 6q66'6a66' q.qloq {al6a6,6a a6r6ll etQe;
6qcG6aGG' eogd ql, q9, G'Gll, cllGl, OGl,
CIlQ' oa6l1'
ql''lel q9la6o
arelo, qqa ee,Q 016168 c ers6 r 6eaea
arOi, eErre, ee,Q ctQ", aqer Q eater oiq t ala atO atO otq'
6oc'ea sta-er6 srsi greior 6'6G' l"
"CI6 0816l, eaeo 6c q'qlo arQ 6dcea erQQ r
6 oO sQs6 G'61, GlQl fld el6l;68 6a aQen arq6 on; 6at
G,te 6G', {6'fllq,66atq, <a ed-eo eao6
ol6a lmte-ei6
Rror c6 q'ql6rl66rl erQen ala 64611 ola atQ t

"Qto66t 6oa a6la oetq crtfren al6'6o aot nteo

qoat6 G6fi661, ggtq. qeieoen ala CIa etd t aesr o0 oeiet
Jae,eqdqe,, ga, ala gol 6aal 066loO sc't6l eei flrG oen
ger d aQe
eo,o,*O*q'o oarO ar6q e'q'6, adel eq'en eaQ

"gtRO gu o6 teaQ oegoO

q'qtereer 6rql' g'l ot6ea
66nr eth olQl q'qlCIca frdfre I 6Gq guq Odneer oQ oato
6qAAG'rq61 alqla aaerqq< I 6o6G6acQ 6daeo
n06loa g.lq Hlaa6eloe, nqett etot6G', 6q6o66'en sqQ
nqdlqaalolqco q"qlQ-GQ6o o6tot6e teaQ Rqot eaee
eo qlatflqq aatrlG
6Q6Q q"qrQ-6.fi6Q fr6e 6'rQ t q.qt6t-6,fi ac60 6f;g eera
6aa eorqrfltco Odassr qrajc
6e'a eerrqrfll {6e., 6otq ea6o6 I 6qol6o eq 6a
Oaaeer atq g qt{q6r a6alen I {6a eq e66a ee OqaG r

qtljQ6r orq', soo6 odor aedei I o6rflQ.q6q,eG" aaeeet

oe'q aO oQa6; eood flq 6gta a'er orrqnG r 6oq 6aE o6lfle.q6q,6' ctg 6,Q6e,,,66,a, q6fl

6,'d q,qt 0q a6c t"
"6e61, ga Ed qttJ qfid aQ_ aq ecrrGs qq,eee alQ
oqq6a t aeet qfr qfr atooeer qaea 6,6,t61,6q)t6,to, eotote.'tQ
6aqelnt; s66eeen ac'q qt{c qQo soslr 6ear I 6q6o6a66)
6q qafl arq6 aQnr, 'q6fl Ofreeer qao 6a61s qo 66sog
orQ" z' qaa qtqc6tq. aQnt 'rj alo sfir6s eaL Oq a6, o116,
gqO oq, oeer o16 eq,a Ofle eq,ra erq,r66; see qaao 6t6r
eoel qq6 l' eqQod qflq_ rl Q oorq6, q6o 6,,6t eal Oq
ahe r (area qq6fi qO) eoo eaao xeo 6a (o6lr6,t ac
ea'ta aQelnt, {ae 66rrfrareG r"
6e,g (3 6ecra-Fqra ari-qaqrqte erq6,r orr€r
qretraqe(Oe'ae. 96)-6e61, docrao atel 6,Ete I

6iee al6to6o 6aqatq q<, arg6 aq gato ara a6eiq q.< r

6sa-eri aen Q" aerrG q<, eg6er arQ qee, r

"qtAgotrerc,oea aO 60, aetlo o6er elqc ouq 6nq

eerr6< gJeJ a6a1en r earG< 6,t6lt6e 6ee6,ot6? fl16, alqel6a I

eor6< 6n zrQ arc6s qrfr eaaernt I cl6i6e filaq 606l

grCI a6't6a qat ot'cae6r 66llc'te6n I at€) ,6,t, ,6,t, e6 Gtq.
c,q6evg a6eq,eR i aia6q u6 eaeY atoq oj{, qarelOa a+
orq66lG-ia 66tote eaQ araqorar6 t66rE6e q,,l6qig 6erc,
aq_aq.fitssr 6R or0gttQ sORl r 6q6o6a66\ qararec,6Re
ar6 arc atoq 66R r 6q6o6a6fi 6n 6fle 6era 6fi16q c,i,i
aqg oa6gq', 9' 6'6GA6l, eTtql 9e

A06A CIla aqal laa olQalqRlafil-{Q

fllo8l Q {6G
a6tG G6JE6)I; {64 fl18 CI166Q AlQ", Ei
6sla eqfr t"
('i"ulo 6n 6coq sQ 6er a6R 6CI eaodqe olg6o
qti al<' {G'" Gfi
orB ar{ aato otEtcl Qlq6'l at<, 6qodqe
afl sa
,*nio,o, olQal,6et tl aot6 tQlqc'l Gql6 6QGQQ
q< o ettG al6q I

g< crQ'; 6S 6el9l

"6G6q 6qra cti oql I 6qa6a aorr6
ori eder {6G qqa ged I q<e' 6erfl afl aq6 eorfr
t oO atag
Ag .*Ao'6J 8i?16'l ilQ qee , et6etq 6s arQ"'t al{, qlb.lal aa68 eaQ eaQ
SqrEr aei q6otGrG I 6tqa-

;; 6era acl aG''larq6o 6'6q{ r aqer-oern 060 ^qlfl

oeioqto";;q{; c66l 9et66 (oraolQ) enta 6ot srd'aa G'o6 l"
qaqlql qsg adc'cr6-eqa 6ssn ariouto g<
qloltlqs-aaLlGGa ata eol6{ q6} Afil-aqat6 r

quCI a66l 6S ji
aqar6 aq aq6a eq6a ur6 oq :3:
6)16r flq
a{ aan eara aaaleer q'rd I ala G66l atQ ecelt
coaCIt{ t aqot6 6aeg aa{G <at 6e1en
6o' qua cdet
a.t , i''u1a,ea 6rqac ac6a 6Ele adl 6aa
e,dee t

eqaiea qss a6ee atd t

q"ql6'l gGorno
"<Ql q"qlQ1 os6o ged r q"ql6i1q
a6ergq{ l606Iot'oo66l qua oaala t 'coai 6er qEfl
(osr 1 qr$ qsa ea6 eld t 69 oster
qal 6q6a
ac6t-qat otei aq6CI $laq 41661 I

"ioqt Qaa, otq qGrGQ oQ qg'nt qq6 at<'gi oCIag'l

qGlqqal al{ , ol'6qsa 6qflla6 6qrq e.'66' ard r
Q< orfr e'tq6'
risn <Ooa ar* ece1e1fr r ga 66 aer eQs6'
do g", Qnra cg6, ?tlQ G'G 6nla fi6i6l eort6 oat "11"
'ai€6), aiq6fi' firl6€11 Gtrolol 6161G G'al'
nnria i oqaG, CI
qlq6ftl6l,6cl aqo 616llal-q6, 66RG'1' eoqr' fllfiqal'
eg;. Oq'eoat6l Gat' r" (oaaea a'tai) t

Gcltctc'tnl org r (aneeei etat)
ee qlQtqqs oatqo
qlotflqq (6aae q6)
-fiqaG. 96 ega 6e6a ato6lt
srt aEio'l6r 6ereor{ r CIgrere eoaifirnc qrar aei e6rraa6,
6qflt6o aag I qflo {6a qaa eq,ra6_aq at6 gea ge,
'flG., Q_ 606( ata rj eoee, ara eoo6 eeQ c eoes,l,
xer aQ qtotflqq eaQ aqncla aq6o atqdr e{i6r o6
6ra aOeR
oo6a qaa a6 arodert 6r,rrtr gl,66r r

crc, Q.6aq ata d soes, ara eoQ 6oa o 60661 I

olG eoa orqlOee, flc 6061 Geerrnrea r

qe6T 6a eqg,t6o, fltar eerfr

orGese r

qq6 qner 6060, arQerg 6acr oreo I

gaoi 06i gta-oa6? aor qQ qtG,tltcc I

qterraqe(6e'aa" q6)
-,.CI61G,rc,6"o 616l6l6to 6eto
{6e 6tat, CIa {qg oqto ao r ,cj oOcraeo o6 ot6o 6flt6o
6fitG,glt6c a'er oQee t' so6 oto Grlo ae I

fi6,t, q6lt 0 og
*R6't, qdt
0 CIa, { 66 aQer qd r-6)at, o"6lt, CIo,
e.'r6 aGflra, 661o6,-eet, .(qq ot6 I {qq oen e.'ioer q6
"ot6tc'E 6,16'otclflo de I oraeq-cqfl g{o e,gr era
eaod qror 96 6et eqQo6 6er o6 oqoG. 96 qx eoee
oO qx r qor er6 6aat g8qta; I a6eo gt6l Rc fiqocotco
6'r1C 6QtQOt{ I

"ot' 066r et6, I CItq',6o flqsq aotq q{ I otq Qo

6eteot{ I flc'q flo qaa g< r eoo6 aqa6o q6 qsraor
seee' eoei enre.' q6 q6,r{, 6q arqqcq q* o o,;o *,A A"
6Q|AOt{ I

"69fl 6eat aq qoo aat r edooveoec,o 6gct

6araet6lt I aqo6" qG egn 6e6n atat6la G6g qfi 6ataol{ I

c'6o qn 6eteot{ r Ge'er 6oe 60 <eo Qa 66g, eqaer 6

qfi 6QrQ0rs l"
lsl oQ oefl"eqcq\e 0laa6-

aqfl o66Bq,, 99 Q6QAQ, erTgl ,g]

"6q 6G'eaeq' atQc' t eerhen qa

aflA ag oQe ed eq 6R eeee atQe t

q"qte G'lqct 0e aGT qn6o eae t

eq6c eaeq'atQ6' t

glEtotq aOen orere'q-oo'Q-o116r g qac

<Qod aateteit otfr6, <66ee6e ala 6Q66 ad 6fl46
qtg oa arQ agao 6466'r I CBd66r 6466'C6l O6O o A6,0q,9
ar6' acig,rerl I olG" oal6J c66l q1Q6'G'1ela 6t1CI I

orqeroqa6, alq'6Q66larqQer q{ I ala aqc6, "aqc'

6o6o6a6e nov 66e1nt, 6qGGGQ6n 66'46' 9ll8o alq ao66l
orei E€ 6eo elnt-810t edlerQ areg g'€ a e{al t <o66 atel
agr nrosl ac! edl6Q acr caqalq ota otd t <o6 aG'sl66r
erqfro g{, qaa q{ I

"flqe-o6icer eett6< 61861-6o9 aatetq go o6ecr

aO ort atgq ol{ I 6qGG6aGe oO qflU g{, CI6lG'lG'6"61
odc g< t"
6een ordeq fia,rr-.4qdr, 6ore', Ftt€', oG'og6avt
qlatsqq (aatteto qlgoos 6aq) - "eoei'ctt66'6aan
o6o, atg e6alc'G qG er6 otd, eqgto6o aal eetlq'gt6at t

qflrdral eetfr e'ed oOo e,Qe{nl, 'fiqo 6'1Qq, qeaotso 6e,er

eqa o16 6oa qoq oQ t' 6c'q'6o olal$ 'aQqelo' aQG otg
qO oaa qttota6 I {Eq6'6lloq6 eo, aqer 6 agGq 6golg
areer crd t 6cq so6 eatnfitha 6'at t"
"6'6dl aQant, 'eat olri oa qalnco a6aa 6olql
ae6 r' { aatq q€orq 6qQ 60, sotot atsdl etQ"; etetel
qqr6'64 sotgt ere6 arQ" r (eaaaa orat)
"6G,Q eaQ .4qdrQ-6oQ, fll6', oq', {qqa aQ"Ql6l
e'a6 r <og ga6a orei'; 66 qGI6o CIe e' rQ" I eett6< 611o60
"orQ Go6 so eaQ at'et qed frea qrJ qflo66' I

c 6Jn q'66tatfi aa 6Qla fllalGl66'l ll

ex qlorflqq aarflG
otat cl6i aq CIt6 6q 6 6ola q66r 06,,
q60a 0o eqaat aflcre 6q6'et6e I

qa 66 0o orei are a6ir e6,rfr 6aG oQ,

eqQ e6le6r, Gfr eq'ee 6,tot6,te6r odt atQen t

ag"G'r6l ae6lott-or'org eg a6
"BGr6r ae"G,r6r a6er a6q qed I o0 qo rj uct,
6G6a aral 6oea qO or'org ao a.tc16ato aa6 t q6'qt 066l
6o6o6a66, qqqhar 6ore 6'ret66r, 6q erree ej <Q e'sroq
arqa eoa6; 69 aroroeQ ol6rt 6461616fi ol',6r gi ofitQot.( I

6q6G6G'6fi OtQtqtGA a16,6, At69l 6',6tGq atqa eOaq t 66

qflfl o6a og aeieR, ctatqq RG't66r aha ogolat6 t og
CIr6G, 6CI, 6flr ar6nra6e 6'6ro aq6, ti 6'6Gq atqa eoa6 t

6aq 606I aq6draa q{, qoq aoG r og aha 6eteot{ -66

qfla c66l arQ 6a6r0r{ QrQ r

"uelfi16o o0 <od ete6, Gt' 6e6e a;G'6) ae"et6r g{

BtQ" t" aqa aon6s g6nrR a6aa acr6oCI 610l qrflq1o
atsatoc a6o6 r 6q aq aq aO qlatflqq 0 qq6ao oe66$
odeors aO qaraenr r 6o6o6a6e qfl6s ceiq eodeR,
6q6c6a6,q e,go etr6; 69 ore ra ea=lerQ aq eqra arQ" r

G,q'fl oag6a
6edaG 6er aletca-'qaq6 oe oateq'
(eeae, qqa, aflG, aglG'la, 6adac 9llol, 6116l16),
arda qer egdot, 9t o6o1116l ertql qdala i atG e'est
oo eflnqclcr otoao qdOoei Eoole{6o oaol6r6l oela6 t

arer st6i'eqrqe.' eqta eao6 a6qnl aqa6 r...

6c aaat 6aq 6q a6ooi nGaG I aoalq glo olucl
6enr r otqoGa errQ alQ ao6o lql6r66rGilq0 ala c66l9a6'61
ao I fltqo g QtGl16'r su atQa6 I cadaf; o6161 6alaflteo atQ
orqos 6c,4666'l I e6Oogtota o8o 06'al6'lol66] eett6<
oQetnr t ot' ao66t otqCIS 6'qlonl I

glatflqq qflh{g-fiqol6a66o at'a q6o cal

otqo aqqfla uG oQa6 I 6adag 6oqal oreY ae8rjq
eeae6 I 6G'6q'G Ggqfltec 6cto eiteea aqo6, "6Q {Qfllg
66< 6qra oqa6; 66< oeei atQGG' t"
6adae.o qG'6loa otgt t eoe16E'16161 oao 66)lafll6fi'
{66 qtq''Lla I olqo 69 ee,eteg 6oqalq aorcolaQ aqg
ea'aa6 r

qraraqe(ea6lG'G'o 6sleltoc' qO) -otaa atQe, t o'6t

00el6l r ri 6oaq 666t G"6t sqentQ" r
goa(Qero orree)-alml, ara 66< 0661 6q atQee t

61atflqq-o18, q6fl qq<od aga re[Gcelqota6 t

qqe otqog G]fila 6adaa 6sa oqnG t

qqa-Gl6'6r AAgl ala {aqal6] 6Ql6lCIlQ6 t atooc.

oO eq flt'G qGr6Q aat aqa6 I gl' 6"61 aaG, qO ea6,
q'rc6 r

6ada eoaac'1c' qQo aal aga6; qq6, atcG-{Q

e,at q6etatcq olqa ortet6q sqaaG I 6aE 6aE qflhda I
ee 61Qlflqq aalqlc
orqQ qfltatg I 6116'60; 6aa6Q qqc 0610 GQfl elfll I

6'tcr ao66r 6616{ atealq I qng 6oa, ?e Qet t <atec'e6G'

sq r <Q aagt66r ag s6l 61611; sfllalQ6l eqa ata" t

qEil r Otqa 66s gq6a 6Q66'l I eQOO6tAte6]

atqa ser6a6l I otqas eqQ aea {'qtaQt6t es'ql esa6 t

aq GE6a ot6 e6oaet0l fiaQ Oatetnt t

fi6o a6aaeJQ< atqat6'.-Ql€lq, atataedlO, alndll,

6qtq. atea I otqos eett6< araq aosa aql66'rt I

araq ao6o eQ otgo q8 otatmta c1ol, oitelQq I 6laq

ao6o g,Qoro ad eao6 6ot eetqeer e'61 aqo6-"a166l
{qq6r a6raro e6'u I {Ga ata G"6t q'6tG'ta ?"
(errerrng eos$ aterrn, "g atQq ?"
6'6rerorg odn tg ota qQo aat-atqt afla
aq. aq. orqet q8 e 'o eoelcG t agc6,
"{e 60, qr'atQa t q8 eatetal 6tq'1 06 a'o 6aglao
gtt' t 6e6rtflt aei6 flt' ! G'q flt' 6'q !"
orqac'a flQtCItaa 6ett s'tfr6 I fiQ alcnlaofl I qlg
610616l e,l6areq ea6 aQa6 I 6'rlq, Q!6il';, fllqQ aoql0 016166l
eQaG r orea 6latagtc6r sloq rlc' aqa6, -
"6qre ara arer reog eqra6, q8 0e, ratril6) q.qi nrdr
eood gar; or6nt qat Gctclq a6rcil 6QtG aQat<; G.ii6Q66)
601016] treq AR6l e6et ortat cq I ors q'de aeR, ols iila
aen eooq6 orfrgt{ I sqcG'646fi 6aa g atrlt anett eetfr
6aru q{ r" ( geeo)
6a6a ao doerq arqaG r qdoe qto 6ofi oqa6 t

eoei'flreo c'r6 qrgqfira-R6aea at G'raq acrcci co6ta6fi,

6qflr6s'oraer a0 eEiqlei qd eoq zlatq Gqtcl eiQen I 6eda
Oar eqra orgorerG ata ud ud atqaG I aq aq6o alaq
ar666r arQ eQen I otqa aG flatsa ataqqeqta o6a eQ6'6 t

otqoG'o q,6ie nro aQ eooe qfre eeta aq qsifl uO qoto

aqaG r qdrfltea a0 eQen I otqa <eq'A CItatagtGa fl6'q
FrG,G,'6r aqa6 I otea Rt'c qQo aat aqaG t
aafl 0ag6q,, 9f 466)48 eIT6ri 99

qga6 a6oo-flA8qa1nl
{ae 6adta ae' qo6o oqa6, "ci atQG t ci atQB t"
sq'r aQ otqo OtotglqqG'a alfl q'lG al1616l G'6Q e eaQ ttoq
areiEorqRrdsn torqo Gtta66) ereia aqarnl lflaqfla 6aGG
oar aqa6 I oroflt6a aalq 6ala qela'6 t

qlorflqq eoarj'le aotal, eqod'le olfi'l 6alu t e oo6

66,61G\, gqa, aflG, <Qqq r qe mrc 6Q66l {8 e6oRq ec'tfr
6AiU q{ r

;'q& qd ffircce 6QG61 b0, eqQ {6' e6oaq d {Q

6ra6'6r6 e o96'o6 oq eqtacii I

"6G6q'o6Qsas I aadq eo Q"aqeerae'6 69 eaqYoteo

66e eq,6t get6l, easYotea q6 o6ei arl. qal6l I

"Qq'qtql66r oQelmt, 'fiqQ G'61 aialq ee6l et6, alalq

ec1 cr6 eoaa6 z' ri oQfr, 'Gt o0 6' 6QtQat'81, 6o6a 6'661
66lre o6t6t ad 6atag e6lt6l 0s QoO t ala qrrq coqalq
ar ar6fl arQq arQ"6 t '
"GlG6r nt*t eod alall6l6Q qot6t aQ6, 6qol66l 6eds
cr6 r

"6,frq,re qq 6'tCIt6o atat6-69 acla eQoa6lG'166)

6q gra G,q6 t oQ GIGQ eaOAStAt; CIO q0fl64 6q AlQl
a6erqoin otaG to@o qoo6o otqer 6eos er6 aeoto q< r

"Gtet6r Glfldt Q'6t eogYoteo atdq eq'6t, 6qol66)
Qeers 6r6e qeld t"
<Q atq"ld6 0 oa'qg aGGlo teotGqar6 ata eett6q6et
oA q{ arQ" r eood ee'qt6 ata n6q r o6q arQ'fl84 eavt6q
ert6 q< orQ"; q8 eart6qarQ adqelt6eto qardrotoqatQ
Brrsr Gr'o Oritap6 o116 qs erQ"; q8 aroa OdrqerOg atQ
qroq err6 q< ard I

qrgqfltc 0 fiAs! 6oser oqaocie QE g qtuoo qcao

"atqqtd6 Q" <Q atec6q, {Q e'q6'ot6 oq setae6;
aq66ltfl, Qsntfi I 6tt61tfi'1, a6aq g aoll?l Ontgtq'e otei
eT 010lclqq QaltlG
altg q{ aQ6ll, 'q6fl GqfllQ6 Ol6i Aqg 6AlA
etQ"A ? ?1601
qqo, ara fleo6 ot6a 6aGGGG'66' ?' (eeoe E qflgGO
eroq aror) t

"6q6o6G'6Q qq 6erea oQfr r fllalq os'tOfr-911',

eroor a6a cqfirac oref r[ seo ard6 errq6 ? 8t' 066l
6ortntG,taq oe,rdfr I 6GllQlcla QQftt, clQlolao66l x aat aG I

aqt{g 6era qflttdcJ opta aa6t eca aQee ? 6o6J qQqdri

o106 6oa srq6 r ot6ro6rsQ e6a ota 6o6a eqfr t (ooacer
arar) r

"ereer6r eots atQ" I qtb.lQ aagt66l '6o6' '6q'6' ad

6'tc' atoq flc 6oatq q< t Qo' aaglso afi6l aal I ol$
Rror e6er 060 aaGntfi, Qefirtfl I 60leq AtQ nqett QIQ6R,
6q6G6a6G Fr6G' q{, '6CItn6r Q Rqot, nq6l1o Q" eotn t'
6q6o6a6a Oq eeruq< co 6q d qg ea'taa6 t ee,eioteer
6a61 gar6, ee.'abtea afl. gatd I

"CIt6'-Qqg aghsn gfial666l ateo otO ! al66 cq'1

ar66 qqgqatQetqGQ6GI aclaG"t al66aa atQelqoqqnl I

eeqr arQeR gficcratso ot6 I 6q6occ6fi oertqQut etQeeen

6efir; are gfr qfr Oergq< atQ"t utoee t q66en ata Qqc'tee,
qfr gfr arQerqq< nrd t Qut eGtG{ al6'66r 6166'1 6Q6rl I

"Gr6t6''t6'6'rt6l 0661 CIS qgel60 6q',6l0l{ I flaELj 60eel

GIGO 6461 qat6 I flAsq flatca qQqdl oro 6oeo atqo, --oot
qar6-eosi'FrtcGer atfrat-atEG' 66116l a6eter aQt atedl
ard r (ooea 6aqu) I qfltus eqO oO ggta al6q, 6GGa
eq seei'oreo flcq o61a ? eoel atfrm-Qtuc'otitcll qElqdl
qaoe6 q6r aeote q{ I a Ga6n qflug qqd e.''et eea
oQee r
16' 0 aqo6'o fl lqola-6'6to6t Ftl'
"60 qg, eq d atq'qtd6 t eoeoeeen 6Qa 6q6o6o66'
ot6 qg aaG, qqo aa'6 t 6o6G'646$ qQ, QO 0 gna aer6,
6q66'646n o16 ot6 aa6, gq6 aq6 t qqs ala qq6 t eo
q6]s 6q d qq6 I atc'cfla ata uttccstol t"
aafl o6g6Q, 9f G,6Glq6] eTTgl 9c
"orer6r qqs ffira 46, Gt'6t e1 ffila flu aG I otete ato
fir6'a6, Gr'6r or' grc grir aG t (eacroe.6r etet) t"
"olql6t as't6t gtG, 46, ot'6:r areao gro flar aG t otqt6l
err6 gre a6, Gr'61 Oeer gro fiu aG I otete gg sta 46, Gt'6t
qto fiel aG r q6fl {a6r qQa ?"
6a6a (ooror)-d 9€6 r

Olorflqe-flr'-6{ flr' ? 6'6to6r Fl' I 6< e'eto qQ

ada6, ornc aqa6 r CI< ore'er 0nrara6 qdor erst eqaG;
ala utl, ad, 6,19r, 6flro-0< orq't ot6d, otet OaG r ga flt'
agr oQorea arQ"ror'er fir'eqe,t66l tqa gl{ C< gen aav
66 aarea c1o ernrs ard r

66,6a-argr d r

qtgqfl g aqoG'a .4qriq e'ds,l
t6, qeica
glatfiqs aar ag e,g gq6a ea'raa6 r eaorc'6' qQo

qQtq,l aar agaa r aeior6 Gfirra aqq 6Qra qflg elqo'G g

eoela6 r qfi6g aarq 60 'qeo 6o6 aa' eovtO aat ate6l
eqa erQ" r 6eaG', flqac aar r

qrerraqe(eaaaG' qA)-qgsroleuco <eo ag aQor

eEicr aa6 ard6 t ' 6e flq6r, q6fl sq a6a, qrir e.'6a, c,og
o6a t' {qqaat {60 a'6r oaaro ? a6oa e6or eoq ordq
eer6 I alqs caqarqe raiG 6466 6,6r t c'66,1 ao ct atqaq ?
"flq'' CaG,rq CIra qQ eotatc66l 6a6o geet Rq a6,
eq 6qtG', 6G'el 6cr6r e'6t o6rot6r ? 6ar66n flo66r o 6flro
e,rfl eqra66,r
qriear-Gqoera stE61 6c'tat 0 6q66.tatg
"c6egq 6o6G6a6a 6a6a6q6n oe,t6 otQ",
'6Gr 6'tot G,rfl 6,'6r ? 6Gr oro6l 6a6o6r o6t ?'
"6,'61 6,16r r a8g 6ea.4qrira aro6i a6e eqrfr ortee,
fiqa oal aer6 r CIr6e, crffcr..4qrirer q6"qr e6R 6q e1Q eaee r

erqaQelnr, '<66 arortdrq'eeg, eoo6 { qflg.4qovqoraa

9a q1Qlfiqq aalflG

oiacq6o 6aQ O60160 l', ti aQfr 'qo ol6i' 6q Aq r4qdr;

Grg q6fi aao Goa I GtG os66l'(6Jcla 01666110 od t'
"606G6G'66' 6q 061 6adlqq eg, tO cQlQGlQl,
6q6o6a6a cqcclatq ara ei 6zi6 eoelelq. cQ I cqcalalq
G,Q6R, 'qeo 6 Od r qaer edlerQ 6ol6lqol erQ r qa 6oa6]
6l?6rqq 66'eclnlt, ata q6a 66 a6or6n atQ" t' ri org oQfr,
'e< qAe 6aO aat ! q6fl olQlao 6lQ6ll 6lQ6ll Qge, o16
os6a {6Jota fltGesnt I RE1 fllQlG'Q 66, 6q aa6l qflo
eaeorG eqt eotd 6qtao6ll eerfr aY aO ord aQo'6 t <oO
oar aQG't a6q qed r

"6rqe oaer .Tqdra a6l t eq a66l ad I 6q aa6l

orsT6 t ee"r qed I Gtq', 6gfl, 610, 66q8, s66tl6tl, <Qqg
ordr6 t

qoGa q6lo aolqa-66ro Qgo toto oro

- -
"olel6) eood GtG', 6q fiqog eqQo6 6lla66l 60661 I

G6fir6J6lt eo 6G'661, ql' 6G'tq't 611{; 6c6Ja6oro 6< I occl6J611

CI@ oto ooalai o16 aO 6< tqqq61 as6'qolo algaa
G,rd r ot'6i qcl 6atca etSotgr6 crQ r qn atd o 6q'fio9,
6t6n6,e 6aa qGI a6a I 6o6ll q'l aqql eottet 0< I 6a6o6a6a
aer 66{ otaq 6ar6 e6 olqo6 eatet 6< t

"ale aG GgJerroto 6t@ t 6t'6t 6'lae-qola I fiqac olcl

adc,r d GIG"Q qct t qa G'tG'61 G'l9l l"
6acta6 q6o cat
aqac Elqolcl$6o alqtei 66ql
glraraqe(e6)ooG. 96, attor)-qflQ 68161 eqta6
atd6, Gt'6r cttcG' a6 t eq'q 6oa eoa 466'a ate etfr otQ6,
eoelsod aegt sqta6 I 6o6G6oGQ 6llq'q{, eqeoeeen 66
q€r or{ arQ"; oqOa oeo 6oQ6o alolo R1661 lr[eoq6, eo
GtQtS 616il661 606G646fi OtfrGtnl, 6q6O6A6n 66 Aett oQnt
e,rd r 69 66 qna 0661 6q'661, qe aoca ot6 atQ al6oa
oafi 06960, 9f G'66l40 sTTql 9e

6ea6, ara coteotg eq6 I q{6'qno nG 4"6 CIlfr 01660

oQernt t

"qQar o6e Qlol oden ooq colaolo G'661 tl oltfr

qoflla 466< I otaQgl Gaafica g6ad 6'6Q, ala 6olfiolo
a6Q r

"6,'6 q{ ar6 ? 6ai nr6en 6accqgl'( 66s qertqd

eorQ oars uta 6GiG't{ qfigq eto al6la o60< t mtetQ
qa6q arfl 6qra; <Q qqdggnro G'66r, Gt'ocet aa"q6qata
e6e r Gr'0661 66ll6t{ Gotnolg atQPl Q66l I

"q6fl qq q6ant r 69 eoodte 6otct qCIl on

fi' q{, eqorjqe ea slQee ctd t etqotot6166r oO qea nta
6fi6r4, ara etfr atQeto qerQ"t eoorile 6al6rl6l 66< eors
eQar<, eqorjla otoo qr6Qa otfr atQetq eoee atd t qea
crfi 66t61ren arQ"6 ?" (eoa6"et ttot)
6A6A Qtq0t0ifi6r Aar q8 AlSArQ OqA6 | Qlql qAQ6l
aG orqortr6 r ac6, aa6 q5 eqaG I olqa q6 e.'at eqa6 t

qtina -orga6'o olqr -ato c6ertca 66st


qrerroqe(eaoac qO)-qg aqQal, '<o6 orte eosl

ard', 6 <od eoro aa eoqatd t' sqcocq'Go 6fltcrqq6aflta I

q6lt qer crgr I Ao 6oesr ens6 ga ns 6{Q etaqa6 t 69

6rq01fl aar g1166o s,tfr6 r G'l6l6loQ glls aoerta GoqalQ
arQRr r 6q 6oqat, c[ eQ Qero e,q6 t eq aQnt , '{ 8'61
or6re r ga arq eca Qota aq6 t'
(eaoree gG) "oraa agl-'aan qnd 6t8t t'
"666r orae es,tfr flIfi1 ao sotntocr eoer qot aotQ
6< r 66er or6'r6n CIB CIR ota66l aei6e I eqaaotd'66'tu g{,
qoa 116, qQo aorQ eG'aG r (orqo g 6adaca etot) t <al
o6a 6G,ta.lq.( 66116'l{ aG'Al4 6QA I

qtatoqgc'a ecs' g
66'6146' orei'
Qeoqeitg oaq 66 fltcQc
"qfie 6oe 6teto 6?6R ccltci gtd aote aqtqn g{ I

at6 ae qfla 6o6o6a6a Goe 6ato cQtcrelnit, Ql6 eds

ee qlQlflqq aalflo
gaa6o Ei argEfr r aqe1fr, 'glt' ! 66'616'er oO 66 q{, 6G66'
arqr qQo aar aQO t' GqG66Q6n afre,otq atQ Qeo'qerlg
oag 66 eoaqfr I fltalf; olstccr fltaQa adEfr, qqo 6016l
CIa 6aar 0r6i r"
6a6ac ao6o otqaco <Q aqQo o16-r otaq't 0 GIG
creY errgnor aar qflGg aatq 6ara qqeG I

qlatflqs-{ao 69 seo eeta crQ" r 0q aat e.'QQ r

ga 66 0a 06s catoelnrt I

qdoe' qr6)6e, soei etes 6ada e6onotatq atQelen,

6G6aG'8 qcfiar atQ Oat eqtaa6 t eqQ qtaea erQ
eflleta qlolflqqg aG' qo6o oqa6, "fltat atoclg gsttgt
aqa6 i" orq6r aQerqnt6en tagtata aqa6, "fltat aqa6,
6A6AG"Q eerr6 eOO6 QQ 6QrGl0l{ t"
orqa aqa6, "fltat 9oo6 atacflflt6 otc', 6q g86t ?o
aOeG, t" 6G,6tG,6 oga6-
"o61 6G6o .(60 oa ald t Qt-entc'fltg'G' qcr66r aQen
arq6 qQCIe,fiqa1a aat 6eca 6ad1 6rR QQ6'' t"
6ar6r CIrace oarqQa aQ q6 etce od eqaG I 6oda6
aqa6, "6q,61 qflo ?tcot 6G'66t t" eatgOnt o6 sto eoa
eoo6 oaa oga6 r

66s6a eqa6, "G''1, gcl6l gtc' atqat a6, gngteq'a

elo G)re1 q{ r" (onaeo olot) afitota qtoeoaqq6 aqa6,
"firar aqa6, 6a6ag atettitq'G'CIg t"
qraraqe(erato qaeer) qtd tee datatdto
a6e6, r "qfle aci gea ae fltat Gate aca aeo c1d t"
"aqe goao eq6 r aea eq6 6o6o6a6e ga ela e'fr
erq aeG, ara G'aO oG,ra ae6, ' { oBGt 6oto g Gq oGGt
6o16r r' flQa.(ar orrQ qq6 Go, Gflt6l G'Glo, ot'61 06 otO eca
oqo6, {01616'1 69il61 ala 6qotgl6t 6GtGr I 6'rqa ata a6a
q,qG r Onr aqa qG"Broe t at' atg6 t e6q'q atQ cg6, 'ora
6,ad fir' r ej ein adeoQ t' 66c'l e,teo ctQ 60, fiqCI ot6en
aor a6erq araro qru ad r" (efl64 6aqu)
aafl o6g6q,, 9l- G'66r9l.61 QTTqI

Oq <66ee6$ 6adG' 6'9 qflfl uO e, r6erg RtGeR t eq

ot6 ara ac 6Qa otd t eq al6Q 610 qd aoaea e.,q esa6 t

aq s6t 060 0 466'a aq6a e'ta 66< Qc 6Q6'rl I 66'64 ala

e,Q orqctqt6 tolqos o16o eera gdlfl a6a lqdlel od
6'q6a araq ud dd eqQ qlo al66' 6e oetq 66Gt I

gtgqfl lG' s eeeorfrslo 6aQGl
-qq66 -ete 96
(aqo, 66'daccr aq qa, 00100 oerqot)
otqo qlot€lqe 66 Gn6ol6l oO CIee I 6ada6 aq qa
or€r66t atQ eQaG t

aqo aQen, "{QG 6'9 qa I alodl atottdto aog I

A060 ero 60Gr atatdto aog I

otqo qlolflqq eQ6n, "69ll6t atett6to a6et aai

q6d r" <qt aQ qQt6q'{ OntG sq'sea QIG qcrlaalq nt6eR t

arlo(oe tar) - algl, 6o6a 6aQ6a alo galg r (aoae"a

erar) r brqer aqor6 qlgoac'qQo eaeteG Qal nqo6 t

groraqe(aqo qq6e qO)-'66tl6l aR 6Qa'-{qq

ear ri 6'Oorea arA*r 6q EoGl c[ at' ottlg ord arQ" r ri ararq
6G,ae G,6e, 'clt, 6fl16o 6aaQ elot o16 6a t'
"{ G"6l aq 6ala 6 ee I eogi'Rtee sG't otq'ti6, 6qfll6e
srn flte6, qO orqotee Rd fltc6 I oflloo6 eoqQfr I

6q6o6a6n eGotea 86ll I 6eda 6qq, 6adG' 6qq 6ala oo

erQl6r 6AA8A|-646O646G', 6A6A atQe t eq6e 6al'l
6a66'6r Oetet 6,at qnl l"
oflt6'c' ocret CItslq aqqal "6st]gto ol8l l"
"{ ceta.l q{ 6aocl 0 6alfl fllAa A6n I eoqe,Qelnt,
flqa {6G 66g o6e6, alQ 6q'G'Gt a6otdeG' Qld l"
otqo sadaegr 6sqstna Oaeeer qettt6 aqa6 t

qlorflqq-cadQ otag6 AdG r 6q acca6 e.'Qa6,

'orer6r olQt q6oa, 6qolq ola oot6e t' 69tt6t Rd <ql d
qora; rj aee arqd eq.'t6s qd6CI aq$ I ri aara ena
a'er 466 z
9U qlarflqq aatqc
".( eq 6nra r eoei'gtea e,q't otqY6, 6qfit6fi,au glo6
gO arqarea 6 arc6 r

orqer GG 6'eqat 6ta {a6r errOeo oQee I qrg,6teflt6o.

q616er arQ aota eoaa6 r

orQr6, ar66 8fi'raar 6a6Q otqQ 6aq6Q, o66' atqa

arQ" r eqeo6a6a arlor6 oroore,6 oQ6R, {qq cl6l6a o6t
ad arga 6oarq q{ I atqa e 6o6a ordgr gx I <fr6 eood
orqo 6,66t 961 6,6t CIoG q6r6e eqQ er6ee 6'CI66llote
6qqc fiQq6fla a6R r

6'g66ilOrQ 6',qqG' 0661
flraroqt ethea 6,o66ltota 6qqc 06l I 6a6afi 06]
Qq'ra eoa 6a6GG6r aoq' qQo otc 6oq q6,ql qto6l 6e66)
q1orflqe oafle'q6q,c, atQgG t

orqo qrotctqq cCI66ltorna e6oa6lctsa er@c qQo

aoQe r qqfico aa66lotfi, GtG'o atf1a66 0 6e6G a6l
g6eoor r 6.66r gOeoori Qorer o6ee eerfr ggo et6fi I 6q
aq61 6ara aar atea a6a I aaeetror6,q' qrot e6qq aat
as6 r

qqsrqfl s qlorflqq
e6est-al6fifit66,q'qle1 6fitc,, atflflta6 6G qtg r

q1otflqq-olg e'r6, eet16< atc' flqoG.a otaogco

aq ara Qto66l q"qtQ atfi aQ I

e6qq-q'qt6'l e'et fraqt ?

Olotflqq-eoooqe ot6 a6l o ot{ eqodqa fraqr r

6q6o6a6$ e,r6 e1fr ogsr '6o161 6flt6r' a66r; gtot6et er6

eqra orfrcr-arBc66r A6l...i 6ata arq6 q6or< r arareer soO
a6s asro g< 60 ofit6let6l oa pl6a fla.l ontaoreo erQ r

eo16< erte,aB r...

".(od fletotCIte fltat, ergt6 6 qga ad r..."

cq'fl oag6q', 91 46CI48 errq 9E

"q6fl o 6ee 6ea eoqa, q'qlo a6oq t {a 6oEa !

6a6G 6atG atQeR ala o6R I 6a6G aQen, 6466 6oQGtll6l

G,6G'l I q'ql6. s6. a6, <a atQ" t aho'l r eoeiogq
6fl10 6cll8
oqu, u,tt q6en 66 ctQ", eaQ c'ret6; oatO at6 otei, atett
Oer q< ord-6fl1 ql6Ja 6,,61 6Q6', ?"
"otGtfllG oa al{, etqt6 ara 69 G' ol{ l"
"64 6at6 66lEl6Q, g6eote t q5 6ee'fl66t l"
<6od q"qla fialt, a6oq I ^
g6secrt .-flal6a t eG16{ ?lo crqaG'olQ g ala 66l16'{
erG q"qt6)64 0619 arQ"6 I oO
q'qto aOol, eett6< Qlo al
q"qtos6l eoq e rQ"6 r
Olotflqq-Glg et6 q'qto aen a6oq
qed r erio
q6-"916'66t q6 erriu 6'l6lel l.'.."
qalglqfl 661 AqAnlo-ao g I

Olatflqg-611G qdn t 'otn1 6't6fl 6aeo

G'lo, oqn
eo' ce eqea' t' aqQa"o 6616116lo qa,
qq olaa I '6q 60
Ao6a6l1a 6Q G'lo, ot' ctgt66t ofi
o66al t' 68 etg t o16 o0
nret a6ora, q'qlQ aqtQ eetfr 6alal 6?a orQ" t otg e o
6s 6a66 ela''6l' eq 6ea d ea'raa6 t 6Rtateg 6lalQG',
eoo6 6GtoleqEalas tOotatot6 6)Qa-flq41 Qla66l 6oqa
q1 ql6l6o glfl
0 6qat adc' t otg at6 q'ql6i q.)en aetQol
.4Qa qa6'o al{ lgacd Q"el@,6aae 6lqa6'61 cal flqoco
gqcr 6a6l atatG I 6rofll?6'0 eqer aa6 r odoloeer 6q aaG'
GrGe 6qal 9eG60la e,erG t

gOeocrt--fiQlcio. t<oQ ql qqs 6'60gll otatG ntdr

Olatflqq-aa6-aO 6ern-6sat 66llGfil6G'' GIS
6QoraG atQ"t eoeG'<e6 esgeo ga6'6lco 6ln 6Qal aoal6]

gacdota oO eqQ fiQole.o claat'6, Gt'6Q66t ola {Ql qaa

q{ I 6l6aloaer 6eos qol aoalQ I G' 6Q6A qq6a6a aog
q{ I 6'661 anol 6Qlaot< t oO <oG aog q{, 6ocq' olQl
ee qlQlflqq aatqo
oG6r rqi A{c at60o a6a-'etot, e,rQ6s0 atat 6a6a I

or eraare orefr, or Onrg e1araor6fr or 06fr, ar Cnr6

0o,raor6fr, ar 660 6le6l I q6fl 69116o eoei qtreo o6ts ?
arel qO flqa 6rqo aela6 r {qq orernr6 ate t'
CIa-{qq g6e,na aG r q6 q<o Cnrat6c, aatd I

arq6 Q 6a6o atoa aG r orqreq,cn aolo 6,'61 ?

qlatfiqq-q'qtQ661 erQ qruor a6er errerr aq I a6ca
gero aqroro r ot' ala qoflto6 q€laatqo6e erQ"-6et6r,
sota, ot6gq, qA et qQo flG'tG6l, qa aG,tat, cpi, got r

"6G66', aora aG I fl8ee o€eo 6daq ota otg grejcr

a6orq q.(, GrS nret e,der orei eoqr a6erq 060 t"
g6ee,ert ere'r66erq 6aa ?
qlorflqg-'(ar6ae6e, qed I 6o6o6a6a aaq6r oree,
edlerQ 6de arcq ora Oea gaOe eQe-eood q"qre qQo
ea-lerQ qFL6,G,eee, 6000 ea]srQ Qgar snraa. qQo er.ql6e
aarerdr a6erq c' o6q I q{c Fdaeer erq, e66,q qtqqcr I

g6eeert-qrqeerfr area 6Qq6o0 r

qlorflqg-CItg'to 916,gt6t ae6ltqt oqafrot66l 6to
eeta6 ee d org r eo e'rficr-6\lus'oritsrr, eo d qh{ I 6CI
qi* 6q q166IA$ r4QA arelSer eo66 nrQ"; ador aeejsrr
o0 etsnrac ot6q arq6, 666a ot6 ntqaq sofi6 g qe't
aerG r arq odor aqa6er aerG, aqala aal aot aaq aat
asG ard r q6 oeioloco flqa aa6 er6 6qfllo6"6r 6qat
ea6 r eflre' reflr6 <Qqq qt.Jo asd I

g6eoat-Odcesr aa6 aotae aQerqo6e z

qlornqq-qsotqc6r 6a 6o6ts r eoeoOn Br6u,
eeeoOR er6or6e6r atq 6oate g{ I G eeem ea6, eerrq
sraCIec' r 6la6t GO egrsr 6e6R ara atga g6CItaa ard I

6q6o66,66' q,rot el6 eoen 6 era arfre orQ" r erg o0 ee,

a6eoaoter are Glt6,ot 6,'61, ea a6 ? qa6fl 6eea ntor orei'
60qt aa ? 6G6) 6'l6ltQ o6q at6r, q,lo66t aor Rt6e crQ l
Qafl oag6q,, 9T a6CIel.6l eTtgl 99

966461-Qeea etatq ae6 t

qrarflqq-fiqo qG., ata qg aqq-<Q 6ota t oq
flrso Ooq r aqq-a6oq t otEto 6eoe eE'to6, 6q 6't66t
aqa dG'S ara qgac,qt Qeea aaa 6q'Ga flqa6 at6eta
asr q{ r aqqqCIa ota6n eoo6 6q'Qggt, cntefltotl, 6Gl-
{qgq CIaore66l qqqqo o6latos e't6etq aat g< t

qoqqOs,rer arQen 66'60 flqo6 egt6et otd'aet q< teettG<

616'q6 I

,,Ot6.r gl6,
qfr 0Or,
arc{oeG6Jtl6n oged06) olaG'l I

"fl6,66r 6qd arQen eoeG' 6eee q<, Qeea eeeR

ota oQaar flG,66r a6o I 6q6G606n fl40 qfroetgQ8l q{,
'arnt-eaoq clsn' r

eoQ eraq^nqGGQ, frqoe- ot6q66Q, 'otd on 6616'la

or6rG"-aotorqGo olee, cglete otaq-uqi, ud, otfi,
6918 r 016 ora6a ugi, aei, Qrfl, otel q'qt6l1Q q'QQt6t ot'
fld q{-oO 6eQ e,ted l"
qGeeai-6GGa q"qt6iqstat eetfr oeG erd6 t
66eteQoe'to g Olatflqq
qlorflqq eaorjle fiqonrCI a GetQ6, eq odqe ea6
ec6 aO orro adetq g{ I ot6 eoalqteo cta86, 6qfll6e
6',r6rG 60, eq Q" oq eotae6 I 6q6GCG'6fi 6atal q{ flqa-
flrar-a1a-a66, I 6e 6'14-6'Glo qoQo t oO eett6< 6ano
cfirnor, erq 0 fl8 anor ad 0atots, ata G66la6a-canglo
0e.,6' 6a6o A61 6o6t o; G*6Ft o'6t Gslnot o a&q €'lq 6oa
6aa6, 6qoa ge'c ade ? ot, 06'c aderg GeR e6tngt, RS
ana u6erq eqe r udeR eoee oQotdq, s6'Rot {60 ge,,oo
Afir r 6$rn6'r eood aeto, eteelOa eood flS t Q6'tQ eG'ec'
c1a g G6oq aotflt e.'Qe1R, aeg aQe{n t 6otst o6eteeen
6qe qro {G,' 6$rG,,or e o$q aqta eelfr 6alll q{ t Qeter
6ere66n, qflg6 <atO aO <a eetfr 6atatq'( I ata 6oluq{,
ef qlalflqe salflO
6o€Y qat6o dq, 6qQ qot6o Q" egtnot o a& eeta6 I 6aR
qQerq 06nr qqst qQetq eao t

"aqccrtfl 6eRta I 6oln6l 6rq6l1 g nq61o sotn t oO

eorn eqra6 G aq61 ou eqta6 t a6 nqett 6Qlaal{, 6GCG'
6ore fla.r eqta6 t atqt o0 atatG, 6c6a aclcll fld aG t"
"otQtc6t 6oq, GtaQ Q" ntnr (Phenomenal world);
otQr66] 6t1Ql G|GQ Q"6Oq (Absolute); 60 flqa e6'tfr e6to6l
qa6, ea Q" e'te-G'6lo ea'taa6 t ea 4t66, 6q 60661 60, 6q
oq earaaG 6'tol, flt', qa, o601611, 81G'G'S, CIQ-flc, q6,
aq6 eo$ t"
orocera.l tl otfrq
-6064 otoqdt arQ"
qlatfiqs-46, q6 ard t eq aO aQ"Gq (ego) 461
Oa6, Gr' 6QGn 6ao qG aa elel 6aG, olc-q6lqo 8lo fld
aqOaG t6q G66l ga66lGa aQGI6r'(al6afi6a eotG 0a6-
6qflr6G' oto-qoq, CIa-floa c161 6QlQotai6 t aqer-ocrn
eoorjqe G' q{, eqod'{e eoroq6 CIasc stc etQe d aQe r

o*so rldea QQol6r, 'cflt6t cifl-qclq qfllc' 6qlaCIta6, 6q

eoo6 o6rtaa6, eqod ae16 t' 69 6oeer atda ea {qq aal
cug; cro e.'tfl6{ acn fla 6}E'Eq.6aa I 6lqo-ooic oca flil
oO oraa eot q{, GGGa 6q 'ota d1- erq OaG t sqQ ae,gtea
oQ a6a-c[ oto, q6fl gcJ I fiqo1fl ffal, fiqo1a atfl eqQ
o@q CIn GrGGI; aqa 6qtr cfilaq 6q Gi61 oi< ard; flqo6'
qa qo a qat Gtfl oni nleet otd I 6oca 6Q618, <oO eloe'
0166l fld ea eoroq6 466 t

g6eoot-atod aqa6 60, 6lq6l6 at6 q'qt6r aer t

ot6 a'o 6'dlt0t{ ?

aSrG 0 a68g
qlolflqq ct6 aQaqletr al { fla qtat eettot< etd
- t

eoei'oeea 6ga-etqcr crd, eoQ qoao qlal clg 6'611CI1{ I

g6ee,ot-fiQoS 6< c't8otea t

aafl oaQ6q,, 9f o6aa0 etrfl 9c

Orarqqq-0q 6s e't8e ? atflGl eo66 G'616'tGr, eqOG

6aQr r qaQ qgota ot8 ef'lta Q',6t oQatQ t oten ot6
6a6a CI6aq r 66-oralg otsq eett6< 06Q ataelnt t Gt'6:t
qaaro orarosr aa6r o6ralQ eot6s ga6l olG'l eqen Q"
or'a eqaQ erq6 aeo t

q6eeot eo 6al6r, oten ot6ea eqa6 eaeYq r

egr q{, 6rQaS eqd ar8 ee6 I

66'r6r6e t6t ttr gu

q"q to Ft t6fl G'' 6t6r6t' gG"
- -
69 Qe.'tera @gu fld aG
Olarflqq-or' aG,6q r I

g6eeer-grer6a, 6 t4eu t
glarflqq-eruq6r, 6'rG'e orflqd-Glra o otg odot
qreior r Ei aQAfr 'flr' ! rl sra oted nrQ'; <a 6a gRer ute,
<a 6a qflo asr6, r gu', 6flr6o qflo otoogce Gaafi olota6
Oa r ara cj 66 ored crQ" r

"6ood 6er6r, ot'er eqo6 t4gu t Gllotca eq aQa6,

'ee aqc q6fl 6flra 6616r 06l, rigfle-qqotc6]Ao adeo6 r

orG'6r 6Q6il6G qa, eq qqq6 6a6a; 6q qflg CI18 6G'6o I

6q6o6a6e qq gata Qoter ga sqtaOo I { qG qtett a'et otg

qcror{ t sq66ar eoOeo aaet ot6eqa g..l .t6a I ala 6q
qwa c, 6o6fi aad q6t flt{ I 66'6J aq6-otco dadtcto
ga-6,rc'a orqr Qgr,6q otQt aa$ l6q 6jQl9lfl IflQEIA
a'd 610 aG ?"
adsr 0669c'
orqo qlolnqq ofieerqer otntR6oca aofllaG'
GrQqtQ, c Geqaer, errql q1ql6', ateiater qq,la6fl1
6e; ooo gla 6616'l{ gasl 6aa I olqo qlolsqq 6e, oeo
eqQ sars $eB asea eQ ooatoc qGI6o
q'6e.'at ago6 t

alie, flG'Gfllaa, oqoqa 6eoq, Qlsll6l, fllqQ, oatq aottO

a6a6c eQaG, ata6rl flal 6qGG6a66'eqQoteo e1661 I olqo
flarqqc aest edot oqo6 t

odeoto, qflluoq CI flE'lqqG'aQgl

qlolflqq (orooraa qA) -eGoaleoeaer 6ectG aest
6a486'll I

Q: QlQYQ6ll-6q6OCa66' GlG6l gO qe AIA Eq60

Qqaal I

adeteq odl 6q6oca6$ Qlad 6Q1616Q, 6'106ll€''og


qo ora6

fl: u8d6t-6q60646fi flQlQlQ6l66t flO fio 6aa8nl I

"6q,q'teQ oE6ela qGrGQ, {Ql6l 6aq 6fie 46. t

qc'6ro1CI adrq aaaCI g glclfio 6ele I Eil6lo1o, aalq

neorfla tl Ggtcoa 66'lE I al6r6l 61611et, aeitq al6'oglo 6al8 I

flatal06l oE6Qlg0 aGlG I flqlal06l66l 60606G'6f,',f16'Rl6.,

q{, 6q6o6a6o qfll{g I {Ql6r afl 66aa al e'g qfll'l I

"66GG'q6q'G',66t 606G6066t G',lQ'{q',d1 GAAetAl

6q6G6G'6n 6q ctfl-q"eteie 6'elalen t aeietql adl6o ooG'
q6r6a qcq aqelcn t aedetteo qfll{s Qq816Q t"
oreer(qeroa)-otqel e,'o 6eel qRg aest <QoO
afro e,qa6 z e6oeqeeG'G6r flal <QoO 6aaAal I
o6lfl o66Qq' , C 66qAQ, Qlrql TQ

qlarflqq-s6ocl er6o aeota; 6raq aO 6staotq

arQelen I BtG ao66l ei6 sent o qq cQlQGal I Qo6ol6l6r
66 oeiara nrd r

QO60lq 0 Ql6'60161
6'661 G]Q-Algl, QO60l6l AAd ?

qlalflqq-qo6ol6l6a 6Aq' A0661 60611 fl66',160161

6aarq q< eetfr etcio an co6

qlQlotl66l cJaqqlo o6qter t

frer qrat gu 6a e'tst6 t 6qr QG aoqlq aer6 t atqe eO

qolq.6a6n 6a6G'ao6 t 6qqqotqa atdt I c'6d qqa 6a6la
606ra org 6oerg 6qr qora 6oaqnl I q66r qeer ot'6r eoQ
6er eqtaoRl I 66'116'91160 OrtQen n6 ota6 I 6c6J Olq
6aa6o6a I aqate oegr eqQ qfll{ ea=lerQ alodq ortfront t

6q6o6c'6e efite6ei c'otq edoeqsQal I e6oc'1 6aol
q66r 6q 6qrei a6elq Rtdnt,-alq eern6 ntq ean6 t

(actee.a erar) I { qflg otqer e'lrit t

"eo6otoq 6G'atec'lo19ltee atc6 eld l"

"eo6ot6l ata QlccCI16l I 6116'6016160 916'qlQl 6016l
q{ gteu, 6ota qlol 6016l qs t eaQ 60tG oa I Qo6ol6l
orn qed; cheo ae6o 916l l"
orqaso ooEtt{t-otqaco alqlg tg Gr6eqe nelotei
otqo glatflqq eaao 0161 otgteet Oat eqiaa6 I

eoqa6 G'aaoo atooto eot6< 06'661eQ, G'to atqatneo oO

oerterGataq I Gq oad ooc'lag 6er eqe6 ? olqo ereiong
oraq66r, c1d euro 6qot6Q atQ Oateqen t

qlolflqq-G,46, <0 eqa I qflo d1q 6a'6't 66s e'nt

areg ecQ e,Q6q'eq, {a {Q !
ofl6 oQ cq otqac argq orQtn t < srjYe alqa oI16l
adarqrG r
f e 016ltflqq aalflo
olotflqq-qflQ qflfl 6ara6 r6q,Q a 6a6a s6qo aot
q6r{ ord I 6oa" ata oQA q6fl 66}fl 6qQ atao I {qt o0
oteo fl6Ge 'arG,' 6oa qcirer aQeq'eR r

"efla6 60 6a61 Goqqr a6erq060 Gtel qed r eareo

69 ege' ae a6orq oQednr r Rr6o 6G,61 Aqc6e' eoa oQ
oqelfr r6od 0c araqRr e,r6 otqc qfr t 6aan flt'ctt'66'tfr
orqe1fr, orgqfr r"
o6 orqac ot6q gra gaeei eanr arqe6 r 6q e'6rr6,l
oQaG I orqa or'g 6o6neeen a'frcr.Rrrq eerfr orqelcn r

a66l6,6e oGaG r 6ere e'da6 r

6q 6a6a g acqrcq o6oRrRqo 6nqo o16erq, e'ero1

q'6ra g 6mrn oQerq. CIn oraqcn r 69 orqerc or6q arQer
6aq aaeertota o6oatcG'Q qa {Q' Q'6rt6'1 at af;'q CItEt61
6eqa G'rS ae6r nrq6 r {64 6aae oreos a166o 6oqorq
o 6'rc OrA6a aar q6erq on nre16 r

ar6arfr 6q orqac'o eor6< aar qq6a6n arqa6 r

orqo oQa6,'qruc e,en 6oqog 6oslot{ <e,' aqo-od'c

6 aqsv-e1ag,o e6edq r'
qlotflqq-66{ een deaQ aQeoea .(a {a r q6a
{6,tq,6r ao r q6fl?rtec 6e 6Rr6,, arglrCI r or 6,6e6R {66'
atqs atqa ? alaa qq"qq"or6raQ6aqe{a q6'-floe oG60
oQ6 r c6ag0 qq a6'go I ata Q16rt6',c r or',Q 696 erno
qCIta I 0r'6r aefl qora r orq 6 coqerq aar g{ r

qdca r e6l'l o r6rc'aq 66no 16r q$q1oec,

- r

6q66'lq'lgc' 6qc',1
"6d'ler6r6a qr66nor6rq eoqqfr r Grrq'6e qsd, sa
arq6o r ar6o <oO aesr Aar 60 srfr arqeo og oda
6aaqat r {6a orc'6o g{ r {o arq6o edlorerqo qr66nor6r
qflsg eoqetfi r orq 6oeo qne nd eoqetfi r e,norng 6
soqEfi r

66qaQ, STrql Tqt

a6fl oa6Qq' , C

"otetq6oq6n aorqaO Oarq< e tdG ato; alqlaflla$

eg6c'oco 64q6fi <Qo6 g< t

"fltat6 at6 e.'t6 aqAfr flt' I et@AtG'e'otei 691161 ql6l

oG'o6'sqa6 I GqfllG'S Atg At6 6A I OlQl Ortqelfr olal ogaal I

"og6'6166t qG''q1-alg'a a6Afr 6'0-allo o66 eetfr t

era:6e6t G'tG 6oq't ord'agr 6QGrt I Gt'o66t eoqfr qalAGA

eo16< G,tcid e6lat, 66 oa6, Oq oueo a166et arQ nt66 t

gr6erer fltq,t ot6 cr6 atQ 64gt 6anl I

"6oGo6QGn <Q aegl 6Q6'rl ala qcl a6or6fr ard r

aQfr ot' I 6ell6o 6< eo-qe ? 6fl161 <oO oO etd eo 6aa

etrei 6ea eaa s166 I qno eat q6elg 0 crorllG'S Ealaolq
agr q{ I atatq qlflclco 6aq6n 66 eoetq agl q{ I {qg
qr', 600 6aa ? flt' g6fl 466 G'o 6alaq sRt gaeer 6a t

soelord'o Gqce'lc'tg{6G 6qal anl I

"q6 oQe1fr, flt', ! 69tt6t G AIA qElA 6AA Crd69 AAr

q< eat6< qacra Ont est qcr66l qqcace oQe t <od eol6{
CRr eettso 6a t saelotd'o ateltn atQRt t eodntec alqla'
6qfll6a 6G'Q a'61, 6QQ QQt l"
orgei q6 ouafi alqqolas'6 t Rlqo
qcrca aa6, ata
eaQ atqt6 I otqa qclqY olq'qQo 6'16'l aal cqaG t

qde.' a agc c1d ocie - 6'o6aa e'16\

- I

qterroqe(oreac 96) 6ec eoqfr

-6o6, -016'1oo-
orq ouafl orjqe est6s ago q^6 | {al qna 6qto g< t
fltqo aala. eela QQen t

6q ouaGra 6l$lq eett6< 9o6 og ocaqco oqaG I

-{Q otn sQota6, eoqa <Ql GGG'cieqetfr t

flreo-ti <elo 6A{ e'sloln otfr eeaotoG-oeo

eieleoa6 t

qlarflqq (aarar)-4166 t
fltqo-6oq6fi aloo q{ I qgq6osn <Q sla qelotei
6Q0 r
rN qlQtflqq oatf]6'
qrorflqq (atrov)-6od orei r e.''er 6066'6r oO r
6O6C6'166'l fiq'rqfl166lrQ66t QrOA O6OGO A6ATAA q{ r

orqa qlorcrqs qra q6eci <Q seqrqa 6oqarq orar6 o

q'or6io fld6a 6gflrac6o qor aer6, eoo6 qreeTlerrei aoc.
ore' q6 6er erQ G' 016, 6ee arQ q"areia flar66r egaqd
eoerraaG r

e6oar qq6r6o
q6,qr 6enr r orqCI q1orflqq oee 6sr6' 6s6ee eQ
sr'G6r 6er aela6 r q6fl sOoeer orqoflrac"o arn6 arere
6enr r 6r6f , oer er6erq Rr6nr r fltqe ar6 eir6eo oQee I

66so 060 orqo flrqCIS oroflrn oro e.'O qorearq

eQen I fltqa oqa6-
edg-qroearc q16'gfla
6,9fl6r G'r6o {c arer e1oo6 r afiqieetg ot6'qlqe
oto6 r rr

or6-aer-ora6a 6s ggQ 6aa r orsroe 6esr eoeq ord'6a6r1 afl l

crrirfle q6,o nro 6r6qe 6ser r 6sE6e gqe, erd'e'reo 6oai 6oat l
a6ro6-6anr-oq ore.6 6qot6a r Qqo oq6 qor ge 6aoeo rr
er6,'ra.r6, or< 6er agraro gs r oarC 6a 6qat ar6 eo6 e, ool{ tl
g6eorert ore'r sQ 6eo 6'166 r eqQ aeqee 6q ent atgfi6l l
arara qefl 6ar eQol-ar0-66r r qo' oO a oro6 cd Forger l
q6fl 96r'r eoGoen arQ 6qero r 6o6e 6o6d a oRrG crqrq'o oc rr
sror orG arQ oen 6a6o aG qO r aq6q 6ero 6q 6eo oo eoen ar6 lr
odq eaen o ara qdaro esRr r oarC eorqa 66 q6oo 6, 6ent l
6,4fl6l e6a aror 611 986 aro r 0< eq,fit eqQ ece earo 6 eds,l rt
eqQ oO e66t 666€, 6s ecooreo I ao{a sq atft aoqfl qat6o l
6rlrfleqoo aq ar6orq,6r 6o66t I qo o6orq 66a aq uG oeo lr
{Rr {Gr oo dq-eQeqoo o16 r arQ o16 6o6R 6otot ao.t grearoO rr
6qar qflro6c ore'r Forseo 60661 corore qdrea ori qra e6e ct6e l
96 a6n 6mo a6q arceret 60 6qnt rorqo-aOeo eoorar6o erdnr rr
qoen aQeR 6s oGnr or6Rr r e,r6 nr{ at6cl Gtqt 6< or ar6Rr lr
q'oa 6aeo orer orrQ orrQ see r eec' srfla sa orfroeR q6a n
q6'ar6a ora 6666 ag eQer I a6l 6lorll6e qg ntg sa 6a rr
Qrrfl l-8
a6fl o668G', , C 66qAQ,
qure 60 QrQr {6e, 6sQ flrg aG 1 6q6CI q6en sq "li':i l:
io uu"." eaQ g6eorol Ql6'l I 66'aq eelo. ceRG -q
"q ^q" ll
eG cse 6ala 6019 Ql6G ll
arQ e'aaR flalolc'lc aq6o I 6eeoe
6 cQG q6Q Ga oa eohotel I oogl arqd'l 8{ o16'r eo6 eee tt
eGente'l 6egt tt

,a iu" sJd oreq cld ered' I aQB 6fllQa gto

6 or estfr oe ont tt
o,r,on qorer eoo qeq atQRt t oG' S66t_
I 6ell 6orqoG *nl:-oi"
eQeq eo flt6Rt eato oie' fJ6'016o : ll
eaRn qGen { 6r{1916'6' cci r g6eorol Ql6'l
au qGen 6q flfl ll
qq qol G'l6ol6Q ll
t""""" oto uG ga eca I olQlo gsl6a eoeq ao9 qlela ll
6s sa6' qtaa66l 61061 69ll?Q I 6lql9l6' Qotet
6r@9116''l6Q {G'OO€rl olq'-aeQo
6s t
c'G'6'g q6'6q'€'
qlolflqq-gglQ {qq 6qlq q{ ? 6q aolal 6AlA

eQaq 6eto e6el6a, '(qg 6qlq q{ ?

fllqo-oB aqlq6' 6qla or6Qnr' { a6)gl 6qlo
q< t

t eq Qotet
69 eo Qstfl olG'6o irraeren <oq gGorg ctd
oe. eogteten 6 erd
eoro atQol6l6, 606G', 6qfl166', O16 oq

6< eteo ? -
florcrqe(ooror)-eQsoeeo oscrrcc
6064 {aGQol ola I 60Giqle6'6r ACq flo',
6qfllc6'Q G'Ol

6,A16A106 I ^
e'g88 |
0060 qal6n Qoqle, oa6o Oat eeto olqa eal
o6 oqaG, r[ ot' eteR {0166r arQ erQQ t

qlolflqq-al8l, q6fl9ll60 60 {6G Alqs {alQ elo6l

6,'61 ! 6alorll6o
qlqq. Eq 646fi a6o coqotat6 t qeaatee
{Go algB {Ql6r 91160 6"61 ?
nA aorq I olqo 6ee d gqo aao eeae6 t

qteuoqe(aOc qG)-aGQ6r c 6aca aad alqe


G'to' qa', olfi'

a8a6r fl16G', AlQla, a106l161 66.l16',-6006
CI461 I

"Qge,al aee otd t ot' 6Q66lata atQe q'rd6 t

"q6,6ec, ggslc' otd' eeac 9'*e olaelcf,l I ao6'
GQGGT, il,ao 6a t qe6oa SEcR' al66l Qo6od e
r-, qlatflqq catrlc
ore66'r, q,66rr 6od eo6 t eaa qQ qQ eQeR, qflo qggta
6e6a ara e,aer qqdsq 6er.r erQe r 6c'q ar66l odetr ear
6,Qfr r"
qqos r e,q aOaG r arntR0eie6r €lorlrc'-oaeei fl6
00016)6r eela6 r orgr6r eer6x 016160 orqa O1otflqq6"
fl61, OQG'OGilOt, QAfi 68 0 08A61 AC,] 0t66A Glt6t1Qa1-
60qrqrfla1 r

a6 aeqae aqa6-"qo66r aad flqa-oda qs t

orqa Olatflqq c aqe6 r 6,Q6R, 66s 66 aen eaQ arQ
GQeq,6q, '{e {e' r aeirq 66s qruar6t eat nQen I algt,
6c're, CnrCfr 6ere6, {ed6o aa6 ct$ atCI aetot{ t 66<
6er aO aela aertot{ I ot'c 6aca otQQ aga6 arQ"6 r otq'a
80t 6q'6n 6tQ6,A 6AA ?
' ""A*eo <Q 6,6rG-qdq, oq, asg a1a eg6"a6oq r

saq6o0 6qnr, {er6l eetr G,r 6s, riG'r Gt66t 6s-{et c

e,r6en 6raa qat I

"orqe qlorsqs qqscqq r <oQ satqcJs < orj,ls

6flr s.1ao6a eoq ord r eq 6qa flqog eoqaG I Gt G' 6e66r,
gr' nr' aQ arqr q6r6a 6cor6 aar qa6 I c 6e6n flq6rG
ao66lorc6l {60 aqorsr6o0 eqnr t{6G'aAotcl 60 eteqffita
6lc',q 6ara oq6 r qfirqs, ago6 eeraorarG t q6 eeeneeen
699160 aaa 6ata qq6, eto6, ct6,G, 6tatG !"

