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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Something I will always treasure

For this evidence, you need to write a 400 word composition about something
someone gave you that means a lot to you. You should use the passive and active
voice along the text. If possible, include a picture of the object. The following
questions might give you some ideas about the kind of information you should
include. Below the questions, you will also find a model paragraph that illustrates
the kind of composition your instructor expects from you:

 My best friend one day gave me a handle in a very nice

park, I was very surprised that he gave me that detail
because I did not expect it from him, although he has
always been a retailer, that day was not a special day or
a day To celebrate, that day was casual because we only
thought to go out and talk as usual, I did not lose that
handle and I hope I never miss it because it is a very
nice memory, every day I wear it on my wrist as a
precious gift for my.

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