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1. INTRODUCTION: Lets say you are watching F-1 rate Michael Schumacher is going on a curved path
and you want to sheet him by your handycam. If you are given two positions to stand O1 & O2 which
one will you choose?

Ans. O2 why? 2 < 1 hence easy manouvering at camera you have to cover less angle in same time. Although
you may not have much idea about circular motion but your decision was based on analysis of angular
variables.You decided by thinking that you have to cover smaller angle in same time.(2 and 1 are angle
substended by M.S. while going from P1 to P2 on O2 and O1)


Angular Displacement: Angle substended by a moving particle on a fixed point is called angular
displacement about the fixed point. Thus in above discussion angular displacement about O1 is 1 & about
O2 is 2.
Few Facts:

Dimensionless quantity
Units – radian / Never Degree

Angular displacement depends on reference frame same as linear displacement depends on refrence frame.
Angular displacement will be different if we observer the car from another car.
Imp. (but angular displacement is different for different observers in the same frame). (The linear displacement is
same for two observers at different positions in same frame) e.g. O1 & O2 will observe same linear
displacement but different angular displacement although both points are in the same ground frame.

(V.Imp) It may be a bit shocking for you but it is a vector quantity. Direction of angular displacement vector is
decided by right hand rule.i.e. move your right hand fingers in sense of motion and direction of your thumb
will be the direction of angular displacement.

It sounds quite confusing that direction of vector is nowhere near the actual motion. But if you pay attention
to a few facts you will understand that perhaps this is the best way to represent angular displacement. If a
vector represents angular displacement it holds three informations which can completely describe the angular
displacement.(Take a pen show it to students tell them this is the angular displacement vector and then
deduce these three facts giving them full idea of 3–D view)
The unique plane perpendicular to the line represents the plane of motion of particle.
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Now place your right hand thumb along the vector and direction of your fingers will give you the sense of
Length of the vector will represent the magnitude angular displacement. i.e. length of vector representing
four complete rotations will be 8 and representation of one complete revolution will be by length of 2.
In JEE syllabus plane of circular motion is fixed so the direction of angular variables remains same (although
sense may become +ve or –ve). Thus even though they are vectors but we need not give much thought to
it as there directions will remain unchanged. Much like one-dimensional motion where variables are vectors
but we do not use vector notation, we simply use signs +ve & –ve to represent sense. In short we will study
angular kinematics of one-D. i.e. will never use vector notation but stick to sign +ve or –ve by defining our
+ve sense.
Angular velocity: Rate of angular displacement is called angular velocity.
Unit rad s–1 / Dimension T–1
Relation between angular velocity & linear velocity.
V cos 


 a P' V
V sin 
A particle P is moving with speed V along a curve & observer is located at O  - is angle between line
joining OP and velocity.
Note that V sin  (comp. of velocity perpendicular to OP) is the cause of angular displacement. i.e. if only
V cos  existed we need not turn our head to always look at particle. Hence
PQ = (V sin ) t
PQ = OP ()
 V sin 
Thus 

t (OP )

Comp. of velocity perpendicular to line joining

 =
length of line joining

Asking Question
In circular motion find angular velocity of particle moving with speed V wrt center

V   
= also, v    r

Ex. A projectile (u,) is launched from horizontal plane, find angular velocity as observed from the point of
projection at the time of landing.
u sin 

or  =
2 u cos 

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Component of velocity
v perpendicular to line joining
Objective : explain  = =
R Length of line joining  S
Ex. A spotlight S rotates in a horizontal plane with a constant angular velocity of 0.1 
rad/sec. The spot of light P moves along the wall at a distance of 3m. The
velocity of the spot P when  = 45° is _____ m/sec. 3m

Ans: V = 0.6m/s
Sol. =3
d= 3 2m S
Let velocity of spot at  = 45° in V, then 45°
Component of velocity d 3m
perpendicular to line joining
Length of line joining
V P

0.1 =
3 3
V = 0.3 2 × 2
V = 0.6 m/s
Angular Acceleration:
Rate of change angular velocity

Unit rad s / Dimensions T–2

Direction is along angular velocity if it is increasing otherwise opposite.

For uniform angular acceleration

1 2 2
 = 0 + t ,  = 0t + t ,  = 02 + 2
Ex. 0 = 10 rad s–1 and  = –5 rad s–2 (uniform).
Find angular displacement and number of turns at t = 6 sec.
Sol.  = 60 – ×5p ×36 = –30
Number of turns 25.

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Derivation of centripetal acceleration for a particle moving in a circle with constant speed.
 
V2 = V1 = V
 
V  V
  2 1
acceleration vector a , a = t

  
V = V2  ( V1 )

  
V = 2 V sin  
 2 

or V = Vfor small ()

 V
a =a=

= V = =2R
.S   
We can also prove that it is directed towards centre as angle with tangent is  90   in lim t  0.
 2 

lim  0 and angle  90° i.e. towards the centre â  V̂ which is towards the centre.
What we observe here is that when magnitude of velocity is constant but only direction is changing acceleration
is directed perpendicular to velocity. In other words component of acceleration perpendicular to velocity
causes change in direction not magnitude.
Now lets take a case of particle moving in straight line, with changing speed. Its acceleration will be along

the line of velocity. This acceleration will change only magnitude.