{eto6t 0669G'
o6eerqerco GTQFIG''G q6r6a olqo qlolflqq
orsioter qdnr tl o'gt6; qgalo ex 6eqa6l QTIfl,
q6,r6'caot I otqo Olotflqe 016'ooa qlo 01616er o6er-qi
aroorGo Oat eq'taaG t ertgntn aat 6q6'e6r oat sq'tag6 t

6116rn, Rtqot6ca aaG tfl6 atQ o16e etta gdlgl 066l I

orqer aQen-"atQe r al6 on 0R l" 6q olqaa

01616er 660e, oQec' 'qlu6" a6ee t' otqcr aQa6, 66 aen
d eaQ aQeoeq', {a {Q I

orga oQ 6Q'Q86, {ol66t a6qotntei aa qfl 0o66l

q66c 6raar a6q qed I qt.I el6rl$G ord' eaoq eqta6 t

q6n qflQ errFet otqi'6,eo ento at6e 6o6J q6r6a 6'6d 6A16'
arQG t

orqo enei'or66l eo't 6Qa ? 6q E16l 6lla6a, olq6l

orflarng 66lotn otsl66l a6olG'g edeoetg e,QeR I

Olqo elslntnt aaltq6rtfllfleroqa6 0 olqa gga6 I a6

fld eQ AqaA I otflsq qlclg 6etq ed acolillq atqa6 I

at6'66r OO[errAC OA 60616A6'rl I Olfl AQa.lq oer a6a6 q6

ocloro 66lG'flte n6erqntden I odoa CIsca alqe I o{arn
ara eerr6< uA otslc otsq Ofr eoen I eqQ uq6o 610
q'6or6'g't e,derq eQen I otfl 6rsq a'tqq e'G alfl ag6o ua
qad 466l t66l q"Gotc'at aO 6'G'to 610 qQ aen ! uq6o al6l
60raor e,O oqorng oQeR, 'eaato { G'l6l eaei'orq 6eoo
e66 qqg r' oclotoea od qd GQat I 6q olglg oerqg atd
ae aderg Rt6en t

oq[erroea sQ qq- qq otqo ortet6q t fl€ea s€ea

"6rtcl ! 6rtgt !" <Q eto 9ltJ0 G,6i66r a6.'lCI6l G,qaa

Olotaqq (ertontng)-66{ qac Bolno eal qac' !

orflsq Go6o6ace '6qoot otc\" Qaq- olaAcfi,

qaaarc 6ed eeto otaq6n I GrlflRln 'CIofilQ' oqa6-
rT qlatoqq aatflc\
"caq G'ea a.let ct66, aaCIc, r oa6 erQnr ord, qeer arQ
66'te I a6eEis 6ag 6q 60 a?ta aQnr r areer Cqnr qo Oec
or'066r a.l166l u16e otclc ot6q ore e,Qen, 6flt oaq
arqg r orsreg o16 frg eerfr alfreic,a6fi I

"qee 66,tna 6]a q6fl eflra fro tqflq.a6fr eoq oer6l

qQo r q6fi 6ato odq gro uo etal I q6fl 6elo er6 qO qeo
qer e.'rrir I 6fit6r gt6 at6c,ee Qoq,ato66t r eos qfidfr eq.
qflQ B6166rr"
CIrflBq eao eei eoq CIee g e.6t aqcG' draer a6ee
q6 qaa fiar Gct-aqe6' a.lta6 aO erQen g o6'fLR oqolo
acq 66 ateto e.'en arQ" I Baq, ed oeo otfl alqctar6 eoel
qsc' aG q6a6l e6erg orac6, sod qoaser oqorn arQ
eara 6o6e I qata ora 6Jaa fletaoce orqa6 I atfloq g
qlcr qqa-0a60 alQ ao6o 6e66l I

"G'otg oegu?o, 6qfltal1c 6ltfiBq, CIG)oeqe 6J6ta.lfl I

0a ooara ge,6eerqqn6a 6oe, arfrma e'6n Qgofl rr

etro arfrerec g6d, gq_qee,r nr6 e6e, ag6,6f;) gaoqQo r

ucq qa fletda, or66e6 G,a e'a, 6atfite6\ eqrCRt

edg r rr"
66,61Q 6qqGA Oget AtO-AOtg-
otg eGoroq o q.qteorltst
alqrotca otqo qlotaqe 66s 6qro e,qe6 r firqo
o16160 eQa6 r <Q qnaee 6qtfl stoo g ata 6o6oe,6l 6ato
arQ aoOo 6a6a I

orqo qlatflqe a0 eQen 0 aat oQerg nr6sn r

qlolqqq-aei so G',6rte6r a6erq gs oret qed r

aqoatCI 6g6a ara oei erea, erd'r cn 6a6n q6r aroel srt
erQoeq, r

"otete flqocltCI q{, Gtetcl qo.qtO oEi greqatd t qo,qt

6rag16a fig q{ I 6q66'6€'6fi 6ltog1 e'o 066l Q eenr r q6
{at06t o66gQ, ex 66qaa etrql TC

6rflq1 d'e.,rerser aa q{ I 6q6o6ace 6lag1 qal 6'0 e,6otq

q< crQ" I 6q aagt6o 6o6'e d aQen 6Qal I qo'Yt6 ari eaeo
Oc r eo odqe edc'tfleo 6at erts alflco qaa q< orQ" t:
qa G,o6q I G'Gt oaqt otd', 6 6fll8afll 66et otd', qe,r6 e,ei
6qqq erR qed t"
6,661 CI8-6',G1 OAqIA 66'ql o
qfl6g 06188 I 6C6a
eoq 6o0 GrtG'tG oQo Raq 6elg eq'eR t

qlarflqq-6adao aa6ll aal teo 0qCIQ,6q 66'ql c

e6R flat 6rqo c'tg qq q6'la 6aG t 60 gqc crlolCI qa, 6q
CIer or{ r g6n sot6na'o aat egotQ" t eooYfltsc eq eer6,
fl6sa orqq ad s'qt atet6 r ri e,g6, 0q erre'ter qa olalo
ee;lerQ arflot e'rd; ee sat eaO s'red ord, 6'c't atgot alt
at6q I 610166l a6-g.G'BlRlGl I

"aqqtgo otgl6r sdloQ 6'lclc'l ard, eq erQ og Qot

6aaor6a I 'og'QtRtor' t eq otedorQ"69 a160 a16o al6q l"
6'66t oQ-atmt, q"qlQ6CI 6o0 oteea oQetq6QQ ?
qtotflqe-ogat flta oO aQe, t q'qloq gaeer erQ
Fdeeer aqer-6er g€eo flCeQ G'6Q, olcoregr o16 6'68 I

6q6o6a6q'6fiq eero erQot6e t oq' a6, oG srl66l etQetq

qs, oarO 6oe6o oe' nt6e otd I eq 6nl6' a6'lqB 6ala
q'qlQ6Q 6l6Q I

otqo 6osJ6'6, q5 eQ qesoa 6'la'a qqcat qqa6 t

qreirnqe(adg sq'q)-o1q e6ettel'1 6q'6R fiqonlo

q{ r orera otq eQarerl q{, olgl6l 6alai q{ q'qlQ eoo6
otG,r6,e t eg6 I ql-qg 6a1a qo oh eq'stotatG t sqo6
e6aterq oO 0q Oq. qs, 6I'6QGR o6r Gtllcl eq'taots t $lfr
aarqo eqla aQet oat qed t etiet-ersc d fllal I olalq
oG 6Q orde I 6o6a 6q alocll st{" nteeo ofilaa I G66l
arfl Brn 06 era eo6a6 I otalq oeita6 eq aQnt, r[ eoreo
6q6-qatA6'q'6at' t Gq6oGa6Q eq eQ qQ 6'tfr6Rt-ala
a6q CIa 606laalq 66rl I
co qlarnqq aarclc
"6o6G q16nra 6oqa qfl6g o6eyot t eqQ ateqto6
d et eera q1 qo uO aQaG I at{lte 6rtfltadso aG otog
eroq'r6 ae aqa6, 6Q 6tr9r, 606G'q6]s qgq6fl; AIA qq60
6o6a 610, 6q qg qlct uteret cOaG I qcs Qg, qlot aql6l1;
geo 6e, qtor 6erfl; q6fl G'e, qlot otcll I Gedl ala Q'6t
eQQ-sosi'orca q6JE, 6qot66r gen; eoerbtco 91 Gqotca
q10r r

0 qtaqu-G,tgl6'to qluc otqoeo 6eeu

(oroarnc qO)-"aat 6,6e 6CI Gtit6l Geteat{, otet
ged r qr6rqu, q'qre {qq flat aB t eeo otats BGdr 6orcl1
oQ6n, G*6fr 6gr orsr66l eQ e.,Q CI6atc'G6l 6el ao I Grtc'l
aQ6R, orqr 6ea eorfr atot crd r rj erQoteo 69 eotei <ee
fial a6oa eorer aG r sQ eoeer oO eee, q{G c,664 eat6s
araq eqrofrG' r 6fi16r arq6 eorto aG

"o6,G'6r gle.'r Onreeen sQ e6g,reo 66rq saraqnrt I

or'er 69 earo er6elnr r 6cq arGorfr 66'n-46' aqta a6c'a

e'e'l a66 r ararflae,race 6on-46! c'taqtfl qq o106 r

"6616{ flG66r q16ata 6G'e qtuo aderqg< todtore,t

glflrac 6oerq 6qr6o a6e 6oa otaelca I 6qflt6c' qq 6flt
ot666r arQ eQen r cj eonrag flt', fit' eQerq oeqe aQerq
Rr66fir, a< qe6ia, < orjqa ar6'6Q aq'r6 I cqfltcc'pt6'6o
aEt aagtq geeie, neG; or'o6e qruG,, or'066r Qoer Qq' I

"6,66r g16nrfl e6qeooerq' o1666r ore eQnr I

e6eeeetog oor6erq eq aQsn, <eto G'r6ot ota !

"q1-orG'6o 6tq ooc g{ I fltqCIlG'qeotc' t"
Q"qrQ1OGt66l 6lo9il60 6t6qt0.atC A6R 0 AQen, SOee
ar6fl oraq, flr' 6,tG'1 ara aolr6,tr orqo$ ode a6qr

otqo grarflqq 0 q6orqe'r-aqrqaor o crqofiro
fl6 ogefl 0 arol flOoo aoqr?q grc66r {aro1 qqaG r

orqer aQaG 'GQs qrua a6n flqo-ooie q< r'qd ca6 orgr
orga6 t
{atq,6 066g0, ex a6qa0 QTt-91 ce

"q6 olq e6otetqa Qal lalQ gllolqOQeoen 6q a160

oereot{ ? qfla gtCI aoalq qre6'66e't I olqo qlalflqqa
oeer fl6 qadrer eQo'G I qlasq acQe*voqq aeo 6sa
6a6G66'61 stg$ 6aa ocre cdetq atQa6 I olqo 6qfl16'G
q6r66l eat aqa6 t 6se e'eta oGsei qGeQ eett6< sett6< gq
oorqaG r q6or q6'l qa6'60 e,at eca6 t

"zttg6 6q'Gt, 6816' Qaoten ee,eo6a Q6aa 6oa

e6nG eoeo6not< 6ela e eeta6 {G" qlfl1 qq 6'lq G'
e.'da6 r 6etq 6Q6a esaaq6a eoQeer erqOaG I clqaalo
eaen g6atqc'ta ata 6'a6l o6lalo ?
o6e' atoq ord e,qo'6 -
"aqQt6t 646fi AqA 6110 q{ l 6lq aqlq6'cl aa6,lQ l qq
eqlqeGl 6A6A qgg 9lG'Gl6Ol60 60 q'{ I

arnae 6qrq 0 aqoalo-eot6oqtRt, e,6n G'lGa

"G'661 661ln6l eett6< €a etnr I qq aB eaqe6r GaO
Quer eqtaotaEat r qror qd atedl eoq atd t aal Baotce.ei
qrflr6 eos1, Oec QQGtt, 'G'lol, 6fllo qlfl1 erd r' otQt6t G'tot
eQen, '6otQn 6clo qlfll; otg ot6en 6q 60611 eoee t BaG
<Q oat gO oeei qlo ac aO eett6ag ol6G' ala 6'l6c aca
'66rrQc I q6n atq, 69116o 6q'6t6a, qea ard6 atgotd t

ear6 €a6o 6qcr ato q6 orqer Ggr aQor6en crd, atQ ee6t
606R I

od 6qre ! aleo fllalq 60616'l ord' eggd

ayrqn q<, eoo6 allq$Gl I sQ ettqnol 6Q6R t aQl
eloa eqa, t Gt'o66t q5iv 6aa aOee t <Q ettqnot oso d
aqooola r

"G'66'G'IR6,Q aat aG l6q olo6ll6'lQCIl{ IEGIR G'l66aa

orq oto6ltfir Ootq oqetal; 6o6J clq 06r nlq86ll I fllalq
aOerq flt' G'Q6fi, '6ol6t CIo 6'ad ? q fll1qac6 ot6q t'
OnrB os'r6Rt 'agqoc 6< ?' E1t' oQ6n, 'aqqoe eoto
Grre t' ot'o66r {al ola ola 6CI6o646o olq oer RtGRt,
qser at6Rt, 'flqqoc GtlQ !' eaQ atQen otd t eqeoeeen
ce q1Qtflqq aatflG
ag otG6o at0ar6 eQ6lr, "oqqoG'' ore, q6o ee.'eiO aa r
6rQ atq 6flr6o er6 osr erq6 r" orqo 6q6cseen eQ or6eR
orQ" r arQ 6,Q66l, 'ar66r ej o eiQ6, 6Gro ofl G,a6 ?' <qr aQ
q6r6o eo6 oroertq't6r orgr od,ra oe8re 6q'6e {e'aQ6R,
"q 6o6o6een o16q, Ei arQO r Gra aa6 ?" sQoO areacr
Qqro t sQoO 0,rq6'Gr !
"6,66r qrgsro o60 orqocaar e{6u r 6ec edloQ arriq
aoR6E Gr'e aoqgraqOerqoQnr r eare' qa6g6q e,Qoer,
'q ar6 otqo$ 6ar6 60S org Earaq r Onr6 orqos 6ei16r
6q'ar r orqer 69 qo. 6ar6r eQaG r ear aq aqr6 6 6ra
Q ors,rG r Cnl6 agc 6ae eQ'eQ 6oqar 60 orqa aq
crq'r6 t ee 0q 6'16o 60, orger arQ arqc,66r eQ 6rar6 r

6q6o6a6n 6q er6rFr,r6r e,Qerqfirdfir, orqer arQ 6ra, a6cG,

eo6 ea,nr6 ej ara eQ orq crd r orqer aar aqcrarG soel
Onr6 e'rOerq nr6ar r eQer, 'orq6r aror qflS garaerq aQ
araa6; qea arQ"6 arQe arQ", e.'rd6 eflr arG'q 6raa crd t'
aqrqn eqra ar66'rq orqo qQ eQ arQ arqaser eQ 6rearq
nr6en r orqas Eara 6o6o646n orqo oq 6q 6'16r, o616r
Gntaflt66,6,QeR, 66161 6QIQOra6; Aq6CQ at', t0nt6 G,QQ|,
'deqraora6; orqei qggla eq'aa6 l',6qflr6q'arqrj,l ea,ra
aQen e,aer eqraG r CnrG qo6'6la6e GQ6lr, 'erd6, orqer
o qq 6raa6 r' 6q6o6o6e qfl6g otqo ooq ota 6o6t aatq
6QrQ6r6Gr r"
q6,qr 6earq eo6 aG r orqCI qlarflqq eaaostcta
o6er orqeer 0ar eqra ErOa qQo e,ar e,gaG I qq666r CI6fl I

6r1G6,rQ, Orq6]6'6G,Q6A 6Qfl BAQ I

qlQrflqq-oEa6'10 060 Gflraa ?

fl6-c,q,aq6roro aoer oet6 aad 6o6a arQ" r
orqo srsrqe fl66" ear aQee r etQere oer eorGs
06e aO 6o6a r orG"6l 6'e6'Ge ao6r aeiG oqo eq,ra6 r

eo aQqQa r G,ac,qq arar6r, 66n, eE, at6]a, qn6s { qq

6AA10r{ r
{Gto6t 06680, ex A6qaa QI-Ifl Cgl

qloroqq-6q'Ga alQ e,rQ'A ? 6o6a oueet-oer eq6,

6,t616 6qor6a aqo edctft, aqo6at eeta6 t

6'1G'CO A6A6qOqAS O6tOlO€'l
- qot Oatont
orqa qlotclqqc oca I 6816 6G'ao66t
eQ orqer aqsr-6et cqa6 t R6 oen eQsG I Ql61lfi, nlq,
etflnlrn {cr66'gtil CIGo q.,QaG t

orqer 466 e,Qc6,'6'at6't{a-ctqoG a6et, olg ot6l

oteer r' 6rroRrn6 Gtaatq aQen I 6q flUo aq6o graa6 t

orqer eer16{ 01G uota eoaa6 t

orqo e,QetqQtnfita qa6fi qteet'latei qallq eltaa6 -
6 eo eoqfr66l, GadG'atQc'l q6'166r,
ao61o 66'qr6, qteolater q^o6, O'caee ega a6a
6rGa.il66r r

aafltoct gt{, 6qfl16466 G'l6o 6ll{,

eeee qhea 6RIGB G'46'6''6n 0leq66l,
ar6c ara 6at6n q6, q6l fldq eoq'6'6, Q"Q 6'lq'64,
96 oea q6 66'6l, qoturh q6'6QlQ,
orar qO RtGG eteo at6Q6Q I

flg6a qqo 6e61, uGaG 60tct1 6G'61,

eoq oO cqfltceol, gto nt6 a6o66r
6'1G'-98661 S|GQ 6QtQ,
arQn qero eo6 egn Qoder std'eer
Cqflotqa G't1al fl6G', gteGoav q1o6l66l,
arq 6gra q6n ql66t ql6a60 I

CIrflarn qO ettaeR, 'at6 otO oot oe6 6otd' t 60160

arQ qd erQQ erd ? otqo oQetg q6 otasn
oroer ged
-AO eoet Rl6 rigtat6 r

qe,cn, 6tta,llG eqg 6 olatG

-6llltG' so6t 6
qe6c' I a6 qgqo u6" G'a6en aloldlG., qtuQ 6at 6q alG'
{ L,r6G'6 fren t
cu q1Qlflqq ealtlo

urfltatqqt 6A qnrerr6 ql6q,qlol os6g eo etd aGr6E I

ara eoei'ateq et6 6'616s,6q etd 6 aGr6E a6igl G'6e I

qaol qa6G'' 6qud 66'l6n,al'edcrlriot6 etg6o16e' I

6eJelen Qct oq G G'6]66'r,6loa etO 6 s'tc'ei< e1-oen r

otqo otflarng 96 e,ga6, eq ero6 6la o-
'66t-l6r 6oto geo 96r ola t' 6ttftRtfiq'qGI66t olqa flal
qa frnlae6 t

eqt1er 6oto q6n 9a ola, o6tsl aolq6a qG]

(eoq ri qA alQG ee ota)
cj oraqfr G't61qGQ, 6ell6G aQeoen atot 6qqeo,
at6o 6q oCI'qg 6o1 o66r, (O 6qA 6a.o6l'qg
a6ca steR Gfr utci', 63 sod oatq eq'q crd (qa od)
q6fl q6c 6'e61fl cqtd', caq16o {64 6QR est1a 6ota t

(eo e1o.qe'ta)
qao 66eelnt e61gt edlQ,
oo1ato 66e {6G'qh ogtoQ t

(adeern sorn ee) (egen aer eeta)

anr qao G6n ae.'6otn, at6 cflflla egn 6tfr
(area'grer eet-lei)
qflo qq aa eqta6 QGl, 6a6'fi aB ga cao aGl
(aree o6o otec)
goa o6ootac'G'Ifl q6, eierot ora6 nea q6
(area o6o otec)
c,q ar6l od arQfr Ltt6i', soteo er6 qloodl olCIl 6oa I

(aree oarq est1o)

e'ore fimta otaa6 c6, 96] 6q o6rql aG eote6 t

(aree auo otaet)

qeo Qcr uteotcn 0a entn, 6aln 6oa e.,e qdeetn t

(aret oero oatq) (arse 8l6rlG,,6r otger)

{aro6r odego, ex 6eqao Qrrfl cE

qlotaqqc' o@91 lc6'6l 661 loc66l Q ll.lG'

caqc6tfi'l6r aoo oca flA {atol eQaG t eitQ eeot
6ata6 t are, qt66lto qqflt I ett8t6l, 616ll, olfi'l€l06l, 9lo6t6l1s,
aa,ltcoa g oEa6'1 eqQ atGnlaeeraortQo eqto6 t a6 <at6,t
orqo O10roqe6 6et e.'qa6 t

err6 gra 66e'r stnt; eq aOen I aoQtqq 6q'ta oua6'1

a6cleer oraa6 I otqa qlatqqq oEG'G'1o aat aQaG t ata
eqao.clror an nreletd I Gq oEG'G'1 oc6l oQse eerfr 6o
e6n r

ogder eloo I err6 <etteret qfiacJeato arQB I a66t a66r

6aao 60 6J6lota6 t sq ouafl Ooqaqao eqaa6 l-946]
eerr6s cro q6ergoteccr I 6s eoo6 oua6l6r qo ooo 6oq
atdcrq,nQ orqa6 r

"66'€rbr66r OrtA OqqOe t"

arG qdar r ogdoeer q'sqsa dt61t-g6ltqtt 6oo eoo
og6oo s66 r

gO aqoer 6e6R I 66< goq 6oq66l oBG'61 flal66l

otqoc'o 6'661 CIo eQe'6 r eq 6deeo {Qt6'1 arqaG -
"6e'd'or6e ora flUqae t" fl6 Oooegr soqaG I

qto6r oa66'a
o6eoqer6o q6]6lo1 qlolflqg aeocrfllcc
qgro e6o-qo6 0 olc'l6ao-eor6q qGT 6ct
otqo qlatflqe ofieelqoeei eqQ qd o66o aeer eQ
qalo qlo 16'l I qlqo Ql9l6rl6't ooflle
9gro-o6o qq86 I
qa flaq ggro-e6o oqaG t

arA cr6ero, gtetettgt fllq qeos q6oo, e8 66qaQ,

errfl qtqta taO o6soqo6a olqoc q6r6a 6'lG'ooQlolca
ero eqe6-6q olqoa 016166r eQ ggroo6o qqa6 I o66l
Olq@ et6l6'r, filq, aalq eaQ eQ
q6Js6-eeQ ololalo
eqa6 I QlG6rl A|QO|GS aA6 t

olqo qglo o6o qq gel orrorQe eeaa6 I 6o6o6a6e

Qeiora6qetl 6Qnl, qQ'oeer qgcl6 sost Q"Qcto et6 qqtO
caaorfltca g6'fl al6al6a qg'la6 qQ"ee ol6qoola6q66l I

ot6,a qgto ae eqa6 I ooaqe 6qa6o qgloco eoe e'tqa6 t

orQa ortq,roq 6ala aqa6, 'atQt I alql I oroq6 6

qt6 t' eq
oqolqoc'Q ola qolld6QAl lqcqlc,-oq6al66Q 699llg !

otG'ao69l 060 olqo 6816'6o aoaqota eQen t aO

06$ ota olq'ols16Q eQen I olqa olc' ql6r6o oat aga6 t

6rqoc'aa6o eiQ eoahleo ql-qcr 8Q6, cqste'e. 96 otqet

6qru o qdt 9016l aqeG
qlotflqq-Rel eqa atd I Ont eeta ota6 t gO
q1q6r-qot ntso etd-oqflloc oO eleqt6l ! clc', 610,
flc, q9 {qqq. q6l crl66l etQ" t eo o6lG'laG6r OtOOg 6el
6,66r, Gt'6t OOfllqool erReli 6otog oA 6alalq{ t eoei'soe
aQe ard-otqt 6oeer qfr, 6qo, 6qql 6o6c g6'to ao6q
oersi-eqQ eoe 6G'Q {6G alco I no'r q< otd t

olqoco 6qfl lc'c g 9t t' -6,t6|''16' q6'l

a6 6o9o ecta e*o56 oe'q qd aO eQaG I Ololflqq
98 e,gaG-GtG' 6gno eettOs 69 oO eaQ ot<, olalcr
qr06 0668o, q8 66qqe, QTTqr e9
e,rfrct-erso aG qe 6ar.rq{ r frQoerr Oaen orOqger oetr
qg 6araCIr{ r 6'rS 6,qrq6' eara qrdor 4661, 016'0 cro 6J6l
qdor e't6ic a6a-orc qO qea eoQ 916 q{ r<er aQ orqer
6g6flrqa 6era oe flar66l nr6 gfrergnr6en g 610 6r6t6a-
qaqalo oteer qO 6ar6n G<, 66'16lr eqRoror 6ara
arQa eq r

(6oro o 6e6R grd 06a 6 eer) r

qarn qro o6ror 6eG' r qlqo ersr6ir6'r arnlq06ree gr'

ern16'e Oorqar eos aGaG r orqo or'g odc a6er old'
ermn6eiq oraa6 r a6 qeiea eiQa6 r s6aeer geeo oO
orqo arqoea aoQq 6e6n r eerr6s gaO qn flr'6" 0616166r
606R I 6A ClOeer qn 6q,A atrQ AqA6 I {aQ O1O 8C'60
flr'Gcr ae o9o'6-
'CIG'Gr6rr 6laa0t cro q66 qao,
6C6J?i<aA eOO6 GrrQ, Q6t6Gr 616 Ar 6'Q6 66rr frr', r',
orqa arficrOag ecd ora o6o qti eraoreo eQa6 r

sod,ra orqGror6,ce 6616r g earerrn6 eera ad r flr' 6,16'1 0

orararec6t gar0 oerer Rq61 {q" o6,fl6'q 66 eaa orger
6,Gr6or6r aOaG r 6r6ra qq6 orooree nar 66 66 oraa6 r

otqoG otst66l eQ er6ra "smiles' Self-Help"

oqa6-Lord ErskineG Qga t

6ero crf-qdmrer qa o96 crd

qlorflqq (oreere. gG)-eqete6r o'er aG ?
fltqCI-qt6Qo ontG,te.Et e e6 oeieq ari aqetcn-
sQ nar erQG r 6erfi ari r

qrorflqe-6G6G, o on r 69 qdmrcrcl RE6r-et6{

RaJ qsa qff6o erQe ardreood qa6o6'-0166raqqdeer r

"q'Q66r-6rq6CI-s'rfre6r 66 froreqra oQ6-arq

66oe ena erfrq Gqt6 a6e r qrrl qro qe6 G,66r r"
qe,eoer0c6l orfi ed orqa a'o 6a6r aegr afro aO
qeraa6 t
cr- q1Qlflqq 6'alqo
66qaso6tc alaa-oe alQs6 I 6q qac! frnc ateic
qdta66l r 6aqso o6a qlqa crlflaln athea otgae" otei
goro ard 6066r I 6qat 066r orgo 64q 6qtR oeR t

err6eer fl6 aQoo66t 6611Q661 t qtqtat' 6o6G6q'6G'

oB eerqoq o qoG'o eqet o d' a lq8l66l, 6q6o6a6n 6'ao6.6o
I t

€'rq a6]A6a I cccofllq 6aq'6q alflloqqaqqol6lgl6'a6o6 t

q1 ersir6l, nrq, oc'too qsrrdr qq6 ooalc'f, qcr6a
orqo qlatflqe a6c qcr66lo0seo qal 66llR al6l€1661
eQoG I qA6Go odetetQnt 6il61oq t 6ae'eer QQG'I, 91ft1,
qfi, 6016'110, qqqgt gq6 cror qqo-6o16o qqqs I qflfl
q,d6'l 6Qa I

arG oQete, atgictto qqos Qotat, ep 6eqaa et[ql

qlqro r orqa 466 eoqaG o 6to otaaG t

ordorq 6QG' ftt' otert eqta6 66l6ll6lG,

eqta 6rQaG 606q os1 Ogretteto t

66'ao6lu1 c1Q", mteqat frea qfr,

aaeat ettot oO otat6o eqta efitQo I

Q1Gt6' oG e'utqnot
"e.'rd6 r Oererto ost o6 6qalq 0Q arQ"G ? 6 G l"
aar eqagCItet6q 6CI16l, ac oqQa g 6'q6o agulol
- I

66eer oeer aqe,G, '9lt' Q1ot6" oO o66a-{al6anca qg

qfi-caa gq, eot6, qto otq', go-ea1etQ 6eteo eatq
ordr eaen eat6< 6er-eq'ei'otea Qtfl l'
6od errqc 6a6a 6rqa alCI q{-fl66 sqt 66taet
ord'a'o orqaG 6oeer qlotG' oto aalool 6QRl ? qlol
etflctfl et6or-atflGat ad aqr6ct -6aa eo so6 0a otet
ou qfroraaG t

qflo aootq xc't I otqo Olotflqq CIocllc6'qeieo eqQ

osa eQaG r aotee clerr*ergarQo'6-6q qlqa ql6qq6'o
sr6 r orq q6rc6l ccdl 6tqffi qtqaq. t 46, Qtgtn, Rlq, Qcrlq
qto6 o66sq', Q9 6eqa6t e[Tq cc
g corffq qq6 eroorea aaG I 6ot61q o6eerqaer areci
edlqert G''66r qa r eq ar6arfr grfl qcqa ao6r6ofit otqos
oda a6orq arq6 g arQeer orfrorar6 r 6or61q <oriqe 6ata
edererG r

clsrrdt (qsrroresr)
-a10616 ooic aO or16 arac 6e6lt I
qlarnqq-6q qflgG fld6e aa6 rqflsc 6oser eqQ
gar, saablca 6a61 qat6l I q'qte6e ererta g16 o6e gat I

rlsrrm (ocrar)-ser6ro r rTQo ta oretQaeer a'er

oorq ?

qrorflqq-qtu€,qflaco eo6, eRO aO oqro e.'6erq

g{ o6a q6ror{, 6q 6aen oq ea,raaG
G'rS Rror e,der r

"6o6o66,6n ornegcer e6erroq 6ent r a6aa Eq

6erQO ea,ra e6eeoac'a 616161610 6e6R-eood etfl q'qt6r
Gr1t6t c aet6 r e6e orflc,qG ol6q ara eo66, 6q 6qcr
eqra eQa6-aeo6o otq edertoq t G'6q 6,Q6fi, olfl, q6q
q"qre o,il6 a6e ard6 t q"qt6r 8'd flqeoot ? 6glt q6r66r
Qg,ra eo r orgr 6o616fi, q"q16r eaQ oer"qgqeora6,-6o6J
otere erQeR t

"6ood eoeY 66sq 6or8oQ, eoQ 66sq nqerr I

6q6G6a6G', earneQo fi96r1, nq61o Q- earnoQ I a6c'a aq

aO nqer G'ret6t e6R (aejrq qgffito eeen); 6q6o6a66,
6oEB 60 Rqdrca eornoQ a6,-eoeYotca Rq6l1 eqQorser
6"sorna'Q r gg aa6
-{Q eera.r aQeR G"a1e, aero, oq6"66
oe nel aG r

qgslea {afltg asta

"qg'60 6 eqqdeerqarol{ ardraq66s aQq eqra6
(aeirq qdeer qerora6); 6g qA 6CI 6,'6r orer eaQ cldso
aQora6 nrQ" r eosl a6q eera crQ" r <Q aar6 Qorroroerg
aQe1fr-6oerqr66l e16 o116 qor r

"68fl qG erarcr erQsn <Q qgmrc q< ard r erfrct-

aruo sro66l areqil 6rQe ard, eoeo oie 6eo r 66erra6 orqiot
eQ66l, G,ror, qg8r? oO e,r{8, Gt'6e6e qr{q6r G,6r r"
8oo q1olflqq aalflG
otqQ 6,,61 0986, q"qlQ1 66'rlQ Al qQqlql Ala6'1-AlEo
6C0 CIo QQ6, Gl',6Q6A qgsla q{ ald ?
60l6lgE- qg8lc' o6Q q"ql6l
qlotflqq q6 qerrdr6 qcaluo e.'O aqa6-qnfllaco
ua r4qdr a6, aao fiqo6 olqa, a{ sJq 6rR I 6l1ol6Q 46,
eoei'oreo coroqq 6qfltcc d oo 6ala uo1 CI64 69qa6l
eer6 r

qerrdr(eqc gG oetat) -'qo1c'l' O1flGl" 6664

qlatflqq - 6q fl6G'06A Hl01S fld q"qlQ66l OqOlAS I

6'tG' Agt66r fiAQ6q eQtaa6, 6q aglflo I

qtler(oerat)-orcer q6 aar 6"61 ? otaet e'o GG

aerre aG t
qreuaqe(oarar)-6qel6o G't 6q'ts Q'6t t e.n Ogt

aQen 6'e, 06161 6Q66'r flal 6qQ 6'Q I

6 fiaqt t
"eto gq 6ato qofi octa oQen 6 qto, -ala 6drq
et6 od aGt aGt eqta otfrsn Q qto l"
"G,rq 6o6s6a6n qq aA erQaG 6q6oca66' eoei'
eq6,-6oGGGa66'orri! e6la6 6qco6a6f,'flal eqQ eq6 t

"G1G'G'6tGg atq 6oa 6o6-ot'6Q66't o

g6'c6o ofl,
oQe t 6aao fl8 0 estnot q'la 6o6n qol een6o gee fr6e

"qq 66q I atq6o q66' g gein'aoa ats, 69 etq

66g r qg ata et6 aeoro t eqQ atoqto6sa d e'teeoo
6ereG t"
qflltl 601610 aolg-eoe: o66ot6l g QllG'6Ol6l
qeldr-ard6 60ts qq g{ ?
gloroqq-oeiser e1fr, eotaeo elfr, o1freo s0 eltofr
sr6 r area utql o atGG ctQ, alat oaQ r[ 6od aG I
qt06 o66sc', q9 6sqao errqr qoQ

"er6c'1-erua d flrar r acq sQ ga6 qer 6aet Fl6g

6016r r arqr-oosrer qaa oae r ciG'rer eoo6 eer16< qq-
Q< 6'r66c'6nl 6010 r 69 qqeo o0 flrO Rr6ar< qaa 6t66t
atQ-916'qffr GCI6a6a qd 6'1661 I ot9lGl-atEcqoa flt6'q
odera o6erg q{ r"
qsrdr-6od oGorer qs t
g16rrflqq-016" ord' nr6 or6en ocre fren-qflt.l
q{ r 60106o Qo eeen qflr{ r ar0eR qaa ar6o q{, 0r'066r
qflr{ r

"ara 6or6s eea6 aite I qagree 6e Qsooeloea

aeG r GrG" ur6, I 6re16r oerr, oo-q6 e'n r <Q e',e,eet eqQ
qOoreo q5ircer g66a oeg r eoQ q66a qolo alt6' aq 06l
oor qrir crG qorq ocre qs r

qrqacr co o tr6nr6erflr 6a
"69 e'er6r1 6arae ador orqacr aeato I qflgGcr d
a6rarQ r qeqrqla flar 0616,16l I 606a q'qtQ19ltc6"er Qedgoa
eerrsr RrG erQ6-arfrci eruc fiar6o odor aQerq060 t"
qtrr*-arsr d, eerrs nr6 oQG r

qlorflqq-cr$ g6nr6erRr 6a-orer e6ero aat 6q

aog r qen GerrQqar od saen ot6 G,qtq$ 6eta ota I ot'6r
sr' essi'O orq a61-6q 66 e,reer ord;-6e6o6e6n 6s,err
ao66r oq6-6e66'6a6n er qfr qo60 I

qeoie org oq'6-qtuc,t oeo gro q'de

qsr*-61Gt gq6 etro oQer ein r

florflqq-"stfr oQen g6sn 6,'61 6e6, t eeQ gu

eerfr q66, ee.'Q gu eos16, saQ gu 6ra6 r aqaq odc
eQrCIr{-ara Grc'q6r60 atfito oQtot{ l"
"9a6fl qoeie r 6q 06S, 0 6J66t, ot'066r qtal6,-ot6
orq6, urc 6er oqG, cro go ereia aq6 r Gr'o66r Qo-
org 6Gru6o ee,ru e,g6, ocic aqB, Gr'o66r Qo,a Qo; eogd
e6ooqeq,eG'o aagr; 6e6G'6a6e q,re6u, 6a6o6a66,q6 nqo
qo9 qlQrflqq aarfl6'
el61te, Gotolq, atq qqO oQcllcc {Q qflg
eoegfior oqr aat aatq 6ata qqo6 t

{ae clerrdr Qota 6c'6G'-6qol6a gdlrl e'd Oat

6e6n r orqer eoo6 Gqotac6r qateteei a0 Oar 6Q6R I

clsr*(at,rot)-atoetca gd aoteot t

qrerroqe(aarar) EO a'd t an Oa
-atgt I aotaqt66r
grQen GR-ata acronl 6aca flal ae I (q6o eot6s oq-
oen eoai arq'q agr 6c'eCIr{ I r[ aa 6q oot I

qlotflqgGer oa-n g 6aal8 Qera6o qeq aql$ql
aeQoe'ro 0 66ereQoeto-6'€10 c'o fiaqt
Identity of the Undifferentiated and differentiated
6'e,rae qtldr gq6 otfreten t a8 ortqa6, eeote q'614
flG6a 'qq qqeq' t co6q' 6'16'6'CIo, ri <qq e 'et fraqt ?
nO aa 6G'atG oQaG I 6aol86l aqo g6q6, ala G'lq,
6a66q qq6 eriror o6ootaqo 6s'to 66 oQaG t 69 otgel
Olorflqq gdn aqsr oO 6oro ao6 nrd-a60lol c'lg
oda* e.'erraa6 I q8 s 6saegr ettqoG t

6ao.oer 06o qlolclqe o8e' qQo <atet oflaos

Ar6tot A066r Oar eqa6 lqa666] 66rl-qA.qA.
Rro aO q'66 Q6te6lgerQo eeaG t61GG'te-q5ireoe e6icltc
odet-ofla 6at666r eogtatas6 I olqtG6l 6'1G'6' 6aafla-
otQtG'61 qtqsaiqo al6,tl 6G'al8 G'lGq-olQl6'6i 0146 60A
a6ata aar agaG-otQtG'Gl aalfloq 6G'Q 6G'q', 6Qq'18,
q1flqor6a6'gq6 qe-e1o utsret a6a6, eoQ aeego qotQq
qqs q6]qo ureret e6 oat e'ga6 t

a6-aGtG e,'6t fraqt t

Olarflqe-Oaqt arQ"6 t 6qqqOotero aat t

"9a6fl, '6e6' '6c6' 6otgr G,6et qflfl661, 6q 616'

qd6, e'ero qd6, eq6'o6 oqr qd6, eetaot{;-'<Qqq

e. Revelation; Transcendental Perception, God vision,

qto6 o66ao, Q9 6eqae QTTgr Qofl

qqeq 6er6ror{ r' Gr'066r aqcarfl Qenrfl r eqeoeeen eq Q"

66,G'e 6'1QA6G eerAa6 eerfr eeruqs r

"q6fl Q0 ud ud aroq aOn r 69 eoeooo oriqa

aro-66'u, 6q6oo6r orjqe QQ rru aG r

"q6 oroq a0 6oqn-eoei' 66sea ato 6al6

eera6-e6,t, qc, qer6-eeQ 66sea QQ 6ar6 sera6 r

"are 6006 6G,R6l aar aQG r orercr asn aB I Gtetgl

en flar aB r

"rj Oelo qed r 'Ei 06" 6060o6r erQ6, eqeogsr

s1as6o nu erQG r org Rr6i a6R 6osror{, 6q Q" e.te aoo
eq'raaG r firfr 6or6reer gs otd t

"6G'G6r ga6 aoar r 6o6o6c'66' qfl rqg

6q6G6A6G' UtQt6rtfl I AtA 6O6G6O6$ 6q eOQ aG'arq
a6'oo6r aer6-66< 'd- e6e, 6q66646$ '6rtgl' '6rtgl' G,Q
qou a6r6 r"
orqer 6ee'er aegr eder 6,6, 6,'61 aegr afro oO
eqe6 r
qoqr 6enr r orqo G,6rerorc6r 6,19r g orq'o 6er aqaG t

CIocrcc au Fdeeer ara 6e 6eer artc atO e'derq nt6eR t

{66 6oat6'ae flt'G,t6'tq" nOersgr, O16rrurG,r8e' aOetset g

qrocr 6e q0ae6r are'6 ecerq Rr6Rr r

ar6 qe ooer Qorar 6q r q6'u6r 66oo o6a scgrofl

6enr r eoQ eg6ero flOa ertsi6o, oqderer cqnor g fl06ro
oQoq qar oroloel as66l oQ aqe 6610r ur6r6r e'OaG r

sQ qaaeei eoQ qd o66o CI661 o6rarc,qlornqq eQaG r

fl6 oen eQaG r fl6 aoerq6o 6aara qa6,6a eagi'q,argr

aq'or6r6u e,6elsR, orqer q6 eqQ oar e'qa6 r

oq6qa ocic-oqog o6a oderneea og 6ncl

qrerroqe(aOq qO)-6'oG fraqr e,rQO 6aG, ? 6qqq
Qorerer aar r 6rS odc een 6q66'646n qerOe eo sq d
6'1ec'6r6'eq'tac6 t
qox 01arflqq earqo
"6fr6G ftt'etf,'l flOQeQ 6061lQ 6a6a 6CI gt'deaq'n
og earae6 I 6o6ta GaGa 60 qq 6Bq r g6ot 6Ba t eoet
6ga re.norg 6As I edlato 6ga rcrtdner oaa-qq6Ba t

"o61 60661 6466
-oqeood crqflo eela6 t
0q6Q I
"6,r6'1fl06r qA66Fl 6'Gd ge 6ntaq eoqfr-69 ot
6oeer orq'er oG G'G'6'6'aq6 t

"eoelotei'o QerrQq eorto otei'qer g6 qaraelfr r eoqfr

or' oq eqroaG-6errQ srjqe I 6q6o6a6n a6a o6olno
flAoarqg 60 enslen es o6't6'td,t flQlclo earer q6 6atQq
elaraa6 r flAoq,tq 6flto aagt q8ot6elen I oqo aoo6o
66l6t6n, '6q otqt ogt otal aQS, 6qq6er ee,Q etLlt 0a atd t

"Grg firtor e,en <qQa 0q eoettot{ I 6q 81Q, GGlo,

oq6"cr6 oEr eqraaG r

"6666', sq o0'ci'q<eteenea eotG 0a6, eqeoeeen

60 a6 q{ ctat qdeer aQ qs atQ" t ertogoto soo6 eQaG -
'eqeo6een'' q6fl aa 6 d an 6q aat gea qBe'; 6q uagl
flar 6flr61 ?60 a6o q{ t' 6otet cG {o qelo 6q'6lol{,
ara 6q edeoeeen eogta6a6, 6q6o6866' al€t {aqalo
6q,6t0t{ l"
Eleco a6c6rq aqo c'd'e-aotg Gqcl
oer6a eq 6eqao Qrrql 6qtfiQt6l, qflCI qal6' t6'l
6aa r orqo eqQ ossr e,QaG I 6tt61tR, ntq gq6 oofll6c flal
aa6 r s6 oen eQaG I qlqo nU otoo atQa6 I 6q olqo6
o16166r eeQ eare' 66'6 aseo eQeG lflUolQo gG'161 lolqo
ags 6a6a gtfl Gq atQ eo66 t eg oQa 6Rl6' I

sd oea gcad eO qotnteco aqcada a6a I

j-q6otcc'eo 6qs
6terraqe(n5a q6) -oal eqa6 I

qra6 06680, Q9 6eqa6r q[t6n QoE

olqo6'o qlolclo oci'e-esIlol o6oso cal

"6 gotct 6gcl ? 6lqo6 6o0 ein oloalq eqe t ecl16rt
6,ga6fi, erto6 ataelq6a6n qlGlG O6 emtgeqa lGl6al6's
etsetqGgGa osaota oO 6aalqoQe r ooael esod 6eq'
otd' e,eota ooqql e,deleR, sqQo6 Goqll odetq 6Qa I

qqsq at6etq eeen gq6 CIla alqa e,detq o6e -qst0rte,

q'lq1olG" fllqola I

"ri Qtot e1o ocra a6etfr r eoqfr oqd acet otoe.

ots166l erQ6 r 6Ot6, Ql6, OlG" 6'q6" qg6l eegi'eleer eeen g'€
nltd t eoa6 Glacol olfl'lfl I Qlfl a olgl' c' 0l'66l
t" 'QGR,
etec 6lQe G'td
n6-atst, d-eoo6 ot06ot t

qlotflqq-agt6m ! flqo6 ntor e6etq 6Q66l olclf,)

od eaetq q< t

"6'tfre1-6't8o66l 9lo QQen q< ard t etfrm
Grcl6l,-6qel6o 6 qsr t aqerocre 6Q66r ofl6l gtro eat6elo
at6'o g{ t eetlett aqe{66'1, flQlCIlc' 6QGa 60100
qg 6g-
catflqo orjqe-flsteatG cQlaCIl{ t eot6< es16{ Bgeo
atqt oQo 0fl6 q6 aqoa Q6ll0l{ I

qqqdmrel 6EGq'
Ololflqq-aqlqG' 6ala olg ot6etq q{ I q6}c A$q
q6 saerq q.( -fiad oGR GIS Rlo 86llCIl{ I

"gg6ee' qdurct 6Q66l6oca oa cocllo eoootoG t

"qdm,o Ga6R G'lqet etfrot{,-olu eqio 6q gO

qota q{ laalGgo {Q" 6'0 Gl6lG-{9llG'G6l A16'6, O6 q6rte
6QrQ816tt t"
o6-atgt, {fllcG'o 6ao eett a6-ala flal {gllG'G
od eaeo 8tc1 66'rlc'ae6 t

qtotflqq-d t mtato qqalqcl e'tfrots t gtqt 66 Qee

cqror e6loa s6 gs e' td t ooetod qci G6r6'16r1 qed orn6
or<-ot'06er Gq o6ialal gtert Q'ot atrjq sqtaotea ntd t
Qoe qlQtflqq eatflc
6qQoA stale arscqta.r 6aaG' crflq flrg, oqtot ea-lerQ a6e
q< erd r

sr6-arqr, a106r egod aqq66t, mret 669o0 aolo

g{ r qq, oe'8 0 ofl r ea=l6Q qdo 6'61 ged r <area 66e.oore
oarflG r

q1orflqq-<oO .,106r o6erq q< I

o6-qesrfl oelal6a 6G't.lq{ 66 or6aetq eeetr

crqr6 r

qlarflqq-arQ"6, of,crer Slat flo6a a6eo qtiJ--

qaqrql eo6rorarG r

a5-arsr, eqo6 qeqtql cjou eeraot66r I

qlorfiqq {a aar66r 66so o69 <oEQeer eoge6 r

qreiraqe(ode. qO)
-6,'61 aq o,rQ r
fl6 -flrar a 66e G,'6r 6ee, fltatq o0 aa G, e6lot{,
6tfr qaqrqt 6e66l 6,'6t 6ac, ? qfl6g 6aogo 6ere aaG t

Qqsrroro oo 6006 er6''c

a&-arur, Qe1er16,16,
oo atqtq aa,6 t
qlorflqq-eq aG 6a6R qq 6Ba eo6ror< r 66a
6rrrfl r 6qa ura r eto 6Aa r ag6ga r s er6 afl.66laco q{ I

sroo elq (aorer) -Qqerroro ae-aeJrq ao ealerQ

gerer eerrolo qsd r

qlotfiqq (eerav)-Oq r eso6 srsG,eio at$a-

ee-loQ qerer eo qed r

fialtq60 atQt6r 060 0tq0 qlQtflqq 66< Qqra oe1a6 r

qlqa o6nrn ofie, arQ g6tfl a6R 0 o6n atqc,qq6 o6n I

a6 su oen eQaG I otqa eela oQ a6 afiea" q6r6o eel6s

eerr6< e.'ar e'qa6 r

o5 afta-ato6t 6a6e 6qag coqatqotaelca I

qrarqqq-d, sq 6od aaG r

o& afie -6eoe orR e.rer6 r

qloraqs eoqfr og erreQa a6coad G'6qael6a

Grar o66t
- 6a6r 6Q6'rt
- I
qla6 o66ac', er 6sqao errql
otger aO eQen; Giofll6'6 qQo e,at aqa6 t

q1q$-6'elo edorqo-olqcr 6llfl 6119l e.O otelc

qlotqqq (o6e. qO)
-ri 6rlcl 6110 aQ ol6e
etraotaelfr t qtqccl CI1916'rl6'r Qqqq. eoa qqelfr I clq qlG'
aerraelfr, EaraAfr e qaraelfr r eoeYorq A6-qGr6Q 6G'a
otaEfr I "6lgl6rlQ I Qlflnln l" G'Q gtan eqtaGfr t

o6eoqoea qlalflqq o@fllee. ql6r66r

Olotflqq oeot oatqa; 6oae ertfitRt6 orootce 6st
orci'eqfltcg 6ccr olg-QoO s6oeq 6qa I

GtG CI6l6lAcA etelot66rq6'lR6G'nr eQa6 t at6 eo'lg x

Oa flerq'er6t, qr 66qaa QTrfl qlqlo I 6o6aqola olqoco
o6 g e6ert6lq q60 6q g6'ql eqa6 tertgltRt6 qaa CI09llG'S
eoq eqa6, 6q 6161 6ala; 69 eoeYorec' q"ql6rl66rl g6G'61 ?
o6 CnrOagqaeoetOe oO aq66 6rqoG'6et ca6, edlatsl
e6eitotetq, 6qfl16o L.l6'q !
"q"qt6l1 6alG'fllG'GQ eGlG{ at sgtt6< alflG'l G'lqG'l
ar{ r {661 er6 ou 6aq 606110l{ I flAaG'lq 6a6l 66116l{
flq,aflt66l oQelnr-6fl16G 8q6, G'tet, <Q aoqe flt'8tG'16'
olGr66l 6a O-c[aoler flG'66r eOfr t

"Q6 flt' eneo ei6gtG t qta atQ 6a6G 6qal aqQnl I

e6 flr' e6eet r666o oser o{6oqal riarme. qqla 6l{-

Gr'o6cr ata atQRt orQ" t {ao6rol 6nla6 6oq6n ga69l
qa6q 6qt st< G'td t"
q16rtflqq aa 6oeer qeQera oerat Oae'ser eQaG t

6r1G6,Q, 6OQ66r eOInqqer oaQ I eorq qdt e6ie I

qfllltg I

6gec aac ! G'lqq 816'€IQtl

{er aao 0log1 fl84 qteiaot- "oq oOgdeetov"
aegir eoeq'l allflQ ?"
a6G',AE6 060 qflla{ Glfi 6QAl I 6'116116'1, QtG6]l, fllq6r
gq6 orereo eQsG t

qlalflqq (ateerte qG)-oatld, olG', qcqqc 6qflq

d g< r 6q Ga6l6sr (etttaeererea) aoaCI 66lqlo1c o6CI
Qor flQrflqq aatqo
aldc 6aaelat-q1qq CI 66lo16t6t6 a6ic,aA qflt{g 6afr I

(qq oerro) q1qq6 otoot6t66r

66,tU 6Q6'rt eflr6t fr6r oerrer I

"6arorqr6e,To q6qareo <QoG nteie qflgca qqq

6qre arer8ta6lc'l t eqOR 6aq,oqt66l qat6'ct elet t"
qlatflqs qtc o6erq66a I qt6'060 eaQ eororegoer
de'ar aqa6 r

(o5 gq6c qG) eqQ 6'r66an 6c,atq

qs t <Qoq o1o 6tea-
q516q 6A6Cg66l ! 6OOt66l 69il 6lrltgtg0Q
rj eo ara erfr c ot66r I

oro-r[ ara 066 06CI I

q6o16r etd o eaO qearo 6ltaet66r I

oqoq'6soqerr' -o6oeo qlotfl qg
qlornqq 6ltsltRG" ord' Qee'qolg oag-66 claQa
eOaG t o6g oqa6, "q6fl oag, 66er e,tfl 6q'G', t"
aoo66'fit qlatflqq et6le, n6 gq6e q6r6o oqoqo
'Qeoq6rr' aOer adqe6 6rQ cO argaG I oa6o Qqhar G',G,t61,
6qor66r oag 66 6or eq,nr r

oOerq alQ aoflreg e.'ga6, eol6s oaq' ar6 66 eoa

qr'e otgeGr 6a I

6o6o6G'6c, gOoeer arQ oeqen, q6,t6ltat6e aqntcG.

qQo or'e.,te1G" qq66o ora esrqaG I otqo {at 6aqoogltcs
eqo'6, 6q,s1a, {qggtc,6o otq 66n t{ot66laqo6er o6elg
{ao qlatflqq oftoe aog arQs'G r orq. q6r6o
60606'61 erq eQaG r og eqaG , 'ate' 'atq' I ooqCI q66,
qq 060 010tflqq aar e.'qo'6 r

qrerrnqe(oerar)-q6fl seo e6rqrq6ar 6Rt6, 6t6t


og(oeror)-q6fl ae'ro o6e serfr (onaeei orar) r

qta6l o66aq'', QT 6eqaa errql qoc

qrornqq-eettqto6atflt6o gec oo6 c'lq 6qfllc''g

s6'r o16 6q,66'' I Gg erqc ot6q atotfl eder eg a6e t

serr6< qorn eot6{ qsorq 6aq oto qcr ata ateq etd t eq
e,6geR, 6q6't flat qscr q66r aG r qettnol fi6c c66 oter
ao66,r86r qq6, soaet GoG6'6G'6e ot 6a6ocaeq'gQfre ata
rjsrrn6 rqsosr 6oGGGe6G' q{, 6q flal olslco aQ q<; ata
6o6o6a6$ a0 o6gen 6q flat q66r q66r at< t eneo6a
sQoO onr, 69 6ato6't sQnr ald; 6q6o6G'6e eq Gertet egta
orfroRr r (oaacer etor) estqtoGatotcco {QoA aG'gl I

09 0 orc'Q gllol olqaldl qlolnqq g oo9ll8s an6o16l

86lrQ6R I

g6atG'6l oa6ga'
6Oqs eln6a o ouaflca qlatnqe
otqo qiarflqe Qqqs 6e.,se6r q8G'qQo car aqo6 r

qoa gtfl oa6l 6Qa I

ar6 querer, ec 6eqa6i errqt qlqta I qqos ogftl

6e1 r 6qqo o6a orqa6'6r qru6'e1fr r aG 6dc src I €lecrccr
6'tqo6tct g qrolo r oflfle6rtraieragQa ador gro-aotqat61l
qrci'qrei ero aqa6, Gr'o66r 6rr6r'toq t o6o 6erea ouac'l
eoeirgra6 r oqdoeer{60 6rsog 60, ceetna e10e eoettota

qterraqe(o6e" qd )-arfrat-orao G,r6r o e,sn 69

eqe crd r

fl6-arQ"A r e6eeo6, o orqaqg aQqeR,-6rro,

q"qro oO aqoaor q< or'eee6-r q"qre Gr1t6r a6l I

qtoraqe(aeq qQ)-6qqq era6 a.l ord' r-eoe1

arfloq q"qre6o erQen-Oere 466l I

o6 6drq r e.'re ger6e'rqfl 6or ea'ra eQeR r

otqo qloraqe <Qaar aQ 6a aerq eo60er ord'

08e'61 adqes 6fic a6a r

Oorcro orare e'g cOc

otqo qlorclqq ouocr oen o6e. qQo aar e.'qa6 I

qflfl gra oerg't eq'Rt6 t

fl6-argr Oerrara qrd? 6r'6r q< ard r

qlorflqq 6aa ordarQ"6 ? 6q qqao eOe' r' qiornea
e6fltec a66,e Goqqr qror 6ara;6e 6aral 6,qel6a,-qg 6CI
6 eg. aqcre a6let6a r a8orea a6G'6, o6qo a6Jel6a, -
6qflr6c qfiaq qarf,',6eer erq'rd oraqsn r qflg 0e ooqqr

Q. 6q66r r {ateGQ6gE r9rarorao6eoqrri r

aeqgr Q er6$ser eoaeq6oeroe66' r-error, el/s


q6al06l o66Qq" ec 06qaa errql eee

eG qn',lr oeer qO 6oqe{6n t ot'o66t atQ qtfltcq trf;'Fla

6raa6a r

"{06 qta]o66r {al6aQ6Q QSA q6ei 6Q6l0l9 a6a

eee crdr610, eq, oo', qci <oq6oa flG'661 aredl erQe etdl
6G6G'ota fra qQ esa I {Q qa qo olal 6J6'alQl flal Glal I

fla6e arfrct-atsa ate atedl aQe arQ" t

"6q6o6G,6e ate est6< aagt q{ t '6tqo d aeir r[

aeeir' r ej e, eesn e6e crd sod sta erQe ard-S$6f;'G'l
98fi64 r

eor6< floCI qhls gq Gfitefltee ettdaen, -6q a8l6'

6qro oraq6R t e6ocq Gantq 6o66646fi' cl$ gfl aeR Qs
qflq. g.r Oaraa6 z so aQe1efi 60, CIs eoteo ar6a6 Qs
gu qaraa6 t

fl6-atgt d, er6dr I

0o qotu o aQ6't qflt{

6Q8$ e't6eR 6Qq G''tQ",-utaot q'6et
aa6l6t r "6gCI 6el acq qflUg aota 0< 6'ld l"
{or6a6'6e 6oa q6 GqtG 6QGn 6o-ootq q{ I 6flla
6c aarrleo gta Gaaoqto 6qtaot6o; 6S er6 org eoa 66<
oQero erqc't aG r eeq 6ea eoq ao66r oo aG t

"ara {R qeta aG aqct qflt.l t 669 floqaolq'(alq

e6er r 6qe6'r qeR gGa, t"
cr6-atst d t

glatflqq-66e flFeaotq<e'tq o6et I 6ad1 E6l {

qnr{ ose G'rQ', 6sa Qa atQ aot4 acr q{ I 60161161 6016l
atrg{ r
.,6e 6e'd6*. efg, GGK* .6$5g.,eee6r 06e t 6l6ie6)
60606466'at{ 6aq atfitfrsff'ats t eaQ eaQ Rlgeo ast et6
6a6, sqeo6o66'aet ole6o erdqerar6 069 t6o6oaei od
6oegr CIra atetglco erQotg66,q e,6o-6q66'aQ fi61 CIl6l66l
atatoq erqr6 o6q-6ss 6et qaa6o 6ol$1q cotoqq
Q66r r
eqe 010loqq aalqc
"6Ear 6nregltG'G6r a6o a6Q qRt{ aagt 6QlQol6Q I

qdr aoa 646fi og qes, 69 qdr enoeer atgtOo seen, q6

og qqo 6era0t{ r 6sa Gqa t"
g8-qruc a6a ffitc' ata o16 €tCIa Q'6t q< crd t
Olorflqq aO eaa etQen gaGote.' q{ I aoata 6Q6R,
6q qgsrc 6a6 r Eq a? at.ltCI 6Q6n {el.,lterser gaBoto
6QIQO166l I

qlorflqq a6e qcreo-ffitg oG ga6at6'6"6t qs erd t
quer6r, ec 6eqao errfl qlqto I qflCI qat6., c6't I

qlorflqqa qQo fl8 aat eqaG t

a8(greiraqq qO)-ffita er6 ga6ore., 8'61 g{ erd t

qlorflqq-qq a6, alljlQ6r q{ I flqo6al6ic0 q{ I

eoo6 e6ocqeoeGe I a1G'6atG'tG"Q a6lol aat I

"ar6nre.'(ee.'rr6t)-otu gata I a1c at6fila actltoq

u6o aren16,, oql6et6,, eQ-lotGRta o e,g edla satuteer t oO
e,g mra qrir r

"66'6G'6G''6e arar6r661 q5ir aa otcr c ota6J o6qtao

6q,6tot{ r aeoror6 a6-e,q, mrc-qtir {atal6r66reo6lora16 r

"q6o6,6e 6 a'd qflgc'o gto-er6 {atalt6r66l ga q{,

arlle 6soe r ea=lerQ er0i'616r 69 eeot, ealoQ erci'oo Eq qGJ
69 r aqo ag Lro6r o'o oq atLrtcrce q< t eo66at oOeo
a'er gaeo6r gdt t,t66r ?"
cr6-ard6, Gtc'qot6o ? 6q qot acn o qq 6oeer
g6 0raot60 I

qlorflqq 69 qor o'sr qe66'gs t datert sO oaqt6s

ored Oarors r 69 o0 eq 66te oot oted t
s6 heroso aoroorc r Ololflqq atoe aa6 I aoto.
e.'qo'6, orer 0q, eo'lerQ ea-letQ ata.lt6r6CI Gtc'o qot 6q6R
6AtAOr66r; gAG fiar 6qrQO166l I

q60to6t 066g0, ec a6qao QITql e eql

fiote,ta qlLlcl e'g'e6e

qerrn qda a6 eeR 68 aloq otaa6 I caaosolq
ec6nr 6a6'q ga gao eetaota6 t eo6 6aq qlalflqq
6aa6c atgq atqsG r crd qo6t&, alq6', a6'61 6nl6l6aa
eoeJa6 I oua61 olsl66l olqac qQo eogteQal I 6q
aea e1fre 6qta olqog getta eqa6 t

qrerraqe(o6q qG)-ri qflq. est6et olci'oraqfr r

orrOfr <eo qfla eqnt6, fl6c'' 6Qfil ol6eot eod'oelaa I


oq6q6o6c'Ge otQl eoqfr-orrQfr 6aluq{ ol6rlCI6l otqt oO

ocran I ot'os6r ettOfr, ol 6q o6'lae crd; 6q acca ot666
ordq aea t

qlalflqq od qq6 oBG QGr6o
96 ar6eo qlolflqq fl6c'qQo c,at oga6 I 6116116l,
Rrq, aa16 qq6 aa6 t

qreiroqe(a6e g6)-argi, eaQ eaQ qs-a1el6r

uargl egr6 qeA o'o ags ?
fl6 -6'16'l flO a6 t oo aen Q Q',d 6q6rt ? CI1E6OAG0
aar atodl oQaG, 6o6loql66l 6aQoqlo qflaco aQelen, e,td6
e,rg6 ? o86lt orei qed I 6oGG'646n ortg6, qa' €'lolflcl
ageeei qtaed 6alas{661, aao oloaflloco <eo Qoo t ot6
nrnr 66 eten gBor6fr ard, eaelora" etg6 t

"ata QqfltG'G aal atoo aQele6l, QAfllc oQen, ri

G,r6r, 6q, aoq, {qg eteet ctd r r[ eaen oto6et 6'66t l"
"alo6l o oOaa gaG GOs aqolo ara 66 crd r qg
ara oO t ata aQaG mrc (qgmrc) eeen <Q gaO {a 6alLl
q<; eod'{6'sr 9A G'td t"
qlotflqq-olQl oo; 66s 66'0 o eqlad 6aa 6aa al
oR 6lgt 6c'Q 6Qa Oelq see t

"elG't flo aG r nqh eqE6R, flo ord'qltJ6qol 6a6ll r eot6{ 6'tcll66l eat6 ee'a4nl I a6c'e
qlq qfrola;
QQU qlarnqq oatqo
qfl6g a06a atflFilG'6"61 6qQt at66l, Gt'0661 aeq qgota I AG
fl1qrqr 6q,nt ctd; 661s60 qfl6g stfr66a I {661 66'6lrltRtQg
61ArQ 0A166I t"
fl6 6ototq6t1 ei6'1 66'ilo

cqe{6n G66t qtut6r6 (ararm)

6nto I crd erg aat66r atfl q{ ar6-qqes e'e6 eflr o6
0q orq6 r

"606l ot6lo6l6tq16"6r 69 qq eOerroq 6ete?dnt I

{6cag o6o-elqoqto aQ Oqeca 6atae6e r aoqorle

arfrar-arsa Gqt6 e6R 6G6a 6ot6l qs r oror6 e,rer6 6ot6l16r
6'rE6 6A6t0t{ I

"qflq Eqoqo 6sa 66 eQeoerq 6e6, | 6ot6t1ot6c

sqsq, eero od 6,tG" qotq o16 ode eer6 r sqoq q6B ?,,
fl6-66'q'te cto60 qgqfr r

qlotflqq-6aote qed, eoo nc I sqsg 6 oaa 6'16l ?

