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Instructions: Please choose the correct answer and bubble in the appropriate answer document.
Teachers may pace the assessment by reading the items orally as appropriate.

1 Liquids and gases take the shape of 4 To show you that it is possible to
their containers. Which of the following separate mixtures, your teacher
will take the shape of its container? gave you a mixture of sand and iron
filings. Then she had you
A a crayon in a backpack wave a piece of metal over the
B a bike wheel in a box mixture, and the iron filings
C a cookie in a jar jumped onto the piece of metal from
D milk in a carton the mixture.

2 There are three buckets each

containing different materials. The
answer choices below list the contents
of each of the buckets. Which is a

A bucket #1: gravel, sand, salt

B bucket #2: paper clips, tacks,
C bucket #3: rice, peas, beans
D All are mixtures.
From this, you can say that the metal
filings have what physical
3 Mrs. Parson's class was asked to bring
items from home to see which would A smell
sink or float. Which is a list of the B magnetism
items that all sink? C ability to float
D ability to sink

A metal spoon, steel nail, glass

B plastic spoon, plastic duck, steel
C glass marble, plastic straw,
metal spoon
D steel nail, Styrofoam cup, glass
5 7

What statement BEST describes the

drawing above?
What part of the picture above shows
something that is a gas? A The apple is heavier than the
A straw B The orange has less mass than
B ice cubes the apple.
C bubbles C The orange is lighter than the
D glass apple.
D The apple has less mass than the

8 Megan's little brother did not look well

after his third birthday party. Their
mother took his temperature, and it
was 101°F so she had to give him
liquid medicine. She had to use an eye
dropper to get the right dosage so she
didn't give him too much medicine.
The balance scale shown above is What instrument did their mother use
measuring the mass of a rock. to determine his temperature?
Which of the following is the mass?
A Eye dropper
A 5 grams B Thermometer
B 7 grams C Hot plate
C 8 grams D Ruler
D 9 grams
9 Edgardo is conducting an investigation 10 Martha collected data about an object
to figure out the melting and boiling she found, and then she recorded it
points of seven unknown substances. on a chart. She recorded these
All of the substances have similar observations on a chart.
color, texture, and odor. Edgardo
measured the melting and boiling Use the chart below to answer the
points of the substances one by one. following question.
He recorded his results in the chart

As you study the chart, observations C,

F, G, and H are similar because they

A are not properties you can

Based on the data from the chart, you observe just by looking
could reasonably conclude that B require no measurement
__________. C are incorrect observations
D are all properties of a gas
A substances a and f are the same
B all of the substances have 11 There are three states of matter.
different melting and boiling What state of matter has a fixed
points shape and size?
C substances a, e, and g have the
same melting and boiling points A liquid
D substances a, c, and g are the B solid
same substance C gas
Read the selection below and 14 Safety goggles are necessary
answer questions 12 and 13. during an investigation when
students –
In science class, Thomas and his
lab group were looking at the A use a triple beam
physical properties of an item in balance to measure the
the “mystery jar.” Their teacher mass of an object
gave them a box of science tools to B draw and label a
use. She also reviewed the class diagram
science rules with them before they C Mix vinegar and
began. baking soda together
D observe a small object
12 What science tool with they with a hand lens
use to determine the mass of
the jar? 15 Betsy wants to find out what
the hottest time of the day
A thermometer is. What would be the BEST
B balance way to ensure that she is
C ruler getting accurate results?
D hand lens
A Take the temperature
13 During the lab, Thomas every 5 hours for one
dropped the jar. It didn’t day
break, but Thomas noticed a B Take the temperature
crack in the jar. What should every hour for one day
he do? C Take the temperature
once a day for five
A Tell the teacher that days
the jar was like that D Take the temperature
when he got it. every hour for five
B Ignore the problem. days
C Tell the teacher that
the jar accidentally got
D Finish the lab and then
throw the jar in the
trash without telling
3RD Grade 1st 6 Weeks Science Test Key
# Answer Primary SE Secondary SE
1 D 3.5B
2 D 3.5D 3.3A
3 A 3.5A
4 B 3.5A

5 C 3.5B
6 C 3.5A 3.4A
7 D 3.5A
8 B 3.4A
9 C 3.2D
10 A 3.5A 3.2D
11 B 3.5B

12 B 3.4A
13 C 3.1A
14 C 3.4B 3.1A
15 D 3.2E

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