Imp. Conclusion: Comp. of acceleration along velocity called tangential acceleration changes magnitude and
comp. of acceleration perpendicular to velocity called radial acceleration changes direction of velocity.
  
Hence a  a r  a t .
Derivation of tangential acceleration for circular motion.
dv Rd
a=  =  R
dt dt

d ( R) dv
 =R =R
dt dt

understand that v is speed or magnitude of velocity, v = v & rate of change of magnitude of velocity is
called tangential acceleration. at =
 dt
d V   
= =  R. or (a t    R )

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dV 
Also note that dt = a = a 2t  a 2r
 
dV d V
i.e. dt = (R ) 2  (2 R 2 ) ( while =  R.)

Note : One is a magnitude of rate of change of velocity & other is rate of change of magnitude of velocity (at).
 
 dv d|v|
| a | and | a t |
dt dt
 
 d  d    
v  r = r
dt dt
  
 dv  d r d   
a     r = ac  at
dt dt dt
     
Where , a c    v and a t    r

4. CENTRIPETAL CONDITION: When component of acceleration perpendicular to velocity is and
always directed towards a fixed point then particle will undergo circular motion about that fixed point.
ac =ar =
Ex. If a particle is undergoing circular motion with speed V and radius R angle between acceleration & V is 
find magnitude of tangential acceleration in terms of V, R & .
ac = = a sin 

hence a =  at = a cos 
R sin 

V 2 cos  V2
at= = cot 
R sin  R

Note: = a cos  (Component of acceleration along velocity)

Valid for any type of motion (circle or not circle)

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Asking Question
Is this diagram possible?

Ans. This acceleration is not possible as perpendicular comp. of acceleration is away from curvature.
Asking Question
Is this diagram possible?

Ans This is possible but speed will be decreasing.

5. RADIUS OF CURVATURE: For general curvilinear motion. When the particle crosses this point A, it is
satisfying condition of moving on this imaginary circle at this instant, if a = V / where Rc is radius of
curvature at this instant.

comp.of acceleration perpendicular to velocity

Ex. A projectile is launched horizontally with 20 ms–1 from some height. Find Rc at t = 2 sec.
Sol. 20 m/s
after t = 2 sec
gcos 45° 20

20 2

V2 400  2  2
RC = =
a 10
RC = 80 2 m

V2 (speed)2
Rc= =
a comp.of acceleration perpendicular to velocity

 
Note: V, U Velocity / v, u speed
  
V  U  at
v  u  (a t ) t
  
but V  U  a t is wrong.

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INTRODUCTION: Component of Net force perpendicular to velocity should be inwards and its magnitude
 mV 2 
 
should be equal to  R  . This is condition for circular motion.
 

Identify the plane of circular motion.

Locate the centre and calculate the radius.

Make F.B.D.
Resolve forces only and always along these three directions:
(a) In the plane along radial direction.
(b) In the plane along tangential direction.
(c) Perpendicular to the plane of circular motion.
(a) Add the forces assuming radially inward direction as positive
mV 2
 Fr =


(c) If plane is not accelerating then  F = 0. If plane is accelerating then actually it will not be circular
motion from ground frame. But still F= ma , where a is acceleration of particle perpendicular to plane.
Ex. Find tension in OA before and after AB is cut.

Sol. Before cutting a = 0 in all directions
Revolving vertically & horizontally
T1 cos  = mg
T1 sin  = T1
T1 =
cos 

Objective : This discussion is being done to explain what happens when we do not
follow step (4) and resolve forces along other directions.

After cutting

T2 cos  – mg = 0

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The above equation is wrong because acceleration of a particle in vertical direction is not zero.
while T2 – mg cos  = 0 is true as
T2– mg cos  = m 2 l (as  = 0)
What if we want to write equation in vertical direction.
at = g sin  / ac = 0 mg – T2 cos  = m at sin 
T2 cos  = mg (1 – sin2 )
T2 = mg cos 


Ex Two different masses are connected to two light and

inextensible strings as shown in the figure. Both masses
rotate about a central fixed point with constant angular
speed of 10 rad s–1 on a smooth horizontal plane. Find
the ratio
of tensions T in the strings.
[Ans. ]
8 Page # 8
Sol. Drawing the FBDs for masses M1 and M2

T1 – T2 = M1R12 T2 = M2R22
T1  T2 M1 R1 1 1
 T2 = M ·R = ·
2 2 4 2
T1 1 9
 T2 = 1 + = ]
8 8

Objective : Centripetal force is the net force directed towards centre.

