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विक्रय हे तु नह ीं/ Not for Sale Case No. …………………...

(For Office Use)

केन्द्रीय माध्यममक मिक्षा बोर्ड
Central Board of Secondary Education
माईग्रेशन प्रमाण-पत्र, अींक सच
ू ी, अनलु िवप प्रमाण-पत्र, प्रोविजनि प्रमाण-पत्र आदि िस्तािेजों के लिए फामम
(छात्र/छात्रा स्ियीं अपनी लिखाई में भरें )
Application Form for obtaining Migration Certificate, Manual Certificate of Date of Birth, Provisional Certificate (for private candidates
only) and Duplicate Marks Statement/ Qualifying Certificate/ Grade Sheet cum Certificate of Performance/ Statement of subject-wise
Performance (To be filled by the candidate himself/herself in his/her own handwriting).
प्रत्येक प्रमाण-पत्र/ िस्तािेज के लिए अिग फामम का For Office Use
प्रयोग करें । फामम की फोटोकापी भी प्रयोग की जा
सकती है । Received Rs. ………….Vide ………...
Use separate form for each document Scroll No. ………………………………
Photocopy of the Form can also be used
This Offline form can also be downloaded from CBSE website
Cashier Bank Incharge

इस फामम को भरने से पूिम पष्ृ ठ के िस

ू र ओर छपे ननिे शों को ध्यान से पढें :
Read directions printed overleaf carefully before filling this form:
1. छात्र/ छात्रा का नाम/ Name of the candidate……………………………………………………………………………………..........
2. वपता/अलभभािक का नाम/ Father’s/Guardian’s Name………………………………………………………………………………….
3. माता का नाम/ Mother’s Name…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. जो िस्तािेज प्राप्त करना है उसका नाम/ Name of the document required…………………………………………………….
5. पर क्षा अींक सूची –(मुख्य/पूरक/अींक सुधार/ अनतररक्त विषय)/ For Marks statement must indicate whether
Main/compartment/improvement/Additional Subject Exam…………………………………………………………………..
6. पर क्षा का नाम िषम एिीं माह/ Name of Exam. with year & Month……………………………………………………………..
7. अनक्र
ु माींक/ Roll No………………………………………….. पर क्षा फि/ Result……………………………………………….
8. वपछ्िा अनक्र
ु माींक (यदि परू क पर क्षा ि है या इसके द्िारा पास की है )/ Previous Roll No. if placed or passed in Compartment/Eligible for
Improvement of Performance……………………………………………………………………..
9. विषयों का नाम जजसमें पर क्षा ि गई थी (यदि अींक सूची अथिा प्रमाण-पत्र चादहए :
Subjects offered (if applying for Marks Statement OR Duplicate Certificate):
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
10. छात्र/छात्रा के विद्यािय का नाम । प्राईिेट छात्र/छात्रा केिि ‘प्राईिेट’ लिखें
Name of the School in case of Regular Candidates. Private candidates write only ‘Private Candidate’
11. जन्म-नतथथ (जो सी.बी.एस.ई. के ररकार्म में िजम है ) / Date of Birth (As recorded in CBSE records)
12. जमा शुल्क: (अंकों में ) रु................................. रुपए ..................................................................................(िब्दों में )
Fee Deposited: (In figures) Rs……………… Rupees………………………….……………………………… (In Words)
13. भुगतान का तर का/ Mode of payment
नकि/ Cash (If personally depositing at Regional Office)
र्ी.र्ी./ पे आर्मर/ DD/IPO बैंक चािान/ Bank Challan
Details of Demand Draft/Pay Order (including Postage fee, if applicable)
DD/IPO Amount DD/IPO No. DD/IPO Date
Name of Issuing Bank/Post Office
14. छात्र/छात्रा का पता/ Candidate’s Postal Address (In Block Letters) ……………………………………………………
वपन कोर्, िरू भाष सीं एिीं ई-मेि अननिायम है / Pin Code, Phone No. and E-mail ID is compulsory
वपन कोर्/ Pin Code……………………………..… E-mail………………………………………………………
िरू भाष सीं/ Phone No………………………………..
दिनाींक/ Date………………………… छात्र/ छात्रा/ आवेदक के हस्ताक्षर/ Signature of the Candidate

