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Day 1- Session 1

Speaker: Dr. Guillerma L. Bilog

Topic: Possible Emotions by Adults in Crisis
“Tawanan ang Iyong Problema” was her statement that brought tears to many
participants. She also led them to sing a version of that song. She emphasized the importance of
spending quality time with their loved ones. In addition, she reminded them to leave their
problems in school to enjoy family bonding at home and vice versa.

Day 1- Session 2
Speaker: Dr. Elena M. De Torres
Topic: Common Causes and Types of Stress
“All stressors are not equal so try not to accommodate them.” The said line was uttered
by Dr. De Torres when she talked about the causes of stress. She also shared her personal
experiences on coping the effects of stress that made her a stronger person. In addition, she
discussed the positive and negative effects of stress and how people could still see the value of
life despite all the challenges that come their way.

Day 1- Session 3
Speaker: Mrs. Loida M. Guevarra
Topic: Validating and Normalizing Feelings
“She started the session with a dance “Kiss Me, Kiss Me” to ease the stress of the
participants. She also told them to draw their emotions while listening to the song entitled
“Dance with My Father”. Some of the participants were encouraged to share their feelings and
they became emotional during the open forum. On the other hand, the speaker reminded them
the importance of being strong and faithful to God at all times. She advised them to pray during
good or bad times.

Day 1- Session 4
Speaker: Mrs. Analiza Montero
Topic: Financial Management and Financial Literacy
“Live a lifestyle full of simplicity” was the focus of the third session. She pointed out that
people must learn to live within their means and they should never compare themselves with
others. Moreover, she talked about the difference between short-term happiness and long-term
goal. She also included the reasons why Filipinos don’t save. Consequently, a video was presented
towards the end that awakened their minds to start earning for their future.


Day 2- Session 1
Speaker: Dr. Wennie C. Gonzales
Topic: Stress-Tolerance and Work-Life Balance for Teachers

“Be prepared at all times and you’ll never be stress” was the first message of Dr.
Gonzales. She mentioned the different kinds of stress and how to deal with them. She also shared
the accountability of a teacher that should be put into consideration in order to avoid problems.
A sharing of stressful experiences was also made and how they managed to overcome them.

Day 2- Session 2
Speaker: Mr. Leonides Kundangan
Topic: Calming Down and Controlling One’s Emotion

“Count your blessings and be thankful all the time” was mentioned by Sir Leo during his
talk. He shared some funny words that captured the hearts of the participants. He also taught
them the different types of clap that could be used to ease stress. Moreover, he led them to sing
and dance an action song entitled “Magagawa Natin”. He expressed his gratefulness towards the
end by saying “Namaste”.

Day 2- Session 3
Speaker: Dr. Liseo Vergara
Topic: Meaning, Scope and Function of Financial Management

“Your manner of handling money affects your lifestyle.”

Dr. Vergara defined money including its three aspects during his talk. He also talked about
the struggles that the teachers usually face when saving. On the other hand, he gave some tips
on how to manage their finances wisely. He also left them a challenge to aim higher than their

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