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“Iced Young Coconut”




NPM : 1801071017




1.1 Background to the Problem

In modern times like today, we must have innovations and new breakthroughs in
terms of business development. Because at this time it is a free market, where everyone is
competing for profits. At present we see problems in Indonesia increasingly complex. These
problems seem to have become a difficult part to be separated from the people of Indonesia.
Starting from the problems of poverty, education, security, or also the problem of
unemployment. Therefore many people are self-employed, establishing home industries,
opening food stalls etc. But, unfortunately the entrepreneurial people did not last long
because of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is due to the lack of ideas in producing breakthroughs and
new innovations in the development of its business.Therefore we must have special skills in
developing creativity in entrepreneurship. Laopran will focus on opportunities in
entrepreneurship and the development of ideas from existing retail businesses. As we know
an innovation will open a new business opportunity which is certainly better than the business
that already exists. Therefore, we try to discuss further about developing entrepreneurial ideas
by observing, especially in the culinary field, Es Degan / Es Kelapa Muda. Es Kelapa Muda
is a very refreshing drink that can relieve thirst. This drink is popular with many people.
Therefore if we develop this business seriously we can get a big profit. With the increasingly
difficult situation to find jobs, we must be smart in utilizing the opportunities that exist,
especially in terms of business, we must change our mindset from job seekers to job creators

1.2 Purpose of writing

Assignment writing paper entitled Young Coconut iced proposal. I will give a limit to the
problem of the business that I want to describe.

1.3 Writing Method

To get the perfection of information and data to be presented by the author using observation
techniques, not only that to perfect the author looking for sources from the media in the
digital era, namely internet and website.


2.1 Product Concepts

young coconut, this drink is very popular because it has a fresh and delicious taste.
Drink young coconut ice when the weather is hot because the scorching sun makes thirst
become fresher and thirst also disappears. The raw material for making young coconut ice is
natural so many people like this type of beverage. The taste of fresh young coconut water is
able to nourish the body and prevent the occurrence of poisoning in the body and soft young
coconut meat has many good vitamins to keep the body in shape. The benefits of this young
coconut fruit make many people prefer young coconut ice to be used as a thirst-releasing
drink. This makes the business opportunity of young coconut ice increasingly attractive and
very good if run.
Young coconut fruit is the raw material for making fresh drinks that we can find in
almost all regions of Indonesia. So you can easily find young coconuts such as buying them
at the market or buying them directly from coconut garden suppliers or farmers. The prices
offered to suppliers and farmers are cheaper compared to buying them at the market. The
price ranges from Rp. 3,000 to Rp. 4,000 in each the fruit. Raw materials other than young
coconut that are needed are brown sugar or sugar for sweeteners and ice cubes that can add
fresh and cold taste. All these ingredients can be easily found in various traditional markets or

2.2 Location

One determinant of the success of the business wheel is the right location. A
strategic business location will greatly affect the product or service you offer, determine the
behavior of your product. But finding a strategic location that fits your budget is not easy.
The type and nature of business is a consideration in determining the location of a business.
For example, if your business is in the field of consumer goods, choose a place located on a
big road, crowded by people and vehicles or close to residential areas. Also consider access
to a business location that is easily accessible. A prestigious location is also a consideration
for consumers in choosing a provider of products or services. the first to choose a place that

looks easy around the road or around the office will make my place of sale quickly known by
many people. So that it can attract consumers and reduce promotional costs. The second flow
of people and vehicles and easy access to the location of my business must also be
considered. Choosing a location where many people pass and uncomplicated access opens
opportunities for consumer visits. And thirdly Renting a place is also a natural thing if a
strategic location sets a high rental price. This is what I must consider. An expensive rental
place will gradually be closed with profits earned every month. Of course I had to make
careful calculations before deciding to rent the place.

2.3 Organizational profile

Business : Es Kelapa Muda Segar

Business Type :Beverage Products

Address : Jl. ZA. Pagar Alam, Gedong Meneng, Kec. Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lampung.

Owner : Ak Rafli Hafiz

2.4 Price

As for what needs to be considered in starting this business is the capital needed. The
initial capital needed to set up this printing business is around Rp. 8,124,000. This capital is
used for raw material purchases, equipment costs and operational costs.
The following is a breakdown of initial capital that can be used as a reference:

Bahan Price Information

Kelapamuda Rp 24.500,00

Gula Rp 12.000,00

Sirup Rp 5.000,00 Marjan

Susu Rp 8.000,00 Indomilk

Sedotan Rp 3.000,00

Gelas Rp 15.000,00

Esbatu Rp 10.000,00 +

Total Rp. 77.500,00


3.1 Conclusion
The conclusion of this proposal is that we can make this business with a capital that is
not too large, if we can use the capital well and we can play back the money we get as capital

3.2 suggestion

In starting a good and successful business we must know the business opportunities that
we will start, with us knowing the business opportunities that will arise then we will know the
steps that must be taken in starting the business

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