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-are images created in

your head from a very
detailed description
of something, often
using more than one
of the five senses
(sight, sound, smell,
taste and touch).
- method of
writing by which
the author uses
ordinary words to
create an image.
SIGHT- visual
- appeals to the sense of seeing

Sensory details: colors, shapes, sizes, patterns

Example: The horizon glowed a deep red orange.
SOUND- auditory
- appeals to the sense of hearing

Sensory details: loud, soft, harmonious, harsh

Example: A cat screeched and wailed in the alley.
SMELL- olfactory
- which appeals to the sense of smelling

Sensory details: aromatic, stinky, pleasant, unpleasant

Example: Sampaguita scented candle
TASTE- gustatory
- which appeals to the sense of taste

Sensory details: sweet, bitter, sour, salty, spicy

Example: Sweet vanilla ice cream
TOUCH- tactile
- which appeals to the sense of feeling

Sensory details: hard, soft, hot,

cold, sticky, dry
Example: A cold breeze
QUIZ On your paper, write the predominant
sensory image found in each of the following

1. a grain of sand in the eye

2. smoke curling up lazily from the cigarette

3. green mangoes with bagoong

4. slow crunch of footsteps on dry soil

5. the murmuring of the bees

6. silky and velvety as a baby’s skin

7. scorching rays of the noon day sun

8. ants crawling down the anthill

9. the tang of salt spray from the sea

10. pebbles cold and sharp under my feet

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