Date of Deposit………………………….Roll No…………………………Passing Year………………………………………
Paid into the account of CBSE on account of Migration Certificate/Marks Statement/Duplicate Qualifying Certificate/ Duplicate CCE
Grade Sheet cum certificate of Performance/ Manual Certificate of DOB/Provisional Certificate (for private candidate)/ (Strike out which
hever is not applicable)
Name of Candidate………………………………………….Amount Rs……………(Rs………………………………………..only)

Sign. of Depositor Scroll Number[For office use] Cashier[For office use] Bank Officer[For office use]
(T im e for c ol l ect ion wi t h o r i g in a l Rece ip t . B et ween 3 PM to 5 PM on th e d u e w or k in g d a y s on l y)


Date of Deposit………………………….Roll No…………………………Passing Year………………………………………
Paid into the account of CBSE on account of Migration Certificate/Marks Statement/Duplicate Qualifying Certificate/ Duplicate CCE
Grade Sheet cum certificate of Performance/ Manual Certificate of DPB/Provisional Certificate (for private candidate)/ (Strike out
whichever is not applicable)
Name of Candidate………………………………………….Amount Rs……………(Rs………………………………………..only)

Sign. of Depositor Scroll Number[For office use] Cashier[For office use] Bank Officer[For office use]
(T im e for c ol l ect ion wi t h o r i g in a l Rece ip t . B et ween 3 PM to 5 PM on th e d u e w or k in g d a y s on l y)

 निम्िमिखित दो कायड केवि उत्तीर्ड परीक्षा प्रमार्-पत्र की प्रनतमिपप प्राप्त करिे के सम्बन्द्ध में अनिवायड हैं:-
The following two requirements are necessary for obtaining Duplicate Copy of Qualifying Certificate or Grade
Sheet cum Certificate of Performance only:-


मैनें अभ्यथी की प्रमाणणकता की जाींच कर ि है और लसफाररश करता हूीं के उसे बोर्म के प्रमाण-पत्र/ ग्रेर् शीट सह
ननष्पािन प्रमाण-पत्र की अनलु िवप जार कर ि जये ।
I have verified the bonafide of the candidate and recommend that a duplicate copy of the CBSE Qualifying Certificate/
Grade sheet cum Certificate of Performance may be issued.

हस्ताक्षर (मोहर सदहत)/ Signature (With Stamp)

प्रधानाचायम या राजपत्रत्रत अथधकार / Principal of Gazetted Officer

2. प्रेस अधधसच
प्रेस अथधसच
ू ना ककसी एक (अींग्रेजी या दहींि ) राष्र य िै ननक अखबार में प्रकालशत की जाए ।
प्रेस अथधसच
ू ना की मि
ू कापी का सींबथीं धत पष्ृ ठ अथधसचू ना को िशामते हुए फामम के साथ सींिग्न करें ।
यह सूचनाथम अथधसूथचत ककया जाता है कक सीबीएसई द्िारा जार मुख्य/पूरक, माध्यलमक/उच्चतर माध्यलमक पर क्षा िषम..............
एिीं अनुक्रमाींक......................., उत्तीणम करने से सींबींथधत मेरा मूि/र्ुप्ि केट प्रमाण पत्र िास्ति में खो/नष्ट/खराब/विकृत हो गया है ।
छात्र/छात्रा का नाम...........................एिीं स्थायी पता.............................................................................
------------------------------------------------------------------ OR ------------------------------------------------------------------
To be published in any one (English or Hindi) National daily newspaper [Joint notification in case of both X & XII]
Original Full page of the concerned Newspaper highlighting the portion of the matter should be enclosed with the Form
It is notified for the information that my Original/Duplicate Qualifying Examination Certificate of Main/Compartment,
Secondary, Senior Secondary Examination of Year________and Roll No._____________ issued by CBSE has been actually
lost/destroyed/mutilated. Name of the candidate______________________ Full Address/Tel._____________________
आवेदक के मार्डदिडि हे तु निदे ि/ Direction for the Guidance of Applicants

