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Types of speech context

Interpersonal communication

 a type of communication where two or more people are provided with the
means of interaction with one another.
 It can be direct or mediated
 It can be categorized based on number of participants or its function.

Types Of Interpersonal Communication by Participants

 Dyadic Communication- It involves 2 People

 Group Communication- At least it needs 3 or more people. It main purpose is
to solve problems, or Decision-Making.
 Public Communication- It involves a large group with at least 1 speaker,
though it only has a minimal reply from the receiver.

Types of Interpersonal Communication by Function

 Organizational Communication- A communication within a large Organization.

 Family Communication- This Communication refers to the family. It focuses
on the Communication patterns of each individual in the family.
 Impersonal- This Communication is short-mannered between people.

Intrapersonal Communication

 It takes place within a single person

 Its purpose is to clarify ideas or analyze a situation.
 Or to reflect upon or appreciate something.
 It has 3 levels as an activity done by the person.

The 3 Levels

 Internal Discourse- It involves Concentration & analyzation. a good example

for this is both Day Dreaming and Nocturnal Dreaming.
 Solo Vocal Communication-Speaking loudly while being alone. This is done
to clarify thinking on your own, Or simply to let off steam.
 Solo Written Communication- Writing not for the sake of sharing but For the
owner to read it.

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