Eil 6oa 6oeo og qq a6-60t6l1flt6a eoqoraG r eas6
fiqfl 6861 06' Og I

cr6-arsr d,60t6t1flt6e eoqoro6 rest6{ eQeer a6,

{a geta aro (Magnifier) a6, ot' qretovca 6oq6n qq
ear6' 66s eo 6o61tots r eqQo6 6oto qtot {qq Eqog
6061r0r{ I

0161tflqs ouafl aeer orQerq eea6 r fl6 eqQ ae6r

errQera aqa6 I

qqqs60 {6,t6,1 eqQ oeer erto erraa6 r

esTl6r ee, rj eruc-oeoatc

06166l o69 oer cj oroarc r

(a ora eer-ler qn qrooer r)

6flt'6r at6lt66l G6nr 6c I
aorq €ec,t argq EQoro aG 6q'q66'1, Olotnqq
q'orgflte r '06166r o69 aer cldorcelc t, <Q ear q6 ore"a
eq aqqd esraa6 r qO esrr6< o1o ote6a I

r[ eoelar eqc o6 o6urc


g6at06l g6sQo, lg 6eqaa errsl ee8

qon q6
crcra t

eot6cto eeeo 06 eqQ eoeo,

60016er 6qo eO tt
Olotflqsc qcr6a Ql$la qqa6 t

oer6o qgG'to g e 6eqaa, qG'lQ6G'nl q1olflqq {al6'1

6aa 6a oen R6q qcrca nat e,qa6 I qluccl G'lol qQqeal,
orfrfl-ergR Gr1t6t6l oar I Gacncacn fl? d qq. g{ I {qq
q,ar eqa6 r

gqA tQA6
a ratQ 066l o EA6'1 A I
n eolaQ oiGl a61a.l 1611

I G'661 alaq 6q

oua6'1q ga
66e'er e6eo 6'talel
s6eeg aqa6, Got'6r eoter-ee;|o1oo qqo oa 6o6t !
aootq6o etanoal orq atQaG I Q6l16t, 61l6ln flal
aa6 r arqherte,teralol totqcrols qlalo 6ar e.'derqaqaG t

Olotflqq qttJq. oqa6, qQora; ao66r ao6o eltQeR

ere fren cld r aqo Fotato {G'" qlolQ flal I qlalo Oetaen
otg o16 q{ I 6q6cseen q6 Oate.,to 6et r eood og olo
e,6er oea ogq oata 6aG r ot'o66t 6a6l aqqleo otniq
osr6 r

ofieaqoeo oogtts'6' qfi6o -anolglG' 6or qq6

arG ctGotor g g 6eqao eIrfl qlqlo t G'6iatc qqo qla
qotfi c6t 6ea I aeQtflc'Oot arQaG I Ql6ll6't, Q6, fltQGt, Rtq
ofieerqoeo eta aqa6 I oqtflqqao 6o6ag eots atQa6 t

OlCIrnqe o6o-qd atoot66r oQ6'qcr66l eQa6 t

c66t CIo oetqaG-oO 6oQ g< t

qrerroqe(ec'olelGcr 0or gq6 6r@fl le6 qG) a166lo
CIra r qro aodt oco otat asG I qq aodl olo 6gla66a
66'64 O AlSlS 64q6', I

'' cj o er c c st G, g a6o aeqd r g 6e I qfl o66t q ei1 n a qS

r t I I I I

aQAfr (erox-o*) e'g eorerolcr 6a1Q an66l G'o flla aa6 t

Bre o6,ra, GqQ et6l 616'661 ao fl18 atQee I a66r a6er 6]qqQ
6064 r eqn or6eloe otQ I
eQ9 qlatflqs aatqG
qlotflqq g aaotooqr
"6rqe ?o-aler e,erG r oqsr 6oeo eq aeotd qa6 r

eood q1qq, 6rcrog, edocqeoe r

"ej eaoe 6qq6 eQe1fr 60, qqsr 6oeer orce 6a6r

gatd I ut6'6o066r Qgorce"eo 6ar6 6816 erei ar<; 6q6J0e.
aq,6 e6rR r 6sra 6oea flrs aGqr ararG r firs ecqr esr6erq
sen eqQ e6rn 6os6r esr6orq q{; flqo6 eerr6erq eeeR
aaor6rc 6oeo esrGorg q< r

"6qQ BAO OtAt s6g 6Oeer c6t6o fltol qat6l ga6 r

6t16'60 aG-erqrfl fir 6 an 466 r

Baa orar an 6oeo 6466'616r eogra6 r

an 6oeer 66e ars, an eor6 uO an qor{ I

an CIr6a 6ea qeer, 6e qor{ orqr ar6 o 0166l r

"63 6rqa$ arderq eeen aaotoq 6Qetq eqen

qtdG're g6arc'a r 60r616116e aq aq Ara aa6, sr6t ooraarq
g{ I gu6o Rqor a6, aac a6erq q< r ear6o 6oeo eoR
a6, eqlOsq eo6e,rq q{ r 6nq6o qro 616r q{, 6flel er6erq
q{ t"
0 qlotflqg
G'Ql6't6l qrdlG't
oro(qterroqe qO)-arG,r, 6q qrar6r er 6orarer t
qrorflqe-ee, afroorq a16o ora, 6G6a G e,r6q,
eeeYoreer erg oQar, ensi'oreer sQar6q 6qrqre6, eeabreo
606rq 6'erq !

"6roc'r6r qrg6r ogrq. CIerq eaen ga6fl 6100166r

oaac'tq 6aG, I

"6eror6r qrarcr ea,e ad ord6 r 6o6a G'o aOe r

q'rfrar-q'rse oqrgl o eqen 6G q< crd r aret66r oqr6 ata

6oesr oqr6 r 6sa-q6o 6616 flrq oQen eqe ad r

"qr6,r6r qrarc.'r qe6' I eoee eqo6 qee Aed r

"6e16,16r qrdG'r, ffir?601616l qtuct, CIofltc6' or6t66r

aQer 0q qee" r a6c,a aq6o 66< o16 ea,a6 I qq qqeq
aQen or6er oG q< r

g6al06l 066g0, 99 66qAA er[fl ae9

"6,G'16rq,tq 6Qtot6t6'tot t 6G', Ql6'1, qq {Rlo$ fllqet6n


aa10 Qq86A Alel Olae 6',oe1 statG; qq 66lo1cll6'G6l QIG

or6eo fltcq eta c'1q866l t (oaae"er erot)
"6etG'l6r qtaic q{G qa6a adq6'l q'6ie aeR, Gt'o66t
oqqar, 6't'o66t g6l6]c 6611016\, 661866l a6o eell6s
6q860 A1e I

"e'Grt6ga, 6'goac qgoflG, 060 ala 6tr6t G'8166l,

<Qod aG t

"{G'9lo66t a6, qaeoe soQ qg qqga eotG< 6gotg

arqra e6e{en I qqga Qefirn-aefitn o6ie, qesr adqen 69
qq96a gq 604 a 8{6R I

"G'661 qqstol eQelsn, 6aolQa 6qooq 66nl 6a1a

eieq ard r eqQo6 qgmlo nlo 066r ala 6o1a QGg clq I

{66,16161 6oeo qol t

"qto16l6t o6t olcrco <e 6qo oQar r s'tdeo aqqlfio

6qo6'6o a'6 aG 6oq€'lq 6sEl a6a I 6'661 G66l glolao
aoaq aO, eqQ 6qo oQal 6461 631 eet aG sQ seot6ea
oQCIere RtGeR r 66e'er ee,'lsrQ fiaQ 6a6R etd t aeo 6ean
grG'o 6o6R I GtG'61 q?slo 060 flal oata erQnt eRta6gt
ord't eao6 aeototOe'er t

"Qctt6'46'oeer otdot cqqad G'661 I eo Ootg otca

arer 610 6o6l6ratq ntden t Qatna 6'Q66t, gtt'{Qq 610 c
eoqfr 69 qoer eol6< qgqclo a6-eoa6q aGQ 6osla I

ordot aQGR, Oor qeo oO qgmre otd, ot'6Q6R q"qla Gt{16l

e,d otgaer o6etq eae t

"Qntefl ee=loQ oeo a'tQeR ard; eaeoseen gtdot

aeer 6a 610 60gta6n I 6aqal q66r
q66r 66ette' {ol6afi6e
116o t

Olorflqe o o6eotsl
"{qq otel eQfr oq 6erao aal I qg qol e6o fraqt
<QoO 6s'tet tqgqqQq teo aOo 6'al l{
oa6o GIGQ 61181
qqa6'. g fra'lt 6Qlaol{ r qO 'rie'r qal aQol{ I oa66r {
eQr qlarflqq aatflG
aa6'ro6 flto6 6,td I a6' eOa I {qg Qolero eat I oosltoca
eeor q6e,r Oq qed r

"66,q- aqer aeotei ea,ra eG6t ao6o6l 6aG r 66r6lt6to

6aarq qr6 r or6q ore.a qol66r qq q{ g
-mla 6qrc r

"6q R16't aqa6 - 6q CIoQ aal16' I

"66,6i ana et6eoteet 6ee., 6qtgt e6,t aG r

"6e6o6c,66' 6lqo grte qa6, oo qq. q{ I qA

6a6c,66'6e CI@ qqa q{, 6q qq. qa6, Gto ot6 6'10 G*
CIo aafi G]0raj10 I
"{6,91G66l aB oeerro16 60to1616l qee.qeer 6ororaerot
el6n I 6qflta66) 6qel6o qQ setanelnt I qotac 6lt6!t6o
eqelord'O1qsS 6ca atoo I qlqq 6ec aQen, qflfltc'g
6oquro ooic aerra6, atq o€J6'tq qtc' oderq frer r eqfllea
qo 6oc,r q66r q66r eerrRa-ooic 6'l'066r q6 aeto eeqr6g
ooie' r ocdtet 6q6G'6a6n eQ6n, qg6a 6qqq ata caqatq
ored e, rd-e6ictrc eora eqQ flAsq 6loqeoel6 I 6016o 6ata
n66, qara6 r

"6o6J ao6't6l66t ot6'61 6a6i gat6 I aaotaG.o 6toto

ara ara src'o qat saor a6e' rq g{
'6q 60 oa 6oeo 6Joo 061,
g6eeo 6q 6ete6n 6er6r t'
"aG'ot6r6 qfl6g OQorer6 erd r eoa, LJted a6a 6et6l,
66rG,, qar, qer qq Q" etQe, fl66, 6eG,, atflglt6'G oO t otgl
qrorc'66lo6a e,r6qen-'ouoloo ot6c, qg oA G,t6o t'
"qor6r66ra6, Qgrsrg aalo66laetq aa6't6t OnrOfr uO
erQeten-6qflto$ gll qatag6n r (oaacer ero.t) q.itfiq
eo6or ai uq erqr6 I 66lo661 6o arQ Qcln grerr 66'to ct6l
G,661, 6q qQ qQ qutfie orfr66e r"

qlolnqq, oq'g'ta, n6, nrggq6c ooeo
aoecont CIecta arQa6 I o66t 6lt6l6r, FltE6l, eelq
qq6 aa6 r o6ero sg Oeqao, er[fl q1qt0 I
g60to6t 066g0, 99 06qero e[rq] eec

qlotqqq(oaotac q6)-aeorac qO 916 qcn

6Q6rr r AtQt 66ll019lt?eer 6o6 qt6 t
<et sQ 66to1fltc'6'olG'661 6lto 6taaG t
GllG-6lt1tfl q6fl ool6lo 06116l ... aoqtQ

"6rrQ fldq 6066'646O qrqe ae6G 6q6a 66l01fll6G'

{er6en6c,aqr6m I q$ 6aqae6, qeo 6G'l6a,l ooq1, qlqq6
6ea eoqa I ol'G'' eeen 66[n, qfllldg eeta aQa ard'6 t
qorerGo qetflq. eosl aa6, 6q q81 gea 6ea org odc
o6a r eotQen cotfllqo eeto oQa ard6 t a6'6ltl 96fl ol6a
aoiqs-oeato c6s tq6 atuonolqeoqae6, al6Q gllb,lG'1
arnqRrue 6a I 66tto19tt6'6o 6q6fllqla6' !
6o6o6a6e aget alQ, Olqq anolcls flAol Oel ord'
otc' Qa66l AOlQ66r, 6q6o6e6f;' 66llO'191166', OaO eeg u6
eQ6fi, Oetq eoee atd t

ser aQ q16rlflqq qO oto eltaaG-

'uoc't uo6't aaoq era 6 oeg ocn !
6CI q6,0 e,gt e6, or' eeg G'qo ocG' I
flotqqq cga6, "Qa 6 ecq 06$ ts ealqQo 6fl16o
eg ed e6e I 'eo oeg qgto q6a !' QalQ alml 6c'o qloel
06',1{ l"
egder odeee
ofieerqa aOereer q6J6lot glatflqs
6lQflt6,C q6r66.t
qflh{ a6aea-aqa oa'e g otqoao oclfle"q aegt I

otqo Olotstqq otc ooa o6et-qe ererore6t et6l6.l,

fitq, ao16l qq6 aoarc'6" q6r6o eQaG I qfla qata c6't
6ea I eQ6,l6r, 9lr6i6lt6l qqos ae'at 6q rqi Oeqae qr[{l
qlq.ra r fl6c'a gJqqa-atqo a16 eofl Qaq I

qlqo o66,t6fita,g' 6atqc6oq qotocefit arQa6 I

orqos ooia ad o 6ao.oer 6qro a6 96 e,fraor eoOCIse r

er6,6lt flal otqCIG. ot6i66t eQaG I o1naq6. qtqa 6'66t e6ge

orqos o1B q6taq6R r eQqG'9a6fl a16'aqG.o 611o 6lte66l:
qteo]errei q00 ca-a6,a0 Goo atE6'6o6Q I

o6a q61o 66a, qota eo Oq, aoore 6,otat66t lt

oereeit oro6 arcq-q6t qa6'6CI I

qiotflqs (ore,errc qA)-{ 6l1G (oreaqer) 6o6

RrGRt t
QtG6rt-{ qtuaQ aed;-ffitG,Gl]O, UIA 96Ar t

o8a6'16Q 6etGtqQlQ qcc oq6ate6,6'a gcc

qtotflqg-6flt6o eqod orR- nrdRl crQ r

"at66r qq 61s 0q 0q I oueslse ng6e" sr6sa rj

etto ataqfr-'G16' qt6 qfl66.1, 6l66a66 6te q6a66l 66,ta
066r t'ala seil6< 0'lo-
'6et8 6,t'6r qed eett At',
ri q6ro qa16fi qO oeer duot t'
"eq6 {60 gtc,1, e qe au alOorq Rr6en
.(qq 61o60 6o0 -ud

0q 0q oar-
"GrtG' q1Or8 6'6rQt8Qt6l1eQ, 6o18 qot8 6iate 6aq I

"og6eroG, 6fit qA66] otq qqtaG. erto q6 arOorq

RrGRr I 606 6q {60 ao o0o t"
ogdo o6ego, sfl 6eqao QIr{l e9Q

(Coa Vision-One and Many; Unity and Diversity- )

otqo qlotflqq tl 66eteQoG'tc'
arer6l oca otqa 66< 6qra aqa6 t osn fl6 eQaG t

aaaocl fltcrha G''le'6lt qA qA olqo alc'c ntor eela6 t

qa6 060 o6q qtrae6, qg d ateeao eqtaa6 t

grerroqe(odq qG)-eaQ e.'e6, acla slo6o qdeta

erQ" r aQer fltgsa eoqfr, eq Q" oqe'te' eq'taa6 t eoo6
aq"6q 6e6t 6atc'a-6'ea 6a t ata eoq6 eoo6 aq'6q
o16 emsat t

"6e cc'dq (araraqqa) eciare' alq alg aea e6lQ

oQar atqq- Gfr-orQfr eoe16, {ol6a 6'1efll6c' GoO
6rar6 s erq6 I ota soqfr oQareer 66Q oras6 r oqare d
eOocqaa l" etacrt CI6o q6ad ad ose' eQeR t

qlotqqq-Ga 6a qnr-olqql ale, alc'' Gl sa.l

eogG t-eo'tG'Qa eq6a t

{qq flqCI1o 610 q'6la6l aal aq Gq olqa qfll{s

eq'raa6 t aga6, ei ecra6 r ri arQG t

<Q eal aQet qe6T q6ff '(Gl6G'e'6a qfll{g 6Q6a I

qng 0a I acc'aa$ qcal6 o6Q alQlao 66< eetq atq6 t

{a6i etna od tga6 t qQ eQ oQ flal66r 006'1616l

oqa6 r

6sr6r, arqcr gen 6 oeete'q aG'gt-qtuc aln6o c'6qs

G6n ooglo'q od'c-q,at
ago ocia oca oqq6ood attoc'saqt6 QlQl66t, eqo6
otqoG'sqo ata eeta6 I A66a Qtqq I clct 9€ t

otqo oootad aq cq aqa6 -

"6',6,q8 066'oclflq"q eoe1fr-<QoO qQ qQ
orqa{6nr t-eqQo6 Q'6t 69tt6t 6QGtl l"

e. odoloaarqrna. adolor6etq6 r

os6c 6aroqarqr odgaooele tt-ettot l/rc

l. arqQ e6e' 66qr6lQ I caateqg- s le lgr
ee9 qlQlnqq aalqG
sQoG oa6ro6l o6a otqa GatB sG ao6o ota eQc'G
o 6,6lqtotc qQo ear aqaG t

orger e'qa6- "orqr eea cj at6etg oled eld' | -Fl',

qfl orc'og6a saod gor er6 o6e t"
(n6e qO) -esro q,tq6,t 6en d {e aast t gO al'6
aqaG, "Q1r' t. q6'r aora6oa8-qg olqc't eood 6' CIt{ I

gu', o6rgre'q G G,rfl6,

-at$o6l 0l' G"cl ooot6l crd t eoq
q6fl gr', rj,aerc r flr'6r o8tc at'g arQ 6od 6tQq' !"
orqo <oO orG.,6e glt'f, q6r6a G'at oqa6, -
olorcr odye ooh 0e' r arqd at'g aqa6,-"gl I 6e6'6t
aeQome !" 68,6e t reoeosd 'a* oqo, 6q6os6 'q6fl' I

o6rflQ'q o QInQ, At$Ao flt' 6,'61 0616,16l etd Z'

od arqri,l 6ata otqac'a <Q eoeg6or aear eoqa6 r

orga6 orqo a6aqa qorQq t ote. qG 6qra ord'-ore. qG

6BGcr orsi'-ara atedsr ord'; qqqol otqo qlatflqqG'a
<Q oeqe"q aagr r

fl6 q6 orrgo6-orqo ee6, aeQo-e6ocl-

Oolrao r aeQomre eqeR e6ont q<-Gt'oeo Oottco g< t

orqoc'a 6aae aeQo mro qed-Ooqtco aest I 6'Gtetotc'a

6qflrcc6a qdor dQqn r

atoot otqaqer sQ aasr aotq 6oq ato eorQ flQeo

fl8ee oQetqRt6en-'a.rG',{ ! ttc,t t'
qlorflqq qr6'arg cga6-"qfle 6qra ord r 6066'
q6fl {or6a ae eoo6 aGnr q6nr-6l1nr q€ ord' t"
aootq qflo I a6 sorm 6oc't6'966r 6deeo qqa6 r

otqo qiCIlflqqco <Q aqo aesr qedeo orrqa6 r ara

ortqa6, orqer ord6 oQ66l, '6EtGr etqct eren <Q a6'gr r'
<Q gqelot otqa qlotgtqq 6{ ? qa'CI6r6'r6'6,',d arflgrr?G
orei'arQeG ? orqa ae6, erqerear6 aeor6rr6-c 6e6e e,g
qsr{q (66oa aarnf eaQ aeooo o6oro6 ord r
eqder o6ego, gx 6eqa6l qrrfl e 9gt

qaq aal
arqqrrisg8 qsqi eoc'66ir6rqgat I

aQeor 6oa6ar 6,qrq8 qa" e6o qet6 6o I olot g o, Q$

oer6a orqo qrarfiqe erei'ete oen a6a qQo <e.'re,r

aatetat age'6 I qflg qG,te rBt 6ea I 6qtflG'te, qqos
oerot 6e1 gx 6eqae er[fl qlqto rarG a6e'er qqc q6r6a
{er06r Ooq r

6116'otn r qaveoe qd6ereo aas6t sqc,aa:s6 r er€i

qs 066' g ersi'erao o0cr 6srea 66rr eQ sraa6 r eeisro aorer
erQet qarerarQa6 r oqdereo qsnot r aa6 960 qtuato sta
saQ Qq-qsele coslora6 r orqer qdq6 6ete aat cga6 r

fl8 aaorqq egra 6aro ara66r 6J6JoG I otqoGo o6o Gereer

ouafi 0 e"q 60161611 r 6r16ot6\, qedvroaeer aero eoo6
aq6 r otqo qgffitoe oat eqa6 I

6crotqol6o otqofi qG gqmrca ao6o6t

qlorflqq-Garero qoq, qtolcr flal qoq I

"e6I6 ao6a6 6q'aet66r, -q6orec' Eg Qo6 t eao6

a6,e qr6e-aqieer 6qe6r, ergr66lorer6r66l, odg en tate6t-
qfrn r an 6o-arril 6q66l 006r r gQ, 06, q6'o-6,rfir r"
"q6 aqqeR, eogiolea 6ora aq a6J ao 6eteot{
orqr d qg r eood eria e'nraeR eorQor< r 66s oralo ou
aeq ord r

"qg 6'r6,vflc6t aolo0qnr aqg arOorqotaelRr

r 61610 r

arQ ara 6a6r coarord r aqgeer frsnaoRr r

"6r6flr66' orgrs aQeleR, '6rtfl, CI6rgrar6 qoq aaotcl

eQorer6 r 69 areaat6c G'tet e'Qgctdr at6st6to qgo aorq6,l
aGJ r ar6sr sqsqcloq s,r{ orq r' 6rto gqe 6ata G6< a,Q,
6qflr0G6r qsr qad ad erfroen r
e9x qlQtnqq na1916'

6ov, ntnt-go d qo'{

"69 otQtco 6oq d 6l1nl I eoo6 cQe1fr, ate
ara QQ I flqQfi1nl, 6q'G'R1nl,G'61fi1n1, 6)6lo5)1nl l6'61R16'1661
aeot6l I oQfi1Ql 606 eto t ego6 81061 6'e 6'Q flAl 604 66'
66' 6ala oq6, eaQ q6q'tco, ors6 oG eot6q qdlnl 6oa-
en 6oer soa atg6 I 6Aq'6' OOqtet6 el6le.6 A6 OtnOgg
aq,or6r eorfr 6QAin I ac'clo$
qfl6s GQoro6 cld l"
olQa qlalflqg 6'ad 4G,6'l0 ?
(qr16 -eq6' oQorqo-q6ettoco 6lolb,l191661 qq -
oreog qoflGt flt'6'qsl - olqoc 6oeo flAoGo aqoode -
q61a dqtfiac'tclco qeo-lerteic ateoo r)
Olotclqe(n6c qO)-eq aaolo 6ala tsle'-o6 6ot
6aG r atgt, 6flt6o gaq 6o0 6elu g{ ?
"6gu6r atol 6al olaqcn I 6alol66laqa1o qq6o 6osll
eoo cQeR, ri qoo qeta ee6 I alol qqlc'ateo oQeR, q0;
rio6g qtgdt, qoo 6oG eqet o66 ! oqelo oQen-eaag
eero0e t
"G'o 6r€rdt1-qoflo gll'-6911 oloq6'l qa Bcc 6oa
aqe{6n.r t 6eo olc6r 9J666r olo eoa (ot') 6'Q6R, 6oto
er6166r d qg'r see t
"ne1o erqoQ6n, Ql6'1, qfi 6oser ata eoQ ctdtG,-
eoQ aqo aaG t 6agol 6aG's 6g116! fllg,-eoo6

c6rqo atato 69 6oeo, 6q, flg 66 erd I qnq. eoqfr,

eoo6 gedlt 6oa 6< etfrota6 t

"qdq. qg 6a6la 6aG r aoeta oen (oueet oen)

edlerrereeeco q'etde' oe eoqelfr tot'6oeo eog6 G'nalRS
eoqqfr-ala qflqnel eoqe{6 I
"6dlotcr 6aaG'o ote etdetg erdetfr I alflloqqoca
6r{r9t A6'16166r-6q,614e166'l I 618 AO6Q Ol60Q1 A06A
661t6,,-6e ertd oteteo 66116'lqto6c oriqe etgt 0etqete
erdreqeoeeen eQfr fll' ala o6ral6r etQ"teogeoista ota t

s,gdo g6ego, yx 6eqao errgl e9E

ara a6o arQe,rg 6ee I eoelord' orcioareg qq sra
eoacrd r (aoror) qsflrc'$ oO og src eeaO{-Gr'6e6e
q6gfi160 ara qea66t 6cr ot6q arQe z
qog 6QG-qoo e6ocq otcreo ogr 96 I q6fl qq
aro6lr6r 6ntc'-{o qet-eao6 0ol 0 qg {otq qfl6g
a19o6-eoo6 6,efl1 6lot,-eorG< Gtot6a erden ager
arQgr< r ooqa qq arrua-eoo6 ote CIte | c,fieta utflq
CIrcre, oerter o6q ores6, ata q6fl flal otea-6066,G'er
an6r G'qt 6aa ?
eoeoOc odye {otq arQ ard eqeo 0e qfr aQeln;
e6iflrn 6aq 6QorGG' I 6q 6Jq 61060 alQ aora 6aG r

66.' r G qo 6' A O 6 O€t q6J6IO 1 q 1 O 6t C, I 6' q - q 610 q 6''6t O

r 1
- I

"61616 aro are eahono ere oQqen r eor6< atq6t
so'6ongarqfld 6,at re'66 G,tlhl goq6o6t6'tqardeoaelRr r

or'coseer qar elnt, 6qa6t gqa 6ata66lt r eoQ qar6

eo'frnrna q6r6o eQerq RrGRr r ga6fl eo6Rree'orq g.l
6raqar r -Gr'066r G6< eq 6ec'tqotq $taatq atefi e6lt I

686r9il6,G'061 691 691 G,66r r 86fl qq C'g 6AtA6Rt-6,9 Otq
6r{ ate er{ eeY a6o I sri1erQ 6'S atqfld ceR safrsrcs" oO
66lQ onr< r"
"66G' eerr6< oa6"o q,to eafionq at6,gl6t ent I

6q aG're. 6ara 6oqnr 60, 6qfltc6' 6oeo eor6< ato

orq sra6,-eahgrcq' oO qe6r qe6r edl? onraola6 !

6q6o6a6o eahq6g66 c aO eqQ orq 6taeq'l oroqu6nr r

eq eEY egr" 6ro 6,Rr r ara onraG'rq 6oqr anr r 6q6c'6a6n

6q orq eo16< antut6t ot6q 6'10 ecaont I ata eQRr, 'sQ
e'n 6oesr eora qd 6oq I eorer eos6 st6s6 r1d, eorer
fld sqo6 r' Gr'066r or'qdso 66 flr'q q6eonr I qa6fl 6q
e6'loQ garo66r 6raatq ordnr ard,-Gr'060 6Qs arqro
ora 6raarq nt6nt I 6q6G6G'6n G'ro6't 6,Qfit, 'q ea'6orac
e e9 q1Qlflqq aalfiG
q6r6o ete ata q cqfltac' oG otq 6laAQ | 6ol6c {q !
6q6G6A6e eq n60 6Q6'rl I

"orq 6teG'r aeirq e,tfrot-atuc eea erQet t ea6qle'c

oO efl'eEi eO otQ6't, ata oalaQl-qlol6't1 416'o6t al6'6t6l
o6er r atCI qcr66r olfrOet, -aef tq, qq60 6 e6ocl e6rla6n
orc6l 61616l1610 ceG't, o16 d alqlo eetfr e't6et 6e,er 0q qet
6aqar aeirq qqeloq 6Qet t

orqo ootaflta 6qc6l r oq6o 6aqu I 66'G'Q eld'etaer

q.9610 (3 66n6r qqqq.qG t ea coealaq olo 6ala oua6'16t
6osa eq,a 6eQ oo atqq fl6c" qQo eat nQ cQ otfra'G t

oO naclerp od qea qea otaa6 t

otqa qlolnqgc'146'qs"9ta6o 96191 _

oga6'1ot66'l olqo alQ, 6oaol66t oln6 oqolQE,
6qor66r 0arsa'ta qiag 6ata ac'qo o6fi,6'aoo166lflgaqlol
q6i ad q6ltfl a6a t <Q atc qla.lclcr gla;-{ol6a 6060
6,qrqo 6ara qco-6acc CIqa1a e1o oda, ala fll'G qcr66l
6e6o G,at eqtaota6 I 6oq a'o otqo {olq 6066'6466'
arq6, 6q6G6a6Q getto aa6 r
aqeqs atc'GaQ aaao otelqatQa6 t fl6 q6Tso aaG t

ca6'o oteq atQ ete,otq 6aqcn I olqo otg oqa6-

'6e6r'r 6ra erd r ara 66''611 qaT qd 6rlc' otq t eoahteq'o
eeot qaT qd' orre 6qotca'6r stc q{ erd r qaT qd'eo66
q'o6,r6r eq66 ode t 6461 a?lae arQ" I olqo 6a oerq ota
ao6a6G'Q6A I

er6l6r, atfl, q[6oE', QtQ, qq6 oroc qcr6a
alet6lt6e otqo 66< 6qrcr oqaG t at6 gx 6eqaa t

eq 6a qG atera eqta6 t afrcotq 9661q, etto gq6 oofll6G'

q6fl q6n atqa6 t
e,qdcr ode€,o, yx Oeqa6r QTTfl e99
qga e6t erGe I o0 se,rei qrr,i'oa osn qqa6, {06
qna6a 6oe ataq 6q,'e'ea 6ar egla aalq ae' qereer a6q
agaG-otqo orqa6,
-6oq.Qor ootcea I

6q'q.Qoreer 6CItCI61 aar a6;-s?oqo aar a6 r

o6 orqerc oerq arQ goro a6 ao6a6c, 6,6R I otqo

66'ao6o 0 ooflt66,oee eQo6 r 6oe"Qor eaflrc oGt 6aat
crd r orqer 6ea aar aqa6 r

sgaro6 (3 gtqc6,en16\t-aacto g conlnt

qlotnqq-66lo1flt6,G"er sqoroO r eqnrorOeo ga6
66s ar<
-ae.ot ata flflGt r riqeg 6q6,t c a66l qeGo eq
6QG,,-{QtQ 6,tfl aQ.ot I {el6a 6lq06G,m oeq ctdt
"Flglot-'6g161 6flt6r' a6et t 6,16n oto66r 66 aroto
erGG,, 66ltoloto6o {60 fflot, 6qfltc'G.o
Eq 61010 qlqqca
B616r 060 Qqe{at I

"066ltc't ao6, qoAtcaer 6arg6 qqq 6,t66tct, 6ot6)

66lote ! 66lto1gt6a flu Ge6, ,eoei'otser 6flro gtda6CI-
aqoeeru ard r

"6ood 6at6 etnaqq ao6 eoq6, ,6g16r q.,tot, t g6

eaQ aea, G't '6ot6r otot qed';-Gt 6e6n GQ6., cl, .6flt6r
6''tol' !
"G'6r6r1et66r aaotos 0q aqsvoO aloecl a6erq
069, 6Gq OQsrder oOc r sqoq 6qtaa6 o Oq flqsq , eqQ
qut, qgt, 66rto, 66lto, 686o6a6$ at CIa_0q oqor o6 r

arflog q1otG 6dta66l ctoQ 6qlaa6a I 66ilotfi CCGCI 66.'t0t

A060 66,aE6a r 0or eerQ 6ca 0tael6n
. "eN6o6o qtal ere'6, qt{6" g6 eqeqre a66q,-eo

orer qr66 Gr'6a sG q'qeqler a6e ald I otel qr66 oler d

a6eg e6s,r
"6,661 oq6lo1 qtGG oqr6t qtrl I 6c,61 Oq eera6 eoq
aiqflr6c eor6s 6'6.t 6oate 66a I 6q 6aat erd, ad a{ oQ
e,tfroRl I 6q,e, eto, otq, 6dil6r 6o6o6e6c qtelt6r6t 606160
arQ6l, 6q6o6e6fi 6,Q6'rt, '6,Gt Oa, I atgflt6c eQ6R, .eoiRtR
qlQraqq aalqc

q6q 6G't 6oa 6alfr aQ olfron, q8 ee.r ot61a ?' eQ

aQn,, 'eqeo6q6n arqal6e1fr, 6'f;1 66'Ql 0q Aed l' -
"6qQoO 6rqo 6CI6o646e' flAEl qa6 0q oqst oO
aqaeto eaG t

"qctee'q 66n a6aa RlalQ gtc' 6061lol{ l"

qeaqq qG aoeoa -o@6qaleei ore 0 Qoq6'al
q6oq-416fl qq q6eer olaelq-'oaqt 0a oaqt
6a aer6' | 'Oa' '6a' a6otq Rt6eR-ool9ll66' ala a6'q
66rafltca I 6qflla6 aQntr aleoatee atfr efreot 0q I 69
eqQ6c Q" oq'taa t

qlotflqq-cq G"6t ! 6, 6, erfr 0q aQ at6 onlaal I

(qeoq n6o sera) -6'6rR 6oea fl€eQ n€esl
ererelning soqelfr r 6daeo eQ qtblo ere'c ega6 I

q1otflqq-alal6'19llng 66 6aa ?

q6oq-al8l, G''l I

q1CItflqq-{Q6'l ein aO e'rd t qlq-o@rllcg 66

e"e'q qo t-eoeYatcqo 6'G'l 46, eqfltoe'o <QoO eRtc
qrfletccr oQsn 66 soetg q< I

qlq$ -aelo edolqo fl AaG qcr6o

qlqclc'G' odc- e r9r
"ri qctecg orae1fr-flEoalqc' I

"aEetto Uaol6'qota eoe1fr, aolqoqaG odc egRt,

aq6oa qlqqg 6al6'661 66'a oAcl oto eqae6 t

"gO Qott qflfl66r ocJcl qe6o gqG, elfr aoea ea{b'

qfl066t61161 66lq66loq
6At6 Otn oQ tG'O eOrnoa teettqa
eo6 urqa6 t eoqfr etfr e'tfr o1cl olo sc'ae6 t ot'oecr
6e6Gad 66lloln 6l16r0le'$ 6G'6t olQ eqasG t

{ qq 6aq6'l ql6q 'ee,eioteo qq t' e,Q 66'6alq

eetcrofr t
oqder odsgq', vx 6esaa etrql
"6lstflge, ala.ttq€ ocra a6e.,rq agl 6aal r orfr* 116
6fit6o oota6a66) I a6G'A OtSl; Q6, 6nto, otfrfr 6oeet
6o6R r oQat otst 6aat qoo66l {Ql ort6 atOelq mt6fr,
'qeeer r q cr{, 69 ea qq stc aQG t <a oQatea q 6al6}
oerraelq l'
etatccr q66r q66I os66l alqEnl I 6fl1 Bq6] Qa
erQerq nr6nr I GaGQQtflt6'S asc'taalq aQordfr arQ r

"ctuflqo otallqo ota eoqfr, qltJfilca e6t6x eot6<

qQar ada6;-6't' 6oeer oa a0 qltlfi'-CI6'G'ae1a6 I al6r6l
6616,6"ao66l g'Q oQoreei I qlad a? 6oqal a6 aoqo ato t

ogQeratg GaqGla GQtQGl;lt r{o16 u6e'rqolae1fr t

eerrOoe,tg gaaa coqatq agl nfr old r aelarq o16l Qlfiln-

qq6 qq eoqfr I qg o flEaatq 6061466r I

6AA1GI0 q1q@ q6Qq-60161 0 66116l

"qflot6'G6r eot6t 6 46, 6ettq 6 aB I

"qg6, soq6, srte.6 t qq6 eao6 qacaa-64{ fii.l

eQ orseer ord t eoc'6 eoo6 cl6tq' | 6ttad ac'a, --6era aa
"6G'G''lGlB dei eqto a6rCI ol{ t ata aa alfl fid 6al6l
066'l i

"qflq" 6ea eoelqg ola66l eq'61e{fr I G*rl6r gaGola

uG eorsr ata 6GlGt ! o GQ6n qfio 6s6aol 6Jq calaalalal !

016'6er otqoc'o GoG'1oo ocic-eotn fiegtcltcr

6flr6r g 661161
"qdoqrert6t 6G6Q6ll qq I e66 6OA1A8q CIl866l
eoqe1fr, 6ee.' Bta6 at€l Gt qcr6o 6oa1q6'l aq6 t qalc'ola I

"6066'60611 ca'r cear GrR qed;-_o9oftc6 q,,dflre

eoqfr, q?erQ6 ! 6ad1 e'a't eeta6 6 Rt t

"G''elf,' 6eCIt6l't,-ol'6t flal 6016l E 6al6l 9a aB t

geirqar qfla6a eoqfr q'to-qa gac6l frfr s'tan G'618G t"

9609-zrsr, alc'q{ ardard6 t
Qflo qlQtqqs aatqo
q1Qtflqq-906r crc'6, a6c ?
q60q-argr, flr' gr' eerfr cQ 66reo6o r

Olotflqe-qq ora r qa6 oce a6sn 6ERl I

otQa q6aqG6r ot6l eca86, otGQ ata GttQG'l G,',6t t

otqo qlotflqe CI 60161 6sr-6e e'6or
q"Qr 060 orqo CIegrcG' q6r6o eQaG r n6 fiaJ
aofltcc qQo oen eQaG r 6016161 Qsa-sqsqo 6sa aar
aga6 r 6eq"Qore0 6qa oq aar aB r

qlotqqq-eqr, 06rc'r, gqqr-qsqr 6oeo og qq

aB 66,a r eoo6 flqfl qa,-ore, og, trfi qq flaflo I

slfltllo 0960 qnqo6a oO aG r e,qdn og r 60 aro,{r66

6q qflsG 6aa6o gnqohRt 61060 ao'G r sood qflB qro,
qo6 oara erQG r 'qqg qe'6rarar ara.r6l ogerQct t'
o6c q6-"oG qnqofiot 6r1q crqo q{
6016166l r

69 s erqo G' 6a6R o6rG,q ooic gs ad r 6ro 6reer qfloco

{arqoro qQo orae-6deeo are 6oroo6e-
'G,r6r flr qnqofict I gea Oorrao qe1Oot,
qqq o gG'rQct "
- 6Jar6r6,r6tra rar 16r

"6t1066r 6ltflqqtO QO r errqn 6Qta 610 6te6n 61Q0

odc q< r

fl6-atgt, {qga6e o6n flce a16r eflGors t

Olornqq-arer t aror 6qa eR6ors t
"60161 6gaso eaeor6 aar 6€1616orG gaq cQsoerq
qq.6 ogcoG-qruet s Q6-eeog qosQo
"6,'61 6,16r,64 6oeo Aar ag c 6a6R oot qet< atdt
qfla 6466l om ?a q6r{ r

"6G6q'' G6< qrucr o6er oocro r qqdqqaa6 eoee

66sq 66s qr.lor oora 6aG I G'q' qsq er6er qflaca qto
egdo sdeeo, gx Oeqacr errsl Qqe

qq6'r aor eqrafrc't oeo 66< goca Oat eeetq q< t ot'oe6r
66'6 flq flq 60 aO atso ateo ettfroeo t

"6o6o6ecn ota e6th ot6 atd6, ala 66< eeltheR

ca1 q6r6a eotet eqta06', 6q6o6c'en 0< 66lqal{ 6q 96oa
Oar q< r 6q6o6acn fltGet ot6 ea6 alo6ll att oQot< t

oorer o16 a6'en e,d eetQateq t

"ae'6,t61, aola{, qQqg oqto c csn nqag ooic

e6ltot{ erd r 'ri oOG', 'ri arlcer qa', 'ti ttcl, '9i fllc1'-
{qq aor.l Gqr6ke6a erqo odc g< r

"fiqe qoq ala oq a6o't, q"qlQ a6oq <qto ctgt

6eeo r 6eee c 6a6a ao60cl uO g< crd r

"qtalf,'t 6,qoq.ot6'qot6JQo'tegt nlCI q{ t66< soqt

oaarGr r
6t'oGQ ooio tg al6'c 6llCI I

"aAG, G'totGQ qct 6tol eotot aG q6 a6o eqrlQol{

<e'esrfietqataa oco I 66tq66lq6oaqqln q'6Q I a6c'a
eorher o6e 6cltet{ stcca olagtco oq oO 610 q{; olagl
oaracoe 6e'6G1, oett etet66 6 erd I 601 6oq ataoeo ct6
a60 r

"o6tt 6,tQt6la6 SflrqOqoqQl6n, q'lo6a 66 qqal6'c,

odc'', q6{e, q6c{t6l t 0q 6 et t
n6-atst d t

orqo G6< gq aa6 t q8 eat ega6-

6flra alocle 6elc'6< t <ctoat c6otgaocacl
"6glte eodnlee atocttQ 66llG', Gqfllcg olfr eoen
au q8 arQee t

"argt, c6oqo 6o0 qote I al66l Rt' atntg CIlgl agl

orar agel6lr; cj Qero eeta 6ee oQe1fr, '616'1, q ala {olq
arQq crd r' cqeocqefi 6q atcg al6g olo ogllq qt6Rt t

60 arocro 66116,, otq Gerato a6R flal otet a6e etd t aao
aq8 ?
fl6-armr, d r

qlotflqq-6'6oq qoa Qe', -Oototoeer 6qt t

qfl9 qlalflqe aalfl6'
o6(aeror)-6o6o6G'6n at6q 66116't{ atq qffGo
ar66'r r

otqo araoeo oqn'6, oqa6, "66let{ G,to qe t"


oo6c fl6r$G'r61, vg 6eqa6t eITql qqos <aroot 6a1r

qno gra {616101 6aa r orqo sodqe 6ote'c cG atet6 t fl8
g orerrnr6 oBnrsc oreac'aso e.QaG t

grornqe(n6q qO)-{arq,61 ader on I 6qq6a flG'

eg o0g g{ clqoc'oreo oG qs r qed 6 t
n6-argr, d r

qlorflqq-$a-gu 6lee,-6sO t
08c'6r o66eo
qlqs orcroqc e6ereo gtalflqg ooFuG'G etcrco
flarflqq arG oraogc'o qG'G' ede,t eoqetq otaa6
vp 6eqao QTrfl, qllG'to I

arfl orqos qrsrq aaorcl stc'6e qe't oo6 t o6eetqoq

gla aGeer sBeer arq6 s otqos odc cO otat6 I g6ogc'
e6or orereo 6q qoc e6ot oda6 I 6G'dJ Olotnqq coqatq
araaG r

err?eera6Rrn ofto, ore6rg ata e'66 gac'dtoo ae6t

R6nrR nfio qrg qflte'qo I qtqoont6e' aaoto otcG etd t

qlorflqq (ndnrnc qG) - olq alc' e6etq eoen
qa6fl aoh{qoq orqalc c6ergeeetodet a6q t eo 6qotq,
araq flc6t aolo I 6q s attceo Qo seet eg oOe t

"6e oqov eeta aeoid ga6, eoeo6G''66'e.ttc'o6etq

q6ur r aqsr 6oeo 6,tetad t eoe6 atG'Grdt, ego6 nee
6oeo arqa e.q6 r aa6'l oro 6oeo c,qflnq 66o eoq6 t"
firQq aaoocr aG eGoteo oa& otct g ooslcG' qcr66r
otqo ga6fl qeql-416,6, ode e.'derq otaa'6 t

qc',q1-ete6, 6aq orqa Oateeto aqe6, "G''te, qocr

6'ror, {0166l eea. aqo6et q{ t"
orqa {ao q66uae6r o6o aeer atQ eQen I otfleg
ar6sa 66'q,€,r, aflnr6ne! g 6&q 6ela at6 otqac' otgt66l
6q,6R r orqo oofitcc'q6r66l atco oG cG oot6 $tae6 t 066r qag e66't odgot oqeG t eGiRte
6e.,ee6ir g6oqc e6e,rq sraaG r oaqsco 66et ota $t?eo
aOen r err? cG q60gc' o6otq Oee t

oaqcGa 6o66'6c'6n ooc" q6r6a otaa6, 6al6GGG'66'

qlornqq 6aq6n 60 orgl e6e,teo oa G'66' c66 qtq {6'16'1
$6aree eQaG r 6oqG't €lg 6q qhJc'otstcCI aoOo eeto
atc066r ore'qQo Qotso ear oge6 t
qqx qlQtflqq Qatflo
qlotflqq (orqc qO)-aroer easi'qgotoo-66 s,r
qeit ealerQ aorq aB r
qtU - 6at6e 6clt6G oefle.q oq6 r

qlatsqq-6aq eeq r 6eer{e" { 66'61 I 6o6a eerrGs

aar aB r <Q gQ, 06, gna el6 0c eea6-GtG o6eo I <Q
aroqro6 ata gg a6oo I qgq. arQ cr6 qs erQ" r eoo6 anq
ar6 oeter q< crd I atoqe ar6 eradr qs orQ" r

"606086r eq sQ nlet flel66l erQa6, 6q66,Ed gact

eerfr eeruq< r oO aQen dqg aa6 r eoo6 ar6 seru aQen
d 6c e er..l aG I qrceeru erQeR asrc e er./ aB r

"ara 6fir6{ aagt66l eq eofi6 60 qg 8to-amt6,a

aolo, qo'eer 66 qerorx orQ" r eor erito 6qt elto t"
<Qod 66 qornro 6eat 066l qlotflqq err6 orsq
oraa6 r arq6 flal q66r q66r Gts etr6eer aota 6ac'tqarqa6 r

qlotflqq eoo6 a66,n 6cer o66o aq qt.Jc. erq 6oso erq

eoa o16 ot6q oraa6 r

qtrl otg 6l0so aote 6oe Fa arnq e,rfr arQen r

{ao q6oqc e6otqqlatflqe arQa6 I aoflt6,6. q6r6o

arq6'qa6 eO qaen qtrJ6. aal eqa6 r

giotflqq qhJc,6la eeq I (arac 96) geo 6o6s6a6G,

0e arqg ofieerqer e6orq sca6e r

"etqe,6G,orR r sgtt6< o1o6a aG-qe$ 6at6,c 6a6R

q06' 6nta$ qG q< crQ" r

"66l6,teG,to1-otet CIn I 6q Foloter-qtete eq,taa6,

ara fld 6a6o eafl I otq,t6"6l6oq o16.6rdntnr I 60 ateqflG'e
aG16,6q etalqo uO aoorqi ea,lo crdq eqa6 r eoe ,ti,orq
'd 6e, ' 'd elnl' 'd qq' eeros,G r Ogaereer adr esr16< enre'
Cnrqoota 6oa6,6-or'61 6060 ato6u ord6 ct 6q acJao
edlQg 6ar eo'lg r"
q6aqc'o6s,reo 66 aneoro ad qrertnqe ogeerqer
a6clee CIBcl?6" q6r6CI oraa6 r
o8a6 066g0, 99 a6qflA QTTfl eflE

otqo o1atflqq6o e'ficolso 6aeo
flqo 6r61lc" A66lolallaa ooq qaloac qQo I ofieetqo
6,'rflfl06ree Rerntn6o flUo 610 qett ota6 t otet galol
016160 qtota erqa6 I olqa qlolnqq 6l6gloSllc cd oqo
qo6o cta cqa6 I 060 eoai'og 6aal6oc'1c qd oeeer 6Qo
elnr eot6 esr6 cG gdlfl 466l t oflsoe' 66lfilalo elaolq
ore CIt616r46 oda cO qorfl 466l I ooe. 6oq eaQ eeQ
{0166r aa6 t 6qfll6c glosqal qflloo eO qesr qen atQ
orqo qolflqqs q6lel Q66t I

OIqAc. q6r60 e6iate {0166r aA6 t alqolgl 6lG

orGeo arQaG t o6 otqerc 01666r ate,qedlo 6o eqc'aa6 t

arG qgelor, otdot6t qqos q6ola61 6etr to 6eqa6r

QT[fl, qlqto t at6 oatq aalq olqo qtat6 oG afrootq
arQeter aq'6otcl cqa6 t

flotflqq n6q o16 6'QGa, "adlcfi oerq at6 frolq

6,QaG I G'tgotct 0e, qeo flal 69ll
qlcrca 06' l"
a6 0etot6l- qgc 646'lq alo66l I

6l1oc,le qc,o 16'1, cQG'o olslso 6rQ arQ Oat eent;

orqos ecaOe' r e'q6ereo qQ68, qA66o ol61oe{; 6et oq
qqe; qlotflqe 6oc'6o01fi16'6'0 06610l6qOle 96lR a6R g
Oq,rgeesn fll'66r otfl e,qagotQeo aOen lqGr6Q 6.'lgcll9l,
fl6 t eqfltea otqo6 6aa6o 6oc'l q'G'lG, a6'lG6l atooat e6't0
0 fiqnl6l 4fl1 q6r6Q eG'446, 6',16r6 6116'Aln, q'Qll qflCI60
orQQ 604661 61619l S|OQ 6A6G' I

otqo qatqqaao; qflg oa ateo ad ad atqa6 lqfls

esr r otQ ofrcotq atQ ctvtneol6r 6oa B691 6flqal 6'e'l6l
Ba6o atQ ao0o 6e6ll I aO aotoq'oer et6elen I eaolco
6rQe Ad Goota fldlcc oo qA$64 69r a6arq cQen t

fl6tc' atruggtcq' qQo qlo66l qglqq6'oo6o olqog

ao,rdq.,t eG on sOoogltct oCIq 6coo6fi I olqa oocll6'G"
q6r66t AlqA qAd c,66) I
Qfle qlQtflqq catqG
oQqa q6fr gfl o6a otqa 6r6lt? qg qt6c" q6r6Q aat
6.,qs6 I q16, \tfi,..{, 6 <q. olol aO arfrqereo o6nr6 e,qaG r

.(qqrslq g {q..(. o6r1st66r q6ererQ6eo olq 6elae{en, aejrq

corot66l gafi sra artata adelen r e6iatc otco aaq gto
66a ea,6' r eoo6 or€oq eqo6 6ofl, sRr6a 6o6t6n fl6a
oer6 s 66 eler6 arQ" r a,ro eol6 qro olqas g6lct o6fii I

aO orqae. otstce CIt6l6.o o6s,a 6a6R 6q 6QeR, <o6 ore

qq6a enrn eoq arQ" r

nqie6'ea aefls{ o oroad-crien16l

qroraqe(61rore. gO)-q6e aa$ ff6]a ?

Oi6l-armr, rjarfrqer e,rerq6 rghnr6 a6e I

qtatfiEq (a8e" qO) 66itc,6l e o6nr6 r (qroe

gG) argt, gaei 66 qq aG r
"e"qt6)6a aG'lqe sgta oQq't Qgo66r, qed ?,,
q16-69 arcil c6e,rq ola q"qte6e 6G6G acqta
a6orq q< I eaQ orowi oq6 o eoQ qsrrael I {qq a,o qd
aria En, ecq afierel qs r
ql6ltnqg-aei eq.'eoOq, €id,le t eaeoOo CIt{ otg
6llQ ? GOiOl.( l6'lS AiA A6n qq66tS g.( t6q6G6e6e Ot0-
q6rfi oa or6q or< r

"ffe 6q,6it 6o6n qn eQoeE r qn eoerO{ oe 6eG,l

crii r

"q'dtO arj saeo 6c t saeoOe aqere fi'tflce 6etgitg

g 8q661QA 6,At6q {qqaagt fiqQ ntaQ fia6,
I fiq6tGot661
qc:r o16 il1ol6l 6io6l I

"e.'tg e,r6en cto-qdqqo16 eee,rq069 I

"gelG,asq 610 r]0 aaa oasn ere16,

e, arm qg e,rd rrri ueiruei aq ai66
ri r

"ot6- ateq 6o66 at66tea 6q eqeo oti aflta 6a6e I

qago 6aiq aesqqt 6a66l 6ltq g6o 96fi ata aflta 0{ I

606G6a6Q Adflla g{, 6Q6G6a6fi {6,t6G'n66 Atfl G,flta

6.r t qelqoro 6QCGI Gtq 6OA Ofitqfit, 6,tq 6fiA Z tG'O !"

o8a6 on6q'q',, 99 66qAA e[Tq] afl9

q16-q'ql6rl66r ala ala 6lG alqqaer eq aoe t

qos q'qtotq6sr-?loqlqsorfi 0 6dceo ql.le

qlarflqq-e,rd6 ? aaqlq-6o16l ? 6q 606160 6aae
oaa ggr Qe6 I 6qql6G' 6A6CA|? qQl6 Ctdq

eerG qer r6fro otqlo oq6, alo66r ureqQe.' eofr eoa6, ata
e6r6s eto66r Onrq 6aln68 oq. glr elrrraG t q6 sfiqoto
arQG soeesr Gfr o96, ala sr6qorer
qcr6o G'al fld sqa6 t

erdqorerqeq6, ot'6Q6n qflo eaei'osrqt utQ 46, 6q oaql

6aa otel tl 66s 64fi ola !
"6Q'Gt-Cnr6 gaj 6q'q'1, Gfr oq6, uta eofr 6oal 0
qorlilc alglGr G'6G't, q6 erdqor6r q6r66r eat oQqt, <Qt
q6re6, cg6 r {Qta olgl aoqlq-6olo r 69 006r adl gto 6fr
orero €10661 6tQ6, q,teq'' al6'64 oQfre I ala adloea Cnt6
gar 6aq,t se' et6qoto qQo aat e,Qet r eqQo6 eogYqtee
q"qtaea aa6, CqfltoG'a oc'o adl clG'o6alo$ eq'et a6o t

6' 6o6a qdato-alc'Qloser oQetq 6Qa I ala 8dla66l

a6'qrG'q aei cgr r

"EtG'RtGr o66t q'qloeel erQ q{ I 6ts ga6fl ffilo al6l

aderq 6Qa I q'ql6l-Glo 6'$661 9lo-610 gdl oft6n fr60e,
6oq no-qo gug oQ eqta 6dee6r flaa o6-ng6 alQlcl
- q'qt6r-6lo s6'60 0610lo
''ot Qt 6Q66r 6QQ I 60, q lljol aQal6l I ga fl ag 66'l o6'e661

aQer qq q'oal6r I aqqa 68 6O6O6A6R 6',l6ll Aq',gl6Q al{'

6q6o6G'6e G'to 6aatq q{ olal nGQ6R so6 eolq 6taOee,
69 oaer etO efltet 6a6a alq e6tfr 0atat< t<o66 qlot et6
eoen su erao 66 oG q< e'rd r

"6oq- qaflteglco nQeer nGeer 6'deq 0etq g< -t

qra.rct aoalQ I o116' glaalq agl eQ eQ 6'q8, G'locer aQ
a6, eqQ aQ6o CIlG 616'l q{ al oQen 6''61 CIlG qgo q{ ?
ara 660 oto at6 aloqalo oQerqq{, 66'66'aQ etqteQ I

"6lt6r 6lA6A 6ett q<, alG'o q{ I 6l6rn erd" 66 6.'n

ard, eQ eQ oqo, 6116r, Gr16r; 6q86CI e'd 66tt 6QG', ul6'o
6QQ ?
eflT olarqqs aatqo
flqo firGr-e1a6,o a6adq-o6lt g acot 6o,{-gu
"e6,t6r 6n61loG,t 6s, erqoG. oteer er6 G' 6e6R, ot6
Rror a6oro agr 6'et6n-oqfra r66,en o6o,6eee e6aro,j
arQ"-ole'er arfrcl 6,t86'661 6,G,6r al{ r erq6 Eq acq a6o,
63 aS, ao6o 6,ae I eaei'6oqr 6uo e6R org adrflt{, otet
d6oqr, ata qqfrayr r

"atgt, qflQ crqerc Qgaeer 6 a,l1616rr ?"

