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1. Fiigure no. 1, which

w shape is
i the most unstable?
a. C b. A c. D d. B

2. Fiigure no. 2, what

w do you call
c from the given image e?
a. Spatial Tension c. Faace to face co
b. Edge to ed dge contact d. In
nterlocking voolume

3. Fiigure no. 3, what

w can you
u observe from
m the given iimages?
a. Centralize form c. Raadial form
b. Linear form m d. B
Bilateral form

4. Fiigure no. 4, standing

s of 30 meters, wh
hich part of th
he building iss a focal point.
a. Small wind dow (rose) c. Larrge door
b. Large wind dow (rose) d. Twwo tower in th he roof

5. A drawing or model
m having
g an outer sec
ction remove ed to display tthe interior.
a. Cutout c. Mocck up
b. Cutaway mple of works
d. Sam

6. What
W type of transformatio
t on of form do
o you observe
e in the door tracery of Re
eims Cathedrral?
a. Dimensionnal Transform
mation c. Sub
btractive Trannsformation
b. Additive Transformation d. Mulltitude Transfformation

7. This is the patth of a moving point.

a. Point b. Line
L c. Pla ne d. Volu

8. These colors are

a the combiination of red
d-violet or blu
a. Primary coolor c. Tertiiary color
b. Secondary y color d. Quad drant color

9. What
W is the sta
andard heigh
ht of wall hun
ng kitchen cab
binet for the Filipino?
a. 840 b. 1350 c. 12 50 d. 1450

10. What would be thee minimum size of an offic

ce for 8 perso
ons with a de
esk of 0.6m X 1.5m each
layout sho
ould be two (2)
( rows 1.0m
m aisle and 1.0m setback from the doo or to the firstt table.

a. 4.00 X 7.20 b. 5.00 X 6.00 c. 6.00 X 6.80 d. 4.00 X 6.60

11. A systtematic inves

stigation often a matter off public intere

a. Bluepriint b. Inquiry c. Docum

ment d. Methodology

Theory of Architectture


12. Huma an perception
n is one of the
e factors in designing of b
building, whicch of the follo
owings are mostly
affected through
t huma an perceptionn?

a. Demoggraphy & Geo

ography c. Anthrop
pology & Sociology
b. Geogra
aphy & Anthropology d. Demogrraphy & Soci ology

13. Who coined

c this bo
ook “Complex xity and Conttradiction in A
Architecture”” this expresss the complex
of the hum
man condition unlike the machine-like uniformity o of the international style.
a. Walter Gropius b. Peter Behrens
B c. Robert Venturi d. Jacqu
ues Derrida

14. Analyytical Theory is a new type e of Theory of Architecturee since the so

ocial logic of concept of
“Spatial Configuration
C ” was publish
hed in 1984, in which the configuration n ideas in bringing light th
spatial log
gic of building
g and cities suggests
s thatt it might be p
possible to ex
xtend these iideas to othe er
areas of the
t human sc ciences wheree problems of configuratioon and patterrn are criticall. What is a
configurationally theorry was explaiining on that? ?
a. Form b. Function c. Space
e d. Conntext

15. Who is
i the foundin
ng father of the
t Philosophy of Deconst ructivism?
a. Walter Gropius b. Jacques Derrida c. William
m Becket d. Jose
eph Parson

16. The character whe

ere the design
n is harmonio
ous continuou be found on the other partts of
us that can b
the structture.
a. Rhythmm b. Unity c. Repetittion d. Propo

17. This ornament

o is best
b and the simplest to fiix or for the b
butting of wa
all and ceiling
a. Cyma Recta
R b. Cyma Reversa c. Cove d. Quarter round

18. A seriies of from arrranged sequ

uentially in a row.
a. Bilatera
al c. Line
b. Radial d. Grid

19. Who said

s this “Youu never chang
ge things by fighting the eexisting reali ty. To change something,,
build a ne
ew model thaat makes the existing moddel obsolete.””
a. Jean Nouvel c. Saantiago Calattrava
b. Buckminster Fuller d. Michael Grave

20. In the
e Gestalt prin
nciple of form
m perception, what do you call for the law which of posits that w
we perceiive a collectio
on of objects?
a. Law of closure c. Law
w of Proximitty
b. Law of similarity d. Law
w of symmettry

21. Who conceptualiz

zed “ modulorr” which we still
s used by ttoday’s devel opment?
a. Le Corb
busier c. Fran k Lloyd Wrigh
b. Kenzo Tange d. Walteer Gropius

22. This distance

d vary
ying from fourr to ten feet depending
d onn the degree of involveme
a. Personal distance c. Socia l distance
b. Public distance
d d. Intim
mate distancee

