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Report in Research

Title: Content Analysis

Reporters: Justine Paul Yapit
Emelio Vincent Sasil
Content Analysis
>A research technique deals with
documentary materials that are already
existing and available.

Characteristics of Content Analysis

It is objective. There should be no biased involved.
It is systematic. It must follow the steps of the scientific
It is quantitative. Content analysis of documentary is
quantitative because Interpretations and Conclusions from
the finding have to depend almost entirely on the frequency
counts of the of the items and aspects studied.

Steps in Content Analysis

1. Recognizing the problem.

2. Forming the hypotheses – In non-experimental

research the hypotheses are written in question form.

3. Doing Library Research - One purpose of this is to

look some guides in conducting the study.
Steps in Content Analysis
4. Designing the study – This is determining the
different procedures to be followed in the study. The
instruments in collecting data must be determined. If
there is a large volume of documentary materials then
sampling must be applied in the selection of the
compositions to be included in the study.
5. Developing the instrument – This is for collecting
data. In content analysis a. Tally sheet or chechlist
may be prepared. The instrument must contain all
the. Items or aspects to be studied.

6.Collecting the data – Content analysis is quantitative

and so tallies have to be made for each type of error

7. Analyzing the data – In analyzing data the types of

error may be ranked to determine what types of errors
were committed foremost or frequency percents may
be computed to determine the greatest proportions of
errors committed.
8.Making conclusions – Generally conclusions are
answers to the questions raised at the beginning
of the investigation, besides they are based upon
the findings of the study.

9.Making recommendations – Recommendations

are made to solve or help solve the problem
discovered in the study, besides
recommendations are also made further
research on the same study finished.

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