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1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Your healthy diet must include all the essential nutrients. You must avoid
eating junk food or fast food because they have lots of calories from fat
and sugar with little nutrient content. Also reduce salt in your diet. Eat
fresh food rather than processed foods that contain a lot of salt. Also eat
more fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Exercise regularly
You must spend at least half an hour each day to exercise. Exercising
regularly produces better health and a longer life. You can choose to go
for a walk, swim, practice yoga, deep breathing or do anything that
interests you. This helps in de-stressing.

3. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep may lead to many health problems including obesity,
diabetes, and even heart disease. It can also affect your immune system
and make you less able to fend off colds and the flu. So, it’s important go
get a good night’s sleep at least 7-8 hours every day.
4. Drink more water.
Most of us don’t drink enough water every day. Water is needed to carry
out body functions, remove waste, and carry nutrients and oxygen
around our body. We need to drink about 8-10 glasses a day to stay

5. Stop smoking
Smoking is bad for your health. It can severely increase your risk of lung
cancer, kidney cancer, heart attack, and more. So, if you do smoke, stop
now and do it not only for yourself but also your family and friends.

6. Put your Mobile Aside

Keep your phone at a distance when you are at home and spend quality
time with your family. The rays emitted by mobile phones are harmful it
is thus suggested to keep it away especially when you sleep at night.
7. Connect with Positive Minds
It is always good to be friends with people who bring in positivity in your
life. Also socialise with those who follow a healthy lifestyle rather than
those who regularly indulge in unhealthy habits such as smoking or

8. Follow Your Interest

Most of us are so busy with work these days that we forget to take out
time to follow our interests and hobbies. It is a good idea to squeeze in
some time to follow your hobbies such as gardening, reading, writing or
anything of your choice. These act as a good replacement for the
unhealthy habits and also help in keeping stress at bay.

It is better to take out some time to follow the healthy habits that I’ve just
shared with you when you are still young and fit to avoid health issues later
in life.

It is time you should understand that your health is of utmost importance

and it is only when you are healthy would you be able to work efficiently on
other aspects of your lives!

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