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The ABCs of Heroism

Kimberly Ann M. Paras

What makes a hero? Does one need to wear a cape like Batman to be called as such? Do we
need to rescue a lady from distress like Superman by literally lifting a car where she got stuck? Do we
need to be as dauntless as Achilles who was the Greek hero of the Trojan War? Do we need to
possess powers that are beyond the realm of our imagination?

When people say “hero”, they usually think of fantasy characters like Spiderman, Iron Man, or
Wonderwoman. Heroes are not just those who could fly, who could hold a car using their forefinger,
and who could defeat a legion of villains. As children, we were ingenious and imaginative. We merrily
swam in the depths of our belief that superheroes save the world through their incredible powers.
Well, some heroes do not wear masks and capes. Neither do they have laser eyes or magic rings and
wands. Believe it or not, real superheroes are those seen inside the classrooms, juggling all of their
multiple tasks just to save the future we all aspire to have. Yes, teachers are the legitimate
superheroes in this planet.

What then, are the hallmarks of a teacher superhero? Let me accentuate my points through
the first three letters of the alphabet.

Affectionate. Nothing beats a caring heart towards our students. Despite the daily grind that
we face not only in making them learn but also in looking after their totality as a person by correcting
their misdemeanours, at the end of the day, our love for them always conquers all. Teacher
superheroes are not always after the high scores of the students, but are always after their progress
and their enthusiasm to learn. Efren Peñaflorida, a Filipino teacher, was awarded by CNN as the
“2009 Hero of the Year” for recreating school settings in unconventional locations such as cemeteries
and trash dumps. This he did for his affection towards the Filipino youth.

Brilliant. “Shine bright like a diamond.”--- one of the lines in Rihanna’s song “Diamonds” that is
certainly related to teachers’ efforts in making themselves better and better each day. In this large-
scale pedagogical advancement, teachers have been bridging the gaps from traditional to 21 st
century learning. Teacher superheroes shine by not being stagnant with what they just currently
know. Rather, they continue exploring different avenues that will help them grow professionally and
personally. After all, as teachers, learning should be a never-ending process.

Committed. If Robert Frost is still alive today, he might write another version of his poem “The
Road Not Taken”. Definitely, teaching is one of the roads less travelled by. Those who are valiant
enough to clamber the mountains of tasks in teaching and those who are willing to walk extra miles
with their students are the teacher superheroes. Like how Moana restored Mother Nature by bringing
back the heart of Te Fiti that was once stolen, teachers should also resuscitate the vivacity of the
youth towards learning that is slowly taken away by their interest in social media. Being committed in
our sworn profession unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the opportunity to
turn our cloudy dreams into reality.

And the long list goes on. Surely, even exhausting all the letters in the alphabet is not enough
in describing how heroic teachers are. As the unsung nation builders, teachers plant seeds of wisdom
and ensure the holistic growth of their students. They mold the young minds to become our nation’s
biggest hopes and greatest assets. Real heroes are made by the path they choose, not by the
powers they are graced with.

Below are the photographs and profiles of the most affectionate, brilliant, and committed
teachers of the Division of City of San Fernando for the academic year 2018-2019.

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