Ex. A car is moving in a circular path of radius 50 m, on a flat rough horizontal ground. The mass of the car is
1000 kg. At a certain moment, when the constant speed of the car is 5 m/s, find the force of friction acting
on it? [Note : v  gr for uniform speed]

[Ans. 500 N ]

Only ext. force which can drive a car is friction. In case of car the direction of friction is not
decided by velocity but according to need.

Ex. A car is moving in a circular path of radius 50 m, on a flat rough horizontal ground. The mass of the car is
1000 kg. At a certain moment, when the speed of the car is 5 m/s, the driver is increasing speed at the rate
of 1 m/s2. Find the value of static friction on tyres (total) at this moment, in Newtons.

 v 2   dv  2  1
[Sol. F net  
= m      = m    (1)
 r  dt  2
 

= 5 = 500 5 N Ans.

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Objective : Friction is providing tangential as well as centripetal acceleration both

Ex. A particle suspended from the ceiling by inextensible light string is moving along a horizontal circle of radius
0.05 m as shown. The string traces a cone of height 0.1 m. Find the speed.


Conical pendulum


mv 2
[Sol. T sin = ; & T cos = mg
v= g r tan  = 0.5 m ]
Ex. In a rotor, a hollow vertical cyclindrical structure rotates about its axis and a person rests against the inner
wall. At a particular speed of the rotor, the floor below the person is removed and the person hangs resting
against the wall without any floor. If athe radius of the rotor is 2m and the coefficient of static friction
between the wall and the person is 0.2, find the minimum speed at which the floor may be removed. Take

g = 10 m/s2.

N •

rg 2m 10m / s 2
Ans. v= = = 10 m/s.
s 0.2
Ex. A metal ring of mass m and radius R is placed on a smooth horizontal table and is set rotating about its own
axis in such a way that each part of the ring moves with a speed v. Find the tension in the ring.
[Sol. Refer to HCV part-1 : Q.12 page-110 ]
Sol. Consider a small part ACB of the ring that subtends an angle  at the centre as shown in figure. Let the
tension in the ring be T.

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O /2 C

The forces on this small part ACB are
(a) tension T by the part of the ring left to A,
(b) tension T by the part of the ring right to B,
(c) weight (m)g and
(d) normal force N by the table.
The tension at A acts along the tangent at A and the tension at B acts along the tangent at B. As the small part
ACB moves in a circle of radius R at a constant speed v, its acceleration is towards the centre (along CO)
and has a magnitude (m)v2 / R.
Resolving the forces along the radius CO,

       v2 
T cos  90   + T cos  90   = (m)  
2  2  R
   

  v2 
 

or, 2T sin = (m) R ... (i)
2  
The length of the part ACB is R. As the total mass of the ring is m, the mass of the part ACB will be
m m
m = R = .
2R 2
Putting m in (i),

 m  v2 
2T sin =   R 
2 2  

mv 2  / 2 mv 2

or, T= 1 and T = ]
2 R sin ( / 2)  2R

Objective : Net force on the ring is zero but still it has tension.

Q. A block of mass m is sitting on a rotating frictionless wedge. The wedge rotates with constant angular
velocity  around the axis shown in figure.

Calculate the value of  such that the block stays at constant height h. (express your answer in terms of g,
Sol. The velocity of P point on the wedge. Velocity of wedge at point P = r =  ×
tan 
Drawing a free body diagram for the block.

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Resolving forces as indicated in step 2 .4
h h
= tan =r
r tan 
Ncos – mg = 0 (y–direction)
Nsin = m r
2 r 2 h g tan 2  g
tan = =  2 =  = tan  Ans.]
g g tan  h h

What is the speed required to negotiate the turn shown in figure. Frictionless and radius of curvature 'R' and
banking ''.
N cos 
 v
N sin 

 inside

N cos  – mg = 0
N cos  = mg
mv 2
N sin  =
mv 2
mg tan  =
v = Rg tan 

Q. A block of mass 25 kg rests on a horizontal floor ( = 0.2). It is attached by a 5m long horizontal rope to a
peg fixed on floor. The block is pushed along the ground with an initial velocity of 10 m/s so that it moves in
a circle around the peg. Find
(a) Tangential acceleration of the block
(b) Speed of the block at time t.
(c) Time when tension in rope becomes zero.
[Ans. (a) – 2 m/s2, (b) 10 – 2t, (c) 5 sec ]
[Sol.(a) Tangential acceleration is the retardation produced by the friction
a = –f/m = – mg/m
at = – 0.2 × 10 = – 2 m/s2
(b) = at = – 2
v t

 dv =  2 dt
10 0
v – 10 = – 2t
v = 10 – 2t

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(c) Tension in the rope will become zero when centripetal acceleration becomes zero
i.e. when speed becomes zero
v=0  10 – 2t = 0  t=5
CENTRIFUGAL FORCE: If reference frame is particle (undergoing circular motion) itself then it will
experience pseudo force which will be radially outward and equal to m(w2R).
Do not use it to explain any of the e.g. and let students solve all problems w/o it.
For man outside N = mw2R

For man inside N – mw2R = 0.

This is called centrifugal force.


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