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BYOD/BYOT Implementation Plan for 10th Grade ELA

I. Columbia County BYOT Policy

a. Letter to Parents (Policy Included)
II. Platform Choice: Google for Education
a. Since Columbia County is a Google District, and the majority of portable devices
provided by the county are Chromebooks, I have chosen to use the Google for
Education platform. I believe that Google for Education tools such as Docs, Sheets,
and Slides, in addition to Google Classroom, are widely accessible across devices,
including mobile devices. While Google services do work best with Google products,
it is not necessary to have a Google product to use the Google services. In fact, simply
having the internet browser, Google Chrome, allows users to use Google services well
on any device.
III. Students with No Device
a. I am fortunate to have a class set of ten Chromebooks, so, more likely than not, I am
able to cover any student in my class who does not have his or her own device in my
classroom. This does not cover students when they are at home, though. Since Google
for Education products can be used across devices, students have access to their work
before and after school on the computers provided to them in the Learning Commons
(formerly the Media Center). Additionally, adequate class time is given for all
assignments requiring the use of technology since not all students have transportation
before or after school. Finally, there are options for grouping students together to
spread the wealth of the technology.
IV. Grouping Students
a. Depending on the task at hand, students will work either individually, in pairs, or in
small groups of between three and ten students. Some tasks require individual work.
For this, students are working on their own devices or on a school-sanctioned device.
Other tasks might be performed in teams in which case there is one device per two
students. Other tasks might be performed in small groups. For these tasks, students
might work on their own devices at the same time, or they could be sharing devices.
V. Apps
a. Caster: Mobile Studio
i. Students can create a publish podcasts.
b. Cloud On
i. Students can create digital portfolios.
c. Easy Bib
i. Students can create reference citations for their research materials. They can
even scan barcodes on books.
d. Grammar Up
i. Students can practice their grammar.
e. Google Expeditions
i. With appropriate VR goggles, students can journey across the world on many
different adventures.
f. Google Classroom
i. Students can access all of their digital classrooms from the go.

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