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Classification of measurement area for vibration check

Ring 1 : NGRANDEN and GET 01


Ring 2 : BAYURAN and GET 03


1. Based on the Vibration report (April and May 2017), impact to the convenience and health.

From the April report, found the high value on GET 3 ( Ring Area 2 ) in Frequency 4, 5, and 6.5 are
categorized in disturbance range.

Refer to the site activity report, within April 2017 , the site activity mostly for piling work at Boiler #5 .
The higher value of measurement shall be occur in Ring 1 area which has more close distance instead of
Ring 2 area. So, the indication of higher value at point GET 03 from the report might be coming from
general traffic or others and not from site piling activity.
2. Based on the Vibration report (April and May 2017), impact to the convenience and health.

From the May 2017 report, found the higher value of measurement on Ring Area 1 & 2 in frequency 4, 5,
6.5, 8, 10 are uniformly categorized in disturbance range.

Refer to the site activity report, 15 May 2017 , the activity mostly for piling work at Boiler #5 .

It’s can be summarized that all of higher value of measurement are might be due to noise from piling
3. Based on the Vibration report (April and May 2017), impact to the building structure.

Found the higher value on GET 3 in low frequency (4 Hz)

Similar to the item 1, within April 2017 , the site activity mostly for piling work at Boiler #5 . The higher
value of measurement due to vibration of pile hammer shall not be occur in GET 03 (Ring 2) area instead
of in GET 01 & 02 (Ring 1) area which have a close distance to the vibration source.

There is no issue related to the worse vibration impact from piling work to the existing building /
house of social community surrounding the project area on that period.
4. Based on the Vibration report (April and May 2017), impact to the building structure

Indicated the higher value of measurement at Kaliaman, in Freq. 12.5 Hz. The measurement was taken
on 17 May 2017, @14.15 . The distance to the project site is approximately 5 KM.

Site activity within that period is continue with pile driving for Boiler #5, area 1 – 5.

Shown in the picture, the vibration was coming frequently in short period and not reflecting to the
high spectrum of vibration from piling work activity. It’s might be identified that the vibration was
generally coming from traffic only.

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