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Personnel Administration
 The complex of specific activities
distinctly engaged in by the
employing agency ( school district
, other unit of government , or
business enterprise) to make a
pointed effort to secure the greatest
possible worker effectiveness
consistent with the agency’s
Problems of
are somewhat
to the size and
complexity of
Objectives of Personnel
 Todo whatever is necessary to make
certain that all school employees have the
competencies needed for their
respective jobs , the will to use their
abilities in optimum fashion and the
working conditions under which each can
exercise and improve his competency in
such a way that the educational job of the
schools will be done with utmost
Principles of Personnel

1. Education is
the primary
purpose of
Principles of Personnel
2. The objectives of
the schools are
derived from the
people who have
created them as
institutions to meet
those needs that
they want fulfilled
through formal
Principles of Personnel
3. The people
who have
instituted the
schools and all
within the
school system
have the same
basic interest.
Principles of Personnel
4. Maximum
effectiveness of the
means for achieving
the people’s
mandates regarding
education requires
the best possible
selection and
coordination of all
elements comprising
those means.
Principles of Personnel

5. School
are not
Principles of Personnel

6. Employees
have a private
life and a
right to the
privacy of
their own
Principles of Personnel

7. The human
factor is a
Principles of Personnel
8. The most important
single factor in
getting the best that
a school employee
has to offer is how
he feels about his
work, his associates
on the job, and the
school system in
which he is
Principles of Personnel
9. Esteem for
intelligence and
potential of the
employee group is a
basic necessity and
may be
demonstrated by
the employer group
through acts of
Principles of Personnel
10. Employee
have to be
dealt with in
terms of the
situation or
the conditions
at hand.
Principles of Personnel
11. All
in an
are entitled
to fair
Principles of Personnel
12. The
employees and
between them
and their
employers can
to a large extent
be summed up.
The Problem of Personnel
 To make and keep clear the
concept of personnel as
employees who make a
contribution to the carrying
out of policies through
which the educational
program is to be made

 To bring about recognition

of the associate status of all
personnel in doing their
respective parts to make
the schools genuinely
The Functions of School
Personnel Administration
 Gain and keep the good will of all employees
in order to obtain their spontaneous and
readily preferred cooperation.
 Reflect in all personnel relationships the way
of life of the nation and and of the school
 Ascertain just what the respective educational
jobs are in terms of their
purposes, expectations of the people and the
school system

 Identify , describe and classify the respective

school jobs in terms of their purposes, the
knowledge, and skill demanded for each , and
the qualifications that the prospective
employee must have to well the work required
of him.
 Build a reserve or pool of potential employees
through the establishment of a recruitment
program designed to make available the
caliber of employees needed.
The Functions of School
Personnel Administration
Select from all available sources the
best of the competent individuals in
terms of specific job requirements.
Assign those selected for
employment so as to make maximum
and optimum use of the
competencies for which they were
The Functions of School
Personnel Administration
 Takethe necessary measures to match the
competent employee to the work space e.g.
classroom, equipment, and supplies which will
be conducive to maximum effectiveness.
 Show tactful interest in each employee in order
to promote the understanding and confidence
which must be present if he is to seek and
welcome counsel and aid problems that have
implications for well he does his job.
The Functions of School
Personnel Administration
 Exercise circumspection to differentiate between
those problems in which the employee will accept
help and those which regards as solely his

 Stimulate each to develop his potentials so that the

school system may capitalize upon the diversity of

 Shun assiduously any actions that would be

conducive to a monotonous conformity which
would repress individual differences and inhibit
enterprising deviation in word and action.
The Functions of School
Personnel Administration
 Useappreciation of work done , recognition for the
worker to the degree warranted , and the flattery of
sincere involvement of the employee in the
problems of operating the school system .

 Discover both what information is desired by the

employee and what he ought to have in addition
, the provide both freely.

 Insure
lines of communication which are open
upwards, downwards, and sideways , with
safeguards in case some channel becomes blocked.
The Functions of School
Personnel Administration
 Engender among employees a warranted
conviction that the lines of communication
are for their use , that use of them is urged
and welcome, and that their use carriers
with it no threat of penalty or prejudice.
 Gather case data from which to ascertain the
kinds of problems there are, what their
causes seem to be and what solutions are
suggested in the way of preventive or
corrective measures.
The Functions of School
Personnel Administration
 Have the flexibility to devise and use
whatever means are called for to meet the
problem rather than to fall back on cliches
and pat formulas which may be gratifying to
the user while helping not all in solving the
problem at hand.
 Take the necessary measures progressively
to establish fairness in all employment
relations and conditions , eliminating even
the appearance of injustice.
The Functions of School
Personnel Administration
 Regard and use the occurrence of each
vacancy as a golden opportunity to
reappraise the job in terms of its specifics
and its relationships within the organization
of the school system.
 Develop an initially tentative written set of
personnel policies which will be modified
, deleted from , or added to in the light of
experience and as a cooperative personnel
and personnel administration project.
Development of School Personnel
 It has developed in various ways beginning with the exercise
of the hiring-firing activities , and all that went in between
, by the board of education itself.
Scope or the Personnel
Administration Activity
 Coordinating individuals , jobs , place of work , time of work
, and the equipment and supplies for working.

 Concerned with those problems of the employees which

have implications for how well they do their work.
Philosophy of School Personnel

 Democratic
 Pragmatic
Essentials in School Personnel
 Do what is necessary to recruit manpower pool of competent
individuals from which to select needed employees.

 Employ competent individuals to do the various school jobs

that have to be done.

 Take the necessary steps to retain the competent people

employed in the school system and to release them from
whatever deterrents there are to their effective functioning
in the teaching-learning situation.

 Provide for improvement in the competency of each worker.

 Arrange for working conditions in which each is free to use

his competencies most effectively and is stimulated to do so.
Methods of Personnel

1. Informally vs. Formally Organized

Personnel Administration
2. Autocratic vs. Democratic
Personnel Administration
3. Centralized vs. Decentralized
Personnel Administration
The Problem of Personnel
 To make and keep clear the concept of personnel as
employees who make contribution to the carrying out of
policies through which education program is to be made
Policies for School Personnel
 The Nature and Function of Policy
 Who formulates policy?
 How policy is formulated?
 Whom and what policy governs?

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