0161-argl, s66 fltg 6atu ea,ra6 60, 6'661 ffitcflCI
gqs aa6, orcer qQ 6oq6n Gt6 stc'61 o6e,a fren r algr,
66rcr{ nar aq6-6l1cgut? 606166l flta CI acgtorl 6,n6'gg
aEta o6tat oreY oreo edloc I 6o6G' aot 06o 6q6G ceo
aroo? q6Gtog,q{ I 69, arelrjq, aes 6aate 66s qdqan
areat q{ I e'no ato6o QG qs I 6ot6to1 6.n66l aatatq66r
Eq d1c, 6Q6n flal ara erQoreQ I Ge6r aoaorrgr qflg a00
esraora6 69 oen eas6 e.'n eqQo6 e.n r o0 Eq aot oac'
6,6Q, 6q OAG, A00 Qo66t Qt66l I Ofi6r Sfi 6lQfl al{ I

qiotoqq-eq aaG, e,6q 6aq66l qetCIt{ r 69 otc

Ogaser q6er se get6t, ot6 6oqat aG'q {6,qet6r, ot6 q66r
areto e.'der ara acq qata r eoQ gu eal q66, eaQ gu
eoq6, eoQ er gu srra6 I 6o616a 6o6a G alco 6ee, 6ta66r
6G'6a o 6'6' 6e6',-6nra qeqq 6ea r aoare'S e6in aen
6o6a G'6tt6 6eG', 6\16" q6r6o at6'lo e6R 6o6a G at?c ftta
eq'e, ottG e6e t

AfJqe G',r aqoc ora" e,urqnor qfrgqrcos

-ctq ot6erq aaqo fren eld r

-or 0q, qfla c eqen 66 gs cr6 r

eerr6< ORr eelaerq CIor qgCIca or'q aQelnt, slt, 6Flt6G

6o6o6a6fi etgt nt6e aole 6oe t flt' 6,Q6R, etot, Gtat
flr6el 6Gt6G aoteG', 6flt6o aota 6oatq eee erQ" r

"otetq otet 6oete otco qq 0q aota6 r qoteo flrO

drq catqflteg CIto 6aap{6a I 6qel6o 66 etrc' 6,fl. caaqat I
oga6'odego, go 6eqa6t QTrfl emc

6se qgrrG orrfrCIerq 66'lqfll6a ata6o 6a6a I 6qGG6G'6e

arq aQen 'eetqotsR cto qa oQ, 69ll6t qlo aG'en (acta)
aB r'
6glloloG'lgll al g6al6ctot 6a
(qroe qO) - "6'a6l adc' r GIG olaogsa qqqcrder
G,6'1, GrS 6glt8t6l6'tol 6a t eq olQl Gl61 6aa olal aag I

aqGate ao66r o6 OrtO oAIO|<, 6q 66'tlfi 64646Q66) 9lO

cdee crd r qtuato q6otsc a6, 69 9a gnlo qtuo aa6 -
{eqQlQ qlal86'6r fllGgqalQ qOlG' AIA {agQla qlalaG6l
QerQqara qCIta I fltaqqal 6sa ee'tq e.'O ot'q qala u6a I

eqQgd ea-loQ sq.''letQ qlua fl66'6'6Q, {6G ao 466, <so

uro cdQ, {cG'6oqqt e66, eoee CIqalc'S otaQ t { qla.l6'
6ea eeqt ode aoe'tag u6etq ot< t

"Oert6qat 69 6ea ot'q udoteer atQ r eq oQsrQ

fraia fraTa aO qreo I flt' otqt a6e t flt' 6ee66qen 6aot
ao66l, 646G646fi E|OQ AOQ AIO alqaln60 aq 6q46,
flr' Gtq qdeer ud <oteer 6qol6o 6166, 6q 6se, at'g uO
ieqQod edletq eq''lerQ qtuq.' 6ee' Qqre od eaeY
qrue odotea ard
-{6G eo odQ, {60 illa 466 aott6

6q 6o6'n aqtqn eetcr at6 al6 otq ol6a I 6q GlG6l elccll

q6 ara erQorer6 crd, alQ 6o6t 046 l"
qfla 6ata6, qtqtRt aeaq&o ggo e6lla olqo6
61ara6c' I ao aqg | 6q o61 6oerq ota86, qalaalo G'6olag
(3Geradr6'aqa6 t

qflCI G?atq otqo aqs eeaa6 I 6q oQ 6oea 66<

ooorcrd eqa6 t 69 oatot aa6' | 6ada ateietate'q6r6o
flGee sQeer aat aqaG t

aqo e-eir-aa6r e,ri grci'6'1Qa q'rfrq Responsibility

6ada cteiatat-Q{ d '6'6tdt' 'e,1616l' r gedttue
cQqen, 'qat qoteco qOQeoa aat 6qeot:Q oal 6'66r1fr t'
QUo qlalflqq eatflo
qlarflqq(qarcqq)-d, eq oq earaa6, eq Q" a6ir,
flaELi 08 q6lo r

"{er flaJ 0q eo aeiaq, aeerq aG r Rq"rfifra filacn

606'qtG'r a6q, 6q aQ eoaa6, 6CI 6ta66'r 606 QlQt a6e r

oro a66l ora gn6 eorret a6e'rq eoq, r

"6OAv QqO^
fitGi Q610, 6q flqQ OerA A616, eq
Qg oro odoreer crd I qr.lar a6elar 6nta6t 6acle6e oto
oeo erQ" r 0< qo qtuot a66, ot'6r qo6o ql, 66'1, 6lt, flt,
atQ0r.( t"
aa gqo I oteo CIofltoc' q6r6e 6e'a-oerq 66a g
atqo qa6 a6n I qt36 oa, eqgrar6 a6?a getQ Gataant I

q6 orar6u aorcaa frerarOe atcflte,a 6atae{Rt I

qflfl aootq fl6,t I atqtQt6S ql6tnqq 6t6ltoG

eQoasrcrea arQ eQen I ot6166l q16 0 clee q'QaG I olqa
q16c" q6r60 qO aal aqa6 r

61atflqq-qflo 6 are ? 6qt{e. at 6qG'q-6qae ?

qe'go stc'6ot6t ar ordegrgr
"q"q 1611 o8661 6qa'l -6qae CIt6' Eq CI6l r oq aerlo ra6,
6a aagr66l 'ej Q soQ' { CIte 6gd arQq, I eo aea, 'ej Q
6qQ' Gr' o86a 6,00 qqaq, 6t'e 6oa fia Ao qqeq, oi'6t
'lj'er oora qqaq, qoet' q"qt6l6r orrjq eq aO orde erd I

6G6J 6qAA-CItG,, q'tq-CIlA Eq afi I

"QqfltG'6r q)tq-6lta ant I otflq qqfltc 6,Qe166t, ',6rtfl',

6o6o6a6e Gr6a q6o qEi, d a"6; q6fl qcr, ri arq; ara
6O6G6A6fi Cq ffitO Q{, 6Q6u-,,A6fi 6A66 'qeA Q" ti fi d
q6fi r'
"oqBro qflaca 6qttegt 6eteot66r, 69 ort,l gera
G,al l"
q16-alsl d,otq-CItace aqsr 6fle q< I q6lfi
ao6a oq 6aa r eao6 eqo aq gqoe, 6o6J gqc" ao66)
6oier aG 6fle esraars r

oga6t o6ego, sq Oeqqo Qr[ql exQ

60 qrc'ro sq 6 Oorato-G'tFt fltelqq

61otfiqq-atgt, qflq qlalo ct 6alatc,i Gn ft1661 ?
6,a6 6,16r, so 6ateto, eq dqtato lCIQG ol6l6Q 6q q16'16r
61060 eq'6r QaG t eoo6 aae ae.,at6 I flalqqg r anqn e'rd
eqQ enea ead seei gtG'GGr eQo sqta6; 6461 aol6a a6lo
g{ r Oq. eqQo6 ot6-Qoea qtal6r oda q< r ara soo6 qdr
aOen eoo oa6 ol{ -eoo6 qdele'n Ant eqQod e,a, 0q
eqQod ffiro-oa_-6oto-oa-6oa 66fi ql6'la 6lc6a ala
eo6r orarG otQ", ag aertater t eto q5ir aafl 6aG'lq qlQl6rl
e6rg oe6 sRl t

"69 6c',61, otQtfi6l 66rtG,tQ, ota'a d qi6'16:l l"

q"dt 6aotq ota6, otqa 6l6glqalc a6e6; {a6r
q6edqeq ge'tteeic adse t e6oe,$tal fi6lo ofieleer soa"'
orera aB otgt ao66rOateetn olqo floleq'qQo aat age6 t

eqQorea eesi aqa6 60, GtGtG'lG'6"Q f,'l9l 6c6n 60 qq

qflo60 trfi q{ <cQ eq'6t0t< etQ" t

aerre aQeR, 6q 6a6t I aqo.a 416'{60 qg oo, 69

orer 6oee oq ag era aG t eo6ea 6q 68 6q'6ilol{ I

qlorsqe-d, d, eo6eer 0$ q{ I

adr6' 669 q'qtal o6l9lE''q aQgl

616llOG 06t, 016 qqQ G8gQta otet$tfi Oaa qeOrerq
nt66 r 96r oa flatca Oc't atQeta oa aG t g'tG't6't flqlooc"
oo ffr6'a ot666r Otqer atQ oat eqen I 6'16llo qG'1CI64 Olqa$
errQeer aola 60atq atQa6 t

otqo Grdto6 e,qa6, "q6fl eoo6 q'ql6l66rl aa, 0q

osat flts oQ t eotstolcl oc66l 6q al{, 69 eooeet oc
nre6 ard r

"{Q fltot q"qtQ66t Qoqt aQoql €lCICI aG t o6tqQ'q

ararqaq6 t 0s Q'q oO gu ol5 <etqeieo oQen ou otSq
arQ guq qeet e6oterG r etfr eQo 66 fr6 erQEen flal 0s
OAQ oO c,rfrq alO 66 qaer e,6otQ6 t"
QX9 q10rflqq 6)atqG'

olorflqq ueiaoga-aqoec6eo aoem qo ri6
q"ur 6ere6 loo Olqa otflsq oac ooqorqei arQa6
{orq ofieerqer CIee r

arflG e6o6,6l?t oer6q otqa ar6ar6o ed CIofit6,G.

q6r6a eQaG I Olqa o6aq 66tqtfll6 qQo aar cqa6 r

6orqtflic oa eqQ oqt6o I otqo ot6 CIn orarG I 6q etflc

oerg arQen 6otqtflt alQ gra eo6r ao6 r

qlotflqq-6Qq6,, 6to qflgc'6t oqqato gtc, {a;

6G6a oa ae6l I 0q 0q e6qesree o6er 6cl oo6 e'rd I

-qeordoi atflntoc.6r 6,10r sl' r

qterraqe(OQreol) you etot flt'

-Thank I

-Gtet aqt atq,tq 6cr o66,1, Oeagoa
s6eeare6 6c,r a6ereo aoatll g{ r e6qero6ll.l I qq
a06rral6l arq a6, e6qergerruer arq crQ r

qlotflqq-aeetu qflgc"o g< erd r aqoee,rGcer

aocrrLr qs crd r eoo6 edoceeoeG oO aa6ta6.6r I

"06lr 06 atols tr6 Qg aoo 6oa Br6R, or' 6e6e

G,61" 6lo6e oQorea r 69 elor oO Onra eto ti66l, eq ORr

6aGAGa66'r OeO ntd


"6J6r, tiqr'q ol6ee qor oO erd'e1fr r flr'g nQe1fr, sa

6a qaer uci, sa 6a qao auri; enrse'e1or aO Oa I <a 6a
qao q6, sa 6a qoer aq6; 6clt6o qe'r er6 0a r flt'.(a Aa
qfircr ote, sa 6a qflo qdq; 6flt6o qor aO Oa r

6firqrfil-atgt q," t

qlotflqq-qq floq cflqte 6,6e, eoee eor6< a6

6er oO I qnss gerro a6o 69 eorGq grer o16 CInoteete
orfl 6qr r

"6rrfl 610 sgt ata edloQ qo aqnt6,S CIn atq G'etnt I

"66lto1fltcG'a {66 6qr 60, 6qflt66,qtoato ooQ oor

qlqqg coqarq agr aen crd r
0806r o66ea, 9c Acqfta er[ql QUqI

"o41, 6q'ecl, 6aq6Jo qqGS oto eutaei ot6 atqct6

6q,e 6qet oeo, 6q o6q eoo6 6qG'l 6'661, eqo6 6qal al€1
atatq oeer erd t o6 qae6r qao aR6l l"
orfl otqog 66 fretet6 6aa qcl acn I

orqer eoiate' ofieoqaq otqt adee t a6a.otg 6oa6o

6aq,r aflo 6ecfi g ee'tO eea 66en I G'6'lGo alooGl ec'tO t

orqo ooatce qQo orQeer aOen t ertot6 oogllcc cl$

aore6a66l r fl6 flu errQea 4066l, odserqerq eo66ee t

o6eaqo-o6oeo Qtstlf,i, Qtfi, 6G\q'l6l qq6 oontce.
' q6r6o-Geoteetol qttls q6o qgqtc cat
otqo Ototfiqe errQeer aqa6-'6't6'1ot6" ode, c6erq
free r qlqo a..lo 6qcc o6t 6Qla Oee-auo flal 6qolq
q6r6a Oee t atG et6eta, afllG'lqql 0e1; sc 6eqao Qrrfl,
q1qr0 r qflfl 0e est eqe t

otQ ote" 0er6l aao 6.,t6rot o1616er 0at eeta6 t

sO err0o qto ot6160 arQ 0at sqtaa6 t

a6(qroroqe6 gG)-atst, rioao 6Q t

qlorflqe ardh t
n6-afraot eqtqaGQ ota atq6 t

qroroqe(66o ea'ta)-gO 0e t <oteo 66'6[ aB I

n6 ooqOee-eae6'6et oret;69 olqoco elo ctdt

6rQere, flo ot66 Oeqao, edlo qqoo 96oo 6et t

qfla fl6't erGG t o6 et6'oen {6'la1 q61sG,-6'661 clQ

arQ eQeR, qq atgaG t

o60 otqo CIofit6'G qcr6o eQaG t RO ota qolR a6a

g o6n cqfitoe. qQo eQen t

cfrootq eto, 6aat6t gq6 ooolee atQaG I 6Elellcfr

q6r6e 6'661 66'oteatal qltl arQe6 I olqo eagi'Oo 6ll9lq'
e6e,r ooia e6erq otoelcn, eqQOn <Q otqe" qQo eo6t
caraetnt I qtqotct eGotersstt6< 6s 066'{al6'1 66alaoe6)
euu qlQloqq aalq6'
aQA6a r 6rfl arG orqoc Osdcreo eaQ otqaos qtcrco 6c'a
arQaG r qhJau orqos q'dn a6ee-e8t oOnG r

otqo qlUG qQo arcoeCI oal aqa6 6a ot6e6i eate

6c'6 aoee qrUS aqtaaG t oatetcit Qoteo eqaa6 t

O16rflqq-sQaq qaq 6o0 60t.lg{ ?

6Aq,r8G,r01-qru-{at qq qqaq I

q16lrflqq-qg qoq, e,oq fraqt t atet 6'1, gg 6o0 t

qru-6ro dqg r a6'reo 610 r

Olarflqq-69 6l, 6le6l q6otq'q eot6s aG t 6oQ t

qtU-G,toq' ee eqt0, et66,ga eqto I

<Q oar qq-qqorqo qrflrus 6e6R tQo,-6gt6o oO

eQaG r qrU g oocrcc aara. 6qta otqG'o <Q oatq aoat
eoqa6 r 6eq,r6l orq6 aqa6-
"{o aq6or qflrbt Gataot e,ltg t"
6q,66ir a1 !
qtrl qa6a qfltuGr oar oQa6, qflt{ 6a6a6a6n
eoqorarG r

otqo {6a qeer qq6a eeas6 CI 6'6etotc qQo e,at

aqa6 r eqaG-flt', orn eq'6-Ga6q'tq ao otd-etge.
q6r6o q6q,roc6'ear aQQ r flt, q6qt€'cq' aat eca 6ntq
adQ r

qtq 6aro 6aEsG tg {Q aq aat qqs6 I {ae

otq6 qtqc qQo aar aqa6-oqa6-aq 6qt{q' aot6CI
arg r aq afl. qfl;-Qnrq r (adrq 6qt{e"-'rjeoQ' agta
6a; edare 'ei qes'-Qnro)
6o6e6ac,ors rj o gso erQG 6q6ocenot{ Ftt' fltl
ao6-arq 016 6ea arcc aerora t <Q aat aad otqo
e',qo6 z
6ao.ser oarerdr 060 otqo ouoolotcor Qnra6;-
q6r6Q 6ufl, 6c,q,t6l, fltq6t gq6 I

qlornqqc'a 6aotoG' q6 aoeoo

qterraqe(oe reor)
Q ae'o 6aq6l ?
e.'ero,rG'ro6,6a6oc q6fla oo6flqo' - atutclototaet
ouo6l oa6Qa, 9c a6qa61 e[rqt ex8
6aor6r-qq sla I ato eQB orq-edolo olan o0
6,lQ I

qtoroqq-Grer 0q., 6ts 6\rit6t1 I q'qte ea o,ir6t a66

6q 466'aot areeraG r

"ert16'6r6,goeiaer ata tGlfi atCI c aen 66 eqe crQ"r

6o6o6a6e otc 6grt6o fle 6ee, ara GG erR nr6e cld r

oo6a qo6o er6 atq'6dt 6r,rrfir flr'66r I

fla q.606 ara rj eoeer ara eoQ 6oc G, 6a66 I

otq6r6'ota66l 6aalQ e6l6{ 61G\0 aat aqa6-
flG,6r aar 6 e'QG aQ oQolq oet flal-
q'61a1 0 6Q6R, gt6l G,696'l

fle,e o6g qs eoa- 6'a coq 0r'6r or{ ea 6ql r

orqo 6e.' 6atoCI1e6oqa6 rqflfl x6'tel66-flr'arnta

o6gl eerrnr eela6 I otqo qtUS qcrcer eo6 rrr'Gr6,1 oOerq
oraaG r fl8 qaea aa6 r

aOereer g6a6l ad orqer et6aea ar'6 goro aqaG r

qrq nal ero sorQ qo qaTa or'6 qoa qos g6lcl a6n I

Olotnqq-6o0 er, osio r

arq(or6oreer)-arnt ga;tc,t erlo I

grorflqs-6,t6'1 gg a6CIa r 6o0 ar r

qral-6o6os6l eQclsr, 6a6oo6l arnt ar6erqeee r

6o6oe6r e,Qder 6q66\E6l oraflo; 6q6oo6t <aB Qa,

eqa6 GgrG,ri I

"6G'6r9, arfl6lo o qq fravr, 69 6o6GE6t ri eari61

6q66'E6r g16ate orltorl I ata aocafl orei'<aG orn eqa6
9lo,-6,66'q qEtotQ 6Q6r t"
orqo qrqc qQo oal aq. aq. oer 6oeiq alQeR r

qtoraqe(o6a" q6)-6q,6161, orq arma0o6a gdta

o6R I

a6-argr, d t
QU9 olaraqq aalqG
00o6'6q1fl6'161, fle 66q40 QT[q] I
qfla aoolq x8l I

orqo 009116'6'q6T60 CI60 aQ86 I Qn6ilfl, fla, Ql61l6t'

eoio qqO aa6 t orqei n66 E c'f,'olclg aqaG t

qdeo ars'Q 6'at

olqaso 6oqlo e'at
I 6q aillq, 0ro68q, -.
"Q6'att6r16'6t 81C10 CIlc' e{6'll
<QqgotOOe oqe{nl I {6$ qlalo aal6o qd ecoraelsn I si
6o6o6G'66' 6'l6rlQ1fllG'G ogq
qlfllcq 66 6tQfr, 6q6o6G'66r
6,Q66r, '66't 06ltgteco 6erq 6o0 eee l' rjcQfr,

inro qO Onrdfr 6a6a ! 60lo 611o1 6aol8 oq'r adeo 6aY I

a"u",la* aq6 e'erq fraqt t-q6 GEoser al6'666'l Qllc l"

q'dl 6Q6tl t enotflt6 CIs9ll60 OfrG'Otg ec6gtae6 t

fl6o otqo flt'6"6t 6er aga6 r 66oer o6a olqo s6oeo

arn6o qnlJo da q6ll6lal I ^
otQ ota rol 6QG' I olqo Grlaco qflUo
qa6o qa oa
or'q qQo eat eqo6 t a6 oeq'c'QaG t

olqo qlQlflqg g 6G'Ole

olqa flUa clel 616'l6rd oga6-q6 tf r
q6 ti reO d't
*q66-l'cQ Rt' tggmte 600 cacalq e.'O sr6 ctd t
qqsrc ered ard'ot' t ri atca' e'66 t.Qntq 466't
q6 oqa6,-"eqiote e,teo e'tdRt' tardetqotexRtd
grr' !-ftt' gnqoroen 6ao*6aol8 a6aa oen oQ oca !

"q€66r ! 60160 AQ6, 61 66r-64 6Q-A|O ! qq6a !

oQ6, g iflr ord' 6oQ l,11616l cO arQg G'lo l"

68tq''6t sdego
o6eerqa6o oGG. e6r6a-or6c ero gq6
al6 eols qq oqdr, e e'tqatol errx I

qtotflqq 6)ofltaG. q6r6e ofieerqer arq,taOeree erq

ago6 r arGalfr 6rl6tq, atg QCI1q, QtflQtq, fitEQ flal
oFeerqereo aa6 r

qfla aoCItg qt6,t, fl6 eeRontotq qlotrtqeg ooin

a6e,rg otco o6t adrlereer arga6 I Olatnqq aeer or6a ao
q6r6e of,fi 06e 66ta at6roreer ao6q aaG

fl6 arQ otqog e1fre gerro a66t I otqo otg ot6t66)

eQe'rq oQen I 6atug{ o16o oroa qQo aar e'q. eq. Gtg ,tkr
ao6ad 6a6a I qlqo aQa o6,eeir ol6a ao6q orqer6 o+ic
o6erq ootecoea6 r ag6 6oqat eq O6a6 r

qrerroqe(olGa aoq g6)-<qq or6a qralate a6r,

e,orh orgea glltoto o6er; <Q qurqe,rao-er6 aoG, qsd :
or6a-arsr d r

qlotflqq-<st06 otq, ot ?
o16o-666otet gnt6t r oeqruor or6i r

qrorflqs-6flt6r qeir qeiora er6 alQ r

ot6q,'-ato6lG'o qa6tao; 6q at6,o 6q,6R Cllt l h'U

ooaro orQ r

. qlot9lqq-6q'61, 691160 8O, G0 clu on Rteer erQ t

eoee qdor qad Ro6'aG I atel Eq,oq,, 6qa6l aad ?

ot6a--atst, 6qqqcrcr orej o6 t eo16< eol6x sq6o
6eor6a; sq6o 6e61tot{ olQ", ar6eR otet66t crdroger qeln
defrei; og odeleer aroqrer6 eot6 eloeo r

n6 6s6oee aaa qqa6 I otG. algq ae'rey qreiraqe

or6n oto6 Ea6 gq aqa6 r
qrerraqe(or6ac 96)-atgt, a1aflG G, ota6n aa6l
Qo qa6 t
ex[ qlalnqq aalf]c
ctAa-q46, Gqtoeo I qcJ€'leqco 6qtq t
ql""qu-(srda argqords org afro e,O) tGqto t

orao dro otfr0el oca qlgqfl16'€10 flqo afl66llolq'

qQo cat eqaG I 6tl6ll6t' fi6l
eoq arQa6 I q1alfiqq ota'
oo16 ooorec ol66a aa6 t aoalq I


qlolnqq-(ca66lornc gG) I alalq, ea=letQ ooq

qlalQ-alo1' qfl6g ols
6ego eAer Oq qed r 6orelo-G'1o1,
qq6g org esrgaG' Hl6'Oa6l
argqolas6; mtet, 6016111, OO
enl" ee6 gg, 6ol6l1ol6c'' eeG atqt, oonlql I oofll6c
oe6 o€tere; q6 aG 6o, 6oq olq6r, 6oq otq t

G''066llolc'*qg oa d qoq, 6oO e,rOQ t

q16rlflqq':'sqt6s oa 6aQ 0qora ot6eR ols ol66a
gao 6'6110l< t eog6 aeo
onu,"lo , eqeoeeen aq oa'6r
e6loQ aol066l aroq aO ot666t, croo QQ 6oQ-
oqnr QQ 6aa gglol{, 66116l{ eta'o eoa ou eplol{;
6cltst{ e6l? eoa oal gglol{ I
"Gl6Q qol 6QGR, oa qq atOoteo I G'lS a6oqGrGQ

a6en aq el6 otGQ I a6o edloQ qaloca 6'q' alqs

eogt o6etQ. q{, al$lo aderg q{ I 6q66seen
6ee etq
cheoee o,io eceolc aoqtG,, 60t6t611, Afit''16r 6't61''
aqo odeo Qolg
- ^-^^
e066llol6'--AoA 0160 qol q{ ?
a6etq q<
Olalfiqq-ola'o alfl qo e'teie odor

6sg6et 606o010 otto a6etq q{ I q6fl e'ts o6et otel-

qqalalo olaa
6scqaGG'a eE6o G6'' al6J8, 69 o6at 6aa

ctn ot6 e,n at6et o6qn gal 6afil] -^

"6oqF 6Q66l, 6sqrq6 etfrctcn' c'qlqeol alq6\
qoo grdohea* 016166r oaqa t eefrqto. otoeo aq'q 66s
nr6oGen al oE aQen GloQ 6ao oQqe alq

l'{errqn 6QlQ {el <er etge1fr eadoteo fi'lcllgd {al

n1a I
cA crge{fi I alg alg affile' 6Qlootaelfr netelqca
68tg6r o66ga, 9 clqorQl erru eue
"6ot6t 6o0 g< z ee'frqro or6r6e acl 669 et oE c
A6a g{ I {6,t6an60 Qgarq6 oqr6 r

"6dl6rQ G,t€r?r arqc,t erqer 0q qsd r 6'tglcl G'tq6't

erQen qe.'ro oG cq,6 r 6era or6q ee6 aeoge,t o6 t qeo
on ola q,r o ora, oarC qnq on or{ r {are ctn a6aqa1 I

"eat6't sQ 60, org oa oteG',r I qq qer eeen o6ie

g{ I qoto oO ao6o 6'16r, flrare qBrc 61060 gto, 6gato
6ea aoeo erer r sQ 66 ero s0 <ag q{ 6rqr 6a6a flqo
ooia g< r G'fl66rorn 6eat enro; 6oq. Olorflqq ead otc'
a060r6r1 {qg ao6o6r 6oea6 ?"
st€,oa tl 6era oa ro6egro g qegre
otqo qrornqq 060 eQaG r org qro rsr sge r ar6
eo-ls gqosnl, q.Jero r o16$ crqCIror erru glqro I o6e
er6ra e fl6 aa6 r R6aa ar6 gqe. q6r6o sc Q"oG 6eq t

orqer adg 6oro a6erq ar06r e6o'6 r

qterraqe(or6r6la' qO)-ee6t 6ero o6er orR qed r

a166 flqo Gr'0661 6'oq; org 6'116rr a6n ota'G'GtoGl Qea REt

(a6 0 ersr6l6 q0) - "og Rfiec ar6r6e p.r6,ro e66'r

016"6l fi6l, G,6ot, ofire16r o166' qq 6'6uflr{r

"66'q_ o oGflteo etqtQg 'aotr 'glet' 6,0 e6etq

oQen I {aro eqrG{ aa a6; 'o' gu66'aqe, 'er'9160 6'6q,
at66 flqe, or'0661 6,oG. r

qe6eoroe qQo'916rr'fia 6,ar r

"qe6e6t6r cQsn, a6 eoaelerq'fl6rt' 'gt6rt' 6q'e6

qa fie,
-(g' gu66', fiqe, '6rr' gr6c c'oq

"eo6Jqaen erqr6e" oG oqovro oO 6dceo 66loc6o

c,ue6' esra or0 ar6 or6erg q{ r qa6fl ooor6r aqo ede r

ot'o66r 6e,to-otq; 6'6q I

QEO o1arflqq aarqc
otqaco 61191661 8cq'-
'grr' 6ot6r g6eer Qqlato ergr 6a'-
qrerroqe(o6e" g6) "66'6Jqnqe''q6, ata Qoter co
crdrEi<Q aar e,Qerqtralonqorae{fr rse6 QG'to aen 6e.,er
t,r6 q<-66tE661 qtaat oO eqla0e I rierr6eer'(Qt 6tlgl66r
orO arO qqetfr ara aqe1fr-flt'6era g6eer ogtato 6a I
"6,e at€r (6e,ra) a6q etd ?"
fl6-atqt, ot I

qlorfiqq-oGeo dagfien t eoei'qtee qgmtc otdt6,

aO o16o errgr dd erg6, eqglec'qgslc'flai otaca I

"orq6r oot 6e66l aad ffitaQ aCIta o6a ? 6q 6ofl6o

l.iro g1106, o{ urc 6ds q{ G'G6l a.ltc' eofr 6< t flt' stcQt6
eofr 6aG r

oq6ar6s,6'a otqoc q6 ei6 I

ogoerca qruc'' arn6o greicr

"org 6rrcl aen o6oatos oodll 6atai q{ I ogcntsc
aQAsR, qfl q6r6o eGG'a oatq 06, ata 60611 6'al oad ?
qs q6r60 slQ oaq 0te staot66r I

"610 qretr dqqfrsn r orq otR otaot66a at€) edloQ

66ga aara a6a otQ" t orqeolG olsl66) al6a g 666t61
6,Qelen r GrG 6r6\r6a a6fla oAflret t ctt' 8Q66'r, 60 qg'to
arer 9o6er aO arQ o166', o16 sQ fltnt eo6 t e,t6a oo,sdtq
ara6nrr oa6 aqer qq6a 6'Q etqt6o6a I G66l6l a16g at6g
fltarg qo6sr ed getta 46fi I Glc6t6l et66, fltatG 6oeer
d qgro r frr' geer 6era 666r6rc Gler66l ato fiata GaGGl I

a6ocg6r oeer ar6o arQ eoe16 60, ate sre 06 eQG r

"firarg etO at6 rj eQqfr, 'glt' 6G'q' 6aat8s6t aadl

a6 eareo aerra 6a r sq eot6< eett6< qO efiteo qq 6'dta
6kr'btUb' I

"6q 6flr6G qq6'6'lta eoao6 6a6c'aq6061tQ eoaa6 t

6SIqd 061690, X 6.lQ0lQl erTX e8e
Erue6'r$6o oreas ode r 6q'a6,
qqego, qqedera, oGorco er6ro r
"66c 6a6te66l e,q6oeo 6e ala oO r 6e o6o ooo r

fleoq, 6''16',6,S, eqnor qflgc 6oeo d eqQ 6e am aG t

qqs ara qq6 <nroco 0er6r !
"are 66c 6ogro6n qgJogorc'ro toderero I ara QG
Q CrQ r A Orer fld {ar aQ8 r

"ara a6o 6a6ra6n flatqqg neo qo6or I{

6ere nrCerq ora6 r Rr0e,rq oro qq6 qor6a oao
eeraerfr t-eer6q e,rqr6' 6oq, q6ff qeo aOo?fr !-qq
odurer r qGorco qqg q66e qer66' ore ?"
n5 g*
-atgt; t

O16uflqq-qge'drlo ! 6q6o6een eoqfr, rf eorBs,

qeR eorG< r 96 se'd's? flre eefr r qOorceo qt6o6e
ar6,G,66t qqG ec'qfr r

"{qqaO qev oar I Qe,ro eO eao qGe ? 6q

6o6o6a6s 6osre 6a6, eqso6e66' qq frGorq, edloQeleo
aotG'o6Q G'tQ I"
oer6c qgela uctqatfi errx qlqlto, qflg aootq
uer r flatnqq oueflco eQeG I qqtqi{ aoc I qeree 96,
q6oo qqG area' s'rer6q'o oar e6oee" qQ6' eeaa6 g
GOtEOgrA qrLic a6,6'Q aat I

florflqq gen 6a oeo urQ eQaG r n6 e6oo ersrRrG,

a@66r aat oeG r R6 eeRo6,t6e a66,e qna oe6 r

grerraqe(a6q qG)-6elo ata 6,e el6 I 6qet6o

66rs6o er6 q< r o16 orQer qflflco eor6s atG,atqa o6erq
q{ I qffiotGr, otq1Qt6,, qGt6)otG.'Qt qlGlote I

"6g16r eer?otq' I { ote 6a{6n fltflt6oet oa arQ

6a6-narea r
eE9 qlQtnqq oarqo
"6'16rotG'' eq' aOc I 6te g e6ee olafifllcc'Gl aG t q
ata6Q erQer eg oo t q6 a6-6tt8, q'lqq, q6q, olanq g
g-rqoare r flUo ate66r aq a6-6t8, q'lElq, q6q 0 alqnq I

a6e" q6- "qflQ" eoa'et CI6t 6tl6o ?"

, fl6-aq ata orn Qt66t I

qlorflqg-qqota Qo aegteo CI6l 6'1166l I 6q aogl66l

Glq 6ts, aQe crd t e6qe dtqcQ a6 e'otetq g 6Ltl6'611Q
aa,-6qflr6,6"6r q8l ClCl ern 6o6e' r

"x a6'giee gqGore I atodtq gqo eerfr 6alhl Q6Q

erd r qero6, Gotqtff fllotatfi q166lta setfr otG qQo eoet
nderq e,rd e el6n I fi1otet6l oQ ootaen qrqe Q" {osllg
qqs; qcra?64 qfl6s eaQ qqoca atql; 66qln16a qq8
adarn oder eao 0q seta6 ?"
qoqr 066r a6 qO flotflqsa'a otaclncCI eQaG lqala
arQG eo ffqo 6466'6qq6o eoto eQG t otq"6 ealgqcrco
qrg qfirc'er oat eqa6 I

qrerrnqe(n6q qG)-aa GQ, calfltn'G'Q 6qol6o aa6l

6oan 6aqo 6q,6't ? G"t alto ad uG ? cqfltsc e'e6 aotqet t
" 6e6r6', a rser qtQa tq uti, qr 8a rq no gq 6er o6e{en I
eqQ qflaeo 0 olqt atoq 6q''6aq otqac' 6eeeo q6n l"
a6 6a6G'alqqafiqoO <otqatQatal6E, olelceGa
qflte' q"qre 6oa eqg gplca ctd t et6eaa aoto eoG''t, QtJet
Q6're, aey ar6o Q6'tQ, g16ot aoqtO qtotGo cri eaa qeo
a,tg 6g18 6' al68 I

Ororflqq-cada edflte atm Rtc6-6qat 016'1-

atoqt66, ura fit' qt' eetfr olao otfl qer ateie oo6 t

"arar, qrgqnt6'eqQo6 G'ad 66ltot{ oeerOat6g6'' ?"

n6-< 64664 rrt6 sqod qed r 0q otet olat 468
ese A"eqe r

qlorflqe-d, qotoe uri, a6fltsc otgt aQc6, e'tetd

erQG, r 6c6e qtgqflta (? <QsG qgatfl flai 6A{ eiQe t agd
flqoc'6lgr6a eea6 ota6 t
6grq6 06ego, E 6'laalal errN eEql

eoo6q'Rtofraotqeaco6'6loo atQaG I sqflls| 466'a

ilo otqas q$taqca I cqalca e6lG{ o1o6ei aG 'flt' 96o
arflRl6'$ A16'r qgnl 9Jcl66) 6AA qnla Q610, Al6Fl9ll66'gg9ll
Ofr eoeoeacn qfi srei 6Qro ed ct6q 6q6GGaGc' g6el
arflfltoc ot6q 6eta edlQ atQe t'
qtoraqe(n6e" qO)-Gqfllcc'6aa$ filQ 8*qfl161 6l1G
R6-atgt alod 646!a 6qq6 <Q ntR B*qfll 6'al
oQelen t

qqei66'a 6'al
florflqq-d; ara Gotelao 6'al-ala
GAAelRl I q0q ffo 6aaP{al I qq aleo Gaaanl I

eltue 6't6'!6Q 6q'aonl68 slls' e rEe -9 e
(qtotoqeeo ego1frg 6elc'-aqatoq afr soeaQ-
e rgr-ro)
otqoao Rallqca 6qG'l 6Ql6rG t qfla qlg 66116'l{,
a6qte, E G'lqfltol erru tRSe'o arG qqc ql6r66l geat6'o6
6eq t

R6 aletotee aaaoco e{6nr-aolq q6en, 6< ote'

aro uQ GG s'r6aa otGen I alqloq atQ soqen, olqo6
-CIae aoao aal alaolq olqa $alfiqq clg orqa6 t a6
arQ otg q6tfi 46fi I

o6er6o G't6rol66r fl6a qQo eQ e'at cga6 t

flolqqq-q6qal6o 6oG utq' ao ? ri eenoe'lea

qE 6,lcl6lo e6io oeQ r 6ea eoqfr, qa$661 Bfrl, 611fi, q6ll'(
e6o6t, gae,d q16fila 1flf,'qqq 6'fr, 'rlc lq{qq66 or{ t
q6odt, eoqfr eoo6 6et t Qtenla flal66l 6'6lc"6r e'tfr ecta t

6qfl16'661 6OO eteto oq eoe1fr ctq-q6, fln-919,

flr"q, eo t fle 66 d ordnl etQ" t'
e8x q1Qtflqq eatqo
"66,6'6,'Gr6 ota 0960 oc oQnl r 666o 06,eet ata
aoCI aqr r fi6' eqQ oG' 6,et I 6,t6 ' €loe eql (aqo) Q. fio
GA6 q{, qdol arec r qd e'eo et6'6o Qcln uQ 6aeeo
q6or eQee6; eia 6c,sle6n, ofi aet aoo aetqootq 6a6a
sQ Qelneer flr66 r

"69 e.r6nt-eue oqt6 e 68661eeq,ordl r[60 ouo

a6etfr-6''4, q1, Bfft tt "eq6'16r6'a e'fr eq 6a666t soeo$
n6erqotoelfr r enreo qrso a6etqoQen, riq,so ofr ordr
"6g16r e'fr eq,tfr o 6etu 6'elftt I 6eda 6qqc'qgeerfi
qq atoo adelen r ara ar6 66,661, olal ooq eeaCIero oG
6'tQ I qg|qtq16Q qEg 6'QG't gtg,t I

"G,r6t e a6R 6oQ org Rro oor0e r oO e6l6q 66g

ao6o ara eor6< 66s ar<, Gr'6e6R qan 66sG c aotacn
6oG ac'l 60sG otaa ?
"6qrfl 6am c€ ar6erq g{ t 6o6a qatfl o6'c aq
aq 6oro g{ I ga areq ora' aoqu a6qeR, 69 ooercg
ora66l I oQ66l, 'CIO 6,re, 66ltstagtq atQ atge gt{, Gtet
Stoq' ata6' ?
q'qr, orer6 g oreo qlarflqe-s6e.,eqsos,6o atc
"qee6r 6e6R 6o6a otg Rta ootot{ r ore,r6 oEf
q"qte1 66lt6,o qta qalfl d'gs; 6q ot6l qed r eose Oqtsr
een orn r 69 6qln c6er eg aOc l
"ersrogrcr 6q66l flqoc' 6eseo eao greier o6e
60, fieeeoqGs 6otst6r1, 6lgt, oto, Qqsoqqrol, etqototc,
<Qqq o66; qq 6fit6o esr 6a I otc'61 qtstqato 6a6n {qq
q,rq6,r {a ot$6a oQ ereq t

"6G6q' qgto ardu, orar6 e'rdq aao 66 e,de erd t

e. 6qB eci'l6,drorer" e6o o6qeeo. t aqrq6q6oen. a6sa gq.e

q qger o6aq aqrq, 6q6oerr" o6s6 Ee" e o edlqoest o6aq I

aqrq,6q6oen' a6ac qta,J' o s ate?t a6aq I oqrq,6q6aere o6s6'

a E,e8 qe8 c qr?r8 r
6grg6t o6ego, E clqalol Ql-TX EEE

"otQt ged r qA66o gs61 CIE 64q66l 6sl QGR 646'l

a6q r mtfl aie, 'Gq'66t 6q'661 area GG 60 l' ol'o eQ6R, 'ri
oaer o6stee, aqa d oeir ala qq aceit' <QoG 6c'lll q{ I
"fletqq8ol66'6'14 98616CI aloCI 6gla o6al6'GQ oa
6e6ra QaG r oe'ototrjq ate-GCIt otei' 6oqter ri oqqsn t
"aeol€'a6o8l Elcq'lG', o6otn arg6 eg t eo6nqeoe
6c6J atootneo o16 6ooo c6qen I 6aao g€l-gs6l o aG t
{orq ate, 6taalq atQa, ala 6laola t gteorOo qcfllac' I

aqo d eq ara qq a6'g I ogt (Free will) eao aG t

orqac 6om
"6e Qg eqa6, oG oq ot' 6Q66t 6alafll6c olo
e6sroG z ore' qed o'ere, Oq eoru eeta6 'aqer d edr ri
aooir' orgto ata GSotnGQ olo oeq erd r

"Englishman olalQQltllc agl (Free witl) oe6, eaQ

qruo agt6c'lLl eq d'eaeG' oq6a6 I

"6od'fltcc 6'tS ala edergt6 6qfllc'G" 6oeersQ qtue,

agr6atu a 6aca oroa qG qael, 6a eoteea oto eg6, s
eeru oG eq c OaG, 6'lQl6q66r otoer atg6 qG quet I

"6o6iRlc6' GtS 611CI cda6, 6qfl166' ato6 etetetq

'qru16, ogt'-egos 6q o81, si oa; eq aSGgQ, ri 6t? t"
qq6ae qlatflqs-ooe. sld'eoc o greier
qflo aootq e't6e't eta6 toEG'61 fi64 qlqo Ql6ll6t 0
zila Rd 6'6d ga6'61 ore fl6G'61 Ateie qqaG t

or6tn meie q6 ortetQq eqtaeG t 6ao.oo oca olqa

qlorflqq osaflq atQaG I cl6 q6r661 q'lgolcl, ao16l; 86R
er6ra tg fl8 t

6lttltnl-s at6 otoia o6 aqo ala6'' eoaaG-

otqo qlolglqe alerQe 6Qla 610 6tasG-
'eqfr qq g6 qe e'to'
eE9 qlQrflqq CIatqo
(fl66" g6)
-<Qqg o1o 6r6rc', I

qd ega6 "{e ara oad r-er6 oq 6G'a eQ6't t"

qlara,il g o66ilor qata-otQo6 ato6il6r 661t6'
"qe Aqerq ontq o66lot gino16' 6ee'q arQelen r

q1qfi arcg et6a r Grgr 0661 066rats aQ6R, 'rj aro,rr cr6,
enr 6oeq66 eo 6a r' oeoror 6,Q6fi, 'q'e urr€r ead 6aa !
6G6q' {q,t qe eoo6 atoflaG'te'{eo otq'6 eqot 6,6otee,
sos6 sQ oqeer Gt6'6roco o6in q<, <Q fl€'6o otc"o alt€,
6er eoo6 q.( r ata otaq qtet 6t6"o c,tflqdore eaa6 q< r

"6o66', orerGcr qq oqet eerngtnG, otG6l oE c

6a6R fld o6n,
-6q,6e6a6e CIo 6rR nre6 atQ't 66r flnflnl
arfl ao6o qc orsr gr6arq i aelrq ao6,r6' otet6.e era6o (3
arer66l ore"er sQoG a6,gr r

orger erei'onq eo6 arQ osefiea asg q6 oga6-

"qfle aqqa ole16 o6*sQ eefi 6'10 aCIqtq a6ora t
'aqee c,c 6a6oga t-60 a6e atflo frvrRgne r'
(ergorog 6G'61, n6q' qA)-"6ost, eodsrea
ato6il61 6qflt6a 6Q66'r 06r, qq6 eOA6 a$q eOQ
-Ot9tfit6'r r

egahrsa oo 6qflr66, 6e6R aro6r6r,-6o6rcr, clrqergre

eg6 qd 6a,rr' ! q,6iarc eon t6c d atqro "
-'eorerorq o r -
o6 oga6-arsr, d r

aero qq'q oEa6'16Q qtelcl e r89-8r

6o.a6 tl6olc1r
qlarflqe (oue,o arq'q erfl-sQ oucr616o a6at I

6,16o aero eefr r Grer flaJ 66lt I G'16,d gg t eg ctn qQe

6rgt6l 6,6e, eq detm_atq,q166 I AS6,qe'ntA 6aG I

<er aA orqa ffo qraa6-'otq'' 6 arQ o6tl6t o6lt,

ot'6r ctfl e66l Gtfl, ooG66,gtetel6', ot'e G'nt6lo 6fi_t 6e6U t'
"at6 66q,lo, cll' et6'1a oaq ola I aqn eta 6ceq
arQ orqo a6g aqeG r

"6e'rr1r ara 6qer6 r 6orqr qgs, 6o90 qqG rOorclr

q1qq, 6og6 'q1eh;r' r oo <Q Oqo6co eor0< eol6s e1o r
6$lq6 0669q', E ClAAlQl eIrx
t<Q c6'eat t
"aq"{tcq oo q61ola alq'lqolaGo erQee
esqt 066l olqa alfi fl6oq otaa6 t a8 eqoteo
6ar aqa6 6aq olqa qoa eetoaG t
- o@gtls'fi gtd'e,grele'lc
gl$64 eoe
oonrg'S atatdlo
qflg coalngo atoG 6QlQ6Inl I olqa fl64 66'€1060
aQ Rtatq 6er cqa6 t

otqo qnlals eeloo'6 |

a*{** oeo qn'uoei eetaG I eqinte ateo qdnlgr-

orgo at'e qcr6o cgc6, eets' ORt lood Rt'q'Qe,'eea
o166 { qo
aGQ t ctt'g eqd qo6o cgo6 I "6Q Rt'
i"*'nq *,d r eq6 qecearQer 6P I {60 e,6 soteo cQfr t
itr" .i'.a nQen elal, q eJ6q nrd t q oglafll t"
qo cG at'g <Q carqQc cQGn, q6en olslcl ooe'
Ae r oiqer q6 Rt'c qcrca eat ageG t
qto ano Qota
"Rl' 6qtq ao6'lo I ola 6nl Gen t
{a 6,G,6e ota r Qqta, QqtQ, (qqere'reer Qqta), etne oO
eo e1o aG t
Oerq r Rt'cQG 6qol6o qa a6r 6oq 9c. et66
nr;cQ6 6EIOl66l Qaq'lol toletdOqer66
tqt'oQG 6q 6016l
ora g{ sq etOG 6ol6'adl oto I 6qtq oaela !
ia &*' erdtur6 etd6 qareeq'6o-o***
o6]ae-l 6- urqdq oofllq's ord' fl r'6' 6eseo orgo6 -'ell'
iJAt,r* qn otsq alqG ola'o r16'6'lal qEi ca-qg oq16l
oota Rtd flt' l-atel 66ls6o olal ogl olql GGI I
"flt', Q'QlQso oG Q6, 6oGQ a66r a6o ee6t6u-
ftt' !-Gtglo66l 66lsGQ CIlgl q{ Glgl ao I
QEI- qlQrflqq aatqo
otqQ a6ieilc fld atatoq I 6qQ aq'st6a aotq naq
og6'G, 'eoet qea grgt 6e,ro oqe, a6oe eera6 t-ata er r
6,Q AtA eQA Cta ?',
o6(aoesrG)-oqo6', atHt, at I

qlotflqq-a6oa eera6 t-g6el 6o6o6a6$ qa6n

argqa 6q6o6a6n gfle. o r[ oAqfr-qflo oo-ri o qq
6,166t I

a6(qota6 eera) -arsr, d I

qlotflqe-qfle 06r, qsR 6<, qflo aea atete, qfl6l

ar6ota oat, qfle 060 aad 6eG', 6, d et66t
-{Qtq I

o6(aoearQ)-almr, d r

OlatflQe-qetc eqra6 g8 err6 eoae1fr r eoinrc oro

o6a oe-sqfiteg arer eoo6 q6fi otc"o atocle r 6oea
e't6c', 'gea Grc6r ato6u6l qd, eoarec flri qflo an6to

aa8 r'
a8 ctere aa6 r orqo qO ear egaG r

Olatflqq-ate ato q6r66 qr6 co-ednrc a6erq

6o, -qeR atots aq,l6r qdta a6or6q' ni6 t
-armr, d' I

grotnqe-qflQ. u ta Gad oQ6, geo G qq G,t6 I aq

qq8 ?
(ad meie ao6) r

otq0-qq6'qq8 ?

fl6-atst, aB qq6 I

qlotflqq-acae' 6,
qqa I Qtgltnl eo soreo ag6,
qera 0or qge aa6 r

n6(eroear?) aere as'G r

qlotflqq 96 egaG I "q6fl otqt CItga, otgt d

6ere66, r"
oBq6r6o oteioteoea fll (3 6'eo1-ela*6 s,anlnt ?
orqo {ao gq6g eeree6 r o6e et6le, 6ltfi6lln I

orernrng 6t1o 6taotq aqe,6 I etflnun aro oraaG r

6grqd o6ego, s 6'lq0la1 er[x e8c

6rlc''-adtcro aGQ atentGo ot'et ntfrct t

6r1G-Q661 Gs Rteo alfll G'1QaaQd1 I

qlotflqq-fl|' ata 6'ael I 6< 6'erq 6loso aa6-

qdeqrot 6?re 6q 6aq'G,flt' tG6'6'1 60 6'ealc trjat'ageq"
qflrUs g< t-Rt' agoq.eoo6 6'6lo0 6l{09 e'l6 aleet t

eao6 lJleefllss atn oet6, 66sd oGQ 6'161 eotetaatoG;

6'r6l6e eq ac Rta oQats t
edlot o6oco sat-Gtlnt e gteo'lolcr {6'
"66101 c6elnt, 6'16'1 g e6'lotei <e 6Qltl 6qGR,
eoee Oq Htc g{ I Go qg eq d'o6 (ornr) r eq 6 6'oq6o
otqa aad o6o oQ ego6, es ateqto6 eq deeon
caq$ qtotnqs eeto aEaG t

olqo QlflG'rlfi olqa6 al6o66Q 96 otaa6,-{a6l

qteer'lorei-n1fft I

$e-6 eoqfreo 6oda ol6t6'1 qfl661,

aoqo 6c'qt6, gteo'lotei c1o6,
aaQ- a6a 6qfl-ag dolll6Q !
glolflqq (o6q' qGl-oretso 6oq orq6 d nlnl I

aoc' ord' G'rlc'r I ots G'oqa6o coqolq olecn 6oce o

eBfr6G,oR oloot66q'', 6o6G'' G alQ-6tQ61, G''to-flt' qetc
qG eqe o6st6ee I

"oes ego otd' oetq'lc eoqq ulQ6t e'd ntnl

e,6erg arq6 l"
qgo6l o6t6s.6.
o6eerqo gr6aeo alglf,i, alq, gllEsl, fl6ar
g6toc Q6r6O
(qraroqetr Eg6o atate I Etcllrt 0 c'etalols o6e t
orqer c'freoqsr n6ereo eqQ aea aaglc oqa6 I qflq
66er r o6qre,ctto qqt Eq1, 9 6oqflla1 errx qlqlo I

6ea otqer ettet6q eeta etci'onl alq'q olael66l I acr6o

eoQ e e{arq Gofi) ot6661 o?6en I onGQ GIG'a €'lfl Ql6'6Q
erg erQonr 0 Eq atoto nt6nt I gllEo e.,fre'otq oBG' 016q
06'r, oqrq. o aqtsoq arOaG t

qrqo etclnr, qQoteoet, QIG'6ll qqG orontce 060

aaG r Rtqer atQ ogfre eata olqo6'o s6l6l G'col a6a I
qlotflqq-afiGa I qfla Q'6tGc'9tt6t 6?loanl t edfite
arQG ot
fllq6 -alst, ?" t

Olornqs (aQore'qO)-eaeel, "tioa'qeo o81 l"

eoee {oA eent nrdG ? otqa $g €to6o eQaG t flQats'os
6ao eld-odcer sra cqaG I olqa q6J86 | qlodl eei qed
otei-oda r

RQErr e,ero-etdll Qqeatno Qaq16'6Q 6'661 ggolol

eq,tfr r oQ66r, "{ aoqtaco 6alq{ aE 6gnl aa I aB alalQ
eaqrc ateet atQ t" 69lt6o got6.6R, "Qlg efleat e'6r ?" ff
oQfr, et t Gt' 066r nQen-"6'9t, o6ql6'6'Q'llo ?"
aEioroteisa G.'Gd qtus eoqfr I aBQ66l 6llag 6'0
aqa6 6er10 qfia sea6 t96 <oO qde ella 6llflg-46'loo
oeG eo, eodqtea eQatal6, 6qfl16'G6l 66119118 ala qna
g( t'
otqa66r alc'a-qola, qut nt66; fllaQ$ eqa6-
"6,tQ, aas at8e ?" CItgttng 6oq olQo qfll{g 6g6a I
qgo6l oa68o, 9 6,aqor611 QTTX e9e
qflh{ a6r 6aa6 I qq6s 6qarot6Y otqa oq6'4,-'Ei
660 6146, "ej 016 6e6" r

o qo a n6, -qo re, G'6 a ro S e 0 or 0 aqaG, qgfi a1 !

r r r r

6fl16e' xsd arQ-6 aa ? 6cr eto66r ao aq eqaG r- (errerR,
FrQflr, eraor qqGG qO) "6cro Grfi 6qG' r"
asflrco en're 6nrg eoo6 qerG, eqQs6 cqaG,6em
oR eeraCIo r

qrornqe(arera6' qG)-o6er ooro osr srd'q aq,

6OtQ 6AtE Otg, 6'tQ6' G''t, q OA6R fial 66rC) OOrtS 6' OtQ C
arg r

qlatflqqc Qatg'otG,
'ggmreq eRlo eer6 carelrcr'
orqer qd orrer6q 6a6a r orrer6q sara oqaG "d'd
d " af , rj aao ag6 r flt', 6gl6e qgml6, 6ae 6a6elq ea
e,rd-sr' 6flr6o qgsr6,0a erdr rjea qerc !-oraqg r ri
or' ored r qgsroq6flra ear6 cfiqre r orer eosi'ar$S 6(,:,?r?
g{, 6qfltG'6 Qa r at6,o9tfl1 r-atcc,Frol !"
orqo ae'qose 'atc'6'gta1, arcoflol' eQ etgaG ara
e,qaG -
"gr' 6fr6r 986r CIr611, q6fi ara ara flr; 6fir o6a g{
6810 rr"
orqo 96 filatg cqe6 si aa6 aotra a66 ar' t
cjaao 66 oeo Rr' ?-qeA 60 ctr'qgaqa r{oa, qsa
o81 r'
(orsrnc qG aeror) q
-6ost, eoo6 c oq r arc cQ
soo6 c, oq I

orqa q6 flrarg oge6 -'qt,6flr66 erq6 ee,rfr o'er

ri arg6 ? frr' 6flr6r gssr 01611, q6fl ara ara flr 6rrr o66 q{
eor6 r
Q99 qlorflqq aalqc
aqas 6od or6eq E{,-'ettgn'' qa'
orqa qtotetqq at$a oG q6 eqa6 g eal e'ga6-
erne eood 6ad1 safltcr 6QGR flal a6o a6a eQ e6h gcn I

srQor6 ogq qQo eat aqa6 t

qlolflqq-q6ota6'' 6rto c eeen 66 eent etdetq t
'16eee edotctq sG ata 66s ard r

"q'qtQ1flle6'0 Aqal6 o6e'-e'ont oeeroeo gt6

6o66s6r aca-eotGq qn 6eq g{o 6'6Q, algl ! 6 onqto
oqoco qG t
"G,uqq',6'l o6roto I 6oGGGa66'qBlc
qa6a atet gd'
eq6eqg e66r, GElGocG'GGr Qtot, fllal gae'd ootnd ooG-
ara qelq,e. at66t oto eea 6aG I eqlefi 6ece ea g6ee'6
g6ee' r 6q 6o6o6asfi aB eoaa6, 6al6oca6fi ola 066l
arfle ar6 aG t eq atodllQ 6'10l, alQcllQ 9ll',-016 ao6a
6c,rq 666' t 'o6ofl 6a t e eeen q6ea ont at66 l'
6oG atat6 ot6erq 6gq', olq6t 66raa6-"9i, Atat
es,tfr qo6 G''t6a-'flt' alc6'flfl1 !-cagl 6aQlq 6QG' l'
"q6 6e6G66,6e G,GQ, -'atGQ ol6,G'la-6'6llera-r[ o
c6o. oqr A6d qq r ri mteete-qtu€'Q16'-o6ere-rf GE
e,rsoe'rd- Gosrcoatq GQG t'
orqo aG oqd qa6o go c6, QoG e'tg e't6etq q<,
fierraaG t eaQ oqo qa qA osellcc'o qofl galqo 6qQ6, -
flQfiroo6t6'cq6o ag I

oQnteaoq 6oq olqo q6 o9o'6 -

610-Alq6n 016,oe qQ dqtfll 9tt'66t I ''
"60 016,q6en flt' Got6r otea atQe6o; 6'erQ gt6e
g6Q t"
qg06t oa68q,, 9 60qara1 eTTx e9gl

de,qoooofl arccu@rot (e'enar) qt nl4ot@o

6eqerorq eeorcc arQaG I carfltcc' {Go ?o6J oe aG

arQo6, orqa glorerqq ata gq aA oQorden ctd t qtoqto
saeor6 e.'at 6qflrc$"oqo'6 r

qroraqe(6aqoo oocloa gG)-nqo 6 6oq ara

og a6ov r q,rg ara aq,qrc'' r flqo g otco .4qriq I GGlrG
aaqtc'q d se66 arqq. e,rdr6 6a6GE6r ?
CIo-at&t, agtg aad ?
florflqq-qoqq Qe,ro I 6q qorl elta qg aQoq q66
qdor Qoro r aqrqc' eera er6er r

oo-arffir, qflfl ard z

qlorflqq-orerae qflfl aG, GafllG6' al6'-o6'c
q'6ee t

"6o€rhr6G' <ero or6ee ard, 6qflr6g, ga6q'$t gaao

orn aQ gerro c6ee r 6q'o aeriqrnt,-qqaG 60, {9u66'
eaer ao6 | 466'a aeiu a6etqg< r qanracer e't6oter qfla
erd-e'r6 6a r 69 otq nto fi'oGGl-
arcnrBre'r (e,anar)
org ooie G' 0661, 66 d'senrord r"
6'66r O@-eil8r, ArOdtS 6AqAl glAl flq08 6A51Al
olq't I

qlorcrqq-6q aar ara 6'e atd t s6Tto d eqa; Ggaa

66 oeir ged r rj seo eq 66'116,, ri aao sQ ag ae"Gte G'
6166'r Gr$ fren crd r 'd1- Goq o16 eneer Qg oO aoon 01fr
e,60a r

El"Ele q.r66 t
6or6lre 6Q6R AqtQnOl g AqQnlo
oB-q"qte6e 6q ord6 erqaG z
qlorqqq-q€ orei'oqa6-etacr eat I otacl elfll I

arfra aruo 6afi 6q qare eq6'6 r

Q9X qlarflqq 6,alqc
oo-atd6 cJnlcl aq86 t crd6 GIGGr Qal ?

eq o6 fiqaa'o a16'0 a66l6u6G, olql6a6n

ura ee,Q G'o68 nrd, qQ Ru e'not atd l
"otaq' Gotalfl66r Qq aq eq'tfr 6oeo olan al{ I

cren q^stqQc <Q e'tanQ qs'la olacq',6oq 6olalc''l 66116'l{

qnr6o 6e, aqqt oq6s I {Q 6a aqqq6a frot nteo, eog
florqgta ona suQ aga flga ad 6tatG I 6'l€lc'61 q6'la ala
otal8 G'tQ I

"69 66'st, 6qGQ a.l6'6o 466'e 6a q{ t q'tfrm aluG'6t

arG'c a6o$t fiqo1fl atc'o 6a6G 66''611, Glc 610 6et aeR erat
Gentaotq'ego 6oro org eetfr 6c'tllq{ l"
oo-GtS nla e6et atei' eutqnol q{ erQ arQh t
qlotflqe-Gatsle €' 6Q6R q'r{lq$ol q< crd t erfret
argee eato sosi'6oa 46, eq 6ce QQ a 6aca c6ocl
flrars fl64 ocq e'td t qate 606066'661 6616'60 flQ q{,
6ar6o6q,66' flrars ored nrd I 6st6' 66ls 6ala66n 6qGGGG'6f;'
G6e, 'flt' fiQ' r qgo qa olol 6ca 66tP{nt, ototq'at 6
6' t ad orq6 t ot61t 6G'a qQ asl 6sft1, q66T aeei at6etq
area G,6'lt I Gq6oca6fi aeo a6qt snta atQ QQQI, ri ee'leo
or'oroqecaota6 at I 6q olala alCIco oQ aalatoco 6al I

" God'fl t6c 6oqQq', 6qfi la6 q"qlo66l o6etq q* e'td t

6qflrG,c'6r 66116 Alqol 6',Aq 6flG 0to6 t"

61 9rU €'rBQfi A lqn$', q1fl UqoG', 0 G',lfl -91 lE'lqtl

olu6't er66 rRUot8o alQa'6 I olqo6'qlo6o a'{l6oq
erqa6 r otqo etno sQ eqe6 ala aqe6,.4Qc tl oterQeer
fluqoc I

aq (oeror)-enen ctflo 6ale eetQ aeo t

qlatnqq (aerat)-otd6, 6'1fl 6'ad aq ? 6al ala

ora' cro6e oteloq otd t qoqolgtt 6oGGCQ66' qnl oaeo qd-
n6-nt6eq 6aa otqos 0G6'6'661, 6q6oGaGG' 6Qnl G'lQ I
qg06l o668q,, 9 60qat01 er[u e98
6CI6o6e6fi qQert, qnql ata qq olrt {e ot6t66l 66lq6q,6n,
6q6o6a6$ 0q oe.,n 6e6lt I

{ao ot@6r osr G'rF 6066, I oen 6aetr o6rt 6eat I otqo
eQ eQ onqarQ crac oqa6 rqo er6 e'ga6 r ,6rur6"CI c,6rfl
q'6t ! qot 6,6Q, at€t 6a6G at 6Q6, !'
CIootca ogdereer e,QaG I oteo q6 erraa6-.qq
oq frfioQen-q6ota6r q66, r' orqer oqoG, CIofltcc flal
eqoG t oG e6,r 6q,teont 060 otqa e'ga6-
"6rlt6r afroorer otoafltcs eoeo 6qra q< ard r

6re{G'o Qoret sera6, oto6r (odrqeror) aQen so 66 ged,

eq (4eue 6err r

oteto66t 6lrlc0 6aeoqt6 6ent re

oefireooa 96 aoeoo
qs,qt 066r orqeroaaeer arn6 6qnt I Gaqoer osa
auer nfraorq arQsn c otqag e1fre eera q6tn 66R I o6a
grQAlo6ro, 6u6ln, FltEo I etoet flat a6o a6e
ulqs,6 t
a.,l6t-aroet 6oQ aa6 z
grerroqe(eqacetnt qereo)-sQ 6ost lq,lo orrfr e'ao
eera6 r (aerev) ara 6oQ a6 r

al,l6r o6n 6tsatcc. q6r6o eQa6 I otqa org aqo6, _

'qea aeo {ot66l atc qnta Oao t'
auo 6at6, 66'6e aao qte6er eQ olta6.o qtooct
eaor aqaG I otea flQflreada aQo q6 car aqa6 r

e[$ea ae6qa ord

-,q-qqoq ero,
qlatnqq -(nQara qA)-aeeqe,i

a6,-qea sa6
oa qh{ oto olet6e6f,l 6aq 6aa I "916, flt6,, 66t, 66lto
o6) 6eet, q,6le.'to crd, 6oan qaq ored I {et6r era aeEgot
r'r G'rq6 ot6q a6?6o atq6 ?tct otgt6.,t aa6; 69 o6
dq nfioaer ereg
e. qqq
- I
e99 qlQrflqq 6,arf:o
66'Q 6A ot6d ct, 6eafi a6'ror{ 6atfr atqq 6q'qatQ Plt6q,
Grgr6a6n arqcQ etil otQl 96 qsl g{ I