1. आिेिक कृपया आिेिन करने से पूिम ये सुननजचचत कर िें कक उनके िस्तािेजों का ररकार्म सीबीएसई के ककस कायामिय में उपिब्ध है ।
सीबीएसई कायामियों एिीं िहााँ उपिब्ध ररकार्म की जस्तथथ अींनतम पष्ृ ठ पर ि गई है । आिेिक द्िारा गित कायामिय में अपना आिेिन भेजने
की जस्तथथ में बोर्म ककसी प्रकार की िे र के लिए जजम्मेिार नह ीं होगा।
Applicants must check the status of availability of their respective records at concerned office of the Board & must apply at the
concerned office only. Else, Board shall not be responsible for any untoward delay in issuing the document.
2. प्रमाण-पत्रों की तीसर प्रनत अथिा अगि प्रनतयाीं तब तक जार नह ीं की जाएींगी जब तक क्षेत्रीय अथधकार ककसी िस्तािेजी प्रमाण से सींतुष्ट
नह ीं हो जाते कक अनुलिवप/पूिम जार प्रमाण-पत्र िास्ति में खो/नष्ट हो गया हो।
Triplicate or further copies of qualifying certificates shall not be issued on Urgent basis. The same is issued only after the
concerned Regional Officer is further satisfied by some documentary evidence that the duplicate/last issued copy has also
been actually lost/ destroyed. A formal request must be enclosed with the Application Form, supporting documents &
applicable fee.
3. माईग्रेशन प्रमाण-पत्र उन्ह ीं छात्र/छात्राओीं को जार ककया जाता है , जो बोर्म की पर क्षा में बैठे हों, आगामी अध्ययन तथा प्रिेश की सुविधा के
लिए भी माईग्रेशन प्रमाण-पत्र जार ककया जाता है ।
Migration certificate is issued only to those candidates who have appeared for examination of the Board, in order to enable
them to seek admission elsewhere for further study.
4. अनुत्तीणम एिीं अींक सुधार/अनतररक्त विषय पर क्षा में बैठे छात्र/छात्राएीं माईग्रेशन/प्रोविजनि प्रमाण-पत्र के लिए आिेिन न करें ।
Failed candidates and candidates appeared for improvement/Additional Subject should not apply for Migration or Provisional
5. प्रोविजनि प्रमाण-पत्र केिि ननजी श्रेणी के उत्तीणम पररक्षाथथमयों को ह तब तक प्रिान ककया जाता है जब तक उन्हें स्थाई प्रमाण-पत्र जार नह ीं
कर दिया जाता। ननयलमत स्कूि के अभ्यथी प्रोविजनि प्रमाण-पत्र के लिए अपने स्कूि से सम्पकम करें ।
Provisional Certificate is issued to a private candidate who has passed Secondary/Sr. Secondary Examination, only till the
issuance of the main Qualifying Certificate by the Board. Regular school candidate to obtain Provisional Certificate from their
school only.
6. आिेिक अपने आिेिन के पचचात ् केिि तीन माह के भीतर ह अपना िस्तािेज सीबीएसई के सींबींथधत कायामिय द्िारा प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
आिेिन के तीन माह के पचचात ् ऐसे िस्तािेजों को सम्भािने/जार करने की जजम्मेिार बोर्म की नह ीं होगी तथा आिेिक को अपने िस्तािेज
प्राप्त करने के लिए पनु : आिेिन करना होगा।
Applicants desirous of collecting documents by-hand must collect their respective document(s) within three months from the
date of deposit of duly completed Application Form & fee. The Board shall not be responsible for retaining such documents
after the expiry of 03 months duration. Such document(s) shall be cancelled & the applicant shall have to re-apply in case of
Details of Fee and Delivery time of documents(Incomplete Application Forms will take its usual course of time)
Fee for each document: `100/- + Postal Charges Fee for each document: `200/- + Postal Charges
Document shall be issued on production of original Fee Document shall be issued on production of original Fee
receipt after 15 working days(Excl. holidays) between 3pm- Receipt after 2 working days (Excl. holidays) between 3pm-
5pm from M&M Section. 5pm from M&M Section.
