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Portfolio 2018-19

Mid--Year Academic Reflection

You have finished your senior fall semester and are only a few months away from graduation!
Having had nearly four years of high school, take some time to reflect on your experience.

Thinking about your efforts and experiences in core classes since you were a freshman,​ ​what are
some of the ways you’ve evolved as a student? What has been your biggest challenge(s) in your
core classes? What are some of the most rewarding experiences you’ve had academically?
Consider examples that you may remember long after high school.

In all four years of core classes, my dedication to my classes has positively evolved. I’ve grown
to understand my responsibilities in the classroom, and shown engagement, “outstanding
performance,” and great motivation in my classes. My biggest challenge throughout my four
years of high school, was to get nowhere near any distraction. Having to focus on many different
responsibilities, I had to learn to multitask. My most rewarding experiences have been the times I
put work into projects, or essays, and in return I received a good grade. One example is, when I
spent my summer working on my Honors English project, put hard work into it, and received a
really good grade.

Looking ahead, what do you need to do during your last semester to accomplish your goals?

For my last semester of high school, my goal is to finish strong. I want to develop my
self-management, and responsibility skills. These two skills will help me in the real world, and
will help me in school. I want to, and will be putting in my focus on school, homework, class
involvement, and engagement in all my class. I will be working on doing better the classes that
needed work from past semester.

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