"qqroe6r ae6qm or6-nqae qG qa 6eta qt6 I

RQRrooo atere aaG I otqa 96 otg oqe6,-atat,

qaer eoo6 orre eqQa6 eg6, qo t

qlarflqq (aQnre. qA) "GG'qtEsto6a q-qqoq

6Qerq g{ r 69 ae" Gvrcr G' a6a q< erd t ag' eett6q RtO
o6-eoo6 e'nq geotcl o96 r ri ansrr qGR 4fi6!t I

"eflrt1a eera {Q ae'otfro6R qga'6atu66r 6G'tb,tg{ t"

aeflrca g<e'eoQ eaQ ortga6, otq6rc"6r aa$ qgst6'
eeta6 ? orgr a6 eqraats, 6e66,6q 'dJ'" 'r1* aqaG old6 t
orqa qO oar ege6 -'ry, oQflr oqe'cil, Qglo,-{Q
'cf orro a6erq eeq r '6q,rrer rf eo eorg atd I oe'ote,trjq
enraBsr ord6eqra a* oqelen r

"g16nr6, ea6'6o qq alc'Utf,' g EGGI, qeetg' q{

erd r eog q'qre6e eOe I 6060 Qatot gacl e.rd6, ufie.
{ar 660 aGen 6aE'64 anq nt6e, I qaol qcr6o 6etna
fld c'to q{ I
"6G66' Hror 0o6er qato ol6q 6a6n6acn 6flG' GatE
6oea ged r eood flnqg ovrs eqQod eoeso,ttcl-oteclc'l
ara flea ard r

"686',re aur qoOat flot Ga6GGa6G' et 6IQGR

(nQnrcer erav) q"qr6r1 ord'eqeo eots qsd't
Era'qrqrf;e e6c 6sfi g olqa qlatflqs
"qc,1tq1G otei<et 6'0 6at8 I qe,1tq1 9166'rta6'6l6goe
ariqe 6aq6a arQ"rqa,rrqt on6o e16erc,,-6so oata coo
611Q6|t I

"q16nrac'q6r6o qaqtql eQ eQ aat cQse erd-

a6'r661 ao 6q6R au r 6eoQa Gacnl flat atc''to a6ee atd t

"ee'1rqr, atfrm atgo ga doqtcl a6ee-eood glco

ceer odqe 6o6t6o ord, eqo6 atu6,-ec't-qdi a6ee ard r
qgad 06680, 9 60qfl1ff QTrX Q99

"6Gt otstca aQen 6 eloto t gCel, e'cto

agGr6r, cfilea' ao6o 6qtu, ol6l6er oQen qQ qq atQgt< I

qor 606l CItaelcn, 69to atQ otG 6c,6ll I

. "6Bq- o gloqtgt 6o6o6acn qgc 0l$64 6'6"1 6'9ll

6aarq ordeR, ri cQfr, 'otgt 6 eeq' eld-ol6l6o elen d
eoo aOe t'
"qeqrq1f,6r <Q aOc 6an erd6 6eg otq'6t.'o t
geie'ord', ata eRtcdst gtei'tqaqlql oG 66q gs,6ee'Qa
q< enro6nt olet e,tfrct otgn qQoQ oqto e6e t'
"qQqlqlG'6r 6ElGrU6ll OtllCI 60q66l 606e o 66tlQ6'61
ataq 6eG' r 6o6G' o 6qflt66' atfrm 6'lEc oql6l o6elq ee'et
a6ee r

"{ oqt6t 6sr gG qeqlEll c 6q eoee 6< eoe I

cee.6qo oqonlo 066l EI'EllQ-
QA g qs'A fll'El
"Grg 6ltor o6 q'qto6o oQoto t ego6 Rg6ll 6'l9la
q,6 gr6ea oqGir I 6'e0 qg$lG'6rlQ AnlOGQ q"qlQ6Q E6n I

"GG'G, ga6o ooatol qalaet661-mteer gd orio t

qeqrql eri oqt6 e6e I 6cq 66'G'n $69 eaG'lQ1-HlG'Q I

e,oe6" oG mtm q'qt6l1GBa on on aoo oc'94 dsttooteo t

qt{6q6,r, a6Eqqro { qqflal otGQ tRt'g oQfr'fll', r[qq
arq ee6 crd'
"gqmr6,Rto 066l gltaG')ta fld Q6'to oee ctd I qgml6'1
aG qgrnc o6a qg 6tosta6-6lao Rt"q sdqa t

erd utqR, Gotqoq o q1alflqs

Olatfiqq (nQnre qO) - "6ett6't6nt6 gaqalo 6016l
qlol 6016l (3 Rfi'qlal 6016l
-aEieoro ata 9t66't6flto -oEi

e. 6E (aettot) Qoett (atuc 6aq6a ard, q{i e6ee erd)

qeo o6eo etd'; eten ats6 eeG'I -oe€t?'s aoGoq'
ee[ 010rnQq Qarqc
"qgorjq, 6teg't, atcqg ara qaqrq -.(er flarGa qafl
GeerGeer eri ederqg{ r qaqrqlg aoco€qGsrorg ureier
aderqq{ r qaqrqt Ooqnei oeer rQg q{o noo eorer ard-
ffirc,crQ*, flqoG 0166l oc erdredlsrQ ea=lerQ qaqrql Foqepi
6A 66 e66,-enre6sr orei'r qea 6'r acqrcr{ arqat aG
6erfl nti e6orer6, Gr'6q6R orq"er ar.i qror 6016 q{ r

"o6rfle"q aagr66l-egad qoeoerOea-oEi qg

aOar< r qar, 6,0, Gder, qn'qt sQ agari r< uagr66l 6ean'
fr6,6l 6016r r arerGre q,Ei eq,enee6$ aG,r od eeer-enrc6gt
ora- r 69 ador gero flcc', ar{ r"
R6areaaea clgoto gad g otqac'o anltd
6,ar oq og err6 aroer eera6 r orqa qrorflqq
nQnroerog 6rqq66 ger6 6J6rac'rqoQen r RQarooer ereo
eQ eaa aao 61ot6r qan6a ooflq,q qasig eoei'eqlo orer
"a6o6," 6en'gg 6G,qrfilolo" 6oa6,a. t'
aqodroQsmo' 6Rredrq6e6on, r

q6fl qcla aiirae efl 6qta oqo'6-

"aQeqieer Qarot6'r" r16at'qQ e6oe'a. r

q6ar qag6er odg eoodcrq rr

aeirq-qrg6rarc'G'o 6aaor aQeo, q6nree"o 6aaot
qoa flarco, q6'q6 flqsqflrcc6r 6oeor q6nreer ara qflo6it
flqr6CIi6r1firoG'e 6oa6'r odg Q" aaGI

qdq qoederq-xQ aar ae'rcrd a6er nrqea oteo

qorq arqc' oqtet a6 aoto9il6, 6ata qflr{g 6Q66'l I Qto6o
eqQ g6a6,'r r oogrcc afl6g aerq-<Q qao{it flq6flt6t1co
aesr Fetser oqa6 r

a66,asd <QsQ Oar eera qqGs 6a6e (3 96 araa

qad G6a r nQnre,erog <ae eqQ q6o66t eqra arq6 o6olq
aQen r nQar 6,1610 ouclrgq alq6 nqa6-
qgad o668q" 9 60qfl16l1 errx Q9C

aeiQri6q6soqt 6'o8 6q r cradQd6q6goql oG8

6o. rr

arotllcot a0 edgoqt eoa 6n lolal{6ol aG e6goqt

ooa 6q tt
6oq 6erq ggq A' ooqqlq aq- | qc q6' Qe' erg"
6rff61" mrcQqq n 6lei Ror e6o6" e6qeetot" qoe.alq I

oe6og6en Gaq'cl" G'6i6ltg ll

qlQlnqe-alQl !alQl !

oto g gero-q6o d 6orao-G'l{Q' el{e'

eqre q?oo arq6 q6 orqer gO eitet6q 6qael6n I

eE60 otq,atfl.6l6t 6,6Q I <aA AGO8A OIO eeaa6-

'oqqtfrG'" oQofrqern", e6llo6lo, otO flent6nlqq I

a6qs6a" G'Gq'lq6Io", qt ot6elQ" 6a eetuqon ll'

"qt G,t6cte'64 eetus1o"" -{Q cat q6 olqo aal6qq
eqa6,-'olgt aG ortee otet aG qgt6o t"
{a6r oto eqaa6 adrosqeq-
'd aeatqo'qeqto6at6 clQ', G' Gt eqtgGeq s' a
qtd6c6g r

6' B 6q't1tgt qfrd eoee,t n etgf,ola6'6lo8 66qt:9"

6o6oaa RQfltc'odl oqo'6,-6oleoqos 6eq'l:E'"
66q,t{e', 6q6oa0 otqa qalcqu cga'6-
"gttE" ! et{E !-q6fl qeo 6oten t"
flQfltooo eteq6 ffotq 66 oQ, sqsq eder oqaG r

eq 6se' at6166l Gotctlcl 60tgtaglco 9ig'1 6oqel6n, QQcR t

{ao 61001 0 6slso1 qglo g qlafl 6oqto edct
e'ga6-alaG,1 ,-6o6i'O sqaO ots, e6'loQ aecoq ctd't
6a olqafra alfl 6llololo q€'€l
q lfi
RQRI-otncllotco CI6l 616l oat aG t
Q9o qlQtflqs catqo
qloraqq(qatq,{)-q6fl atfl6t1ot 6lt9t6t'lG't 6'qa,-
6G6Q O*6fl 6OtQ 6C,At81 ! qhJ9lt66,{Ot66l 6A60 Oqg6n !

qQflro06l q$a 60 6sd orer oqaG-

' e6nu rerrR66erl-orrioerOeroeq I

q6 aflr{a noer ogaG

aefqcinu eqd' fl alqEi' aotqaet I

odqd'o areq6 qotb{aqq asdn I

aua, qQnrsas q6fl qora oQ 6ora qao 6,66l I

oer6e 066.,16r, fito 9 e 0e' r flto qq,t q9fl1, fl 6oqflto1
Qrrx qlqro r

Ralg6o 6alet 066l orqer Oe.,raoeer eQaG r nfre,org

arfl q6og qq6 ooarsc ot6 aqscl 6oa q& GGe' eera
arQa6 r flrEo flal otstco eQaG I otqoa et6'6e sG eor
6?re6, oroe qQo aar agaG r

- a8lq'' 6,ts,Q6,la6a
Elon6't g alo'{6'at
qterraqe(aofltcc q6)-<oO aq'st6o aral oqa6
Go 6orgr eotQ o6erer aorg ard I etclao aG,gl I

"6il9ilQ 6flt6t plc'gt q6€et I el60 eoQ eeqot6o, 6ot

0661, 6oq 6oq6o O61 6ofi ocneto orG Gs I nU otoos
arqar6,q 6co ote qq eat sQelnr I 6q66'6c,6n 6qrer cd
aa6l-'e6,40 6a nqqoc, 6q,qe atEI, 6flt6l ero otfr flte6 t'
"6e66,rG'tg ata 6at6G,tatq6' $ eoa* aeer ga6 eoQ
oeo rj flat fl{ I 6qflt66' 0q 0nr6 oO soreo oq oerG r

6qco6e6n 6flro aeta aegt I 6q6otatq 6'e6, 'G'rG,t q6ft

arao edloQ carercir q6erqota ? rjcee, 'ot{' I

"6e66'retgc" 91 6at6atatq6 q6fi,a oQ a6en, aO

q6r6o Oee I 6et16{ e't6tq
-oetordq Rqtdg qfl
oq-6sll6o 06$ aqtaca I otetoca ua,loql oeer arQ oQ6fi,
qqCIfl o668q,, I 60q0lo1 QTTU e9e

'orfi ercr 6rQeo qQe otR' I 6q6ctetgc' $ get6sn, ri 0e,

qQ qq oar nQfr r ri eQfr, 6c'st, G'dtG ooq atGR 6tfu-6q
6916o o6n ccle6n-6ea aoaq 6tGR, auoet oeo atQ
oQ66l, 'otfi Bret otn' I 6q6c'tatqa $ otqtq{ qGscen t

"fle1eG'e ccet otEal6'1 {otalQ 6tBQ os, eotQ ooqtO

$rQeo fiaq ornt$ n66a6 I acq otqzltfifltce oer6erg ei
oa 6rQt a Go6'l l"
aqrodr €I6l66.q,
ofieoqer n6aeo etgu6r, fltqo,
fldnrn qq6c q6r6o
(orqer uelrjq arQ"6 t n6 oficc gG aoeoer r)
orqo qlorerqq fleitg 6qc't o6a 66< Qgra eqa6 r

osn a8 afia eQaG r orqaa' eto66l e,dnra flat o6t aot

eero6 r flrqcr arQ gerra oO n6 oftec orslco oen eQen r

ar6 er6erer, efl o166 or6rqc', qqt g6flta6t 6q, lu 6trqato1

q[[x r

qrerrnqe(nreoc qO)-6oG alQn r

flrqa-armr, arnlfiearer orjqe arQeo arQ eaorqe,rfr
s,rfr arQG r

a6nrn-els I qq orfra6 t

qoroqe(aerear)-66'q- ot66', 6flla {qq oronrfr

qed r oi' a 6g6R a"fro.arrqat6fi'{6G oe oG atq6e !

(orqa 6oG aa6-eroCIcn nar eea6 r)

qrcrrnqs-rj saer ord' aeer aeer ae8riq q{ I otq
6q,fir{, ot'qeo6t<-96 6,69, ee 6e ea6 oa 6ga ?
"6ilSil6r 61166l-69ilQ AG'gt q6€C't I A6Q A6Q fl60Q66t,
{orqq,rfr ata, q6 nrarg e6q-flr' eoeYorqCIe-eaaiorq
ah eorQerg0q', ?"
"6fr6r erno gG ae8d,l aagt qat ged r 6q66''tatqg
aro 6osl6l G,gedfr, ea6a egra 6 eoal6 eq,re6 ?
"arot, otet6e6a nqoa oregr 6qr ard z eq eooqfror
qflaco eorgerrQ 6eeq oaraos6 nrO eloeo dO eoeoe,ct
sRrq, arQen I rj aqac cro a6erq nr6fr I 69 eeeoeesn
o6q' erfi, 646G6466' geir, eeeoeeen d' eogq-eoa*er
6166 r"
(nreere. qG)-"atst, 6flt6r {6G ae8njq ord6 ?"
uqrc,6t o66ao, 9x 60qfl1et1 errx e9gr

flrqa-atad qdet d qfltltg,-6lofllc6 ord' 6Gq

flG'da1o ao6a ae1aG, 6oq6o1o ost otti'4661a66l ae8niq
qaG r

qlorflqq-d, 6As flc aG 6G'oGt 6161161661, -ata aG

CIo6ca erQetq t

goder od'e qglo I olqatra 66arsrel q'6ie

R6nrR nfta ge{ie1o 6ta eqaG t

o66r€'l qqg 66''t6'661 u6e6-c'g qoo q"6-qd

otqoGa e,q agqd t eqQ G'lq6'rq6lqo gGnt oeotolfiQ aal
q6 orqoce aa1o6't eela6-eoge,tga6 t

g8Rtn-ato61a'6r 6G''cll6l1,-Gl fi'Gqcn alod a66r

ora 6oq atqce-ggoQareer qodat r

qroraqe(nreer qq6e qG)-d oca qq eoqotdQ

ard' r eerr6.q 66 eoq 6G'6elal eeto66-ata 66 ee6t g

eee etd I 60atglot 6o6tac'lq 6cael6n I q"Q q'd6' ao A

qfihlg eqtaofr ! 6rqo1c' alqe 6oq flqolc aalqc 6s6ll-
6q6G6466, ata acq 6'3 6{ 60661 I Q"e eoel eo6 atQfr t

6oqCIg grfrae.o flt' aGQ 6'Qfit, qodnq<el$ 66'6r eln, -

q6 oQnt et t

fl6 flfto qato6'q38t6'1 I aoq qla 9s eetoG I olqo

otq6 oreee, G,ataQGQ, otQtg ao6o6l eeaaG I
qd e'al-G'gelotg6t o6e'g s'6ie-edlot o6o
qlotnqq-6''sctals6lo6o Eqaolo el6a t ota eoqfr
eoel ore,6 t ORtRtsc gq OOa6, 6ea cQen, ri ctot 0Q t

orgr eQe6'l otet d66E66t e66l I Ql6l166l QIQ-AlA 41fl60

d'eoeeqtg Gqfit r'
"G'aq eqen qQod q'tfrgta aqo 6et c6et on I 6'adl
e,qe ?"
ROntR-d, q'Qt6t0 €Et6'onnteq ctd t

r. Olotnqq trlc qdqo6o9.6aqel6a t o6o 6'aetolfl6e.o

atfl 6r9t6, RI-9C I Qe-R[oX, etOtgtQ-er9fl qlqla I
eex qlQtnqq 6,atqc
qlotnqq-66t1ff qls qqt8'6 6oa q6,r a60 r qfls ql
g CI6q'O1ff61 66116'{ 66llG'{ 610 I

(n6nrne. qG)-qno eqE oar6 {fircg qao r

RSRIR (aera,r)-edlor aG 6466' 6'61 6r6n oro

6aap{6n r G'66r o6o eqo Qoqro sdeg 6oaA6R r 'rj erar
rle oQ6,-66,o-6aate-sqodn t' cdq. qfl a6R-
'6q'G,lB 6'16r ?' gq nQnt 'at8t 6't r' 'q6fl qr'6q oror&6t
6'10 ?'-'atsr ct' t 'q'6ic o+ic QG oQa t'-'arsr cr r'
o6o q6ed oar oga6 s 6nra qq aA eQA r {Q
aflflco oflc'61eq-edlorq6erqnr6nr r eqQ enro6 oQftr,
'o0G6,1, uroo oe*6 6'to6 t o0o q'Qen, '6'r' I ee cQnt, 'rf
qr"srq, oro&n e,rss erd, fu od6 e,r6o r

fiqa E'q'qara etgaaq-Qsq 6oa
qerrnqe(oero,r) e,t6eR 6,'61 6e6' r oeeal
-orc,r otg q,q.
o16 eee,rq e.'r6er ooaro r aqa d ara erg aeg r
"fiEq6eq'efia6o egrororiv aqa6oor66a, q6fl aa6t
aad 6oq arqs ? -qQ orc'rgncg aerd q6n 6oq orqa ?
aqc oQen,-(91' r 6g160 6oqotqs ? -'G't'-6ta 6to6Q
off 6oqorqa' ? -'fl' | '6o6G' cad 60610rgo' ? -'66,6,6'
ooro oql r

,,69 6eq,6,9fl1o s,q6 ec,qot6e, 6q nsq Q6 ot6e I

"60 66,6,6'' 6066 6rqo d'eqara qqaas ea doqa r

elcq 6G,6r661 arfla ordq oad ? qaflta oQelen, Ei 6a nsq

{60 e't6o ard,-eaec' 6trgr 6er eeo t

(aleac qG) - "{or ord' 6a6ost6 serr 66 6a r

(n6nrnc qO)-"ar6q q6a a6o <erc (areoco)

6'10rG or6q ora r oQ 6oq6n aaloe 6go r"
q1{Lo n6nm qq6s 96 aosoo-G,Grfi1nl
qlornqq 6e arqeeo eQeG r a6nrR qq6 oronrec
e'en eQ orqo6'o erqo oarqo ore oqe6 r

qlorflqq (areoe" qG)-sA eto acno66l Gclst{

us'gr eo6 ora6 r cerntnrG 6aeo an nrg6 r
aqra6 0660q,, 9x 60qCIta1 errx Q9E

"6Gq ate n'lq't I 6oq-eqQ u6o qOotco I 6116'l*

fi q Q6'11$ l, 6OG'6'11 6) l, COR1 6.,1, 6,0 0.6'11 C'l

qen o6olco, eG€oooaq 6sl

orqoca otRntnl ede
"66qq'B6r6t a6a 6'en16'teo 6qta 6Q66l 66'66'qsigra
6qa I 6q6o6a6n qq c etfr r oointa eoq6 0q r e6eeooet
flAsea aQ eoq 6atfi$ otG., 6gfla ota oqo eo6 t

(n6nrnc gG)-aqo d ngov 6alo Rlnl nqaG-

eqd eeen nO srfia eetao6 t 66otee 6st 6aG-o*6FI
eGorec t
"a6e aeo 6e'o qelo (a6otcc) eoqotd nqov aetq
q{, are ar6,c66l at6q I aotq atqla odc eesn eoo6 g< t
(nreac qG)-eqOn eqQ otQsa atq atq c'lqolcls 6oq
soo6 cateednlt I

"6q' 6o6o6a6n q-qqoq eos6, 6Et6G6aGn'rj Gs t'

.ri6{ r' eqrfr qot oer6 t

"adrs166r(aulrloraraetsa) sQ cat aG tetoe aqaG,

'6e 6rrgr, 6060 q6Jg qg q6fl,-El1ot 6aa6' qq q16ala
eqraeG' r

"orgtfi1nt6o a6eaolatc'S 6oq 6atai6eal atota$ d

sQag flAsqa o1o uG oQaG I aqn oa6l afllo 6Qlll 6Q6ll I
"gflret qat co6 erd'G t qqglcnta ooaolc'o eot6<
e6r6v qo I q6'lf1 qfltelc'otccl ooafiaa 6ed1 qcl6l I
e.r66 eq,Rl6so otqa eeot aeldq
816,6, 9 oBo aq,gl
q6)-ald6 ri eenr6 eeeR ae8ri'r g< r

6o160 erna qoraeo aqe6 I atnao aq 6oia fltetl ao66t I

"orqle qg atgc' qg qcr6o ofr egog nee ri filalq

oQeo6 r

6uura6lclco ELGaq c{e. oeer Golnl erre

6flta aG aotaq't otd'eaaelen t eqOs'
0166,9 frgc aerqOeler oat P{6lt-66'6e 6qo {e'acqfll6('
Q99 q1Qrfiqq aarqo
arQ6e 6c,rfr q&etfr I caGGBt aar cQQ eerfr 0q cde1fr r

0rlrc,6''r0q ora qq o1frofr 6q6o6a66' eQft, 'flt' q6gt


eQe t rj ara auo eQQ I

qdear-cargra 6'r orRRrnce sl', ental-q6'l
"69161 8ra1o qare gee r mra 6aq606$ eq-6,6q,
6flr0 qd 6CIr6r !

"6erflr6r Q' 6,Q66r, qnei edarG, flal eoeotd'otact

"6fl6r qote sQ 6o-6flre ctt' eg 6,t6o I or6cq
frgeer o6er 6q ear cQee r eqQ cardear r qoqolqa ffit6'o
eorBs 6ooea se'ro o6o qq 6ata olarG I

"oo a6'gr6sr-6grct aegr66l-oea6 I Geqetgta

gq6c' q6r6a eoogrfr a6e r Hr6'1 a6,gr6o oq6cl eqQG
gaer erd r

"{ aG''gr66r 6a66 flrar d qq seroa6 r odg org

GQqQrq or{ r

"G,tn1666r eoqfr, flrar d' qg eeraaG-9E66ue

sriqa-oroeo s6oa"o ora odqe t

"6Ugt6rtRGO RIAIS O16 eOerq OtA AtAgt66 erd r

eoqfr orao sor6{ qo r flrar6 eerolc" 6oea 6oqG'tq ot{

eerfr, qoror q6'r e6a r

"6916rqt (aosrnco gtqtot') otoso oto qnta 646,

orsro66r r[ q6 e,flqro 066l r

"q6aflt66'69r ore'661 qro 6oa G'flqte ao, qg et6n

01066r Ero G< 6.q I-arerq6a6e olo qeierg0s erdr
"{Q er6,gr6o erqa6 ec',tfr aaqro 6oeta6,le. q{ I

"6q'$ gq6fira6" griqe ata 6oere gardtgeat qqcu

6QGl, 68t6' 6qA-O|QQ 6AIA1661 6il66' l"
ag,6.d odeeo
ofieoqa fl6ae6l eeagr6 oBruG,G q6r6a
orqo qlotfiqe armnOerso eqQ qci o66o a6e 6816'
$6'6eo s,Q oro qqo6 I qtg qfltco qlqo eQenre't qtoqtnr
ffo oraaG r arG aQer6r 9o 6,;fr6 otnqc',; elqrouot 6q,
g nrd Qr[x q1qt6'tG6fi CIselcc,oQaG g 610 q6JsG-
c66lq, 960g (frq), fltqe, eQearnv qq6 aeaea eQsG I

qlqa c'6ogc Col q'g aaffiioco oQn elen; oreer

oecnro qrQ eeorqoreero6erers'6i eo Gq.6o oQaG rxoOG
sQeo flGso 6taatq 66 a ars I c6ag <Qqq etreereo aG
eq60 aCI,6 r

ero orfrOc'r 6corq orqa6"o 6to1o oR Rrd r eloea

a6c0 6a oB 60a 6rfit 6atae{6u I

eQenrau fltatGcl 6lto ora6,6 I 01066l agaG, 'flt'qfl

6arn6e 66'a aufica orG eareo q,fi aoe6r CI6r r'
qO oQG frr' gfl 6ot6'66t r

gr' fit' o16 qn qrr eoq6 rj arcoeo u

figr60t66l Ogroea sG 6orRc,sreq,
0066'aac 0q s,rd6 e1o a6eeres rr

sos1q6 CIo e661, qrsr e,r0 a6o o6a I

otG eot 6qe au66r, 0a qt' 661 6fu6o 66't6n l

orqo 6J6J qq cqflrg Qqdc e'ga6 ara aga6, alet !

Q ars, r eQenrav q6 oraa6-

Re,t 6etoo eG eflrecr
(naelar qq qasr ner)
CIeoe fltc,, at6e o6atc,qn Qnr 6s erc1o enror
gen grero6 gt6l.,l16r, rj 6er grc'otq qfla
(eg oaarnr)
qfl oa,qre a6, er6 qn g6q6, nt6'aa eofr anrah
q1Qlflqe aalflc'
oao CIP{a 6qla {64 c[ qureg 06,
qn orci' qq ri eetafr 6'QffCI1611,
6ot tl 611g16'l q6d G*fl qQ q1o aa I

qofl CI61fl 69116l, {6G'60 qQG'66161'

6i61 Al C'46 qn
q',|fl, 6fl1 flloqa qql flla ol{ I

q6fl 6A qQfl q|fl1, gcl fll6a a a nlal

otet Qal 6'a qq, el6 eflta q6fl qlfl1 ll
(eare oaeat)
oq alqlQ 46, 9t6'tQR oG e6,
ca q1ao66l 96]04 6fl16c sla I

aq6o 6qflfll1 Oata oqrtoaq, 6gnol6q aa oaqld


orqer qA cgellg 6qda aq aq- oee' atQ

eQen t ata
ara qqtq'CIlaca otaa6-
'CId aoCI6t, QQQ, qQq
qon ao qa6 t
(e or') I6rqqq6 eraaer 6st oeqqol ia
'lqfla^ ffo
^-^ oq
eQenrouq aqa6, alQl I qna 1 6r1G !
Oa. t eo qqgq. ol{ 6q
qqga G6' al6 6osl{ I

eQeRtm 96 ertc ettaaG-

66e' G'tg, GGe 6ta, 6ea eata Gl6$ 616G"
a8g qtCIteolol$ fiea eflra 6flla a6Q I

60Q 06G q6fl 081, AlQl6l6a q6fl Qa1,

60 oloa 611611, 6a qtutnol g6n

Goqntnt earo-qdmta et 6qte
et1o qfllg 6QQl I olqo {ao oat cga6 I
qrerraqe(eQentcu s aaql6'tt o@9llc6' qG)-qG d
I gaflGo 6co
eqs,,, ?6 d eqea-{Q are6 qd mrao 6rs6l
t ot' o66t
eaG eO qG A qo,t ala aq fratr eelfr eetltq<
eos$ ed Q" <Qaq eeta6'6 I flqa d fltgl, 6\146'6q'
eeraa6 I aAGRlrl 6qta BI' oeo 6eRra t <QG
qolda flc I

€16'6"6 0460G" 9 fltd erru e9e
oore 606616q 6aa fren 69 een6 6a6o CIec'a qnr ai8e'rq
6E'6e, 6glfi (3 e1e ato eeen ohe arQ" r ee'q e'teaaoq ar6
ga6n q6orcoG' orsa oq,9etq. q{, 0r'066r aOotccg Rra
aO eq'e6 60, 6q Q"eq'en <Qqg6ra6'6q eeraa6 r orq eoei'
G'ge, a1a 0 66t6', eaQ eqa deera6;
-eoo6 6fit$a fig611,
nq610 6016' r

"6G66' eaQ oQorea q6orno {60 €lB eeen 6o0 t

-xQ 6,CIcq 60en qq e,'Oo 6G,thl g{ I otglcl aao xQ eg,
sor8o qg {6c oan 66s 69 6qetq {6c c'g crc flqsq
6arQ eea6 I otcotq qq 6ataot6e I a6e aeto sOorcaea
oe9, orq'r o66t aaooer aG <Qaq oar r

q'qre aqa sgr gsd r 6€1611 € oBo 96orc'

6q qqseraa6 I q"qte 66 orq agr qed I qqG 016166l
ee'o oQ otfl6,g6'0 e6erro,1 6Q6lt I eq cQeR, q"qtQ g0 qqeq
6o6e Qrqr6l oqlo ader don I ooeaao ag CIo 6ent | 6q
orflS q€raotq. q6J e6e6 oote 6q,6R r e6e oQsn-61a,
q6fl q"qre o,rro a6e, arQh t q6fl 69u6o qera6a 60 q"qt6r
6 aqoc ael ? oO qen qcla coeota fiQac"otq q"qt6r
eeta erQ", orar 6e6R q6fl orl6t c6glo I etfl 6q6G66'66' qq
oQ aQen-ee.,]oQ aae 60aor6en crd I
"qq6'e 66ts66l atatdoeca aa g{ r q6 qQ qflCI66r
arc,rdoqqnqos'e, flaqoeqae'6,t61, sQ oggen gea q€
eera6 r aq66ufl 6enrn I oo qflsg 6< r orq aso aOoracg
6x, qO alae'ooq au 6s I

"6or6t16r oa 69 aa6t I 6q oofltqt6o oaq ala 6tr66r

atd r eqQ oorrel6' q6r6o 6ot6l 6qtoot{ I

"G6,G, 6eeer 0v etqerg 6066 otq,to ctct gtoutcl

6q fl6ca6a 60 otq,t6l atoocg sq arqr6 r
"Gr@ 66 60614 r aLlfi oo a6a '<Q aqei' adrq
ar6,r6r aroq 6q 6o6le 6< r oufi CIe a6a 60, 6q qoa
flar66l aarjqrflt elso aa6 I ata €tafl cr@ o6q,ea, eq <Q
oq eeraoG,-otet 66 eoq6 qflg Q orqet eGr6x ssl6s
Q l-o qlarflqq aalflo
qq 6Ql6t88'
610 I 6'6Qg A166l a$l Aqet6rl I AIA 6'qAAl, 6q
olql6Q66} 6'rqQ G'16', aqa 6cl (anacei alqq) I

oqa6'oci'eso q'do gl{, afioql$ q{-6ore 6e^

"ot€ 69 odc 466l qg q'6fl q'tfrol{ I qdl 66tt6<'
6o6t ata e6r6s r q6en 6Etegdl Qqla q<ald t atstO,ter
6q6nr ata Qqtoso 66 erG ose ctQ- t

"flqoodR asn afi Gll6 q'( I 69116l sQod qet

aOc6'u r etntflOoeo q6'l aqal{ I aolq 6agla 6o6fi
6?a-eetolq6, 66'q'1, ooo edloto."g 6ea t fl?9q,
qqbag I 6qceca66'agaoo e'g6oeo qee'do
o6erq"gnr6fr r olel 6o6sl olal q6'l Q66l I

;'occ qc't qnqca 6ee" loeo eq eoa6 so6 qaaeet

6o6recn-<6 6ole' eF 6 6e t eqeo6e6', 6q oQ qat
q66,r eo 6QGll I qn ee'rg6 qolq 6a6la6o66l 60 qaa
oaqgta sao6 eett6s e6lG{ qfiQ 6oat t"
6'lq'qaq g 6rqo e6ieo q60a-
t6' 6.60l' 6't 6'6tG'16t'

eQsnte'u-alQl, flqoc'o qq 6 qCIa !

qlalflqq-6,l6Q, oq eq o6 eo6taea t Qqte e'6
qed I se*roeeen, eoo6 eot6< e'lt6s q*6la eqt6q eot6q
fno eoa,, eqQ 6ote' c16 aoeo eolat -sm6 t eaQG*olg
qa6ct6'l G'fi' 6gla66ll I nqsqg ri0q eoQeleo 646$ I 6q-a
6A6,6'RqSq do106lqq6'r6'a 6}ora qQo6 t eoo6 6GA A06A
eot6< oQar o1196,-o68ttot {06'6qoe efr sfr ora6 t 69
soa nt6 a6o a6'q aq6 98 6aa qcr66r oc'Q. arQ o96 t
orqoca dQlouloo cld$ I olqotra ael
qG{, 6tGl1Q {Q
"6to16r6't ger66, otd', eq d'e6''en
aG so ctd t aece6c qdg 6o6o6a6c' eoe eeat6
eotqegfr, qg aQnr fllal6 aGQ 6'Qcl, saalelea alalfl g{ I

ef"o io,G' ord' eQerq RG'l 6q'Rl t 46fr, Rt' 6qlqtet6e6t

(Asiatic Society) Rasqo erq eoqafi, GIQ qlal earO eatQ
ac6'6 o66ce,, 9 fltd errx eTe
6qa qq sqsqo urq6, qr' ! sQ garo o6 aater 66< oo
e,66a 'flt', Gtet6e6n qno atn q6 meic o6e r

"6)qG't6r Agr ard6 ? 6rtG'6t 6,al 0661 otgt Rfl6t f,.1c.t60

q6a6 G,6n, 6ltc,6t ooq otfi eq,66 otado Rt' 6egt onta
ora6 r nqsr aradq 6ata oQen arA, 66,gto q6'"6t g't€t 6qnt I

oar0 qlo ao6o {6G Bt6l r 6oorq 6es'q o16 orR oe66r,
qflCI CIa crd'r qea crd6 onraeln t 6ool aQnr orn r rj
eoelord'snra erd-oqe{fr eerfr goo {60 R16,t eoqfr, o6
q6 eeu Btet6e66l ate flu 6o60 R16't eoqor66 t6oqeqq,l
ord'agr r

"G'tq6't o e{6n de16r a,lt6l6r g< crd t (aa,lor) eolo

e$r6{ a6li agt elnr r aQfr Rr' erfrctG'tucor{tolo qo 6a
ara oQfr, 6ot6l 9t6,1 g ooa qer e'QQ, eoq 66s o6 6a r

eoalqeo orfrsrsCI, {otq 6qotq oleot66l r eg eaQ s,rfrero

er6 flil eeen ard'l
eQenro,r(oerar)-atdr aaer eflGG ?
graraqe(aerar)-46{, er6 aB r (anaao eror)
"6re1eer ga6a orei r aro 6o6o6a66t orffonl, Rtar6 eQfr,
fitat ao e,re16 r 6ar6o6G'66' 6o$ta eoen otQ ate Gtq,t6l
a$Oaq r ar6q eerrBs eolQs ? anot eera aro6 r ag6aq
eoo6 e,nra6 orQ eoQod e,rq6 r 6e,a e6,=loQ gflor erd l

"6066' 6oqe oq 066l arQ"G t 6rqog 6G,e q6qt6t

nQQ, orcer 6,tfl qd qre6, ot6"6l Htcl, oo 6oq eoq qfrQ r,,
esoglGe q6r6a q$-g8st-6,oeo q$-g86t
c6og s60 aq66er eQeG r

grerrnqe(eQenrm a oeelc6" q6)-eoeo q$-

986 nar aG r eo6Rt, 6'6eg-q'rg flGgta6, 066r €'e eq,
edloQ aorg cld I 6q 66'6o6G,6e q66o eret6 6a6o6q'6c)
grir g8gt66l I

eQenl*--zlmt, flqoao (ceogc aoea) aot 6ee I

ef9 qlorflqq aalf}6
qialflqq(qalqq)-ala 66'6G646R 6AA ! Gl6l166l
aeqorco 06r, 6AQ aqo ereG etQ" qoq, 69 otetq aout
orjqe oQ erQotq q< t

"qg flfrcS aQe6r-'69ttGG 66 eat 0a' t acg

ofrocer e"Qta1 flo, 6q oQen o*ag otQQ 6aalq fr6 t gsa
fiG srcrotcr, q6fl olelcea 66 66116'616rGqs I eoee qqet6e
6e6a 6q aQGt 6'al, q{G G'611, 664t, oS, {9llo6 6o6Gt
G,lfl q{ t6q6o6oce qg aQnt,-fl416fl ! Pllocl eqQO e,Qee
Ord r SRrer 6'Gt66r Ordq Crd I 6lq0 Aerg 6OO0 6fl16G G'611,
oq, aG o69, <og e 6aalq q{ ! aloclGo 6oelo ooalcl
atQ" t eflter 66'A10 flal aQ8l6l G'lQ I

aqa o6aqg ard6 G'6inta flal oCIl aqetetG,-olqo

eoo6 aOfita a6 sQ eal oqa6 I olqo a6oqc' algq a6o
a60 qcqacor E'€oro eqaG I

ccaq-ri arQn ao oq6 t

Olotflqe-ga6 aA, aA atet et6, al66 eee atd

araa ?

q6ag-fiqQ 6'aqlaoQlod, 6q 6'CI@S 6Oq6A I

qlotflqe-alao661 (erlqsa) a6, qdegea eod'stee

q,ro, ilG' agrG eqQotaao d u6' q{ I 6o6a ad 6'16l ? {
q"qre Gtffe tltfll, 9llfll6l otdq 6oeer 466'a eettngtn, 66
qerot< arQ" t

"fiqoq' atdq 66 qerat< atd t ortqeoc' 6lodCIql66l

earoaG; otoG'fitca eoqetqatQaG t
qeieo qe, atQ 466'as6l
oeer eofi6, CI186q'Q erga6 I oloafllcc qeg sQen, -^
qe, 6 alcldq t OotRe uqoqc fluca {a aS {QlG o6t
m,fi eos,,atatG alQ { flai qqq qflfl64 fllal66l atga'6; qe
oQse,-o1q eaelorei'otg ctet6 Gl$ qq ao 6aq ? q-q
a6e,rqatq eQen,-6'q, flqoG'o ardq 66 qQor6fr erd r

ri'<aord atg6 eo, q66r q66r qlolo cl6llodl qqg6, 6S

6to6'd o6eco, y atd eIrx Q TqI

otoaotc6'6lQooo sos cr6 r <Q oar 60606Q6fi CIt6G,6q'66t

60, GrG"6r erri,1 66 dqQera oG ard !
qa arQr {6'9il9 a6n-q6flqq'q
"6fr6o 6q 6a6rael6n, oaflrqt, otQtg Gaoca qE
atet qatCIrq, 6qQ 6aan {afltg ao6,q6nq6'q 669, ata
qff-9861o aG'1o r Gr6'Frflra crdqeo a6G'a 6otnflt$, saGo
sso eqa0, sa6q eqaB 6qq', {arq oQelo 610 ctd r"
geog(oeror)-qdeq66l otc-ilo ocn Goce .tc
q{, orer6g6fi G arflfircc'e q'tc-uto o6et a6q t

qlorflqqorer6l ecr aG otere coc't a6q (eQe 6rteq6

- t

gO)-eseororn 6qqo scr aG I GlG6r otn c6et a6q t ea

60 O66tCr 6qQ6r 6OrO Oar r 6''661 6'6d e$l A6R flAl QqtQt
(qoo) qa6, ecr es 6< eotet nde Glelcl 0q crd r

"6q6c 6,fl66rorn 6rQ e,G arQqnr lelQeo Glqc;-

no s?arq eodaler 6otqt;-ea?otn a6aoo qtqototq'q
eodeler oqarq-ara <orord'atdelnt ga6't ost ol6a t"
(oaacer erar)
q6og-6'a66rot6,elq glgqfllG'CI I eQfll6' 6alu q{
cedaarqa qrgqnr6,6a eqoh ento ctet6 I Ge,a 6stqtfl1,
6q,ala g am c,rgglctr qtuto6t qtqqnte' 6,'6aG t

gterrnge(oerou)-e6t66' atdarol otGJ onca Gra

6nta e66r ard-ora 6q,arq ege, serfr r (ooaco etot) r

"66'6rG'6raeo 6orqeq6c sq,qfr I 6e6ee oso eqQR

q{6'6tcaaelfir r soe1fr, eq OntuO eatn eO elq6 t q6 q6fr
66'rqo 6< r 6aq 6s 6o1 6< orq'ro 0q crd r"
eQenrav qrea6,-6oreo Qqateo 6qor6'c nqol r

ffo qflrgcearoca Olarnqq eQentorq oga6-sQ

6lio6t 6ira o,
-60 69160 ot6n oO doqrO r

6"6r odeao
ofieerqerea R6ntn gq6 o@rll€'fi EI6t6o
atG er6eter, c Rtd ec[x qlqlo I qlolfiqq o6eetqo
s6erea a@fltac'qGT66l eQ6'G; EtdRtn flfia, d'elo fl6aq
G6eta, enetgl, fltqo, oG'G''la,6ll61lfi, filq, aelQ, ctQRto6ret,
e6rl61, Geatert (qq), 6ee'g gq6 I
q'6iqte fiu 6Q16t, 6'tQ1,
q6aru qq6 arQ qG arar6 I 6Qq, etelt, qqG a6o gaaa
odc eda6 t qd, eets c6oq qq6 au 6'lqlg eoq atetG t

qlolfiqqa ato66r oG eo't eeta6 I 6o6'filoq ag66l

o?sra qto 6rtfr ota6-cqcocao olaco Qealer 6alaq66l I

ero orfr oteG, qdot etoeo oQdll, 69, <Q aaglco qlo
qflrl{s ereG g CIQclloq qQo 66rta Gqaal q,e6 t
6ee' aasteei arga6, <oG qflgca afllUg 6466l I
qnl{ oeo gq6a eeta RQRtoerer qq6 cloellcg oqa6, -
erq aGoteo ftta e GQ66l 66 e€'nr etd t eutqnol c 6QGR
eq6ord r ci arO at6 otec ala G'6q,-'al6e oteRta, ri
CIG,A-qtuG'Q'lc, 6fl16G 6A61 60G',lq 6Qq', l'
eqQ6o ert6eo q6 oQaroero, auo, oreer qqG eQeG t

qreiraqe(nQate'eiete' qO)-{a qato aB a6eqa1

o16, xQG oG otq ola t

q6 auas e'qoG-{Q qlG'616o A6{ slo qfila

6q'eor6t t fi6nt6l afra e oaola godcto oat oqa6, -
errql-[u qlqto <Qat6qfra6aa.oteteei calaqfil I 6qfi166'
aqa6, 6aGG 6ltc'l agrl6lt1 GFs aq ootaa6 ! galo 616'
aoqr6-eat6s 6oqc'ter 66e t

qlalflqq (3 LIG', Sedv

qtaraqe(or@ctt?G qG aerau)-d, eten eett6< eeq
firo q{ I {qg qatet 66s, 6il6'l alqolgr 669 eq'q qq 6
6qraor{ I Gqqca flal acc'e nta t e'fraclq 6o6o6e'en ri
ar6q, qg, Gflt6G atqql6aa6er e6,tO 60gll{-9lld<Q eq6,
6"d o6eeo, c attd eeTU
fit6'qt6qa6er eoto, aq aq 6a I fll' 60911Q6066'1, 6Q60qo{
flt661 o6't ae' q'd qat eeta6 I

.*.4qdq r r4qdr ga6c' otci', or6etR

"Gr6l6''lG' 0 Gl6o
qq aQlG'., 6S qg
d qe.t; elGeo ala Glalo et6 t etG 6aq
fraqt et6ao Q- q6'q I alq ala olGQ aaqla I aqtlo 6aq
aq'qlfi'ct orfra erqg qote a6etQ. g{ l"
o6 afta(qre,raqee qG)-qA 6$66 ao eiene$e,
nraq oda6 I 6qGG6aG' alfl9ll6'6'6r t16G'' q{, 6q 6a6o oo
eo aenc$Q. filaq aOaG t
qrerioqe(a6ntRa qA)-qO eol6{ flo661 46, 6q
<Qqg eqtaa6, q6 ara eo aqa6 6q fiel eaQ t aqo Rtat,
6'1Qr 6'616'l
fraGaaqoat oQnt t

qlolflqq g ql{qcr-eotota o6
qra,aqe (oroaroc qA) -d aea fra6sag otae1fr;
6a6tac6'r Q6'1, oaQ eeraotac6 | 6'99l16o CIaQ 6ala otne6

6q,qfi, qcro 6Jdl aad I eqQg6 adot arqacr oca otqt Q"
eeraCIetq ocg I

n6crfia (aalar) - alodl 6qolq aco 6166t alfl9ll6'Gcl

qo/es eei ageod 6'16'rGl I

ffotnqq(atror)-6'a6l aoat otei' t

aq'Gltgl-ctd {olq-6qolq osa QIG al66llgtt 6Qa
f,'l* I
qlQlnqq-69116lAgl 60 96r$0 t$ so otat6 teot6<
a6, eatett Ui e.rh eQaG ata sat6q 86, 6otcl1 6sao 6nn
466er eoo etg6, ala 6qQGl oq
ad eh agG t
"{ oq a6sei 6aq aalon qs t eood cqlf,'to alo
6Qq6n qGq alo61 aaloe q{ I

"Go66' 601661 6q otfrat-6'tg6' I <Q ao 6Ja 6aca

6016 q^{ I 916'6t alq aoleca (atmr egeei) 6g gG frer, gel'
ar6eer*-adrq erfre1-alu6'64; ql.,la a66r <Q aaa adg'Q
efe qlQtsqq eatqo
"600 qtuc a6a acer adg'8 gs t odor qtrJqcr e6a
qq ar6qq r

"er6flree qdor q{c' 6daeo, ? 6e66l qt{q6r6o

oqq66l-6oq- 6qflt66' actalq66t orfrot-arge' oqro o6
flqoG'ot66r 9tc6CIto aqe{66'l-6ot, aa fr6 6,e16'u I

"G,t o a6erq 6a66l fl qo6 o Isl6o qqsato o rci' q rdnr


ode,rq q{ I orat fraqr eerfr 6atu orgt oo.Sdtq Gqt6 I

"6r6srr?6.6r <Q qgseto qnt r <Q qelseto qtat

a8flreo aQa aa a6elen r

l'aG,o oO er6' oro 6oaq e'r6'Gs, o166o oQ ar6en

flar et6' ota or?ta o6e nrd'r
"q'qte166rt6, ao8 q{, qeG) qv ard r r1e'eer aea
flqog 6lnot{, 69 Qoaesr 6o6G 6't6t, ol6a-arge6e 6o6G
qr6 or'er aO aa a"6 FtQl aqo6. Ooeo Gq ardt aao, qdeer
a6q flqCIs GrQ ot{ I

(nd nfioc qG)-"GoBGt Bto t"

adnrR-nqo,l qa6\6a al flqa qa066t ?
olatfiqg-qq qatQ I Rqsq qet$66r, ata frqCIG
qao66r fla1,6,o6'ot ader a6q qed r

"oq,G,ta 6gd qen t Gele cG arQ 6flt68 ag6, et

ao6o 6gre {66'eqe sea6 ald6 r alet ! eq o116 at6r6, I

"6G6G'' 6,'6 q1 ao66l qO eee erd t sQG aogrore"a

qe,aenrQat fitflt I Qtq 6G't..1 q{ 6fl q?dfico qg6 arooro
6nra ata fr6e ard-ato6lt6l 6nto, e,ia?661 fi6l6l66r,
QQ6,tn60 0Qatn6Q I

"{Q e1 66,a flqsq 6 gse 6ot6l B aq6; soeo au

9166,o661 6CI, so6 ate1fl ara eoe erd I 6 goast r ecr6<
eGr arQa-6eat6 Onr esraaG-6qfltG'$ orn a6 qataata
oG erd oe6l BtG eoa o16 oq6, oeirR6 a6oro oaqrcrd-
Cnrer qar eQ 66 6q'a.ot66t etd-Onrqqo oGoteer erd-
{q,r ot$q ato6l ot ot6q oto6l 6gr aeer r
Q"d o6sce, c fll6, ecrx
"QortqOelt qt oatei
qeLlfiff I qlqlg flqac oa66r
CIerq Qscts qQlsGI aca I ga6 eetrG<
Ont seo 9aa6l
g olql
oG ae6 I ga6'61 d aqeieer oe-olq

i"r,** q"qtcl, 6oqto Q"qlQ I flqas galo6ll6l

",n6"ul oenles 6ae
qdq'r atoo I 6qfl166'6't6t6, aqer d{afllg
a6,86,1C'6J Al06llQ I q6661-g8gt66l
cl$ qnG nrd-eog6
El"Qll6t1 AB g G''{1611 Gt@
"q"qlo19ll6'G'6t flqolaolcl
g6c-eoo6 GGQI

e6ee6e en dQ6, ed ao aonl-otqlo6o -qq66ll

I s
"q"qlo1 6Rl6'G'o eotet 6etso an erQ6-cqelalfl
aaelcl, ed e'rrgnol q< crd < {G'to6l1' 6'n- ooq8
'l<8tq'61 66 ge'ret I gafl-Gdnt
'qq$ eo6 crd, eood o6o-qe[Gql6l' {G'l6aG'64 qq6ot16l
qq6a qlfllq'q-66r61
orra r Qota 9u, q6o6l sll{ -o@ eog6
oq eoa6 r qota-q6, {elo6l1-6oG oo
stt€t6, g{G 9466 e16 gueo eqqG'
oea 6lae I

6Qlafll6q' qrua-oac aoG, 69 fle


flc Gotcl 66eQ o6q I 6oq ql'lc-oac Oq q< erd r

"qlG'6tl {01661 466'A 6'000 aqel6G'l'

69 aeo et
6oeo 6oeo
CRt0fr, efr sqg AGrl I gool" 6'0o0 6 ceQ'
ont6 Ru 060 I { qg 66116'G car Oq oes ctd
I Qolq G'6Q'

flta gta6 erd, q6 6l{ I

qlgoq, qluq'
"6'fft ot6i'-Gal6a aad 6'cG otoG I
aQfr qero oter6 t'
"q66'€loq 6QlQol{,6atO {
qg66ll6'6 eq'o oleoetdt
aq',tl cGIt6'G egtglotot6 fieto otn
6Qool66l' 69 <od 66llQG
ore, qt nrd r

"qle,6tl c',filalnl 6fila 6aq6n Ol6q otee-o16 qq
ag c'al fl6ll{; 96 eanta$ 6'€Q'*6ll6ll6't trlgllG't olal
6q'618, Gqfllcc edoroG etd t eel et eG gn6 I
q[[ o10tti,,1q oatglG
"ej ar6o eo oO eaQ oqio qqt6o 6.,tq 6,66r, 6oa66r
gtei'6 es',t6 q{,
Gloqlq 6,66r, G'tG,t a6ot6lGt aso, 69 6oegt
6oeo 6gaeo flG', arfr6,r-otuo6a flc-6q 6RIGS cj cea
Uq; ata otetct arfrer-nruace oc erd-etra Oa qen, orq
a6Q a,l6'q I

(a5 nfie'g eoerra)-,,{sr6. CI6o qtUGo a6 crd'l

arqc oQ CIq6n nq0c.0 actoc g{ I

fl6nrR-a6, ROat, o6a CIo 6qfi.6.o eO a6 I 6fin.

aac aqa6 I ate st66 sO a6-6qro otq,t? u6 eeer a6,
06o aonqd qqg, 6qro arQsocfi {at6afl6a aon e.'fi66r
oG0e r

"at6t 66tt6s aQ a6
66,66'6'61 q'tfrG,l, eo atQe eetfr
go1CI6o eon o16 at6 eQ6,6 I 60 66le oQ6, ea eoq or6e
crd r aqag ea eerfr ednr aerrotaG t,,,
-<Q6 eeq r

s8ntR-are oO a6, 6qroo qs I ala oto-qdqo

aO t(Sin&Virtue)
qrornqe(ereaatac. q6) a6 qen coqotqota
"6oq8o o6a otqo aqaG,
-on I

"6G'66,66,66., ot6o-
6q6o6a66',6q qqCIa Rreer ardr ga6fl a6a oto oro aQerq
qs, 6o6 otoq AO fren, Og ore qotq. a6a qet a6 areq,
aeor arerorG aO areq otql6?6n oto-q6y qqq6l 6etaot{ I

5q66'6A6G' AtAqOtQ, 6tqotqa6'r$t6qtQOt{ I aqoto a6e,rq

eee, qrafra aderq 6ee, {qg otact ara oeq, ord r

"60g0 eG.t 6,o16oe a6o6' eq6o {q" a66,e86t 066r

6rGG,'l gtcq olaa I 69 o0 e€,qt g{, otet6e66'l qaaoa 6oe
aBE6r flalco ctaeq gtc6e oqgtol{ I 6q6o6o6o 6Reer flu
arso g16 r

"ear1 aogtco a6ca qfrorq q{ I a6co ae o6elq

g{ I atCIa6 arQsn Eq qac, r eoo6 6aG eo6a alt6,ogt
e.oORt-a6 afroao Quer G,6,'jt, otqeao aB I

L Parable of the Ten Virgins.

Q'fl gdeae, e qtd ecrx QTC

oeer eoqY al66a 6lQl sla I a166l Qq' aoaeq'a gfr gfr 6etg
caaelnt t eciRta eod'6sr 6oQ ola, aO 66 66 c16 at<,
ee,,?ie, eatot OG e'tfreten ata ea-letQ ae ard t 6eG'4,
666rr6q, qqal6,q661 6qtO, {qg e{6n ata edletQ Gq ctd t"
qlotflqe 0 ellc6ol6l, 6e'6otct, Gqeoto
Gat6'to allg' Ell6'l6ttllf,'
n6nrn(qsunqqc' q6)-argt, dlao 6 6ao ?

eod'oreo uro o6etq g< t

qtotflqq-qas sqa6 qds slc I qoa6o allc'

6QrQOt66r AAG',I qAgloea, sqQa alQca allo-6llq6O a6 t

q'6gter I qg g16' G
6o6a qno esci'oteo aGqG 6qol66l ute
qgflfl; end'oteer eq atsta t
" 6o6ocG'6n efr6' o 661 6'lerl g61 66 roeo qei, ooit,

oter6, G'r* 6o66t, 6q6G66'6n eao edloQ ata e't6qnt t

6t6Tr016l eOO6 OQq eoei'ol6Q 616110 nt6 A6 6q
gla flal
eqs6 o69 r q6 aG { qfls orqa d Qeireq^6 r

"6et6't6t altG'0 ql6'lo ette-FotolQ alle eg eOc t

6q alteco otgt GG 6aqa qqn'-file sqta0ql, 6ac'n q-
qelo 6er r eaQ qelo 6er o6 6e'qor oa6 I '?i6{, riao'
ser oQ qou ao6 l' ^
"<etqcQG 6q'6glq, dlc qflfl66t 6'olf;'6619e oqelq
gs r '6c6' '66'6' aQ eoq arQ q-qelo 6et t

"ata 66tt6{ aG Ggeolo I G'lql6q E'G; aecia 6'61G66,

ascio a8a6o I ql6't6l all6'661 <QoO qs r

"6G' 66'66' 6oGG' 6466'6acn qlal6r 6er aO ereG t

'orgr' 6'Q 6'tq'G t"
' fiqo oeieo oa aagl
a6RtR nfio qerroa q?ffilc1 I CIq'6'la, Ql6ln, fllEGl
flGeo flBeGrqtgqflmqotatG tqtotaqe, tiataere'{tslt 04.
qgsrn se'qgc'dea oo aest edat aga6 I
qCo q1Qrflqq 6'arflo
qlarflqq (ooetrc6'qG)-ao qg, A6a6fltec eqQ
oo Rrasrci'Goqqr aa6 t Qq' eeen q6erq otat6, ar6eg sQ
d0 qG8 aq6-aarec'6ta I

"{6, 910661 6aa$ ero q6en 6,ad 6ea ? gCIq do-

e''6flt6'qdtor{ r eqQ ero acfltn uG 6en qqg6o oaut q{ I

6o6o6a6n 6'6ftre aG eqeoes'6c,qqg flit aG t uatao qO

uO uG 666l Grerct qOoto,t qg, ota otgca oqgtflt{ I GtS
dooRoo'oQB r 'dj" ata ata <oG oda q< ctdt eod'otea
'a* nrd, 'q6fl' grtr G,rd, <o ard a6ae nu erd; eqQotea d
sQ ooie' r

clQrQr 0 oaflrat6'6t 6el16l CI qfll|{

"fl6c,cer qriv {6'" q'6G e'nq<i as eQa6, q6eqa
o860 qiirea q66a se$r ora6 I qa6fl eeststa6 eqtB{
qriq (3 ocr6 q66a qSir r oO G''a6r 6e otfr 6atsts, otgtcecnr
er6 oee e6r6s qriq e eorG< qGQa qli,{ r eot6s eel6q
oe eoo6 eorGs eor6s e'te t qOQa qou uQ uG qol qriqq'
or6qOerqgs r fiarerqoantqrco osutot{ I ete (etetqt)
gO CI6'c 6.'6e orqr6e66l oontet oeia oQotsa I GfiE
a6'B orfreo66r aad aB qdeo qerar< etd I

"6'16'qa6fl affitG'6erear{ r oqa eetbl ntd, atfi.,t GGe

6arlr-a6ca GGg eeru I 6o6o6a6c' Hle' g{ Gq6o6o66'
6'rgr6t 6arLr q{ 60, flqe odogoeo aa6 t esg6 otace ael
q66, ara eerrGs aer 6ot6lg oQ ar6 <Q oetG e'tQq'r r aeirq
mtc Gqt qrot aqr6,e'+r orQooraor r

"96 6mrn 696f,i, gaaqtq o6'te 6oat-amtc oqt

{e" grG' G'qr r 6Er6o6a66'flqoG ar6r6o 666c ear, elf,ilo
esa6-6aae odc qed r

"60 gn6r 0ar 6oan q66 eo asrc; 60 gu soqG

orqre qre eqrad r 60 gel 6ra qEqe eera6 oreto 6mta
esra6 11'

e. 'agereor GRtfleo' r oqGeem oefl'gq'' qot qdq6 qQCIt' t

6'o o6eeo, c fltd ecrx QcQ

{aa o@clla$ 6ala.lq{ 6e'o aegt qeta soas'G I

Qmraa aest edat oQ eetuqs 6eer aest cqa6 t

qq6'a elsg -q19J$ A?{G

q1o lfl l

aqa odaa ocr aegl

flalnqq (orgnrcq qG) -ffi16'1 qlq ata Qmtm otqo
q6aa aG t sta atqer eQeta ofr anol I 6o entQ acq I

eaQ arQsn 6'6e, 6"61 alqqno 66 ge aG ?'

"60 aqQg qder ode e''g6, otQtc qcr6o oal e,g6
(Gmrar) Gtqlo qCIt6' aaql; 6aGG6aGe e'qeq, 66''6G6466'
glal aqlaaq
Ooroeq, GG6oGa6e G''l6n'Qq, GaGGGaGGr I

"6e6o66'66' fld qflltlg 6QlQ algq$l6' q6'q q{-

6QlQ0l{ l"
6acs 6cq6ore'eq qG aq6 setu eree etdt
9{6 €lgl Goqcoq6oth elta6, etnos6 lqqcols oeo ag6
6aru G,6e crd-qgea dcrlo 6alQG set ot6 t
"Qet s1g ste, ntd qq qgns t ato-at6 aeee Qe
0q6n Gero6 6etool{ l"
"q6 €tgtoG'q, olQlo G'6T-G'l6t 6oq 6filc'9ll6c 9l6c
ao6 oton t

gO eoeoee66' flal al6'aaq; e61oQ ota etd, Rg't,

qdr, q'Gole qq6 t

"flqo odc oeo <Q aegl t sgo6 gela olalq olsl6oo

G,retG'ot6r6, 6'lqlaQ S Gqt un6ll 6QlQ eeltfiots r aqo odc
066r atfl egtutG ata oeq e,td t

"gll' 6,tG'16'a6oeo 6o66'6G'6n 6'9 oQqnt, 6Q6o6o66'

eoqelfr, $0 Ad aQora6 I

"60 fiqQ ode o6a6, olG qlol ala qa Gae'o e0

eo,ot, q€o errir q< ntd t uta eot6sR 618 g{, 69 utc Qo
eG eot6en oa qs crd'r
"Go flqQ ode e6a6, GlG6t 'dJ'" st clflq fllg Q6q,
6q 'fI qtor ea'loQ ac'qlfl arnir q< atQ" t etflgllq oca-
QC9 q1Qtflqs aatqc
600A 6,Qat atqGilo ot6l arq6n 6Q oQ6-e6iclro
I 6to66r
0t6t qtg a6 I

aqo oea 'ef -qtorflqq g 66,dq, 6qq

qrerraqe(ooeltoG qA)-"cj eooe' 6qq6 aQfr,
'd1- orro ao-ri acir-ri 6ata$ dol eoa6 I 66,da oQ6e,
'fiet6lfl,' Gtgt6q6n ooon oQe old r ej aQfr, ,earq dj
oqt6 aQ I

"flqea"6r'ora d/ , fiqe6"6r'CIB dJ- orra c6orqsae,

arQ r 'eatq rf aG eorfr 'aqofia dJ'" oeg ord r

glatflqq-qa8qfilnt (3 ?.lc,oto oql

qrornqe(ersfitcG qG)-"6Q,6t, sQ sroee atoto
oraatq 6flta qoto o6edc eq'a6 r ednra flqsq 6oeo
flqoc'o 66,ff qot6t 6o6it6t eq,aaG I eoo6 oqa6-,rj
aqsv 6oeo erQ6, qeR flAsq 6c',e arco ee t'
"6e q6, oo 6oeer eoot qar6e 6Gq 6'6eq, etsl6'l
{gilG'G OrA" qeO AqtQn g{ |
"6'6''t6a q$6o 6atg6at8 qd atv, eqeoreo fltB,
arQ oq6, eqQo6 aqsr 6oser fiqoco qol6 6a61 I

"<QoO aG 60,6tCIqtflotqflil flAsq q',? l6'og't6ltg6t I

"qGfiree orq'6r ar6dta q{ ata nqsrlco egc,ard r sq
c6l6'l6't o6q,r grd'oqsv 6oea aq,otd ga6, eao6 61rfteg,
q1qg, e6oaveoe I aaotos 6er aeR orq.o 6er aat q{ I

-o6t6'tc atar arQad r

qrerraqe(ei66,tc otqc. gG)-a6oreq.a uri qct6,c

uri ace q'rn aG g aQe I qQ qaroc uri 6e'eer Gerroro au6,t6l
qq ocn qat aG I ffitfi''oa, or6oa oq aG I a6,qt6,r{ 6a qq
uri, arq6c uEi, 666a aQe,qd frG' t"
{aG'"6t oa6ga
orqo glorflqg oFeerqo s6oea otsncr, 6ll9t,
6or, aue, grE6l, n6nl gcJG o@s EIGTGo
Olorflqq aqs aastcer aeSrjq crd'6 t Osteto aQst I

orqo flolflqq fl{lqo 6El€'lo6o Ql6ll6l, errA qq6

aBflrBG'Er6r6e eQaG I dcllo q'qd qa Aed t edatc alel
qroee oB es'r eetfiE t at6 erQ'"'t6r, 9q fltd QTTx qlqla I

6e'o aqae'r, 69 olqo atac'o Qtg aQtQ86 t oen oen

ao argaG r qdor 6rqo aat qqcrca-atf,'o661 I 6a6oGG'6G)
grar atdereo, 6e6o66,6CI ar orqo qflr{g 6qra qgtec Got6l

e'qe6 r eofll66' aotq 6ala eogaG I otqo cat aqa6 t

c6aqsa 6s'le-qas' I s'6og tc'6'o6'

6ufi-arq. frge-o Gcytc'qGrGQ G'6ogGa qao eea6 t

a6ca 6'6'1 6o6a eelfr oQaG t

Olarflqq-(oerar) xQsG estG{ oq'o6 ono6

6araoraor6e r 6q esd' argq 6e, eqQ 6sso d q6er nro
o6e r orqo acogae aat ata Gaff Qotaatq eoeR atQ" I

"(erst6 gG) at8t, aqs 6ac6l Ei <eo ae8nir g<

ard'G a6a .(ars oor6a ecoi'etea onl Gqe ? a6o ots
qfla60 ?
"6,46 et6t, g{o qflgg 6qra e6otq. g{, a 64661
orer66 qed'r
"eq 6orge a6ote' eetaa6 I GodJqan 66qag 6qta
c6erq. g{ r nAsY fl6e, 46fi 6qra gvard r

qdear-oqnfre g ectulalca 6aflta1

"6rsg6reoto 6oto-adqotol 6oqeee; 6suo 6l6tfi I

"enL,lro1 er6'6a$r6l6lr r orB6r aQen atq 6aq; 0 t-eG'6at

ornn eqra6 I enL,lol 6,Q6'rt, en6at alfl6' o eoei'O QG erd r

"crq oro6rfio t4euB ofi l"

QCN q1Qlflqq G'alqc
6119l-tleuea agalQ qs erd I 6O6a qq6Q.466'6'
qlQlort a6Q I

argqq-t4guer ao6'l6l G'6466.r aoneer €lql ac g{

arQe ?

