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Nama: Rizka Nurfitriani

Nim: B11.2018.05268

English task

if later I have a company, I want to open a cubit cake business. Cubit cake is a
popular traditional snack.

the ingredients for making cubit cakes are quite easy to find in small and large
markets. such as: sugar, eggs, wheat flour margarine, baking soda, baking
powder, vanilla powder.

Cubit cake has a variety of flavors such as: green tea, red valvet, taro, mocca,
chocolate and cheese. and the texture of the cake is soft and sweet.

The cake is said to be a modern cake that is sought after by culinary lovers, this
certainly can provide a great opportunity for the cake business world. the capital
used to make this business is also not large.

the result of running this pinch cake business is enough to bring many benefits.
the target of consumers is all ages and all walks of life.

I have a plan to use packaging boxes that are designed as attractive as possible.

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