Fee in cash & Application Form to be deposited with the CBSE Fee in cash & Application Form to be deposited with the CBSE
Office/Designated Bank only between 10 am to 2 pm on any Office/Designated Bank only between 10 am to 2 pm on any
working weekday. working weekday.
Fee for each document: `200/- + applicable Postal/Courier charges as per applicable category below:
` 25/- For delivery within Delhi/ New Delhi Foreign applicants desirous of obtaining documents
` 35/- For delivery within Delhi/ within India through courier shall include appropriate courier charges.
Fee to be paid through Demand Draft/Pay Order or Indian Postal Order favoring “Secretary CBSE” payable at concerned
Regional Office only.
डर्माींर् ड्राफ्ट/पोस्टि आर्मर द्िारा शुल्क भेजते समय सुननजचचत करीं कक पोस्टि आर्मर/ डर्माींर् ड्राफ्ट “सथचि, केंन्र य माध्यलमक लशक्षा
बोर्म” के सींमींथधत क्षेत्रीय कायामिय के नाम में ह प्रेवषत हो।
Delivery of document(s): Within 7-20 working days from the date of receipt of Application Form. Documents shall be
dispatched at the respective address of the candidate through Speed Post/Regd. Post/Courier as the case may be.
Applicants must mention complete Postal Address with Pin Code, Mobile Tel. No. and E-mail ID on the Application Form.
Migration Certificate can be obtained by qualified candidates on same day of depositing App. Form & fee in cash by hand
Provisional Certificate can be obtained by qualified pvt candidates on same day of depositing App. Form & fee in cash by hand
 बोर्ड के पवमिन्द्ि क्षेत्रीय कायाडियों में उपिब्ध ररकार्ों की वतडमाि स्स्तधि:
 Present status of availability of records at various Regional Offices of the Board (as of 1 Jan. 2015)
Regional Offices Available Examination Record (Exam. year wise)
Allahabad 2001 onwards
Bhubaneswar 2011 onwards
Chennai 1991 onwards
Delhi/Foreign 2003 onwards
Guwahati 2001 onwards
Panchkula 2001 onwards
Patna 2011 onwards
Ajmer (Registered Office) Own Region records + Balance records of other Regional Offices of year earlier than those
indicated above, until 1975
Dehradun 2014 onwards
Thiruvananthapuram 2014 onwards
As per its weeding out rules 1998, CBSE, has weeded out old records of viz Marksheet, Gazettee & Counter Foil upto 1974.
Therefore, duplicate documents upto 1974 cannot be issued and applicants need not apply for the same.
के. मा. मि. बो. के क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय/ Regional Offices of CBSE
Website: or
 क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय एवं उिके अधधकार क्षेत्र/ Regional Offices and their Jurisdiction
सी.बी.एस.ई. दिल्ि एिीं वििे शी स्कूि सी.बी.एस.ई. उत्तर प्रिे श, उत्तराींचि
क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, ददल्िी Delhi & Foreign Schools क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, इिाहाबाद Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal
पी एस-1-2, इन्सट ट्यूशनि Tel : 011-22239177-80 35-बी, लसविि स्टे शन, Tel: 0532-2407970,
एररया, पटपड़गींज, आई. पी. Fax: 011-22248990 एम. जी. मागम, लसविि 2407710
एक्स्टें शन, दिल्ि -110092 Telex: 66015-CBSE-IN िाईन्स, इिाहाबाि- 2400434
CBSE Email: 211001 (उ.प्र.) Fax: 0532-2408977
Regional Office, Delhi CBSE Email:
PS-1-2, Institutional Regional Office,
Area, I. P. Extension, Allahabad
Delhi-110092 35-B, Civil Station, M
G Marg, Civil Lines,
सी.बी.एस.ई. तलमिनार्ु, आींध्र-प्रिे श, कनामटक, सी.बी.एस.ई. असम, नागािैंर्, मनीपरु ,
क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, चेन्द्िई महाराष्र, गोिा, पुड्र्ुचेर , अींर्मान क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, र्ुवाहाटी मेघािय, त्रत्रपुरा, लसजक्कम,