6e6rq' Elgtlelaca olqaq

6qqc'Gal-qno 6eg ot6ot
erfl 6a6aaa 64161 oql6 aal cgaG t

6lrfl-atodl o 0q aQelen,-6tQ 66161106l (eoetta

eornroo) eta 6Q66l flt6r1 cln 96'l eglfr 6<, 66o stoen
arg6 eoaeo oa 6aG't Qoeoe o o66 t
qrorflqq-eaet6 G'tq, {6c Qqre eG atd, qeanrea
c aqe r 6rrfl-GqfllGG' atoclqo 6ga (qno, oate'taeer)

o1Qrfiqq-8oloG'l ! \x aa6 t ednte EolQal

nrQG t
-d $tooa at{ I atQ a8 6'16$ ? 6q aQen-gaI

"66,6te 6qc$ rjaQfr, etd6 aotofi

or6q sRrc utQee eetfr t

enre'6sr flqa6 odqtor-eqnla 6"6Q q6 ode

qroraqe(erraqq6a qG) "Rqev aG qrat ente.det
g< cl6l flqaso o6 e Ges'n a6eql es q.otsN eld I
"ga6''6t q€ nqeten I aqfltfi' Q" atQ 6'6d q&lG'l
Aqnflrc r qoqalcG qq qEgq t qOo oc'oQn al6q fil"al
6u eeat o6ntoso gtanlt I qfl6g ot666t, < GGe I

"eqflrc Q'-eogeo flac)tq6t-eeeoOc tl6 cqe,q

6re6rr, ara flaralec'o g''lft e'Oerqnt6nt t eoei'6e q0 eeRl,
sqOc {Gr6G'6'66,aoq'tq I aflGg ot666t, s 6qa et6e t

,"68 eq GGen t ea ga'o6c u6 eoat 6461 sllanl 6al

er6nr I

"cotaO ea$ 6ec' ? 60 66116'6st eoe oto oO

6lqoc' 6ee'q atQe t ata oqtff c 6QGR entodst gs crd'r
{G6"6 o66gq', 9fl nld eITx QCE

erfi qel6' eln laqqaGa Rlol gl lG'ff O 616A q ltlfl latro

- olo qa6l
"ri rgeetiotn (qrlgG'o QtQt) t"
c66l CIO-OlQl6g6R AlO6lG.0 A6q 6AG.' 6GtOl8 {6'"
acq 6460 aad algl66l 6'lQA ?
qlotnqq-(aeror) 69 0nteo66' RlQlGct 6qol66t
(qrflreqqoeo) qlqfllca olel oq'G, qGotqqfr I 6occ'
q'SG6o 6'al
66116'r.{ ?lGL,l alq olq t edloQ o6a arQ oO
oe6, GtQt qGoteer, 69 6ee, q'?,8 aat aQoteo etd t

or60q 6.,d etq'eQ Acc',etq Z r1d'e Aqotra qol

Olotflqq-ol6 nto e6el d atoeo QGGdq I Qsq
66er inseo ado oQen, 'ri ata GG eoqorq ctd', ecqe
oslo oq oiqa r ol6'ls flai coqolq etd t eta coqolq
erd-ost ori'le eoqotq crd r

"Gl6 RtGt oGeR Q'eent I q'$G a at6fr crd t

"ot66t qar o6o r1efr oqOntc'acca-60 GIS olaq'l

ord ettqe q{ I €'toa aflgfi aoca qflle 6qe I

"e'oo otu6 ga, e66 gac'61 '6'lcl' eetfr otG ato6 t

qg6'l a6'l6l6l
qO ecQ 'G't' 6G'1fr oteo, eeQ 'ot' 6G'tfr 0166',
66",aa etdt eo etqt eerfr 016', Gl'ao6o aao etso ee6
6qa 6e6'-60 'ol' 6'6q, GlQl a6o8l ? alol 4t66, {91166'
eat6' Ont, Oq oteea '6'10l' a6'lo6l a6olg atgt6 t'
olqo qlaHq€GQ 6'Qfi1el6Q flS',
qlotflqq-{Q glo-Qcrl 060 eett6< a6'gl eo6
ora6-conrnrQoeo Raclt ot6 ota6 t 6q flq8q 6AlA 666'l
cqa6" t :
o16 g6arecl Glficlqcl g{ ! ala RAEqco g{ 6'lg ?
e'es edlotocr R6l 6eeeo e,lel6' gQ fretq nc'l
orQ arQelnr r Qorte66.6r GQlQfl 6Otgetq' a g166l Snta6q
166' l

ot6' otgq 6ca666l I 'alel t <Q6 69'llQ Qlfiegc oQ 116 r

e. See Maxmuller's Hibbert Lectures'

QC9 q1Qrflqe oarqc'
6qa ca6lo {qraq oo186t arco66l 6,6Gl161 6q'6n r ara {Q
cere6q aq6, qs6 On,ro qe'r ara arn6 n6erq RrGeR r

"qQ ear6 Eiegee'eee$ qa6fl q6fr, eeeo6e6n 6flr61

eo 6gG arcc, 6g6lr, Grer 6,ar6o e,,Qeee etd I

qticar-e6qq'6'oo I qqe dqlfl616'tea edroe,rqa e'ar

"66qeo6r6rg qq e6ereo oQ6n, 6CI orarq efior{,
6q otatqoq eerfr er66fi, CI6r6'rcc'or6o 6rg fl6,q{ r 'q6fr
atqtqonota ? 'aAe q6JsS'-'6o6G, org dgao aq eerfr
ar6r r' 6q 6a666r (crnroqqercr 6.rfra6're6o), gi aQfr-
'so6 grG'enro qed r' 6fir6r flrqore r eeqfr 60, ee ae aar
ce6, q6 o,{6G,ro aoG r ql6nrcfir6c gfl 6',6n-arflo aa6r
eG eee erd t rioQfr-see s0 e'$G'oree o6rc,r6'eerfi Ger
e6e r otu6'r qqsc' qff6o oQen see crd r'
caaroerq or6q 6G,ruq{ g raelcn
- ooi raerf! r6'G r

flQrflqs-64 osqqq flu arQQdr e6Q r

tgnurolo G'ror'
etot' qore's'6e 6€raer
-eqnod'cea ero
(erra, 6o,{eorsrn qqfu qA)
flotflqq- -'sQ ecqn
6flre eE', sQG egrnaor Qqra 6a6n-0lg Rro q{,-edc
"ar66,r6r 6fir46"6r Qqra elnr r enurele G'ror6l Q 6qtq t
"Qa oeq oraelnr r 6lrgr66t flfi1qn 0 oR 6€,6loq
6aq, orqose 6Er6,r orri'eqQ ag6ca ga 66 egra oa ea6
Ge' ooq arQRr r

"ergr6r16'r 6aael6lr eQecat orns acG'rEI 0erq
q,Qen r g6rl,r6r1e eror orgr 6oq6,rq orae{Rr-q66r q66r
aOoQnr 6o 666eat qr6elnr orarorsqore'orfle1'-{er
oQ oto 6ca orer sJd eor?erq anr r

"qr6'o6ot 060 6o6o6een or6eo Oar eera'eo G'E!"

-sQ aq oQ arc aqe{6n 6q6o6a6n sqq.,ro L,ro
6ara ag e6 oraelar r
{6,6'6 odsgo, gon flrd Qrru QC9

"69161 Oel eoeoea66' Goa CO orgtso s,lfr otfr

CIreel66l, qrflo 6otatc1flt6c 0ar eeraoreed66l, ogel66l, 6ee
arga6 r

6O6O66,6n AtfiAtQqqCIGQ qto Aqe{6A, 6ntO9I6C

qreq c6 qre a6erg orqr a A6n I 6aa 6aaA6R-6q G,'6r
qre n6erq gloaG t 'aqeler I erge'le' oe6, are GtG. G'E
oged 6ere0r{ r

"6fl16t au .qQod cataelnt I q6,taa6o 6oo8t 66tq

6q,q, CItqlGo ooter <Qo6 6ata otaEfil I

"6q qfloso 6ntoc'6t qq 6qra qal I g{o 6tn1qo6o

ea crqaG, qtLie etoerfi eoaa6 lso6 eat flal qdrCIr{ r"
ouq'6*lo Qo60l6t1
ouq'6'r oae. e'6d E'o6ot6t1 arQaG <edeoo r
qeGsorocer qs olflgqe g arq6 66)6o6'd 66'rt0 qQ
aocotolg eg oG eer6 r 69 oreo a6fl ara gu6o fltqq
oGer ear 6os g{ I atfiqqa otqos 6,Q66r, 'arg6rse {olq
a6G,6' oro arQaG, 66x oQeq'-eo6ot6r1q orei'olereeen
66 ea'r fr66e r

orqa 6a6e6''6t 6tog oQen oEG,6'16o qo6flto1g

6oqarq, 6oQ snrcG I

oteaatot o nGarg'aoa gA ao6o6r

'orqeor6,r' G,6d gae.,d q,q6. q6r6o arQ oleog gorn
a6n r aaa n /lr 6e6' r G'6ltqc'o6l6e atq I qrg,6t oOoq.o
qa,-eaeGt aoqtq aqaG I e.Eue66l oQcG,-eceeGR
e6erroq eela Fqecfl 6ateed6n r odnrc flal qtbl€,aee eoG r

qlorflqq-qcfl o'o orfre,rfr arQa t oo eoableo t

otq6lar0r-armr d r eorecoer66, 60 r

flQtflqe-{0166l o'6r Q,6r6,r6r el6'u ?

otqeotat-atmt, atoclg ode n6erq arQG I ctg
ar6-sGeer srQeo aor6 qs ald6 t o16 oru6c at6'61661
G66,-or' eqen a6r6 q.'rd6 r
ecT qlarnqs oarqo
e'r6oo; flG6a 6qto, e6o6, mtea ga6 nso
qlorflqq-q€G, 0q oq crd't et6eter 6't86Q ote
eqta 6{-66'64 ota g{-66{ eadotea as6 aG t

orqo aror-arffir sod aesl ard6 seraG t

qlQraqq-Ra 6ca8 ?
orqaoror-arsr eaa6 t

qlarflqe-fle6o Qqra aB t
orqoc'rora'o aq. aqa6-.( o161 61G ataotcrG t otqo
oqaG-eorOs 610 6ra I otqaatat alaa6-
eqn-66-oo66l 60t6t1 eeto QQQ t

arcn 6da 01661 6ot6alree flt66 tt

Gq0n are6er, Hr6,qur 6erGQ
eQorerv-qgn 604 floroog q66 t

qqr 6q661 srd srd'qa ot66t a'06,

qafl-aoq AQ"orG et6 otaQ t

aro q6r oea q6 oartlo gr€,e6,

qQQ nr66 q6 nr66 ora6 t

Orotflqe-arqr t 6 qno 61G I ato6,6der I GeoG' !

eQQ, ot06, G'IGQ, ora6 t

"qo s1dq.ss6 oto on nrq6-am al1o G"6r !

"q"qre66r o6erq 66fi q$ gas aG t GGs aeu aotG
aG r anqe{er o6a oQen 66< cnr nr6e d Rl6q, t"
qlorflqq-groorh 6aa qar6n eoa6G'6'r e6etR
-'e66G'r6l', -'e66q'tn' -'e66q,rn'aQg t

are a6e arQ6',-6fi161 qroet 6Gs oa 6qa I

aQnre,era arQ orqo6 g6rfl c6a r

qtornqe(aQore g6)-arqr t < e6r6{ qa,o 6110

araa6-eq ffoG are a6e 6rao r

otqootot ata a66r 6il6166r, 'eqa-66 6,c661 Qoqt6 t',

ffc qfltg 6aG,tqorqer nQoroodq aga6-qea eaQ
sflraG a6a oe-q,6or6er aar r
\xQ6"fl o66Qq,, 9q flli erru QCC

flQatoad 6'loa oscllgq 6qQ 6qla0 alq6 aqaG, -

aedQdG qfisoqt oot Gq r crei6ri6 q6gsqt oos 6R. t

atotttrGet gG e6esqt ooa Ga.l G'lalUcol aG e6ggqt

oor 64. l ^
qlQlflqq-6Q46'l no QGICIO'
Ral OQ-6'16l I

RQRteoo ega6- -
6on 6osr qgqG" ooqqlqq'q I qc qc Qe' otq'6G'61"
ernQqq n

Ror no e6o6' e6geq'' t o l' qoq6, I q I oe66q'6eo6oG'c1'

oeiertg tt

ffotfiqq-dc'o e6o6 6oca I

RQot-otoqos aotfies t

ololflqq-fi'tGl, q6ll, ofl, El66lo-{qg 016l I 6'a6l

aq0 ?

flQflr-atgt d, eoro6' c6eter QBl, gcl"Qlteo gQo

6AAr r

qlatflqq-stca gaG fi861 I qafl qos gG t ee,ta

g86-eq 6oq' 6q 6aa o86a 66oter, eog6 efllo6llf,'61
qar-ols ao6o ergQ eoa Oe,G t ata Qoto, qqs6'lo-
Aq 6q I 6,tft, 6gttl 6flla a6e oqG o o6u'Gtllcl I eeo oO
qt6' GGlg 6oeer OBI{, et6$o eG otGen flel alQ G'lglQ
eQc'cle I
e1g,ctlol o nds e6ol6q
(orqooror qq6fi qG)-e6otov ga q6'1o, fiq
e6ertetq 0 9ll0l e6ert6q I fllol e60t61'l-SeaG 6q6" 11160
ar166r atcclaal I fiq eQotoq-ot6o qoo alla-fllfll 016l
aq aq oO ctB6< t
"6'Gdt e,gt eoeo6c ud etg6-qe6dla 6''6' 6gcq
aia alq etd t sneer Gg erd I ala 6'661 9a ot66c oeo,
urG e,n ardG o arQG sQ q6mt cnt I 6ll6tlla6'1, $laal
ac, r arflg 6c 66 qnql qflgco coGcGaGGr 6'6' afi efl 60
cG atQnt, 6qcoca6n alco I Gt'o66t o6rq olo Qtq cQRt,
eoo qlCItflqq aatqc
'eo qeiAtc 6ca 60 6l6ute 66 r' gteblra qr6 6le6't 066l
Ofleea 66renr r

"6'616"6r gt eQnt uflo 6ntoo ortert eQerloq 6q'ta6,

qner 66 etnr arQ' I otgt61 e6ertet,1 6ete6, eq enta6o
6otn6'6t 91 | c'6t e,6 ad cllg Gqt6t oq6

"qtfl1 6u6utaatqotcle{6u, ats,6a 6tABt rcQnt oto6 t

6q 6Rt6, oqro q'6or6e ald r

"66{ 66s aQ ead oqr$ g{ ? ri oqlo a6 o166 r

sQ eoq, rj erfrfr r

"6q oe Qsaeo 6G 0q otq 6, o6 aroeo 6tABt e{c,l

aaat66r oe orl6l od s'rfronr I {qt6l ara d'otg sOsrrot r

"ate {6,gater e6errat, otqoe6 nds' eGotoq I q.qt6l

qrfir6a eh eetqareqa 06 Gr6t1 61f;u r aeee,6a srjqe edlerQ
6e6t eld I orqto66l 6eo 60 arQnr I q6flal6fi' ear srd'eqg
see ord't {ot66r eRra eelrOs or6d eera6 r

"q'qtee qtnt e aB r gt aarei I ear6s e6.r fitQo r

qgo aaqtoc o6orqord, qge.oeraotqard, oelraer, aro

eoa sr6 oq6, Rora6 o6erq ecr crd r 6o6J qasnlcc
arQen ri qq 6'6e, qfle 6q 6q aa6 r
(aQara qG)-qnnta6"6l e"qte or{loe 6 q'acro t
qhl6"0 6e6G eq ! 6'616"61 ql 6'46fi, 6*6fi Q"qtQ Oqtet a6e
ar-46'' ? ate o66t qfr qfr 6or e,,6olq 6eG' | 6'tgt a6ost
6016{ fi66t 6tealqotao, set G,'6r ern qed t
"aaag e6r6 sfir6 arq Ge otgtq G6 egrer gaq
e,rfrars r eoq6, o6eta odc c6q,rq 6qt6.'loa 6oa atl1
arqG r aeeg ora" orq 6al6'toa e,r6 CIerq gx r

"{ o eeq 66reo o0 go I 6sl6u oQareer Oar eqra

qs a6a a6ca aq6ur r 6oo I 6oe ao66l q6 eornr arQ
06? I

"6G66'' 66 6o 6deq oto, Hto ntor a6 q.qro6o ale

oQotq g{ I 6,a6, Bto are o6 q"qte6o ed6a I ffit6' o6e
eosi'orea ata, 6qq66l gG oao t
{GQ"6 o6cgo, 9q"l flld errx 9oQ

flQfltoodl-etQl6a, flqsq ord6 Qsaea gJGl.Ll

6Qr6r0l{ ?
qtolflqs-olg alo o ad Qsa flalco eiee setfr t otg
fito 46fi ata AGl..t q< crd t tQeota oG aea u lqa 6a51alq
or{, Grer6e6a Gtstq anelo alel aa nteel otd t

adeoot, e8dqeoot g flqo nlo qeqlqto q'Oc 6ga

"Gtg otaG'tq 66n eto{ uteio aderq q< t qaeoet6
ac,ieeror r <Erroqa 6QG8olG eeee eqta ctQ" t

"ata {fi aG e8dqeerol I al66l 6o080lG eeta6, 6q

or'066r etdqLttad t q'tQed e8dqeoot eeeR 6eflg oO eeg t

6oeo eel6< qoc c'rQ q{, Gltlcl elfl 69l.,ll arQ r eq atQ
6a66r qq qo6l 6t6Q, oq er6-oiter 1.
"qldqoto66t aesa g{ I qq6olo6o olQl G'lQl6lCIl{,
6qa6a eq'to Rtdt GlQl ae 6Jdq-q{ I 6q qqetqtd ola fla'l
otqr 6r6q 6qet6CI 6,rdr q< I 66'6q',ql q6r a6er a6o qed r

"6dlo66r otal 66q olal Eq 6otaq cala Q6Q I 6qol6a

RrQr9ilG',G 060 qqQ qfl
qqoqetGn lqg c6e 6616'{ 66116',{
Gg e1nr, eda oeo 6q'6166l, qq olol et6 ota6, fr66 o6 t

e,q orqr erqt6 frc'lo 69 eoa otqt etqt6 0ta6 t

"qQqlql 0o66t q16fila {G'l6q'R6a oq16 I qflfllaG'o

eqraara6 I GqA6o 6q't8 G'td t"
"qeqrq1 q16n'rta6"6r 6goe odqe 6oqca etd t
6Glt6G OtSt Ota6 atd t qt, 66t, 6ll, 9ll, Ol, l,ll, G'1 I 'O1' 661
a6a6odl erQ q< nrQ r

"qeqIq1 on66l etdqoto ag golo I 6odJ Gqfllc$ G'o

qr6'ble6cr aQotq q{ I q16lo ode eosi'elsCI o q{ I oQ
q1 6Lo 6oqal flal
e16ftta 6aca flal 616'olq 9a6o elQee I
6rero I 6'lqo aagtco G'6466lQ qqea etriuoto g< t

"qaqtqt 6eoQa 6QGQ flal sRta-6ot otd'gtente.'q"

q6rbA alnto Odee e,rdrOO e16nt0 6qs6'r fiat ee6g6l Alelo
e,6se e'td I qaqtqtsi eea6 6ant <ato61 I ala 9a oan
{aro6l1 aB r cnqn 6lQ,-ata q6, GQalQl sta (aoaea
eret) t"
9C.9 qlo'flqq aarflc\
"qO Gear6 qe,eer g{G ga6o qG gueo eqq6 r

(aaae erar) r (ae rar) q6aflr6a 6dnr sarocrr ot6q' ard r

qeica r qefieer 16166r {6'toot errseg fr g

"qe6eott6t6 eoe1fr, {alc,6lr66l
q6, oerareil 6ite6lt

Ei qge e.'Qfr-qg, 6ero qe6earoa {fitq,6t1 adere aer

eq'a6 r (ooaeo erar) I 6c6J 6se afr I Eq 606 er6 6rafr,
orsr sa6c ara 66 sra or6fr orQ" (aaae.6r eror) r"
eoEi 6a6oa6 CIo oga6,160 ao6o1611s 6oqarq
CIrael66l, 6qflr6c eo6en ldlotflqq 6qfltc,S aqa6, "?e6e
6aO eoqn ? qflflre,a"a 66. 6ae arCR o ? otqa 6os166r,
CI@er66' gra eaQ ao6ot6t1S 6Gt 6oatq err6 qd6 r

olor9rqq-qhJs 6G'r 6oatq 6a6a ots ata oQ 6rt66l


"611689 frg-aroa6,6"t qrQa 6a6'a-gfltcGo

eacnnr 6o6t6,rq oraqnt r ej oordfr-6cl6,t6e 6od aq
qr.JS 6aqn ? or6eq 6,Qer, arQ" eqo6 qt.J 6o6talq orafr
arQ" r aerg eoqfr oo, Gg 6q fla.l 6'al 6aG r

"cjareo 60, qrUS eaQ e'ar oeqt 6a6a erQ"o 61te6a

6o0 r {ot6e o6or eoerq q< arQ" I 6G6J qfl6g ala6, rj
CIr6G,arqr, 6qflr6a 6cte616lr Gt6l oratG I Gtq,t 6ae eeg r"
orqer 66.< Qqra aqaG I e.66 Gto 69t6, el6'661 aa6l
6erea eQ oraa oocqat aqo6 I otqo oro6q at6s at6s
aqa6 r eo Gerraro, eq d qtar6t-qtal6r e1o alQerq q< I

ornlclo 6er eg oq qtue atc,161oq d ocic o66l I Gtatoso

coqare or{ 60, eaQ e1o a6o6a R1o 6eta6nl I 6CI ago
qOorco 6q Q"er6'i r"
a6nra'o or6oq la6 saq, auo g fi6qr
orqer ofla 6erqqor 661ft ateotea fiQor gq6e aQo
qo6or6r16" oar aqa6 I crtsqqa oto qe6ecleG'61 qg, 6G6J
orqo 6'ratg eqa'ae6 r
{G,6"6 o66ga, 96n flld etrx 9 ogt

olalflqq-ologqe 6aaG'<Qo6 sl o6 9g6 6Ql t

6q6alo,ee, atQ eQnt, 66< eat eQG' ord I gl.llfllfl aa

o16eqrafr I 6q606A6G) OlO A06610lo 66)Gl eQRt t aqlo.66q
arqq otoct 6afil t Gt'olatQ 9861 6o6t A al6a I

qlolflqq(flQore" gG)-"6qQ Qo6fll6l1G aal qflq

eQerq aQG r qreo ou adl 6cq etao I {661 6ea
q6 oQe
arQ r',',

flQqr nQen q8e 6< t (orqereer 0

qfisao atou)
otqo oo aelq atQ 6e atqeeo eQaG I Olqo a6 eaq
qa6,66l ooQl as6]l eela6 t otGo
arQ6,6 g olqa6.0 Qlo6]6fl
q6fl9ll06" fl41661 G66l OlS6l I

otqa cl@o qclo aqootae 6ou 6q6'o eqaG I

aaetqeer q6fl G\lQo olG' GIG'gl6t aq6fllaa aen e tQ" I olqo

or$ aqa6,-"6q (qoro) G 6al6'l Aed r 6'lal6q6fir
<oO aat eqa atQ"O t"
<etd qfloca alqac qo6a eqa6, 66 o? ettfr ota6 t

a6 (eaq) ao6o16116'e,ar q6 e,qCI'6, 'Qo6otct1 alalq

c,q6 t eq (Hot)ntec' o 6t6tst' t

nO eoqca oloa qao6o olqo oofilag oGQ 8q6fi'

AAe G'lQ0C'6r A6OEI 6flt6't gQ l"
q1q@ fl1Eer6' q6o <cteca 6'al
sodqa qs'ql 6Qla6'rd r otgo 6e atqaeo eQ
eQaG I {661 aQfllea6r oflfio 66llR G'lcroteo eQ odeoq
oreac'qQo ae, qa6o dlqlelo agaG I olqo 6a atqeeo
ara qderg otaa6 g fisq qtq'l aQ flle'og aq86' "Eq
erg6 I 466'l6Js I 466'lq66o 66s gt6oq caslaalq 6aqo
6aalqq{ I qq q616CI aacler g{, ala 6CIloo I 69 qettenle t

flq6rG'AA166l {60 6l6tQ l"

eou q]Qrfiqq aatqG\
ahjQ atq 96ilfl a6fi g otq.QG" ot6166t aQ6a I

qlqo adlo 6qq 6oqe flt6cqs I eaq 66er c,ei eee r

aece,6c uO qflgOo a6qer odqa 060 orqaG. ot6q

gro gola qs,qto66t arq6 r GtGe oa afraor 66lCIta6,te6)
6a6o6G'tnt6e I allo eeeoOo eqnr arQ a el6a I

qlolflqq-66q, <eoOe arQ old ord6 r

eia,to-arml aeRaq6< arrjqeo eva a1fr I $fi qas,6o
qot {G,' aar frOqq Oerq ea,raelnr I

qlalflqq-frOqr, $n <Qaq eea {el6ae6a egfr

0raq6) I

aua(Qcro aleeo)-atmt, qq stot oQoraelnr I

aro6lG'qroer 6od aG r
q1otflqq-6a,6l 6o6t eciflrc ald 6)61 6eta crQ" r

goroG"o tnse; erraelfr r

6ao.oo o6a otqo aotq ar;a6 aqa6, ,,6Q.,6t <eq

a6ol r fr6q, gn, a0a saq a6oq r aqa Q" og ata qq
uag I qat flo 6oa 6tS a6el a6o I qo,
a6a6 r

glolnqe-.(qq a6oq r erorer sQ a6 <Q erd r errq

ors otaQtq q{ l'
"qflorc,G.6r qq oqtCI a6et oerotet ard r ogo o6
q'QrQ66l Oa I Ago 6ea aneo o6 qen, 69
aor 6tG66]
6166r I qq flo6t G'tet6t aol eoeioreer eqQoreo oQar< r

"arrqe6q6r 6aq qala eera6 I 6o6o6a6n qe'r a6orq

eeo, 0q eor6< a6q. oO I {661 a{oer arn6, qoo gooto
e66r I qar ad 6o6o6a6fi a6o, sqq eoo6 OAQ erAQ6 r

ara qdor 6l1ot, 6lt6leo {qq oto a6e r rj eerre,r< gael

e'6ruG,1 aat e,Qe1fr, eoq ar6ant t aQRr a"6lo1 oGt 6nta
qqrorQl I

e. aa.rQ 6a609lts a6Q 60QG'{t6t Q6R I

{6)6"d 0a6g0, 9fl fltd Qrru 9oE
Gao.seroeo auo aO 6e'to oreeo ogs,6, "atod atgl
ooq acoa6e ara cler6 I eGoeqtrer 0661 6ts' eqragroG-
ara eao6 eq us'6,ro !"
aoe"o sQ ear g6 orqoe,o 6qaqt6o eood aq6
aORr r 6a qorq oorflfirc 6ara otq,66r al,lo g fltqoc'gtg6)
g qoa ad nQ arariro a66l r uta 6qq6o aqe6, "ti
qflfircg 6'rorad ara6e sog6, q6fl9166, 6 eflro atoclo
661t6, t"
<ao aQarg,oo arQ 0o flarset s,Qsn r

qtornqe(aQflrc' qO)
-eSdqeoote oat 6q6o6a66'
orar aqqn, Grqr 0q r etrivur6t6r 6' 6'6a { og (aoeoo)
ure6r g< crd r

"e,6d e6emeoeg 6'Qnr,argo {fit6'S (aoareg)

{6G ao6oo 6a6, 69 eaaree eqs6 aa6 odsrq ereY6
ord6 z eq oQen,-'{rr6o eor8q q6r eG qg aoeqq
ea6 r 6cqLJradr c6groG ard'r'q'orarOareo 6,n aq66l G,6t
96fl q6fl orer6oN t" flQflt qq6 aoare6'gq aaG r

6aogo oeo flQfl reoer ega6, aqoc" olgt661 atfl fl tea

ord'qteJer oog, eoo6 arflo eqQ aO q< r

florflqe-edflro flar alreulc qa I atste fltqe 6''fi,

0q earu oder oo, 69 ce, a6ea o erer6 gra6 r eeiarc
es6o6a oQe r

qt6'd o66ga
o6eoqerco qtdqg, gltEcr qq6 oofllaa qcr6o
qlorflqq q6r6o ql6qg, 9llE6t, otR, 6atg g 66lloln
ar6 66c',r6r, gxot66 e6g, s <Qn errx qlqlo I

qflo qcra atost I fltq.Q ofieorqerea ao6o 6QlQ 6G'E66t,

qtolflqg qerqg 6',q'G'', G,E flatco sate, 6sG ao6o ao6q t

G6e 6a6oe.,6 oo eQa6, 6'qal6o qlq@ gldqq A6$lolallo

aa6 r

gr6rqq e'areio cletatc G''dqqo t afrecto 6lllflqqoca

CI61 I 6fl6Qq A|A|GAA OlflG, 6Rtfl OerA
q',td'1tilE I 6Q qQg,
69 eeore s,dreo eo gt6 I c6rflQ"q6oas ag a6 ael6
g n8ea sGea arQ qdo aa6 t '(Ql ela.l66l 6eo 6e osei
otqos 6aa flta flGQtQa a6eten I 6q al6a6'lQ ol66Q goqa
qqqscCI CIcnqt? aei6 0 e61at q6ut 646'rl fliqcs o6eetqetq
arQ orqerg oera ea6 t at6 <QoO eflat etq't a6qen t

e61ar qe'orq 66s aqqo 6QRt eltg6a sQa aOnt I fllqCI

aQen 6flr6o gpta 6oc'tq Gaa I qtdqq g olGa aq 466'e
q6r6larefit6enr, 69 ea'lerQ aeo qSen ctd, aQeR, '69116o
opra 6oarqeeo, e[e,tfr aO ofiesrqaqCI6 t'aooql gldqq
crars gfi'ra 6066-lI

fltqo oaa eo66 Go, 6qflt6o 6aqoo eant oeqaG

0 orqoc q6r6o atnto aqa6 I olqos o1fro etta gettn aO
eq e0r6s ot6l66l eQen t

UAGIQAIQ'-Humanity and Divinity of Incarnation

qlarflqq (grsrqee 90)-63 fiQsl 6oea otaqt
6ad1 gcr6r r 06 ee, aaolcl 6od ea'e olQlGGr qall-qel {61
qq 6'1ao uri aeaa 46, ata 6QtGt 66lla gu aB t Gt'o ao6t
<Q 6CI, 'ouoloo st6c gg oQ ctec t'
"6Q,'61, 6llfl8g, q16'l6 66lA6A AIOQ 6Q16ll At6a5n t

96 Qererro eu a6or otei eerte aG'olQ 6Q661 I QQettO eU

qrQ"6 c6690, E {qa errx 9C9

6aRr, 69 G'l6rlfl6l quloq 66,rq oreT6 atd t eatq eq'toa6,

eeeoelQs Ont€nr eqtaaG I 6qala6 66'a {a gala 6aq
atG'c661 AQA6 I 6G'QGl9ll6Q aQ66't, { 6,,61 6Q6il, A6QIG'60
arQerq s,re.i6 oiQ t 6q66646e qfi6q 6ee" otoq 66R

osetrG 6eq'q'e' G'6Q I 6e ota Gl6 s6r6a a6a6'6q oen 6q

ea OnrGntqqu 6aalq6lt66n, (oaae.ererat) I 6q6GGa6G'
qQ qQ
6e Qcln atd oettae,lqU'q a6eoen t ot'o661 o6al?
qairflq Btfr66n t"
qrerqe(orgerc 96)-qal6a I aelao oo6 aaet t
qiotflqq aq'lac eto qdq't <Qo6 sqa6 r gereo uO
- t

oa"q?Gotq atg6, 6CIl6l19ll6G' o16erq otatG t Qsatqo e.te

q6c,rq otatG ctd t eotclt et6otea 6o, eqQ qO <a6eteei
crdq a6o 0 ata aaqOoeo eqQ E166llo6lla1 cCI"q?col6]
el60 I

06166116\ qA6'661 q1q@ 66'6lG, 6qG'fr6l qd

qtdqq-flal6la I oa6ala 6od t
qtotflqq-6oda 6qG' flal qQ qq a6elnt I 6o6osdl
agol am,o ar< aarq 6o6GE6l fiqa'ala 6qta atQ", 6q6oa6l
GBqa6 a6orq 6qa I Qg mtnRto 6aca ala {
,,Q="'qq< ctQ't qaal al aeq eq1dQ 6filaq0erqqs arQ"r
;qataatse qt6 6oteo qslaalqOa6, eoq atd, otQt
doeo eotgt at6 46, GEt qt6 flu aB r eettq etta etfreteR
sr6 eitfrots I 6olol stO otfrqen-l qalo cqqolc o6'la
6<, otatqt6jt ata eelerQ alfl q{ atd t agt q't6 6rtfr6en
qqro sqqgra 95 6s, 6G'Q oa66r Cqnr aO oata 0<, qon
erO OarA a6o I 6sq 6o6oodl aqsr ocre eeracld, 6q6os6l
qara atcq Oerq eao r aeitq sQ o'atoq ec6 eod atQe,lq

"Q6' tttG' eotGeR aad 6Qa ? ala 6a q< ord I flqsq

srorQeer Qo eqeR otal qlol ala qcc'qQ q< ard, eq Ao
6ArQ0l{ I dlQrfiqq aarflG
6eara g erE"G't6l t6aote'aegtga-qtgl'qt6'tl 6gte t
"qer61 fio6o oro eettGs, o6ata eotG<-gi eor6s
qea eot0<, 616116l flalco flc, q6, aQ"6'tGt6Io6'an oQG t qg
qri, qeio r eq qQ c6'6o 966fro eeaa6 I CIa 6odJ fl6CI1fl
qo ode G,661 r

"6q'q'te (eeore-ooin) ooeo qq d G'% uta qng

fltat, qqQq, aag, ag'6lo eot6q ntO qOotcc all6lo6l
flGeo oQaB r flrE6lG qG-qsfl <QB q6 CItat, aQ'ql06
orQecen qc qGoreo qqg, aq'etOG oQen ga6 eosts, <
eelt6s el6t G,6', eq eorBs ot6 e'6r' I qggle 6aca qflh{ g{ I

6q6o6q'66, sQ ag'fi6ots t

"666G'' enre 6gr ord'oq'ote,triq '6oqt rj' oqelen r

(grerqee. qO)-6S 8to16t nso aG teaQ ee''Q aeo co6,

r[ mrm eera6 r ffirc1CI aE6 6,zt6t ? 8tc1 atelo a6q aGoteo
erd r erno sG eeraot{ I qato set oG oooaS qai gs,
sror gcr 6qraor{ r gct6o Q"qre atfl g{ etd t eteteo g{c
6osr{ 60, 6uo aG 6 ae'G,to a6, 69 aqos 8tg1o 6qqg
08 6l6Q erg r

"goq eorgr s61Q, 6otllq(, 0q eotat< e6l? oQaG I

69 orsrqarQ qfreoen qgaQox I GqtL,tQ, aQ'Ql6rQ atatcr

6ee6,,.qoq6'r6r eght qed, aq"ore qed t"
"G'rG'6'6t eile o6q etd r sQ 66noo 6'6'tt, 6e'Q Qto
60661 6ue euer cG ct6 atOetqatoa n6o r qO aqOee, atff
oore6't eeiflta O6lt6't6a {Go u tq, G'96, 'GfttQ otot eoa6
r[ eo6 cr6' r q6 eor6s acfla 6oGR 060 qfrots, 6'Jcll6lo
oara 6oe orfrorq r

"vQ eq Brfia fiE6t I g{o 060 qq riqd'r, QtQq,

6616, 46, orQ, eotgt; qA qq o6'ta at61 e'tfrCIe t

"6c,ore fi6'6o 6''t6ad aagt flu 66 Aed t e'eo olg6at

qq coqetnr r 6'66t 6Rt6, 6't'6r 6o otff 6oetq eq 6oo eeta
6'Q6rr, 'q crd6 earo 6o orfrq t r[ olar setaelfr I dca
qg6o ero eeraqfr t CRtRtea qg 6nsu, oQt, aq6eqt qg
qr6'6 o6egq, E'.{qe ETr-x 90e
6E elsn r cj Q"araoeer e,Q eiraq aeqfr r arQ"6 q 6fltCI qfi6l
q"q16l errfreog t eq G,qQ RQ6lr, 6q {r. qq, 6qq6a ara aa6t
eqra6 t arq6ar 6,Q61, ?a, q. qS_ fi,td eara arqfiat 6?at
eood qG!, qq66t 6r6't 6eet eqQad oel, arqdar eqel oO
q6,t q.(, GtQi6Q6fi) qq6a atst 6qat gial q0l t"
gr$qq 8rB 816,aaG, etq 6atuq.( otqa 8t6',1a aagt
aqet66r r {a6t orqer 6mra1e aagr aqe6 I {e6o aa6 6q
6asi aesr afro aqa6 t
qlarfiqq--'6o6''6o6' ifr, a;qtq atde,lo elfi filG,
'6o6' '66,6' 6g,ta aO qfilug 6a6fi atelq a.lelCIt{ I

"QsrG'GpJ6i ?r Qsooelaso ar8ei r ee.,Q gu q66, eaQ

gu ec,q6, ecQ gu fira6 r 6o 6aaft q56, ea ast* ! 6a
eoq6, 6q sral r 6fl 6rr6rfr, or'6r Q Qmra aeirq Qeaeepeer
aerr eqra6 r 6r6la e6ia aQ cra qQo atfilc, eoo6 eq
oeore1fl, .{qie Ftrt Qgrc r

"9a6fi '6e6' '6s,6'aQe,rqq.{ I 6q cuqo qd6, aQa

Ad6, fla, 96, a?"6,t6t qd6, ea qce 6ea a61o I alG acoq
aOorg6q6', qrqQQ eer16< eer16< o,lrG a6 fre,rqeeo rQG
69 aro qed r 69 oro aa6e oa& 6o61tCIr{ 60, ss€i 66oe6r
oro 6a16, e6,t, q6,, qa6,-eqQ 66gea Q0 flsr 6ard r ea
ca'qg eq Q"{Q Glaocro eq,raaG, oq6'ei6 oe ea,raoG I eo
arer, 6q fid €rEq^G eqraa6 r ftr6 {6G oo alQ"6, o0 arqrel
d esra6 r 6,rG egt6a aq_ 6etaot66t I eeri&c qq6] 6fl aiq
flr'q 6eGrG I qrJga 6tr6 6a6G 6e q{ I

qQga 6'ad 6qra 6?rao166r- erar6' oearcl

"Qffirfi, 6e6ft e'ere6e Fii.r erQe't q< I 6q6o6a6a qq.
aqCIa q{ 6o, eq Q" easn G1a66G 6erea6, 6q q"qte oet
AdA r CIrflsq 6fi6o6e6a siefitCI 066l q'qlc)ea erQQ ald
e6,rfr aQen a6ee.r e,*rt6 Grfi eu61e [lorfi 6o6R, q6re6,r
otcY r e6e eQeR, '6rifl ! aO q'qte 6)qfiG aq,r q{, q6fl Gl16r
q.,6oro r' eroe,g ataq, aQeR I 6a 6aq aret6 en" ilqoc Bot
ea-lsrQo aQg aid r GrG'6 arqr Qr"Ere oq16r adcr eqnr nrQ- r
q1Qrflqq aalflo
(grerqee. qG) -aal6l <Q, Oqq oq ala6lrc I fia
ql''lloet et6at' orq
eoen eqQ oqq{ I 6Q61Ql, qfllo1 q6'l I
q1, {6'6etea qa' 9a
Oq eoqfr, .arorq ofi461 t <a 0664
rlG' t*n
e6r6 d aroer aet6, 69 6e CIla I 6o6a 6Q6ll' 11]l
qa flfi'Co {6'6116'q< t eoQ flc'6 otaeR q"ql6rl66l 6lqa oda
q{, 6O6Q qldQ QQGla I

qtLlG'' aGlata t <QG 6'161 60, q16ala

qa6'64 alqQ
qq66' q{ I q166'rlQ qCIlao8 q6}sq" CIQ Ol{^l q6JE q0laos
q166IAq Gr6r Ol{ I 6C6J 946'61 61q Ogglal8 I

"69 Q'QtGteo eqo6 aeca g6ut t 6eas o6ral6l

6e66r, q{c qolal qQolq an r (eQfi) areei tga atd6 ?"
fltqo (q6o)-o'oto1 66'116' {8166'fi6a
qflg ol16l
I 6Elnadl
c,6or6e Rtdeetfr, orqo <Qoota aqo6 eq'aa6
qgedq q"qt6l66r ala aa6l {al6ac'64 aqqa ?
906016116] q6a6 I

ouaflco G66l Qocolot eaeo6c eeRt ae6 I 6q 6e,ae

gu ettat6, aOfl 6tatG, alQ QOCOlg qQ6, 6rlO-OlG 6tAt6
6rd r a0o tl gu orei'oeqtcr aota I oiqa 6CI6o6466'oua61
ot6q otaq6n, Qo6ol6l1 qQo atnto a6qen I Qo6CIl6l1
eQtn, 'oaflq"qa1s aQ eoo6 eara 66 aqasl
o",",i t' otgo aQ ootoelefi, 'Qfr6'Gt6t alqfll6a atQeR eq
aQ eoslee t'
nbe"'", (orgoe" qo) aa6l aQaen t
qlalflqq-d, e,Qetfr, oO edlsQ erg66 646' eoee
ard t (gloqerOe q0)-q6flal6o 6aldq{ {fllag ofi
crQ ?

qtdqq qq aA erQen t(aoeotat qarc aen) olqoa'

oat otfretg Rt6Rt t

qlalflqg (3 EIG'qGell-s'aaml6o 6qto e.a
qlarnqetgroqer6 oocllc'G' 96) ata - q'qlo66l
qoq6o d ooe'reg
oQerg oen aor carg6 qq ale ooalo I

qro'd ga6eo, E {0a er[x 9eQ

aro 6,6110r{ I 6fit6r qogeat6l

atq adflta c,ato 66{ afr6,
ar66 ar6 arq e{ar r o0 6,6e, '6lt6tlte6', eteit otCIq etfr,
fleaorosr ofr, gars6r 66< an qu 6ofr, GarO qece eeRr,
6G,rarq{ qor 6rgat eenr nrd I aqa Gtclle ere,r 0Q | 6G6a
6qore d frorq 6ea I otfla fiae 6fr, afraorq r aQeosr6,
q6 srraQ ardreoeoeaca fitaatq6o6R 6q6oeoen q& qlir
nr66 r 6g qG ela6 erQ aQ6, sqeoeeen frora 6ra 6cG
46fr ( erav) I

"6G6q'eeiala 66< are .1fr6 r gtot cofita atd, O0

e,Qeq'46, aa6 6ea r erraq' Qq afr r eq aQnr Oq,r q-6ara
erd r eeeoeeen 6orer afr ago G,tatad I 6ttfi fial fi,tQtfl6t I

6r'e 6,ar a q66 ard6 t etol 6,t6rto6t qG, fltqe flo ctata6 |

flrqe 6o66'seen aQ6, etGl otfiq arq erd 6q6G6a6G'

flrqao aar G'q6Q arQ"6 t sQoO Qorer aO arer aeoor GOs
arq a66 r

qde,ar-_s6qeoo6rG6r ao6ad cenln'lcer 6qro aa I

qloruqq-"6'dflt6', sog6, eerr6< aagt e,o66 I

aeoa6c 6eRr, e6qq oerer oQelnr, flAEq 6oea 6o6o6o6a

aqer ocio 6eq', 6e6oeoec' qdmtc, 6ao r eaare eoq6,
eq d 6aafi {a {e eyeo qqaG I 666o6a6e qtrJ6}c6o,
6o6o6o6c' on6lo6a saeYorso 6rfi6lo66r, 6c6l a6a qrqqo
G)lQlad, oG'6Io ct6lto61, 616'610 6'tQlfl6l, Afr6'6IO Ot6Ifl6t

"6,6iftt6, 6rtG,€,t q{ qflgs qataat 606 qac, 6QG, I

qflg$ sJaroarqagr a60 l6o6Je,dq{ot6a Q61Ear< r"

-arer 6nra r (oraraqea
gr6rqe (nre.er6 orQ"ae ror)
qA)-qqr6a, edlarqogta 6o6a arQen r

qterroqe(aA ea)-ea6 seraqfit ?

grcrqq-edlareei aOqen r 66< 6Ga 6o6t aQen
opra 0a r

(areoe qO)-6o0 arQen t

oreer (aerar)-erfra6 r (orqa aQerqnr6en r)

e. ara erardt orqoaOoa qlarurareG'o 6qaa r

9?9 6llQraqq ealqio
q"qt611 6ntao 6sg-ari oqto odq.,t aOa-o6o e
grerqe(orqaff qA) -flQl6lr.l, {a6r cl6G' aq6 ari alQ
eoQ r aEi a6otgeten ara 66 qx nrQ" t (ataea z:tQelot etqg
eoerra) <etqatdt 66taB, e[atQe'"'en, < 6'loq a6ee t ata
orqatQ" t

qlotflqq_.d eg (&6i I q'dntq' 6ocoa 6a 6e'nea

erqa 6el a6er e1q ern r 69 E6fi ega ntQo I elic.68q Ral
<Q aar aQqni I q"Qlal 6fi1ff9116? aa6, 69 or6ar:6 atQY i
"a6G'6,o6o ua6, 6a6G siq'Q aat q',qG I rldeer aaG,
ardqeo 66 c ar< t sao6 6qA 61q asEci6o, 6S nq ac66)
e,aa, ueitq eqQ atfret alua ac66l, Q"ql6'l afl6o atq6 t
qeet, o6oa 6eq'a e6ataq 46, 66'6q'Glfl q{; 6t' G'6?66t
qqa 0l6a ffi16'q'{ l"
gt6qq gerlo aO 6ora qes 6l6Q g ?liqag oQ6n,atcet
qQen g
Oec, t fltqcr aQeR, G'1, alc6l?ll6a alqs I glclEg
eQ6Gl, algt, G*691 ota t (ooaaa ttal) t

fllq6r osaol ols16o 66< qfr ;rqa ead filGGa qla

aer6, sqQ o16'64 ql€'a6a t Gt'o6et c;tol6r61t $ alulffl8fi
oerc tl gcltfl Q66l, ettqe'6, q6Afr aqa 6ntal'"i' ereq <Q
g6ar ar4erssr arQ"6 gdlrl ? oiqa Olalflqq qlal-a 6t?6aQ1
iro6, s[orei r Eio flqaG'qa6'6o 66 areo otd, qes{ i',di
orqa 6CI6oseen ata6, ri- 6 ata, ct6e'tq sae' t

fltEo oaor6ert6 odn ee1aG, 6{l6tGQ alciasqCIsa

eoAe ra aQ q'66 agqaca G'ol6rg t eatQ'< Qctsgt 4flff61 I

ara aay 66e6r fll' GtoG'qG''t r gaG ola6l elfll6a6 I GQ

q'fl1Etil1, 6qQnfll, qS
o16166l, GIGQ 01aQ1o 6'1G., olsl66t flt'
{ gra qoq flt'orfl6et1 atnatfrRt i {6'la.ll6Q atQ"G gnato,
6fiG'e otetG t

orqo6'a <Q q'qtfi'tt, fllqa kla6l aela6 t r:ta r,itqo6,

q66, eaoe'6qq, otqQG'o16166l e'tm nl6a6, {Q 60, 'q,qu
?rut6e 6qat ec'ei', 66'6lG'qQ nat nql6 t
qr6'61 o6eeq, E {Q6l errb 9 eqt

afltqs q6JEGa (qtataqeco) orn,6nrer et6,a

{ae 6q otqa qtotfiqea 6ae'eo arQ oQem r qrc
e6a6 6oq olqo cl,E tracletO goro staarq 6o6fi I 6q
6Grq arooregr s,Q gqta ota6n r Oaer o16 orn ererorea d
erQnr r olqaG or6q6lq arQ aa 6oea oQerqorae6, orqer
aQen orn ar6n ard :
firqo-alffir d, a196 r

-Qt8 r

fltea agqo I atoqtq ote Gl61 a16 oa doesr aq6n I

ErE6rG' osr afraoico I 6q oeo ao16 6aatq 6qtflqao66l

ftoCIqt eaaa6 r eqQ fia ot6166 arign I G'tGo Oe', oeer
ora'a Cor g CItaflt66, aq6 r olqoG.a egt 6CI, eq Oa ae6)
oia 6tq'66 r ar-qh G't, {elaqo o6erer flai66t aqer6er a66,r6)
a6?a qhur, 69 olqer s*ser oRe6l o60 {QoG ae6, orq.a
qe6e,qea 6q oaq eo6 orarG orQ" r arG orqa q8 sqQ oa
eat aot6t6fi I

qlatflqq.-atgi, {a6 q6a aetqOe t

filqa-6ato 6qotefrerqeolerQ qet6o fla eq,a crQ r

61arfiqq-arQ"6 ? qfla atot fi61arfro1fr qoc e,ga6 r

fitEa-aeer qi a66,a aq. ora6 I 6flt6r derq edlerQ

fl60 fl6,eq,a otQ t

qlar?rqq-_ffrqtqqfia aa ?
firqQ-affg$ |

qterrnqe(erarer qerea)-6tet qfio eood edlnrq

aOc,rq aa r

6ee6aa'i?-lq'Ga 6ot6i 6ela6l6lt t arn6 eq,a6 0 oet

erq6 r G,rfi1o6l utc'o6e cdqd r arn6gr ero qO etcnfit, qtl;,
o6e, qaeg a6etornrqqB alqa6 tatqt ato6e cltflog, etet
er6'6e 6'r ff'qtatfil, 66-u8t I qfl6g gqto ota6n i at6 atqer
Ru aq,ol6o16a qsta ote6n I
qt6'6 066Qq', s {06-l errN
qr 6c6la6'g 6qs'g 'ee6uta' -G'q'6uteso ai
otqo gqlo qa6l1861 6Aq 6qrsr aga6 t <od
erra ,6atg g ala 6a6oe,d ao alQ aoGo
t orooteo o1fre
6ArA g6llql A6R g Gq6a alq6'qa6 866l

qlqQ 6a6a 6qa66r oe6utc6l 6'al Fl6G'oQnt t

ara (o'qoc qA) - nQrcrfl, Qe6utceo

eqra6 ee,tfr eata o 6alu q< atQ I 6a6laalg oo 6la
6qraat'68, Bsqotocer aogl {oA alQ'6 t 6fllo flo6o
doea 66 QrQ" r eoo6 G)6fl 60611 66ll8la fi661 Glnl 6aal

6aac' 616rl
66164 q6o 486, 61q 6cl 661661 aq6, 69 6os-o
6ro6u, atql6)61 6al6G1 doergr 6G'6r 66 eter6
ntd t

q16rt9lqq-66 qt6r a6 I GlQl a 6466r {6o 66116'

n"."fr t,'ffd a,da r 6ootag ald[salafl160 6qG erd t
6rQ6rG'agl ? e1eR, <oO aal q{ G'la I

"6ocq' q'ql6l 69161 G' neR atg'tdqgr G,tdq q< etQ"'

66lGfltGG' nra6 ard I 6nl8fll6G' G'q6,
< q'qlQl 6Ql8' {
6ee atfrat-alEo 6oloq'6a 6G)161 6'6Q, alflgllG'6 aeQ' '6rq6t
qdoqtot o6Q6fil Gt'Q Qat qfl6g
eGg', 'Q'Qta qqaq aOGq' t
6a6'arQ" r x44a G'l q"ql6l1 eg€i'fltea eaQ eaQ eca
otei6 I

o 6lsl ahelg 6qa I 6G'6J {60 6aqoa eoa6 6q a'otet6
6aq oqal eA aqo'a6 I <ah qtei t oa 6oaq etfr' eg eg
68 I q.qt6.l o6erq 66fi q6fl aq arQ Q66' I 6CIl6lgr atot d
q"q16l l"
6llfl - 6q 68, OQ Ol6Qql
qfla6a 6a6A 6qG'oiaa6n;
6G6a 6q6'GO alfi I clQlclfl, olQloQS 6e,a erqaQo6'
a'61, qcfi aq 60 qea aeQe' t' q6 eas eqG et6l6
? alo6l
n., ce6.lrot t (orqae6'l g qflscel etot) t

qrerraqe(ea aa) -eaet8 alg dGg ae6uta6r ?ll6c

atset atd t (aaaca arat)
qr0"6 o66G,o, s {qn erru 9eE

6lt9l-6AdAG6r asqflreQ Aq6, 8tC 0 Ot6er garr

qlfl&qe 6a6ac,rq oda6 r

' Olatoqe(aerq eora)

- -6q aa6 6a I aaltq (ertatao)
666a aa6 ? ar6ra orfloq6 ao adetq RtGGe, "Ge etct I

6oa6o eaei'oer"ggao oar 46, 6q qea d r q6fl d oqor

6lc6o arflsroc 01666roQo t qea doqov eetfr eq'tal 6Qaa,
aqcs q6fl aqsu qd, eoQ oer'gg' r" 6,lflBq aQ6Gt, "ctoq' !
qn ao66l ao gqa 6QtQ6, 0*691 G'6r 6u l" ct6ro eQeR,
"atfl ! ara 6 eer ord6 ? qfl oroogeer qoror6 0a t ata
o*qe qG'G'cflrQfl flrflr66r eood gJ6tp aootQ t" autqeer
6aae grq, er6er Q" ear r

6a6a6"CI 6sr aqoo aar oQRr t

6rt9l-aqoatqac,l gor0 eqra araa6 r

Ororflqe-d, eq6c aq qq6 eoqfr t

6ll?l-flAl6l0 ! 6nq60 Aal q69 I 606G66'6n 661fi0

60 q{ eqQ qsaeo eq6 'eaerec"o 6'a' I ato6t oe6 ettQat
6ot6i6l16o q'e q.(, eoq 6ec, 6aqso6a afloatg eQeR, otq
eQaG qo, gtOat 60t616i1661 q,e q{, 69 ota, q'n q'ec'te, q'6)
o6ratQ t aor aq6, oG\ oQ8r6l r (oaaca trer)
Orotflqq-{ Ga6 t 6 t 6 t 6 t < aa6 6nqoa !
se.Q eaQ 66s qo'or orR orar6, sQ e,at oQnl t

qiarsqq-6flr6Y qeqrqe orgr 6qaE6lt r 6a6oc6r

6qotq 6flt6o 6oa orae{6n r eqQ6n eoqe1fr, 6a6e at€l
gcros aser eaQ eQ66l, {ar6c ga6'6r esl6r 6ota I gqa
6q6o6a6fi 6flr6o qq e661, 6'rat 6e6n aloer 6< t eoqfr
66,61e erQ" aQsR, e[ aao a6a 6oqc,r orei' r rj aQfr, "ej
qfloto6'a q,tqrqerq, 6oqo 6eq r" 6G,6r6'qQ eQ GQ6e,
* rr
|lQt 0a8 G,tQ t"
6rlt9t-6A6A 6A6Q6A6R AQ6, arOO 6,q 6 eVrO.6e r

s66r Glo-q5 6a6n6a6n'nq6 ae6'o 616'to16l e6eel

aro6r r

qlarflqq-GrQr6l flr6e Ga6 ?

e q, qlalflqs calflc
oq]-a"alc16a {Q 6rGla16A 66GA'16OA q6 AlA86,
6S 6q406 alo6l I

6llQlflqq(AG'!flQq 6qla)__GlQl G 68611 I 46i9116',

qtcol alern 6o0 qs aa 6o6t t at6e,tfr 6aaa erlg6, GoO
atc6l CI6-l 6QA ?
eQeniav GIGQ aat oORt t eQenlot 6a6laG" qo16'66l
6lq0G'a arfi6J6l q'tao aa6 t

qioinqq-alQt t eQeRlatel a oto t

6rfl __e"et 0q 0q ag t
qlorflqq --d Oq., 6q, ottt a 64661 rl?q'(6o atodet
qee aiQ"6 t
SrFr--qfl69 6a 6aa CIlalqolfll ato G'r6sG I 6a6la
6qG, aotqc't qflflc6r eaQ areq6a qq q'dor aa6, alat
eQenrar erq eoQod ato etn'6 I 6061S , sQ qtost -
"69g1e aatca 8ti6'06t 6?lol I

q'6ao q6cr Qqacer aqe6 6aGG 6fiai li

aic6r GQc qff66) ats'c eer6 soel xQ 61c qq afr'l
eqta6 r

qroiaqe(ttrar) -qc?l ata 6ero eer aldr qel 611160

aq,ra 6,rQ"6 i (aaae"a arar)
6atg-gt?fitca QQ6, o6lfl?"qsq'G'G6l faculty of
organisation G'td t

olQrfiqq-{Ql6rl Rl6c AA6l ?

firqCI-ulod an-EI"aoR atet6 RtQ"t alosaa qQ oa.,

<6 aar aqG I (aoaeo tttt) I

qterrerqe(er rna qO) _- q'Qtt t6' aa 6aq efl ta qt{,- etdfr

orrffnr ? q6rt < 6saea Oat eqler 66161{ ene.e'et 6a t

(ariaeer arat) t

qrgqfl16', e6ee (3 6llGE, otgotficot qm*isa ac6o6l

qlarfiqe "ggmtfitAteR Fcrtater 6atater G'QG,
6tQt6Q66'r fiU are6A O16 At6en deqnt to6 ztla6a q{ 6q
o aariqrnt, 6q aa6q adra 6q'64 olaa qqIC aad I
qt6'6 oa6ga, s {q6) er[x 9e9

6L-'6e a6s't6'l an qed 6CI, alsglgltea otot g€q

ora'r dOq r ata Go, fll?l oqaG, qq6$ I al6flRl6c Gatatgt
aqq, ac{e eq 6nrqtQ, 6q qlG'lo qd6, ateafll66'qlal6)
Gqq, ao-(a 6q ql6tl6l, eq aateta ada r flq8q ea6 GlGo
aO adotea r <QoO e6eo 6ll@e1lG'G 6oea qst qG t e6ee
aq6 atfla 6G'6q',-6ltQ aq6, atqa CI6QG1, {efllg aala

"cj e6ete,etsg cqcalalqc olsq 6aa otae1fr I

eQqeoee e6otolt, 61G' o0o, 6g gfq al8l61 eQeG' I {661

6q6aratq o6rqclaa a@ | 646! cal 6aa8fit t eQqeoacl
qQ aareeR, qG etorei {arllg aat eaae t aQot fllqca
6q6c'rarqca Ad aiq calacRt t aQsn, '61fi1' t (aaaaa
trov) etioo t cQq'e'rQ l r[qO e6eec'adG Caacei qto fltG
or6fr t

"6eco enta soq6 uei uci GQ, { Glqi q6T66l ficlol

aq6, ea <t?t QGT66r tGEI a6JG I AqQfllG', q3816'1, 6110,
66qq', e6e , qq cfrq'lqi (61G1 I <Q gG ord eo olals qq
oq6, ct6 t" aq, o16 6" aiq'lt66 Ealol{ org Q" otq, o16 6
Alfil q!'lfil'{ I {G 6-rltl OIG'CI ?Gl6l 6'1fl

"6',g*lc" elfl a616ll tqgsg<a66cgort'T6 l6G6a aa6l

Gr6r, a6)6lt otg, afi6l nto t est6{ 6016161164 ascaqQ<
ora aB r Qgote* e6t6.{ ate'q ar0a166l G6' saaaG, aqa6
'6,6,,' l Aafitfilafit6fi' atQ eat6< al6'q 6'6' 6oelo6, cflqlo
a666l, 6qfltcG'aqn6 'ol$1' t qtQ.atqateG'ala'(a 6186]64
6eaa6, 6qfltGF aqa6 'qt86l.' r (aaaaei elou) t

'oflQ 6eQ Q6?, q't, < 66ear an qed otet, Q orm qed
(gr6'q, 6 qreq qed aa, otQl 6!661 Qlqqlqq'q'( I 6oqq'6'tq6,
fler86l, q6ol, uclqeoa 6cleitqtG, fl6tto6, ae'ta6 {qqGr61
qed t aaea GtG Ca66r ntag6 t ateda 6Q661, oqiqa 6466r
Gr$ 6rlo a6e t (rl6a" 96)--qea <Qsr q6ata t

6aq', qai6l, GG qq 6lq6a o16 d otqT6 r ala Glalq

otqT6 ard r sqQ {G' q6q'iac I olqls 6ao6a 'Q6oten gq'
eQr qlotoqq aatqo
aQG r Ga66l o16 Q" 'q6orAo 6or' oQ6, orq Q" qotd6a
'q6orccs q€s' aQG r"
Ororsqq q6en, orcl oea flQe6i flQee 6ea o16
6rarG r

qrorflqq (a6e" qO)-q6q flar ato66r erl6 6ra r

flS-argr a !

