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Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.5.Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 3.5.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teksk
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus husus dalam bentuk pembertitahuan
dalam bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement), (announcement) disekolah
3.5.2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan
dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
unsure kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk
kegiatan sekolah, sesuai konteks pemberitahuan (announcement).
penggunaannya 3.5.3. Menentukan informasi yang terkandung
dalam teksk husus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan
(announcement) disekolsh

4.5.Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk 4.5.1. Membuat teks khusus dalam bentuk
pemberitahuan (announcement), lisan dantulis, pemberitahuan (announcement) di sekolah.
pendekdansederhana, dengan memperhatikan 4.5.2. Mendemonstrasikan teks khusus dalam
bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement).
struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Material

Learning Guidance

1. This module is expected to help students in exploring learning material about announcement
2. This module consists of three main materials related to the announcement text, namely:
social function, generic structure, and language features

Basic Competence

3.5 Differentiating social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of some special texts
in the form of announcements, by giving and requesting information related to school
activities, according to the context of their use
4.5 Announcement text
4.5.1 Capturing meaning contextually related to social function, text structure, and linguistic
elements of special text in the form of announcements
4.5.2 Constructing special texts in the form of announcements, oral and written, short and
simple, taking into account social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements, correctly
and in context

Learning Objective

Showing a notification text with the cooperative learning model, students are expected to be able

• Identify social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of announcement text

• Identify detailed information in announcement text

• Compare social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of several announcement texts

• Demonstrating the form of text announcements, very short and simple, taking into account
social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements

• Make text written, very short and simple, taking into account social functions, text structure,
and linguistic elements


Imagine that you see these pictures:

( Picture 1 )

( Picture 2 )

Look at the pictures above:

 What do you think of the pictures?

 Where the pictures are might be found?
 Why do you think so?

Check your answers with your classmates!



An announcement is a written or spoken statement in

public or formal words containing information about
an event that has happened or is going to happen so
publicly people know what, when, and where it is
The function is…
Giving people some information of what has
happened or what will happen.

There are several kinds of announcement:

1. Commercials : commercials on radio, television, newspaper, magazines or shops

2. Non- commercials : public service announcement, public event announcement,
school/educational announcement, business announcement
3. Personal: wedding announcement, newly-born announcement, death announcement

To tell something

To campaign against/for something

Purposes of

To ask people to do things

To invite people to events


There are some important points when reading a spoken announcement so that the
listeners would understand better and not misinterpret the announcement, they are:
1. Clarity in reading each sentence
2. Correct pronunciation of each word
3. Intonation of each sentence
4. Pause at commas and paragraphs
5. Voice volume


After you have studied about social function of announcement, now you will study about the
generic structure of announcement in English text that can be seen below:

1. Stating purpose: The text that contains what event will be held

2. Stating day, date, and time: Day and Date realization. The text that contains when the
event will be held
3. Stating place: The text that contains where the event will be held
4. Informing sender: The text that contains name of the person who will be contacted

The sample text below will give you better understanding of the generic structure of

Stating Purpose
To: All Students of SMAN 1 Tarik
There will be a welcoming ceremony next Monday,
September 21, 2018, to welcome the exchange students Stating Day and Date
Program from Thailand in our school.
All students must wear Batik uniforms. And must be polite. Stating Place
Be punctual!
From: The Principal of SMAN 1 Tarik Stating Sender


Most of announcement texts use the following language features:

 Common expressions in announcement

 Singular and plural nouns with or without articles a, the, this, those, my, their, etc.
 Pronunciation, Intonation, spellings, and punctuation marks
 Using Simple Present Tense and Future Tense

For better understanding, look at the following announcement!


To : All students and teachers

Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books (brand
new novels and non-fiction books) are available. You can also
enjoy our newest DVDs collection.

Head of library

1. Simple present tense:

- Come and visit our new library
- Lots of new books (brand new novels and non-fiction books) are available
- You can also enjoy our newest DVDs collection

2. Singular and plural nouns:

- All students and teachers (plural)
- Come and visit our new library (singular)
- Lots of new books(plural)
- brand new novels and non-fiction books (plural)

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