प्िाट सीं-1630-ए, और ननकोबार द्िीप समूह एिीं लशल्पो ग्राम रोर् (शींकर िे ि अरुनाचि प्रिे श, लमजोरम
नया प्िाट सीं-03, 16 मेन िमन और ि ि किाक्षेत्र के समीप), Assam, Nagaland,
रोर्, जे-ब्िाक अन्ना नगर Tamil Nadu, Andhra पींजाबार , गुिाहाट - Manipur, Meghalaya,
(पजचचम), चेन्नई-600040 Pradesh, Karnataka, Goa, 781037 (असाम) Tripura, Sikkim Arunachal
(तलमिनार्ु) Maharashtra, Puducherry, CBSE Pradesh, Mizoram
CBSE Andaman and Nicobar Regional Office, Tel:0361-2333333,
Regional Office, Islands, Daman & Diu Guwahati Shilpogram 2229994-95
Chennai Tel:044-26161100, Road (Near Fax – 0361-2229992
Plot No.1630-A, New 26162213-15, 26164708, Shankardev Email:
No.03, 16 Main Road, Fax: 044-26162212 Kalakshetra),
J-Block Anna Nagar Email: Panjabari, Guwahati-
(West), Chennai-600040 781037 (Assam)
(Tamil Nadu)
सी.बी.एस.ई. राजस्थान, गुजरात, मध्य-प्रिे श, सी.बी.एस.ई. जम्मू और कचमीर, दहमाचि-
क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, अजमेर िािर और नागर हिेि क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, पंचकुिा, प्रिे श, पींजाब, हररयाणा एिीं
टोर्रमि मागम, अजमेर- Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya सैक्टर-5, पींचकुिा- चन्र्ीगढ
305001(राजस्थान) Pradesh, Dadra and Nagar 134109 (हररयाणा) J&K, Himachal Pradesh,
CBSE Haveli CBSE Punjab, Hayana & U. T.
Regional Office, Ajmer Tel: 0145-2627460, Regional Office, of Chandigarh
Todarmal Marg, Ajmer- 2629928, 2627451 Panchkula Tel:0172-2585193, 2583547
305001 (Rajasthan) Fax: 0145-2421543 Sector-5, Panchkula- & 2585577
Email: 134109 (Haryana) Fax: 0172-2585163
सी.बी.एस.ई. त्रबहार, झारखींर् सी.बी.एस.ई. केरि
क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, पटिा Bihar, Jharkhand क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, Kerala
अजम्बका कॉम्प्िेक्स, स्टे ट बैंक Tel: 0612-2295088, 2295048नतरूविंिपुरम Tel: 0471-2534404
कॉिोनी के पीछे , ब्रहमस्थान & बी-ब्िॉक, 2िीीं मींजजि, Fax: 0471-2534406
शेखपुरा के पास, राजा बजार, 2295080 एि.आई.सी डर्विजजनि Email:
बैि रोर्, पटना-800014 Fax: 0612-2295008 ऑकफस कैम्पस, पट्टम,
(त्रबहार) Email: ropatna.cbse@nic.inनतरुिनन्थपुरम-695004 cbserothiruvananthanpuram
CBSE (केरि)
Regional Office, Patna CBSE
Ambika Complex, Behind Regional Office,
State Bank Colony, Near Thiruvananthapuram
Brahamsthan Block-B, 2nd Floor,
Sheikhpura, Raza Bazar, LIC Divisional Office
Bailey Road, Patna- Campus, Pattom,
800014 (Bihar) Thiruvananthapuram-
695004 (Kerala)
सी.बी.एस.ई. पजचचम बींगाि, ओडर्शा, सी.बी.एस.ई. उत्तराखींर्, पजचचमी उ.प्र.
क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, िव
ु िेश्वर छत्तीसगढ़ क्षेत्रीय कायाडिय, दे हरादि ू Uttarakhand, Western UP
6िीीं मींजजि, आिोक भारती West Bengal, Orissa, 99, राजे न् र नगर, Tel: 0135-2757744,
कॉम्प्िेक्स, शह ि नगर, Chhattisgarh कौिागढ रोर्, िे हरािन ू - 2753248,
भुिनेचिर-751007(ओडर्शा) Tel: 0674-2542312, 248001, उत्तराखीं र् 2753250-51,
CBSE Fax: 0674-2547312 CBSE 2757766
Regional Office, Email: Regional Office, Fax: 0135-2757766
Bhubaneswar Dehradun Email:
6th Floor, Alok Bharti 99, Rajender Nagar
Building, Shaheed Kaulagarh Road,
Nagar, Bhubaneswar- Dehradun-248001,
751007 (Odisha) Uttarakhand

Applicant must retain a photocopy of all supporting documents including Demand Draft/Fee
Receipt till the receipt of the document applied for. Action shall be taken against applicants found
to be applying for duplicate document(s) of other candidates without later’s consent/ knowledge.

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