Theory of Architectture


23. Proxeemics behavio or of this sortt is culturally conceived an

nd entirely. W
What do you call for the
distance of
o human at twelve
t to tweenty feet?
a. Public distance
d – far phase al distance – far phase
c. Socia
b. Public distance
d – clo
ose phase d. Socia
al distance – close phase

24. To forrm an idea an

nd conception
n in mind.
a. Conceivve b.
b Conceptualized c. Conttrive d
d. Creativity

25. What type of path-space relatio

onship did yo
ou see in the given image 200?
a. Pass by
y space c. Term
minating in sp
b. Pass th
hrough space d. Obliq
que in space

26. A projjecting block or spur of sttone carved with

w foliage to
o decorate th
he raking line
es formed by
angles of spires and caanopies.
a. Crocke
et b. Boss c.
c Tierceron d. C

27. Richly
y carved orna
aments placed at the interrsection of rib
bs, groins, be
eams, etc. orr the terminattion
of moldings.
a. Boss b. Stringer c. Crocket d. Tie

28. What art principle shows relatio

on of one parrt to another or to the whhole?
a. Size b. Volum
me c. Scale d. Prroportion

29. How many

m stained
d glass are th
here in Chartrres Cathedrall? (THIS IS N
RESEARCH) please che
a. 176 b. 186 c. 168 d. 16

h of the follow
30. Which wing indicates the name of
o a color?
a. Hue b. Intenssity c. Value d. Crroma

31. What do you call the

t tool in arc
chitecture wh
hich organize s space or sp
patial compos
sition related to
a. Space articulation c. Territoria
b. Space planning d. Function interrelation
nship diagram

32. Whose Filipino arc

chitect was de etermined to reconfigure wwestern arch hitecture more for Filipino
audience,, His designed
d strive to fin
nd a vernacullar form of m
modernist archhitecture and
d He also known
his tradem
mark style ass known as “F Floating Volum
me”. Who is the said arch hitect?
a. Juan Nakpil c. Leondro Locsin Sr.
b. Francis
sco Manosa d. Ildefonso
o Santos Jr.


Theory of Architectture



33. Identify image given
g below what is the
e architecturral arrangem
ment do you
u observe?
a. Re b. Rhythm
R c. Prop ortion d. Scale

34. Who was the arcchitect of th

he Sony Cen
nter, see the
e image?
a. Le Corrbusier c. Philip John
b. Ludwig Mies de Rohe
R d. Walter Gro

35. Why do Egyptian use lotus ornament?

a. Due to
o its abunda
ance c. Because
e this is only
y available
b. Mexica
an influence
e d. Mesopottamian influuence

36. Anotther name fo

or late Rena
aissance in England.
a. Jacobeean c. Georgiann
b. Stuartt d. Victorian

37. Who is the architect of IBM Research Center

C H-Pla
a. Peter Eisenman b. Walter Gropius
s c. Marccel Breuer d. Ph
hilip Johnson

Theory of Architectture


38. In co
omputer aided drafting and design (CADD), w hat is comm mand that w will be used iif
you want to set the distance of two objects
s or betwee n the two o
a. Coopy b. Setback c. Offsset d. Fillet

39. In fig
gure 100, what
w is the color
c formation that youu can create
e from this?
a. Complementary c. Split com
b. Triadic
c d. Tetradic

40. The theory

t or dooctrine that physiology or psycholoogical phenoomenon do not
Occur through the summation
s of
o individuall elements a
as reflexes o
or sensation
_________________ __________ ____

41. This is the Chine

ese philosop
phy of geom
mancy. In arrchitecture itt promotes
The creaation of designed enviro
onment in ha
armony with h the cosmiic forces of
_______ __________ __________ ____

42. Enlarrged from Roman

R and Byzantine
B elements, wh hat architecctural charac
cter that..
_________________ __________ _____
43. Father of the Orrganic Archittecture in America____
A __________ __________ ________
44. Who is Edward T.T Hall, whaat his greate Architecture?
est contributtion in the A
_________________ ________
45. What do you calll for the building whichh replaced in
n Word trad de Center?
_________________ _____

46.A obje
ect has no dim

a. Point b. Liine c. Plan

ne d. Volume

47. Is the study of symbol

s and commutativ ve role of th
he spatial re
elation individuals maintain
in variou
us social and
d interpersonal situation

a. Ergonomics b. Proxemic
P c. Mo
odulor d. Gestalt

48. Who is the architect of Sagrada Familia

a? _______

Theory of Architectture


49. Who is the majo
or proponent of “Evolutionary Arch itecture” the idea is to design and
s based on climatic
c and ecological elements
e ass well as adv
vance in tecchnology.

a. Giuseppe
G Terrragui b. John Fraserr c. Eu
ugene Tsui d. Peterr Einsenman

50. Figurre 300 What building is

s it? ______


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Theory of Architectture

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