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HEAT is the flow of energy due to temperature differences. It can transfer from higher temperature to lower temperature.
Heat is affected by the type of materials for example, the conductivity of material. Heat is easy to transfer between metals
than wood because metal is a good conductor of heat than wood. If heat is absorbed by the object, it gains kinetic energy
and its temperature rises and if heat is given-off by an object, it losses kinetic energy and its temperature will drop. Heat is
measured by Calorie or Joule. 1 calorie = 4.18 Joule. Another important idea about heat is that when you apply heat to the
same substance but differ in mass. For instance, you heat the beaker 1 that contains 50 ml of water and also you heat the
beaker 2 that contains 100ml of water considered that the supply of heat is constant; the first to boil is the beaker 1 that
contains 50ml of water. HEAT CAPACITY is the amount of heat needed to increase its temperature by a degree. Different
materials have different heat capacity. Water has higher heat capacity than cooking oil or any metal. And if you measure
using the thermometer while applying heat at the same time, the first to rise its temperature is the cooking oil since the
water has higher capacity than the cooking oil.
TEMPERATURE is different from heat. It is just a measure of average kinetic energy of an object while heat is the energy in
o Ways of Transferring Heat:
a.) Conduction- The process that moves energy from one object to another when they are touching
Conductors: materials that transfer energy easily.
Insulators: materials that do not transfer energy easily.
Examples: hot cup of cocoa transfers heat energy to cold hands

b.) Convection- The process that transfers energy by the movement of large numbers of particles in the
same direction within a liquid or gas. Examples
Cycle in Nature
Boiling water and heating a room

c.) Radiation The energy that travels by electromagnetic waves (visible light, microwaves, and infrared
Radiation from the sun strikes the atoms in your body and transfers energy

Is a material to use in measuring heat. It may contain liquid like mercury or alcohol. If it will contact with object, its reading
will rise due to the expansion ( more spaces between or atoms) of liquid within the thermometer. And if it will drop, it
means, the liquid within the thermometer contract( little space between atoms) with response to the temperature
Thermal expansion happens not only in liquid, but also happens both solid and gas. It can be observed during hot day
which the electrical wires are seen lower during hot day and it is higher during cold day. Another one is the narrow cuts
made by humans along the concrete highway. It is just made to avoid breaking of road due to thermal expansion. The
image below is about the scales used in measuring temperature: Kelvin, Degrees Fahrenheit, and Degrees Celsius.

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