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Lesson Plan in ENGLISH Grade One

I. Recognize sentences and non - sentences

Cooperate with each other in times of challenges.

II. A. Recognizing sentences and non-sentences

B.K to12 Curriculum Guide
c. Pictures, power point presentation, activity sheets , music player

III. A. 1.Drill
“2Pics1 word”
 I will show you 2 pictures
 Think of a word that will best describe what is in the picture.
 We will have this in a game. I will divide you into 3 groups.
 The group with the most number of points , will win the game.
 If you lose don’t be sad. Remember be a good sports always.

2. Review
Choose the correct pronoun that will make the sentence correct.
Click on your answer.

B. 1. A . Motivation :
( Integration Across Learning Areas: SCIENCE)

Where do whale sharks live?

b. Presentation
Say: Today we are going to read a story about a whale shark.
What are the standards in listening?
 Listen attentively .
 Do not talk with your seatmeats.
 Take note of important details.
 Answer the questions
Motive Question: In our story let us find out what did Bing do in order to
save the community.

c. Unlocking of difficulties
Say: Before I will read the selection, Let us unlock first the following
words that you will hear in the story to understand the selection better.
 Friends
 wonder
 Whale shark

2. During Listening

3. After Reading
Comprehension Check
1. Who are the main characters in the story?
2. Where did the story take place?
3. Where does Bing hide?
4. What kind of shark is Bing? Why?
5. What happened one day?
6. How did Bing save his friends?
7. If you were Bing, would you do the same? Why?
8. Have you ever saved others from danger? Share it with the class.
9. “How did bing save the community?”
Valuing: Esp Integration
“Problems can be solve easily if there is cooperation”
“Why is it important to cooperate with each other?”

C. 1.Let the pupils read the following phrases taken from the selection.

1. They played hide and seek.

2. Some of her friends were caught ..
3.Think of a solution
4. Jump together
Which group of words tell a complete thought?
Which group of words does not tell a complete thought?

2. Present the lesson

Say : Today you are going to recognize sentence and non-sentences

Teaching chart: Sentence are group of words with a subject and a

predicate. It tells a complete thought .It begins with a capital letter
and ends with a punctuation mark. Non-sentence are group of words
that does not tell a complete thought. It has no punctuation mark.

4. Activity 1

Activity 2:
(Numeracy Integration)

I will group you into 3,How many are you in the class?If I will divide you into 3
how many members will each group have?How did you get the answer?
Group 1: Slow Learners
Group 1: Tell whether the following is a sentence or non- sentence.
1. Philippines is a beautiful country.
2. love to stay
3.I am proud being Filipino.
4.Filipinos are hospitable.
5.friendly people

Group 2: Average Learners

Group 2: Make phrases/non sentence about the picture.

Group 3: Fast Learners

Note: Give Standards before group work.

Give also the rubrics for rating there sentences construction .

Note: Give praises and positive feedback to each group by giving different
kind of claps.
Activity 3

“Which is Which”
I will show you group of words. Tell wthether it is a sentence or non-sentence.

What is a sentence ?non sentence?
“Passing the Ball”
(Integration Across Learning areas: Music)


V. Assignment

Legend: (Highlights)

Yellow – Integration Across Other Learning Areas

Gray - Using ICT to Address Learning Goals

Yellow Green- Performance Assessment

Pink - Applying Positive And Non-Violent Discipline

Red – Literacy Integration

Violet-Giving Positive Feedbacks

Sky Blue – Creative Thinking Skills Development/Hots Questions

Blue – Differentiated Instruction/ Activities

Apple Green - Numeracy Integration

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Checked and Observed by:


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