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What is Body Language?

Ans. It is the communication of personal feelings, emotions, attitudes, thoughts through body movements –
gestures, postures, facial expression, walking styles, position and distance – either consciously or
involuntarily, more often subconsciously, and accompanied or unaccompanied by the spoken language.
The relation between the three main elements of communication; the verbal, the vocal, and the visual has been
established by scientists in this way –
Verbal 7%
Vocal 38%
Visual 55%
Thus the visual is the most controllable and yet perhaps the most unconscious element of the message from
sender to receiver.

Characteristics of Body Language

 VOICE– It is an extraordinary human attribute. Our voice reveals our gender, age, background,
level of education, emotional state etc. It has 3 chacteristics. Tone, volume, and pitch. tone is the
quality of the voice. Volume is loudness or softness. Pitch is the high or low note of scale.

 SILENCE – It is a tactful means of communications it may indicate several things. The terms
‘dead silence’, ‘stony silence’, ‘embarrassing silence’, show that silence has a multiple meanings.
It means different things in different cultures.

 FACIAL EXPRESSION – It is an obvious communicative factor. It influences many people.

Several expression of face convey meanings even before we speak. A cheerful face, a gloomy face,
are some of the communicative examples.
EYE CONTACT – It is a difficult form of communication. The comfort level of the eye contact is 3 seconds.
Anything beyond that amounts to staring. Persons with lack of self confidence often avoid eye contact.

GESTURES – gestures are the movements of hand and body, they are natural and act as conjunction to verbal
communication. They are used to emphasize or clarify a verbal message. they display our emotions while
expressing a message.

POSTURE – It is the way we hold ourselves The way we sit, stand or hold our body contributes a lot
Graceful posture is a great asset in any profession.

SPACE – The amount of space we keep with different people communicates our closeness to that person. The
space of offices, a large office desk, a big car also suggest a position of importance.

TIME – Our use of time is an even more subtle non-verbal factor of communication. Time managements
creates an impression of efficiency.

ENERGY – This aspect is hard to describe but easier to spot. People of high energy levels manage to create
an atmosphere charged with enthusiasm and motivates other to do so. The high energy could be in in the form
of intellectual, Spiritual or emotional energy. State of physical and mental health plays a big role in it.

CLOTHING – This creates the first impression of the people and is a powerful source of communication. It
depends on colour, cut, fit, fabric etc.appropriateness o for the season and occasion is important.

APPEARANCE – Besides clothing other factors like appearance and hygiene plays an important role in
positive communication. Personal hygiene and neatness, care of nails, hair , accessories like tie, belt, jewellery
etc. contributes a lot to make a good impression. What ever you wear should be graceful and comfortable.
Essentials of Letter
Although the letter is the most common form of written comm., We frequently overlook it’s
importance. It stands as a test of one’s ability to think clearly and to use language effectively. Effective
writings does not come by chance. It is a skill that can be developed. Some of the principles of effective
writing are –
• Promptness – As a rule, respond to the letter the day it is received .Otherwise you can
acknowledge the letter and indicate how soon you can reply.
• Accuracy – To be accurate you should check and double check you facts, figures, words,
language, and tone. correct use of punctuation and grammar should be used. Instead of writing
tomorrow or today the date should be mentioned.
• Brevity - Don’t overload your letter with irrelevant details. Brevity consists in saying what needs
to be said. Being brief does not mean saying lesser than what the occasion demands. Brevity is
not to be achieved at the cost of clarity.

• Clarity – Clarity of language and tone is important in written comm. Our letter should be in
positive language. Too many ‘sorry’ or ‘no’, ‘don’t’ should be avoided. correct spellings and
caution in using homonyms should be exercised.

• Salesmanship – Every letter going from your desk should be the ambassador of your firm. It
must carry a message and enhance your reputation.

• ‘You’ attitude – Write your letter by keeping in mind the receiver. Avoid I’s or we’s.
Essentials of effective writing
The Qualities necessary for business writings are called are called the four C’s of communications. They
are Correctness,Clarity, Conciseness and courtesy.The other related qualities are completeness
coherence, confidence and consideration.

