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Evan Hrbek

URWT- 1104

Mrs. Raymond


My Writing Process

Throughout my writing process in this course, I feel that I had to use rhetorical

knowledge in order to conduct my writing from not only one perspective but from multiple

perspectives. As a writer, when using rhetorical knowledge, you must think about different

perspectives, contexts, and even the audiences you are going to be writing for. In this course, we

were instructed to participate in two major projects, the Genealogy Project and the Short Inquiry

Project. In the Genealogy Project, we are instructed to produce information about our family’s

history through four generations. I applied rhetorical knowledge to this project because my

audience does not know what sorts of things my family has been through and it was my job to

construct a paper so that the audience could understand both the contexts and the perspectives I

am trying to reach while providing information about my family.

Every day when I walk into the classroom, my classmates and I are all assigned a daily

writing to express our thoughts on certain topics that our professor has provided for us. I feel that

these daily writings have developed my rhetorical knowledge because I was able to open my

mind to new perspectives and new contexts of writing, even though I was not necessarily

presenting my writing in front of a group of people. As the class progressed, we were given

assignments that led to discussions in the middle of class. This required all students, including

me, to speak our minds about previous articles or chapters we have read. This gives everybody
an opportunity to speak their minds on the different messages they got from these works of

writing. Throughout these discussions, multiple views and ideas were brought up that came from

different perspectives. This does not make their views wrong or right, but it gives the audience

more knowledge about that topic that can raise questions and possibly even more ideas.

Presenting from multiple perspectives has made me a better writer as a whole because it made it

easier for my professor to understand what I was presenting.

In our Short Inquiry Project, my group is going to be conducting a presentation about the

Battle of Okinawa. Each of my teammates has a family member that has fought in either a battle

or a war in United States’ history. This makes our group a strong one because we will be able to

speak about our topic from multiple perspectives based off of the roles that our family members

played in their wars or battles. My parents and my grandparents are a great source that I used for

both the Genealogy Project and the Short Inquiry Project because they are the only local relatives

I have that can give me further detail on their history. My grandfather also was the one I am

going to be presenting about, so I was able to get all of the information I needed for my project.

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