Olarflqq-6q'6lc'r, 66s gar6a 6oa 6teG, I 6aq

6lQlQ elo qa 6atu 6q,a I

6or rrsie eol qei-e 6o1 6 oeet oes
6rrrG6l fiea6t6lo a6?a aar eqaa6 r erlflc'a 0or
rers e6qo r 66a qruoa 6qc,t I etoGcr 0or Qora og Qerq
tfiprccr I QtgtG'Q 6q6G6A6n Eq Ag AOq I 0Or tg 6ArOr errf]6.
060 A6a r 69 Qorora q6r6a oa aO 6q qge 6ata ael6n I

c,afira Qarore'er eaq erho oci r 6ororq" orei eq Colc"

€to66l flRect fl€e6t a6oro e'er6 r arG eaQoq e'ar 6eaa6 ,

6lt?l-arot stSto eq,taotaa6 t

qterraqe(orofltG'G" q6)-6J5n ? atot 6tolo 6eta-

oraa6 r ar€l { orn aE'6 r

orer-ea (6oror) oetqarQnr fltq6a aor6 r 66 ar 66

61066re 6qa r atflfit6,Ge q'qt6l atfr ora6 | 66,61rj asa ea
atoo60 ota 0g orqYG orQ"6 :
Gertg(arae gG)-qaa e1S fial <Qod atoo6e 061
ar t (aoacer arov) r

qterraqe(aarar)-{ aa6l er6 srOar ea,ra6 r qr6

eerr6x G,t6lt661 6rQ6'rr, q6lt ata eett6< 6,t6lt66l aont t 6e
eo16< 66ee, aG aa,l66lee t
ercr-gtgt6la, at6glfl6G' ataoco aq I sq atQeR
q'qt6't 6it6r6G" {o0 966,-
o1CIlflqq-Q, 6G66) A6l6lt 061 OQ 6AQOr6l, 6q {G,
gara ! flrqq fltq qq fioo 6q,G, I q'to, ftt' 6060 ag 6Jq !
s {qA erru 9ec
qt6"6l o66eq,,

6,6t6.r 6clt6G oot6el, atgt6 ogGA aad

6la6 t ri eQfrso
aa66Q I 6GlA QAd 6AlA6 60, 6Gl AlOlG 096A
qq'6qgll6c aGq'
- "G866' 6616{ 6'al 46, 6oaifll6a
ararq 6uaaro- r so6 6 aGe qqaq fld 6alol{ cld l"
"n qol-aae,69 6?6n.fld qqoqlo 6eeu
q6JS oe6elu6o
6arq-flQ161fl, G'lol, fll' o0 ea=letQ qqco aoCIlLl
e,6atatG, edlsrQ orfl16'a oto a6alatG t
qlolflqq-GlQl 6Q0t lgtt'Qeraelt 64661flal oqla a6e
ard r aqc ergc elqoqre o6q eq 6aalq 6qfll6c
r oqaqatQ
60, GrG qag qq"gl'o'a t r[aQfr,eo aa6l 6q'
gqao qalq.6oa ? G'q 6a6a al G'ad aG r qsa 6'lS fiq
eetfr et6e I ^
"oqlO 6fl1 q6l qQoer ot<, GatO 6fl1 qq 6'oql6'c
6llfl I

eGocqeoe o ot'-ogot{6t st6l

"gll-Qlol ad at1 66g eq ? 6qfl16? qaa 6' 6a6n
ua-eri 66 qs etQ"te6onqcaa G 691160 agei' oatO
qdel eaeoOe ud fllal6 g€la6n t e.'Qsn r[ o€eo flGsa
*A g"q- eo$t466 r (ateera qG Gerera aQ" aQ) ala
*en,i,o,, 9ll', flqst e,en, q'6igtta acaa OntOfr fltl 6QGR'
q1 6c)a etqt6 atQq't l Qlol fllals o,t6 eoQ, ot antg eao
etan e6eG't qr6 elqta6 I qflo G'lolq6l aote atd eetfr;
qfl6s aqu) t
Glet e, sesn e[ e.'q6, {e. t (oeirso
"eaeo616s aer aG I 6G'G'6{61, 6t8aet'
q6 6qaet'
q1G\61 I gll', G'lol*6t 6\6 g6edtu o 6'6', ee1erQ erdr
€lQl 6G'9l6ll ! _
"slo stgeoqe qlslq ooG'o1 I s6166t ao' CIl
o66t <Q
eoot odeleoq fllq6l6oet
q'6ot t' eq d 6aG'fi qt' eQtaa6 t
99o qlarfiqq Gatflo
"6060 e1 6q\6, qq 6q Q" r rj eoq qotq. 6li aQareer
otQ" r' 6aQ 6aQ 6qta (t6o, eel 6)ai 6,at G6t, 69 e,leeier
ata {eqata I atflqqa, <Q goeorerra 6o6 aoa zrQ guer
6CIt6lo g{, {Q araad qe6 r q6 ast, ,oqee qtq 6aata
aar aG !' {66r flt'qQ 6laatqor< 6're", Fec q,re, oe,ret e6orq
ar< r sfr6 orCI g{ I

qfls a66]6< Ao ? aeqtqj g aeiq,q

"6G6e sal6s aai aG r o6 egealqto q{, otet6e6n
6<6'r oto, 6rtet fit', Oxer qt I 6rqa6" 96 <eo qt6 eo,
or6n oh eeraora6 totere G6 daaeq arQ"roqo6qFJa I

6g6atgto froO r 6q aast 6a6a c6q qa 6etaol<, 6e6t

6oe 60 <eo 0a 669 orq,r flar 6Jn 6erCIor{ t e6oaqsoee6l
sqraqnt I qtoe66l qlfr 6ae o66n, qtera eq,tfr eG,thj otQ l

ar6so etctet6l aorO ea,raoq.aG-qur clQ", qer crQ", oertet

eetfr e6'la.l gtil 6,tQ I"
qtq@ q6, 66lto tnqon oteig rgt -otqa 6ovRre,
ota G\tE6, ? aa,laco Hflad-atflaa a6ntc I otqa
orge "ete6onq !" G,Q aOeqr (aoarae. 96) ,e6oav
ar ag€ e6oeq r e6qe s,eet a9,6, e 6ila16r <Q a6o eOoaqaet
e0r6{ qqqq t'
gtorflqq-qqo o'6 agl eaflrn oteJ 0s,rq t
qa 6CItore--alst d lBGx gnlqfr a6 areq I

erra(qo 66ltoteG. qO)-{ ea,6, e'qORo66t qfice r

60 qhJ a6oa otei qaer ae6, Grq ots aqaa I olatc.a qfl6l
adere agr eaQ,ora6, are eer16< gtc6e Ge eq,ra alqR a6
ea eq6 org ao6 qfisa I

Q. qol o!ai, otqa6 o6ot6ar I es q6,err9 qlqtoca erieo

6qo et,raelenr

L x"eaq,ro eto qehecrrofi qqI

fl. qa 6ototn-{alGo aer Qq I otqoGa 6,6d qeuqj CIB I

orq_a qa 66r0if,,eorfr orqelen r

qr6"6 0A6gq', E <qa srIx 99Q

"atet 6ctt6{ 6'al q oq6 t e6i6s ofl1 cial6'o alga

ao6a eQelnr I GIQIG' 616IlA 6G6O6466', tinrCrS66l CIlQ
oeqet, ct'et ettq atQ" t egeecaca 6alq ccfiil, 6qGGGG'6Q
eaei 6oea qn et8et otei aaa Oerq aQernt i eaeioteer
erc'qfi atQ, eqeoeeen 96 6Q< 6dte1 aO o6s Oelg etnt I

eq 6qe6r fiat a6'q6' atQ" i eqeococa a,l6aa ueaa ec6

arQnr r 66.t 6qra ad <Qad qd 6etq s ofla Oetq unt t

6fi6o646q, 6qsl;'lt, eqlclQ 66e6r a6'qn atQ", eqeoseen

flrgfi ao6a gq 63ta q'Q GQnt t"
qrarnqe(qo 661lo16\ g aofllG'6' qO)-6oGGE6l
- 6All] 60, flq6l 6qol66l, 6q6686l ASIG', | 6066',6466'{016A
.(ot68, 6q6G6A6Q ffiifi'I

"G6dl oftt6I fitaq' ee,tfr q6eoetter aaq 6a'i al6e'tg

orc46'rl ta16 aeQa 6ala8alq6qfll60 ecrtaoaalen I a6Q6'E6l
eonteofr Gdq't oeo, 6'6d gala egtfr etqtd utQnt t enta6q
6oq 6q oorfint 6eq, atd'6 olqa ? eq aQni ata orQQ
oer616crr aG 6'tdt G G6< 6aY aoalo I 6q6ocaca entaO
8Q6rr, Qt8, q6fl G 646\ Gfirle I {6G Gq A6 atQn, q6 gata
eoRreofr ! qfi qtc'661 60 6)61c elQG t (qagc'a atat)
"otet oted otqt ol66a aS t aae 66llefll6q' q'lal
sra6e qer6 t"
otqa aad afro aqa6, 6q QoqqtR, cta arQ"6 t
6llfl-fial61fi I '{QlQ Atee q8B, qet arQ"6 salerQ
ealerQ 6sr6 nq6, et6uta qfrata I 6o6ocacn aeet qQ
66,661 6CI, {0166'l OlQl, 6qol66l Elal G',lQl, 6q60ee',en q6
q6Jc ot6qeg6ateq l'(ql qq6GG'q'6J6]ale.'l64 Qqta at6et
oreY r

aat 66s ao 6Qal c6o olqa QlflG"cr elet ettaa6 t

greiraqe(ooalaG qA)-6llel6o 6cGC 6]61 I 6a6o

aefltafict 6qG't, ata gGorna t (errne" gG) auo aqqnl,
q6q orq qq st6o aaa t
999 q16rrflqs aarflo
AalOG"6l 66llQlAelQ66l
06Q 801-6110 6ArAEAt .r OtqQ 0 OQR|6C A606A AOaO
A6a r a.loG"e 69 orss 6aas adetq qe cataotaelat I

erfl ao adere't cnreolec ot616o gssl goto a6alen

-6e t

66'q AUQ 61r9rG 06rotq OIAQ6A I OlG"6l 6Jq 6alQ OlaqQl,

<etorei'gs6 gar6 a6erq 0raq6a I

6rtfl-6qa6t aaiaGo eors qed, r[ ar6o166, otQt

Qr6raGo 6ar8 r 6r61rRG A06A Ol0 AAI I

qlorflqq-6116rn6l eors udele qed, ettR 66en gu

atQt66r I

Qtgl-9rQr6A I AA6 AqA6, BO1-O1G 6Qf,11,- e.,r6 e' el6n I <Q eoqer, eoOa og
ofrae. oaq 6fl1 q6r6o oraqca r rj orfrarQc,t qflfl66r
ge,r6fr, qeo Q'eeiQa16' otg6o gdlol eon ctQ" t eq eQeR,
qar6a r cj e'r6ee1fr 60, g6uel1 6oarq q{ I

"6q oO G'eQar'6, qdelflee 6oto ea6 r eori'oteo

eficrrr 6qorqe e6sn ou Oorqq< t 6seo ocrato G'td r"
g6at6'6l 066gq'
o6eerqaca qlalelqg-qnetdol q6'l 0
6''C'"{lqoa glgl
(ofieoqaso O1atflqq, Q16116r (qrat qgtcc), auo,
oG (qrar gotarec) qq6 ooatce. oaea)
otqo qlatflqe eoQ qd o66o oeer eQaG, qofl Q Q6'l
esra6 I 6rts1tn, nreei gq6 oofllca sqQ ceer asQe aa6 t

ero aroeer gnqtaelt ale1q6'l 6QtQotQ6, eqQ aqe ao6'r68

cr6'fl66rea ert6ea otgt eota6-Qottgco olql I qlolsqg
q6,r6e flOaecr at'g oda a6erq ora 66< CIlgl flal q6aG t

otgtatnlelt6c qtot68 olqo q1alfiqe6 odc adetq atQeG t

at6 a6eta egOa 6G'qq, 9x qa 8[rx

aflrarqlt r esqi'eotlaed qeaG Qoqt qt6 q6a 6q qc'er a6oa
a64en I qlatnqq ota qQo alo6'6o acae fiqa1fl aal
aqa6 I oeflt6c'atqq eQo aoe gqo'6 t

qlatqqq (6orr a6eeole. 96)-qrl a6e,a alQl CIn

eqrcr6 t oO eaQ 6lQQl661, QGlQQl66l, cl6G'teQ 6 egl6{
ea-lerQ Ooqteo Qn Q661, eq o0 68ql a66l 611g 6rqoal6)
a6oteer t

olgtQtntg CI 6or6arcq6st-
aGrqtq 6016l, "qq, qQd 6r6t"
"al€l qcafltco eoo6 a6oG' aCIllq a6 olaalq
a6'ra€,tq et ct6etq 66, eqQo6 aqoa 016et flcCI 6016l
aoqrq a6erqq{; qal,6'o, Qll6'{ qgGafro aoqlq a6etg
g{ t'
"qflQ o'et 6etg eqta6 t Ont-Ofr ?"
Qoqt-atgt sett6< ceq1 616'; ata eotG< qete eqra6 t

e. aelre6at6giq'6'6ot atfratg' r (ertor , el/e)

99Y fl16irflqq aarqG
qlorfiqq-{er flu66r arQ6lr qB ererr r q_fia {60 Ga.
eaq I 6,ar6e aa6, 0q 6G,tq oee qtflr fi6e, 6€160 a6aa
ar6 arOe, rq eoa r (aaacer arar)
"q'qr6)6e q6 o 6aq6' t eaa6 z;raor, 6aa# 6tqat
AIA 66,10l I b'116]l66t U9}6IA q.(

"019166) adaa c61a crar 6a6l r 63 eq aq. r edarc

Grt, eaq, eoqorai 66rft6ire 6c6sl6r r G'r?ro6e aq aah fro r

orqrarnrfir6a gro eqQc6 gaQ r craer Gir6t, 6u6 qo, ei066l

orerr ( erar)
"rjarQ"6 Qc,rrgo,er q6fr t eoqlfr orft, flo, 6l? 6aq
- r

orero66r Rr' 6q,ffre6o6n 6o s'rorfl6r Q"<Q crqrar6rFlrcG'6)

6Lc a.r06r ad orgr aqsG r"
6s,qr-arffir, erfi are erfior6ei oteioq Ga6 ?
-arfi ecc6 Ga6 rlff, araar ssed otaog I

"{Q ora, 6qrai, 6erGr aoqrO na 6q<areaa6a o Oee

arQ", saeloreiaqoc arqqrl6i cfiere 6aarqea'6,ioO fftfi6,1
aderq q<, 6era a6e,rq q< 6o6a 6rqa6"or6a a6-araar
a6orqq{, aie GtQ" craara eara a6c,iqq< r.aO no aeirq
Raor a6erq. q{, ?Je'6,r6l o6ere1 q{ orar6a6n aqerra {
eiq, flqo6"6t qera, <q,r aQ flclcr, ae"ara a6trq q< r

"eq flG' otg s' 6o6fi ora aer-e qs crd r

(eeiroiee 6fl16r-qrqsqt g a'oia r)

"etfrG,j-at8a6a fiq'6r 6,t66',64c g< t <Q eotlat, qa
Qa sa'ras6, flrer G6lr6ea6
-<Qagorar aroqeer 6rqaaor66)
rlc'e 6016r q< arQ" r

"6Grrs et6en 6 enr6r cfisr{ r 66li6r aQen d q6

Qror rd1aCIr6rac66t uB-aoqo 6nqo6a qqfiaica efi16{
eJq a6e{eqr r 6n e1d'so flrn p{Rr, sqr{r::r;i ser6a qar ora
6od ersn, eor,i 6erq 6nr rltYser flrfi cfi\afirq sqQ Oerea
qar6J?ra c6s o6s er ar oQ arelr6 r 6fio6a6e 6tr cldq
g60lQ"6 04690, 9x fla errx 99E

fro6'r a16o oOetert 6q6oa6e qalc1glo fils' alqq a6Q, 66t

Proq o6nt ctQ" t'
- "are adtq GatCIQ agt Eat 6]c'la CIlac'l 6et t eoaoteet
ear6r sqQor66l 6ll6'Cl 681; 66116l Oti161 6€'lA6eR At6 t

"ate 6Q'Gl, aei gO ae'e) qs I G*691fl16q'alQ 6l16t 6161

ac, 69 ata Qt6t 6861 6611fi q{ I qqocJqla 6cs oe'to6
aqa6, seqe cG,q CIta r 69 qaa o0 etot< oito oata 6<
orer6a6n 00q0 atqqt atrlQ a6so t

"rrQ66r nQeer {otq atQq t (aleer qq66 eoota)

.(fu66,arq6 t er6eta 6Q,t aaq gG Onea alq6 l"
Qq'qr-atflfloG'61 et6q't6r 66fitq I qlQdl, olq6', ala
edlg-G'dt atcl uta atBet qoo I alml, alo616" OaeguiQ*i
6q G 41fl9116',66'l 6ll6'lt1 I

"cdeetqetq atQel qfla6o 96l cd6'a aat cJ6qfr-

arc6rG'0 ara mtotdq'G"a t"
qlotnqq-CIlQfilaG' qGI6o {a 6fl46o oQe t eon
oQen Q eoeiqett aQerq aa I 0191661 6061 ord' t otdas
6rio 6rac6 69 gec'teo a0 6a 6e qei uQ6, otqlea6n CIigl
eirfrot< t

6eqr-6tn6a acaa ast oQa6, oO <Q qcr6o 6oql

aG <a 6aq atne i eaaotatG olql6a66l 66e t aCIt q< I A9
aror 66ea oO aiet cgt a6eta eeqt aer6 alql6Q66'r q{
otQ I

"fltgtc6r flal 6otttol{ gJoca aeQ aq6 q6 ete'*6 t"

qiotflqq-q'qt6t a6e 96 A460 anQ 0q ae1e,
aeirq aqerei atgq a6' Oq etqe t

"ej oteaotca QolQatcg nQe1fr, q6flfil6a

q'qte6l orri,i aOG', 69 q.'rnqo (qqYGIo) Gfr stoea oQe,
<QG fl6446 I

e. qrfrg" qeto" aqdfrefi'l{66"1 Ootfrsts

oq,r0q" o6ola,r a qer onQcc ll -g1fiqol6lao ee lq lg
999 qlQrfrqq aarflc
"6q (6,toterqqoea) saae fia ql 6ft16'9ll6G'
6frea qgr qe6 I ccdt GGug eoa 6* q6B, ata 6'6d Afila
6< r eq 6arq o66t eofr6 6frer qsnet QIG aoGQ a 060 I

seo Onrqgu Oar<, ata {a qto6a oot .lto ql6eQ at66< I

q6 sr6qoraG qcrccr nat e,q6, 'qr elsea <se'el6 ol€16ll

aB eq,aora t'
"flqe6'or6a flfi' ael sqQo6 q"ql6t6Q filG'l atrj'1
afigrer r 69 aarro g6at6'fi', ata qQutel 6?at Qcalfic'';
eoee ga6s e6rr0t{ t"
arqocie ar 6rqo oci'esr aotg qtalqcl*Not Science
6o,rr-atgl, atrlt 6fl 6aaotcJqaa otata gfltd aad ?
qlarflqq gfilsl ? fiqas 6061lol{; oclqql 46fi GlG6)
qor6a aqer oda q< t a8atea atqto qtfitqfita a6Een I

Science66r fiqOOq 6'6110l{ OtQ", eOrleO 6QQA'(ABI q6l66'l

6qfi6r froraen {Q q{, ala 6qQGt qGr6Q sa6't frcilaen sQ
q{; {Q og aQa qtat 66oo sa6r adiot{ I

"6ee1ord'<Q qG qrar {?r qg qqtot{ atd t atqaa

e6erq q< r e6ouacr6a qQ qq ailie'r;i 6filfit.x l"
6oqr-arst, {ae qQB t

qlotoqq-coaql 96g116'?, 6o66' agala 6!i:' : 6l!Q6)

6qre A69 e6fi flat 66 eqe orQ" t 'QG Q6' qtreei aQl'r 6ett
gx ard r QQ 6tae' tq. q{ I

"fiqe odao Rat 6fiite.,g qeta Oeieitaotea e'tt t

crge.,qio areaq qtfl1 q1a frnaa uitfi'ca G'elt qma Outota

or6e ord r"
Oovr(qtoroqes' gO) -atffit, areodn ead aotaest
6QlaOl66t ?

et$tn6'qO gtetoqefie ccttctn at6,

<Q qflo6a etfitn fio fiatco utqta aaalq eqaG t

orqo ar6arfr errorn6 66ltot$ Qtaco ote'a nqa6, 0q eao6

gtt' o6dtq,t6"6l QtgfiqCIta !
g6at6'6 o66Qa, 9X FtQ etrX 999
qlarfiEq (artrna ge))-q,Q tlaq I xlfii6!r'tl 6?iql
aO 6ur qag | (eeer aoe gO) arsla fiid sac ae I (e ttttn
qA) g 96 ecqer$ frg r *ate6) ii'tafi't I

6ir61rf,.l arer6r a6arg eQsn i otqa qB 6ott-a6eaot

0rgrarar qe,a6 q6r6a aat aqa6 i

qraraqe(Qoi rr gO) qcfl et tsc' qfl 6s otqer aOaeet

qaro oraei qrd'ard6 ? {orccr firaq6ci Gelaat'Et t

6oqr-arffir, qfigGer gG iIRrG' A6d, eaelatei'unat

eCIiaer eera6 I qfl6g a6e1ot*'e .;i fftaarq orqTd crd'l
61i6il6'r Srr6rralq eQa6 I Olq'a Glsq6r6a qtaqtea eQ
q6 ear ago'6 r

fltqtetnt g q'q16l661 Ellllf,'l-
aqei oa'ea (arq oa'ao) aora
qroinqe(6q'lade€'ctq qA)-arrlodnn aals
aqrqaGr r QraflGfi'rareq6Q clfls olQalQ 6oqi I 6g6e6a6e
466,e 0a aen 6q6oca6a stnn 66ltct q<; qg66e en6at
6q,6rCIr{ r q'a6ar e6r ac't ara edlaQ QGr 6ogltol< e'tQ t

"qgr6l €rgrotfitfit€tc" 6oeo egahtea 6aa6'q1 6a6l

qaG eooraaer qq6 etq Gotaflt< I Qt 6et aO qt cQ oeioter
qgg{ reqQo6 fieatr at6 6n 6et ad ote'd qal qlg q{ i

"flGre_ eoa" aeireo e6naa eqQ a6r eqtafre i flo

6UrAr aaa qar r"
6o,1i-orqr6a6e a66l 6dtat ooqGaalq6aa I

qiarnqs-_d, qaea 6aq6; Gtetoco nq'q aO aqa

6ereo c6,re e61 eoee eq6 aer d 6Qa I q6 gO q"q!61
a6qteer, orqrarate nrriu 466'teCI oetfi Qfi, otQlcQen eqQ
eraa eqlaCIe t
gqr 01arflqq aarflc
ed (gertate'c), G'totsdt qq6 ooc q6rca
qroraqe 66< 60ro aqa aqqe'freorqQ6,6'tota6,
c6oq G'6ororora qq6 atQ otats o1fre eeta gdlfl aca i

o6aq e6erorelfl "egQeoqoi 6'6Q6'"6t q'?'o aallSa ol6'qq

accroruroG qg I oco A6AA e aQ otdotq 6'1lfiqqo6o
un6r aqr aQ qt qg Gea an6 t ento6 CIt611 q6r6' I edato
aaq 9g1qo G'E 6Qa I 668 A1AA6Q 6q {6-ilQlG'',l06Q G',lq
adaen r *r eei aaqc6l GtGo 6la1Q 6'tltc 6ata86ll I 6q
altc qfla66r oer 6clo gq6 aeoe.' etoa q6e'tq 0 coqalt
otap{6n r G}6'rG,, aaer-afln g atfi't alacCI a6ca qfl6l
o6qen r otqos s€eqi aQeer oaa e,de rq atqe{6n I

oG (qrat qotalco) cq666ace otc"a atqa6'18 o661

CIraflrcG' q6r66t oqelsa | 66'6G'6ll6i ateqfieo (General
Assembly) qee'Bor odqe sQ atotoo8 fi68 aqa*64t,
6tq-oro 0 6ot6lCI,lq aqE6n t a€sa aQea 616rlflqq$
q,6e6q6q arQ q'6ie ecJAGGi I otqa atqa6'to66r a6''6llflG"
ooq 6Ra a66t GIAIS 6A6e 606fi 86iA OOlqlEGA I

sdlo urfa q'ar

qg 6€'ru qqo-orqog 6ototqotq'a 6st t

qlotflqq (aoatae. qG) -qe6oo6'o aat aeae' ;156,

6q a6rq,or6l6oeo 6'G6 aG'G'to I qq aofi, aen, 6Qa 66'tbl-
q6lo I qG eoeoeeen <Q 6atbl-qEo6a Qo q{ 6q6G6acc)
qg,-ffira q{; 6q6o6G'6n fiq8q qa 6?laol{ I

"6196,1 aq6 oeo Ra, g6eer q6a na 6atai-qqo6a I

"6060o6r oriqa ae" at{, cqcoodl ariqa qg-ffita q{

ard r gg-mrc 6q66'r, aqer-ootc Ga6n 6G6a aa' 6e' eaq
at6q; orQr o 6Q66'r aQ'qe6l 6,6'uCIl{ Aldr6aer atatqu6e't
6'q 6064 qoq ao aoaq atQen slCIl aal QIG saj66l 6t6Q l"
q,scrgrergg 6s *
oe6r ed"f;' acrg qtuacr

ao-6rq0 e6ic 6cO t

q60,tQ'd oa6ga, 9N flA errx 99t
qlolflqq a6ecq60 a6a0 6aqa ? 6aiaqq ooqQ
aar a?g6, {cA qflacer oql aOelnt; 6q6o6a6n qflgG'
qfiq flo6'i a6oag CIt{ ata elar g'Q aeq atQ"-xqt6 etfi
qfltatg 6Qal I

"q6 odt oQsren atQl66l 9Q r oralelo se6er sQeten

qB flesq eQri6 qs r

(aeeig acclctdlfla" qO)-"q6o acca qaet a6a,

alr{flraaa 66 Ge 6'6r t"
G,GArOlailO qcla6a 946'61 601611 6Q6t8l6n, 6qfl166'
ur,r6qa fraorq srat6; <Q qq ere oqa6 r q6 aeioroteleer
qr{G alqflqotaed66r teaQ atqao qlqeoeqq-Oo'l affl$1
argq 6o6t aQelen 'Qqat 6oq 6fl qd ttta t'
qlatflqe-6Q61, qtqrlloG'61 aQ 6661 otalq q{;
Grer6e6n adoi aqaca aa10a q{ I

QcOtCldlCI-alo666l S6 Aea erq6; ara otetQ qltl6'

a6, er6ee GG&a 6naen aQ 6alsqa6 t

ql6lnqq-aY atqatnaa sQ 6oqGR aqloc'g{, cQlfii

at6 6o616fi eaoh q6l ato6r ac1ofi' q{; qaal g16fila
60q6ei cfttee eoo6 60l6lQ aa1o6'q{ I

"6ee1ctei qflnre,S aeo-qdol 6 arqoei G'Qalo I

(e,entctutuc qA)-"q'qlao Qlnl o 6oqs' I 6Grl6l

6fi'G'tq666l dQrnr t 6a eltrea 6060961 9ll8 E6ll, 6El66r$6l
a6fi c'661 cra at6 orq6ao cdetsn t

"ergecrco al6 q<; G'6'6Q qalo 466'efld oGE';

a6a a6o 6'G16gt Glrcq, 6qte ecetota" t eqeo6q'66' 6qrq
6Q6t G\68 t"
otqtetf,it g &qo'eeoe/-q6'1fl qreicrsr 6oo
orgiatftt-atst, atod 6al6la eal gtqt eQeR otc'l
Oq r aqeia ot66a 6otoa G'lflG'l acn 6686'tneer 6oee6l
aQerqqs r fla6a 6a6G Qafl Qlglc'l G'lq6'l aq6, oqe, lflcl661
o flc-rfi qx oid r G'lqo G''scq, GtG' ot616CI otqt etflRt e,G
fl16o orql arQ o6e t c'afite floca o6 aeo '< c8oq atgt
9 c(lo qlarnqq aatflo
6O661 6:jfi C6 ateq t', QrOt fr66, CAat6Q Atfi AlA6lfit; AtA
6fitab-iq fitGt6qlGlt i

qlQlfiqq-d, {Q 6G,t}j, 6q alff at6q i

"eie 6,a6 eQ6, eq 6et eer ac e6r, fiqog qn erd-

eon are6a org ar6en 6e soglr 6c'6G.' I
"u ra 6orG{ ear-orqr 66rs6o 66 edera aQ ao r

Grer6e6a esahree 6rar6 <e" 6o6Yflren qsr6 qfl6g 6rqa

6er aq aq 6a 6a aroq fr6q, r"
0rgrq,rarfi166,q6rR aO Qq,ra qa6 a6R r

qrarflqq g qesrqflo a@*a{flrce gG ao6a6r

qea6t aEGa qr arQ otqes g6lrn G6a r 6qfit6e
orqas oae, ade'rq arQn6, 66'q ac6,rq ada6 r ga orar
aa6Jqc'afi, 9aCIrQ6'61 ql r aflq 999qt eqi fiE;eQ, 9aG6t
^^'^^ Hi
kt!ilh'bl ^', I

qraraqe(e,qfitcfi 96)-eoe, q6qfli6c 6e, qer

fiqs' | 6c6 qar a6e'rq q< '6oueri' eG,lfr eQ a6, eqQ
q,Q cQ 6061 6G,a r orqo qpr a6orq 6a6a crqa66r 6,rfl
asaa8d at6 a6ot6a r qfi6GrG'r, '6,G'G,' 6fir6r' ortoGa
oieaG'a e6eeol gge,o6or, <Qqqede,iqeeen
Grrqe fl6-r,
eqQ 6aea aa erQG, r wnq6, eifi, Q"qr <Q qq g,rfrCIe t

liaorar 6o6c6a6e aareidr *6o eqeoeace orEa6oaorc6i

q"erarsrcir a6e r

Sree Ramakrishna and the value of Image Worship.

qcr6a 6iqofior66l fiae 60t6t Ghq.l r aea 6
cr;ael trg'qfr e firg; eag6 6cfia Lrer, Grer 6oea gre.
aql r ffeq;6rt,iqar cafiq.nqer eorfr a0 aQ ota6e qat ao,
6qe{64 fiil GrG qcr6J aqer ooio 6eifior6a i

"qa6fl orq,r 6.Qfr 6oqer-{Q qq qct o6erg gs;

or!-rc6e a6,r 6era666l 6ad1 6c' qe'r e,6erq q< nrd r

6e666a6e qdcr Rcsl 6CIr6r6era eret; edor gad floq'at{ I

q6at6'6i 0669q,, 9x fia erru 9qe

c'g Gatq(qlolflqqG' q6)-alnslaq a'et 66< 66

q,Q eqse t
qrarnqe(oeqsea)-ri o eto 6< otQ" t fla eq'sn
- 6gqo olo-oto 6oalqq{ tflt' 6€1160 alea aagl6er ersla6 t

e6iara q6fl?lcc'6e qe,l olql eQeq'fr olql a6l t aGea aBeer

arQe-066l oqoc fi8t6o olql 6QG'l6l 6Q6' I qteolgt Ga
gd arQer oteY eoqt 6'6e t

"os6r q6ntfl a6e'rqqieo eQAfr, GlQl G"6l 6ga6 ?"

.eq^(qrarnqea g6)-atmt, d t

Otarfiqq-q6fle116e' aoalq aG atQa erd6 t staqt6

urfretq q< t

"q16nlq'fltcs' 6€116l fllal6il6l eot6< eot6< qo;'

eqettreY Gqfllc'tr aq ri 6o61ol6a orQ" aetqrote'a eetl6<
efir6s 6Io I 6i6l aiQG', al6'066r QQQ l"
<qi 6Q qlqo alflnllng atlfllaq aqla 6'c)6141 6ac'lq
at6a6 ft6ft tgnE't66lt qG'16 qqlo, q6, G'tot6ll fffi, qlq66t
66er oerr g qrelar0 6qfll6a ol86fii i
orqa aEen, "q6fifl166'66 gtaR, qagta 6fl161 fl6'61
e,tcn eqn',, r r[eienteflles aflolql 6aqol6a 6'td t"
Gal-q1q@ 6ad€'6qlG'
G@fr q6r6Q q{'q
glotnqq 6c'-n0aci QQeor c'QaG I qfio Ploolq E6'i
etia6; ct6l6fi Aai6), Gl@a, 661Q, nteer qq6 646G6'61 CI8
oQnG i

Slletfiqq (eraatc'e" gO)-eoet, 69l16l qote oo6

craG r

<ae Q'6 6Jal aal aQs6' eetfr QGeGr {a olqlo oplff

6l0fitafi qcr66l qQen I q8 a's aqa6-
(Gorl's higirest Manit-estation in Man. The Mystery of
Divine incamation)

e. Qas sflgtB ElQftl acrc.g*ql6aa1illQlqlqfl., eQ/,

eme qlatflqq aatqG
"q6fifl166, ao, qflclfi,$ aQen sO arQ" al6arfr
fiqaG'a 6ag 6Io ooia qs arQ" r edflro qt6,to cerqo <aG
aQ eoa6 I 6el6t q6la aqo eyo otio-aeio-arfreio cdel r

ednrn eG eqa6, 'qea eoa uraer a6a, qt6,t6t oa6lo

ureisaO aroo ee t'
"6q o qoe6lo6a aa6, 666q nqor 6oso 6ad1
qer6 |

"flqEr e'er CIq 6a ? flqa 6al a6crea, aee6 Gel

a?rl G1a6.S otei6 arQ
GOe rs6r, t

"aG',i G,iq'aga 6oeet, Gs oq 6G66t, q6 oe,epeer et

aa6: 6p flAoqotso 6adx gatd I

"aQoe aiqoea a6, aq 66seo a6, 69 alq66t

6A61 g6,t6t I

"6rrfi Rq66 a6elen, ot6l 6o6t etol \{6G eo ag, Gg

aqa 6er a6qle6l nrd I

"qC aoor6t66l 6a61 gatd I otfi aq6t6 6,Qe16R, CIte,

ecei nqsuotca 6aqa a6ora6; CItace e6q et6o 6,t68 6lt{,
eqQoreo rj aB l"
olqer q6 qo. aaaa6 r fiaqsooeet 96 aai aga6 r

(Influence of Sri Ramai<rishna on

Sj. Keshab Chandra Sen.)
q16tr9tqs-zllgt, 6eda 6fl 6Jq atqqnl r <olq alQ
zr6ae eo66lRr i aetat' 66qro 6fite 6et6tqat I {otq a6aa
ao aG,aG'saa arQelnr I qO .(qfit {qf,l arQ6,ra fiBt edfit I

"66,6q,e ateq eqod qhJq6T eeta f;'td l"

"aq66,rer6l fi6a 6o6it6aai; qg q6r6e Afit I 6ada
eqe. ea€i CI66) e{6'rl, eqQ oeo atfifitos eqteat I 66qft6a
6ng1a_6)t, a6q.a8o c6a 6,6'rn slQ e616q gpra oen oQRr
Qp arnnras cflqlo oaqr6l ard r

".xorq fiQea flGee atqqfii i cj 6ee arq,r6,gree aQfr,

qrq aA66a 6610 ao6e 66t? a6l eQer a6o qed I eqAesr
g6at6"6l 06690, 9x flfi erru
o6arqet qG g< I cqfitcc' atQen ei ao+ra e661, 6qfll6c'
6q6o6q,6e gea eyfre ctta 6'gqto ade'rq 6qen t

gtg-aflt6t6er g6ara g filalGa s,|fl-a@qog6a flQa

"ala 6G,6rcqaQfr, q6flgr6G'edetn aQ, ahsQ otqa
erfl 6J6r atdo a6c'rq. g{ ! 6q6oca6n 6Qfll6G' 66ln e6rc'16'
eea s66'ta GCfir t*
"e6c'rfi64 6qta eato a{fi 6anrt e,rdh t <Q olqa
n6erq qrqarcfi' a8eer sQso atq6; t'66l A6l6lqo qltJ
arQelsn, Gr6ilqtG6r6l 66)laG otd'aeoet 6'q466'l r (ateel6
ec'sta) {fllc'fi aaqa qt{ I 6q e,Qelen, 'aolfl clQolo
o6 r'

6actq'g ao6o6r crfict-etgc atd''eot6at

- -
ahJqcl qfia Gts'-a€so a€ea 6dceo qlucl
"6G,6q, Qea atQanl; ert6 eoot odq8 ednl I q6'lo
ara eaQ soQ aQsR, atG <oteei etQ0g qfl6g a6'onlol661
(ouee'torea) eQAen I Gada 6'QQt, ot elrjq a6, Oetq

"6q6o6c'6n ci aQ aQfr, ateis ot6ater 66' 6' 6Q'661

o'd 6q' eqe orQ" ? G'661 Gaaqol fitnloca a6el eetaqnt;
nra 6q aO arq6; ot6at ato6o aG totqqa o60 66laalq
6arsrRr r u6?a ar6 oola qcr Gl6'64 6o eeaald; ooei stfra
eqQ aesr eosl aQeR, 6enr q sqoq aqqcrQG ? eq aQnt,
eaord arq, 6ar..l qs xQ qR 6s'6o Fo eaaerQ'; ent alei's
orGar6 ar6eoaor66, t 6tQt6g6nl Gatug{ 6o eqtaolea t

66lS66r ard'S Or6ar ar6etg6qa6CI ot6 et6 6oa cl6'ol66a

erq qqQard eotaetq at6nt t

qlqo 6a6ra Gqa GglG' aaotG' eaa eceoed qg6'l9l aqE6n

e. I

qlaraqsf, qQo ergs oQatea 6q'El6Qal oootqQeero etteea edeto

g flr'ff ot€t 6616, q\ealfi eaa 6'tGiR a6arq nt6en
eflX Ql6triQ€ aatti0
"68 q6 6a6rac" oaa cnlaflt6G' 6et,6el aA aQate
fi166a I

"66,6rG, qfr'qr
066l a16,66r aotqot G6)l I L-ictqot c66)
c[ eaereq eQfr, 6e6r, CIGatc, d <a eloeer CIlG]ao 6elesG,
6G6J 6A0 qQt6t, G8 {qq qGt A6atq qs r q6 .(a 6lo6a
6q ao 6erea6, aoo qag otc6r e6oosrrRr; eQoaetrarq
sen eoo6 atqs aotCIta66r 60610r< r soelorei oeo q6't6a
CIGraraGQqat q{ I

"66,6te ata GtG ofia 6fttafirea <Q aarel6a Eq fl6'

eoa q6en r qdar, or606tea Btce acfita I 6t6n qe6e,
q?a or0at66l qfl6g e'QaG r rj cQn, qa6g 6,e (et6tG',6\
o@ o6lq,t6'l
"6q6G6q,66, qo6g (a
qo6o aQeR, ateteo ag
a6tG',tff r q6 oQen, oe 'qg d cr6, aG 6 qg t' 6qflt6a
qA {a qo6o eQen 'qg 6 a6, aG d qq ,' eaareg aQfr,
CIrare e6frflr6a qg ae, o16 d ri flr' e,6e; flr' e6e-nr'
AO fl{6'r 6'lcl I

"6o6G6q,66' 6qfitG,S aQfr, q5 aa 'q6Jqe s6ee', r

6q6G6a6e 6a6ra G,Qnr, ogr6ra {6G go qed r Gter6a6a

qfl6g arflqras atolel eQee flsa c6eq' r

"66,61e6 flGea g8ea e6e, q6flflt6? otalg qq a?,

o16 Q" Ej er6, aro,tret6 G6e I 6CI6o6a6e 6,taq frc'e ao1e,
6qer 6Qa, 6q6o6a6e 6ao6e c,t6 qg oQG r 6o6o6a6a
6o66t 6CI, ea qQ.-06-gc,o eqo6, 6q6o6e6e org cr6,
arour6r6, <Qoq aee r

"6a6reg GQfr, e.qreeer aQer eo aOa-eoa" oea

arsre ara eogh ara o16 flrOar, eqQ oeo Q" 6arer 6et6ll
6ad an q< ? 66'6J aGegi aGsa aE6, a6er or6i
Odeq orfrCIerq qx r er6 6fl16t 6a6a qrcr q'r6 Oaror<,
69 erereraq ea6 66tq etaoar6 r eoelorei eoere 6nqo6a
aQ6R, q6flat6a oqet 6ata q'qte661 6le I
g6al6'6i o66gq,, 9x cl6:l q[[x 9flE
flrqe, 6ora qqGS aocaot-'at6cte otut'
(erooroe' qO) "6q,6 6e6a (eo o6o I e'6rt6'164
6ftqa 0< r saeccftra GrS srrG'6, qfl' Eaq 6eq6at ote.
q6r6a eQ aar aQaG r eo 69 {orq6CI6o6a6e at6q, 66i16'lt
6oa6a; arq odc e6erg 6q66r ero6o 66 atOotq q<,
eqqorci [rG, aro6a uG aieq I {ot64fi66, a6gte 6leq I

(uueie qO) "6G,61, q6s .{6c 6gra qO eoq6 e'atO

q6fi q1c'6r a6 r at66lQ Oq I 8CC' elo 066l flei AIA 6)6'l
ern 669 a6; elorer 98, orgroea qolo st6, otq'ts6o etcl
a16o r arq6ar ad66r c,ro arqe{at, 6Gq ggctal otq eQen,
'at66a og' l"
6eG' fl0aor61 aaoosl aO qterioqq gt6rd so eoa 6a
oer 6erg arqaG r q6r6e ade, flrqe qq6 oroatea t <od
qfiCIca Qqooa 6qae qstol qlq@ atfl s,rc't* aiQ e1e6)
6o6fi 6rqrfir'ae oderdare aa6''t eqra6 r

arn ore r*(qlarflqqc' qG) - ej o ocrer qaaea aQfr,

aro6i€ri6? q6en aid t

qlarnqq-rjaaer 466 t
arfi g,t6't6't-uilodr aad q)6ge ? 6IGi16'r, 6ttfl6'rt6)
. .{flt6a qq 8661, 6qfl166, eaQ 66 aQen ald r

srrqa _.fiearat (6lq) t4su at6erg otaa6

ar6rfl.aG'rfiq r

qlarfiqq--G,'6r {6'r ? ead'orq at6e t

fliqe--ara eaQ q6r6a otQ" t atnflG'c'tcrq at6ee t

qtaraqe(areae. qA)-eaei'stea 601611$ eoela6

cqflra6 aQOa eQen aaer aderq 6qa; afren q'r 6,46r
6rQ6A r

firq6l-6fi ar8i r

aBa{G6r .raa arQ g6rfl a6R r 6qflt60 6ora qeet

a6fi I qlotfiqg cqfiifi'S qO aQeR, "6e'qer eoo6 aQfr
9q9 q]Qtflqq aatq6,
6qo6 adc, r ara 6ra0a arq, Grer o 6e6R 6fira c,q. g.( r

qr?0rgr 0a q5 arQerq 66,qr 6,e r"

G\6crordrgg 6sr q'qroe are6r-61616160 qa
qlotfiqq <aer oflq6 66rR ar6toreo arQ eQsQ r

6,6010rQ.irfl, q6, grEo qq6 ortea q,QaG I e6crorrlflG'6l

q"qlee aq orqo aq arer6 r

qlQtfiEq-_6c.,,61, "xa ealoq6,t G,t6g" 6CI66, aq I

Qerq, 46, OnrOfr eeraa6, eoq e,r6ar adarq q< r qtq-

ealCq 6oa arg q'qrel era otrrirrq 6aa r q8 oer 6oegr
frq'rfrerr gu Ard, eqe{oreY er6r6r q'qr a6erqeqraB r (etrar)
e6oo,1soc'6ota6 aQqen, qd qd Foqrao Glre q"q16)1 6'1e61
eaee er6 RrQ r

firee(q6oe)-orqo 6ar.lq{ a66'qr6t q'q16r aat

aqa6 t a6q,lt q"qro6Q d eerug.< 'q'qtel 6rq,' e6q, t

(flree6 6e,6re, atrar) .( fld aa6l eqr a6a6 r 'q6rr

6{, G''t 'ej6eo6at' are G*6fi 6<, or 'cj'6erQert' r (onaeer
erar) 6aq 6fra eqra 6r6q' r

"6066. GiG"6t 61061610 6q6R ata oa atQ"t eq Q"eoen

6l8t 6,666,t"
aO gq6-zrer a6aaG'61 org Rr6r a6erq <ec ea6
q< ardG r
qlatfiqq-6,'61 6,t61, 66lt6',l ala eri 66lE 6' 6a66'l
aueeor areq arQ" I e6q',t ag6, 6R aq-otato66t qtfltot
@gueo €toq,re 6eq, r

"6,tQq'' erta6 eQen, ',6lto I q6fi a6otuteer eQ 6rQen,

era6 ea.r 6aG eq,e ? q6fl eo eaeloreY aeorq 6elaa I 6llrl
aQ66t, 'or6:ic' ! qfla 6ect, 6lq,6t6) aEi-ga 6ecr, 6G6G'Gt'6t
6,ara aq6CI161 6QG, t"'

e. a.ltQ CItata6, a60rdt6,t€ I

g6alQ"6 0669a, 9x fla errb
The Problem of Evil and Hari (Turiyananda)
otqa6'a 6ercto aegl
?6-argr, {60 986 atd'6 ?
q'iarflEq-{ q'ql6t 6lG"6l fi1ni 66Al 06 I {Q 6.116'160
q6-986r, oro-q6i,1, ffirQ-affilc, aR-910-qq a6 t gttt,
oto { qq 666] fi1er 86fi, otQ l

"qe8r6 66e64 qalqqciAttq{ 166$a alaq6o qalq

qeien qc1 qge q< crQ t fiqac'o (qqto) aot 60 GtlfiBt
QGso orq r oraro60
"6l6E qQA aea eettee'-946,
qQ 6a qr' qro-e'16 t

"aelrq a6aa ooqql 066r qotq eiqetoda 46,

c66 ga6'6r Ae 6ata otat6 I GqGoGaGfi flt' at?c66r alooth
046, a66Rr 6q, {gt G,Q t"
q6-66ar6e 60, alfiflt6'G'0 qtd 0l{ !

6teiraqe(oorat)-e6n 6.(, ae Go6:.; 6rqa qq

ea'raa6-flrat, G1G', 6'6q og6"ot6 oQ t'
"qrc 6ere ert<, q6 e16at eela (t6o I eq Qqtt aQo'lt
ga 6ara aQaG t a6q'qt fitolce aslc' 6Qla eiQa6; 6ott
fltfltce g 6lq61o60 q6ar eara etqa6 t

"4ffir6,, gtg. , Qgic I gtot eog6 sq d eaen ao6, 6q

Q" ea6'e aerr; qG, 66, q'er6r aqa6 t 6mtat eo66 eq Q"
66rG'n Aq earaaQa6 r

"9reror6', 6gfl 6a6a ceclfll{ otG col ata 66 old r

"erq,016166l aG 66 qed, erte oe 6a6nl flqtota, 6ggt I

(e'eororurac qA) "QltG. qflfl64 fiqr 6a e6iflre Ru

6,'6 qd ?"
G'6c,t{l-eerrq <6 60 q6t t qd eyo oao I a661 Flo
uden ata 6,'61 6erra q< r
s. Q qt q'qarnQ, q'eclto ac ar qflral I

q" aiedr q,eoa osQ q' cr66,r oreQ Qqeolrleta t

ao6oq x/m
gcnt- qiatflqq aarqc'
qiolflqq(qatqq)-d, Glo66r a6A AQ r166Q AIA
frea ord r (eroatac gG){ Qqroa 6ai z 6aG atet6 t

a60qr-Gola Qqtoet qq 6461 I

qlataqe-AA Qaat I

a6oqr-q6] aer6 errerQ fiG 6aaq6n, ul6l e'Qe1eR,

errerQ eoro ae t ataQ fle aC eq Qq' 6qn)l I

"0tq 6,6'tG',1 6rtfl 6'lfl e6 eteit 0161 6QI61 0taqfil l"

qlarflqq-qfl fl061 g166rl6'flle$ AeQlglG CIAQ q1-
6Qr8flrQ6'q6r6Q Ald I

eGctit-e6'61tfl 6{ ?

Olarflqe-ac'61ifl 6< ato arQ" z salqogl6a fi61 I

qa6, 6at0 606166'r fllQlflqq AlG'.C66l 6eAtQ qa6 t

a6cytcrajrfl qqqaa; Gerac'qnu qan es'tfr qqaft otat6 t

qterraqe(oreere. gO)-qs6 6aaq'G' qGr6Q 60611

a6erq ag6 arQ"G t Gq q6to, qo'1ala1 r sQG 6aqa e6'1fr t

RqG,'6t OA6gO
otqo Olatflqq oFeerqo R6aea,
c'6ergG, 6e'eeo, 6ea, 6G,Grr6l, orgilfir,
g6oq qqc osc Q6r6a
(oue,a ete6a 6''6erqa 6eqae 6e.'a qq6 aoe oeei r)
otqa 6l1atflqq ouafi c66,qar6'e a6'qs rla6o qr6ct
ao66l 6e''4, eootgr,966lg, CIeG,ra, er61re, gq6 aeao ao6"
q6T66l q,6ordA6 sqra eQaG r 66,6oa6 ero orOct ao66)
eQgG r aaler"€r orOot cen, e,q6oeo Oar eq'ras6 i qfla
66r6,i{ eq,o toQete, Qgr or6fi ea,rq 9E fla qrru silEro r

Aqr g6oc'r
orqaco aq6o srqcJo nraCI qq ona Qctar 6e1r 69
GrG q'ro66r 6a6rfi eerfr {6Goa 6'6qra6, eqracrd r e6iara
a6?a6i ga straaG r 6o6J ai6 eroarsa arec adeq, r qq'86'11
6r'1G 6ra6a r qesol gar6r eqraa6 69 gQo'ataat r

flrqo orqaa a66r orqas 6aq a o16 osq'etq arQ

eo$6 6CI, oeflr6a qerqq aac at?c6a aagto aqa6 I otqCI
qsqeca s,r6er ao6o efi eQc6, ea eoqor6 orqr6 r aae
orqoa" 0q ageeo arQ Oar eq'raaG r 6q aes 6ara 96
aqa6-eq eagYor66r ? <Q aar q& aaarar a6a r aorq
qAfico otqos q'da a6, fitqo uggo 6?re orers qfre ee'ra
q$tfi a6frr I 6aq66l otq6rG'a q,ifi 6oeQ 6aal6r (ererdr)
<6'' 6aa (eerrqrnt) er6oi aeeo eQaG r orqa o6errdqCI r

qraraqe(aqtqq, cirq6lff q6)-6es1, 6od gaeerg

(eoora o 6ea6) frnrn eq,a6 r

qlqcrac'orq flrLialclor ur6 orqo oua6'166r ergr

grqroco 661106r o6elen r s,dRra flra,rfi eq eara6 r 6ar6'
6A16' ORlfll6C AO 6q,1q88, fi'1q88-OlqQ alfi'O66r 6aEAe
e aga6-"FrGo qara ora r oQen srea ard t" q6eg
s,rOm osn 0ar esraa6 I otqa q6qa6o aqe6, "q6fl aoaq
-r'q r .ro6 (eerrgnara) eQen o161 6e6'' t"
9Xo q1Qrflqq aarti6'
g6oq aooq otfi aQ6fi I 6lec'ta atqt 06 e'QaG soel
q60q aqa6-"6 6et 6,'61 QntoqfrG'?"
orqa ega6 o aqaG "atgt6l 6nto aqeta ctcl66t t"
otqo oeflrcq'qQo crot 6sgee e',ar aqa6 t

Oratflqq-r['aQeer aQea qerr 6fr, alaofia 6eta

q6y{fr t oq Oec Gg6, 'ateQ q6o GoGa ftqet Gata gn !
6a6\ erorrr ej 6ec eoqfr t'
q6oq a0qqarQ arflr sloetf;'s6rfrer qflaca a6Q-
Rr' q6o 6G6o a6,te er6e t
g6oq6'a afq r q"qre, aEor6r o 66get
qlotgqq-aEotdl 6oQ a6'Q I n8l, q6t, Qa, 6't6,
46fi16', q66"te, 66ltooo gret, -<Qqg t

orqo CI1o erraa6-

ftt' 6ft16r 986r er01,
qea ard'ara" or' cfirer 064 q< esrd t

6l1G-CIe q'qta a6'ro6o 6t,rctt flr' aor< q6.

q06a aQ arote,lq u66 etF fltat sqil6 I

"Fror e6lQ aeirq qt-Ont t Qsa atfrai-aluo I

611o-arQ q"qr66t efi66 06l Ant 6fit6rt 6G'GG at6lt,

qa6fl ora oqQ 6flte at6lt eqRt 66llat t

"oq? aarq ouolo I o&t gatca aci 6Qa r aaJrq

0g610 o aa 6qa" a6 6qer r 'aa 66 aaq otG ec'et' aaq
arfr eoer aejrq na 6qe 6'61 fi'6eat t '66qct* eoe t' aeltq
66 qero aolo 6eat I

"qq , eG,8, ocls {Q 66 6Jd flqs'lq ed 466 t 66orta;

qq q6fii aasqo16 0166r, oc's e66r 6'fl8qo16 oteo t 66get
d eoro r oflq6 6ct6t o66t, o66't6J6l6o aa c66'l; qq qda
q6,c 66166l ao, 69 fiqo6" 6ae'q ot6lot6Q G'td t"
6e'a(oqou)-qg flel 6c't6r I

qreroqe(otror)-fiqoc" otfiq 6G'Q otfioteer otd,

69 oa eo6r6r 0{ r

CIaora-G'rs ! G oagter oat t

oq6'6 o6cgo, 9E gla errx
q1orflqq-d, { qq ac aat I

elofltco <Qqq aar q6 atec aqaG t

6es s 6c'oto qq6e q6
ctfiet-6'tu€' qa6'6o ao6o6t
qtotflqe-ao,G,6l e,terd q,'tfral-GtE6' t at6ot-etue Q
q"qre r 6rq0g 6a-qalq 6< orQ" r

<st aQ otqer 6aer 6tqst 6aa qA$ ale6t6l Q66l I ala

e.'ga6-"are 6flt6o qcflatco soqotqs t -<Q ala6l6l !
sQ atfrat-6,186'at6'6rdl Gt6G'l 6etoc Rl6r t

"6q'sl ot,
-60 gt-q$ ovto e'66, 6q 6'6q q$ Gql6l
c66 raqa orato aG 6ac'ea t

ee,Q eQ eaQ Oal eqta Osdoeo sQ aat qqaa6 t

(eaorer, 6e'a gqGe qA)-"Q1 eo oqto 466,

6q 6'6rG qsl otlt6t 466 r <Q arfrat-atga dateQd I qsflraco
6 {66 eg aq, 6o, oat6 q6sclcc'{E6a derQa I eQ I fl6c
Rec 6ee6,er Gd 6q'Gt- "
Qaa-atql, GtQt qG aat I

6aat6l ac'tq 6ata o*qo6 aa6 t olqer q'qa6 -

qngs soq6, ql6ntac'6l 06l tQvlq6sq6 floqotoe{fr
-016 o61 6are atflc" CIaq 06 r eoq autqeeqq aQfr,
'orQogrOa' rertop6qotc'o ttg eQen 6q I q1 flu eqQsd
'G,vr qar' avt qat' a6erq nt6en I 66ls66l QtllCI.ccq aQen
60, 6qfl166,d (OrO qq6) 6O6Q I 6110l, Gll6l6'G, 6G',q',18, qq
ors'6oeo t (ooaeer atot) t

"66t 6,aO qdq qq ql ato66t t 96 qarq< gae

-'ri l

6'G'r flar 6fil Ot6t66l 06tO166l Crd-606 69ttQ qAtQ t"

"G'o6'tqq" eto66l a6ca ari, 63 q'O eoaareTG I e,66l
6,Q6rt, 'eotRtotg u6l, Go6G' ari eee t' 66ttRlol agalq6'o
6116 l"
9Y9 q1Qrflqq 6,atfl6'
qde,ar-ssre{ odc-glcntc' € sqtdat atgl
"qqoqgto g€orerG etQ", 6eeo oeq'' aa6 t

"Q6r66r 606O6G'66' OtQeO Ota OOqfr 6q6o66'6n

6G'rLr 6QRr egO6 qlul6rd ola6Q 6rlg166l atQfr t GlQlo66l
6o6sr 60 et6otRl onq atQG t ogtSat Qlgl ! CIlalq 6Ic
Rr66, eq er6gteo etd eo c'tq GIo nt66 r 6q CIl6G', 6q o16'r
aG r"
Oea(oorot)-q6at frheten o1o etQ6s I

qlotflqe 6q 6'at6l 66'd1 aao eoen ctdl 646'fi G'Q6fi,

"6e aqeq. egt t" eq q6 glcnta aat cqaG t

olarflqq-orarqgq G'GQ, Gq 6'6Q, atmt d, egto qt6

rlfi I ed6"6r 6466'r Q1 nO ge6 t (Onaeer atot)
"6ggYflr6? ntfrct-otge eoa atat6, 6qfll6q' 6otea
66 qGoro6 ctd r eseYfilcc' orat66ltG e$n6, 6qfll6o a6c'o
qflose ero6 ct6,6oO 0qeotG entoetgee'e tQg eoelqtec
qoq eoer6, 6qflt6o acca6't qGotet6 t
"et Rtot610d1 I 6't6lo olglg ae a6etg nt6sn-
'6e etfl, qq qqs qflGr a'd qg g1 qnei ntate1Odl qlolc'
a'6 r are sdlsrQ e6r oted crd-<Q atotdte eo eaod qn
qroogco qe'r oO q{, ata eso6 qflo a6ocatQot qlal66l
a6il,r c q{ l"
6otg, G'6oq qq6f; 96 aoeoo
q6og6'o a6e qtot 6otg tl G'6oq qq6 qtqqgotea
arQaG r 6atg aeq ettjqeo 6qo eetaa6 I a6oq 06nt6
ord'gqo eeas6 t

qroroqe(Gatg gq6s gG)-qnntas aq6-

q6fl9il60 QrEil6l66l Alqo gA Cld t 6Ogt, 611S116161 8lo-elffil0
eeru eqra6,-qogiqq 6oto eeta6 t-e6inlG' olq 86q,
'oerq. or, 66,6G6G,6n ar {otq arQn'5 go6e etOg t'
oq6"a g6ego, 9E fle QTrx 9Uqt

"ara q6frfir6c ooqo A6AA oQe-eoea ote Fl6T6,

6ga r are araoco oQe r otgtc,tcuflt6c oO <o qo6o 6ra16,
eoee orgrG o16l g{ ara eoahrec qo6, 6qflta6o flat atqta
"flqea'orce 6a61 flc eqe, 66et flaeoo El'qte6l
erriq o6e r

"erqe fl6,fiqoaor66l G'roa6r ara arrj,{eo g,t6ael r

qhlo flqoc earq6 ee6 aeo r aro6t nrer flrQen ala 6rat
atd t-nte,66r 0r'6r eoo6 66,6 6'r6tr r"
oE6'6'16o qeeo1fi e'tde-eot6'.69t6 g eq,
orqo ereYoe'rq Oer qfiqca Q-eto eoror$e aota eat
oQoen r 66rorf,i flrqo6 o9o6-"BGt 060 CIq 6oatq Ga
oQ6en r" ouc'616'en ereico at6gt6'c 6ent I orqer alQ
q,QaG r ele6,o1 ero oraaG I CIofitcc e,q6sreo eoQ eQaG
o eoQ Oar eqroa6 r

ooarfr aOero aflrG'rqqr aro6 r 6e,qq flrq r ar6 flGect

aGeo 6sro cqaednr I aotq eg as6o 6eet I otqo oBG'
q6r6e 6e, oaqeo6 arQen r crda 060 6ao eelfr 6a 6e6lr r

gtoraqe(de1o 66ror6'G gG)-eaeet, aot6't ar6a t

66rorn-armr cr, 6flo qqqqqfrara6 r oueerso oQ
oQ6; serrorn d1q ar6arq 666l r

Olarnqq-ri flal eornr 69 seo qed r

"er6un eorGx gto6o 6aao oat6o eqlq a6a e e I

"are 66rrotn-66tEa on t (onacer elov) r "6qQ
60 gcrolfrcso 618 uG t 6,eo o96, '66,6te' , 6,6d Gq6,
'66ilorn'6,eo o96, 'e6'6,66t 6,96, 'e6t' I 6q '6otot6','6r
sr6c 66rqa on (anoeo erov) I
q6oq 66rorn6.e6adq aG ataoesr ega6-'6,r9
eodoreo t'
9XU qlorflEq 0arqo
6e'gr6 ooc' qcr6o q'ctoi'etac6o
qQoolco eo'loter Eteqlq et1o
oteie'tat edlerter qeqlq ettaa6 tg flBea flQeQ at66l
eoaa6 -
oa6c'a 6oqa G'tQ1, qeqtqta uci aqo6,
arQ aB ssit eqQ e'lagssl 9a eO t

at6n qat eee' e6t-lQ aaolo !

orgei edlotcra'Q qellq aal qq- 6Jq" aolaflla 6Qla
qflh{g 6a6R I q66r q6ff CIofllco 6n1661 gnotn Co'ter
6a66l r Greota, etfitcr otqas u66'6-G'l6R o60ee I olqa
aaat6clet, 66'fl, eaot6r, Ql9l, fllqQ, 916'69llQ6', ntg gq6
oeorcc floetata oG org ea6 Oar ea'taa6 I qlslq eqTlater
a'd arQ CIec'qGTGa e6cto-oeqlao aga6 t

qlqq 6 aso e6orec--q6 6''lacclo-qote 6ota

a,r16o al16o qflttl eq'a6 I olqo q6q'tco qea. aQo
oar aqa6 I 'qq' <Q eto a66r a6o asl6l6l aqa6 t 96 aeel
a6o orqc'tei6 I aqo6 qq ! qq ! qs ! qe t aGotco t
ard gno e1o ar6arfr eog ard t eeiola qflq a86a alsl661
eoq6 t

e16,, 6,CI6, o96'o6 GQ, qq d qea I fl?, q6, -q. d

g6er ! qq g6tcl60 a6-
a$ofl4nlal6'l' Q'llg" 6ga 6'Ole0fl" I

oo,oq'' o6o" egc oeQ qtqoe6'6'fi8 I

"q6fl d asre-gea d'q8 oQtc'CI q'qlg 6ala erQa t

qeo 6 arlr6r, qea d arcbls gtdqs ! fleqs t g6qe t

arqqq ! gld 6a egt6o flfl 6'1G'6' !"