Correctness- A letter must be correct in every respect.

1. In spelling, grammar and the use of language.
2.In appearance and form of the layout.
3. In the information it conveys.
4.In tone formality and style.

Clarity—The message must be clear in the first reading.Clarity depends upon five factors:
1. Language must be simple
2.Sentences should be small.
3. Punctuation should be proper.
4. Words should give concrete details.
5. Logical sequence of ideas .

Courtesy-Courtesy is consideration for other people’s feelings.Some

of the rules of courtesy are-
1. Use of words like Please, Thank you & sorry etc.
2. Opening the letter with polite words
3. Showing sympathy when required
4. Be attentive and prompt in replying the letter.

Conciseness-This means expressing in few words. That is writing

Should be precise and to the point.
1. Leave out unnecessary words
2. Leaving out unnecessary details
Structure of a letter
The following elements usually constitute the structure of a letter -
1. Heading
2. Date
3. Reference
4. Inside address
5. Attention or Subject
6. Salutation
7. Body
8. Complimentary close
9. Signature
10. Identification marks
11. Enclosures

DEFINITION –The word report is derived from Latin word ‘reportare’ which means to carry back.It is
therefore a description of event carried back to someone who was not present on the scene. In short it is
an assigned communication for a purpose and is meant for specific reader. Hence a report is a formal
communication written for a specific purpose; it includes a description of procedures followed for
collection and analysis of data, their significance, the conclusions drawn from them, and
recommendations if required. They are of two types- formal and informal.It can be in a type of letter ,
memo, news item, periodic, routine, progress showing, lab reports or a proper format in detail form.

 PRECISION – The writer should be very clear about the exact purpose of the report.
 ACCURACY – all the facts mentioned should be accurate and demonstrated with the help of
graphs, charts, pictogram etc.
 RELEVANCE – The facts presented should be relevant and not left out. It should not mislead the
 READER ORIENTED – It is necessary that it is kept in mind the person for whom the report is
 RECOMMENDATION – they should be impartial without revealing any self-interest.
 SIMPLE LANGUAGE – It should be in simple language free from poetic phrases.
 BREVITY –It should be brief but not achieved at the cost of clarity.headings and subheadings
should be included.
 GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY -- . It should use language that is concise concrete and
grammatically correct.

It is primarily a source of information to the management to help in decision making, so its purpose is
 To give information about a company’s activity, progress, plans and problems.
 To record events for future reference.
 To recommend specific action.
 To justify and persuade readers about the need for action in controversial situations.
 To present facts to the management to help decide the direction the business should choose.

 Cover
 Title page
 Acknowledgement
 Table of contents
 Executive summary
 Introduction
 Description
 Conclusion
 Recommendations
 Appendix
 List of references
 Bibliography
 Glossary
 Index

Public Speaking
It is a formal or an informal talk which the speaker delivers in front of an audience. The talk or speech
should be meaningful, appealing, and appropriate as per the occasion.The audience may be large or
small, invited by an open notice/invitation.The speech may be lengthy or short, emotive or matter of
fact, well illustrated or suggestive.Public speaking is a skill which can be mastered with practice. It
requires preparation and formal presentation and strong communicative skills.

What is Public speaking?

Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured,
deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.
The art and science of public speaking is also known as forensics. The word "forensic“
is an adjective meaning "of public debate or argument." The word is derived
from the Latin forensic, meaning "of the forum."

Characteristics of a good speech

 Candidness –honest and sincere
 Clarity –clear and simple
 Completeness –planned and structured
 Conciseness – brief and non repetitive
 Concreteness –specific and definite
 Correctness – grammatically correct
 Courtesy - manner full

Steps for Preparing a Speech

Six cardinal question should be kept in mind while preparing for a public speech
 What? – What do you want to communicate? What are the facts and figure?
 Why? – Why should the audience listen?
 When? – When should I stop?
 How? – How can I convey my message?
 Where? –The venue of the speech and the dimension of the hall.
 Whom? - What kind of audience?The number of people.

