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1- What is your personal opinion on the attitude of Pedro towards Bruno?


An arrogant person is the one who acts as if he is superior, more worthy

and more important than the others. Therefore, he puts others down and
even disrespects them; and well, that’s exactly how was Pedro’s attitude
towards Bruno, which is inappropriate and inaceptable. Okay, we get that
Bruno lives on a favela, which is commonly known for being a poor
neighbor often controlled by the narcos, making the favelas a dangerous
place; but Bruno is such a nice and hard-working kid, he cares a lot for
Pedros’s daughter, Clara, but even then he gets treated like that. Pedro
needs to know that others are not less worthy, just because they never did
what you were able to do.

2- What 3 situations do you think made you the most uncomfortable/upset?


Well the first situation that made me feel upset was at the beginning, when
Bruno explains he has left the school and started working in orden to help
his family get ahead, it’s very sad that he has to give up on the idea of
going to college just because his economic situation.

The second situation was when Pedro judged and treated bad Bruno, but
like so bad, again, just because his economic situation, he doesn’t decide
where to born, actually no one decides, so he has no fault on that; being he
a great kid he got treated in such an inaceptable way.

Finally, the third situation that i would like to highlight is when Zeca
threatened and forced Bruno in orden to get him help with the robbery,
giving him no choice to reject; its heart-broken that just because his
economic and social situation he gets involve on things like that. Who
knows?, maybe if he didn’t figured out that brilliant solution, he would had
end being a narco, ruining him all his future plans.
3- What do you think can/should be done for the poor people of Brazil’s
favelas, considering the current political scenario and public policy of Jair
Bolsonaro? Explain

I guess that the government needs invest money creating estate policies
that will help to prevent kids don’t get insert on the drug-trafficking world, all
of this by creating, offering and promoting a rich offer of college
scholarships, social programs, cultural, artistic and sporting activities,
promoting social integration and integral development of kids and young
people, to keep them away from criminal behavior, as a measure to prevent
their fall in the drug, which is the gateway to crime.

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