6e'o gu at6q eetaa6 r otqer oqa6, "Qlg G*6fl flaJ
n'6 eeGetq 6et0a ?"
Qea (6eto orteeer)-al8l, cl I
oo;Q"o odego, gg fla eT[x 9x8
areiorar q6 erraa6-'aiun sgo' I atdatar o{
ar6lQ 6A66'l
"gt6t6,q 6e qot er66 qflq ue06a, 6eeq aq'l
6r6,C164 l"
orqer qO qfir.{g r-CIa?rac'61 ars,66r oreir qro6 erQG t
66 eorq 6qarq oteiatar q6 arsrer eq,aa6-
"qdq Gqr0 efir ga orei'0<,
eo qO 6nr qg 986r {60 or{ r"
orqer maioloig c,fiqre o66l r q,Q mein qqs6*
qGs6r o8eer orrer6q r 6,t6iotar qq 646fi r orqo ear oga6 r

6991661 6OQ g 6,610 qfi-

otqoco ooc'q6r6a qcq (3 qnru

qtornqe(Qea qq6 eroe. qO)-6qfl ararq e.'q6 t
flqa6'or6o orer6r 6qfl q{ -eoo6 e6ocqeq,eG6r-otercr
G6r6' G qn earaOe,, q6 ec,e 60 {60 Ca, orer flii q6l
etrafro t

69fl 646fi G,'d q{, orqo 61G erra qerac6 r

6l1G'-eq 0a 6e6q' 6,t 6q'e,

eQen e6, aag ag oQe e6,
qn6o 6qG'46r, q'qre erqRt 0o t

CIe gdn, arQe' gOR, qQ oar 666G'6aa tr

orqo Oar eqra0'6 0 qoq aqa6 | oorlcc q66r q66r
arqa6 r orqo flrqac'o erg arenio cO aqn 6ooq org
eoaa6 r

qo.r aq ae. qA qfltUs r 6grdo oQ Oar eq,roaG r

6oaro qflr{ erer a6er orci'ge aga6-

"qe,oe,fl egreu 66eog' 6srtao.,
edq'46{eeoq" sar66Ejr6, 6rfl rrfi. r

s?no06 ar 6q"6 o 6ogegoq,

qafi 6]46'ate' qge6oG',tfl16a tt"
exe 010lsqq aalqc
q6fl qfluCI6r 6QAl I OlqQ alqo qad 6'6 6'l€l aqa6 -
d qOoron t

earQn t eatQo t eot6o !60l6lfllal !-ol6lQo-og-

oetarq r eteiaer qc'lgfiq qG otger qad a6Q I

qaqlq166t C6n go-qeqlQl g sntcast t

otqQ 66na.ll6l6Q 66llR 6',l6rol66l QQAG t OtseQ 6aa,

CIG''6'ra, fltq61, 6aat6r qq6 orooer I olqa aea eqa6-'Qt
qeeOocv t'
qraraqe(Qea qqG eroe. 96)-o66r a6c'a qOotcl
eqra6 e1q afretnt I
CIaala q6 aettoo nal t
Olotflqq-'atQt t 6oG alG' !' sa't eQ 610 6laGR-
cqflLlc 6oso 66uotatg !
6qfl a6,q G,nq QtG6', q6 ot' 6'ol{ I

arq atq ot6a otc 6GtQ, qace ol6a o166l atQet otd'
orr6qo (egso) aqqq colal eo ortQots t

(6e'a gq6f, qA) eeol ettae6 ateiatat l "QGulq1 -

6'1et1 6aqe g,td t <el qG'qtqlo etri r 6 Gll6' !"
6aa-atgt, d t

Olorflqq-qoltql6 6aq 6oca qfl6g 6qee-

6c6J {6G aOa 6aa ! qeqlql fi'l6l16rl 6goe ooqa 6aqca
crQ" t-<od e,Oe 6as t

"6,6rr6q''tqt fltatf; eqet otd' e'6 eoe'rq A{-69

66< oro et6fi q{ ctd t qaqtql aflet1Q6r o e,deo cr6-
g166rt6,9ilC6'Q6r66l AlfilO Odqe c6ee ctd t"
6ea-eate q6otq CIo QlG qcrca alnlo o6elen t

e6oa,lec,e e6oto6 Gqt6l 6'6er I

oq6"o g6eGo, 9E fl6r Qrru 9Y9
q6oar-qlarnqqa g'rfi66l Rrsolgrglc G'sl (3

flAaf;o e,fi enqeoq't od'qgle

Orarnqq-erer{rq1s os6e e,t6g ala otuc'-egod
gaol os6a orere 6eE'61 q{6ar oE r 6etoo'oGen qar
edlcdq r
"frt6etato.1 Gcl otflGcr sc't Gnqcoelq s'td'nt, flAQ
6'i1 6eq6o6,tqote6'u,-GtQl GcQotofil €'tQ t"
"qeqrqlao otert oOc 6gn r 606066,66' qlq-ae'{tq1
qr66, qtq qa'{te1c' sG etriu n6elqeee t
-6q6o6c,6n 0q.
p{6acq6o eoq ard !-60 er6'r qr66' 6q ere'r dqtee, eo
fl81 qt6G 6q flfi dqre6.' r

"e6d agqfi oqrol qhl qt6e{nt I G'tgfltca otq 66

c'6"t 6oc,re6r6R r ea 'ai'ql eG orfront,-GGt qohr crdGS
66oo 060 6oa-qre-gto 6.,uo eslt 06 atQnl 6'Qfit, 'Qa6t
6oael66l, edflre 6a r' eoeo6a6o qtq ot6elRt, 6q6o6e6n
scr qd'sr6 erd r edfite et6aot Ga6R flaI GG'Ga I
"69 oeRe'q a6'gt6e ale,o cetagtut6 t otgedo
G'r6'eo al qqs gte' ctd I GoGG' ento6st otd'qleulc 6aatq
o1q@ 6ecte 6ErG,6 qrat enre6$r 6efit erd e.rd6
ffqB 6o6e 6Ere orfiet-olse 6oeo et6n-Goq
eRre6sreo 6'qroro 6ear I orgo sQ e,at e,qa6 t

qlorflqq-< (eooe)-qGa t
6ea-armr, d t

* aoa oqotq oro ee6 QG
ot6l66'l 6'tQ I

g1 e6ocqeoq,er66 e'qre oqr6 o66r

' 6ea-e6oeqeoe Feureo6 6'Q6R, '6ole ri so
QI"qre Gq161 6' 6'60, orgr6a6n 6ere6'61 06l eee etd r qfl6g
6061 6aq q"Qr6r. o6erg g,rd'ee r crfrm-etgc oqt6 c6,
edorooqeo Elgtg fi6, 6q'erq eoQ soq o6ee erd r'
9XT qlorfiqq aareio
qlotfl qq 66o6'q6q,a 6ara6 s I o rd' EI'ar 16l orr r$ e66't I
"ertleeuret 6eo ngrn orgi'orfret-etge eqt6 o6eq, r

q6 6fiq 6q6fi flar enro6sr srei'6eee6r orfrm-arua oq6a

crd r aqrqr-EreqrErl-6'6c.qq r org 6aq 6G6G, o cfirace
66G6,Y 6Q6't"
qs'ql gtfl pjl616' | 6l@9il6G, q6fr qdrgr c6 6ora qeo
ogaa6 r Qea 6aamq eqaG-'arG q6,r66' (ure aoaeo)
aloclg eoqqfr;-6oa6o aro 6aorqerfr eoQ erqr6 r

o86)'6t OA6gA
qlqo q6aqc
aoqrG,6o 9r68tgG,
arG orqo q6oqG' e6orq arQs'6 r 616o16r, 66'yEfltq6r
tqr Eq1 6e1 e* qq errb qlqto I otqa qat6', c 6t6o CIe6
q6r6o arcc nqa6 r

q6oq6' aq,qr6' afraor 6ag'g aYqoerr6 otfin oft1o

aaeio r 6ase6r 6rraa6r aq,qrc,-eoqi e6orq otqo gtfl
aaflrq qed qerrsrae., a6etsn r arG qserqa aoyt?661 flcetao
eqa6 r

no q q"ar d c a er c{ e s aB r at ciat a a 6a s Ao ar n
q6, r r r r r i r I

6raq6n r 66ilo1G6169fl; qlqqq'er Qaq,e6t qlflcico 66toa1g

aesr, qog edo 6aaAar I olqo rlqfiq8 oler6q esaa6 r

48CI6r eauc qa flar6o s,r6areq oe on eqra Oar eqtaa6 I

aorcqa flar66l qairo gcarqser q'oteie 6q,aelat r 6a

osr6r6o.lerao6ro?6 e aQeei fiQee o6arerQG r<Q gearoet
qd 0 oQnsa ecrr6s en6rt 6aro6l1 {G," 01616r g q.,66e6l
arclor aG r aovra qqa qq66ei aeJrq o6er 6aeer esr6s
cn,rors66q qoer qo6erl I qa o qe6er areer aueeir qd
oQneo 6tq,erc oa r oa6l ga Ll1060 qqqs o eqlscr6 eia r

aaqra qeer qei .ra6o qdorq aao argq orsa od,le ara
eor6s errgr ora6 r nln qerh ersr r Gtet6t ga or6jea erorQu
qqqs o egre,cr6 6a I ot6,a 6asee g etgto qeiuroeei ara
eo16< as,rfirB qq6ot I o6larql qtut6l6l cntofit6o {ot66r
qrnrO fi6r6 qq" orarflGn 6aG r aaqto qe,erofla ait6l66t fld
aaqrc oa, 6qQ oaa q'66 of,flee e6,o 6lt6,t t ar6 <orea
Eq {91. a.ilgt, orqo (3 aQfitaG'61 6qat 6QQ I q606t 0 Qtgl
qder oqreure aqa6 r

aoqtc qqa ataotce aofltoco qflt6a6l eqra6 r saQ

eoQ G'r aqqr6r6a ga6flrB qederr ut6r66t qaer aqaG r eaQ
eaQ eor o1660 s€ea fl€eo arQ Qqro eqa6 r
9Eo qlarnq€ 0alqo
q"G,16iG' G'tfr6 I q"6'1d6' qa flaico oQGa qfll6a6l
eq'ta6 I QG'CIA, 66t8r0, 6t161lR, q60q, o191, fl lqQ, flQfl to6r6l
o aO afia gq6 asaca ao0o aaG t 466'e.' qlgoa flal
eroQo t

atafiar ga6fl ettaaG t eo-lerta qerlq ecaa6-qqc

6gfi6o ot6e cQtaa6 t otqer aodeea G'aqloo oQrll66'
Gto6r 6QtQ arga6 I 6o6J ataaat 6taa6-B16l Cq'1fl166t,
e6l-l6r etea t

co.o6o O1ctc16"a 6ers aegt q'aar eO q6 etlaaG t

orqer ettet6q I aolq oolofllQ esta aG a6Jd qoca

ar66r 6A0r8G- r "qsl I gloafto$ ear 66)6'q 6G'QAlq,
G' 6a6R cfl66' 6qolq 6G''a sl6l t" otqQGGt qlalbllG clla
eera6 t aarelQe aq. oq. orqa 6dra 6s66l, 6QQ eQQIG',
adotfrho 6ag I o'qd etetqeq; olqa qql{s estaa6 I

u 6oao6 oea gq6a 6Q6n I qO eoQ a6]6 qo taqo6,

"q6t ! c'tc' ol6q q6fl 691160 6oa sl6l r ri qoaroca olql
eera eQG I q6fl c 6fl16o qq6qa Bfitaeln ! qtdc'6or t"
oteiOarstoq'er otda otfrnr l01916'1 aqa6, qq ! oqolCI
e'n arSetqr[04 ordtG'q'a oen c[0aq6rqseqqfr 6qolq
6rnr cr6g ri 6qn q{ l"
orqet qd ettetQq esaa6 t c'td6sqrq oala eloo66r
aqa6 I 'alet' 'atQt' I

atdn eqa6-qlflolGa a6-

etorc-etton G'66, a6r qq q6r 6'rlnql t (eo) t

aQea aQea at6a eoa6'6 t

qq60 6q'6la 6fl16o q)16Q,

qE60 ePs otaG, ata 6 qs66l etrj'leo t

q6c ora 96o eora6, 96c 60 61q a qca I

otqo at66r eq'aeG-6cll6l 6 q6a atQh t

eta6ar at6o 6q'486-<eo Oa etnt qOn G ata otQ"t

e.,tde-a6Q n66 aq, 6aa R66,
0g6'6 066g0, QE qq e[rx 9Ee

qe-9464 c1d er'ea ss'406 I

aff-ore G,e66,, 6'6e c eqte6',

a6,t oflfi fia6a er6er erqe
6flra qq aqCIc sA qq-sgr a a6e tt

q1flo16'a a6fl c'6r-sl6or etra oQaG r

e'tda-erur 6qfir cJ^6or o oQnt stc I

G0 aCI*6 aq crcr aOnr cge r r

q6or eoq q616r6r qq6'ta aga6 r dqtflaflGe BtG"6r

q"sr 6enr r Grire eq'q arqa6, fl6e q{ qA6Ga qe atQaG t

mae-6qrfl or6fi 916r ote, eqeofr otut oted t

a 6061qlqq A$, erec qO a6' q60 I I

qqflt66, qOeQ flAorq gc1 oora6'6 I 6q 6''Gdl

oelerrerQotq qQo o66o 6e66r-
ararc---{a efl6r1 qfleaQet, 6e' o6oa o6,t6cl I

OlcrolG'o q61 go1 oqa6-6a16o ordelq sqe nld,

eq 6ea arQee r qo1 clEotetQmq'q6r6o esei'oteo qe aa6
eoQorg oraa6 I cqo6o eqtqn eq'ta e.' 16 ct6 e'tga6-
"6o6i'ol66r ed 6a 66ro16',ce.'1G,c I gt6lofl6t I

otut6'Ro r Rar6erero qO t ae6r eoer6a r r[ aeea srd od

{firog aQ6, qea 6es, eoer 6q,q, r"
atein-fll1qa G'rset, eQ ee6 96;
6610re6r1, 6e6l 6Gt ereilfrot;
a6q60 6lr8ror66t, sQ otoqle eeeo
qee6 e ot6q 66t I I

sagi'orea 66ro16,46,14c'gr6ra6o I sQ oat qd orqer

qflrbdg 6e6a r ateieree ateiOgtarec ae., q'etoic oqa6 r

q6] qA 0orog16' r qflrqg ! ar'66' q'mr nterc6 aqs qo6o

e.'qa6, "6q 6q" (qe qe) GrracCI 6nq t ato aqd Qe,tcrcl
eaa erd r
eEe qlarflqe 6arqc
orurqqG"a frcc eqRt I eteiatatoer eqQ ettcea ataa
erraa6 r orqo are10 eoae6-
s,rqYenr qaat ordre6r,
Eq ar6cr 6rh.rat6l1 6 qoo Oeeteer t

{a6r erg-q"atglo r 6qflr6G' 6GlrG,-aeorfi qcrc6r

6raarq Rt6eR "6rr6u sett6o G'o !" qaa ao aea I

otqo qoq aqa6 I ooclt6c otats ead atcoea etqa6 t

a66A "6lt6dl eerr6c 6.'a; 0t6a] eot6G'G'0 t"

etQnGt 0aqa aro-6tQo6'6qc,l ala EI"qlQQ 6qGll
ateiorea orqo CIoG qcr6a 66ssr ao6adc Q6a I

sod qaaea s6r6s aB aaq org atQ o16e eata goto

e66l r orqCI crarg eoel Oat 6e6a I atao6o 6qt6o 6atoc
aQo qer qon q6qa66r eQsR, "q6fl atQo !"
(areaG qO)-"GG'sl, s CnrG aa qQfi rqtieqeo
?16G,6, Goqqt 6' 6'66] qQnot q< Ard I 6)06'0l, QOret-q6
soq erQen aqer frq,6 ard r

"6e61o G, ooG,ro eaei'otea aa6'ta 6qteg6, eqQoteet

qonor r a66ra 66,60 q6r6, I co-qtqqco Oot eaeo qan I

6nt6o G,e6, "arE'r 6o6 qore, 0q eoo6 G'c66tE l"

CIofir6a q6re I otqe a's afro aqa6 eo, qO ooato
aeord eq,raa6 r
6rerraqe(66reoa' qO )-6e6t, eor qdeo eso6
e6r6s 6'6,r areeer o66 r qa6oeo e.'rd,r cqg eoeloQ6 r

a6qer 6aro og e6orqq<, ara fld s'rs,rgaro crdq aG r

qqior orQerq q{ r

"q'qtQ1 66)teqt6? eoo6 o166 oe'r6, q. fliJ eqQo6

o166 aqqI 6o6a 66s orejaq aG rgflrat6 orei'o166 qlato
a6q r

qq6,6,Bgfiglqqor r oO gt Ontq orgi

"flr' e,r66
o6arg Grer6e6a ej oo6, {q ! d6' {q I

086"6 o6ego, es qq er[x 9Eqt

(o6oftae. q0)-"6Q''61, CnrG errert qon I 6o6a

atOatfr 66ror{ gaet fratt 6,at G,6e, {G6,ot' 6ot8 I eq 6a
aQerRre0 arQG', ara arQnr crQ r

(6eraae gG ) eoqerrsrn aQelnr-qskgoqarQ ao

eoerr e'qerQ arQ"6 ?"
Osrera-ri <keae. nrg gaOc arei' arQAfr r

qtaroqe(0o&cc' gO)-s cq,gflrqo r 6G'r at6r6o

eosr o6orqoraelcn r rjooraelfr r (areaa gO) qefl eq6a
arqQtflq 6flt ot6q oote 60aQR ?

qlarflq€ g 66rq16ger
orqei ofln a6or6o gae,ldaer aoe' q6o oarerar
aga6 r eqQoero 6cgn edl6 ee,eosq {ag eO er6r 6ataqat I

orqo 6sgq66r eer 6oe adit Oar g aur eQaG r

gterraqe(oreere. 96)-arqr 66lto1or6,G"e 6od
aaar6 ! ogilfi 6oq {ar6a6n 6g6eilBra r

srqo-arsr d r eolerreiao <oO eeraqnr r aa 6oq

qoraa arQeleR, qqg 6osl oclcr or6elen r

florflqq-arer, ea6 egaa aO eol6s 69 arar6

q{ r 6 aqar6 Q qor r 6aa$ 6otfia6l aqat6 qed, sorn
a6rq a{a r <er6 arfl d eqargto r e.'ar6 sQ eo ctat$
CIaoraarq 6e6' I ora ord' aqqe 6aorq 6ao r gen soei'
oa60 ata6,t CItQQ qrer6l60 eqtq 6'0 at coret060 aqta
-6l6At6' flq8q 6AtA Aq'GtQ qa6, <Aat 6qta aa er a
aa;-0160160 aqorcr e{6n 6aet I 6q6o6a6n eq eg 6od
6q c6c'q E6ra 6a6a I

"oG or6n 6eq'req{, q'er6le 669 eno el66 ot6l6)

60€' ? oG oron 6Eetq6ea 6o6e oqa6'oro"orsn gu t'l
9EN qlarflqq 6,alflo
o6nr qq6 o@s el6r6a e6cat gacrca
oteo aG\ aoq q5 es6en I GlG6l eQet atqe 0l$66r
serr6< oQul Qatclat I olqo'eQet qfls66t "d'oogq" <Q
cra e6't6l6t cd o6at q6i oen t Qggt 6cllafll6e sQ e6otq
Oer urQetooG tl <Qago6al 6'{aelo oo6; xelotei'eetug'(
orqo sQ flE a6'todl oQ aotute6 qe aG eeen; oa6'la
nreo qq6 otgtccr eQeG I 646' a6oa eqnt8, edflta nal
qar6aro at6atc'a sqto etd I olqoc'o 6'16'a qolc! t 6'QGQ,
"6,rd eg, eeiqte flil 6oa etgtG I e6oq 66'6i'ot66t ?"
e'eo ag(orqoq gG qetqqeo)-flqloa I alnalq
aara r 6q qq eoqa6 r (oaaeer etat) t

qroraqe(eQ ea)-6r1fl aua ! 6G6e o eeta6 t

6'66r oo-atmt, GltflG'rg eodoteo ads, Gqoteo <Q
garo 6ataal< t (oaacer etat)
qrornqe(ooe qG)-9609 eod'oteo ? alel, g6ogo
qare,G-eeq ieraG I c'g qqG'at, qG cQqtq. og eeo aid t

are 6oct Eq Aaqg t eeQ otet ol6q EIlQlot{ otd'6en stfi

qro6a 6oGGl erd (nteoc qG) 96fl aclqlc alqfr ol6q
oreqfi, QoQ eoqn t
fliqa-alml, el6\orq olaqfr I Qclalc oto qq gql
eeen6 r ot6eo 60gl 6q'loe{6ll, 6'al ao6o 6dlaelcn I gqla
ar8 eeo qala 6aatq RtGRt, eq stBeo cal oQeR goG t

arocrao cta qd QQ6R, gnfll6'co alQ @16'6'l aad ?

"GqQ a6o clflqqf;o qfl g{ l"
oe'cta(oteoe qG) -u106l aecc6c eent ofieetqerg
srocret6 I { 69nGG ofieoqoeo alo6lc'6ss gq c6elen
ara oQsn Go, fltqo6"6t Q'61 ag6 eetaonl t

<et eQ oac'ta qQen I olqa aoo6 Gcaloaac qflg

qqetca I Gq glEaa qO qsqe 98 oO G'Q66l, QGI6Q, q6fl
a6G,6,' 6a eqRt oro etd ord'6 e'e 60q ?
oEQ"d 066gq,, eE qq QITU 9EE
flrqo €i'ei'e6erq Rr6en r

<od qflflcer aQaroas arQ aoOo I 6q atolqaetql I

orqas oral O6,t-CI6 aerG ta qdq,t odeoqerq orar6 I qtg6t

qErG',, 66 eCqa qgd aG I qtb.llo CItaca os6, e.'rq,r6 6'166
eer6 crQ r qdor 6tqt6ntoG't o nqer6er asrG r 66 o16o! slrl
aG r a"CIre,l q'go a60e.' qa oGaG r

qrarnqe(aatqlccl ErQflrc 96)-< aaer I {ot66r

arqra arQ ao6o r (aaaeo oror) r <sO 6'totq Gfft o6n
arQorea; { 6CI {at6aQ6a 6'tQt6', | (ooaco oror) I 6060
ssr6{ aar aB I {ogt atstG,nro r (oaae orov) r

flQflr6,oo6'q6r6e a6aa aarerdr 6ant I

qrerrnqe(aQare. gO)
-uret, 6nteS Eataat {agata
ore.d eqer eGG,r, aad aqa ? qgfiac 6oeer eq aG 61060
erQa6 r Eataat aejrq otg alq6 eoer r

"69 Grer eorfr aoq 6nte6 Glataot 0q qed r xo6

enra eoai'qrea eq6or6rr6 Rq,roroo adaG-6ot6r Qsarqg
66'rtq,, {glt66' eogi'oteer eQ 6tatG 6q ot6lt66l qte'q,to qtG
ao6g q< r

"qg Qogeo a6a 6fitcq qataelnlt I 6qfltc6. flal66r

a6ca 66rto 6nta rrjaQfr, 'eoqqg,Gqflta$ o6 gqarag
6o6a {a 6ot fiqofr r'(aQals gG)-atgt, rjq66, qea
ar66 6ntag Eq qataeta, 6'6iAre 6atllq{ seo e'Gara6 ?"
(oaacer erov)
{ae og oQorq Rr6nr r o6o ata6t66r I
nQnroaerg oQeR, q6fl a6a ote 6q)6, 6qqt6a eao aqa6 r

ri o qoq. eQorq ord, n ee6n 66{ odeeso a6eon t

aQoroost eqa6 "6o61 atqg ot oteto66l 6o6rOq" sqr oQ
9E9 qlatflqq aalflc
q. q. aA 66< eatesa al6lq eleR, Qg fiaqoer oea eo6
arQeR t

olqQ ao6 q6r66] o6r9llc066r atqla c'6 eQen I

atQt6rt68 Oaq atQ 6qro een I oQfl166' flU O66
gt6eQ atQ
Q6,rOtB66r AISflA A6 ota 6lQ 6ll€l q0 orqelG"
q6en I qfl6g alqo qa6l o6a I 6anl 96rcl oea goto atQ
aoQo GQ6n I 6q 6'661 qlq CIa; arQ orqag adetoa acn I

qQo aeoe
orqa flu flqa aaoo aO eflqt6r a6a I goloc
aaretgit eqa6 t

goto-flQlclo t ciorqrgqoraqfr (adrq or6fr"q) r

qlotflqe-69 qrlo 6lo1a G 6q6o CIR 6gla QIQ I

qo6r Q'st 66'fl16r eqta6 t

qstCI-alffil, Gl6Q eoo6 6afllo cqlaEctl, 6flla flel
eqQod 6afltcr I

cadaco au <Q 64fl161 46ll I 6ada6'o aal 6aalq

nr6nr I gGlo 8Q66't, 6AdaC0 e6ert6q QIAqAlnGJ 6q)6ll
oraAat I ct6 al6rllo g6fllo aOoteo glo 6061lola oqnl I

Qg aeneeer oqq6n t eqQ qflaeo

qcoqqc qGrGQ olc'o 61q
aqq q{ ata <Q qsq q1q@ 6a6aqala olqo6'qcrca alnlo
qo , eac,6'G"er gaG 4Rl I 6CI161 qnt, o16 flal EAI t OtA el6a
qflCI qRflGe {60 aqlq q{ eo, A86o s8eer glgt eqaqnt t

qagfltc6 6oea dEi ut8et 016'0 q.J16'acadq 86'tl I

6filG1flt9q g aeqla-'rl5'dr''eIqq -oo'co nso

c66 fiqlolq 6061lfl qlcnlaqa6'66l Aat eqaa6 t

olaa6 t e'eet
-{ ql6a66l q1fll6a eaQ eaQ 6Rtor ea 69 qlelq
flatatq Go6lo qq o6o, 6Rto ol6lq66l
eqroa6 | fiQtclfl, 6"6t Gl6" ara qSaG r
qlotfiqq G'1, 6GGG' qfl A6Q" otet q6fr , 6qe{q 6alLl
- qed
ea'a6 60 Gl6'6r 66'll6'9116't1 6q',Al6rAgt t <o6 aqe,la orn r

'ciaq6''<Q6 amrnqg{; 6a 6lqo, q6fl oela-<QO mtc t

6rqo 6 q'eit ata ogaceir r

08Q'6 O66Q0, eS Qq erru 9E9
'A* 'nJ* a66r 6o 6a6o g6i6 q{, arq6l16l aagr Gr666l
qQ or6e r arqal 'er1 Fr' er1flr', (Ei $ a6e i crerer gd6
646 r q{G qQrq qo,,1r od,Je nern 6'raerq em6; 6ar crQ",
eeit olQ r g{o 6'qtQ at6en I flt'q 66'il6Q 6ta6a I atn6,t Bflot
eq'e r eqQ Gflarca {a 66.ror ag 6arO 6qa r 6firaflr6a otq
06 orfree r6qel6a au gelGei eers ardr6eror6e ee,rn 6ar6
q{ r u ra 6Gr6l6o arO eoa aaaeo Bfl?r ac6a arfirc'g{ I

aa66s6a aB 66,4 oe 6ar6 q{ r 6o666e,sn qnr6orar6r6l

oe 6arO q.(, 6q6o6een aeirq i,i6er qsaea qgqqoe, neer
ara 'eqflr, eqflr'6'66r e.,rd r qdqd6,6a, 6e666a6fi ota
6erer, 6q66'6466 flro orqro sJd r ara ndesgq ar6e,rq
q< erd r

"6Iq, 6o6o6a66, a6e. "6e aqe, ei oait qsd, qeo

6" aar-ri oe, q6fl oar,' fiq,e q'qre oQ6r 66rs g{ r

6q6o6a6e ora 6,1a61 AO qx, ara xQ oeleoqq arQerq qx

6'la l,,
6'66rGto-a106r ae6'ra 6o6 ar< r
Olorflqq-fiqa6' ooic o e66r aeG"re or< orQ" r oO
arq,r0 aqG'ro orear{, Grere aa6q flqo q'6ic eqra6 r

6'66r CIo-flatda t frod 6'61flt{ 60, aqet ocra

eqra6 z
qlorflqq-fiqo q'6iae nso aG r qrflG)r6ac66r a6,
eoei'e,r6 aqer oda o66, orq,lo orsor6 as6 q{ ,(e)
arfiaaq (r) 6erroe,q (m) cgaq (x) agroeq r

"CIrercr nqa q,6io 6eta6, 6rqre arnoa qCIr6, qg r

ea Qgorotq-se.,lerQ 6J6o atq orQ"r ara q6 aet6 ga orar
016160 qflta-eoq Oareeq I ata oron od 6a66' e6q,
6a6a ar6c, orqo6 qraqa,r g{, c66l q8 66 qna 060
6r6rnr; er6o6n qar arh qfrJ6-6s61aqroaq r ac,qqfiflco
e? od qq 6ara eQ6-aaoq r"
eEr- qlolflqq ealelo
6'661 OB-flqQ o{i6' o6Q ead aq6l6t {6'l6eQ66'
or{ ?
glaHqq-6a606G'6n AQ6l6l 6016 OOIG-6OO6
qRrU aest66r I qA qlfllaq GGs aeclcl oq 6aG t 69 ea
aQsrQGQ eOtg ad t eao6 al6'GO AQG'IA t OtgG'do etne
'tJ* 'fy eeo, Gg etet6 a6e eG e'teo etd't
"o6rftgt6 qd'en f,1alqel 6qlool{ I qala eoG'lol q6'lo
6,eare1 cetoot{ I ooalolo alolcl ax t 69 6qel6o ctqt6
u6e o6er g< cl6 t qc'to G6lc'lo16o qdlglol o66'e,td't"
- (s)
6nlo g G'lEG'o qc'l-6'1q'6'a a6adq
csf cr aqa ata ?
qtoraqe(goroe g6)-ges 6Rto CIloeln aa6l
6q'qfi, qq 6'qG I

goto-Gnloo 6alafll66' alodl olqlq atsc' oQG,

oret6 qe.,r ao6-6064 aedq eaQ eoQ orn cnla-aclqo
eRr6, aaG t 63 olutodlcs 9Le6] 66lsfil{ acclcJdo alq I

areoGoteei flat otqt d eoq atQfr r

6nto g e'fieato-e'6gsreo e'Eiestcl et or6esta

qroroqe(goroq' q6 )-Qoo erieo atq6 6rii es
GRroeo 46, <oO qed r oq 6't6ll66l aB t eoee aad cl6l ?
e,ri cto eea6 atOoto I qqq6 (o16, 6eoo, 666t16q,
qQ qq) G' 6qcn oqo frn6 eld t ose'tqoea e,td'lo alqrlo
q{ r 6o6J ocatqoq o6Rlqd atQ oeg I 6G'611 eld'reo eQo
o6en fiqag gfi or< t ata ctfiel el8€'64 arq6 acq I

"eoee aeioqro c6eto et6' ctd l qflo qq6 goq ori

Geraq, I otat qGR agl 6'0 q'l o aCI I 6o6J qe'tota6 ac'lqQ
eero ofi oer, adtq criono al6'l'El a6e crd t eoo6 qe,t
e.,o oo e.'qo, 69 calafllc'q eeet otd'ged 6al qot o6e't
ord'qed r
o86"d o66ga, es qq erl-x 9EC

"{oO aolqQ eqta cfi a6etgr ota oEieolcl I CI16r1

aOc r {ed6o ahqeteo qQ6'6o atq6 atQat< t aea ee16
- aarqe eqla otdq aAG 6S eaei'ete6'eqen atqO atQot<, at6
q< ard I q{o qct fl6ataa ofr, 6 4666' o6e otathfllaG6)
6qq,r afr, flee, afr Go aatqQ sato aq6, 69 eaeioreco 60
66)refltari 6QalQ agt eqta6, ar6 qs atQ" t eoee {al6aa6a
aG,tqQ 6QAl qqa 6AAfi GlffGl, Olqla6l aqgr ocrn 6QlQ6 l"
466 Gro-_eosiflten aqer ntet aG otdtG eqfltcG'6)
aora aa6 ? 6qflt6c 6sa-oci aq al6 eoee 6 ?
qlotflqq I clclolo o6 t aqetccr olrl
-a6eer ei6eo16l
qd 6ra a6et g qreJer a6e,t; 'eQ aqa 6fl16o sto 0a, el6
6a,69r160 ee6t 6a t'e.'n6ots eq eOn l6oqqreiar o6t';;t
q{, '6e fiqe, Gslt6r aEi aRIa 6a t ata eod 66< aa erglg,
eq 6oa eoo6 qfl qot6o aalqo eqta a6otecr I ala eso6
ee6r e.'ri ecraorq aet o q< t'
"sci at6q'to erG ord r c[ 6et oq6, ri ora aq6, < 6
aci r ei6 nto aen 6sa aEi ateo aleo afr ol{ I ala CI6l
nrser crd r etn fr64 oett Oaen ordeJqsr oett 6< filaalq
? "

a6d ao-6ntoo 6nlafll6e 68ae 'G'ti 6'6t' oci aa'

aq6 r eoee aci e.'det eteo6r €r6ad.t qed t
qlorflqq-G''los'a a6adq 6rqa 6)lor r ari o al6ato
6'1aco 46e69 6ata c ot66l t eoee 6qtfl aei eett6<
aoto,-e6a6tq qed t "ctcgffQ6R, edflta sQ atoteto oelg
60, 6o6G 6'G't 46, eqqQa qqa.tfl6o ola-Qlqolol$,
Oqeoqaat G'66't, q'tc ot6'6'6Qt, qa a6er <Qqq r r[eQfr,
soq nci actqe eqta n6ot66Q CIQ, 69 otol q'q eOc t ata
orer6ea, qa't eoo6 fl6G' a6a 60, qfl fllca 6'80 a6Gdltl
fiqo nr6l I elqotoln, Oqsoqoert a6er qed I flscaa 6lqa
qfl qq6q atQen; atQ oQeR, q6fl aa 6a t otqteq'66i qcrl
oa6 6,Qq,, 6ql6o eaeoel6< Qtqotole Gqeoqaert, a6etq
99o qlarflqq aarflo
6a, G,t a0a-6e CI616''tG', qfl otoogsa 6006 6fllo qal
CIO q{, ata 6006 qflS qqiot 6a61alq ol{ I QlqolGlc)
Oqeoqoert, {qq a6ot eq I fiqo 66\e'6'' ogata qgaagl
crg 6l161466l-66'ta.lg{, sq6'eaen odt, ateqot6o aa6il I

eoee arQ'6 o16 ato atdt q,gla fl6J ? clg 6'rtQ QCQ, 6tG
aQt6a a6oe QtqotolQ, oqeoqaert 6Qlaol6Q I 6G6J o6Q,
e.,Ei ar6aro r ari ateRa a6a6q qed i atua e6 arq6 al66a

oq r qruc ad aO ata at6oa G6a 66lE6Q etOotde eo,

flqa d 6,s ara qq pras flqofiro GaaG' G'1aeQ Q6adq I

"G,66r aroae' tQ a6tq ato ot6e,tq ot6le{nt I aotq a66l

qgsrolG q6r6a 6as1t 6e6ll I qgslal QQ66l, 'at6Q, al66la
,.lta I Qtoasrn eo6 arQ ar6Rt, q?Blo1 al6Ga CIetqaQen
Qraa ?
"<Qod 660c srRr r 6ec eq eQ6, .qod qoaea eqQ
qg6!to16'aar fl64 oORr r 6qo6e6e 6q fi6c'qec QtQRt
cj al6 arqd areoa 06 I ad6a uta 8ll66la ota 6q'661 60,
aq"6r BC,c 6to I 6q6o6acc'' gr0 CIrQ oco ffto eaa atQnt
{G'" e6'te66r AG gq q'ocatG' 6gtQ6l6lt I

"q5 666o Gfit I ata 6ea esa o6nr qg'".,tat e,QaG

'ar66a ora' | 6cdJ adq olQ at66a 60661 60 6'41 q6)64
eloro er6 r { aat qqca fiu crtQ aetnt I 6q6oca66 :66J
6aae' 6101 6ce 6Q anr t soOorteeo gga eeta Rtfra
6QrAORr r

"ara 666o 6at t 6ec oQ atg6 qgotoi 6' 69lt6o

elor sr6 odqe Oorq e'Q e,rq't6-6q G 6cltco at6oe Oelq
eQaG r{ae ao1 qc,qotcl co6tnt garei sd I 6oqeq atQRt
<e1ord'qgoro1 eQelsn, arcoa 0ia I

"q6 66 0e oeer atc6l6l CIla 60661 ea, q'tol fll6a

err6qo gQerQG I 6q6osa6e Gt'61 q66'6ra'o6.4qrjq 6Q6ll I

"6o6J o96, olt't 66 aer Rt atQ*h, at66to eten atq6

an 6cs oreG, | 66< ao aO aataa ea'ta6 setfr fieG'46)
0g6'6r o6egq,, eE qq er[U 99Q

orQ", orer 6eata o eqlaara6 r nrl 69 a1ac6i aecetr qed'r

arq6 areeta oru, aei 6qra oiG,ea aO or6e r ee'ee 6qrfl
aei ea aOc, eaelorei er6 oO errqn 6qta ot6 greicr aer,
'68' fiqe, qfl ctooqso oG 6a, ara cri cnro 6a eod'
66< eiqe', 6q6,a ngi eood 6era er6'ea edgreo r

"atQ al66t6t 6t66'r fiqa at6t 6Qa I G't6.6t q'6io fr6e r

B6fr Grc'q6r66r alQto aarorar sse I

6ada6"a qeinra seer g6oa eeot Oea eea eoa"

Qoro etraelnt, {ae eqQ aal oQnr I

qrelaqe(qoroe gG)-qq6 qfl q6r6o eeor Qsa

6G'a qoot sqla6 r eaahreR toq,l aga6, 6qflt6c 6lfit 6ltglt
aro61 6Grta (ooaea rrar) r

(eroorae qO)-"6Q',$1, goto, aflo-{qq 66f

e, re'6 t uta otqt qqqd 6qfltc'66leelerQ do erdr" (aaaca

arar) r

golo*_fleloa, er6er oar giqr aQsR ot?t6e6n ala-

6tqat G a166, I

qtgant6' (3 qlatflqe-qorog 6sr
qrerraqe(goroa gG)-eoer, qaatc,c qtgqfitco
66rqa qden 6fira6i 6la 6aq q6lot{ I eerr6x aOoorq
6fii66',66'a otaE6R r atorrjq 6ataA6n aeet o0o, ot6.6r ctct
qrflri.ltot t aQen 6,a6 q,l, 6lqe oieq, atflo 6gfl-erO sq'a
ct6' qaq aG eae,rq ea,a I {Q ear q6 aatq I 6q6o6a6n
66rc,r{ oB fi6e oQnr i eot6{ Onr aQelnr, 6flt61 arej aeo
466'6' ealgr aa6, qet6n 6otet t edare qern o0 q<
Gr'6e6R 6a6a6q,6n eargl oQ o1616 ArQ", 66tq elat qeG, I

<od aqae oar q6en 6ata ead el6ee z sqr orrGee 60,
60roi 6trt?r GG nra,rG ( arar) r
eee qlalflqe aalflo
6',66 Ae-6Ol0l O ClAl6 I 66116]flal Olql6 I (qfigca
alqr) I _
qlolflqq-6061 6Q61, 60 Oqq6}o cls qalolas
'e16rq !'{816J{q'l q6lol{ 60, 6rqQ eo 6 669, 6c'6a6g6a
aqaa eO otqlG t

trjcdt','6flt6t 6Q' aqtG' ota'

-6'1as'a a6a6lq'q6
qlotflqe (goroe. q6 )-eoet, qflS 6'qA, q6n
6ada ala q6fl e1n eoo6
6e61toq't 6QtQ, gGRtq, 6a16ll9ll I
eerlet-oorer gaCIla I 6nqo 6q'G'1, od, (6lGl, eto-Gqato
<Qqq a6aa G 6Q6'rl I AIA AAd {qq qfl$ CI6t 6tl66l ? {6C'
qor cl"G'tq <e.'tq oQ flqa6 6a r aqereotea qtq 6a t

gcto-atsl d, <E6o q6oQ ctd, otet Q"ader eae'l t

6c'64 {qq aderg 6Q46, ol6'Q olglgt eood eleq t

qlotsqq (aa ea)-q6fl aqa qo, olGQ alfl oqal

orqi qq o6]a; Ag 6664 oeer <Q 6llG' flal elQo ord t efil6{
6A 6J6l-
"6'661 Gnita6t olQlo 40661 6164 6a elfil I qqul oo I

a6aa o6qsr ad oa66a odqnr r 666c oeel 6ea olol 69

6e6lr r aa6 snan 6Q6ll I 6q6o6a6e CIoq ool 466'r old'
etrat 66o c?at I aQfit, 6Q oao6oG'', 6q'61 ooG atei etd
erG,r I oac'6oa 69 q6en arQ" t ao6 flgcl? odetg nt6Rt
6q6o6a6n enta6 e6l6{ Oaer ot9nl I olQ oe6' oQnt,
aQflro oaa6r qa r oq fleG' g6Rt, q66r q66I Aqg 6QlA
aQe,rg RtGRt-G'tq'l I fiQ o116r ord t aqalocr o6l, qflq
gara I ao oarC flqoq eQRt, 6< al Glo eat qq6 I aaqaa
oa' 'aqataa oa' aQet 060 6q'q6lr 66 eqaotQ" t

6q6G6a6e G,QGIt, 6't6't, '6'tq6lG oa !' '6tqdG'oQ t' eoeleo

O ea'nt atQ", 6qso6qen G,Qnt, '6llgtG aQ !' '6ll9lG fl6t !'
6a6 atG't Gttff atQ", 6q'lQl6l qflS | 6q86o flu 66 eant ord,
fia flsog eqta otfrG'lq alac{ ont t 69 g16 aEla6'lq 6QQ,
eRre6 aeletet6 atQet qfla6o aq6-ol 6lnl o6l !
086"6 o66ga, e8 qq eIrN 99gl

(gorsa qO)-"6Q€16''G clfl qflqoot o6etqeee

crd r orer 66 eeta6, etSe-aqa6' e8l6o I ols 08160
6ear uta Bls agt6o ota6; q6fl ea$ o6e z qno eeiorc
oeieq, flqac'otco gar nc6'a-olc 69fl ql6a6o Rr 6a I

<Q oat oQ orger eoQ aqnmfl aqca nqo 6llc 6leG'lq

atQa c66l-
tg'04 qoqlo60 691190 rls'l
o6n, 010166'oloa 6qfl-0QUA ll
est6en otac'a8oca qclq'a I
6q 6q. oG qoa e'6o steeol elAE$ ll
flrG aoeo ont{ gcrl 6q eq e,e t
qc'10 e6e q6 qd, dla qq 016'06l ll
(qoroc gC) "6te gOR ? 6aqo eqq 6q qq
- {
o a6co esRt, eeiarc qG ola I qq96o q6en flGeto
ora erd r {er 60 aqc'o qlaQ I R66'aocl 60 {e[6o nqsq
6a6erq g{; ficc'eo atdeg Gafl 6rqo fiqo a6n nAol6n
6qreor{ r ri aeoqq QQe1fr " -
qcto-flatoa, eeoq 6s t
qlarnqq-GEl G'Gdt qaa I si eeoqq eQe1fi, eoel
6rqo oqo etoCI I qQ oq ql6a6o qQQlQ.6ot6t Q'6t agl q{
G''t ? argr 9166' Q6l, al6rl{ 6rq el6, g RtG eetoq, ot'6Q66t
eagi*oreo eQ aq staq ? e6og oQnt, 'r[ aota utoeo oQ
Ad'eG'ra 6teQ t'r[ootOfi cl-ae ? dlQ6Q eq 6lagQlQe ?
6q G,QRI, '6G',6t1 qo 66nt q046, ala g16leotoQ ! 6qo6€'6n
e[ oQfr, 'G,rG'r ! q6eteo qlclQ66l eq og etd ! { o aqo
qr66l, { ar6o6o qQen qq'{ g{ ctdoqer aflo g{ ! fiqos
oro"groe'6e6R flagq Geselq q< erd t
(oroornc qA )-'dj" ata '6fl16t' {Qlo olgl aSlG' I

orqfi6 orfiflOo ndaG, sQ oat d entee ae6 t eeQeeeR

cq6 crdaqo oQeG t 'qtgoRte aA6' 6nla oG otaeG',-q
ear ecQ oe6 ard'6rqoc a$6o sQG eeta6 sQ6o ctst
998 q10tflqq aarflo
asra r 6e 6rqe, q6o a6it r[ aodr; q6fl o81 ri oe; <QOet
6,tfi ffii€, I 6a fiqa eorer 66 A6d-{ g0o egto qcd, {
atalficQ 6f|Q a6Q, { qflt8 60l6t q6Q, qq qflA 6',OE; {q

gr, qq, adq,r6r { qq 66 eflt6r qed, aq qaer 66s | {Qt6)

arfl ffira

"6fir6r 66s, ssra 60s aQ-eqQ aaa 66oq otn

ctaatQ arfi flrar r qflgs GtR olQalQ olfi agl I 6aaG)
qrgqnroo cnregrag afi ot{, 6 eaen 6e'odeta 66rta6
Qfi'l Cr{, .(QtQ 6'rfl fltat I 6A eOOer 66llAS Gl6l OIAAIQ 6'19l
flrar, qq6a6e 6nrag aecra6'r, oguria 6r-lre6 ocloreG'i,
.<aB oarq q<, aQq q< r

"fltfitce fiAsq aa 6?teot{, ooatoc"otq 6qe g< t

OAIq6rq0 AlCI g{ I q6)6OQ, G'IQQ {9116G'OAt Q61q6R t"

q6'tcg 6sr-qrgqflrc'' 0 crfret-crge
g6,tc-eogYgrea fleraaG 6o6'e6r aa6, eqqtaao
q6fl q6fi aa6 eq'46 o z
qleifrqq rj aee , q'qle a6q,tsa 6ots ead ? 6G6a
q'q16166r orqt aO aq t

qega qlus'
"q'tql q6eo oe aa160 6,6q, 'atfi oer t' 69 ot 6e oa
qsc' ee.'lsrQ floqfi qrfl6a r e16eer fioq 6asta rldeet est,
'arfl CI6l I' fi6q, fi66'Gr66r 6q fio atoer qed, ata ae eqQ
fiffqfi qtst6a r 95 c16o qaq. oe G661, G,6e, 'qd eflla q'o
qe ecra6 'eAr qd fror sraelq CIa ol{ clQ" r' '6frte e6'
qdeo G,6q qo, 69 creo eo, od enro qsd, r16e'a ga r

"66,6J es€Yoreo arq6, 6qfiro6 rj aec q"qre 6,6r,

6qel6a eorg otQ" r 6G6a fiqacot6a fi6' aq G,61, 6'161 60
fiaqta o6era eflra Aed; {qq aqac"6l I 6a16l oa flqoc'
oE6"6l 06690, es qq errx 99E

6ae'eo r ara e6e, G'tG' otaogea o0 otei'etrqn eeta qiot

grdar 6'6q't"
6nroo aar q6 oQnt t6'661 CIQ aQcR, fl416fl ar6atfr
6nroa o6oRiec aqer aoG-aat staG otd t

gero-c1d66r 60 orQl QQg, ate6a 6qfll6G'eo eaQ

orOa orqr 6910 fl6nq{ erd r <Q 6''610 6"1101616r oscQ 60
eor6s flqrd6 u6, <aat a6oa6 Q" nrQerq eqta6 t

qlarqqe-Gtet6Qcn eent; et6 o arqa6 ctOe t

erd6 eqe r
-Gt' 6'9l aa6olo60 ooofiteo Moral
Government (aqerdver qaqlQ zlla olo6l ctta) sQ 6'616'64
g{ -{aai o atcG t

a6G'G aareteit o6a goro 6ota ecetq olcglc.ala

Q66r I

Olatflqq (goroe. qO)€l 6'ad oQQ t soec'

oQer e,ar <Q 6o, tetgt-Qeto 6oeer grq'ntd t
"6616{ eal-atfrat-atsc Q" aqersot6l6As aGQ I

ea 6erq Oerq 0< arQ" r eoq atd qfleg 6aer qtq gd'ql
e,er6 r (ooacer erar) I otgt oR 6Qa 6't clc'6Q4,-oO ge
ea, qfle gt 6o0 GQ, Q66t q6et e,g6, alsl qq GrGt l"
-eoee ri arq6 r

goro orfroca I otqaco aqcfia1 aat, alfrfi-aluo

6riro6l Gar qflrq eeni ord r gcCIqG' eoqrg'6i qnGo aq'qQa
o6sr oeceer acro qA qQ a6]el6n t aateJQa eqQ oo qcr6o
fr6 6nr r a6e fitg oofitoc'a qoa6o atoto aO aesase6l
ao8 arar666r fio qlq 6qnl I

69 goroc qoa6o aao sQ oar gGU6o seta etQ" t

6ao.eer o6a 61qo s6Rtn afie, olgetg aqa'6-
flqroa sQ eent ofieetqer otgt aag t at6 eqotsa
66,616' 6qAG' flr' g 0Q6r q166)lQ016A AlO6lS OdA O6erq
999 q10rflqq aalq6'
Oee r 6qflr6c ato6t6 a eoqot6en q{6'gaqo eela eo6
arQse r

6a6oorq 6eat 6G'6lG'' qsiteerreo ada6 I 6Gq Glco

q6't gilGr Orq6lr6]1, O6eterg 006lacqlG'r{ q16nlafll6a olqas
ode e6etq Oee t

Olorflqq (o6 afiae gG)-etq etg {66' o 6ello

6o Oo eora ord; Go G'61 eeta ot66 etd I eqatee otao6
G ara eaer 466 I 6qotc6r 6qfltcc e6ete6t qfree-646i
atG'c 6Qa I

Gaqser Qqrn aO otqa otgt aqa6-o6soqo Oee t

fret qaaee g6og6'a G,6'rqtdt 6ar eqe6 r 6G aoqd 46164

ori eoq Oar eqta aqo6 "ri Gq6G6aGG! OG sra erd,
66 q6 ar6 6a t"
aOarnrg ee'a 6taa6 t aga6-"{Qt6t a6G'6' fll6e
aG r q6 sra etdfl6c Gq6Gl q6 arQerqagt 646' r (eoae
erev) r"
o6 ofrn (oorareer) -G)R G'at6flrltcc ou atQatalg t

CIoflr6a qfi6s eqo6 t

. $q''6'et gdeoo
otqa qlolnqs ofieaqa n6aea
964G, OQela, Ql6t6l, Alq, fllqQ,
auo qq6 ootr q6r6o
q1q@ algcllfl, nlq, 6oure,

6'6ag gq6eo edg

otqo Ololnqe c'6eoqo-fl6oeo 6e, oeo oqfllec'
q6r6a eQaG I qsql 6gto6, 6oq 6'6l8lclco G'lfi tl 6.?t
g OB 888
6,,qa6 l066 6rlg116l, AUQ, fllqo ala 6'66194C6

utG qgeto-66'qq qql-qlo6l1, 9o

qq erru qlEla I

oru6e 060 Qaolgl 6QG' I

6ao5o 060 olqo o6oeo utn6 atoq 6efil I aLlQ

qQo cat eqe6 G alfi'oco
arn6 eoqelq 6l6R I olqo n6c
fl6q 6or otd oontec acr60 oe e'goG I

aG t
olotflqq-alQl, Qlgolgla ead oQeto aBt
ie'qoic'q eQfr, 'q eRto6ot ord sQ I qlols QElo
Oeer eOrtgO 6U6,q B6'te*rgOrG 6Q661 eld t ertfl AQeR, geR
Qotgo otglq'o eqet cAG Glo aad RIQ 6QRl ?-QlG'qRlo
6oq66l qQ eeee I

"qflq.eq6, eaQe eoqfr-etqolfl, Qacla ala aQ16l

{cllcao qq6 oto I

"etgotaq eoqfr-eoetc1d I 6G'l6Q elo I


qff'!flrcc't 6q qq6o o-aer eoq6,bl'6t 6oa 616't ae 66 e,en

ot'e eQta0e t

"Qad e,l6 coqaoto aq6ut eeaG t eq atQ oQeet on

6qa t{ctlcfia qal6'qg{e qela calooto6 I 66'661
o eQ oQG (aeor 6llc'6o oAG) I 9691 6l1c 6QalQ a€'gl I
e ef 010tfiqq aalflc,
"6161t6're <od ae,gt 6aatq ora6 efi, otq eateo ot8
6aare qs r (eorei) eoer adetq eqeo oreei crd r

"G'rqQro ara 6er&a-.(gltos ataeoen ara qa6

atq'r6 r-o0 ara eaQ at6q, fl66,q{, q66r q66r ao6o6l
soa g,tfrOc, t

"6o6G, 6at6lata oO atQetq aea G,tQ", o60 66

eGn?it earaoreei'(aetar)rj 6o666a6n alatq aee 'orfrar
6q6o6a6e 6q a6e-aro6l eoa 6ag ot I el6ltne.6o6t
8t6C I 6'6Q, 6q aneer a6 t
"6rt6iln eGialo CIo qa erh a6; 6,t66, 6q ata atqo
eqe atQ- I 6,6e, 'sa eq CIR Rt66l RtQ" t' ot'e ql {otq
arQqnr r ex ed aflq I <orq arQ 6ote6oe 6at I 6qfll6a
crq 66,ra6laq Oerq aQen I 6q 6at clQ" r aQnr,-6ot6G
ar6fir0 q6flt0 CIfi at66l clQ" t"
"6eaAq o*oet 6od 66,1u q{ ?"
atqQ-at8t, qG,Q 6o6aat I

olarflqq-€,r, 6o6e6lr 6aan qed r aon ! qo6.,6q6R

fiqo qa6.6et fraG I qafi 6e6R €)o6a6 d1q arnil aea r 6a16
afr ggo-eerrQ aaer 66 G,rQ", q,ia o6e,r areg 6s q.( ata
61Q trA g.( I

"66rgrc, 6erq, a6e atQ r qsa 6a6 Gga,-etfra:

aruo Q" aa a6a ?
flrqa-argr, d r

qtatflq€-otc ofltqatQen 6'a6 6aa ?

crfict 6'tgg orl6l 6oqr6l

"Glq,66r eoqfr, sOe o166 ag6, orq edlsrQ eors q6i
aer orQ r at' otei etfl 6,66'1,-6qg6o eq,tg crQ t

"q6o eogieri ee,-{ed6e 6q'tE erQ"r< aa eifl I

"6et6t1 6e.,q 661-6,a 6eat-qroa6 o6nr-q6 FJo

6ear I Ae 6qat o6a 6q aa6 6ua eua a6 c,r66, r eq o6
EO6"6 OdeAO, yo eQ ettU
6eirert66 d adc' I qflo aordea agt ard | 6qfl16'S Ealaal .

Oaraet I 6qfl160 Gt'Q 6QsQ qal6q 06Q ?"

o6-eaQ etfrq 6066t 8Ol 0l{ I

qlotflqq-Gl' qG t eeiotc {qlq ao olalq oal 6'61 I

-qq Gq16l e,OOqot6er Ql6q I

t eoee eoo6 q"qlo t qaei 66<

er6 aG t eqoe sQlaonl oeer ott6-6q6cca6e qflq
qq6'6o SlqG ela
arQeoee I Qlqololnco clgl cnglacn

6ar6 qtd orn 646fi eoee atg6 t

"God'a@fl16c {ol6a ao6-6qfll6c 90 alea I

eor6s alo6r 8Q6, 69116o aElQ a6l I 6a fiqo t ata eqt6s
atQ, 6qfll6c a66l6r, 6qfll6c 6q Gal ce6 crd I 6qfl16'G'6r
gaG 66o et6en 6QQl, ga6fl r[ (qroroqe) 6{ ? ot' o66r
6qflt6e 6{-6fl1 ql6r6o qao azd ?
"q6fl <Q eog a186l I Ot' 6'6Q66r {60 qq6aQ e'ea-
c66lg, Ql6ll6t, 6oe'e, {flleff6r qq€-ol€', alqQlflt
aaG'la {flIG'GQ gq6-ote
"oG''G'la, algolgl {9llG'G6r qq6-ote I
g6t16l g{616r

OG q< I c'lqalfl eQ6, eqQ olG'61 olq onnlcel

t Gt' 6Q6n
qqoCntc ote t

E'to otfieta otee-66 (Miracle) e

"atgl QIG' otfr0ero fll6n'61 6'ao ? al66l a6o
glo otfrRt
otatagl66r ota otfr olQQnl, {aQ Qlalagl6a

aO qo5'6 aa6 eoq otqei 6ee' 6'qs6-

"eto 6rtff6 qq aQ"6'lo 6dn a6er ord'r etdarc 6e'q
c[ esrr6 ota ard t eett6etg ola 6066, eq QQsG I aQ'olCI
{al6q'$6q'G',066l OIS OlAAl0 aota etd t
"BtG86t Qal 6ocl fltGeQ eot,69 66'60 aooqa6o !
eso qlalflqq aalflc
"a6e a6Q 6aQ oefi, oO eqQ cr6 atQots t oO QG
at6q {ot66l OlQQ6ll0l, QlqOlole estafre t entaflteR atQ
6,Q6e, 6flr 66lto orn e,66a t Q6 q,ao Q6l ?"
orqo - atgt, 6't I atodl o aQe6, ae QG ouq eettG<
eiQen e6eta frnG nrd'r
qlotflqq-0q q,'Qa t eodataq'tleg6, eqfltso QG
g'tetG t

"6o[i' 6nta aqcnte ots16] 66 oted, eq ata 6t66r

ors erdr6q cataq<at ettQeei oQerqOaG ard;-ata oQ
q,Qerq Oa6, eoee otst66r eqta 6aG crd r eoq 6qts ot6,
aeQqnt o16-qdreoot 06l I

Elr6,r6r, Fatcto go d qoq-aQQ 6er olqof;o

" a g r, q G, Gr 6o c er aor a q oq aa d aqs ? - 6el a a e gl
r t t t t I t t

flo a6ooo6 Gr6ror{ ard-eog oroe" otd' qtel6l I

aqroscq eed ee6 I os1 aqc aooqa6o, 6o6osQ66'

Ote q{, 6q66646G'' q6 ornea eQ Qqro aeo t Ootalo 060
qrarQ r

"qfle atqotq aea Oetq eee I QIG'6o eos1fr-

aLr6lce oo, QQotglG'oo-sQag6fll6r alool I

"69 eeAtsn' .(otq e atQen egto 66 ato6 etd t"

oBG eGr6Q nlfit od'{e c"t6coo 6$nl-
filqQ-alsl, otqt etaQ 6aa ? q6 66'll] 6A6R A 9891 I

arod q$ g86a aGlo I

qtotnqe-d, ata r[ eoe16,-G't6e'Q g qlGaao

661f,, rq'rGao qoq rGt'6r GgQ qqa6oq-qq oG t

"6o6o66''6c', oo1 qqqfr, 6q6G6a6n <aB 6alLl

6araelnr r qa 6qaca sB 6Q6'lt I 6Gso oeo fl6fr Qctet
6Q6R I,,
Eqo"d 0a680, 9o qq Qrru 99e

flrqe-pr$t, ri
atRG'tq 66rtuoG q6l66t 6'lQlG'6o
grerqfr r 6'tQtG'61 uqct nt6 eqtGq 66uaool eflatq eatQ<
s6o e+q?o6a I €aq ooerer eset oO 6'R6Q fr6eten t
"argr, eo etG 6q'66t, ol'o 6"61 ogl al{-ol'Q 6"61
-e$qeeru at< ? cgqeeru oQen 6o6G'G'q'gt QQ6' ?"
qlorflqq-6ql {al6G'n6a alg 60661,-flqQ, gllfll,
6,16" 6'610 I

"6q 6q'66, olat (6ortfltat, et6q'qrnlat) o1Q,6'610-

a0 aas, crd r eaeooo 6e'o 'dJ'" 46, 6q66'sdl so og aG t

sre aQ gror e,tGet o6Q ata GG cr6 ! 6q6GGa66' 6eo 'd/

oriqe erGooer et6 eetooeg t
n6 6er oqa6 I qlotflqq ego6, "6oG e'te t -eood
o6o orqgretnt qR I {at fltocQ 86'l !
"oqq ! etfi Qtfi !-qQ6oQ, oqototdq {fi16c Goqto
'u* oqaen I aot qsd, aat aqoco t 6oqto eiGoeo
d ogr, 6oqn 'dt- eq egtaeG t
a6ger eat amqm6q oolel
-G'tolge- -
"69 QG'IQ et6 6q6, oatO ots' aoq6a (under)
(aere) r o6'taetqete etd't qGfl qtulc qd I ea eao6 oot6
eqo6 e6erqsse teqQ atoqto6 ggmle 60661 6oce q9816'
g{-6c66,s,tGo e$nr 6q6tot{ G'Gsq qcd t"
"6o6GE6t 06s rl ax, 6q6o86l eqQ atoqto6c
QRt6'l I OrG AO6160 6'16 AlQoerq ete atd I

"arq'qrd6q qtetoq6o aeeta fi1nl I 016' o6eo

a6'Gr6r r 6o6q,ota aeote clriq co6 r aqGE dRt'c oO t'
"Gtc{gt0e6r at66t 6te,tq eaQ 66 se6 se.t RtGeR
aqel66l 'go 66 0e oeo atq' I ntfreg Qot66q' t"
"e6e G6lEG6l eqel a€'oto 6gG'lqlgdlo ga-eo 6G
areer er6-aolq 6otgt ata oQatorl atQS-"
999 qlatflqq 6)arrl8
\\^' 66'6r€, 6qG'Ggror g o6et-urg1 ge,eent6et arn6 eoq urQ eQen r urgl geeenrQot sGeer
fl8661 OtqOS O6rC QOArq ArqS r OrqQ qflgca 6'cs silQ
otSG ctQ-G'66|EO8 Ot86l, 6,Q61t6,, b,ltg1GQ I A6G'A OAdt
6oq66'r flar 6qflr6c ee"r 6a6, {6J sucroro6 ard r

qlorflqq (auo qq6 oroc q6)-qee arQelnr r

o6oe'r 6G' ara ara ar6o6r eq66r6u ardelnr r 6cr6o

oQ6rr, aro6r 66ror{ ara 6re6a t r[ oQfr-6fir6r 6o6'CIer
aB rura qoqqo 60616'r, ergr6,,l eqQ aeoa 6ra eoe 6od
eeraora6 r

"66,616', 6qctr gtt' CIad1 {gr6c' atQelen r eoq q6

GGer cr6fr I ead oQQ t-a6s,6,gee oraaG r


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