Types Of Speeches—
1. Impromptu Delivery In this speaker has to organize his speech quickly and promptly.
He does not get time for written preparation.In this the speaker quickly determines the
central idea, main points and supporting material.

2. Memorized Delivery Most of the speeches in business are not memorised. In this
form the speaker plans his speech before hand and memorises it.
3. Extempore Delivery In this the speaker is given a few minutes to prepare where he
writes down the points on cards or paper.the points are written in main phrases, titles &

4. Manuscript Delivery It is the most formal form of speech. Where every detail is
given and read out word to word in the speech.

A good presentation has the following characteristics—
• A clear structure with an introduction, discussion, and end
• Facts and figures are visually represented in tables graphs and charts
• Different colours are used to make it more attractive
• Humour and anecdotes are often employed to crate good atmosphere
• Questions are regarded seriously and given equal attention
• As a presenter, you should think and plan the following-
• Identify your purpose
• Analyze your audience
• Identify the need
• Lay out the information
• Design your com.
• Time your presentation
• Decide on the visual aids
• Study the location

How to prepare Presentation

Presentation has three major elements-

 Presenter
 Audience
 Specific content /objective
A presentation is a particular mode of comm. which requires communicating with a group of people
with specific objective. (conveying a message, informing, exchanging ideas, or persuation are some of
the objectives.)As a presentator it is necessary that you plan and follow some rules before proceeding-
Identify your purpose- First ask your self why are you giving the presentation? Your purpose may be to
sell something, to persuade, to inform, to gain support, to suggest some changes,to gather people’s
view’s, to seek a solution for a problem, to create awareness, to share information, to motivate, to
educate, or to impart training.Having identified your objective , outline it in a single line, and then
proceed. This way you are more focused on you target.

Identify the need of the audience

Try to determine what information the audience needs.whether they are your fellow students,
professors, local business people, or your friends.In some cases the level of information might be high ,
while in others it may be low. Design your presentation accordingly. Don’t tell them everything you
know, but what they should know.

Collate your Information

Now you must collect your information by keeping in mind your target audience and purpose.These
two things will guide your presentation and delivery. The normal order of any presentation is to first list
the main ideas and then elaborate your points.

Design you presentation

The sequence to be followed now is-
Introduction 3min.
Main body 15min
Conclusion 2min.
Question and answers 10min.
Introduction introduces the subject, without giving the details.Main body is devoted to informing the
audience. This includes findings analysis, data etc.Conclusion includes your opinion and future
outlook.Discussion needs to be focused. Prepare for anticipated question before hand.

Time and aids used

The total presentation including the Ques.& ans. Session should be covered within the time
frame.Decide the audio visual aids to be used. Through the visual aids we connect better with the
audience and keep their interest alive in the presentation.It also increases the effectiveness of the
communication.different kinds of visual aids can be-
Board- Black or white
Flip chart
Overhead projector
Power point software/LCD

Body Language
Since presentation is a live performance, non verbal skills play a big role in it.we have already studied
the power of body language.Hence a great deal of attention Should be given to these things-
Appearance(clothes, hygiene)
Posture (body shape)
Eye-contact (roaming not fixed)
Gesture(hand and shoulder movement)
Movement (not fixed, but at ease)
Smiling face( relaxed)

A presentation is a live mode of sharing information with select audience. It is form of oral
communication in which a person shares factual information with particular audience.We can define
presentations as an oral activity using visual electronics aids such as (OHP, LCD) to discuss new ideas
and information with a specific audience in an impressive and convincing manner.Presentation is
different from a class room lecture. Lecture is an interactive activity and a two way communication
with possible interruptions, but presentations are one way initially. The audience sits through listening,
watching, and taking notes.Here the presenter is focused more in persuading the audience to buy his
idea or information.A presentation has a well defined format, where the audience is invited to ask the
questions or seek clarification only at the end of the presentation.

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